The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Monday, April 30, 2018


Obama-Kennedy Illegal Immigration Pandemic Continues

Migrant caravan turned away at U.S. border, likely faces long wait in Mexico
“While some 200 members of the Pueblo Sin Fronteras Caravan went over final details of their asylum petitions in Tijuana, U.S authorities announced Sunday afternoon that they had "reached capacity" at the San Ysidro Port of Entry for processing persons "without appropriate entry documentation" — a status that would apply to all caravan members.”
My prognosis:  This delay will only last a few days until Obama’s-Sanctuary Judges in the 9th Circuit orders the border be opened and the Border Patrol meet and greet these new illegal immigrants, including all these new Obama-Dreamers, with the ‘catch and release’ process.
(Note: of the 2,000-mile US southern border – they were driven from Central America to the San Diego California border crossing -- home of Jerry Brown and the 9th Circuit).
Teddy Kennedy and his Democrat cronies changed the long standing immigration laws to give preferential treatment to however and whoever enters the US thereby giving illegal immigrants ‘rights’ under the ‘catch and release’ programs and follow-on immigration through the ‘chain migration’ that brings in massive numbers of additional people all without going through the formal legal immigration process my parents, and millions of others, complied with.
Obama and his Sanctuary-Judges, especially in the 9th Circuit, have in-effect, totally opened the borders so that we have the current spectacle of caravans of well orchestrated and managed penetration of our borders and our communities who are then required to feed, clothe, house and educate these people at taxpayer expense and major impositions.
We now have 20-million illegal people in this country.
That is 2-1/2 times the population of New York City.
That’s Not immigration – that’s an Invasion!
An invasion by 1000 Pseudo-Divisions (20,000 each)
Number of Americans who served in World War II: 16.1 million.
Children Of Violence Fleeing Homeland?
Obama-Judges Keep The US Borders Open
Limit The Links In Chain-Migration
Obama’s Diabolical And Insidious Exploitation Of Children


Obama’s Resistors: The Politics Of Personal Destruction

The Senate Democrat’s Lynching of Ronny Jackson reached the pinnacle of ‘the politics of personal destruction’ with the aiding and abetting of Obama’s US-PravdaMedia.
Democrat Senator Jon Tester released to the press a list of anonymous unsupported scurrilous accusations in order to sink Jackson’s nomination before the confirmation process began.
Democrats reviewing allegations against VA nominee Ronny Jackson
Sen. Tester Owes An Apology To Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson
The Secret Service has issued a statement refuting the major elements of Tester’s vicious attacks.
“If Tester’s only motivation was to determine the content of Jackson’s character so his fellow senators could make an informed decision, why didn’t he confirm the accuracy of the charge with the Secret Service before he blasted it into the newsfeeds and nightly broadcasts of millions of Americans?”
Democrat Fake News: Secret Service Shreds Another Allegation Against Ronny Jackson
Hopefully the voters of Montana do not abide by Tester’s despicable actions and will vote him out of office at the soonest opportunity.
Trump Calls on Montana Democrat (Tester) to Resign in Fight Over Failed V.A. Nomination
Obama’s Nasty Resistors Wearing Out Their Welcome

Sunday, April 29, 2018


Obama’s Nasty Resistors Wearing Out Their Welcome

Comedian Michelle Wolf's jokes fall flat, or offend, at DC dinner
“Apparently offended by many of the comedian's jabs at President Donald Trump and members of his administration, many attendees sat in silence, or simply got up and walked out, Politico reported
Rob Schneider: Alec Baldwin's Trump is Ruining 'SNL'
"I don't find his impression to be comical. Because, like I said, I know the way his politics lean and it spoils any surprise. There's no possible surprise. He so clearly hates the man he's playing."
WHCA dinner host Michelle Wolf hits Sarah Sanders with vile, hateful jokes. It did not go over well.
Biden meeting with Al Sharpton
"Republicans don't want working class people voting. They don't want black folks voting," he said.
Joe, it wasn’t Republicans that passed the Jim Crow Laws!
It wasn’t Republicans that passed Literacy to Vote Laws!
It wasn’t Republicans that passed Poll Tax to Vote Laws!
No Joe – that was all done by Your Party – The Democrat Party
Your vile pronouncements at a Danville VA audience of mostly black voters that Romney and Ryan would:
“put y’all back in chains.”
Joe, it wasn’t Republicans that put Black People in Chains
It was Your Party, The Democrat Party
It was Our Party, The Republican Party that issued The Emancipation Proclamation
And it was Republican Ike Eisenhower’s Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School (1957) in Little Rock Ak  that opened public school doors to Blacks in the South (where were you then Joe?)
Its sad to reflect that the Democrats and their US-PravdaMedia continue to spread their vitriolic garbage and Race-Bating as we write!  How sad is that!
It’s the Republicans who have faith that every American can be successful and cause the next generation to do better than the prior generation.  Something about Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.
It’s the Democrats that strive to keep as many people as possible tied to government dependency and its depressing effect on the human spirit, initiative and quality of life.
Obama Resistors – Just ShutUp Already!
Black Guy Praises Trump – Getting Figuratively Lynched By Left-Wingers
Best speech in last 50-years in the Va. House
Delegate Nick Freitas Speech on Floor of House of Delegates – Gun Legislation and Political Civility

Saturday, April 28, 2018


House Intelligence Committee: No Trump Team Collusion

Roanoke Times, 4-28-2018, Pg N&W 3:  House panel clears Trump in Russia probe.
We’re thinking the RT Editors must have been on a mix of valium and opioids in order to write that heading!
The Muller team is now desperate to justify their extended-existence and massive expenditures.  Making their efforts more complex is FBI-Comey’s book tour and totally convoluted statements and contradictions to his sworn testimony and statements by his subordinates.
As a consolation prize: Let’s go after Trump’s lawyer for misusing campaign funds – we just nailed Bernie Sanders for that – but – didn’t raid his lawyer’s office – and the US-PravdaMedia didn’t even mention this because for Bernie it’s a trivial accounting issue - say you're sorry -- pay fine -- move on.
Clinton Collusion Malfeasance A Government Norovirus
The Real Russian Collusion – The Obama Minions


Black Guy Praises Trump – Getting Figuratively Lynched By Left-Wingers

Kanye West just released a new song defending his praise for Trump
“(CNN)Kanye West has doubled down on his support for Donald Trump, releasing a new song amid days of mounting controversy over his outspoken backing of the President.”
Businesses raise pay at fastest pace in 11-years
Congressional Black Caucus Reaction To Black Unemployment Data
MLK And BTW Disappointed With Their Heirs


The Peacocks Circle Tom Brokaw At NBC; So Much For #MeToo Loyalty

After current accusations of sexual misconduct in 1990s by two women; Brokaw defended as man of 'decency and integrity,' by more than 60 women at NBC
“They write that Brokaw, “has treated each of us with fairness and respect. He has given each of us opportunities for advancement and championed our successes throughout our careers,” “
An accuser’s sarcastic response to these Brokaw supporters might be: was there a mutually-agreeable quid pro quo for all your opportunities and advancement?
The general public, particularly men, might wonder about all these #MeToo 20+ year old accusations and how many are actually extortion efforts and how many are the politics of personal destruction?  Why else 'come out' now?
Then again – there’s the Bill Cosby criminal verdict yesterday!
Perhaps all this will put a chilling effect on hiring and working with women – you think?
Then again – there are assertive LGBT’s, aren’t there?
Working home alone at your computer may be a viable option.
Then again – Chinese Eunuch’s didn’t have any of these problems; The ultimate feminist-movement solution to a non-hostile work environment!  Ouch!
Flash-back to:  Dolly Parton - Nine to Five

Friday, April 27, 2018


Democrat Hypocrisy: What If Trump Nominated A Gay For Ambassador?

“WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate confirmed President Donald Trump’s nominee to be ambassador to Germany on Thursday, just before Chancellor Angela Merkel was due in Washington for talks on Berlin’s desire that Trump preserve the international nuclear agreement with Iran.
The Senate voted 56-42 to confirm Richard Grenell, largely along party lines, filling a position that had been vacant since January 2017.
Trump nominated Grenell for the Berlin post last September.”
So, Trump nominates a highly qualified person (who happens to be openly-gay) to be his ambassador to Germany in September 2017 (7-long-months ago) and the Democrats allow him to be confirmed the day before Merkel (Germany’s President) arrives for a meeting with Trump!
Can you image the hue and cry of Homophobia IF the Republicans had held-up an Obama Gay candidate for any reason for 7-long-months!!!!
The depth and breath of the Obama-Resist movement, even at the expense of injury to the US, is way beyond political opposition and has clearly become sedition and an anti-American Movement.


AGW-Alarmists Immolates-Self

David Buckel, prominent gay rights lawyer, burns himself to death in New York to protest global warming
(may have to copy-paste link into browser)
“A “green” activist who was a pioneering lawyer for gay and transgender rights — including in the notorious “Boys Don’t Cry” rape murder case — committed suicide by setting himself on fire Saturday morning in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park in a grisly act of protest against the ecological destruction of the Earth.”
It is indeed sad that any person would take their own life, especially in this manner.
It’s difficult to comprehend the conflicts and demons this person wrestled with.
It is also difficult to comprehend that he was so conflicted that he viewed earth’s Natural Global Temperature and Climate Changes as reason for his demise.
Reminiscent of similar actions by Monk protesters.
Says much about the Gore-AGW movement being like a religious cult by many devotees.
May he RIP.
The irony will be Al Gore flying-out from his 12,000 square-foot palace in Cal. in his big private jet for the service.


Police Officer Safety Not A Subject For Sarcasm

'Area police forces stock up on riot gear. Thanks to a federal grant, they're getting some new clubs, gas masks, riot shields, high-tech body armor, "ballistic helmets" and a paintball-style gun that fires pepper pellets.’
“A cynic might read the report and wonder if local cops are readying for a zombie apocalypse. Or, at the least, they are preparing to deliver a serious whooping to somebody.”
A cynic indeed.  This article laced with sarcasm about protective gear for the police department’s Riot and SWAT squads.
Every citizen should be dedicated to the premise that No police officer should be injured or killed performing their duty, and it is the responsibility of the citizens to ensure the police have the best available defensive and offensive assets available.
The number of police officers killed and injured on the job is totally unacceptable.  I am shocked at the number of ex-police officers I meet that are retired early with major disabilities.
Proposed: next time there is an incident involving violence, let’s have the editors of the Roanoke Times join the police officers on the front-lines and see what kind of ‘gear’ they want to wear.
It’s Not The Guns Obama: It’s The Psychos, Gangs And Terrorists
PravdaMedia Anti-Police Vendetta Goes On
64 US Cops KIA in 2016; 21 By Ambush; Thanks To Supporting Actors

Thursday, April 26, 2018


Astrologers: We Are Now In Trump’s Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius January 21, 2018
What a concept!  The cast of ‘Hair’ singing ‘Aquarius’ to Trump
All you ‘Hair Resistors’ from 1979 – be of good cheer and sing-along for we are now in
‘The Age of Aquarius’ and all will be good during the Trump Hair era.
It’s of interest that Trump is doing the Work for which Obama got the Nobel Prize! 

Makes the Norwegians cringe.
Norwegians Rushing To Give Trump Nobel Prize



Don’t Wear Kippa’s In Germany – Shades Of 1939 -

Germany's Jews advised not to wear skullcaps amid recent anti-Semitic attacks
‘Germany has been seeing increasing hostility toward the Jewish people, with numerous Jewish organizations alerting officials about the threats they face.’
‘The country has taken in nearly 1 million refugees, predominantly from Muslim countries, since the migrant crisis began in 2015.’
It’s difficult to comprehend that in 2018 German Jew’s are being told to hide their identity; meanwhile not a word is said about burka’s that not only hide identity but also gender, weapons and IEDs.
The anti-Jewish movement is also prevalent on US college campuses and in the Obama administrations actions toward Israel.
Fortunately overt physical assaults have been limited in the US.
We all should be mindful, watchful and react to bad behavior.
“Then they came for the Jews. And I did not speak out. Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me. And there was no one left. To speak out for me.”   Elie Wiesel

April 12th Is Holocaust Remembrance Day
Anti-Israel-Jewish Jihad Rejected At Va Tech
Gaza Protests Driven By More Than Misery
Obama Gives Jews Pork For Hanukkah

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Roanoke Times Editors Right-On Knocking Corey Stewart

Roanoke Times, 4-24-2018, Pg 5: Editorial: Why Corey Stewart hurts the Republican Party
“What is wrong with Corey Stewart?
There really seems no other diplomatic way to ask the question.
We refer to last week’s debate in Lynchburg between the three candidates seeking the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate and the right to run against Tim Kaine this fall.
The highlight — if you want to call it that — of that debate was Nick Freitas calling out Stewart for what were deemed “ethnic jokes” about Freitas’ surname. Specifically, one campaign worker for Stewart had posted on Facebook: “Freitas…… Sounds more like a [sic] item from Taco Bells dollar menu then a Senate candidate.” Another post by the same campaign worker, William Totten of Smyth County, also claims questions had been raised about whether Freitas is a legal citizen. (He is.)”
The Roanoke Times Editors are ‘right-on’ with this editorial.  Or as the old-timers say:
‘Now and then a blind squirrel finds a nut’.
Something about a Double Entendre.
There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with Corey Stewart – he simply is the personification of the Virginia TeaParty Leadership and their ‘scorched-earth rhetoric and behaviors’.
As so well stated by a Bedford businessman:
“They (the TeaParty Leadership) eat their own, and they’re always hungry”!  .
LB Hagen (Not A RINO -- Just An Old Reagan Republican)
(Whose first vote was military-absentee for Nixon vs JFK)

4-28-2018:  Editorial: Shenanigans in the 6th (Va. Congressional Distr)

Susan Dunbar’s TeaParty Team in Action
Nick Freitas: Republican For Virginia US Senate



Let’s Thank All Those Who Made Coal Happen This Winter

This RT commentary is an excellent summary of the Reality of our utility energy situation – A Good Read!
Coal emerges as the surprise power champion of a cold winter
Terry M. Jarrett Jerry is an energy attorney and consultant who has served on both the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and the Missouri Public Service Commission.
“It’s been a rough winter for much of America. As the Department of Energy has reported, a “bomb cyclone” winter storm struck much of the eastern United States in late December and early January. It plunged the region into a deep freeze and sparked a significant rise in demand for additional power. And if that wasn’t enough, winter has also lingered longer than expected, yielding surprise snowstorms in early spring.”
So, how’d you-all like the Gore Global Warming winter and your dependence on solar panels and wind-turbines?
The ‘Sustainable’ people promoting ‘alternative’ energy never engage in the Reality that we still have major Natural weather and climate variability, we add 2-million-net people to the US each year, and the alternative-offerings do not meet the Utility challenges of reliability, availability and serviceability within the foreseeable future!  We all need 100% backup with enough reserves for those special events.
The sustainable story is somewhat like:
someday the lion and the lamb will lie down together,
but today, when they lie down, the lamb is inside the lion!
Virginia's ports continue to lead US in surging coal exports
We must export more coal
W. Douglas Blackburn Jr. Blackburn has worked extensively in the coal industry and now heads an energy consulting firm based in Richmond.
Setting The Climate Record Straight between science and politics has been suppressed and marginalized.
A Realistic View Of Solar Energy In Virginia
Roanoke Times: Blowing In The Wind


Increase Electricity Rates --- No Problem – No Push-Back

Roanoke Times, 4-24-2018, Pg Va 1, 6: The Radford City Council voted to increase citywide electric rates by 1.5%.
What a contrast!  It’s OK for a municipality to raise electric rates BUT watch the fire and furry when Utility AEP proposes rate increases!
And the basis for the raise – a pay increase for teachers!  What has that to do with the cost and price of electricity?
Nary a negative word in this RT article – socialists love taxes!
Why Not an RT Dano Trophy Awards for this totally disconnected government action?
To see an example of disconnected municipally owned electric, take a drive to Bedford on Rt 43 toward the Peaks and count the power poles planted way out ‘in the street’.  What utility power company would be allowed to run power poles ‘in the street’?  None!
Is there anything that government does better than private industry?  Can’t think of any!
AEP Rates: The Reality of Democrat Energy Policy

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Nick Freitas: Republican For Virginia US Senate

Roanoke Times, WaPo, 4-23-2018, Pg Va 2: Republican senate candidate says fundraising total reflects support.
Va. Del. Nick Freitas running in the Republican Primary June 12, 2018.
Nick Freitas on 2018 State of the Union Speech
Best speech in last 50-years in the Va. House
Delegate Nick Freitas Speech on Floor of House of Delegates – Gun Legislation and Political Civility
This no-cost post authorized and approved by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution

Monday, April 23, 2018


Two Palestinian’s Died In Syria?

Roanoke Times, 4-23-2018, Pg N&W 3: Two Palestinian refugees were killed in the fighting in Syria.

Two Palestinian’s Died In Syria -- is that really the 'story'? What a total misrepresentation of what has happened to the Palestinian's after Obama's 'swan song' over his so called 'red line' fiasco.
Obama’s US-PravdaMedia Misdirects the magnitude and real focus of Palestinian Deaths and misery.
After countless inflammatory articles on the Gaza-Palestinians being injured and a few killed while being repelled from charging the Israeli border fences, the media now informs that two (2) Palestinian’s were killed in Syria.
Really?  No -- that's not the story.
“Nearly 4,000 Palestinians have been 'killed' in Syria's brutal war and since fighting began, more than 85,000 Palestinians have fled Syria to Europe while tens of thousands more have sought refuge in neighboring countries.”
The PravdaMedia is clearly a pathetic propaganda entity for left-wing interests and causes and Not a News entity!
What a pity they will not even make an effort to be fair, balanced and transparent!
Gaza Protests Driven By More Than Misery


Trump Summit With North Korea Planned

Roanoke Times, 4-23-2018, Pg N&W 3: Trump defends N. Korea summit
“The work I’m doing now should have been done a long time ago”
The Obama-Resist minions, who just a few months ago, were opining that Trump was starting a nuclear war with N. Korea are now whining that he is planning to meet with N. Korea’s Kim on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
What a pathetic bunch and the US-PravdaMedia carries this junk as ‘news’.
Let’s listen-watch and reflect on Bill Clinton’s speech on his N. Korean moves:
Bill Clinton Touts North Korea Deal in 1994
At least he tried and failed - But did better than the 8-years of Obama’s Malignant Neglect of Kim’s nuclear weapons and ballistic missile developments and tests.
Resist People – Just ShutUp Already!
US-PravdaMedia Singing North Korean Anthem At Olympics
When Despots Hijack The Olympics And Idiots Swoon
North Korea Nuclear Ballistic Missiles Target Entire US HomeLand


Best Quotes From FBI-Comey’s Book Tour

Rachael Maddow Show   MSNBC  April 19, 2018
Sound-ON to capture every poignant word
Comey, McCabe, Hillary, Albury: Felons All


Earth Day Quotes From 1970

13 Worst Predictions Made on Earth Day, 1970
By Jon Gabriel   04/22/2013
The 1970s were a lousy decade. Embarrassing movies, dreadful music and downright terrifying clothes reflected the national mood following an unpopular war, endless political scandals and a faltering economy.
Popular culture was consumed with decline, especially Hollywood. The Omega Man, Soylent Green, Damnation Alley and countless other dystopian films showed a planet wrecked by war, pollution and neglect. In large part, the entertainment industry was reflecting the culture at large.
In 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated — okay, “celebrated” doesn’t capture the funereal tone of the event. The events (organized in part by then hippie and now convicted murderer Ira Einhorn) predicted death, destruction and disease unless we did exactly as progressives commanded.
Behold the coming apocalypse as predicted on and around Earth Day, 1970:
  1. "Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind."  — Harvard biologist George Wald
  2. "We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation." — Washington University biologist Barry Commoner
  3. "Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction."New York Times editorial
  4. "Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years." — Stanford University biologist Paul Ehrlich
  5. "Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born… [By 1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s." — Paul Ehrlich
  6. "It is already too late to avoid mass starvation," — Denis Hayes, Chief organizer for Earth Day
  7. "Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions…. By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine." — North Texas State University professor Peter Gunter
  8. "In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution… by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half." — Life magazine
  9. "At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it's only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable." — Ecologist Kenneth Watt
  10. "Air certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone." — Paul Ehrlich
  11. "By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate… that there won't be any more crude oil. You'll drive up to the pump and say, ‘Fill 'er up, buddy,' and he'll say, ‘I am very sorry, there isn't any.'" — Ecologist Kenneth Watt
  12. "[One] theory assumes that the earth's cloud cover will continue to thicken as more dust, fumes, and water vapor are belched into the atmosphere by industrial smokestacks and jet planes. Screened from the sun's heat, the planet will cool, the water vapor will fall and freeze, and a new Ice Age will be born."Newsweek magazine
  13. "The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years. If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age." — Kenneth Watt
Follow Jon on Twitter at @ExJon.


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