The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Common Core Not Being Commonly Accepted By Teachers Or Parents

More New News about Common Core  7-5-2014
This May Be The Biggest Problem With America's 'Common Core' Education Standards
Roanoke Times, 4-30-2014, Pg Op-7: Common core a liberal conspiracy?
“What happened to make Common Core an object of hate for conservative activists?”
This is an incredibly biased and slanted and defamatory piece of yellow journalism and the Editors of the Roanoke Times should issue an apology to the tens of thousands of educators and parents who have rejected the “Common Core” after being forced to try it!
It should be called ObamaCore to be in harmony with ObamaCare.
Are these NY teachers and parents “hateful conservative activists?
NY teachers union pulls its support from Common Core, urges removal of state ed chief
“The Board of Directors of the New York State United Teachers, a union with more than 600,000 members, has approved a resolution that withdraws its earlier support for the Common Core State Standards ”as implemented and interpreted” by the New York Education Department.”
“The action is a blow to supporters of the Common Core, which was approved several years ago in 45 states and the District of Columbia but which has become increasingly controversial around the country, with a number of states pulling back from the initiative or changing the standards. Some states, such as Florida, are actually changing the name so as not to be seen as being identified with the Core.”
Are these teachers and parents “hateful conservative activists?
Common Core emerges as potent election issue for fed-up parents
“Parents across the country may hold the key to this year's mid-term elections as they vent their anger over the implementation of a controversial education achievement measure called the Common Core State Standards Initiative.”
Are these Indiana teachers and parents “hateful conservative activists?
Parental revolt against Common Core prompts states to take action
“You forgot some of the most important people in this whole process, and that was the educator,” said Teresa Meredith, president of the Indiana Teacher’s Association. “The one person who could really help make or break this was the educator, and you didn't include the educator from the very beginning in terms of building an implementation plan,” she said.”
And to apply the coup de grâce to the constant harping of the liberal progressives that it’s all about money a new study found:
No connection between school spending, student outcomes
“For decades, it's probably the most troublesome question facing education: Why are results for U.S. public school students so mediocre, despite the billions of taxpayer dollars spent?”
"The takeaway from this study is that what we've done over the past 40 years hasn't worked," said Coulson, director of the Center For Educational Freedom at the CATO Institute. "The average performance change nationwide has declined 3 percent in mathematical and verbal skills. Moreover, there's been no relationship, effectively, between spending and academic outcomes."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Government Abusive Foreclosures Overshadows The Banks

The government’s harassment and abuse of The Banks for foreclosing on homeowners, who don’t pay their mortgages, is a sham compared to the government’s foreclosure on homeowners who don’t pay their taxes!
“OK (for government) to sell widow's home over $6 bill, judge rules
BEAVER, Pa. (AP) — A widow was given ample notice before her $280,000 house was sold at a tax auction three years ago over $6.30 in unpaid interest, a Pennsylvania judge has ruled.”
A major nasty aspect of property taxes is that the taxing authority does not show on each bill the total accumulated amount due.  They only show the current amount due for the current period.
That means you may have underpaid your property tax several years ago and the taxing authority does not show that on your current bill!
Many times property owners find out that there’s a problem when the government starts the process of selling your property at auction!   What a joy!
We’re from the government and we’re here to help you!
No wonder people are in contempt of both the courts and the government!

Democrats Still Pushing ObamaCare-Medicaid Expansion

Roanoke Times, 4-29-2014, Pg Va 1, 8: Lawmakers still at impasse over Medicaid expansion.
"You can't be the fiscal fuure of the Commonwealth on an IOU from the federal goverment:  House Speaker Bill Howell
My Delegate Poindexter's View:
District: (540) 576-2600 Richmond: (804) 698-1009 

Good Afternoon,

If you have been following the debate over Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion in Virginia, you know House Republicans are deeply concerned the federal government's promise to pay their share of the costs of Expansion indefinitely may not hold up.

The federal government is $17 trillion in debt and forty-cents of every dollar we spend is borrowed. Do you truly think the federal government can afford to pay 100% of the costs of Medicaid Expansion for the first three years and then 90% of the costs indefinitely? For every state?

I don't either. Virginia's Medicaid program is already 22% of the state budget and growing at an unsustainable rate. Let that sink in: 22% of the entire state budget - and growing.

If the federal government reneged on its promise to cover its share of the costs of Medicaid Expansion, Virginia would be left in an extremely compromising position.

Democrats in the General Assembly have continued to waive off these concerns in the face of blatant lies from the Obama Administration and Senator Warner ("If you like your plan, you can keep it...")

Today, I read an article that provided a glimpse of this reality: "Report: Feds Mull Cuts Due to Medicaid Backlogs."

States are working through hundreds of thousands of backlogged applications due to Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, but the administration is threatening to cut funding for dealing with them.

During a recent Senate Finance Committee hearing, [Health and Human Services Secretary] Sebelius suggested that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) would temporarily cut federal funding for Medicaid administrative tasks to states that are struggling with a backlog. Sebelius theorized that looming cuts would incentivize states to get their backlogs under control as soon as possible.

Cutting administrative funding to states already struggling with insufficient administrative infrastructure would appear to make the problem worse, according to American Action Forum health care policy analyst Angela Boothe.

Virginia currently has a backlog of 40,000 applications pending. This is exactly the type of federal action House Republicans have warned Virginia a
bout regarding Governor McAuliffe's Obamacare Medicaid Expansion proposal.
Virginia Voters Reject ObamaCare-Medicaid Expansion


Muslim’s New Friend John Heinz Kerry Joins The Anti-Israel Community

Jewish leaders blast John Kerry for Israel ‘apartheid’ comments
Jewish leaders are fuming over remarks made by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who cautioned that Israel risks becoming an apartheid state if a two-state solution cannot be reached.

At what point will the Liberal American Jews wake up and realize that major elements of the Democrat Party and this administration are not their friends?
How does Chuck Schumer and his associates explain these anti-Israel attacks that benefit the Radical Muslim’s message and behaviors?  And it also gives comfort and support to our enemies as well!
At what point can a country make peace with another entity who is dedicated to their destruction and annihilation?
Just how ignorant and arrogant and naïve is our administration and it’s leadership?
Reports that Secretary Kerry has suggested Israel is becoming an apartheid state are extremely disappointing," House GOP Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., who is Jewish, said in a statement. "The use of the word apartheid has routinely been dismissed as both offensive and inaccurate, and Secretary Kerry's use of it makes peace even harder to achieve."
He urged Kerry to "apologize to the Israeli government and people."
The backlash comes on the heels of a Daily Beast report claiming Kerry made the statement during a closed-door meeting Friday with "influential world leaders." He reportedly warned that if Israel doesn't make peace, the country could become "an apartheid state."
Apparently Kerry has joined Jimmy Carter in slamming Israel and the Jews
Jimmy Carter: Jew-Hater, Genocide-Enabler, Liar  By:  David Horowitz | Thursday, December 14, 2006
JERUSALEM -- A new poll shows only 6 percent of Israeli Jews see President Barack Obama's administration as pro-Israel,
Can you imagine the number of American Jews who are having major buyers-remorse based on the last election investment of their money and votes? Where's Chuck Schumer now?

A Very Disturbing Anti-Jewish Rant
1500 Rockets Fired Into Israel In 10 Days
Israel – Not To Worry - Obama’s Got Your Back Already
Jewish Liberals Need To Wakeup Already

Monday, April 28, 2014


Obama’s Energy Supply vs. Demand Trainwreck

Roanoke Times, 4-3-2014,  Opinion Pg 6: Nuclear power is essential to energy reliability
Sama Bilbao y Leon | Bilbao y Leon is an associate professor and director of nuclear engineering programs at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond.
“This winter's severe weather is a reminder that stability of the power grid depends on a diverse mix of generating sources that provides a hedge against supply disruptions and, in turn, price volatility.
But this diversity is at risk. Our country is becoming increasingly reliant on natural gas as a source of electricity production, with new gas plants accounting for 75 percent of all capacity additions since 1995, while the use of nuclear power and especially coal are ebbing.
Yet increasing digital use of electricity is driving up the demand for power. Despite improvements in efficiency, the Energy Information Administration forecasts a need for 339,000 megawatts of new electric capacity by 2040 - and that doesn't include replacing power plants that are being shut down.”
The Obama war on fossil fuel and nuclear energy without a plan for reliable replacements plus increased capacity for our additional 2 million population per year is not just short-sighted, it is criminal malfeasance.  The US government has a responsibility to ensure that we have adequate and reliable energy utilities. 
Oh right – when the brown-outs and the black-outs arrive, Obama will be long gone and it will be Bush’s fault!

Worshiping The God Of Government

Roanoke Times, Posted: Sunday, April 20, 2014 3:00 am:  Opinion, Pg 6: 
Reproduced without comment or editing - can't be improved upon!
Warner: A misplaced admiration for the god of government Harry H. Warner | Warner is retired and lives in Lexington. He's a graduate of Virginia Military Institute.

I would like to respond to my good fellow-citizen of Lexington, John Winfrey (commentary, April 13), who writes "Send in the clones" (assumedly conservatives). I reply "Save us from the drones" (bees that are stingless, perform no work and produce no honey).

He makes no bones about the fact that he worships at the foot of the great god of government, and waxes at length about conservatives obstructing more political handouts, more efforts for "equality" and more encroachment of constitutional freedoms. I won't get enough space to answer each of his charges, but instead will provide a few representative truths that he fails to take into account.

Economically, never mind that fully 30 percent of federal tax revenues now go to social redistribution payments - a percentage greater that for any other category, including defense. Never mind that our national indebtedness of $17 trillion-plus is now greater than our annual Gross National Product. Never mind that the economic recovery, including employment, of the last five years has been the worst in history in spite of the huge tax and spend "stimulus" programs of the current progressive administration.

Never mind that excessive progressive policies of redistribution create a debilitating dependence on government, particularly in the lower economic levels, and fly in the face of the old economic fact of nature that "You can never make a poor man rich by making a rich man poor."

Never mind that Franklin D. Roosevelt, a paragon of progressives, said, continued dependence on government is "a subtle destroyer of the human spirit."

Never mind that God did not make us equal and only naïve (or unscrupulous) politicians think they can override that natural law. That does not mean we, as a just nation, should not offer reasonable financial safety nets to unfortunates. Significantly, we already are more privately charitable than any other nation in history.

Never mind that America was founded on and became the greatest nation in history on the constitutionally guaranteed concepts of personal liberty and free markets.

With all due respect to the professor, I, for one, am delighted that Lexington is represented by Rep. Bob Goodlatte and Del. Ben Cline - defenders of these and other truths.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Roanoke Times Sponsors Condom Sunday

The proponents and supporters and boosters of the progressive liberal anything goes society suddenly woke up this morning to the reality of rampant sexually transmitted diseases
(and HIV+AIDS which are by law not classified as STD’s!!!).
This pandemic is not just in our adult population but also in our school students!
Something about reaping what we sow!
The following blog item messages going back to 2005 have been discarded by an irresponsible media, government and society.  The message to young people has been:
Get the HPV-shot, Birth Control Pills and Plan-B Pill and you’re good to go!
The shocking number of new STD cases each year
Still think STDs are something that can't happen to someone like you? Here's a shocking reality check: Nearly 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases occur every year in the U.S., according to a recent report by the CDC. That's over 54,000 new cases per day!
Even ObamaCare added to the STD & HIV+AIDS Pandemic:
RePrint: ObamaCare Ad Sexist And Dangerous
The ad, is by ProgressNow Colorado and the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative. The caption reads: "OMG, he's hot! Let's hope he's as easy to get as this birth control. My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers."

No Girl that’s not your biggest Risk – would you like to guess again?
Birth Control Pills and Plan-B are NOT Safe Sex Stupid!
It is bizarre that in today’s world of multiple pandemics of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s or VD’s or whatever we’re calling them today) that an ad like this could run in any media market no less a part of advertising ObamaCare. And to add insult to probable-injury it’s sponsored by the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative. What are these idiots thinking?
If you’re using BC-pills or you need Plan B: You may need a doctor a lot more than you need a pill!
If you must Go --- Go with Plan A: "If you forgot it, forget it"!

Also – why the hell am I subsidizing your high-risk sex-life girl?
RePrint:   Sex and the High-risk VT Girl
Roanoke Times, 8/28/06, Pg Va 6: Editorial: Finally a Plan B; Politics kept women from gaining access to backup birth control
Roanoke Times, 8/29/06, Pg Va 7: Commentary by David Nova, president of Planned Parenthood of the Blue Ridge: Birth control v. delay, delay, delay.
This Editorial is a continuation of a prior editorial ( 8/6/06, Pg H2) that continues the message that George Bush wants to make it difficult for women to terminate their unplanned pregnancies by keeping "morning after pills" as prescriptions.
The Commentary by Mr. Nova describes how a VT student, on the first day of class, ran the gauntlet through police swat teams (who were searching the VT campus for the killer of two cops) to get to Mr. Nova to get "morning after pills"; all because George Bush withheld them from her by keeping them classified as "prescription drugs".
Let’s reflect: Here we have a young "sophisticated" woman, a student at one of the best Universities in Virginia, on the first day of class, racing around and through swat teams, looking for "over the counter" "morning after" birth control pills. Perhaps an unwanted pregnancy and the gauntlet of police are not this girls biggest risk factors.
Perhaps having her spend time with a doctor getting these pills via prescription might be a good thing that may save her quality of life and perhaps her life itself and may save some of the men she is intimate with.
The Doctor would certainly examine her and then spend time explaining to this girl the many risks of unprotected sex like: HPV, Herpes, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Hepatitis, and HIV+Aids, most of which are epidemics and pandemics in our society today.
Perhaps VT should start each year with an orientation that focuses on these risks and teach these girls that one of the most important health and lifesaving things they can say is:
Go with Plan A: "If you forgot it, forget it"!
If you need Plan B: You may need a doctor a lot more than you need a pill!
Prior Item
Partial list of blog items addressing the permissive articles published in the Roanoke Times going back to 2005:

It’s The Thick Ice That’s Bad For Alaskan Polar Bears

Polar Bears For Dummies, A Reference For The Rest Of Us
Polar Bear Science Blog
”Here you’ll find polar bear science without advocacy, fear mongering or spin. Most importantly, there will be no predictions about the future of polar bears!”
“Current ice conditions don’t bode well for Beaufort Sea polar bears
Posted on April 18, 2014 | Comments Off
Thick spring ice along the shore of the Eastern and Southern Beaufort is bad news for polar bears, especially females emerging from their dens with new cubs. Are those conditions developing now?”
“Every 10 years or so, since at least the 1960s, near shore ice gets too thick for ringed seals to maintain their breathing holes and many breeding seals depart the area. This leaves a lot of polar bears without the baby seals they need to consume to get them through the rest of the year (that’s if they don’t (or can’t) leave themselves).”
How refreshing it is to read about Polar Bears written by someone who’s not being paid to perpetuate the Alarmist storyline about the demise of the Polar Bears due to loss of Arctic Ice due to man-made AGW global warming.
And when did our Pravda Media tell us about the blatant disinformation about starving Polar Bears that was disseminated for the purpose of misleading the US government?  Talk about Junk Science and those who profit from it!
 “What’s shocking is that the PBSG have now admitted that the ‘movement of bears’ issue essentially invalidates the 2006 population estimate and the much-touted ‘reduced survival of cubs.’ The reduced survival of cubs data from that SB study was a critical component of the argument that US bears were already being negatively impacted by global warming and thus, should be listed as ‘threatened’ under the ESA (US Fish & Wildlife Service 2008).”
Alaskan Polar Bears Threatened…By Too Much Spring Ice

Friday, April 25, 2014


Virginia Voters Reject ObamaCare-Medicaid Expansion

Roanoke Times, 4-25-2014, Pg VA 2: Poll: Voters now against expanding Va Medicaid.   Months of divisive arguments and the state budget fight seem to have affected the electorate.
Perhaps what has “affected” the electorate is the reality that current Medicaid is a major part of the state budget and is the fastest growing segment of the budget without adding the ObamaCare-Medicaid Expansion.
Also the reality that the federal government is over $17 TRILLION in debt casts a huge doubt over getting federal money to pay for the expansion.
It appears prudent to let the ObamaCare program roll-out stabilize and then address all the uninsured that were advertised to be covered by ObamaCare.
The following is Delegate Charles Poindexter’s view of the process:
McAuliffe Pushing Obamacare Expansion
For Immediate Release Contact: Alex Thorup
March 28, 2014 540-576-2600
Delegate Poindexter Responds to Governor McAuliffe Visit, Obamacare Expansion in Virginia
GLADE HILL, VA - Today, Governor McAuliffe continued his political campaign tour across the Commonwealth trying to gain support for his administration's number one priority and sole focus since taking office: expanding Obamacare in Virginia.
"I'm not surprised Governor McAuliffe is out on the campaign trail again. A Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday showed only 4% of Virginian's agree with McAuliffe that Medicaid expansion is a top priority. I think he's starting to realize he's out on his own tree limb here and now he's trying to pull everyone else out there with him.
"Virginia's current Medicaid program is in desperate need of reforms to improve health outcomes and make the program more fiscally sustainable. Obamacare is a train wreck and more than half of Virginian's oppose the law. Why would we just go along with expansion without asking any questions, without making any reforms, and without assurances the federal government will pay their share? This proposal has enormous fiscal ramifications for Virginia, for our core programs like education and public safety, and for taxpayers. It's not something I take lightly and I think the Governor should recognize this.
"My position on Obamacare is clear. I believe reforms should come first and I am skeptical of Washington's ability and willingness to pay its share of the cost. I believe the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission, on which I serve, is the right vehicle for these reforms.
"It's time for Governor McAuliffe to drop his demands for Obamacare expansion and stop using our teachers, students, and local governments as bargaining chips. It is critical the General Assembly pass a clean budget as soon as possible. Then, if the Governor would like to call a special session for Obamacare expansion, I'll gladly debate the issue on its own merits.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Availability Cascades And Burning Our Food

A Roanoke Times article introduced many of us to the term Availability Cascades and what an appropriate description of almost all of Obama’s misdirected initiatives.
“Because legislators feel that they must respond to the public frenzy they have whipped up, availability cascades frequently lead to bad laws and enforcement practices.”  “Availability Cascades are salient events that engage people’s anxieties and are then exaggerated out of all proportion by media hype.”

The conversion of ear-corn into Ethanol is an environmental and food-supply and food-cost loser as well documented in the attached blog items!
The price of food is spiraling out of peoples budgets as the cost of corn and corn products and feed are forcing prices ever higher due to government malfeasance.
Now we know that trying to use corn crop salvage as a biofuel is also a loser!
Gasoline greener than biofuels?
Biofuels produced from waste products left from harvested corn plants are worse than gasoline in terms of carbon emissions, according to a $500,000 study paid for by the federal government and published in the journal Nature Climate Change.
The study said biofuels made with corn residue release seven percent more greenhouse gases than traditional gasoline.
What’s even more disturbing than these misdirected and harmful government demands is that the purported reason for doing this is based on the “Availability Cascade Of The AGW Hoax”
So here we are, doing negative and harmful government actions in a totally misdirected effort to somehow influence natural processes that have been in place for hundreds of thousands of years!
The Climate is Changing – The Climate has Always Been Changing!
Just More Hope and Change we can Believe in!
Burning Our Food
Global Warming Alarmist Charlatans Scrambling For An Alibi
Stop Burning Our Food - Stupid
Obama Fiddling While Burning Our Food As Ethanol

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Availability Cascades And The Oceans Rising Hoax

Roanoke Times, 4-13-2014, Pg 9: Opinions: “Because legislators feel that they must respond to the public frenzy they have whipped up, availability cascades frequently lead to bad laws and enforcement practices.”
“Availability Cascades are salient events that engage people’s anxieties and are then exaggerated out of all proportion by media hype.”
Jean Chemnick, E&E reporter     Published: Monday, April 21, 2014
The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee will shine a light on Florida's vulnerability to climate-change-driven sea-level rise tomorrow during a field hearing in Miami-Dade County.Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) will host a panel of local officials, engineers, academics and tourist industry representatives to discuss the effect man-made climate change could have on southeastern Florida's economy and infrastructure. Rising sea levels have made communities along both Florida coasts vulnerable to property damage from higher storm surges, increased danger to local populations and threatened inundation of the local water supply, scientists say.
He pointed to research conducted by Florida Atlantic University that showed sea levels have risen between 5 and 8 feet in the last half-century.

Talk about Availability Cascades and exaggeration out of all proportion!
These Alarmists must be watching their own move Day After Tomorrow.
Sea levels have had a steady increase since the end of the Little Ice Age in 1750.
And the seas have risen by 8 INCHES not 8 feet in the last whole-century!
The data belies yet another AGW Alarmist Availability Cascade!
About 18,000 years ago sea levels were almost 400 feet lower than they are today. North Carolina's coastline was 50 miles east of its present location out at the Continential Shelf.  Talk about sea level rise!
Can't blame that on man-made global warming!
It wasn’t CO2: Global sea levels started rising before 1800
For those who wish to view a basic and realistic presentation of global warming, climate change, the HokeySchtick and major historical weather events click-on and view the power point at:
It’s free, easy, fun and enlightening.
Availability Cascades And The AGW Hoax

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Availability Cascades And The AGW Hoax

Roanoke Times, 4-13-2014, Pg 9: Opinions: “Because legislators feel that they must respond to the public frenzy they have whipped up, availability cascades frequently lead to bad laws and enforcement practices.”
“Availability Cascades are salient events that engage people’s anxieties and are then exaggerated out of all proportion by media hype.”
“An availability cascade is a self-reinforcing cycle that explains the development of certain kinds of collective beliefs. A novel idea or insight, usually one that seems to explain a complex process in a simple or straightforward manner, gains rapid currency in the popular discourse by its very simplicity and by its apparent insightfulness. Its rising popularity triggers a chain reaction within the social network: individuals adopt the new insight because other people within the network have adopted it, and on its face it seems plausible. The reason for this increased use and popularity of the new idea involves both the availability of the previously obscure term or idea, and the need of individuals using the term or idea to appear to be current with the stated beliefs and ideas of others, regardless of whether they in fact fully believe in the idea that they are expressing. Their need for social acceptance, and the apparent sophistication of the new insight, overwhelm their critical thinking.”
One can find no better example of Availability Cascades than the media hype over man-caused global warming AGW and climate change.
From a totally discredited graphic by Mike Mann called the Hockey Stick, that was blown totally out of proportion by Gore in his Inconvenient Truth, the media has generated a misdirected movement akin to a Cult that is best described as “Availability Cascades.”
The hallmarks of this AGW “Availability Cascades”  Cult Movement are:
The ultimate “consensus” for his followers was drinking the cool-aide!
“James Warren "Jim" Jones was an American religious leader and community organizer.”
For those who wish to view a basic and realistic presentation of global warming, climate change, the HokeySchtick and major historical weather events click-on and view the power point at:
It’s free, easy, fun and enlightening.
Climate change cult has to shout louder to be heard amid public skepticism
The Global Warming Cover-up Continues Unabated


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