The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Monday, June 30, 2014


SCOTUS Kills ObamaCare Mandate And Limits Unions

Supreme Court kills Obamacare birth control mandate in Hobby Lobby case
The Supreme Court struck down a key Obamacare provision Monday, saying businesses can use religious beliefs to opt out of a requirement that employers cover birth control for employees.
The 5-4 decision is a significant victory for those challenging the constitutionality of the President Obama's health care law. And it strengthens the argument that for-profit entities, like individuals and churches, have religious rights.
Supreme Court backs Hobby Lobby in contraceptive mandate challenge
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that certain "closely held" for-profit businesses can cite religious objections in order to opt out of a requirement in ObamaCare to provide free contraceptive coverage for their employees.
The ruling was one of two final rulings to come down on Monday, as the justices wrapped up their work for the session. The other reined in the ability of unions to collect dues from home health care workers.
The court also ruled that public sector unions cannot collect fees from home health care workers who don't want to be part of a union — a rebuke of the Service Employees International Union, which automatically deducts dues from employees' paychecks.
Orwell’s ‘1984’ Word-Smithing And The Hobby Lobby SCOTUS Case

Orwell’s ‘1984’ Word-Smithing And The Hobby Lobby SCOTUS Case

Roanoke Times, 6-30-2014, Pg 1, 6: Court to release decision on contraceptives.
The SCOTUS will rule whether a company’s religious views outweigh its workers’ reproductive health care.
No --- That's not it!   Women had the right to birth control of their choice last year, they have it this year and they will have it next year; totally independent of this court case.
Nothing in this case prevents women from the birth control of their choice!
The court battle is over WHO WILL PAY for their birth control and what rights do those paying citizens have, if any!

Yet Another ObamaCare ‘1984’ Lie
The major health factor not included in this dialogue is the pandemic of STDs and the need to focus not on birth control but on Safe Sex!
Roanoke Times Sponsors Condom Sunday
Whatever the SCOTUS decision today – the real issues are who pays and NOT about rights to access which exists and will continue to exist.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Obama’s IRS Queen Lois Lerner Abuses US Senator

Obama’s Book Title should have been:  The Audacity of Lies and Arrogance
There is no limit to the Lies and Arrogance of Obama and his Team!
Was Nixon not impeached for using the IRS to harass his political enemies!
Lerner sought IRS audit of sitting GOP senator, emails show:
Congressional investigators have uncovered emails showing ex-IRS official Lois Lerner targeted a sitting Republican senator for a proposed internal audit, a discovery one GOP lawmaker called "shocking."
Lois Lerner's E-Mails:
Lois Lerner may have lost a lot of e-mails. But she didn’t lose all her e-mails; the House Ways and Means Committee is grinding through them, and the ones it has released do not shine a flattering light on Lerner’s judgment: She sought an audit over a speaking invitation to Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa that also offered to pay for his wife to accompany him.
Not A Smidgeon Of Truth From IRS Lerner And Obama
Obama And The IRS Missing Emails



Saturday, June 28, 2014


Obama’s Syrian Strategy: Leading From His Behind


Roanoke Times, 6-28-2014, Pg 3: Syrian rebels buckling in face of extremists.  Obama seeking $500 Million to help the “moderates”.
Obama fiddled for over two years while Syria burned with now over 150,000 dead.  Now the Radical Muslim Terrorists have formed the ISIS Army.  They are mauling the “good” anti-Assad forces we could have helped two years ago. The ISIS have launched major attacks into Iraq and now occupy large areas and two major cities.
Indeed any efforts on our part now are too little, too late; we have no idea now who the "good" guys are.
This blog reprint from June 2013 tells the sad story of reasonable opportunities missed by Obama and his organization.
Obama: Leading From Behind In Syria For Two Years
For the past year and a half Obama has stated with great determination that President Assad of Syria would fall “soon”.
Now, after 75,000 Syrians have been killed, it appears that Assad may well win his Civil War.
The winners will be: Assad, Hezbollah, Russia and Radical Islam; thereby placing the governments and countries of Lebanon, Jordan and Israel at great risk.
At this point in time the Obama-Kerry team is hyping a “Peace Conference” as their contribution to the current situation. How lame is that?
Obama’s decision not to provide aid to the Rebels in spite of the support for Assad by Hezbollah and Russia will be a defining foreign policy legacy.
The adverse consequences of this policy and Assad’s success may well be very visible before Obama exits the White House.

Hezbollah Is Launching An Offensive That Will Profoundly Change The Syrian War
Obama’s Coalition Of The Who; To Do What?
More new bad news for Obama's Syria Attack Proposals
The Case Against Obama on Syria
Let’s release the rest of the GITMO Radical Muslim Terrorists
That should help our people and friends who are in harms way
Obama Watching Freedom Fighters Die Around The World
Kerry Back In Nam, Obama Back In Hawaii, Al Qaeda Back in Fallujah and Ramadi


Gasoline Was $1.84 -- Then We Bought The Hope And Change

Roanoke Times, 6-28-2014, Pg 1, 5: War jitters keeping gas artificially expensive.
Speculators are bidding up the market price.
Ah Yes – those pesky speculators putting their money at risk, betting the Mideast conflicts will decrease supply and thereby increase oil prices.
Sounds like a reasonable and prudent thing to do, lock-in a reasonable price increase now to guard against a likely major future increase.
Only a Socialist would paint that as a bad thing to do.
Too bad Obama has killed the Keystone Pipeline!  Would be helpful if we had more Canadian supply – No – let’s not do that – Let’s send our money to the Sheiks so Obama can Bow and KowTow!
And talk about your high gasoline prices – Regular was $1.84 when Obama took control with his Hope and Change!
Democrats in the Senate are proposing a 24 cent permanent increase per gallon in more taxes, makes the 13 cent current run-up look like chicken feed.
Talk about chicken-feed and the price of gasoline – the Ethanol mandate is running-up the price of gasoline and also almost all of our food prices because corn is the primary staple for people and livestock! 
Stop burning it in our cars – Stupid!
A word about speculators.  They’re simply people who are risking their resources betting on the future, or are hedging their bets on the future.
Every fuel-oil and gasoline wholesaler has to be a speculator, betting on future weather, supply changes and world-wide market trends.  Most companies and many government agencies also hedge their energy contracts.

Friday, June 27, 2014


SCOTUS Slam Dunks Obama

Roanoke Times, 6-27-2014, Pg 1, 5: Supreme Court restricts recess appointments.
The RT Editors were eating milk-toast this AM and let it drip all over this article.
Talk about marginalizing really bad Obama news!
How about this for a Headline:
The Court voted UNANIMOUSLY to declare Obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board to be UNLAWFUL!
In line with Obama’s anti-business Jihad, he had appointed super-labor-friendly minions to the NLRB to harass businesses and help Labor Union Organizers.
Obama adopted the Bill Clinton approach to law: what is the meaning of IS?
Or, when IS Congress really in recess?  The Court enlightened Obama with the simple answer:
“When they say they are”!  ---  Stupid!
The Liberal Media Editors: “Would you like fries with that Mr. President”?
Obama and his Pravda Media form a great pair! 
Just More Hope and Change We Can Believe In!



Poor Hillary Claims Poverty

It is painful to watch, the Clintons’ poor man act. These are frightfully powerful, wealthy and privileged people and should stop pretending otherwise.
And then there's Poor Chelsea:
Chelsea Clinton says she tried to care about money, but gosh darn it just couldn’t give up working with her parents — you know, flying the globe and rubbing elbows with the “truly well” off. That implies that she has sacrificed some creature comforts for her chosen career, but from the $600,000 salary for doing nothing at NBC to her $10 million apartment it doesn’t sound like she has given up anything. Frankly we’d have a lot more respect if she had been honest: “Rather than work 12 hours a day in a job I hate, I get to fly all over the world with mom and dad and have a lifestyle you could only dream about!”
In response to a question at the forum, Mr. Clinton said that voters don’t resent wealthy politicians.

Talk about gross lies -- the Clintons, Obamas and the Democrats waged a Jihad against Romney for his wealth and multiple homes and properties and horses!
Let's see how the Pravda Press handles this situation.
Perhaps they can get Candy Crowley to come back for the next debates so she can validate Hillary's poor poverty situation.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Mika Mugs Barack

Scroll down for Video
How did this lady,  Mika Brzezinski, ever get a job on MSNBC?
Has she been fired or demoted since she did this interview?
What a change from the other MSNBC characters!


Not A Smidgeon Of Truth From IRS Learner And Obama

Lois Learner is the Obama IRS Executive that is at the center of an investigation into using the IRS to harass Obama political enemies.
Lois Learner’s Emails that relate directly to the case allegedly were lost with a hard-drive crash.
Six of those associated with her and this investigation also claim their hard-drives also crashed about the same time.
The IRS cancelled their Email Backup Vendor, SonoSoft, just two week after Learner claims her hard-drive crashed.
The hard-drive at the center of this malfeasance was sent to physical destruction.
IRS CANCELLED Contract with Email-Storage Firm Weeks After Lerner’s Computer Crash!

How can the Pravda Press continue to cover for Obama and his team of malfeasance-doers?
Why has the media totally trashed their journalist commitments to provide the American people with truthful and valid news and commentary?
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
When Does “Irrational Exuberance” Become Downright Lies?
Obama And The IRS Missing Emails

When Does “Irrational Exuberance” Become Downright Lies?

Roanoke Times, 6-25-2014, Pg 1,8: Grim economic picture brightening. 
BIG Headline and big picture of autoworker.  Most economists agree that the economy last quarter was depressed by temporary factors, not larger issues.
On 6-19-2014,  the Roanoke Times worked diligently on behalf of their mentor, Obama, to minimize the economic bad news:
Marginalizing The Bad Economic News
and here they are just 6 days later with a bigger and better story  - don’t worry about the data and the facts things are really looking up!
Little Bo Peeps sheep will come home, wagging their tails behind them.
A more somber view is:
Is Economy in freefall? 1Q revision shows shrinkage of 2.9%
America's economy shrank at a drastic 2.9 percent annual rate in the first quarter, a far more alarming picture than ones painted in two previous government estimates -- including one that actually claimed modest growth.
The new figure released Wednesday by the Commerce Department is nearly three times lower than last month's preliminary estimate of 1 percent shrinkage -- at the time the worst three-month performance since 2009 -- and far greater than the 0.1 percent growth estimate in April. The sluggish economy's woes have been widely attributed to an unusually cold winter, but the latest figure -- the biggest difference between second and third estimates since 1976 -- could indicate far greater problems.
Why is it that at ever turn, at every opportunity the Pravda Press tries desperately to prop-up Obama and his minions with “Irrational Exuberance” using slanted and cherry-picked data?  All this at the expense of their own creditability!
Physician heal thyself!
PolitiFact's has designated your mentor and source with the “Lie of the Year” Award!  Doesn't that giveyou reason for pause?
As Charlie Hurt so well articulated two years ago:
The only thing worse than the economy is Obama talking about it!
Here’s a concept: just report the facts in a fair and balanced manner!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Executive Arrogance Morphs Into Lawlessness

Obama has disregarded US laws (including his own ObamaCare) and trespassed upon the US Constitution to the point of being branded lawless in the Washington Post.
George F. Will: Stopping a lawless president
It appears we now have an Obama-Clone in Gov. McAuliffe.
McAuliffe is disappointed and frustrated that the Virginia Legislature has stymied his plan to expand ObamaCare in Virginia to include a massive increase in Medicaid.
For Immediate Release  June 23, 2014
Contact: Brian Coy, 804-225-4260, Brian.Coy@Governor.Virginia.Gov

“My team and I will evaluate the Speaker’s ruling on this veto and I will take the actions I deem best for the people who elected me to serve.”
These are not the words and actions of one who respects The Constitution and our form of Government and the Balance of Government Power!
Yes you were elected by “the people”, but so were all the Va. Senators and Va. Delegates who also represent “the people”.
Playing “Follow Obama” is not wise or acceptable behavior for one who has taken an oath to respect our laws and our Constitution.
Even the Roanoke Times editors in their 6-24-2014 editorial were not supportive of McAuliffe’s Regal Proclamation.
We are in the 5th year of a major financial challenge that is resulting in yet more stress on government and our people.  Getting our current budgets and current Medicaid programs under control should be our prime priorities before making major new commitments.
A major element that is missing in all the ObamaCare-Medicaid-Medicare health care discussions is that Health Insurance is NOT Health Care.
That concept is now being addressed again for our VA veterans.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Handing Domestic-Terrorists The Target Intelligence They Want

Roanoke Times, 6-21-2014, Pg 1, 2:  CSX oil shipping facts now public.  The disclosure of routes and frequency of oil trains through Virginia has been mandated.
Why would we hand domestic-terrorists critical intelligence information about major vulnerable targets.  How can these disclosures possibly help “the public”?  We sure can see how they will help the bad guys and disgruntled wing-nuts!
While we’re at it, let’s mandate publication of Brinks armored car routes and customers and the scheduled pickups and deliveries.  Why make the bad guys work for vital key information when we can hand it to them in the Roanoke Times.
Let’s also publicize all movement, routes and schedules of all radioactive materials.  “The public” wants to know because there’s a lot of this stuff being moved every day and it’s clearly dangerous stuff and the bad guys could clearly utilize these targets of opportunity to get the stuff required to make dirty bombs.
And what about those big trucks of Propane?  Let’s get the routes and schedules and home addresses for all these shipments.  Can you imagine the big bang that one of those babies can make!  And bad guys could certainly demonstrate how that can happen!
There are lots of bad guys – and – there are lots of vulnerable targets!
Why wouldn’t we confine target data to only those with a “need to know”?
What value-add comes from “the public” knowing this target information?
All this is very reminiscent of the Roanoke Times publishing lists of handgun permitees.  Good target information for bad guys who want to steal guns and also good information about those who are probably unarmed. drops list of gun owners.  A list of concealed-carry permit holders was part of a newspaper editorial column.
The reaction to that wrong-headed publishing of “target information” resulted in Virginia government enacting laws banning that practice.

Executive Arrogance And A “Living” Constitution

McAuliffe seeks to bypass General Assembly
Obama Railed Against Executive Power And Overreach Before he became a major example of bad behavior
For most of my life I was under the impression that the Federal and State Constitutions were equivalent to laws.
Laws imposed on those in government “By The People” to protect the People.
That’s clearly what The Framers intended.
Then, some years ago, the National Archivist in Washington was conducting a tour that included a viewing of our Constitution.
She proudly referred to The Constitution as a “living document”.
I thought she was referring to the Amendment process.  Apparently Not!
It’s now clear that she, like many in our government today, are part of a new wave of people that view The Constitution as some kind of guide-book that can be followed or not – it depends!
A brief view of Lincoln and FDR’s actions clearly show that Presidents have undertaken major transgressions of the Constitution during times of war and national crisis.  However, during “normal” times it appears that most Presidents have respected the Constitution most of the time – until the reign of Obama.
Now it appears we have an Obama clone, Virginia Gov. McAuliffe, who also views the Constitution as a “living document” that he can ignore based on his views and motivations.
A new course has been set and it is difficult to see how good things will result from this course.  In other places, courses like this resulted in diminishing democracies and enbolding dictators.
“The Founders” wrote the Constitution the way they did to inhibit these actions!
Not one of “The Founders” would have called the Constitution a “living document”. 
They called it a “Solemn Contract”.
George F. Will: Stopping a lawless president

Friday, June 20, 2014


Unions Demand Unionism Be Taught In Public Schools

Union leaders are demanding that Unionism and Union History be taught in public schools.  The concept is that young people will be more willing to join unions if they better understand union history and concepts.
The attached is submitted by an unknown source to be used as the first lesson plan for high school critical thinkers.
The Hookers' Union...
A dedicated Teamsters union worker was attending a convention in Las Vegas and decided to check out the local brothels that are legal there.
When he got to the first one, he asked the Madam, "Is this a union house?"
"No," she replied, "I'm sorry it isn't."
"Well, if I pay you $100, what cut do the girls get?"
"The house gets $80 and the girls get $20," she answered.
Offended at such unfair dealings, the union man stomped off down the street in search of a more equitable, hopefully unionized shop.
His search continued until finally he reached a brothel where the Madam responded, "Why yes sir, this is a union house. We observe all union rules."
The man asked, "And, if I pay you $100, what cut do the girls get?"
"The girls get $80 and the house gets $20."
"That's more like it!" the union man said.
He handed the Madam $100, looked around the room, and pointed to a stunningly attractive green-eyed blonde. "I'd like her," he said.
"I'm sure you would, sir," said the Madam.
Then she gestured to a 82-year old woman in the corner,
 "but Ethel here has 57 years seniority and
according to union rules,  she's next!"

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Component Of Gasoline Prices To Rise By 24 Cents Per Gallon

Roanoke Times, 6-19-2014, Pg 3: Raising gasoline and diesel by 24 cents.
This components current amount is 18.4 cents per gallon.
The “increase” is 24 cents per gallon
New amount will be 42.4 cents
% Change is the (change)/(original) = 24/18.4 = 130% Increase
Obama and Reid and Pelosi and every Democrat in the Country are up-in-arms to oppose this gross, obscene, unfair gasoline tax upon the working and middle-class and retired citizens.
This will roll-out into the cost of every item grown and manufactured and transported and the cost of getting to and from work!
This major additional burden while the economy is still sick in bed with a fever – how can these insensitive robbers live with themselves?
Wow – Sorry!  Just read the article again.  It’s the US Senators that are proposing this increase in the federal highway taxes!
The attached graph shows the total state + federal tax per gallon gas.
Exxon makes about 7 cents of Profit per gallon gas!
Seems like they have to do a lot of work for 7 cents!
What’s Obama doing with the 18 cents going up to 42 cents?
What are the States doing with the BIG difference shown on the Current Gas Tax Map?
Somehow this bigger better and more fair and balanced picture didn’t make it into this RT/AP story.
Wonder Why?

Marginalizing The Bad Economic News

Roanoke Times, 6-19-2014, Way back on Pg 8 in very small print:
Fed cuts forecast for US economic growth.
Projections went from 3.0 down to 2.1.
This dismal result 5 years after the recession ended!
Obama's Economy: Very Bad Good News  5-4-2014
The nation's workforce shrank by more than 800,000 workers in April, sending the labor force participation rate plummeting 0.4 percentage points to 62.8 percent.
Almost three times (3X) the number of workers left the workforce as got new jobs.

The number of re-entrants -- people looking for a job after being out of the labor market -- plunged by 417,000, the largest drop on record.
New entrants declined by 126,000. Many high school and college students typically begin entering the job market in April, but the number of people younger than 25 in the workforce fell by 484,000.
The participation rate for teens ages 16 to 19 hit the second-lowest level ever.
Let’s keep this bad stuff in small print way back where only the tenacious dare go.
What a change in venue compared to how the Bush bad news was published.
And the Pravda Media continues to play Hail to the Chief all day every day!
Just more Hope and Change we can believe in


FBI & AG Act Quick IF Obama-Holder Says "Sick-em"

Roanoke Times, 6-19-2014, Va Pg 1,2: Justice Dept (FBI & AG) to probe resignation of Va State Sen. Puckett’s resignation from the Va Senate.
Gov. McAuliffe and friends are mad as hell that Dem. Sen. Puckett dropped out of the Va Senate thereby throwing control of the Senate to the Republicans.  This makes McAuliffe’s efforts more difficult to force more ObamaCare mandates onto the Virginia TaxPayers.
“Immediately” Obama-Holder turned the dogs loose to find any wrong-doing (in an internal State matter) that the Republicans might have committed in making this happen.
There’s not so much Obama-Holder interest in investigating Lois Lerner and the IRS (a major Federal matter) harassment of Conservative 501-Organizations.
Been over a year since Lerner was found in contempt of Congress.
Now IRS says subpoenaed computer files are gone.
FBI and AG nowhere in sight.
Apparently there’s no sense in investigating something in which Obama has declared that “there’s not a smidgeon of wrongdoing involved”.
And to think – this was/is advertised to be the most open and transparent Administration in history.
Just more Hope and Change we can Believe In!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Warner Hallucinating About Bipartisanship

Roanoke Times, 6-17-2014, Pg Va-2:  Warner has list of GOP supporters.
“I have made it my priority to work across party lines”, Warner said.
Warner says he works across party lines – He votes with Obama-Reid 97% of his votes!
Only a delusional politician could proclaim that “I work across party lines” given that he votes with Obama-Reid 97% of the time.
Clearly he doesn’t give a hoot about bipartisanship or working with Republicans and he has no qualms about lying about it either.
It is indeed sad that Warner finds himself in this position after having been a reasonably good Virginia Governor before he was swept-up into the Obama Cult.
Shows what drinking the cool-aide can do to a once OK person.
Why does Warner find it necessary to fabricate and distort his record?  Warner has unlimited money to use to buy his reelection and is busy doing so.
Based on Warner’s voting record and his lack of challenging Obama’s legacy of gross incompetence, mismanagement and abuse of his office; Warner is now stuck with all the tar oozing out of Obama and his minions.
Mark Warner’s Legacy (a slide show presentation)

What are 5,000 people doing in the US Embassy in Bagdad?

Roanoke Times, 6-17-2014, Pg 1:  US deploying up to 275 troops to Iraq to protect the US Embassy from Sunni insurgents advancing across the county.
No – that’s not it!  They’re not Sunni insurgents!  Would you like to guess again?
They are the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ISIS a major Al Qaeda military force of Radical Muslims that have swept out of Syria and have driven all the way south to the outskirts of Bagdad.
Congressman: ISIS isn’t just a small terrorist cell — ‘it’s the al Qaeda army’
Al Qaeda On The Move South – does this look like a bunch of insurgents?
And this is not the result of some Internet Video either!
Iraq crisis: U.S. moves firepower to region as ISIS advance continues
Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- As Islamic militants continue their murderous advance in Iraq, the Pentagon is moving more firepower and manpower into the region to prepare for whatever U.S. President Barack Obama orders.
Already at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, dozens of Marines and Army troops have moved in to beef up security. Another 100 personnel are in the region to provide support if needed, the Pentagon said.
The aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush and five other warships are now in the Persian Gulf. More than 500 Marines and dozens of helicopters are on standby.
A top priority: evacuate all Americans at the embassy if it comes to that.”
Cause for a Reflection:  Choppers on the Roof of an American Embassy!
And what is Ketchup Kerry talking to Iran about what?
“The Obama administration is willing to talk with Iran over deteriorating security conditions in Iraq and is not ruling out potential U.S.-Iranian military cooperation in stemming the advance of Sunni extremists, Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday.”
“The Pentagon, however, quickly tamped down speculation that the United States would coordinate or consult with Iran on any potential military intervention. It also flatly ruled out the idea of "joint military operations" with Iranian armed forces, which the U.S. has long accused of fomenting unrest and backing terrorism in Iraq and throughout the Middle East.”
Apparently the Pentagon is the only entity in Washington that are not delusional liars.  Thank goodness for that.  However, after this, we can look forward to Obama removing more good military leaders that don’t mimic his dribble.
Obama – Quick – Release The Rest Of GITMO Terrorists So That They May Participate In The Iraq Massacres
Obama’s Iraq War Wind-down – Al Qaeda Iraq War Wind-Up


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