The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


How Do You Get Stuck In No-Ice? – Is It Record Warm?

Scientists plan to trap a ship in Arctic ice
(may have to copy-paste link in browser to view article)
BBC: In what the Telegraph paints as a "daring plan," the Polarstern will embark on its 1,550-mile trip sometime in 2019, at which point it will sail into Arctic sea ice, allowing itself to become trapped in the ice and then drift with it across the North Pole.
What are these “scientists” thinking?  How can they get stuck in Arctic Ice in 2019 when Gore declared the Arctic would be Ice-Free in 2014?
“Myth of Arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now”
“The (2007 Nobel Peace Prize)  speech by former US Vice-President Al Gore was apocalyptic. ‘The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff,’ he said. ‘It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years (2014). Seven years from now.’”
It’s of interest that the Arctic isn’t Ice-Free now but in 1920 (55 years before any significant increase in CO2) Norwegian Roald Amundsen on his ship Maud sailed through the North-East Arctic Passage from Oslo Norway to Nome Alaska.
The Maud, Gore, Arctic Ice And Global Warming
Our local AGW-Alarmists are all a-twitter over our current Roanoke warm winter; Absolute proof of man-made global warming and climate change they say.
However it’s Not Roanoke's warmest winter, but possibly second
“Through Monday, the winter’s average temperature stood at 43.3 degrees, two-tenths of a degree above the average temperature of 2011-12, Roanoke’s second warmest on record since the start of official weather records in 1912.
The warmest winter on record, 1931-32, averaging 46.6 degrees, is not within realistic reach.”
How interesting that the record was back in 1931 well BEFORE the build-up in CO2.
Didn’t see that data in Gore’s Inconvenient UnTruth.
Richard Lindzen     Apr 18, 2016
Emeritus Professor of atmospheric sciences at MIT,
“Climate change is an urgent topic of discussion among politicians, journalists and celebrities...but what do scientists say about climate change? Does the data validate those who say humans are causing the earth to catastrophically warm? Richard Lindzen, an MIT atmospheric physicist and one of the world's leading climatologists, summarizes the science behind climate change.”
Princeton Professor (William Happer): Climate Change Activists are a ‘Cult’
“…Any time you confront them (AGW-Alarmists), instead of talking about the science, they talk about 97% agree with us, we have to be right, so that’s what I meant by cult,”
“It’s a problem with science illiteracy and most people don’t realize that the normal C02 levels have typically been measured in thousands of parts per million, not the puny 400 or so we have today and the Earth thrives. So the idea that the Earth has never had high C02 levels, it’s completely false, most of the time it’s never had such low levels as we have now,” he said.
LTE to Franklin Co. News-Post  -- Not published – reason – lacked credibility
News-Post has been purchased by BHathaway, same owner as Roanoke Times. 
They won’t print my LTE’s either.  Something about fair and balanced.
LTE: Global Temperatures and Climate Have Always Been Changing
The HeartLand Institute is holding a Climate Conference in DC in March 2017 where one can meet the most professional scientists in the country on this subject.
Man-made Global Warming or Mother Nature's Normal Climate?
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature
Democrats Circle The AGW-Alarmist Wagons
Obama-Gore-Mann AGW-Alarmist “Consensus” Will Finally Be Challenged

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