The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, March 31, 2017


McAuliffe’s Sanctuary Communities and MS-13 El Salvadoran Killers in Bedford

Dem. Gov. McAuliffe just vetoed a Bill by Charles Poindexter that was intended to prohibit any community in Virginia from being a Sanctuary Entity.
McAuliffe: Embraces And Empowers And Encourages Sanctuary Communities
If Bedford County or Village were Sanctuary Communities three felonious illegal Obama-Dreamer immigrants would not have been transferred into ICE custody as part of a felony death investigation
Two Salvadorans in ICE custody as Bedford homicide probe continues
“LYNCHBURG — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealed Thursday two Salvadoran men have been transferred to its custody and are now held at a detainment facility in Farmville, after they were picked up by the Bedford County Sheriff’s Office.”
These Three Illegal Immigrants are now charged with murder in Bedford County and one in Maryland.
3 charged with murder in death of Lynchburg teen
“Second-degree murder charges have been filed against 19-year-old Victor Arnoldo Rodas and 23-year-old Lisandro Posada-Vazquez, and 21-year-old Jose Coreas-Ventura in the death of 17-year-old Raymond Wood of Lynchburg.
Rodas and Vazquez are both citizens and nationals of El Salvador. Ventura is believed by Maryland law enforcement to be a MS-13 gang member.”
Sleep Tight  -- Your Democrat Governor is watching out for your welfare and safety! 

Team Trump cites stats, anecdotes to show dangers of sanctuary cities
(may need to copy-paste link into browser)
“There are currently approximately 2.1 million legal or illegal immigrants with criminal convictions living free or behind bars in the U.S., according to ICE's Secure Communities office. Each year, about 900,000 legal and illegal immigrants are arrested, and 700,000 are released from jail, prison, or probation. ICE estimates that there are more than 1.2 million criminal aliens at large in the U.S.
In the most recent figures available, a Government Accountability Office report titled, "Criminal Alien Statistics," found there were 55,000 illegal immigrants in federal prison and 296,000 in state and local lockups in 2011.”
Maryland Sanctuary County “Dreamers” Rape Fellow Student In School
What If Kate Steinle Worked At The Roanoke Times?


Obama Spying On Trump’s Team: Inadvertently On-Purpose

Roanoke Times, 3-31-2017, Pg 3:
White House invites Congressional Russia probers: “Come see intel yourselves”.
Very little print last paragraph bottom Pg 3:
“Spicer said the material the White House wants the House and Senate intelligence leaders to view was discovered by the National Security Council through the course of regular business.”
Two things are now clear in the fog of war that Obama’s minions and Pravda Media are waging against Trump.
1)  In spite of the Democrat and Pravda Media fake-news and bait-and-switch tsunami, there has been no evidence to date that the Trump team members violated any laws or ethics rules.
2)  The Obama operators in our governments spy bureaucracy did surveille Trump team members and then distributed their identity to a wide audience in violation of federal rules if not laws.
Obama’s former Deputy of Defense Evelyn Farkas is clearly a “key person of interest” in this ongoing saga and publically admitted to direct involvement in the surveillance data distribution process.
Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, is also a “key person of interest” and has made statements about the results of the Obama team surveillance that clearly contradict statements by Farkas.
Clapper’s history with: “Inadvertently On-Purpose”
Congressional Lawmakers Renewed Calls for James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence)  Perjury Charges
“Clapper faced potential charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question (by a Democrat Senator) about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans.”
Roanoke Celebrates Obama’s Pinocchio James Clapper
Crooked-Hillary’s Russian BombShell
Comey confirms, Assange did not lie.  Podesta emails were not given to Wikileaks by Russians
Trump team communications captured by intelligence community surveillance, Nunes says
Wire-Taps: The Epitome Of “1984 DoubleSpeak”

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Vietnam War Veterans Day


Some Gave All  ---  All Gave Some

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Obama’s ExStaff On AGW Science Quest

Roanoke Times, 3-25-2017, Pg 1, 6: Former Obama staff members have science agenda ‘mission’; Working together, sometimes behind the scenes, to resist unscientific policies.
“Working behind the scenes” – absolutely NOT!
We all are anxious to receive the scientific reports from Obama’s scientists!  We want them to publish their work and then hold public reviews of their work (like those who participated in the HeartLand Institute’s Climate Conference in DC  March 23,24, 2017,  where we met the most professional scientists in the country on this subject.)
What a sight, Obama’s “Consensus-Science” Team scurrying throughout the country like so many little Pied Piper's.
Instead, perhaps they should do, what they should have done – hold "open and professional debates" at Universities across the country enabling students, staff and the public the opportunity to get a complete understanding of the “state of the art” of climate science.
At a minimum the Agendas should include:
·        CO2 vs. water-vapor and other greenhouse contributors
·        Cause-effect of the Little Ice Age climate
·        Earth’s status relative to the current Glacial-Interglacial period
·        Cause-effect of the massive northern-hemisphere deglaciation starting circa 1750
·        The credibility of the world temperature data for past 250-years
·        The major disparity of the two-dozen climate models
·        The major disconnect between climate models and NASA measured data
·        Sea-level rising 8-inches per century vs. draconian claims
·        "Relative sea-level rise" at Venice and Hampton Roads
·        Why  Arctic wasn’t ice-free in 2014 – new target?
·        The “statistical confidence levels” of all AGW projections
·        What happened to Mike Mann's Hockey Stick
Starting these “open debates” at UVa and VT would be a good start and appreciated.
White House declares ‘the war on coal is over’ as Trump begins unraveling Obama’s climate agenda 
AGW Draconian Tripe In The Roanoke Times
Clexit for a Brighter Future  -- by Donn Dears
Clexit explains why the United States should withdraw from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) treaty.
Clexit is a follow-up to Dears 2015 book, Nothing to Fear.



ObamaCare Going Forward To?

Roanoke Times, 3-26-2017, Pg 1, 4, 10:  Next step for health coverage uncertain.  Americans are wondering how they will get insurance and treatment in the future.
Why are Americans wondering and worrying about their healthcare going forward?
Have we not just been bombarded by the Democrats and their Pravda-Media that the Republicans shouldn’t do anything to ObamaCare because it is wonderful and serving 20-million satisfied customers with more happy customers to come onboard soon!
This Democrat sales program became the basis for not one Democrat Congressperson saying one word in support of the recently proposed changes or even offering suggestions.
All this flies in the face of the reality of the Clinton’s berating ObamaCare during the election.
Clinton’s Slam ObamaCare As "Crazy System"
Chelsea Clinton laments 'crushing' health care costs
A potential scenario for “the going forward”:
In Jan 2018 the reality of the disintegration of ObamaCare will be so clear that even the dullest amongst us will understand the reality.
At that point Trump and Schumer and Pelosi will strike a bipartisan deal to upgrade ObamaCare to include:
·        No mandate
·        Some Tort reform
·        Insurance underwriting across state lines
·        Less bureaucratic mandates, more doctor-patient control
·        More state options and control for Medicaid
·        More subsidies for the financially stressed and insurance companies
This will Not fix healthcare or health-insurance or the major increases in health costs and taxes.
But it will make the majority political party, The Democrats, happy because they will have saved “ObamaCare”.
Trump will have a chance at a second term because he acted Presidential in a bipartisan manner (he never was a Republican anyway).
The Freedom Caucus will be relegated to the "Irrelevant Annex of The House".
Everyone will continue to learn that Health-Insurance is Not Health-Care!
ObamaCare Sign-Up Nov 2016 Under Penalty Of Law
ObamaCare Death-Spiral, Indivisible, Goodlatte
TeaParty Leadership – We Didn’t Run To Govern And We’re Not Going To Govern


McAuliffe: Yet Another Misguided Veto

Reprint of:
Statement of Delegate Poindexter on Governor McAuliffe's veto of HB 2000

GLADE HILL, VA - Virginia Delegate Charles D. Poindexter (R-Franklin County) today issued the following statement regarding the Governor's veto of HB 2000.

"The Governor has vetoed my HB 2000, which states in its entirety, "No locality shall adopt any ordinance, procedure, or policy that restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws." The Governor's veto statement does not seem to apply to the text of the bill. I am baffled at the logic in his statement that, somehow, the bill imposes a 'requirement' upon localities regarding the enforcement of federal immigration laws. Rather, the bill simply says that localities may not adopt any ordinance, procedure or policy that restricts the enforcement of existing federal law. In other words, by the Governor's logic, it would appear he supports localities taking action that are contrary to law!

That is unacceptable. In light of what we continue to see across the nation, from the death of Kate Steinle in California to our neighboring state of Maryland's reported rape in Rockville last week, it is unacceptable to provide sanctuaries (hideouts) to illegal criminals who take advantage of our largesse and assistance in otherwise law-abiding immigrant communities.

We should not have sanctuary localities in Virginia. HB 2000 is a reasonable and common-sense bill to help keep Virginians safe. Yes, we are a caring and welcoming Commonwealth but, at the same time, those in governance must execute our #1 responsibility: public safety."
*** End of Reprint ***
Team Trump cites stats, anecdotes to show dangers of sanctuary cities
(may need to copy-paste link into browser)
“There are currently approximately 2.1 million legal or illegal immigrants with criminal convictions living free or behind bars in the U.S., according to ICE's Secure Communities office. Each year, about 900,000 legal and illegal immigrants are arrested, and 700,000 are released from jail, prison, or probation. ICE estimates that there are more than 1.2 million criminal aliens at large in the U.S.
In the most recent figures available, a Government Accountability Office report titled, "Criminal Alien Statistics," found there were 55,000 illegal immigrants in federal prison and 296,000 in state and local lockups in 2011.”
Why Didn't Obama and his Pravda-Media share this information that resulted directly from his actions and directives?
Maryland Sanctuary County “Dreamers” Rape Fellow Student In School
What If Kate Steinle Worked At The Roanoke Times?

Monday, March 27, 2017


More Obama-Gore AGW Draconian Tripe In The Roanoke Times

Roanoke Times, 3-27-2017, Pg Va 7:  Opinion:  Virginia can act on climate change; by Becca Summers of Conservation Voters.
Virginia is having: “increasing erratic extreme weather, prolonged drought, elevated asthma rates and incidences of lung disease and regular inundation from sea level risk.”
Opinion Indeed!  Where did Ms. Summers get all this “stuff”?
Where’s the RT LTE Girl who asks for 50 shades of proof for each statement when I send in an LTE – and where’s her girl-friend down at the Martinsville Bulletin?
They must be on vacation this week!  How convenient!
There is no scientific basis that demonstrates significant global temperature and climate changes are driven by man-made CO2.  Period!
There is no cause-effect connection between any of these “items” Ms. Summers has listed to man-made CO2.  Period!
Therefore, if any of these “items were to happen”, it would not be  man-kinds fault and implementing CO2-based proposals would be based on misdirected opinions and not scientific facts and are therefore doomed to not have any effect on these “items”.
Ms. Summers:  You Should Become An AGW Skeptic
Yet another Roanoke Times Rerun From July 2013:
Venice And Hampton Roads Sinking Faster Than Oceans Rising
Democrats Circle The AGW-Alarmist Wagons
Obama-Gore-Mann AGW-Alarmist “Consensus” Will Finally Be Challenged
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature
How Do You Get Stuck In No-Ice? – Is It Record Warm?


Trump Lies Pale In Comparison To Obama’s Lies

Roanoke Times,  3-26-2017, Pg horiz 1, 6: Trump is our Liar-in-chief by W&L Univ. Professor R.A. Strong
The Prof. educates us with a summary of highlighted Presidential Lies by:
“All of this brings us to Donald Trump”
NO it doesn’t!
All of this brings us to the Biggest Presidential Liar in History – Obama!
A charter member of the Pravda-Media, the Wash. Post, even highlighted just a sample of the Obama Lie Legacy; earning him Four Pinocchio’s:
Obama’s biggest whoppers (a very brief selection of the total):
How is it that our universities are awash with liberal progressive socialists who are feeding their biased and slanted view of history and current events to our students at exorbitant prices?
It’s also of interest that these Liberal Pied Pipers get their “stuff” published on page 1 of the Roanoke Times as if its “news”; not even relegated to the opinion page or better yet the comics!
They’re so fair and balanced – NOT!
Yet Another UnHinged Left-Wing Professor
(also at W&L Univ. and also published by the RT):
"Gavaler: Are we living in Nazi Germany?"

Friday, March 24, 2017


TeaParty Leadership – We Didn’t Run To Govern And We’re Not Going To Govern

The TeaParty Leadership Has Multiple Titles and Groups Including today’s members of the House Freedom Caucus.
Their refusal today to support the proposed positive and constructive massive changes to ObamaCare is totally consistent with their mantra:
Our Way Or The Highway!
A Replacement Plan worked out with Trump and the Republican Leadership in the House and Senate is now dead and the positive momentum going forward for the Trump-Republican Agenda has been severely damaged.
The Winners in all this: Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, The DNC and The Pravda Media!
The Losers: The Republican Team and The American People!
Nowhere is the TeaParty Leadership track-record clearer than here in Virginia where they wouldn’t support:
George Allen so we got Tim Kaine.
They wouldn’t support Ed Gillespie so we got Mark Warner again.
They ram-rod’d through their convention an ultra-right-wing team that set a standard for Virginia Republican Political Failure Loosing:
Lt. Governor
Attorney General
The epitome of their takeover of the Republican Party in Virginia is their labeling anyone who disagrees with them as “Republicans In Name Only”:  RINO’s.
This election was a major opportunity to get our Country back from the road into the swamp of Socialism and onto the high-road of Reagan style governance to the advantage of all Americans.
How sad that a select few (who still haven’t figured out that the Republican Party is The Minority Party in Va. and the US) have derailed the train and are proud of it!
Ever Wonder --- Who are the Real RINO’s?
Trump SLAMS House Freedom Caucus: You Want To Save Planned Parenthood!
Ted Cruz And His TeaParty At The Republican Convention
Ken Cuccinelli Rocks At Republican Convention


Pravda-Media Coverage: Fake UVa Rape vs Real Horrific Rape

Roanoke Times, 3-24-2017, Pg 3: small article in small print with small title: "teen says she was raped by classmates."
Really?  That’s the RT paper headlines?  She "says" she was raped!
Where did all the NOW-Girls at the Roanoke Times go?
Maryland high school thrust into immigration debate
That's the RT web headline?  It’s not the “high school” that’s thrust into the immigration debate!  It’s the violent and vicious acts by hoodlums that the Obama Team has let into our schools and communities like so many pit-bulls who should have been sorted-out and diverted to “a kennel” back where they came from!
Who writes these contemptible headlines?  
The media coverage of this horrific sexual assault of a 14-year old girl in her school by two “Obama Dreamers”, one 18 the other 17 in a ninth-grade school class is starkly muted compared to the fake-rape at UVa.
Rolling Stones, UVa, Fabricated Gang Rape
In the UVa fake-rape case the NOW-Girls took over the role Sharpton played in the Twana Brawley fiasco with the Pravda-Media pouring fuel on the fire at every opportunity.
Today’s Real-Rape case is not compatible with the Liberal-Progressive Agenda of Obama’s open-door and so-called “Catch-and-Release into our communities” and his Dreamers, therefore, the Pravda-Media has relegated this case to the small slanted and biased print if any print at all.
Wonder how this story would be covered if it were one of The Obama Girls that were the victim?
Oh Right!  Can't happen -- they go to exclusive "Private" schools and are guarded 24-7 by armed guards!
Maryland Sanctuary County “Dreamers” Rape Fellow Student In School
The New News  3-24-2017 should dispel all doubt as to the miserable management environment in the Montgomery County Md. School System!  How Absolutely Pathetic and Dangerous!
After illegal-alien bathroom rape, superintendent accuses community of racism
After two illegal-alien teenagers were arrested and charged with the brutal rape of a 14-year-old girl in a Maryland school bathroom, a school superintendent is accusing parents and concerned community members of racism and xenophobia.
Trump’s New Catch And Release Program

Thursday, March 23, 2017


ISIS Inspired Radical Muslim Terrorist Strikes At Heart Of British Government

Roanoke Times, 3-23-2017, Pg 1, 6:  Five killed (40 seriously injured) in vehicle,  knife attack at British Parliament.
Yet again a vehicle was used by an ISIS inspired Radical Muslim Terrorist to mow-down innocent pedestrians on a city street.
A police officer then let this violent person with a knife get too close resulting in his injury and death.
Most police officers are trained for the Tueller 21-foot rule.
However, given the current anti-police hysteria, this police officer clearly waited too long to take lethal defensive action and paid with his life.
Relative to the US homeland security challenges we must have better processes to reject potential problems before they enter the country and better tools and processes for detecting and preventing violent acts by those who become radicalized.
We know from whence this risk comes -- we need the fortitude to confront it!
Hillary And Obama: 50 Dead And 50 Wounded BUT There Are No “Radical Muslim Terrorists” In Orlando Or Anyplace Else
Obama: The Muslim Fellow Traveler
Obama’s Reality Issues With Radical Muslim Terrorists


Roanoke Celebrates Obama’s Pinocchio James Clapper

Roanoke Times, 3-23-2017, Pg Va 5:  Gen. Clapper (Obama’s Director of so-called National Intelligence)  told area teachers to start early and stress teamwork to develop cybersecuity.
Big flowery article with two photos, one of Clapper getting the “key to the city” by Roanoke Mayor Lea.
Key to the city – Really?
How about an orange coverall for repeated cover-ups of Obama’s malfeasance's.
Congressional Lawmakers Renewed Calls for James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence)  Perjury Charges
“Clapper faced potential charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question (by a Democrat Senator) about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans.”
Roanoke Times, 3-23-2017, Pg 1, 8:  Congressional panel head (Rep. Devin Nunes): “(Obama’s Intelligence) Agencies were spying on Trump”!
So Clapper lied again last week in sworn testimony before Congress stating categorically that The Trump Team was not surveilled by any of Obama’s Intelligence minions – Yet another lie under oath!
Crooked-Hillary’s Russian BombShell
Comey confirms, Assange did not lie.  Podesta emails were not given to Wikileaks by Russians
Trump team communications captured by intelligence community surveillance, Nunes says
Wire-Taps: The Epitome Of “1984 DoubleSpeak”

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


WSJ’s Jason Riley At Va Tech: Take-2?

Wall Street Journal columnist to speak at Virginia Tech after 2016 controversy
“Jason Riley, a conservative Wall Street Journal columnist, will speak at Virginia Tech next week after the subject of his invitation to the school generated controversy last year.
The talk, sponsored by BB&T, is titled “How Campus Censorship Harms Us All,” according to an email from Vijay Singal, head of the Pamplin College of Business’s finance department. It will be held Thursday, March 30, at 3:30 p.m., in Assembly Hall at the Holtzman Alumni Center.
The talk is free and open to the public.”
Hopefully the entire Editorial Staff of the Roanoke Times will attend!
REF:  Roanoke Times, 5-4-2016: Va Tech’s (VT) spat over speaker (Jason Riley) heats up
University Intolerance For Contrarian Ideas And Facts
RoanokeSlant Journal Post  May 6, 2016
“Wall Street Journalist, frequent FoxNews Guest, Black Conservative Jason Riley has been invited, disinvited and reinvited to speak to students at VT.
The drama includes VT faculty and administrators jumping around the issue of who invited him in the first place and why he was disinvited.
The most interesting and telling quote in the story is:
“administrators and faculty in Tech’s business college are worried about more protests from the looney left if you (Riley) were to give the lecture”!
Says volumes about the teaching-learning environment in one of Virginia’s premier schools of “higher” learning.”
Did we mention that Jason's Big Problem is that he's a Conservative Black Man!


Crooked-Hillary’s Russian BombShell

Comey to Congress: Russians DID NOT Give Podesta’s Emails to WikiLeaks
Comey confirms, Assange did not lie. Podesta emails were not given to Wikileaks by Russians
“This may explain, in part, why the Dems refused to turn over their server to the FBI for analysis.
(exactly who is authorized to refuse to turn-over evidence to the FBI in a criminal investigation?)
Perhaps, as Assange stated, an insider, was involved. This is not to say the Russians weren't also involved in hacking Podesta or the DNC, but the question is, who gave the emails to WikiLeaks. We do know that 3 IT guys, who were later arrested after being accused of unauthorized access to Congressional computers including Debbie Wasserman Shultz. Could they have been the source of the emails being sent to WikiLeaks? Stranger and stranger.”
“FBI Director James Comey testified in front of Congress on Monday. While the mainstream media (MSM) focused on his statements indicating that the FBI is investigating possible Russian interference in the 2016 US election, the highlight of Comey’s testimony was ignored.
Comey mentioned that the FBI is investigating the leaks of secret information to the press and he told the House Intelligence Committee the investigation is still underway and he would be unable to discuss matters linked to the investigation.
However, the most important piece of information that Comey disclosed to Congress was that the Russians did not provide WikiLeaks HIllary’s campaign manager John Podesta’s emails.”
“Comey said something interesting today that nobody’s picked up on yet because they’re so distracted by this other stuff, which I can understand. He was asked specifically if WikiLeaks was furnished their information on Podesta and the phone calls by the Russians, and Comey said no.”
“The entire case that Democrats make that ‘Russia stole the election from Hillary’ is based on the premise that Russia supplied Podesta’s emails to WikiLeaks which then somehow led to Hillary’s defeat.”
New News 3-22-2017:
Trump team communications captured by intelligence community surveillance, Nunes says
(may have to copy-paste link into browser)
“Members of the intelligence community "incidentally collected" communications from the Trump transition team during legal surveillance operations of foreign targets, a top Republican lawmaker said Wednesday afternoon.
House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said this produced "dozens" of reports which eventually unmasked several individuals’ identities and were "widely disseminated."
Nunes said the surveillance collection was "legally collected foreign intelligence under FISA incidental collection." But Nunes said he was "alarmed" the intelligence "ended up in reporting channels and was widely disseminated."”
Wire-Taps: The Epitome Of “1984 DoubleSpeak”


Anti-Israel-Jewish Jihad Rejected At Va Tech

Roanoke Times,  3-21-2017, Pg 1, 4:  VT rallied around the Jewish community in Blacksburg to condemn the Nazi symbols recently left on the lawn of the Jewish student center.
University campuses across the US and EU have become a hot-bed of Anti-Israeli-Jewish demonstrations and hate talk as part of a so-called Pro-Palestinian Movement.
Anti-Semitism spikes on U.S. campuses
Today, Mar 21,  the Trump UN Rep.  Nikki Haley (what a great replacement for Obama’s anti-Israel-Jewish minion Samantha Power) is boycotting yet another attack against Israel by Anti-Israel members of the UN.
Compare Trump’s actions in his first two months to Obama’s pathetic behavior over eight miserable years.
House of Representatives votes to DENOUNCE OBAMA for betraying Israel at U.N.
Obama’s sustained Anti-Israel actions and rhetoric for the past 8-years has enabled and encouraged those who want to isolate Israel from the US and force a pro-Palestinian solution on Israel.
For those who have an interest in this Obama Anti-Israel-Jewish Legacy, supported by many in the Liberal-Progressive Media, click-through the following prior journal items that contain a brief summary of the sad Obama record:
John Kerry: Obama’s Israeli Judas Goat
Obama Gives Jews Pork For Hanukkah
Obama Biden Kerry And Their Ongoing AntiJewish Jihad
Obama Continues His Jihad Against Israel
Obama: The Self-declared Jew – Really?
Now We Know Why: Obama And His Pravda Press Denigrate Netanyahu
More Roanoke Times Anti-Israel Bias
More Anti-Israel Propaganda From AP and RT
Muslim’s New Friend John Heinz Kerry Joins The Anti-Israel Community
A Very Disturbing Anti-Jewish Rant


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