The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Merry Christmas



Monday, December 23, 2013


Christians And Christianity Still Under Attack

Christmas is an appropriate time to reflect on the ongoing assaults against Christianity that continues in the face of those who are so adept at using the “Vinnie Barbarino” --- “WHAT assault?”
During my early lifetime the primary visible assaults were from communists in the Soviet Union and China.
Today they are from Radical Islam and internally here in the US from liberals and atheists and their associates in the government and media.
Hardly a day passes without deadly attacks around the world and here in the US an ongoing effort to isolate and marginalize.
The assaults within our country include the subtly of substituting Holiday for Christmas, the premise that this nation was not founded on the Judeo-Christian traditions, that abortions are morally OK, that homosexuality is compatible with Christian beliefs and saying otherwise is hate-speech, the removal of Christian symbols from public view and the current transgressions of ObamaCare into religious freedom. 
What is new and very disturbing is that all these assaults are being espoused and supported by Obama and his minions.
Never before have we had a president that not only promotes these activities but strives to encompass them into law.  He also consistently and consciously omits “Under God” at every opportunity including the reading of the Gettysburg Address.  How sad is that!
And never before have we had a president that spent 20 years attending a church whose leader publicly declared “God Damn America”.
As a national policy Obama has aided and abetted in turning much of the Middle East over to the Muslim Brotherhood and their associates.  This has resulted in an unprecedented jihad against Christians across the region not seen since Charlemagne and the Saracens (who were also Muslims).
At this important Christian Holiday all Christians should be proactive in their support for their religious beliefs and protective of our Constitutional Rights to exercise and display our Christianity.  Not to do so is to surrender and thereby loose our God given rights.
Christmas Morning 2013 News:
Bomb attacks on Christians in Baghdad kill 37
And on a more Happy Note:
Perhaps the Obama’s will have another Merry Christmas Party at the White House with Michelle’s College Bud to celebrate the results of their no-bid $678 MILLION ObamaCare Website:
The following contain very specific examples of this ongoing anti-Christian process:
Google's Doodle this Christmas 2013 Morning:

Click for Larry the Cable Guy's Politically Correct 'Twas the Night Before Christmas


Peace On Earth: The Desired Righteous Outcome

A reflection on Peace and Freedom during this Religious season.
In reflection, It seemed that “Peace” was not the appropriate objective.
One can define peace to be the absence of conflict and that can and has been achieved in many bad and devious and terminal ways and is subject to the misdirections contained in Orwell's "1984".
The appropriate objective is FREEDOM and PEACE is the appropriate outcome from that state!
The WW-I song “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” was right on target:
There will be blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover tomorrow when the world is Free.
There will be love and laughter and peace ever after, tomorrow when the world is Free.
The civil rights songs focused on Freedom, not peace.
MLK’s famous quote was Free at last, not peace at last.
My Country, 'Tis of Thee includes:
Let freedom ring!
Sweet freedom's song;
With freedom's holy light,
With holy freedom’s right,
And freedom’s flag, unfurl’d,
Pericles,  45 BC,  A very early strong proponent of Democracy proclaimed:
“Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who have the courage to defend it.”

The American Founding Fathers clearly focused on Freedom in the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights and they were religious men.
Abraham Lincoln,  November 19, 1863,  Gettysburg
“that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom”
Perhaps these concepts of freedom are the basis for my generations motto:
Better Dead Than Red!
At this most special time of year perhaps we should all reflect on Art Linkletters prayer during his TV programs:
“Each in his own words and each in his own way, for a FREE world, united in Peace”


Sunday, December 22, 2013


Roanoke Times Declares ObamaCare Website Now Clicking

Roanoke Times, 12-22-2013, Pg 1, 11: Insurance enrollment site now clicking.
Deadline to enroll for January 1 coverage is “Tomorrow”
This warm and fuzzy article about ObamaCare should feature Annie singing:
Tomorrow, tomorrow I love you tomorrow you’re only a day away!
Even Jay Leno is excited about the functionality of the ObamaCare website:
Over six million have lost their insurance and we’re celebrating that today and tomorrow a few thousand will be able to “enroll” or not and if “enrolled” they may or may not get an insurance policy next week that they may or may not have paid for.
During Obama’s talk yesterday the website was “Down” --- but today is tomorrow and perhaps it’s back up.
12-20-2013 Forbes was not so warm and fuzzy – perhaps more cold and frizzy:
Utter Chaos: White House Exempts Millions From Obamacare's Insurance Mandate, 'Unaffordable' Exchanges
It’s hard to come up with new ways to describe the Obama administration’s improvisational approach to the Affordable Care Act’s troubled health insurance exchanges. But last night, the White House made its most consequential announcement yet. The administration will grant a “hardship exemption” from the law’s individual mandate, requiring the purchase of health insurance, to anyone who has had their prior coverage canceled and who “believes” that Obamacare’s offerings “are unaffordable.” These exemptions will substantially alter the architecture of the law’s insurance marketplaces.
Perhaps the following blog items and their associated news items represent a more realistic view of the ObamaCare situation and the new Gallup poll:
 Record 72 percent believe big government is USA's greatest threat



Obama-Reality Starting To Sink-In

Gallup poll: Record 72 percent believe big government is USA's greatest threat
A new Gallup poll finds 72 percent of Americans feel big government poses a greater threat to the United States in the future than big business or big labor, a record high since the polling outfit began asking the question nearly 50 years ago
Obama, the DNC, the Liberal Media and all their associates have touted the “Joy of Big Government” and a majority of the American people drank that CoolAide for five years.
Now Obama and his team have clearly demonstrated to even the most naive of us that the history of big centralized socialist governments is being relived right before our eyes, and the adverse consequences and unintended consequences are real and visible and painful.
The governments adverse impacts on jobs, healthcare, energy costs, food costs and the list goes on.
The Big Government jihad reached a local high when the Roanoke Times published a commentary on the Communist Manifesto as "The Answer to America’s Challenges" in their September 04, 2011 edition:
Hopefully the public’s awakening will continue as the adverse consequences of the Obama administration’s actions become even more visible to the average American.
The following is another example of the awakening:
USAToday, 12-20-2013, Pg 3A: Poll: Americans want climate action
BUT backing for regulation has declined significantly
The poll showed marked decreases in the public’s appetite for more regulations and restrictions.  Harvard Prof. Ansolabehere says that shift may be due to a decline in the public’s confidence in government.
Another current and personal example of our wonderful benevolent big government’s behavior toward senior citizens occurred this week when I asked a senior aged friend if he had taken out the Required Minimum Distribution RMD from his IRA this year.  He was somewhat confused about this.  After checking he had not and then initiated the withdrawal.  If he had missed the end of year deadline, only two weeks to go, his benevolent big government would have fined him FIFTY PERCENT 50% of the distribution amount – and this is HIS MONEY that he had saved from his paychecks during his working life.
How did the American people let all this happen?


Saturday, December 21, 2013


Solar Power Working 9 to 5

Roanoke Times, 12-20-2013, Pg 8: Solar City to back up its solar with Tesla batteries.
An interesting article that “begins” to address the issues of intermittent and discontinuous green energy generation.  Kudos to the RT for making this initial effort.  It’s very difficult for green-energy and man-made global warming AGW proponents to address this issue because it lays-bare the “open plan” that solar energy has presented to the public so far.
Two simple facts:
1. The solar supply is from 9 AM to 5 PM (during those good sunlight days)
2. The customer wants 24/7 uninterrupted reliable electric service
Batteries have been used for vehicles since circa 1900.  The concept is to save excess energy from the generator/alternator in a battery for use when the engine is not running; then to restart the engine and for lights and accessories.
Fast forward to solar panels in 2013.  For 24 hour service the solar panels need to generate sufficient energy to supply the 9 to 5 requirements with enough excess generation to be saved somehow for the 5 to 9 timeframe.
Many “small” off-grid applications (including RVs and Large Boats) do this with a combination of batteries, and gasoline/propane engine/generators and propane lights and refrigeration all of which are expensive and complex and maintenance-intense.
Supplying 24/7 solar electric energy to modern homes, businesses, communities and cities requires “energy storage systems” that are difficult to comprehend for those of us not familiar with the magnitude of commercial utility power systems measured in multi-megawatts.
The only such energy storage system in Virginia is Smith Mountain Lake SML.  Electrical power is stored as potential energy in water pumped to an elevated height.  That potential energy can be converted to kinetic energy by letting it fall to the Leesville Lake level through turbine/generators that produce commercial volumes of electrical energy and deliver it onto the grid near where the energy is required.
Obama’s-EPA does not include SML as a green facility.  They do not do so because they don’t want another dam built in America and they know that the only practical energy storage for solar and wind systems is SML pump-back type systems.  In fact the EPA is on a jihad to tear down dams wherever they can get away with it.
This is consistent with the Obama Energy initiatives to truncate current energy systems with no solid plan to replace that infrastructure with a better system.  Sounds a lot like another ObamaCare.
Also, the manufacture of large amounts of batteries for solar backup, in addition to automobile batteries, represents significant environmental and safety issues.
It’s interesting that in this article the solar panel complex is going to try using “Tesla” batteries for storage.  Click on the link to see lots of photos of Tesla cars and batteries burning; an image and impression that’s hard to overcome.
Solar and Wind Energy are good expensive things!  They are at best “supplements” to our large utility energy requirements and clearly are not the answer for utility level requirements!
The least-negative utility generation systems being installed throughout the world are nuclear.
In the US we cannot politically complete the spent fuel storage system in Nevada.  This blockage is being used to thwart nuclear energy and has resulted in a major increased risk of serious problems at nuclear power plants throughout the country.
Virginia Solar Energy Fails Truth In Advertising

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Liberal Left-Wing US Media Shutting-Down Dissenting Opinions

Critics blast Reddit over climate-change skeptic ban
GOP lawmakers accuse EPA of muzzling scientists on climate regulations
Republican leaders on the House Science Committee are accusing the Environmental Protection Agency of disregarding science in its push to impose carbon dioxide limits on power plants.
Some of the American Pravda Media have now taken the most egregious action upon minority opinion and expression since the USSR’s Pravda shut-down all dissenting voices and views across the entire Soviet Empire.
Only those who are afraid of truth, open discussion and fair debate would lock-out from the public view and discourse those who clearly have valid and informed and reasonable facts, data and views.
December 18, 2013, 02:35 pm   Reddit forum bans climate change 'deniers'
By Laura Barron-Lopez
The social news site Reddit is banning climate change deniers from its science forum, a moderator for the site said.
Nathan Allen, the moderator for the forum  which provides a digital space for people to discuss recent, peer-reviewed science publications — wrote about the move to ban skeptics of climate science on Grist. A representative for Reddit confirmed the decision with The Hill.
While the science forum is a small section of Reddit, it has 4 million subscribers, Allen noted, which is nearly twice the circulation of The New York Times.
He said the news industry should follow suit.
"As moderators responsible for what millions of people see, we felt that to allow a handful of commenters to so purposefully mislead our audience was simply immoral." Allen wrote.
"So if a half-dozen volunteers can keep a page with more than 4 million users from being a microphone for the antiscientific, is it too much to ask for newspapers to police their own editorial pages as proficiently," he added.
The Los Angeles Times received heavy backlash for its decision in October to stop printing letters sent in from "climate change deniers." The outlet did not go so far as to block commenters, however.
”we felt that to allow a handful of commenters to so purposefully mislead our audience was simply immoral." Allen wrote.
Haven’t we heard this “righteous view of suppression” expressed before: something about the Pope and Galileo!
And these righteous censors aren’t even Cardinals or Bishops!
Reddit and the LA Times are just two of the many media that suppresses expression they don’t agree with.  For example the RT will not print my LTE’s or post my comments to their blogs.  I’m sure this is just an oversight – can’t be that I would come to their attention as worthy of blocking and shunning.  Or as my elementary teacher was so quick to tell me: “young man, who do you think you are”?
On the other hand my academic and professional education and experience far exceeds Al Gore’s – and everyone believes him!  What's up with that?
It would be very productive and informative for the folks at the RT and their friends and associates to view the Power Point presentation on Global Warming located at:
and point out any content that is false and or misleading or that should be barred from public view because it is “simply immoral”.

Consider this a responsible and respectable intellectual challenge.
The Liberals War On AGW Skeptics
“The goal here is not to win. The goal here is to destroy these people.”

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Why Are Obama’s Associates So Vile And Nasty?

Latest New News:
Roanoke Times, 12-19-2013, Pg 3: Network suspends "Duck Dynasty" star for replying to a question about sin:  "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there" -- etc
Talk about zero-tolerance for negative speech -- A&E and the RT sure jumped on this Politically Incorrect Hillbilly didn't they! 
Not so much when it comes to all the following Liberal and Left-Wing Wingnuts.  Something about fairness, equity and balance?
Obama’s new adviser (John Podesta was just named as a new senior-level adviser to President Obama last week)
Podesta is under fire for comparing GOP to 'Jonestown'
Podesta apologizes for calling GOP ‘a cult worthy of Jonestown’
Perhaps if anyone is drinking the CoolAide it’s those folks who are following Obama and believing his Big Lies.
Why is Obama associating with the likes of:
Rev. Wright of the Church of God Damn America
Jim Ayres and the Under Ground Terrorists from the 1960’s
Al Twana-Brawley Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
The Nasty Gang at MSNBC
James Carville
More Nasty Rhetoric From Foul Mouth Liberals
Click back through these blog items as “just a sample of left-wing vile and nasty dialogue” with no objections from Democrat or Liberal keepers of civility.
Where are the RT’s editorials of righteous and indignant condemnation?


Obama The Hypocrite And His Hippocratic Oath


Is not the Hippocratic Oath – Do No Harm?
ObamaCare has and will continue to massively disrupt most of the healthcare insurance policies and healthcare of most Americans.
The lie of the year by the liar of the year is:
We were told that this was going to be a nonintrusive operation that was just going to add the uninsured to the healthcare system without disturbing all those who had insurance.
We’re just going in with a catheter; this will not be open-heart surgery!
The American people had to accept this premise because we were told we had to pass it in order to read it.
The US government has done these type contracts many times before and often ended the contract with:
 “as long as the sun will shine, as long as the rivers will flow”.
The latest Obama proclamation is that the insurance companies are to grant insurance policies effective January 1, 2014 to anyone who has “applied” to an exchange.  No eligibility determination or premium payment required.
What section of the Constitution covers this dictatorial fiat?
The insurance companies will comply because there’s a section in ObamaCare that guarantees them tax-payer tax-money compensation for any shortfall they might encounter implementing ObamaCare.
What a deal!  Talk about a Chicago contract!
Latest news:  RT, 12-19-2013, Pg 4: Insurers extend first payment deadline.
Isn't this just wonderful -- however -- my insurance companies for my health, auto, life and home have never granted me any dispensation from following the strict letter of the policies.   In fact, I've never been given relief from paying my payments "on-time" by any of my creditors.
Apparently voting Democrat has its major amenities and benefits!  Who knew?
12-20-2013: AP:  ADMINISTRATION MAKES last-minute change allowing people whose insurance was cancelled to avoid the ObamaCare coverage mandate — and sign up for bare-bones policies if they wish — a move the insurance industry warns will create 'tremendous instability' in the market.
Let’s make every major business entity a government controlled utility!
Obama Déjà Vu: The Banks, Wall Street, GM and Chrysler
Gee Toto, I don’t think we’re in America any more!
OBAMASCARE: Huge premium hikes rock employer-insured workers
Euphoria of Obamacare becomes nightmare of higher premiums and deductibles

ObamaCare: Enrolled But Not Insured
ObamaCare WebSite: Irrational Exuberance Dec 1st 2013
Send in the Clowns, Don’t Bother They’re Here:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


ObamaCare: The Really Big Fast Climate Change

Isn’t it interesting that the purveyors and supporters of non-existent man-made global warming AGW and man-made climate change are the same folks that have driven ObamaCare down the throats of all Americans?
Just as the discredited man-made global warming hoax has caused major increases in the cost of living of all Americans we now know that ObamaCare is causing major increases in the cost and complexity of HealthCare insurance and HealthCare itself for most Americans.
Both of these misguided and misdirected Obama-Socialist Jihads have in turn adversely impacted both existing jobs and new job creation.
There has been less than one degree change in global temperatures during the past 150 years and no change in the last 18 years and no scientific evidence that man-made CO2 causes either measurable global warming or climate change.  Just like the false and failed ObamaCare “Lie of the Year” repeating this failed hypothesis over and over does not make it true or valid.  And all 7th grade earth-science students know that daily, weekly, monthly and yearly Weather is NOT Climate!
Obama and his Pravda-Press repeating over and over that “you can keep your insurance”, “you can keep your doctor”, “your premiums will be the same or lower” is all heifer-dust as almost all Americans now know.
Poll: Already-Insured Blame ObamaCare for Higher Premiums
“Already-insured Americans and those not looking for government subsidies are blaming the Affordable Care Act for rising premiums and higher deductibles on their plans. A new poll from the Associated Press- GfK shows nearly half of respondents say their policies are changing for the worse in 2014 with 69% reporting their premiums are going up and 59% say their annual deductibles or copayments are increasing. Seventy-seven percent of those surveyed say they blame the president’s signature health-care legislation blame changes on the ACA.”
“So far, nearly six million plans have been cancelled as a result of the ACA for failing to meet new plan standards including 10 essential health benefits. Under the ACA, every individual in the country must have coverage by the end of open enrollment period on April 1 or they will face a penalty of $95 or 1% of their annual income for failing to comply.”
The SCOFUS declared this “penalty” is a “tax” – is that better?
Just more Hope and Change!  All this must be George Bush’s fault somehow!

-OBAMASCARE: Huge premium hikes rock employer-insured workers

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Fixing A Broken Economy

Roanoke Times, 12-11-2013, Pg 8: Editorial “Fixing a broken economy”
Unemployment benefits are intended to be temporary help.  Job creation is the better solution.
After five years of Obama’s economic decline and stagnation, the editors of the RT have finally figured out that Obama’s economic vision and actions are not working.
The RT cheered and swooned when Obama stood before Fire House #1 and ridiculed and marginalized the businessmen and women who are the very backbone of our economy and economic system.
The RT editors even attacked those who found fault with Obama’s grossly misguided statements calling them “saboteurs twisting the truth”!
Apparently it was critical to the RT editors to do whatever was required to ensure that Obama won reelection.
Not clear what part of Journalistic Ethics that falls under?
Small businesses are the job creators, IF, they are not hobbled by the very actions Obama and the Democrats have and are taking including thousands of draconian rules, regulations and increased energy costs and the FUD fear, uncertainty and doubt created by ObamaCare.
Little wonder businesspeople are afraid to expand and build and take-on additional risk and responsibilities.
Even Obama found out that “shovel ready” wasn’t “ready at all” because of massive amounts of bureaucratic rules, regulations, processes and overhead.
He’s now complaining that those very forces are behind the ObamaCare website and software debacle.  Apparently you reap what you sew.
Back in October 2011 this blog published a partial list of the House job creation and preservation Bills they had passed.  This list has had major additions since then.
Too bad the RT and their associates in the Liberal Pravda Press didn’t understand who is promoting private-sector job creation and who is promoting government growth at the expense of real-jobs.

“It's clear why Reid's Democrat Senate refuses to address the House Passed Jobs Bills.  Reid now claims that the "private sector" workers are doing just fine!
It's clear that Reid is either senile or mentally defective! Choose One!”

And Obama jumped on Reid’s private sector doing fine bandwagon.
It’s clear that Obama, the Chicago Street Organizer, is clueless and totally disconnected from the Country’s economic situation.

And what businessperson is not overwhelmed by the specter of the magnitude of taxes that will be required to stop the deficit and then pay down the $17 TRILLION debt.
The good news may be that the RT editors really are awakening to the realization that America has had an economic system that has worked better than any other system in world history and given the opportunity that Free Enterprise System can perform well again.
Washington Times: The only thing worse than the economy is Obama talking about it:”
Are The Good Times Over For Good?

Friday, December 13, 2013


From Nobel Peace Prize To Liar Of The Year

WaPo's Politifact has awarded Obama "Lie of the Year" for his "you can keep" lie. At least he is deserving of this award as opposed to the Nobel Peace Prize.
Apparently  Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), the Congressman who yelled out at Obama "You Lie" in 2009 was right on target and certainly deserves a "Truth in Advertising" Award.
Pride/Arrogance Goethe before the fall.
Obama certainly has demonstrated an amazing level of arrogance!
However his fall from grace will probably be short lived.  His Pravda Liberal Media and associates will launch a major and sustained jihad to get their Prince back up on the Throne.  They have to protect and nourish their investment.
All the major issues with ObamaCare will be resolved by using taxpayer tax-dollars to bridge any problems.  When you have control of the Government and control of the Treasury there is no "Bridge Too Far".


Obama Talks-up ObamaCare To Young People

Obama urges young supporters to talk up Obamacare.
“Sounding like a motivational speaker, President Barack Obama asked young supporters on Wednesday to encourage their peers to sign up for health coverage under his embattled reforms known both affectionately and derisively as Obamacare.”
The ObamaCare “model” requires large numbers of healthy young people to buy ObamaCare policies at rates higher than they could have purchased them if there were no ObamaCare.  The “system” needs their “extra” money to help off-set the money other uninsured will not be paying.
Among other major issues with ObamaCare this is not likely to happen, the founders of ObamaCare knew that was unlikely, and the deficit will be made up with taxpayers-tax money.
That’s why the SCOUS called ObamaCare a TAX!
It’s all part of the hope and change!

Euphoria of Obamacare becomes nightmare of higher premiums and deductibles
ObamaCare: Enrolled But Not Insured
ObamaCare WebSite: Irrational Exuberance Dec 1st 2013


Obama’s North Korea Charm Offensive

Obama makes nice with Kim Jong Un while North Korea executes Kim Jong Un's uncle
Just months after Kim Jong Un's ex-girlfriend was executed
All this while Kim continues massive civil rights abuses against his people.
Photos show scale of North Korea's repressive prison camps:  CNN) -- North Korea is showing no signs of scaling back its fearsome labor camp system, with torture, starvation, rape and death a fact of life for tens of thousand of inmates, according to human rights group Amnesty International.
Where are the liberal media cries of righteous indignation against Obama and Kerry and this administrations relationship with animalistic regimes and leaders?
Something about a tree falling in the forest.
And what’s with Dennis Rodman (Obama’s “unofficial” special emissary sent to North Korea to help “make peace”); he’s heading to Pyongyang next week for training sessions ahead of a friendship exhibition game scheduled for January 8, Kim’s birthday.
Let’s all reflect on the major liberal media’s assertion that Obama is well suited to conduct foreign affairs and is doing a wonderful job of stopping proliferation of nuclear weapons and protecting ourselves and our friends and being a beacon for human rights.
Boom! The Sound Of Appeasement Of North Korean Nuclear Weapons Program
Would be funny, except it's not funny


Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Obama At The Nelson Mandela State Funeral

Obama At The Nelson Mandela State Funeral:  Talk about juvenile and immature and insensitive and totally disconnected from the reality that he was representing the people of the United States of America.
Obama creates international incident with 'selfie' at Mandela service

Can one even begin to imagine what the main street Pravda media would have done with these pictures if this was George Bush at Mandela’s State Funeral!!!!
But don’t expect any push-back or recriminations from Obama’s-Media.  They are so embedded into Obama and committed to Obama that their only mantra is totally directed by Aretha Franklin':
Accent the Positive and Eliminate the Negative:
What Id, ego and super-ego is Obama operating from?  Perhaps we need to reincarnate Freud so Barack can get a grip on his behavior.
Little wonder that Obama's NBC Public Opinion Polls are tanking:
"Just 28 percent give the president high grades for being able to achieve his goals"
"overall job-approval rating stands at 43%"
"54 percent say they disapprove of his job performance"
"Only 34 percent believe the health law is a good idea"
To add insult to injury:  More disturbing and distracting and negative Obama-Mandela news: Sign language interpreter who stood next to Obama at Mandela memorial called a 'fake'


Monday, December 09, 2013


Merry Christmas From Your US Air Force Band

It's the US Air Force Band and Chorus doing a flash event at the Smithsonian.
Merry Christmas,
 Not clear this will be done again after Obama and his Muslim associates and the ACLU react to this Christmas Greeting.


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