The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, June 30, 2017


The PravdaMedia And ‘Pink Slime”

Roanoke Times, 6-30-2017, Pg 6:  ‘Pink slime’ lawsuit settlement reported.
A  S.D. meat processor sued ABC for $1.9 Billion for wrongfully hurting the company through the ‘pink slime’ anti-ground beef campaign.  The resultant customer impact resulted in closing meat processing plants in three states and the resultant layoffs of 700 workers.
In reflecting on the PravdaMedia that are certainly ‘Pink’ and their vile and vicious campaigns against police and Trump and Republicans, they certainly traffic and revel in ‘Slime’.
Perhaps instead of referring to the Obama-Hillary-DNC media outlets as PravdaMedia – we should refer to them as “PinkSlime”.
You think?  No!  Sounds too nice!
Leftists Continue To Spew Their Racist Venom
More Sick-Liberal Trump Assassination Depictions
Rude Political Discourse
Colbert And The Left-wing Wing-nuts Just Keep Getting Nastier


Travel Ban Exceptions An Open Door To Radical Muslim Terrorists

The 14 dead and the 22 wounded employees of San Bernardino county would not agree with the SCOTUS exceptions to the Trump Travel Ban!
The ObamaJudges on the SCOTUS demanded a liberal set of exceptions to the Trump Travel Ban.
These exceptions continue the same “open door” used by the “fiancé” of the San Bernardino Radical Muslim killer who, with his fiancé-wife, attacked his fellow county employees killing 14 and wounding 22.
Trump administration says ‘I do’ to adding fiancés to travel ban exemptions
“The guidelines sent to U.S. embassies and consulates on Wednesday said applicants from the six countries must prove a relationship with a parent, spouse, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or sibling in the U.S.
The travel ban temporarily barring some citizens of six majority-Muslim countries from coming into the United States went into effect Thursday. The new rules stop people from Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Iran and Libya from getting a visa to the U.S. unless they have a "bona fide" relationship with a close relative, school or business in the U.S.”
The San Bernardino attackers, Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook, at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago in 2014. Credit U.S. Customs and Border Protection
SoCal jihadist wife pledged allegiance to ISIS before massacre, Fox News confirms
Fourteen people were killed and 22 injured most of them county employees.
The mysterious Pakistani woman who with her husband gunned down 14 Wednesday at a Southern California holiday party pledged her allegiance to ISIS before the massacre, according to a government source, in what appears to be concrete evidence that the rampage was at least inspired, if not directed, by the terrorist group
Radical romance: SoCal jihadists committed to terror 2 years ago
The Muslim couple behind last week’s terror attacks in San
Bernardino, Calif., were each radicalized on their own at least two years ago, and bonded over online talk of jihad and martyrdom, FBI Director James Comey told Capitol Hill lawmakers Wednesday.
9th Circuit Sanctuary-Judges Sided With San Bernardino Immigrant Couple
Isn’t it interesting that the countries designated by Obama as Terrorist States have now become Muslim States and designating them for “enhanced vetting” is now a Big Religious Problem.  Talk about Liberal Hypocrisy!
“The law signed in December 2015 by Obama applies to countries designated by the United States as having "repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism." Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen (the same seven countries in Trump’s order) have that designation.”
Knee-Jerk Obama: San Bernardino Just More WorkPlace Gun Violence

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Some Relevant And Insightful Cartoons



Monday, June 26, 2017


SCOTUS Reinstates The Key Elements Of Trump “Travel Ban to US”

Trump travel ban: Supreme Court reinstates key parts of executive order
 “In a victory for the Trump administration, the Supreme Court on Monday lifted key components of an injunction against President Trump's proposed ban on travel from six majority-Muslim nations, reinstating much of the policy and promising to hear full arguments as early as this fall.”
ObamaJudges Keep The US Borders Open
Obama-Judges Give ISIS A Ramadan Gift And They Responded
When Will The Obama-Judges Join The Fight Against ISIS and The Radical Muslim Terrorists?
Yet Another Obama Political Hack Judge
Obama College Buddy And Appointee Declares Trump Travel Ban Not OK
9th Circuit Sanctuary-Judges Sided With San Bernardino Immigrant Couple

Sunday, June 25, 2017


Mueller-Comey The Real Collusion

Roanoke Times, 6-24-2017, Pg 3:  Mueller-Comey link in spotlight
Trump calls Mueller-Comey relationship ‘very bothersome’
Dershowitz: Trump Right to Challenge Mueller-Comey Friendship
How can Mueller be involved in any manner in an investigation that directly involves his bud Comey ?
Has there ever been such a conflict-of-interest in any investigation in US history.
Talk about turning into a banana republic!
The Real DC Collusion
Jeff Sessions: Still No Collusion No Obstruction No Violations
Comey: I Was With My Boss All By Myself And I Was Scared
The Morphing Of RussiaHackingGate


The Morphing Of Russia HackingGate

First it was all about Hillary, Podesta and DNC Emails
Second it was all about Huma and her Weiner
Third it was all about the election credibility
Fourth it was all about Trump Colluding with the Russian Hacking
Fifth it was about Trump Obstructing FBI Mueller
Sixth it’s about Lynch Obstructing The Hillary Malfeasance's
NOW it’s about Obama knowing all about Russian Hacking THREE Months before the election BUT DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT!
The pundits are speculating that Obama ‘assumed’ Hillary would win and therefore the hacking was not worth bothering with.
After Hillary lost – the Obama Team focus shifted to discrediting Trump and the election.
Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of:
Let’s make sure our government is and stays dysfunctional!

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Left-Wing Hate Campaign Out Of Control

Caught on tape: Dem official says he's 'glad' Scalise got shot
Phil Montag, A Nebraska Democratic Party official, now-former co-chair of the state party’s technology committee, was recorded saying he wishes Scalise, R-La., were “dead.”
Threats Against Trump Continue Unabated

Leftists Continue To Spew Their Venom

Republican Congressman Scalise Wounded By Left-wing Domestic Terrorist
The Obama ‘Dark Government’ Campaign


Threats Against Trump Continue Unabated

Jonny Depp:  “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?”
he asked, referencing John Wilkes Booth assassinating President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.
The Pravda-Media’s “get Trump” campaign propagates the vile incitement dialogue and disgusting depictions of the assassination of The President:
More Sick-Liberal Trump Assassination Depictions
Obama Surrogates Threatening Trump With Impunity
The latest vile and dangerous promotion by Obama Surrogates of the assassination of Trump is a snoop-dogg video that is aided and abetted by the Pravda-Media.
Where are The Secret Service who have traditionally arrested and prosecuted those who promote violence against The President?
The Russian-Election Witch-Hunt -– Where’s The Beef?

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Keep Nancy Pelosi

There are scurrilous rumors that some Democrats in Name Only DINOs are suggesting that Nancy has to Go as leader of the Congressional Democrats.
Banish them and Shun them!
Nancy has just introduced ‘The Americans With No Abilities Act’.
We all need to rally behind her and get this passed with a veto-proof majority.
Schumer is on-board and will make it happen in the Senate as he is a charter member of the organization.
The Republicans have just won the four off-year Congressional seats.
Nancy cleverly maneuvered these outcomes to lull the Republicans into a false sense of security.
The $31 Million spent on the Ossoff Campaign (the O is pronounced as A  --- the guy couldn’t vote in the district he was running in) was her cleaver diversion that will sink the Republicans next year.

Send $100 today to the RNC to get your “Keep Nancy Pelosi” bumper sticker!


Pelosi: Rejoice, I’m Still Your Leader!
The Russian-Election Witch-Hunt -– Where’s The Beef?
Pelosi Ethics Violation


“Allah Akbar” Knife Attack In Flint Is Terror --- In Salem Va. Not So Much

Roanoke Times, 6-22-2017, Pg 3:  Airport attack being investigated as terror.
Man with a knife yelling “Allah Akbar” attacked a person in the Flint Mi. airport.
The “New and Improved” Trump-FBI immediately opened up a “Terror” Investigation.
What a major contrast to:
When a knife wielding man yelling “Allah Akbar” carved up a couple in Salem Virginia the “Old and Challenged” Obama-FBI eventually came around and then quickly threw a blanket of secrecy over the case as they did with countless others.  We still do not know the outcome of this “terrorist” attack.
ISIS “Allah Akbar.” Comes To Roanoke Virginia
After all Obama’s DOJ, FBI and Pravda Media were all working diligently to ensure that Obama’s fiat that there are no Radical Muslim Terrorists anywhere – especially here in the US was carried out!
Move along folks --- nothing to see here!
The Obama-FBI investigative premise was that we can’t know the motive in his head, therefore, it can’t be a Radical Muslim Terrorist attack and we will drag-out the obvious conclusions and keep the public in the dark!
The Obama-concussion:  it’s just another Fort Hood workplace violence thing!
Ohio State Terror Knife Attack; Shades of Salem Va.
Allah Akbar In Roanoke, NYC, NJ But No Radical Muslim Terrorism To Be Found
Santiago Says He Did The Fort Lauderdale Shooting For ISIS

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


The Russian-Election Witch-Hunt -– Where’s The Beef?

Obama’s DHS Chief, Johnson, Debunks Russian Interference In 2016 US Election And Johnson Misled State Authorities about the risk.

Jeh Johnson (Obama’s DHS Chief) testifies DNC rejected DHS help on hack, Russia meddling did not alter ballots
““To my current knowledge, the Russian government did not through any cyber intrusion alter ballots, ballot counts or reporting of election results,” Johnson said during his opening statement before the House Intelligence Committee.”
Johnson also confirmed he went to the Democratic National Committee about a hack in their system but was told that the DNC “did not feel it needed” DHS assistance. 
“Connie Lawson, president-elect of the National Association of Secretaries of States, pointedly suggested Johnson’s DHS held back information last year. She testified it was “gravely concerning” that state election officials “only recently” learned about the threat to voting systems, after DHS “repeatedly” told them no credible threat existed last fall.
“Secretaries of state took part in three calls where ... Johnson was asked whether any documented threats existed,” Lawson said, adding the calls took place Aug. 15, Sept. 8, and Oct. 12. “Each time, Secretary Johnson was directly asked about specific, credible threats and each time he confirmed that none existed.””
Rep. Gowdy slams Dems over 'reckless, baseless allegations' about Russia probe
“Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., criticized congressional Democrats Tuesday for making what he called "reckless, baseless allegations" about President Trump's involvement in Russian activities during the 2016 election campaign.”
Jeff Sessions: Still No Collusion No Obstruction No Violations
The Real DC Collusion
CNN: Comey's testimony shows Russia controversy is an anti-Trump witch hunt

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Georgia: Republican Handel Won Over Liberal Dem. Ossoff’s Massive California $$$

Republican Handel wins Georgia special House election
“Republican Karen Handel defeated Democrat Jon Ossoff in a closely-watched special House election Tuesday night, the Associated Press projected.
In Kansas, Republicans held onto the seat of Mike Pompeo, now the CIA director, and they kept the Montana seat of Ryan Zinke, who became Trump’s Secretary of Interior.  
With Republicans expected to keep their South Carolina seat, Democrats pinned their last hopes on Ossoff, a first-time candidate, documentary filmmaker and former congressional aide.
It was also the fourth straight loss this year for Democrats in their attempts to win a Republican seat and take the momentum into the 2018 midterms. They now must win 24 GOP seats to retake control of House.”
Yet again the Pravda Media Polls were wrong!


Leftists Continue To Spew Their Racist Venom

WATCH: CBS Anchor Pelley Calls GOP Congressional Shooting ‘To Some Degree Self-Inflicted’
“CBS’ Scott Pelley placed blame on Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) for inciting James Hodgkinson’s attempted mass murder of Republican representatives.
Pelley made the comments last Thursday, during his final broadcast as anchor and managing editor of CBS Evening News.”
MSNBC's Joy Reid: Yeah He Just Got Shot, But Lets Not Forget Steve Scalise Is a Racist
“But despite still being laid up in a hospital bed, MSNBC Host Joy Reid accused the Congressmen of racism on her show (ironically named "Morning Joy") over the weekend. Further her guest, Rev. William Barber, used the opportunity to claim Republicans dislike poor people and are deliberately taking away their healthcare.”
How do these vile and nasty people get on prime time TV and then stay there after making these vicious and racist proclamations?
Just more Al Twana Sharpton garbage!
Republican Congressman Scalise Wounded By Left-wing Domestic Terrorist
The Obama ‘Dark Government’ Campaign


Many Roanoke Murders Go Cold

Grieving families cope with lack of resolution in homicide cases
“Between 2012 and today, 53 homicides have been reported in Roanoke.
Issues with witnesses consistently bedevil police and prosecutors and have led to charges being dropped or reduced”
It’s not clear from this article how many of the 53 homicides are unsolved but what is clear is the “see no evil, hear no evil, tell no evil” behavior by so called ‘witnesses’.
Given the level of violence by the perpetrators, who continue to roam freely throughout their domain, who wants to take the risk of being “an informing snitch”?
This is a self-perpetuating conundrum consistent with drug and gang violence.
The personification of this situation was:
Shots Fired -- Who To Call – To Do What?
1 person killed, 10 injured in shooting at a crowded Roanoke Monsters Bar and Grill nightclub and nobody convicted due to lack of ‘witnesses’.
In addition to witness intimidation, the police role has been compromised by the anti-police jihad that has been going on for the past three years, spearheaded by the Black Lives Matter Gang and charlatan politicians and the Pravda Media.
64 US Cops KIA in 2016; 21 By Ambush; Thanks To Supporting Actors
It’s clear that Mayor Lea will need to do more than head a ‘march’ to make a positive change in this serious crime environment.
AG Sessions To Revisit Obama's Unduly Burdensome Restrictions On Police
Roanoke Times Keeps Anti-Police Race-Baiting Alive
Anti-Police Crusade Continues At Hillary’s Convention

Sunday, June 18, 2017


ObamaJudges Keep The US Borders Open

The ObamaJudges ignore the Constitutional powers of The POTUS to control immigration and the US borders.
Even the Mayor of Rome, home to The Pope, Calls for Ban on Immigration to the City and Danish Post Office Suspends Deliveries to Immigration hot spots and Germany Outlaws Radical Muslim Mosques.
All this (learning or Not) reminiscent of Will Rogers view of learning:
Some people learn by reading
Some people learn by listening
Some people learn by watching
And then there are those who just have to ‘wee’ on the electric fence for themselves
9th Circuit deals Trump travel ban another defeat
"We conclude that the President, in issuing the Executive Order, exceeded the scope of the authority delegated to him by Congress," the three judges, all appointed by President Bill Clinton, wrote
In other words:  The 9th Circuit Sanctuary-Judges Sided With San Bernardino Immigrant Terrorist Couple
When Will The Obama-Judges Join The Fight Against ISIS?
Mayor of Rome Calls for Ban on Immigration to the City
The mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, has asked the Italian government to temporarily halt immigration to the city.
In a letter reportedly sent to Paola Basilone, the prefect of Rome, Raggi (pictured) called for a “moratorium” on new arrivals and said: “I find it impossible, as well as risky, to think up further accommodation structures.”
The Pope Behind The Walls Declares Walls Non-Christian
Danish Post Office Suspends Deliveries to Immigration Hotspot, Drivers Too Scared to Go There
The post office in Denmark has halted deliveries to a troubled, high-immigration neighborhood because its drivers are afraid to go there.
PostNord, the national mail carrier, this week pulled it staff from Vollsmose, a district of Odense, Denmark’s third-largest city.
Denmark, like most of northern Europe, has been struggling with an influx of new arrivals from the migrant crisis sparked by the war in Syria.
In response, Danish lawmakers have passed new restrictions designed to deter migrants – including confiscating their cash and other valuables on entry to the country.
Something about Shari Law and associated No-Go Zones and Radical Muslim Terror attacks across Europe and the US.
Germany Outlaws Radical Muslim Mosques And Raid 190 Related Facilities

Saturday, June 17, 2017


Obama’s ‘ FCC Net Neutrality’ Another Orwell ‘1984’ DoubleSpeak

Commentary Eric Peters: Local reps help protect our online privacy
“the Obama appointed Federal Communications Commission (FCC) undertook a campaign to destroy ISPs so they could “fundamentally transform” the Internet into a government-run utility.”
“Ironically, the claimed purpose of the rule was to protect the privacy of Internet users from ISPs when the ISPs already can’t sell your personal information. The FTC has protected consumers from such abuse for 20 years and ISPs signed an agreement with the FTC a half decade ago, ensuring they would never seek to do so.”
Trump Bad-Mouths The Media – Obama Controlled The Media
Obama, FCC, The Internet And A 1934 Law
FCC Into Media Editors Pants


You’re Guilty Of Manslaughter If You Say: “Go Ahead - Kill Yourself”

Roanoke Times, 6-17-2017, Pg 3:  Girlfriend found guilty in texting suicide case.
Girl 17, a minor, encouraged boyfriend 19, an adult, to get back in his carbon monoxide ‘suicide’ truck.
He did, he died and now the judge declared the girl directly and personally responsible.
Whatever happened to ‘free will’ and ‘personal responsibility’?
Or as Mom used to say: “if your friends told you to jump off a bridge – would you do it”?
Compare this to:
NYC Man Pulled From Ledge as Crowd Yells ‘Jump!’
A Puerto Rican handyman perched on a 10thfloor ledge for an hour yesterday morning as many persons in a crowd of 500 on upper Broadway shouted at him in Spanish and English to jump.
How many of these happy New Yorker's were arrested for encouraging this person to commit suicide?  None!
How many of the dastardly left-wing-nuts who are encouraging violence and even death to The President have been arrested and jailed?  None that we know of!
Words have meaning and power and the 1st amendment has legally defined limitations.
Republican Congressman Scalise Wounded By Left-wing Domestic Terrorist
More Sick-Liberal Trump Assassination Depictions


Roanoke’s Flooding A Significant Business Problem

After 4 floods swamp downtown in a year, Roanoke officials look for answers
Roanoke’s $65 Million Flood Control turned out to be simply Roanoke RiverBank Beautification – didn’t want to disturb the log-perch or the snail-darters!  Another incredibly misdirected decision process.
Roanoke Flooded By 3-Inches Of Rain Yet Again
DownTown Business losses due to extended outages and cleanup is aggravated by very high flood insurance premiums
Roanoke Flood Insurance High Because Of Floods!
All Roanoke residents are burdened by the administrative and tax "levy’s" (an unfortunate pun) from the Obama-McAuliffe “surface water mandates”.
Roanoke Surface Water Boondoggle Or Meaningful Improvement?
2008  Flood control --- Talk About Foreboding!
For Thursday: Roanoke's flood control project might have landowners wondering how well their property will be protected during heavy rainfalls

Friday, June 16, 2017


Trump Fixing Obama’s Cuba Fiasco

Trump rolls back Obama's 'terrible and misguided' Cuba deal
“It's hard to think of a policy that makes less sense than the prior administration's terrible and misguided deal with the Castro regime,” Trump said. “The outcome of the last administration’s executive action has been only more repression and a move to crush the peaceful democratic movement. Therefore, effective immediately, I am canceling the last administration's completely one-sided deal with Cuba.”

Obama: Embraces Cuba, Debases Israel and Leaves US Cop Killers Living The Good Life In Cuba
Liberal Media Continues To Sanitize Castro’s Dastardly Legacy
Obama Shows His True Inner-Colors For Castro
Obama Completes Lee Harvey Oswald’s Quest: “Fair Play For Cuba”
Obama Doing The Wave With Castro While Brussels Bleeds


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