The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, December 31, 2016


Happy New Year 2017

An Opportunity
For A Fresh Start
And A New Beginning
Click to Enjoy the music of Sissel - Auld Lang Syne
And Beautiful Slide-show of Nature’s Wonders
And Inspirational Message Of Hope
(sound ON     full screen)
Auld Lang Syne
The title of the Scottish tune translates to "times gone by" and
is about remembering friends from the past and not
letting them be forgotten.
Despite its strong association with New Year's Eve,
"Auld Lang Syne," written by Robert Burns in the 1700s,
was never intended to be a holiday song.


Friday, December 30, 2016


64 US Cops KIA in 2016; 21 By Ambush; Thanks To Supporting Actors

Roanoke Times, 12-30-2016, Pg 1, 7: Number of officers slain on duty rises sharply in 2016;  64 KIA, 21 by ambush.
At this very time of this tragic news:
Missouri Democrat Congressman ( Lacy Clay)
Hangs Painting In US Capitol Showing Own (Ferguson) Cops As Pigs
Congressman Lacy Clay:  A smile that hides a dark heart – the flag’s a nice touch too

““Unfortunately, many people of influence have taken part in promoting offensive and inaccurate caricatures of the very people who do the most to protect our families,” Washington GOP Rep. Dave Reichert, a former police officer, told the Independent Journal Review” (about Lacy's painting).

The Anti-Police cabal of Obama, Hillary, BLM and The Pravda Media should all get the Hollywood “Supporting Actors Award” for this despicable 2016 outcome.
Congratulations: Obama, Hillary, DNC, Pravda Media, Black Lives Matter
This journal has highlighted the despicable anti-Police crusades that have been launched by those in leadership and media positions of great influence.
This would be a fitting and proper time for ALL Americans to peruse the actions by those who bear a major portion of responsibility for these devastating outcomes.
Physicians heal thyself!   Luke 4:23
Examples of Obama’s Complicity:
Obama’s Racial War On Police Results in Five Cops Assassinated In Dallas
Has the Obama administration started a war against police?
WSJ:  Healing After Dallas, Without Obama
When the president repeatedly assumes the worst about police, he sends a dangerous message.
Examples of Hillary’s Complicity:
Anti-Police Crusade Continues At Hillary’s
Hillary Joins Pravda Media And Obama In Disrespecting Police Officers
How To Get Black Voters Out To Vote For Hillary – Play The Race Cards
Hillary’s Misguided Eulogy For Trayvon Martin
Examples of BLM’s Complicity:
The “Black Lives Matter” Gang Chanting:
'Pigs in a blanket - Fry Em like bacon' chant at Minnesota Fair
NYC BLM Protesters Chant: 'What Do We Want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!"
For those who just can’t believe this really happened click on YouTube:
The Pravda Media’s Complicity:
Media’s Disparate Coverage Of Police Shooting Of Man Brandishing Gun
Roanoke Times Continues To Beat The Anti-Police Racial Drums
Roanoke Times Keeps Up Their Anti-Police Chants
An overall summary of the Anti-Police Complicity
NYC Mayor De Blasio: You Cops Need To “Take The Hit”
Anti-Police Agenda Results In More Police Assassinations
Our Police Facing: Raging Bulls, Maniacs, Sharptonites And Vile Politicians
The War On Cops
WSJ:  Time to End the Demonizing of Police
For two years American police departments have endured relentless attacks from the Obama administration, its media allies and the Black Lives Matter movement alleging that U.S. law enforcement is a racist, deadly threat to African-Americans.
FoxNews: Bill O’Reilly:  President Obama and race
Obama And Emanuel Celebrate Christmas In Chicago- NOT!
Op-Ed: How President Obama is Damaging Race Relations in America  By Johnny Simpson  Jul 25, 2009 in "Politics" 
“During then-candidate Obama's speech on race in Philadelphia last year, Obama pledged to set this nation on a path to racial harmony and peace. Yet since taking office, President Obama has been distinctly one-sided on the issue, and is actually making the racial situation in America worse.”


Obama Sanctions Russian DNC Hacking – Really?

White House announces retaliation against Russia: Sanctions, ejecting diplomats
Obama says he knew early this year that the Russians were hacking the Emails of the DNC and Hillary’s minions, but he did nothing until today.
Apparently Obama was OK with the hacking revelations of misconduct in the DNC.
But, now that Trump Won --- now it’s a Big Deal!
What to do?  Require a number of Russians to leave DC.
That’s not a penalty – that’s a reward and personal safety improvement.
Has there ever been such a pathetic hypocritical president?   I think Not!
Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu
Hillary Jilted By The Russians – Another Woman Scorned
Obama Labels N. Korean Cyber-Attack And Threats As Vandalism
Now We Know Why: Obama And His Pravda Press Denigrate Netanyahu


Thursday, December 29, 2016


John Kerry: Obama’s Israeli Judas Goat

The Judas Goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared by jumping out of the butcher’s path.
Roanoke Times, 12-29-2016, Pg 1: Kerry sharply critical of Israel
“Critical” – That’s the Pravda Media “1984 DoubleSpeak” term to totally understate the massive damage Obama-Kerry have done to Israel with their pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah and pro-Iran UN Resolution.
The UN Resolution That The American People wanted enacted:
All UN member states swear and affirm their commitment to the premise that:
·       Israel and its people have the right to exist.
·       No country or any entity within a country may wage war against nor state the intention to wage war against Israel or its people.
·       No country or any entity within a country may state their intention to annihilate Israel and its people.
·       The UN will respond to any attacks upon Israel as an attack upon all the UN members.
This would be THE UN Resolution that would be the basis for a lasting peace deal in the Middle-East.
Why didn’t Obama-Kerry make this happen?
Is there any other country in the world that is under threat and attack as is Israel?
WSJ:  Kerry’s Rage Against Israel
The Secretary doesn’t understand why his peace talks failed.

Obama and Kerry's Missed Opportunity:
With just another 4-year term Obama-Kerry could have turned Jerusalem into another Aleppo.
Obama Gives Jews Pork For Hanukkah

Obama: The Muslim Fellow Traveler
Muslim’s New Friend John Heinz Kerry Joins The Anti-Israel Community
The Pathetic Obama-Kerry Vietnam Legacy
Kerry Justifies Charlie Hebdo Attack By Radical Muslim Terrorists
Cartoonist view of Kerry


Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Roanoke Times Headlines Hyping Gore Again

Roanoke Times, 12-28-2016, Pg Va 1, 8: 2016 ranks among the warmest years locally
Once again the RT proudly carries the man-made AGW global warming water bucket for the Gore AGW-Alarmist team.
“2016 ranks among the warmest years locally”.
Why would one find fault with that seemingly valid headline?
Because, as with most “1984-DoubleSpeak” it leads to a false conclusion as intended by the headline writer.
These word-smiths are as cleaver as statisticians!
A Valid Headline would be: 
Roanoke Temperatures For 2016:  Back to The Future
Roanoke Almost As Warm As The Five-years Back In 1931 and;
There is NO CO2 causal correlation shown between 1931 and 2016.
The two associated RT web articles:
2016 among warmest years, locally
 “While 2016 likely won’t make the 59 club, the five-year average temperature will cross 58 degrees for only the third time in our local weather history. It previously did so in 1931 and 2008, staying there for five years each time.”
“The warmest five-year average was reached in 1933 at 58.3 degrees.”
“It reached 58.1 in the more recent run.”
“Climatologists generally credit the warming influence of a strong El Nino”
We're starting to step toward a more wintry weather pattern
The AGW-Alarmists are telling us that it’s hot now because of man-made CO2.  But the data indicates it was just as hot for a five-year stretch in 1931.  How can that be given that there was negligible man-made CO2 at that time compared to 2016?
The climate is changing -- the climate has always been changing.
The Real Debate Is NOT Over – It Has Just Begun
Another View of the “Warming” Data and Debate
Merry Christmas From Mother Nature – Humbug To Gore And Associates
Yet Another Powerful nor'easter bringing up to a foot of snow to New England for 2016-17 New Years

The Real Deniers – Man-made Global Warming AGW Alarmists
ClimateGate 4.0


Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Obama Cries And Brags – Reminiscent Of The Berlin Bunker

Obama cried at send-off, says he could have been re-elected
President Obama admitted he cried at a recent senior staff send-off dinner — and is now claiming that he’d be able to get re-elected if he had run for president again.
Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama
The Democratic Party suffered huge losses at every level during Obama’s West Wing tenure.
The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency. 
(if link broke, copy-paste into browser)
Obama’s pathetic inner Narcissistic personality flooded by anger, hostility and vindictiveness are flowing out reminiscent of that in the Berlin Bunker.  All that’s left is to hang all the loyalists and then exit.
No better example of this destructive state of mind than:
Obama Gives Jews Pork For Hanukkah
Obama, Our Muslim Fellow Traveler president is making the most of his parting days doing as much damage as he can.
Somewhat like a metastasized cancer attacking every organ possible to the very last breath.
It’s now apparent that our “Constitutional Scholar” is dedicated to continue his flaunting of The Constitution including rejection of the election results by every means possible, and with the Pravda Media's help and Hillary’s vast wealth connections, the next 4-years will resemble:
Mao’s Cultural Revolution Comes To America with Red Guards at al:
Obama's Missed Opportunity:
With just another 4-year term Obama could have turned Jerusalem into another Aleppo.
Roanoke Times Exposes Capitulation Of Obama’s Legacy
Obama Continues His Racial Divisiveness For Votes
Obama to black voters: Trump would undo my legacy



American History Irrelevant For GWs History Degree

George Washington University has changed its course requirements for history major to no longer include U.S. history, the College Fix reports.
The university’s history department recently introduced new requirements with the stated aim of giving students greater flexibility to pursue their interests, and to “better reflect a globalizing world,” according to faculty.
Requirements in U.S., North American, and European history were eliminated, along with foreign language.”
It’s sad that the Liberal-Progressives no longer just want to rewrite American History – now they are deleting it!
“The victors get to write the history”:  Marxist Walter Benjamin
And clearly the victors in our schools, universities and media are well in-sync with Benjamin.
Colin Powell must be wondering what’s going on at his Alma Matter.  Clearly General Powell had a masterful grip of American History and its relationship to our people, culture, and success.
Not to worry – the GW students will still get a full measure of Black History, Marx, Lenin and Che to ensure they are well prepared to help guide America to a better future for our children.
Now They're Dumbing Down the Colleges



Obama And Emanuel Celebrate Christmas In Chicago- NOT!

12-28-2016 Chicago Blood-bath Update:
Ex-Chicago top cop blames city’s spike in violence on politicians
Chicago’s former top cop blamed the Windy City’s rise in homicides — including 11 over the Christmas weekend — on political pushback against police stops and other proactive measures to curb the ongoing violence.
Garry McCarthy, Chicago’s former police superintendent, noted Tuesday in an interview with the Daily News that the number of police stops is down by nearly 90% this year compared to last.
Also, the department no longer holds CompStat meetings to focus on crime hot spots, he said.”

Bloody Christmas weekend: More than 40 shot, 11 killed in Chicago
“He says the total number of shooting victims so far this year is 4,252, up 47% from 2,884 at this time in 2015. Most victims are men under 30.The number of murders in Chicago this year is on course to top that of Los Angeles and New York City combined.”
(if link broke – copy-paste into browser)
Shades of the carnage in Aleppo!  Yet more Obama accomplishments!
What a great opportunity for Obama, The Chicago Community Organizer, and The Mayor to celebrate their achievements in bringing peace and hope to the Black citizens of Chicago.
No need to include the Black Lives Matter BLM Gang into this celebration since none of the 40 shot and 11 killed were police related.  In fact the disengagement of the police from the ghetto-crime epicenter will continue to generate these outcomes in cities across the county thanks to Obama, Hillary and their Pravda Media anti-police hucksters.
At what point are the real black leaders going to rise up and address the real root-core issues involved in the gangs, drugs and breakdown of families in these war-zones and demand action to take-back their neighborhoods and streets?
1969:  Click for :  Elvis'    "In The (Chicago) Ghetto"
Congratulations: Obama, Hillary, DNC, Pravda Media, Black Lives Matter
Obama Sings Sinatra’s Song “Chicago My Home Town” While Street-Wars Rage On
Chicago homicides hit 20-year high (almost all “his people” killing “his people”
Chicago police said Thursday that 90 people were killed last month, a 66 percent increase over August 2015. There were 472 shooting victims — an average of more than 15 people per day
Roanoke Times Continues To Beat The Anti-Police Racial Drums
Chicago surpasses 500th homicide in 2016
(if link broken – copy and past link into browser)
Apparently Black Lives Don’t Matter In Chicago


Monday, December 26, 2016


Stein And Friends Still Hyping Vote Fraud

US elections still vulnerable to rigging, disruption
Pennsylvania is one of the states that rely on antiquated voting machines that store votes electronically”
“Researchers would like to see the U.S. move entirely to computer-scannable paper ballots, since paper can't be hacked”
Yet another massive government boondoggle.  Government minions “studied the voting process” and then spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for so-called-antiquated touch-screen voting machines (like antiquated iPads) that they now declare are junk.
How do we get our money back from these wizards?
If they worked for some company – we would sue them wouldn’t we?
Let’s go back to those #2 pencils and Scantron forms we used before digital computers were invented.
The Johnson technology provided the basis for IBM’s 805 Test Scoring Machine, launched commercially in 1937. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) initially used this technology as well.
The voting fraud business is going on with or without computers or paper ballots or Scantrons.
People voting who are not eligible to vote because of malfeasance, citizenship, faulty voter registration, no voter ID, cross jurisdiction voters and mail-in ballots that have no privacy or integrity.
People allowed to vote multiple times as was clearly identified in the current Stein-Detroit recount where many more ballots were cast than the number of voters recorded as voters that day.
There has been no news that anyone was arrested or penalized for these significant voter fraud abuses.  Apparently Democrats in Detroit are expected to behave this way, perhaps even rewarded.  Shades of the MoveOn voter fraud malfeasance.
Voter fraud with paper ballots has been going on for many years including the Nixon-JFK election and more recently when large boxes of ballots were suddenly found in Seattle City Hall during King county election.
Stein Recount Exposes Major Democrat Voter Issues In Detroit
Mail-In Ballots Fertile Ground For Vote Fraud And Abuse
The DNC And Their Pravda Media Boosters Lose Voter-ID Fight



Merry Christmas From Mother Nature – Humbug To Gore And Associates

12-31-2016: More Gore-Warming Blizzards
Roanoke Times, 12-31-2016, Pg 4: North Buried in Snow; The most powerful nor’easterner in two years has brought powerful winds and heavy snow.

Blizzards, ice storms wreak havoc across northern plains
CHICAGO (AP) — Travel conditions remained hazardous as a winter storm swept across much of the northern Great Plains Monday, with blowing and drifting snow creating near-zero visibility on some roads
Weather is Not Climate; however, the AGW-Alarmists usually use every opportunity of weather events, hot or cold, as an opportunity to tell us it’s our fault for using fossil-fuels.
They are being unusually quiet this Dec month.  Apparently it’s uncomfortable telling people being hammered by blizzards that it’s all because of Man-made AGW Global Warming.
It’s also hard to tell people they should be dependent on wind and solar during a period of great need for electricity during which the solar-panels and wind-turbines are all shut-down.
We can hardly wait until January for Gore's Take-2 of his Inconvenient UnTruth.



Democrats Circle The AGW-Alarmist Wagons
The Obama-Gore-Mann AGW-Alarmist “Consensus” Will Finally Be Challenged
Obama Selling Global Warming IceCream During Massive Cross-Country Blizzard
The Maud, Gore, Arctic Ice And Global Warming
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature and Blizzards



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