The RoanokeSlant

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Iran And The Righteous Indignation of the UnRighteous Democrats

Roanoke Times, 3-10-2015, Pg 1, 7: Republican senators sent a letter to Iran’s leaders saying any pact could expire when the president leaves office.
A Bill giving Congress say on Iran deal hits Senate Dem roadblock

Given that Obama and the Senate Democrats voted to ignore their sworn oath and duties relative to Ratification of Treaties, the Republican Senators took the reasonable and prudent step of advising the Radical Muslim Terrorist Ayatollah’s of Iran that whatever nuclear weapons deal Obama agrees to is exactly that “Obama’s agreement”.  If NOT submitted to the US Senate and Ratified by them, It is NOT a Treaty and the next President of the US will also have a pen and a cell-phone.
Given the total indifference to The Constitution, by this administration the Congress and The Supreme Court over the past six years, it’s refreshing to see that the Republicans in the US Senate refreshed their memory and their spine relative to a major component of their core responsibilities,
The Constitution gives the President the power to commit the United States to treaties – but only with the advice and consent of two-thirds of the US Senate, and only if the agreement does not contravene the Constitution.
Apparently Harry Reid and his Democrat associates are also putting asunder this article of The Constitution and assuming total servitude to Obama.

The hue and cry of Righteous Indignation from the Democrats are almost comical as if their team never interfered with Republican Presidents Foreign Policy activities.
Washington Examiner:  Here’s 5 examples Democrats undermined Republican presidents with foreign governments in recent times:
1.  That time "liberal lion" Ted Kennedy proposed a secret alliance with the Soviet Union to defeat President Ronald Reagan
2. "Dear Comandante" 
In 1984, 10 Democratic lawmakers — including the then majority leader and House Intelligence Committee chairman – sent a letter to Nicaraguan Communist leader Daniel Ortega known as the "Dear Comandante" letter.
3. Pelosi visited Syrian ruler Bashar Assad
In 2007, newly elected House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad.
4. Democrats visited Iraq to attack Bush's policy
As Stephen Hayes recounts: "In September 2002, David Bonior, the second-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, flew to Baghdad in an attempt to undermine George W. Bush's case for war in Iraq on a trip paid for by Saddam Hussein's regime
5. Jimmy Carter tried to sabotage George H.W. Bush at the U.N.
On Nov. 20, 1990, as President George H.W. Bush gathered support to oppose Iraq after its invasion of Kuwait, the former Democratic President Jimmy Carter wrote a letter to nations who were in the U.N. Security Council trying to kill the administration's efforts.
5th Va District Republican Congressman Robert Hurt: Working with Israel to prevent a nuclear Iran
“Congress has a vital obligation to conduct rigorous oversight of the Administration’s negotiations with Iran because allowing Iran to achieve the nuclear capabilities it seeks would pose an existential threat not only to Israel, but to the world.  I am grateful for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s leadership in the effort to prevent a nuclear Iran and offering the American people the opportunity to receive his invaluable perspective on these critical issues.  I remain committed to enhancing the necessary sanctions against the Iranian regime and to doing everything within our power to keep Iran from gaining nuclear capabilities.”
Now We Know Why: Obama And His Pravda Press Denigrate Netanyahu
Iran Nuclear Talks: Sen. Tom Cotton Defends GOP Open Letter to Tehran
A Most Shocking UnAmerican Statement By US Senator Harry Reid
Iran In Charge Of Iraq-ISIS War
Meet The Real Obstructionists: Harry Reid And The Obama-Senate-Democrats

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