The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Roanoke Times Continues It’s Downward Spiral

Roanoke Times to shift printing to Lynchburg, Richmond
“Fifty-three jobs — 37 full-time and 16 part-time — will be lost in the pressroom and mailroom.”
One can tie the RT’s ongoing downward spiral to the print industries issues brought about by the electronic media and 24-7 TV news, however, the RT management and editors bear a major part of the ‘credit’  for the RT’s decline and malaise.
What other business goes out of their way to alienate 50% of their potential customers?
Over the past 25 years that I have read the RT, their slant and bias embracing and promoting everything progressive and liberal has been their hallmark and brand.
Many potential customers have viewed this as a stark promotion of an economic, political and social agenda of the left-wing and not fair and balanced news.
Perhaps things would be different if the owners and editors had simply focused on the founder’s values and message:
First editorial, Nov 30, 1886, by Mr. Claytor, first owner and editor of the Roanoke Times outlines the paper’s philosophy including:
• It has no pets to reward and no enemies to put down.
• It will endeavor to be truthful.
• It is the mouthpiece of no order, corporation, party nor clique.
• To the fostering of our infant manufactories, to the development of our mineral resources and the cultivation of our fertile fields, must we direct our best efforts if we would make this Southern land of ours blossom as the rose.
A fair and open and transparent media has been a vital component of our Democracy.
Loosing that important part of our society represents a clear and present danger to us all and our way of life.
Physicians Heal Thyself!  Luke 4:23
Harvard Study Validates The Pravda-Media Label

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Hollywood Emulates ISIS! How Sick Can They Get?

Latest 6-12-2017 Sick Left-Wing Actors Simulating Murder of Trump
Sponsors flee New York City theater company over Trump-killing scene
“Performances at Central Park’s Delacorte Theater began in late May, just days before comedian Kathy Griffin was condemned for posing for a photograph with a bloodied rendering of Trump’s head.”
This is what “Liberal Arts” is all about?
This is what New Yorkers go to Broadway to pay big bucks to see?
What nasty and dangerous people these Loving-Liberals really are!
Then again they’re the same ilk as those at the DC Kennedy Center proudly displaying Jesus in a jar of urine!
Andres Serrano who collected $15,000 of taxpayer-funded money from the National Endowment for the Arts for his photographs of Jesus submerged in a container of urine.

Kathy Griffin Holds Bloody, Decapitated Trump Head In Photo
“In a rather shocking photoshoot, comedian Kathy Griffin posed for a picture in which she held up the bloody, decapitated head of President Donald Trump.”
Has the American media ever performed and published this kind of vile and dangerous actions toward a President?
Do these vile and nasty people have any sense of personal responsibility?
Imagine the Pravda Media and Secret Service reaction if anyone did this to Obama!
They put the dogs onto a simple rodeo clown for wearing an Obama mask:
Obama And The Rodeo Clown
Obama Surrogates Threatening Trump With Impunity
Despicable Roanoke Times Trump’s Head Graphic Promotes Violence
Colbert And The Left-wing Wing-nuts Just Keep Getting Nastier


Obama-Hillary Already Had The Big Ideas For Virginia Coal Counties

Roanoke Times, 5-30-2017, Half-Pg 5:  Editorial: We need big ideas for the coalfields
Big half-page editorial on what to do with the economic disaster in Virginia’s coal counties that actually extends through Roanoke and Virginia.
RT Editors:  You-all were happy and elated with the Obama-Hillary Big Ideas to bankrupt and shut-down every coal mine in the country!
So like your feminist mom’s back in the 60’s, you burned your bra and now you want support!
Where were your Big Editorials telling Obama and Hillary about the obvious major negative adverse consequences to their Big Ideas?
Apparently much too busy supporting their elections!
Perhaps instead of opining about the outcomes of the Obama-Hillary Big Ideas on killing coal, you should get in you Prius’ and drive out through the coal country of Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky telling all those folks why you embraced and supported the Obama-Hillary Big Ideas and their elections.
Might be a good time to do some polling to see how many of these union-democrats are going to vote for Trump’s reelection.
Obama And Hillary Achieve Their Coal Killing Objectives
Hillary: I’m Going To Kill Your Jobs And Put You-All On Welfare
Roanoke’s Collateral Damage From Obama’s War On Coal
So much for Mr. Yancey’s (editor RT) “alleged” war on coal!


Europe Has Been Living In White House Basement Too Long

Merkel reiterates call for Europe to 'take fate into our own hands'
This statement by Germany’s Merkel proves that the Trump trip to Europe was a BIG Success!
Since 1945 (72-yeaars) the EU countries have relied on the US for their primary defense while enjoying major economic trade advantages.
Now Trump wants Europe to meet their 2% GDP commitment to NATO and start renegotiating trade agreement and they are acting like college grad millennial’s being asked to move-out on their own.
What did NATO and the EU do to stop the Syrian debacle that has resulted in the biggest humanitarian disaster since WWII and swamped Europe with ISIS terrorists?
What did NATO and the EU do to stop the Russian invasions into Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea?
Is it not US troops that have been deployed into Poland to challenge Russia’s threats against its old Baltic slave-states?
The Trump policy to get Europe, the EU and NATO to get their act together and stop exploiting US taxpayers and US military assets is right on target.
Why aren’t the Democrats and their Pravda Media supporting this important change?
Talk about “sour grapes”.

Monday, May 29, 2017


Memorial Day May 29, 2017


Following are some appropriate references for this special day of 
Remembrance and Reflection
President Abraham Lincoln
Gettysburg Address
"Hymn to the Fallen" by John Williams
Some Gave All  ---  All Gave Some
Lee Greenwood- God Bless the U.S.A. lyrics

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Kushner Working On Remediating Obama’s Syrian Debacle

Roanoke Times, 5-28-2017, Pg 3:  Source:  Kushner back channel with Russia involved Syria.
It is good news that immediately after the election, Trump advisors, including Kushner, were reaching-out to the Russians to repair some of Obama’s incredible policies that helped turn Syria into one of the biggest man made humanitarian disasters since WWII.
Obama’s Syrian Red-Line Legacy:
A Staggering New Death Toll for Syria’s War — 470,000
Plus the wounded and a massive refugees disaster that has over-run the EU and enabled ISIS to flood the EU with terrorists.
Back-channels, Front-channels – any channels that kick-starts a dialogue and plan with the Russians to stabilize and end the Syrian War is a worthwhile endeavor and Obama’s Pravda Media should be helping this effort, not trying to make it out to be sinister.
Russian Bombs And Iranian Troops Killing Our Surrogates In Syria
Putin: You Want A No-Fly Zone? I’ll Give You A No-Fly Zone!
Obama In Full Retreat From Syria


Saturday, May 27, 2017


Kaine’s Kid Again: Proud Of Our Senator’s Statements?

Tim Kaine's son, 7 others, charged in protest of pro-Trump event in Minnesota
“Kaine spokeswoman Miryam Lipper said in a statement: “Today’s announcement of misdemeanor charges against Senator Kaine’s son contains no suggestion that he engaged in disruptive behavior while at the rally, but are instead focused on his actions as he was arrested after he left. Tim and Anne support their son and hope the matter is resolved soon.””
“A criminal complaint says Linwood Kaine and others changed into black clothing during the rally and entered the Capitol. One group member threw a smoke bomb inside. The complaint says the 24-year-old Kaine was among those who ran away, and he initially resisted arrest.”
Va US Dem Senator Kaine’s explanation of his son’s illegal actions and behaviors is that the only really bad thing he did was ‘resist arrest’.  Really?  That’s a felony for most people – isn’t it?
Sen. Kaine’s Son One Of Obama’s “Red Guards”


First AntiMissile Test After Obama Killed Reagan’s “StarWar Defense”

Roanoke Times, 5-27-2017, Pg 3:  US plans test of shooting down ICBM; “for the first time”
Not one word about Obama’s tirade against the US antimissile defense system that was totally compatible with his “the cold war is history” proclamation during the debates.
Obama is committed to stop and scrap our anti-missile defense systems.
See his in-person video ‘anti-military’ position made to his radical-left supporters on youtube:
Hawaii Now Wants AntiMissile Defense That Obama Killed
Obama says he was born there  -- but he's not there now!
Obama Burned Reagan’s “Star Wars” And Now We Need Support
Obama’s Massive Foreign Policy Failures Restarts StarWars
North Korean Appeasement Outcomes (Incoming!)

Friday, May 26, 2017


Obama-Judges Give ISIS A Ramadan Gift And They Responded

Latest ISIS Immigration News:
“The scale of the challenge facing the police and security services was disclosed by Whitehall sources after criticism that multiple opportunities to stop the Manchester bomber had been missed.”
This is indicative of the environment the “Obama-Judges” are creating here in the US with their politicalization of our immigration laws and processes.
Note: ObamaJudges (many actually promoted by Obama) use prevailing social, political and economic trends as their standard and not "The Constitution", as required by their oath.
Appeals court upholds block on Trump's travel ban; administration to appeal to Supreme Court

“Judge Paul Niemeyer, one of the three dissenters, said the majority "looks past the face" of the executive order.
The approach "adopts a new rule of law that uses campaign statements to recast the plain, unambiguous, and religiously neutral text," Niemeyer, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote. "Opening the door to the use of campaign statements to inform the text of later executive orders has no rational limits."
"Unless corrected by the Supreme Court, the majority's new approach, which is unsupported by any Supreme Court case, will become a sword for plaintiffs to challenge facially neutral government actions, particularly those affecting regions dominated by a single religion," he wrote.”
When in the history of the US has a court used statements from a campaign as the basis for a decision on a legal document or law?
Where in the US Constitution does it state that persons from other countries have “the right” to enter into and stay in the US?
The precedent by the Obama-Judges is clear --- the US no longer has borders or executive controls on entry.
Many of the Obama-Judges were installed by Obama and Reid by invoking the “nuclear option” with the support of ALL the Democrats in the US Senate.  Special recognition to Virginia's Warner and Kaine.
The ISIS Radical Muslim Terrorists responded to the gift from the Obama-Judges by going on a murderous rampage:
Manchester terror attack
The bomber killed 22 and severely injured over 50 others, most were youngsters.
Gunmen kill 26 people in latest attack on Coptic Christians in Egypt
Philippines crisis ‘transmogrified into invasion by foreign terrorists’
When Will The Obama-Judges Join The Fight Against ISIS and The Radical Muslim Terrorists?

Thursday, May 25, 2017


Down With General Lee! Long Live Comrade Lenin?

Throughout the South, folks are busy taking down statues of ‘War Between The States’ Confederate Generals including General Robert E. Lee.
This “cleansing of the soul” is being advertised as removal of the last visible vestiges of racism and segregation.   Really? 
One only needs to come to Roanoke, Virginia to find racism and segregation are very much still with us in both reality and perception, and it turns out that racism is a two-way street.
It’s of interest that on my last trip to The Sanctuary City of Seattle, I saw a large statue of Lenin “The Father of Communism”.
Why would the people and city of Seattle continue to tolerate having this statue on display for all to see?
Especially since almost all Lenin’s statues have been removed from the countries freed from the Soviet breakup.
Ukraine topples biggest remaining Lenin statue
Perhaps the road to changing our attitudes and behaviors runs through our hearts and minds and not our historical statues and symbols.
Based on Union General Grant’s actions at Appomattox:
and President Lincoln’s actions the day after (perhaps with tongue-in-cheek)
Roanoke Va. A Segregated And Challenged Community
Obama’s Economic-Driven ReSegregation Legacy
Does Replacing A Flag Replace Racism?


FISA Court: Obama "Widespread" Illegal Searches Of American Citizens

Latest Exposure of Obama Illegalities Abusing Powers of The US Secret Services  5-24-2017:
FISA Court Finds "Serious Fourth Amendment Issue" In Obama's "Widespread" Illegal Searches Of American Citizens
By Tyler Durden of Zerohedge
Obama Intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years;  By John Solomon and Sara Carter of Circa
“The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall,”
“one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011,”
“The admitted violations (to the FISA Court) undercut one of the primary defenses that the intelligence community and Obama officials have used in recent weeks to justify their snooping into incidental NSA intercepts about Americans.”
Report: Obama era NSA admits to (FISA Court) years of illegal searches on Americans
Who are John Solomon and Sara Carter and Tyler Durden?
What news entities are Circa and Valleynewslive and Zerohedge?
Where are ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and their thousands of investigative reporters?
Move along folks --- nothing to see here!
Obama Used The US Secret Services Against Political Enemies

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Obama Used The US Secret Services Against Political Enemies

Roanoke Times, 5-24-2017, Pg 1, 4: Ex-CIA director (Brennan) speaks to Congress; first learned of Russian contacts last summer (circa July 2016)
 “In late July of last year there was so much concern (about what?)  that he convened a group of officials from the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency to focus on it exclusively.”
All this “concern” and the deployment of key assets in the Secret Services (CIA, FBI and NSA) to “focus on ‘it’ exclusively”.
And the results:
No Known Complicity with Russians or Law Breaking by any Trump people.
Who, during that time frame, were private citizens working on a political campaign, not government employees.
Given the major application of US Intelligence Assets by Obama’s Team, over a six-month period, one would expect that either illegal activity had been “recorded” or there isn’t any.
What new news could possibly show-up now?
Unless of course, there are those who are manufacturing new-news and will be leaking it to the Pravda Media on a weekly basis.
Isn’t is interesting that Obama’s Intelligence Chief launched this major campaign against Trump campaign people but apparently totally ignored the Russian-Hillary-Bill Massive Slush Fund and the Uranium give-away?
Hillary as Sec. of State oversaw the Russian take-over of 20% of the US uranium-ore reserves at the very time those same Russians gave Bill $500,000 for a little speech!
The little speech probably was:
“Hillary and Chelsea and I Thank You   ‘bolshoe spasibo’ Comrades!”
Hillary And Bill Had The Real Lucrative Russian Connections
Pravda Media CoverUp of Hillary-Bill Slush Fund
And talk about the totally suppressed real collusion with the Russians:
Move along folks --- nothing to see here!
Remember Obama’s “I’ll have more ‘flexibility’ after the election!
And who can forget Hillary’s “reset button” with the Russians that turned out to be a “launch button” into Crimea
The Real Russian Connections And They’re Not Trump
Mike Flynn A Russian Piker Compared To Bill Clinton
Obama’s Pathetic Response To Russian Cold War Revival
Hillary Jilted By The Russians – Another Woman Scorned

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


When Will The Obama-Judges Join The Fight Against ISIS?

Did The Obama-Judges (who have been so interested in what civilian Trump said on the campaign trail) watch and or read President Trump’s speech to the leaders of 50 Muslim Nations in Riyadh?
Did The Obama-Judges watch the latest work of the Radical Muslim Terrorists in Manchester last night?  An appropriate “wakeup call” since they seem to have forgotten the carnage here in the home-land for the past 16-years.
Perhaps it’s time for the Obama-Judges to face the reality of the risk to our people from ISIS-type terrorists and help in protecting our people and our assets.
Yet Another Obama Political Hack Judge
Obama College Buddy And Appointee Declares Trump Travel Ban Not OK
Trump’s Immigration Order In Hands Of The Sanctuary-Judges
Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia sets new tone for international relations
“In a strong start to the journey, Mr. Trump inked arms sales and economic investment deals with Saudi monarchy and charted a new course for U.S. anti-terrorism and foreign policy with a speech to leaders from 50 Muslim countries.”
“Mr. Trump did refer to “Islamists” and “Islamic terrorism,” urging Muslim countries to look within their borders for the source of extremism that spreads death and destruction around the globe.”
Trump's Speech on Islam, Annotated
“This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life, and decent people of all religions who seek to protect it.”
“Muslim nations must be willing to take on the burden, if we are going to defeat terrorism and send its wicked ideology into oblivion.
The first task in this joint effort is for your nations to deny all territory to the foot soldiers of evil. Every country in the region has an absolute duty to ensure that terrorists find no sanctuary on their soil.”
“I ask you to join me, to join together, to work together, and to FIGHT together”
Obama at the prayer breakfast:
Don’t get on your high-horses just because ISIS is burning people alive in cages:


An Old Democrat Opines About The Obama-Hillary-DNC Resist Movement

Ted Van Dyk
May 21, 2017 5:44 p.m. ET
‘A jackass can kick down a barn,” said the legendary Speaker Sam Rayburn. “But it takes a carpenter to build one.”
Democrats should reflect on that wisdom as they consider the special counsel now appointed to investigate President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. In the short term, the inquiry will probably hurt Mr. Trump and feed attempts to drive him from office. But in the end the president’s attackers will pay a price.
The political and media hysteria surrounding the Trump administration lies somewhere on the repulsiveness scale between the Jacobin excesses of the French Revolution and the McCarthy era. Thus far the public knows of no presidential action that would justify impeachment. Never mind, the crowd cries, let us have the verdict now. We can do the trial later.
What about discussions between Trump campaign advisers and Russian or other foreign leaders? Don’t they count as high crimes and misdemeanors? No, such conversations take place all the time in national campaigns
What about the firing of FBI Director James Comey ? Wasn’t that suspicious? No, Mr. Comey disregarded the Justice Department chain of command and the normal proprieties of his office. He made public statements about ongoing investigations. He allowed it to leak that the president had suggested leniency for Mike Flynn, the former White House adviser now under investigation. A presidential suggestion of that nature would be neither illegal nor unprecedented
What about Mr. Trump’s disclosure of classified information during a meeting with Russian leaders? It’s a tempest in a teapot. The president has the authority to classify or declassify information as he wishes. I have witnessed other presidents doing it.
What about Mr. Trump’s executive order declaring a short-term pause on immigration from countries with active terrorist movements? It may have been poorly handled, but other presidents have done similar things
What about all Mr. Trump’s flip-flopping? Shouldn’t a president be trustworthy and reliable? Yes, but when Mr. Trump has reversed his campaign pledges it has been mostly for the good.
If Mr. Trump were a conventional president, these missteps would be shrugged off as growing pains or considered worthy of only mild reproof. President Trump, it is true, lacks the knowledge, experience and temperament for the office. His crude narcissism is grating. He has carelessly contributed to his problems with heedless public statements. He nonetheless was duly elected and should be given the leeway that new presidents are traditionally afforded.
Critics, moreover, misread the temper of the American people. Most voters don’t much like Mr. Trump. But they like chaos less.
I spoke recently to a Democratic group consisting mainly of Bernie Sanders supporters. Many were searching for a constructive response to the Trump presidency. They were people, as the saying goes, seeking to light a candle rather than curse the darkness.
I suggested that they concentrate on developing alternatives to Mr. Trump’s proposals—on health care, taxes, the budget. “You mean we should help Trump?” someone asked. “No,” I answered, “you should help your country.” I was surprised by the outburst of applause that followed.
Democrats, in their all-out opposition to Mr. Trump, are missing real opportunities to influence policy. The tax-reform debate is a prime example. If Democrats were shrewd, they would try to negotiate a grand compromise, in which loopholes are scrubbed from the code and Social Security and Medicare put on sounder long-term footing. But to get there, purposeful polarization must give way to constructive engagement.
Trump haters disregard an old rule of politics and history: In the end, voters always choose order over disorder. Kicking Mr. Trump to the curb wouldn’t return the country to the pre-Trump status quo. It would likely bring forth new law-and-order leadership more disciplined and conservative than Mr. Trump’s.
Mr. Van Dyk was active for more than 40 years in Democratic administrations and campaigns, including as Vice President Humphrey’s assistant in the White House.

Monday, May 22, 2017


Mountain Valley Pipeline Hard To Find In 2025

Downs: Mountain Valley Pipeline disrespects our landscape, our opinions

A Realistic View of the MV Pipeline In 2025
More Roanoke Times Anti-PipeLine Heifer-Dust
The Mountain Valley Pipeline And The Opponent’s Issues
Appalachian Trail "Pipeline Obstructionists" Have Lost Credibility


PETA Kills “Ringling’s Greatest Show on Earth”! Hurrah?

Roanoke Times, 5-22-2017, Pg 3: ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ takes its final bow.
“Elaine Bario, a 57-year-old usher at the Nassau County Coliseum, said she's seen the circus every time it's been on Long Island — some years as a child with her father, who also was an usher at the same venue.
"The animals, this is where we fell in love with them," she said. "We got to see animals here and the Bronx Zoo. We don't go on safaris."”
“Now The End Begins.www":
After 146 Years, Ringling Brothers Circus Finally Driven Out Of Business By Crazed PETA Attackers
“Although it retired its elephants, Ringling Bros continued to showcase tigers, lions, horses, dogs and camels until the end, despite fierce criticism from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The animal rights group tied Ringling's demise to its long-standing resistance to demands that it stop using animals.”
Thank You PETA for saving the Elephants – NOT!
"100,000 Elephants Killed by Poachers in Just Three Years, Landmark Analysis Finds
Central Africa has lost 64 percent of its elephants in a decade."


McAuliffe’s DGIF Dam Money

Roanoke Times, 5-22-2017, Pg 1, 5: Maury River Dam at Jordan’s Point Park
“a proposal by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to demolish the 185-foot-long stone and mortar structure.”
“The state Dept of Game and Inland Fisheries has offered to pay for the removal of the dam”
Really?  And prey tell where does the DGIF get “their” money they are so willing to spend on this spurious project?
It’s the taxpayer’s and sportsmen’s money – Not Their Money!
There may well be valid reasons to remove this dam and turn the river through Lexington into a very limited use stretch of water; however, the drowning of a swimmer 11-years ago isn’t it!


Little Girl Looks Like Harp Seal Lunch To Sea Lion

Sea lion drags girl into the water - video
After a large sea lion made an aggressive move toward a little girl, the parents allowed the girl to sit on the rail the sea lion had just breached.
Apparently the little girl looked enough like a young harp seal for the sea lion to grab her and jerk her down into and under the water.
Fortunately, for what ever reason, the sea lion let her go instead of swimming away under the water with his new-found lunch.
Apparently these parents don’t understand that: Wild Animals are WILD.
Don’t they watch the Nature Channel?
You can fix ignorance with education
But you can’t fix stupid
Ever watch parents let their little children walk right up to a strange dog?
DeJa Vu


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