The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, August 31, 2018


John Dramesi, John McCain, Hanoi Hilton, American Flag, NFL-Kneelers, Jane Fonda

All these names are connected via reflections of the Viet Nam War.

John Dramesi, a Rutgers graduate and air force officer, will be buried at Arlington within days of his fellow Hanoi Hilton POW John McCain.

During his imprisonment Dramesi made a small American Flag out of scraps and threads.
It was displayed and saluted by the group at night and flew until morning. In the morning the flag was saluted again and then hidden in a mosquito net.

As one reads the account of Dramesi’s captivity and loyalty to Duty, Honor, Country it’s difficult not to reflect on the pathetic multi-millionaires Hanoi-Jane and the NFL-Kneelers and their total disrespect for our country and the patriots who have given so much for our freedom and way of life.
“The story of a small, handmade American flag that gave hope to POWs at the “Hanoi Hilton” during Vietnam War”
John McCain


More Media Tariff Bias And Misdirection

9-1-2018: “Fear” piled higher and deeper
RT, Sept 1, Pg Bus 8:  Trump’s tariffs stirring fear at many US ports.
Really?  And what about the other guys massive tariffs?
The PravdaMedia are cranking out massive amounts of anti-Trump Trade-Tariff propaganda.  They elect not to cover the massive anti-US Worker trade barriers and tariff’s imposed on US goods by others and the long-term adverse consequences of our massive negative balance of trade.

How sad that the Liberal-Progressives, who claim to embrace the worker-class, have traded them for political favors.
Another Totally Biased View Of Tariff’s And ImBalance Of Trade
Undermining US Trade Negotiations
RT Editorial: Trump, trade and synthesizers
Another lengthy editorial opining about Trumps major initiatives to fix years of abuse of our industries and workers by trading ‘partners’ who have stacked the deck in their favor -- no words in defense of aggrieved US companies and workers.
Remember Ross Perot in the 1992 Presidential Debate and his “NAFTA will result in a loud sucking sound as our jobs leave the country”?
How could our ‘leaders’ have totally ignored this truth and reality?
Click for a great trade refresher from presidential debate:

Today’s U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal: What Was Agreed and What Comes Next
Canada and U.S. Meet as Trump Moves Ahead With Mexico Trade Deal
“WASHINGTON — A day after President Trump threatened to exclude Canada from a revised North American Free Trade Agreement, top Canadian officials raced to Washington and said they were moving “full steam ahead” to try to reach a compromise that could save the trilateral pact.”
Canada’s Ongoing 270-Percent Tariff On Dairy Products Hammers US Farmers
Pathetic Roanoke Times article:
How Trump's trade war affects working-class Americans
“Members of both parties now agree that free trade is largely to blame for this decline.”
This is total heifer-dust!  There is No FREE Trade!  Talk about a sham ‘expert’ and ‘1984-DoubleSpeak’!


FBI Leadershiop Just Can’t Stop Lying – How Sad Is That!

Apparently the ‘management team’ at the FBI are so committed to their cover-up of Clinton’s malfeasance's that they just have to keep lying to cover-up their own malfeasance.
"Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive"
Congressman Gohmert doubles down after FBI dismisses claim of Clinton server hack
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert doubled down after the FBI dismissed claims that a Chinese state-owned company hacked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
'[P]artisan politics, sadly, are very much at play within some of the leadership at the FBI," the Texas congressman said in a statement late Wednesday. 
The Daily Caller first reported that the FBI was notified of the purported hack in 2015, when the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) warned the bureau of the intrusion. The hack reportedly implanted code that generated a “courtesy copy” for almost all Clinton's emails -- which was then forwarded to the Chinese company. 
A source briefed on the matter confirmed to Fox News the details of the Caller’s reporting. Gohmert also had told Fox News on Tuesday that the emails were obtained by a foreign country’s intelligence, though he declined to name the country in question.
But on Wednesday, the FBI sharply disputed the claims, saying it “has not found any evidence the servers were compromised.” 
In his overnight statement, Gohmert argued it was the ICIG -- not the FBI -- that discovered the breach. He said the FBI conveniently omitted that detail.
Something about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
The FBI’s FISA Faults
FBI-Leadership Malfeasance And Obstruction of Justice?


Obama’s “Clean Power Plan’ The Personification of ‘1984-DoubleSpeak’

Continuation of the Obama CPP (so called clean power plan) would have placed the US national electrical grid in great jeopardy.
There is no recognition in the CPP for reliability, availability, serviceability or customer cost.
The result would be rolling black-outs and outages and power-chaos and skyrocketing costs.
This chaos would then have been the pretext for massive further taxpayer subsidies of so called renewable energy which by its very design requires 100% backup facilities.
All this as homage to the Gore AGW Alarmist Hypothesis that has been discredited by real-world data and real scientists.
The climate is changing --- the climate has always been changing.
Jarrett: Fixing the Clean Power Plan is a sensible first step
“….the CPP envisioned by President Obama represented a massive overreach of the EPA’s authority under the Clean Air Act. Instead of addressing individual power plants, the Obama administration simply mandated wholesale changes to large swaths of America’s power grid. The Supreme Court found this problematic, though, and issued an unprecedented stay of the rule while a lower court was reviewing it.”
“It wasn’t just the EPA’s intrusion into the way individual states generate electricity, however. There was also the incredibly high price tag. According to a study by Energy Ventures Analysis (EVA), the CPP would have forced the closure of enough generating capacity to power 24 million homes. This would have cost consumers an estimated $214 billion in additional electricity costs between 2022 and 2030, plus $64 billion for replacement infrastructure. Such a massive expense prompted 27 states to challenge the rule, and a bipartisan majority of Congress to formally state their disapproval.
What the Trump administration is now attempting with its “Affordable Clean Energy” (ACE) rule is to focus on improvements for existing plants. This is a far more lawful approach, and it means the EPA will respect both the boundaries established under the Clean Air Act and the ability of individual states to securely generate electricity”
Our Electric Grid: Let’s Make It A Social Community Project
Trump Assuring Grid Power Sustainability
An Ode To AGW Consensus

Thursday, August 30, 2018


CNN Doubles-Down On Fake News Again

Talk about the PravdaMedia and Fake News!
CNN gives high coverage to charges made by Lanny Davis (Hillary’s old water boy) that Trump’s lawyer was stating Trump knew in-advance about the Trump Tower meeting.  The story got ‘creditability’ when Bernstein (the Watergate reporter) jumped on the story.
Reality:  Lanny admitted he ‘lied’ about the story.
Now Bernstein and CNN continue to hype a story repudiated by its very author.
And they call themselves ‘Journalists’!   Really?
CNN fires back at Trump, stands by controversial story
““Make no mistake, Mr. President, CNN does not lie. We report the news. And we report when people in power tell lies. CNN stands by our reporting and our reporters. There may be many fools in this story but @carlbernstein is not one of them,” CNN’s public relations department sent.
The scathing message was a response to Trump’s criticism of CNN for standing by a report on the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting, despite ex-Clinton aide Lanny Davis admitting he was an anonymous source and recanting key details he provided CNN for the story. Davis, the high-powered attorney of Trump’s longtime “fixer”-turned-foe Michael Cohen, admitted Monday he was an anonymous source after The Washington Post outed him as a source for its own version of the story.”

Monday, August 27, 2018


Reform-Schools Within Our High Schools

Update 11-20-2018: Discipline Policies Incites Classroom Anarchy
Roanoke Times, 11-19-2018, Pg E1: Today’s approach to school discipline incites classroom anarchy.
“In a nutshell, the best research finds that mild-to-moderate punishment works far better than any alternative (rewarding, ignoring, talking) at correcting misbehavior; that the most obedient kids are also the happiest; and that the highest student achievement is associated with teachers who employ moderate criticism and create teacher-centric classrooms.”

Franklin County Va pursues alternative program for suspended students
“When he proposed the project to the school board, Church provided data on chronic absenteeism and out-of-school suspensions. At Franklin County High School, 12.43 percent of students missed more than 10 percent of the school year and 1,823 days of out-of-school suspension were assigned in 2017-18. There were 47 students who served out-of-school suspensions for periods of more than 10 days.”
“Starting the program is expected to cost $176,530. The district plans to use federal Title IV funds to cover $124,397 of the cost. The district’s budget can support the remaining $52,133, officials said."
The good news: Franklin County Va has predominantly good and positive students compared to the challenges in many other schools.
However, The bottom line:
The taxpayers are paying $175,000 per year to house 50 juvenile delinquents.
That’s $3500 per delinquent in addition to the $12,000+ budgeted per year per student.
It’s a good deal for the parents who can depend on ‘The Village’ to raise their kids.
It’s a good deal for the teachers and other students who are victimized, and in some cases terrorized, by these delinquents.
It’s a bad deal for the ‘Village Taxpayers’ who pay for these dysfunctional families.
It’s doubtful there’s significant impact to the ‘home to school to jail’ pipeline.
It is probably worth the taxpayer cost to get these delinquents out of the classroom and off the streets.  How sad is that!
Virginia Law: 'Reform-Schools' Within Our High Schools
School Suspensions Or Classroom Chaos
Horrific Outcomes From Obama’s 'School-to-Prison PipeLine' Actions
“School and law enforcement officials knew Cruz was a ticking time bomb. They did nothing because of a deliberate, willful, bragged-about policy to end the so called "school-to-prison pipeline."
Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."


An Ode To AGW Consensus

Science is a complex subject
Many fear its state
So let’s not strive and worry
Consensus is our fate

Consensus is agreement
Agreement is accord
Accord is solidarity
So let’s just join the hoard

Instead of facts and data
Let’s put our faith in Gore
And read his fiery gospel
Of burning fuels no more

The Skeptics are deplorable
They question Gore’s decrees
They even publish nasty facts
That highlights real degrees

The Alarmists tout their models
The inputs just a guess
The output just a reflection
Of their sense of hopelessness

The Alarmists claim to be
The arbiters of truth
Who else can be believed?
They have captured all the youth

Nature has her own consensus
Millions of years of yore
When things were very hot and cold
There wasn’t any Gore

Our carbon and our temperatures
Were once hard to beat
The oil wells in Alaska
Are pumping trees and peat

We’re told the climates changing
As it has always done
What final state do we desire?
When all is said and done

So let’s all join together
And sing the consensus song
It still guides the lemmings
LBH an old Skeptic
Sahara Dust And Hurricanes
Media Continuing To Ride Gore’s AGW Horse
Finally An AGW Debate

Sunday, August 26, 2018


John McCain

Statement from the Office of Senator John McCain
Washington, D.C. ­– The office of Senator John McCain released the following statement today:
“Senator John Sidney McCain III died at 4:28pm on August 25, 2018. With the Senator when he passed were his wife Cindy and their family. At his death, he had served the United States of America faithfully for sixty years.”
John McCain dead at 81
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“U.S. Sen. John McCain, a war hero who survived five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, served three decades in Congress and went on to become the Republican Party’s nominee for president in 2008, died Saturday. He was 81 years old.”

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Sahara Dust And Hurricanes

Saharan dust contributing to 'less active' hurricane season
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “the dust sits in a hot and dry layer of the atmosphere that is directly above cooler and more humid air above the Atlantic Ocean…The hot, dusty air puts a stop to any thunderstorms that may develop in the moist layer beneath it.”
"Saharan dust is not new. However, Reilly believes more advanced satellite technology has led to increased awareness."
Whatever happened to Rain Formation Physics?
“Raindrops begin forming when water vapor condenses on micrometer-sized particles of dust floating in the atmosphere.”


The Obama-Gore AGW Scientists at the NOAA have been busy explaining how weather is driven by man-kind (and trying to justify their existence).  The Sahara is extra dry and dusty and that’s ostensibly your fault.  The ‘dust’ in the atmosphere is suppressing hurricanes.  Not clear how the massive ‘dust’ in the atmosphere from the western US forest fires are involved.

However, when one looks at the data from 93-major hurricanes since 1851 and the ‘massive reductions’ since the 1950s.
One might wonder how much of this Sahara dust is really Heifer-Dust!
Heifer-Dust is also not new and doesn't require satellites to find it.
1st rule of consensus science: Don't publish comparative data
2nd rule of consensus science: Don't put today's data in perspective
Blasphemy: Hurricane Forecast Downgraded
Killer Hurricanes Hit US: Déjà vu Again


Frieden’s Gropey Hands Not His Big HIV+AIDs Issues

Obama’s Ex-CDC director Frieden accused of groping woman's buttocks
“Frieden, who also is a former New York City health commissioner, was arrested earlier Friday on three charges: forcible touching, sex abuse and harassment. His attorney, Laura Brevetti, entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.”
“Dr” Frieden, Obama’s head of the CDC, has a sad history of failure in protecting the public health.
His tenure as head of Public Health in NYS bordered on HIV+AIDS malfeasance.
NY HIV+AID: Massive HIV+AIDS malfeasance perpetrated by NY Democrat Gov. Cuomo and NYC Democrat Koch – and what did Frieden do to help the public and the victims?
Reflect back to:  Roanoke Times, 8/30/08, Pg Va 9:
NY HIV+AIDS pandemic at least three times worse than national rate and much higher than documented.
Is this not the definition of malfeasance?
Is this the best person in the US for Obama to promote to head CDC?
Frieden: Obama's CDC Zika Wizzard
CDC Director Frieden Acts Just Like A Typical Obama Appointee Re Ebola


Lawless OK As Long As You Are Politically Correct

3 facing charges over toppling of Confederate statue
“The University of North Carolina's campus police department filed warrants for the three on misdemeanor charges of rioting and defacing a public monument, according to a news release. The release said the three aren't affiliated with the university.”
The statute at UNC was an image of a Confederate soldier.
Not a politician, not a general, Just a soldier.
The statute was being protected by a detail of cops.
The statute was then surrounded by a mob of activists.
The cops didn’t notice that the mob was pulling the statute down until it fell.
Oops – too late to stop that illegal act.
Talk about a total farce – why didn’t the cops just pull it down by themselves?
Rewriting History: Shunning Statues, Names And Symbols
Gone With The Wind
Does Replacing A Flag Replace Racism?


National Security Important IF You’re Not Hillary

Reality Winner, who pleaded guilty to leaking secret U.S. report, gets 63-month sentence
What a contrast to Hillary and her minions who exposed dozens of Top Secret and hundreds of Secret documents with her totally illegal personal basement server tied to a third parties Email illegal bathroom server; all tied to unprotected laptops and not very smart phones.
Who says that justice is blind and balanced?
Shades of the selfie-sailor in the brig:
‘No Intent’ Security Violations: Sailor Goes To Brig – Hillary Goes To Harvard
Obama, The Chief Law Enforcement Officer Of The US, Clears Hillary

Friday, August 24, 2018


Will Putin Get 20% Of Pittsylvania Va Uranium?

Roanoke Times, 8-23-2018, Pittsylvania Va board denies rezoning for mining firm leader.
Pittsylvania Va has the largest untapped deposit of uranium ore in the US.
Virginia has a state law restricting the mining of uranium.
The federal government has exercised control of uranium for 80-years in conjunction with both nuclear weapons and power plants.
The SCOTUS will probably continue federal control and negate the state law (state’s rights not withstanding).
At that point:
Will Putin Get 20% Of Pittsylvania Va Uranium?
Why is that a question?
Because Crooked Hillary Clinton gave 20% of the un-mined US uranium to Russia in her quid pro quo for massive contributions to her slush-fund-Trust and half-million dollar fees to Bill.
Virginia’s Uranium A Hillary Gift To Russia?
Indictment In Crooked-Hillary’s Uranium One Malfeasance
PravdaMedia BlackOut Of Hillary’s US-Russian-Uranium ‘Deal’
Russia Meeting Questions -  Uranium One
Hillary And Bill Had The Real Lucrative Russian Connections
Real Russian Connections And They’re Not Trump


Guns For Schools?

Roanoke Times, 8-24-2018, Pg 1, 6: DeVos may allow grant money to buy guns.  Issue raised in requests from Texas and Oklahoma.
RT Editorial: Guns and money; don't like it that Lee County Va is arming teachers?
It’s clear from experience that shootings by terrorists and felons in ‘gun-free zones’ is akin to ‘the silence of the lambs’.
Gun-Free Zones Not Working
Realities Of The Parkland School Massacre
Armed teachers are standard practice in Israel and works well as a deterrent to attacks.
AntiGun activists are decrying the proposal with Anti-Trump rhetoric.
Perhaps Trump giving guns to appropriate school personnel is better than:
Obama-Holder Team Sent Illegal Guns To Mexican Terrorist Gangs Who Then Killed an American Boarder Agent With Them
Demanding More Gun Laws: The Power Of Misdirection

Thursday, August 23, 2018


Trump Hush Money Legal And Common Practice

A candidate can spend as much of his own money as he wishes.
A candidate can give his money to those who help his campaign.
A candidate can give his money to those who threaten to hurt his campaign (including extortionists and blackmailers).
Congress has a “legal” hush money fund that congressmen use to pay-off those who are accusing them of malfeasance
“Since 1995, more than $15 million in taxpayer dollars has been paid out by the congressional Office of Compliance to settle claims, including sexual harassment claims, on behalf of members of Congress and congressional staff.”

Click link for a Liberal Democrat Lawyer’s explanation:
"Dershowitz: Contributing to your own campaign isn't crime"
"If Mr. Trump the candidate contributed several hundred thousand dollars to his own campaign to pay hush money to women who were either truthfully or falsefully alleging against him, that's not a crime," he said. "A candidate can contribute as much as he wants."
"If he directed somebody to do it intending to pay it back, that's probably not a crime," Dershowitz added. Cohen told the court that his "candidate" directed him to pay Daniels hush money, after which he was reimbursed.
Show me the statute that Trump violated!"

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Pravda Media Can’t Say “ILLEGAL Immigrant” Killed Mollie

Roanoke Times continues PravdaMedia misrepresentation of the Illegal Immigrant who admitted to killing Mollie Tibbetts.
RT: 8-23-2018, Pg N&W 3: “A Mexican man charged”
RT: 8-24-2018, Pg N&W3: “An undocumented immigrant arrested”
How shallow and pathetic these so call journalists are!
Imagine the headlines if the killer were a right-wing fanatic – Charlottesville!
(Undocumented immigrant)
charged with murder in killing of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts

“GUERNSEY, Iowa – An (undocumented immigrant) told police that he killed University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts in a moment of panic after she attempted to call for help on her cell phone, court papers show.
Cristhian Bahena Rivera, 24, a Mexican national who has lived in Iowa for at least four years, is being held on a first-degree murder charge in the brazen attack, officials said Tuesday. Tibbetts vanished July 18 while out for an evening jog.”
The PravdaMedia is totally invested in open borders and shielding Illegal Immigrants.  They may not be ‘enemies of the American People’, but they certainly aren’t ‘friends’!  To add insult to injury the Democrats and their PravdaMedia are driving an effort to eliminate ICE!
This case is yet another Kate Steinle lighting rod that highlights a broken immigration system that is not serving the American people.
MS-13 gang member, in US illegally, pleads guilty in brutal quadruple killing
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“An illegal immigrant and member of the MS-13 gang faces a life sentence after pleading guilty Monday to taking part in the vicious massacre of four young men on New York's Long Island, in a case that was highlighted by President Trump.”
Fed’s Arrest-Indict MS-13 Members In Sanctuary California

“Illegal immigrant who committed multiple rapes after 2012 ICE detainer not enforced gets 80 years in prison”
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“An Illinois judge on Monday slammed the officials who failed to enforce a 2012 ICE detainer on an illegal immigrant who later was able to beat and rape three women -- even though he "shouldn't have been in this country."”
Does this Judge not know that Illinois is a ‘Virtual’-Sanctuary State.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Fix Immigration Laws Before The Venezuelans Get Here

Venezuela implements major economic changes – will they work?
“"The measures announced on Friday are not any economic recovery plan for the country," opposition leader Andres Velasquez said. "On the contrary, they represent more hunger, more ruin, more poverty, more suffering, more pain, more inflation, more deterioration of the economy."
The socialist country’s economy has collapsed, leaving its people without even food and medicine. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicted inflation in the country will exceed 1 million percent this year.”
Massive numbers of Venezuelans are now escaping south into Brazil.
There is little there in Northern Brazil for them, or anybody.
They soon will start flooding north through Columbia, Central American and Mexico and across the US border.
The current Catch-and-Release, Chain Migration and a pitiful Wall will enable them to flood the US with this massive wave of economic refugees.
If the US immigration laws cannot be fixed, it may be necessary to intervene militarily in Venezuela, ousting the pseudo-dictator, take over and run the oil business and get that economy working again for the people.
Clearly not a nice option, but, may be best for the US and the Venezuelan people.
The reality of what happened in Syria demonstrates the adverse consequences of Obama, the EU and NATO doing nothing and the Iranians, Assad and Russians enabling the humanitarian and national disasters.


Catholic Church Exposes Core Gay Priest Issues

Click Link for most comprehensive article since the 2005 revelations:
AP: Cardinal McCarrick scandal inflames debate over gay priests
“Citing McCarrick's case, Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute, which promotes traditional Catholic teaching, says there must be a "complete and thorough removal of all homosexual clergymen from the church."
"It is going to be difficult and will likely result in a very serious priest shortage," Hichborn said. "But it's definitely worth the effort."”
There came a time when the Catholic hierarchy was faced with an extreme shortage of priest candidates.
It appears they concluded there were gay candidates available.
It appears they concluded that gay priests would not be a church issue; ostensibly if they were sexually active they would be discrete and be with each other (no foul, no harm, no penalty --- the Bible not withstanding).
Reality: after many years of abusing mostly young boys, (who although young, most were sexually-functional), many gay priests then posed a massive problem for the Bishops, Cardinals and the Popes.
The leadership reaction: deny, suppress, cover-up and transfer.
This is not just a Catholic priest conundrum.  By way of social activism, openly Gay men are now totally integrated into organizations of young boys.

Perhaps this will work-out OK, perhaps not.  History is not encouraging.
2005:  Catholic Church and Homosexual Priests
2005:  Diocese to pay victims – $120-million fund
Vatican fires senior priest after he comes out as gay
2005:  Perhaps the Vatican learned a devastating lesson about homosexual behaviors in close supervisory contact with young boys.
Catholic Church and Homosexual Priests
Gay Scoutmaster Breaking Bad
Cub Scouts Not Respectful Or Kind?
Boy Scouts Open Files On Sex Abuse
2006:  Abused Bishop


February 2005   March 2005   April 2005   May 2005   June 2005   July 2005   August 2005   September 2005   October 2005   November 2005   December 2005   January 2006   February 2006   March 2006   April 2006   May 2006   June 2006   July 2006   August 2006   September 2006   October 2006   November 2006   December 2006   January 2007   February 2007   March 2007   April 2007   May 2007   June 2007   July 2007   August 2007   September 2007   October 2007   November 2007   December 2007   January 2008   February 2008   March 2008   April 2008   May 2008   June 2008   July 2008   August 2008   September 2008   October 2008   November 2008   December 2008   January 2009   February 2009   March 2009   April 2009   May 2009   June 2009   July 2009   August 2009   September 2009   October 2009   November 2009   December 2009   January 2010   February 2010   March 2010   April 2010   May 2010   June 2010   July 2010   August 2010   September 2010   October 2010   November 2010   December 2010   January 2011   February 2011   March 2011   April 2011   May 2011   June 2011   July 2011   August 2011   September 2011   October 2011   November 2011   December 2011   January 2012   February 2012   March 2012   April 2012   May 2012   June 2012   July 2012   August 2012   September 2012   October 2012   November 2012   December 2012   January 2013   February 2013   March 2013   April 2013   May 2013   June 2013   July 2013   August 2013   September 2013   October 2013   November 2013   December 2013   January 2014   February 2014   March 2014   April 2014   May 2014   June 2014   July 2014   August 2014   September 2014   October 2014   November 2014   December 2014   January 2015   February 2015   March 2015   April 2015   May 2015   June 2015   July 2015   August 2015   September 2015   October 2015   November 2015   December 2015   January 2016   February 2016   March 2016   April 2016   May 2016   June 2016   July 2016   August 2016   September 2016   October 2016   November 2016   December 2016   January 2017   February 2017   March 2017   April 2017   May 2017   June 2017   July 2017   August 2017   September 2017   October 2017   November 2017   December 2017   January 2018   February 2018   March 2018   April 2018   May 2018   June 2018   July 2018   August 2018   September 2018   October 2018   November 2018   December 2018   January 2019   February 2019   March 2019   April 2019   May 2019   June 2019   July 2019   August 2019   September 2019   October 2019   November 2019   December 2019   January 2020   February 2020   March 2020   April 2020   May 2020   June 2020   July 2020   August 2020   September 2020   October 2020   November 2020   December 2020   January 2021   February 2021   March 2021   April 2021   May 2021   June 2021   July 2021   August 2021   September 2021   October 2021   November 2021   December 2021   January 2022   February 2022   March 2022   April 2022   May 2022   June 2022   July 2022   August 2022   September 2022   October 2022   November 2022   December 2022   January 2023   February 2023   March 2023   April 2023   May 2023   June 2023   July 2023   August 2023   September 2023   October 2023   November 2023   December 2023   January 2024   February 2024   March 2024   April 2024   May 2024   June 2024   July 2024   August 2024   September 2024   October 2024   November 2024   December 2024   January 2025  

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