The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch Huddles With Bill Clinton

Attorney General Lynch has private meeting with Bill Clinton
Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton in Arizona on Tuesday, but Ms. Lynch told reporters that the two didn’t discuss the investigation into his wife’s email use as secretary of state.
Mr. Clinton nominated Ms. Lynch as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, a position she held from 1999 to 2001.
Has there ever been a bigger violation of judicial ethics than to have the District Attorney AG of the United States meet in private with the husband of the target of an FBI investigation?
The FBI is under her direct control and management!
Hillary is Obama’s candidate to succeed him!
“As I was landing, he was headed out,” Lynch said at a press conference Wednesday. “He did come over and say hello and speak to my husband and myself.”
“He did come over” – No that’s not it! 
He came aboard Lynch’s government plane and had a half-hour private meeting with the chief prosecutor AG in-charge-of the FBI criminal investigation of Hillary!
This activity is the personification of illegal prosecutorial behavior.
Lynch should resign immediately and be replaced by an independent prosecutor.
Congressman Trey Gowdy would be an excellent replacement.

And the Pravda Media smiles and tells us they just talked about grandchildren!   Really?
Talk about insulting our intelligence!
New News:  7-1-2016:
Under fire after secret meeting, Lynch to step back from Clinton probe
Under bipartisan fire following a private meeting with former President Clinton even as her Justice Department investigates Hillary Clinton over her secret email server, Attorney General Loretta Lynch will announce on Friday that she will defer to non-political subordinates on whether to bring charges against the likely Democratic presidential nominee.

However, she did not recuse herself and she is still the person in-charge of the investigation and the outcomes, therefore, nothing of substance has really changed -- just more jive we can believe in!
Jive: Slang Deceptive, nonsensical, or glib talk
Jive Talkin by the Bee Gees 1975
It's just your jive talkin'.
You're telling me lies, yeah.
Jive talkin', you wear a disguise.
Jive talkin', so misunderstood, yeah.

Just More Hope and Change we can  Believe in!
Hillary’s 147-Agent FBI Entourage
Will Hillary’s Emails Lead To White House Or Big House?
Obama, The Chief Law Enforcement Officer Of The US, Clears Hillary



Sugar-Coating Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That”

Roanoke Times, 6-30-2016, Editorial:  Our view: You didn't build that, part 2
The RT Editors continue their mother-hen protection of their Prince Obama by explaining for us, the dull people, what Obama meant by his disgusting “You didn’t build that” speech at Fire House #1.
They even added sprinkles to the topping with a dissertation by Indian Princess Warren who supposedly explained Obama’s big-government premise with more elegance.
The most disturbing part of Obama’s “you didn’t build that” speech wasn’t the words or even the message.
It was the disgusting tone, tenor and body-language that showed to all the distain that Obama has for the “American Free Enterprise System and Private Businesses”!
Karl Marx couldn’t have been more condescending!
Watch the video of Obama, watch the facial expressions, watch the body language listen to the words and draw your own conclusions:
Obama’s distain for the “Free Enterprise System” has resulted in the most dismal economic recovery ever after seven years of his “big government is the way to go” policies; topped off by our $19 TRILLION dollar debt.
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
Obama: It’s Still The Economy Stupid!
Obama’s Economic News: Hiding The Bad News
Obama’s Labor Day Message: “You Didn’t Build That” And I’m Making Sure You Don’t
Obama to Businessmen: You Didn’t Do Nothin!
BusinessPerson: You Didn’t Build That And You’re Not Going Too Either

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


US-AG Loretta Lynch: Feel The Love: 41 dead 230 wounded by Radical Muslim Terrorists At Turkey Airport

As the relatives and friends, of the over 300 casualties of the latest Radical Muslim Terrorist attack, try to cope with this assault upon them, we can all bask in the comfort of the views of Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch:
Obama's AG Lynch Subdues Radical Islam Terrorism With Love-In
“Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Florida’s LGBT community that the “most effective” weapon at America’s disposal against Islamic terrorism is “love.”
Airports on high alert following attack in Istanbul as death toll climbs to 41
Airports in the U.S. and around the world increased security after Tuesday night’s suicide bombing attack at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport, where ISIS is suspected of killing at least 41 and injuring hundreds.
Are you safer now than you were seven years ago?
Sleep tight – Obama and Loretta have your back!
Feel Their Love!
Obama's AG Lynch Subdues Radical Islam Terrorism With Love-In
'Defies reality': Kerry takes heat for claiming airport attack a sign of ISIS desperation


Monday, June 27, 2016


SCOTUS Hammers Prosecutorial Persecution of Gov McDonnell

WASHINGTON –  A unanimous Supreme Court on Monday overturned the corruption conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell in a ruling that makes it harder to prosecute elected officials accused of bribery.
The justices ruled the jury received faulty instructions about what constitutes bribery under federal law.
The unanimous vote of the SCOTUS shouts loudly to all that the persecution of Gov. Bob McDonnell was a political hit-job to ensure McAuliffe would be the new Virginia Governor just in time to ensure Hillary would win Virginia in the Presidential Election!
Which Federal Prosecutors will be disbarred and penalized for malfeasance?
What Federal Judge will be disbarred and penalized for aiding and abetting this malfeasance?
No one will be held to account just as not one of the other Obama operatives have been held to account for any of their malfeasance.
The most transparent administration in history?
Just more hope and change we can believe in!
You know our country is in jeopardy when the President of the US, his Department of Justice DOJ and his Minions use the "justice system" to destroy their political opposition!
What a sad and pathetic situation we are now experiencing.
Obama Continues His Persecution Of Bob McDonnell
What Happens To Rogue Prosecutors Who Persecute
Media Diagnose McAuliffe With ADHD

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Obama's AG Lynch Subdues Radical Islam Terrorism With Love-In

US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch:
 ‘Most effective’ response to Islamic terrorism ‘is love’
“Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Florida’s LGBT community that the “most effective” weapon at America’s disposal against Islamic terrorism is “love.”
Mrs. Lynch told reporters in Orlando on Tuesday that an ongoing investigation will determine the precise motive for 29-year-old Omar Mateen’s June 12 massacre at Pulse, a gay nightclub.
Mateen, a former security guard, called 911 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group while killing 49 people and wounding 53 others.”
What a wonderful and inspiring message.  Something about Isaiah-11-6.
The lamb and the lion will lie down together in peace and harmony.
Slight problem.
Today, when the lamb and the lion lie down together
The lamb is inside the lion!
Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of The US, the top law enforcement officer responsible for our domestic safety and charged with bringing to justice those who trespass against us, apparently, is our spiritual guidance councilor and director of national politically correct speech! 
Loretta still doesn’t know what the motivation was for the Orlando Radical Muslim Terrorist attack.  Apparently she and Obama are the only ones still in the dark.
Hillary And Obama: 50 Dead And 50 Wounded BUT There Are No “Radical Muslim Terrorists” In Orlando Or Anyplace Else
 While having dinners with the representatives of the religion from which most of the major attacks upon our people have emanated, it would be appropriate to ask them to purge the radical Imams and turn-in their radicalized members before they strike.
Muslim Advocates Annual D.C. Area Dinner
Obama: We Are To Blame For Orlando Massacre
Obama Deletes The Orlando Radical Muslim Terrorist’s 911 ISIS Statements
What’s More Dangerous Than A Radical Muslim Terrorist?
Cartoonist's React To Obama's Gun Control


Saturday, June 25, 2016


BREXIT, The EU Bureaucracy And The US Federal Government

The British Voters voted to exit the EU out of frustration and hostility to a nameless, faceless, arrogant EU Bureaucracy in Brussels that has invaded their lives and stifled their dreams.
A Bureaucracy that controls their jobs, or lack thereof, their borders, or lack thereof, their national Sovereignty and independence, or lack thereof.
What a direct corollary to our US Federal Government!
This week, here in Virginia, the "Federal Government" (ie: Obama and minions) has “directed and demanded” that a biological girl be admitted to the boys bathroom in a public school.
What better example of the Federal Government’s intrusion into not only the State’s sovereignty and environment but into our local County School Board’s Bathrooms and a gross trespass upon parental guidance of our children.
Why is the Federal Government transgressing into your child's privacy and modesty in their bathrooms, locker-rooms and shower-rooms?  To what end?
The US Federal Government has totally abdicated our National Borders and is directly placing millions of illegal immigrants into our communities and schools.
The US Federal Government has stifled private industry job creation and lied to the American people with unemployment statistics that totally defy the reality of uncounted millions of out-of-work American Workers.
The dumbest quote to come out of the BREXIT discussion is a quote by Democrat Senator Mark Warner in today’s Roanoke Times:
“There is nothing in the world that can take away the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit that has always been the life-force of the American economy,” Warner said.
Clearly Warner is so committed to the Obama-Progressive-Socialist Movement that he doesn’t recognize the damage to our economic system that seven years of Obama policies have wrought; including:  the stagnation of our private industry jobs, our massive unemployment and underemployment, pathetic economic growth seven years after the recession ended, the decimation of our middle-class and the massive dependency upon the government by tens of millions of our people.
The Federal Government’s reply:
We know what's best for you ---- you people aren’t regulated and controlled enough!
Yes Senator Warner – there are things that can destroy the American economic system and they are part and parcel of Socialism and Fascism.
American exceptionalism, innovative and entrepreneurial spirit have been the result of a free enterprise system giving individuals great latitude to develop their thoughts and ideas.  Socialism and Fascism lead to taxes and $19+ TRILLION in national debt.
Taxes and Debt are like anchors
nailing our ship of state to the bottom
where socialism and stagnation
hold us securely to mediocrity
The BREXIT vote and Obama’s contribution to the outcome is a reflection of Obama’s pathetic removal of the Churchill Bust from the oval office.
Obama And The Churchill Bust: Revealing his inner-self

A very disturbing view of the major immigration into England that greatly influenced the BREXIT vote is:
Obama: It’s Still The Economy Stupid!
Reflections On The Democrat CNN Hillary LoveFest

Friday, June 24, 2016


Obama Helps Sink The British Prime Minister – BREXIT Passes

Not since the war of 1812 has a US President done so much damage to a British Head of Government, i.e.: David Cameron.
Obama felt compelled to flash his Nobel Prize Metal in the face of the British voters telling them what’s best for them and how to vote!
He also told the Brits if you vote for BREXIT you will be "riding in the back of the bus"!
It is difficult to describe how gross this statement is without using really bad language!
They looked at Obama’s stance on uncontrolled illegal immigration, his dismal economic recovery, his penchant to ram federal rules down the throats of American citizens just like the EU is doing to British citizens and then they voted to give Obama and his bud. Cameron the bird and leave the EU.
'Brexit' victory sends Cameron packing, roils world financial markets
“Supporters of the "leave" side painted the vote as a referendum on the nation's sovereignty, which they say has been ceded to unelected EU bureaucrats based in Brussels.”
The BIG implication of this grass-roots rebellion and vote is that Donald Trump’s election may be “on the way” based on his stance on illegal immigration, the economy and always making decisions based on what’s best for the US.
Perhaps just like in the UK, every speech Obama makes on Hillary’s behalf may well result in more votes for Trump and a Trump Victory!
Just more Hope and Change we can believe in!


Court Smacks Obama For Fracking Infraction

Roanoke Times, 6-23-2016, Pg 10: Fracking: Administration decries Federal Judge ruling.
Obama and his EPA and Land Mgnt. Minions claim they’re trying to use “21st century standards”, but the Federal Court says “They lack the authority”.
How would Obama and his minions know anything about “21st century standards”?  Since when have any of them accomplished anything but writing hundreds of thousands of pages of indecipherable regulations?
First: the RT printed the article in very small print back on Pg 10 -- apparently hopeful that few will see or read yet another court rebuke to Obama and associates; flying in the face of his pen and cell-phone.
Second: The RT’s sugar-coated court statement fly’s in the face of the strong words used by the Federal Judge:
You are in excess of your statutory authority and contrary to law!  Strong Email to follow!
Clearly the Pravda Media does not want the American consumers and voters to connect the dots between:
(private industry producing large volumes of fracked gas and oil that is resulting in low cost of energy and lots of jobs)
(Obama’s sustained efforts to curtail fracking with conjured-up regulations and massive mis-and-disinformation propaganda!
Judge Strikes Down Obama Rule on Fracking on Public Lands
A federal judge in Wyoming has blocked an Interior Department rule setting stricter standards for hydraulic fracturing on public lands, the latest blow to an administration environmental agenda that has drawn wide opposition from Republicans and industry officials.
The department’s rule “is in excess of its statutory authority and contrary to law,” Judge Skavdahl wrote.
Consumers Thank Private Industry For Low Cost Gas And Oil
Fuel Prices Dropping - Our Amazing Fracking Success
Fracking In Virginia
Obama Fails Earth Science 101: Ignorant Or Charlatan Or Both?


SCOTUS Stops POTUS’ Illegal Immigration Fiats

U.S. Supreme Court Deadlock Blocks Obama’s Immigration Plan
WSJ:  The one-sentence decision was an anticlimactic end to Mr. Obama’s ambitious plan to push his executive authority over immigration to the outer limit, a move blocked by a federal court in Brownsville, Texas, after Texas led 26 Republican-leaning states in a lawsuit against the policy.
Yet again the Obama pen and cell-phone have been thwarted by Federal Courts that try as they may to “go with him” are forced to say “No” yet again.
Obama, “the constitutional scholar” has been rebuked by 20 unanimous SCOTU rulings with many more cases working their way up the system.
The current rebuke on Obama’s Immigration Proclamation clearly sends the message that Obama has and is issuing mandates in disregard of our laws and Constitution knowing that the judicial system is so cumbersome that he can have his way for years before he is rebuked.  This bad behavior by someone sworn to uphold our laws and Constitution!
Just More Hope And Change We Can Believe In!


Media Diagnose McAuliffe With ADHD

New News 6-27-2016: McAuliffe Felon Rights action clearly political:
The governor told activists groups about his rights restoration order, but didn't notify election officials of Commonwealth Attorney's
McAuliffe owes Commonwealth Attorneys an apology for attacking them over their opposition to his restoration order
Roanoke Times, Editorial:  6-22-2016:
Our view: Terry McAuliffe's inattention to detail
After years of covering every detail of McAuliffe’s activities with great fanfare and admiration the Media has now concluded that all McAuliffe’s missteps are caused by “inattention to detail”, aka ADHD.
Does he not have hundreds of taxpayer-paid staff to analyze each and every thing he does and advise him of the +’s the –‘s and the adverse consequences?
Apparently to satisfy the Liberal Media one must be totally true to the orthodoxy and McAuliffe fell off the wagon with his support of the Fracked-Gas Pipelinel.
For the rest of us, McAuliffe does not have ADHD; he has the Obama-Hillary Progressive Virus and a penchant to do what he wants to do without regard to little things like the State Legislature and Constitution.
Actually McAuliffe and Hillary have a lot in common: they’re both under FBI inverstigation:
McAuliffe’s biggest transgression is to try to ensure Virginia will go for Hillary by enabling over 200,000 felons to vote this year by executive fiat.
McAuliffe Plays The Voting Race Card With Felons
The McAuliffe order is a restoration of all citizenship rights for felons.
This has resulted in a rash of adverse consequences including defense attorney’s questioning if they can require:
Rapest to be on Rape case juries.
Child Molesters to be on Child Molester case juries.
And how about gun ownership?  Prior law makes it illegal for felons to possess a firearm – apparently now it’s OK?
Killer: Where’s My Absentee Ballot That McAuliffe Promised?
Roanoke Times, 6-17-2016, Pg 1, 5: Many sex offenders may be able to vote.
Roanoke Times, 6-19-2016:  Pg 1, 7: Ex-felons seeking an opportunity to get guns.
The height of McAuliffe’s audacity is to besmirch those who are trying to cope with all the adverse consequences of his political-racist action.
Roanoke Times, 6-23-2016, Pg 2:  McAuliffe chastises prosecutors (who have joined Republican Legislators in a law suite) opposed to rights restoration order.
It may be uncomfortable for McAuliffe to discuss his felons-voting fiat now that he is under FBI investigation himself. Perhaps he will be able to get his “voting rights” back after his criminal case is complete.
McAuliffe seeks to bypass General Assembly
Gov. McAuliffe Caught-up In The Malfeasance Backwash
McAuliffe Pandering To The Juvenile Delinquents


Thursday, June 23, 2016


Another Baltimore Police Officer Cleared; Maryland AG, Marilyn Mosby, Shown To Be Unfit For Office

New News:  6-28-2016: Baltimore Sun
Baltimore prosecutor's office should be investigated for Gray-related murder charge

The disturbing revelation by The Sun this weekend that Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby or one of her prosecutors may have used a misleading summary of evidence to persuade a grand jury to indict the six Baltimore police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray demands a formal investigation.
Freddie Gray case: Officer Caesar Goodson Jr. not guilty on all charges
“Officer Caesar Goodson Jr., 46, had faced the most serious charges of any of the six officers indicted in Gray's arrest and death last April, including second-degree depraved heart murder. Goodson was also acquitted of three counts of manslaughter, second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and misconduct in office.
His acquittal, which comes after Judge Williams considered the charges for three days, throws the rest of the cases into jeopardy. The other officers charged face similar, but lesser accusations.”
For a third time the serious criminal charges against Baltimore Police Officers in the Freddie Gray case have been shown to be without merit.
The Maryland State's Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, has been exposed as an over-zealous charlatan who abused her office and should be impeached and then sued by the wrongfully persecuted police officers.
(Editorial note: persecution is the correct term for abusive prosecution)
Blindly following Obama’s anti-police crusade should not be the basis for state AG’s or local district attorneys to persecute those officers who are lawfully carrying out their duties on behalf of public safety.
The personification of Mosby’s malfeasance focused on the knife Freddy Gray possessed when he was arrested.
The arresting officers stated the knife was an illegal concealed weapon.
Mosby says the knife was legal and therefore Gray should not have been arrested and that his injury and death was on the arresting officers.   For the past year Mosby has refused to publicly show the knife or make it available to defense attorneys.
Why is she hiding this knife?  Why hasn't she entered it into evidence?
Prior Cases:  Baltimore Abuse Of Prosecutorial Power In Freddie Gray Case
Freddie Gray: Prosecutor criticized after officer acquittal
BALTIMORE (AP) — After two trials and no convictions, Baltimore's top prosecutor is facing criticism that she moved too quickly to file charges against six officers in the death of Freddie Gray without first ensuring there was enough evidence to bring them to bear.
The judge overseeing the cases — in his verdict Monday acquitting the latest officer to stand trial in the death of the African-American man — said the state failed to prove its case on any of the charges.


Twenty Virtual-Warheads Launched Into Orbit From One Missile

India sends 20 satellites into orbit in historic launch
India successfully launched a record 20 satellites aboard its Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) rocket late on Tuesday
ISRO confirmed that, after a flight of 16 minutes and 30 seconds, the fourth stage of the rocket reached orbit 316 miles above the Earth at an angle of 97.5 degrees to the equator, close to the satellites’ intended orbit. “In the succeeding 10 minutes, all the 20 satellites successfully separated from the PSLV fourth stage in a predetermined sequence,”
This launch highlights and validates the ability of other countries to launch major simultaneous nuclear weapons upon other countries within 30 minutes from launch of a single missile.
We have lived with this threat from Russia for over 50 years.  Now, through missile and nuclear weapons proliferation, the risk has been extended to other countries like China, North Korea and Iran.
But not to worry – Obama and his minions scrapped our Strategic Defense Initiative SDI, Anti-missile systems,  Development and Implementation, calling it Reagan's Star Wars.
Are you safer now than you were seven years ago?
Just More Hope And Change We Can Believe In
Obama Burned Reagan’s “Star Wars” And Now We Need Support
Obama Setting Up Shield To Block N. Korean Missiles – Really?



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