The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Thursday, January 31, 2019


Democrats ‘Now’ Embracing Intel Chiefs

“Top Dem (Chuck Schumer) wants intel chiefs to stage intervention with Trump.
Trump's criticisms of intel officials "extraordinarily inappropriate."”
Seems like just yesterday that the Dems were blasting the Intel Chiefs for Saddam’s WMD proclamations and now they swoon over conjecture about who is our biggest adversary.
Reminiscent of Obama declaring that Russia no threat because ‘The Cold War’ is over!
Obama to Romney - "You know the Cold War's been over for 20 years"
Then there’s the issue with the three major Intel Chief’s being in Contempt of Congress for lying.
Then there’s the issue of Obama’s Intel Chief’s illegally spying on the Trump Campaign and abusing the FISA Court.
So now Trump is supposed to embrace these people who have (and many are continuing to) stage a coup d'état against him?
Perhaps Trump should hold all these ‘Deep State’ Operatives at arms-length.
Was Obama's FBI The New KGB?


Buoyed By Her Victory At Little BigHorn Pocahontas Warren Now Dictates Nuclear Strategy

Roanoke Times, 1-31-2019, Pg N7W 7:  Elizabeth Warren Bill No-first-use nuclear strike
Dems introduce bill barring US from using nuclear weapons first
It has long been the policy of the United States that the country reserves the right to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike.
In the dangerous high-risk world of nuclear armed adversaries, with multi-warhead missiles only minutes in flight, the US has relied on The President and The Joint Chiefs of Staff to be the key arbiters of our pre-emptive defense.
Nuclear weapons are key defensive tools required to counter under-ground weapons, under-sea weapons, in-flight weapons and in-space weapons.
Norman Schwarzkopf, U.S. commander in Gulf War articulated his view of “Saddam Hussein being a great military strategist.
If General Schwarzkopf were alive today it is likely he would say the same things about Pocahontas Warren:
” Schwarzkopf said, “he (she) is neither a strategist, nor is he schooled in the operational arts, nor is he a tactician, nor is he a general, nor is he a soldier. Other than that, he’s a great military man, I want you to know that.”
Those who beat their swords into plows – will plow for those who didn’t!
Hawaii Nuclear Panic: Obama’s Nuclear Attack Legacy
North Korea Nuclear Ballistic Missiles Target Entire US HomeLand
Hawaii Wants AntiMissile Defense That Obama Killed

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Democrat Gov Northam Declares Euthanasia To Be Legal In Virginia

It is difficult to comprehend that Northam, a doctor and governor, has fallen into such a deep dark moral hole as infanticide!
What has become of the Democrat Party – once the solid core of middle-class American Values?
"The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and mother."
January 30, 2019 By Madeline Osburn
“When asked about the controversial late term abortion bill presented in Virginia’s House of Delegates this week, Governor Ralph Northam said a fully developed child born in the third trimester would be kept alive, but the physician and mother would get to discuss and decide whether to take its life or not.”

NY Cuomo Celebrates Abortion Up To Day Of Delivery
Obama And Minions Are Team-1 For Abortions


85% Of Continental States Below Freezing

Americans are literally freezing to death thanks to Al Gore’s AGW man-made global warming!
‘Polar Vortex’ Will Have Nearly 90 Percent Of US Below-Freezing
“Nearly 90 percent of the continental U.S. will experience below-freezing temperatures over the next five days as Arctic air moves south, according to forecasts.
The “polar vortex” event will have 89 percent of the continental U.S. with below freezing weather, meteorologist Ryan Maue said. In fact, all of the lower-48 are forecast to experience freezing weather, including Florida.
The National Weather Service (NWS) is warning of “extreme and dangerous” cold weather across the Great Plains and Great Lakes where wind chill could dip as low as -60 degrees Fahrenheit. NWS expects temperature “lows in the -30s and -40s” Wednesday through Thursday.” (those are Minus numbers)
How can there be a “Polar” Vortex when Gore decreed the Arctic would be ice-free by 2014?
The Gorites, AGW-Alarmists and the PravdaMedia are going ‘postal’ over the weather since Thanksgiving.
What to do, what to do?  Let’s point out that it’s weather and Not climate.
That won’t work because every severe weather event for the past 13-years (since Gore’s Inconvenient UnTruth) has been declared Proof of man-made global warming and climate change!
However, It might actually work because the PravdaMedia carries a ‘story’ everyday singing the Goreite songs and, thanks to our education system, few citizens do independent critical thinking or review multiple sources of 'news'.
even killed (so far) by winter blast.
Polar vortex 2019: Temperatures to plunge to 'historic' lows not seen in decades

The harsh winter blast that has already killed at least seven people will worsen dramatically Wednesday, forecasters warned, saying that the expected conditions could be the coldest in a generation.



Record Cold Forces Rethink on Global Warming
Headlines around the world are reporting exceptionally frigid conditions and unusually high levels of snowfall in recent weeks. They tout these events as records, but few people understand how short the record actually is -- usually less than 50 years, a mere instant in Earth’s 4.6-billion year history. The reality is that, when viewed in a wider context, there is nothing unusual about current weather patterns.
Despite this fact, the media -- directly, indirectly, or by inference -- often attribute the current weather to global warming. Yes, they now call it climate change. But that is because activists realized, around 2004, that the warming predicted by the computer models on which the scare is based was not actually happening. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels continued to increase, but the temperature stopped increasing. So, the evidence no longer fit the theory. English biologist Thomas Huxley commented on this dilemma over a century ago:
"The great tragedy of science -- the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact."
Yet, the recent weather is a stark reminder that a colder world is a much greater threat than a warmer one. While governments plan for warming, all the indications are that the world is cooling. And, contrary to the proclamations of climate activists, every single year more people die from the cold than from the heat.”

Are Frigid Temperatures Fake News By AGW-Skeptics?
Al Gore Going Over Niagara Falls On A Sled


Five Huston Cops Shot – Enough Is Enough!

Police detail harrowing raid and shootout that left 5 Houston officers injured and 2 suspects dead
“(CNN)Houston police had previously bought black tar heroin at the home, Chief Art Acevedo said Tuesday. When a narcotics unit raided the house, officers swiftly came under fire, and a pit bull charged the first officer through the door, he said.
When Monday afternoon's raid was over, two suspects were dead and five officers were injured, four of them suffering gunshot wounds.”
HPOU President Gamaldi: 'We are sick and tired of having targets on our back'
64 US Cops KIA in 2016; 21 By Ambush; Thanks To Supporting Actors
PravdaMedia Anti-Police Vendetta Goes On
Our Police Facing: Raging Bulls, Maniacs, Sharptonites And Vile Politicians
7 people indicted for attempting to help illegal immigrant California cop killer flee to Mexico, officials say

(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)


Cops dealing with nasty dangerous armed gangster who will Not comply!
Rough street language – speaking his language didn’t work.
This is apparently what happens when a Bad Guy is tased, and he has a loaded ammo clip in his pocket and pulls out his gun!
ACLU and BLMers are sure to file ‘police brutality’ on his behalf.
Lead Cop was outstanding -- others not so much
Very Good Hi-Quality Dash-Cam video and sound
Note 'School Zone' sign on left


Obama Competing With Clintons Pay2Talk

Years ago folks would say “Talk is Cheap”.
How things have changed!
Bill and Crooked Hillary collected massive amounts of cash for ‘talking’:
Hillary And Bill: Poor Folks At $25 Million And $500,000 Per Hour
Obama speaks at Boeing conference after $10 million donation
“Former President Barack Obama spoke at a Boeing leadership meeting in January after the aerospace giant Opens a New Window. donated $10 million to the Obama Presidential Center, a company spokesman confirmed.”


StarBucks Not For Liberals-Democrats Anymore

The Democratic Party's public enemy No. 1: Howard Schultz
“WASHINGTON — He's only been in the 2020 presidential fray for two days, but Howard Schultz has already accomplished the near-impossible: He's united the Democratic Party.
Against him.
Everyone even loosely affiliated with the party, from billionaire centrist Michael Bloomberg to the hard lefties at Justice Democrats, has paused their ideological infighting to join together in open season on the coffee mogul and his potential independent presidential bid.
The hostility is prompted by a fear that Schultz, the ex-Starbucks CEO, would split the anti-Trump vote and get the president re-elected. The threat might be overblown, but the fear and anger is real, especially since Trump himself reportedly sees Schultz as an asset to his campaign.”
First the Liberals went ‘postal’ because a couple of black guys who just wanted to use the bathroom, without being customers, were being hassled.
The Liberals-Democrats have declared StarBucks is the worst coffee in town because the exCEO wants to run for President!
Is this a great Country or what?

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Brokaw And Teddy Racist On Immigrant Assimilation?


The PravdaMedia is up and arms over Tom Brokaw’s comments on Immigrant Assimilation.
Brokaw’s just the latest on the Left-wing Politically Correct Guillotine.
NBC host Tom Brokaw: Hispanics 'should work harder at assimilation'
Perhaps we-all should take a hard look at Teddy Roosevelt’s view of the responsibilities of immigrants during a time of massive immigration into the US from Europe.
(no color or race issues then -- just assimilation and allegiance)
No one called Teddy or his immigration views “absurd” or “racist”.
"We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people."
Why Did Obama Remove The Allegiance Commitment From Citizenship Oath?
Apparently he didn't want Muslim's to be required to choose between Sharia Law and The US Constitution and US Laws?
Shari Law’s Overrides US Constitution


The Look: Two Democrat CongressWomen

Sometimes a ‘LOOK’ says a thousand words!
The Ongoing War On Christians and Jews: Rep. Omar The ISIS Lover

Monday, January 28, 2019


Are Frigid Temperatures Fake News By AGW-Skeptics?

Polar vortex to bring prolonged, life-threatening cold outbreak to midwestern US this week
“The coldest weather in years will put millions of people and animals throughout the midwestern United States at risk for hypothermia and frostbite to occur in minutes during the final days of January.
The deep freeze continued across the Upper Midwest on Sunday with temperatures plummeting well below zero in the morning. The low of 45 below zero F in International Falls, Minnesota, shattered the day’s record of 36 below zero F from 1966.”
Are stories like this in the major media about very cold weather fake news being spread by those who reject the scientific consensus that there is catastrophic warming due to man-made CO2?
The really bad outcomes from this fake news is that millions of people are burning massive amounts of fossil-fuels to combat the fake cold temperatures to say nothing about the fake broken water pipes.
We all know that Gore declared that the Arctic would be Ice-Free by 2014!
How can there be a Polar Vortex from the Arctic where there is No Ice in the Arctic?
Is that Niagara Falls Freeze Over Thing Real or just a PhotoShopped fake by those darn Skeptics?
Fight this Fake News – turn-off your heaters and warmers – stop burning fossil-fuels that will just add more heat and CO2 to the world causing yet more global warming.
Talking about AGW Alarmists and Skeptics: did the Major Media tell you about the CO2 caused horrible deadly and destructive tornadoes in 2018?
There were NO ‘violent’ major tornadoes reported in US in 2018, first time since 1950
In order to be classified as a "violent tornado," the ranking must be an EF-4 with winds between 166 and 200 mph, or an EF-5.
No violent tornadoes ended up touching down in 2018, which made it the first since modern record-keeping began in 1950 that no violent twisters were reported,
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Tornado Variability NOT driven by CO2 or ManKind
The Climate Is Changing
The Climate Has Always Been Changing
and With Great Natural Variability
Why The Blizzards? AGW? Because It’s Winter!
Al Gore Going Over Niagara Falls On A Sled
100-year Chill But The Goreites Continue Their AGW-Alarmism
Snow: 1,200+ flights canceled as storm snarls busy post-Thanksgiving Sunday
AccuWeather Alert: Coldest Thanksgiving since 1871
Record Cold And Oceans OK ClimateGate 5.0

Sunday, January 27, 2019


NY Cuomo Celebrates Abortion Up To Day Of Delivery

The Indefensible Morality of Andrew Cuomo
“the governor (gleefully) signed into law the ghastly Reproductive Health Act (RHA). The legislation permits abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy — when abortion is never medically necessary and when children born prematurely are routinely able to survive outside the womb with careful tending — and it creates lenient exceptions essentially sanctioning elective abortion up to the moment of birth.”   (can Euthanasia be far behind?
This sad law and its pathetic outcomes is reminiscent of the Cuomo-Senior and Ed. Koch laws and rules that condemned thousands of innocent people to death in the HIV+AIDS Pandemic.  Like father like son.
Hillary’s NY HIV+AIDS Meeting
This law is surely being celebrated by Planned Parenthood who now has a windfall of new baby parts to dissect and sell.  Talk about Liberals turning into Ghoulish Capitalists.
Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts
Perhaps Dr. Gosnell’s Phila. Lawyers can boot-strap off this NY Law and get Gosnell’s conviction overturned and return him to his abortion clinic practice; perhaps he’ll transfer to NY.
Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer
Liberal Progressives Complicit In Abortion Doctor's (Gosnell) Killings
“Reproductive Rights” The Personification of Orwell’s “1984 Double-Speak”


The Ongoing War On Christians & Rep. Omar The ISIS Lover

Bombing of Roman Catholic cathedral in southern Philippines kills at least 20
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“MANILA, Philippines – Two bombs minutes apart tore through a Roman Catholic cathedral on a southern Philippine island where Muslim militants are active, killing at least 20 people and wounding 81 others during a Sunday Mass, officials said.”
Why Doesn’t Obama’s Good Muslims Speak-out?
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
One of Obama’s good Muslims from Minnesota, Dem. Rep. Ilhan Omar, facing new scrutiny over past effort to win leniency for 9 men accused of trying to join ISIS
“According to media reports, almost all the men on trial received lengthy sentences, with Daud serving 30 years in prison after he was found guilty of trying to provide material support to ISIS and conspiring to commit murder overseas.”
Nancy Pelosi rewards Omar (the ISIS lover) with key appointment:
In a Tweet on Thursday, Omar announced her excitement at being appointed to the committee that “oversees all foreign assistance, national security affecting the country’s foreign policy, treaties, peacekeeping and war powers.”
The PravdaMedia has been opining about Jared Kushner’s security clearance, how can this (ISIS lover) possibly get a security clearance to sit on this committee that primarily deals with classified defense information?
The Prayer Breakfast Contrast: Pseudo-Muslim Obama And Christian Trump
The “War On Christians” Continues Unabated
Professor Obama And The Forgotten Harvard Class On The Crusades


Democrats Embrace Open Border Voter Fraud

Texas says it found 95,000 non-citizens on voter rolls; 58,000 have voted
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Friday that the state has discovered 95,000 non-citizens on the voter rolls going back to 1996, 58,000 of whom have voted in at least one Texas election  -- an announcement likely to raise fresh concerns about the prospect of voter fraud.”
“Trump said at the time that Democrats refused to hand over data “because they know that many people are voting illegally.” Democrats have dismissed claims of voter fraud and accused Republicans of trying to disenfranchise minority voters with tight voter ID laws.”
Election Fraud: It’s The Democrats Not The Russians
Absentee Ballot Harvesting: The Newest Biggest Voting Abuse
Voter Fraud! What Voter Fraud? Move Along – Nothing to See Here!

Thursday, January 24, 2019


Schumer And Trump PelosiWhipped

Pelosi "Crushed" President Trump Over State Of The Union
The pussy-hats purred in comparison to being PelosiWhipped!
‘Minority-Chuck’ – you do and say what I tell you to do and say!
Trump – don’t even think about coming into My House!
“I am woman – hear me roar”!  Helen Reddy  1971
However – the ‘Border ‘hot-potato’ is now clearly in the Democrats hands.
They can continue to vacation in Puerto Rico or they can start to engage in establishing a solution.
There are valid Border Crisis Issues: safety, drugs, crime, jobs, taxes, slavery and humanitarian distress.
Over 16 years, the Border Patrol documented (those they found) 6023 deaths in the four states bordering Mexico, (clearly not just a Trump issue – and doesn’t count crimes in Mexico or the US)

Schumer Joins Trump Initiatives On Illegal Immigration (talk about hypocrisy!)
President Bill Clinton: SOTU
“A Nation Of Immigrants – But – Also A Nation Of Laws”


A White Youth Mirrors Pacifism Of Martin Luther King And Gandhi

A Catholic 3rd-Yr High Student at a Right to Life Rally in DC stood peacefully and stoically without hostility or aggression in the face of extreme Bullying, Abuse and Harassment by adult professional thugs.

Days after this sordid left-wing abuse the PravdaMedia is still trying to denigrate the pacifist students and somehow find some redeeming social value in the thugs that carried out this assault!
A pox be on all their houses!

A Child Of The Universe
“You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;   
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”
Despicable Pravda Media Maligns Catholic High Students
WSJ:  The Editorial Board January 22, 2019   The High School Deplorables
PravdaMedia Fake Personal Destruction Of Young Students

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Al Gore Going Over Niagara Falls On A Sled

Al would be going over The Falls in a barrel but it’s frozen from Man-made Global Warming
Something about Al's declaration that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2014:
Sorry -- fake-news -- no way Al is leaving Cal. for Buffalo!
When is PravdaMedia going to label all Gore's man-made warming as Fake-News (the inconvenient Un-truth)?
'Like the movie Frozen': Niagara Falls freezes up
“A brutal winter storm not only dumped snow across the USA and Canada and sent temperatures plunging, it froze one of North America's top tourist spots.
People visiting Niagara Falls are sharing pictures of the attraction frozen by the cold temperatures on social media.”
Niagara has frozen over again – apparently Mother Nature repeats herself in-spite-of man-kind and CO2.
Niagara Falls Frozen 1911 And 2017
1-25-2019: Deep freeze grips Upper Midwest, more bitter cold to come

“An arctic wave has wrapped parts of the Midwest in numbing cold, sending temperatures plunging and prompting officials to close dozens of schools Friday, but forecasters say the worst may be yet to come.”

Where’s Gore and all his AGW-Alarmists?
More Global Cooling – Where’s Gore?
The Maud, Gore, Arctic Ice And Global Warming
Global Warming Meets Mother Nature


The AntiWall Pope Living Behind The Wall

Sometimes it’s difficult to follow the advice of those whose hypocrisy flies in the face of reality.
“Amid wall debate, pope says fear of migration makes us crazy”
“Francis' trip, the first in a year packed with foreign travel, comes at a critical moment in the papacy as the Catholic hierarchy globally is facing a crisis in credibility for covering up decades of cases of priests molesting young people.”
The Pope Behind The Walls Declares Walls Non-Christian
The gigantic medieval walls that surrounds Vatican City (a sovereign independent nation) is quite breathtaking.
Does the Pope not remember that these walls that protect him and his fiefdom were built to protect the Popes against Radical Muslim Terrorists – called Saracens in days of yore.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Despicable Pravda Media Maligns Catholic High Students

WSJ:  The Editorial Board January 22, 2019   The High School Deplorables
“Only it turns out there was a much longer video, nearly two hours, showing that almost everything first reported about the confrontation was false, or at least much more complicated. The boys had been taunted by a group of Black Hebrew Israelites, who shouted racist and homophobic slurs. Far from the boys confronting Mr. Phillips, he confronted them as they were waiting near the Lincoln Memorial for their bus.
It also turns out that Mr. Phillips is not the Vietnam veteran”
Covington Ky. Catholic High School students waiting for their bus to return home after a Right To Life DC march were put-upon, harassed and bullied by some American Indians (nothing ‘Native’ about these jerks) and incredibly hostile Black Israelites who bullied the students with vile and nasty epithets.

The PravdaMedia immediately launched a Jihad against the students labeling them bad Catholic kids and coddling and canonizing the real aggressors.
A review of ALL the video footage clearly shows the students exercised restraint in the face of abuse and harassment.
Covington Catholic story a total disaster for liberal media’s credibility
“Between Saturday morning and Sunday night, CNN and MSNBC spent 53 minutes and 20 seconds on the fallout from the confrontation between Covington High School students in Washington for the March for Life, a Native American veteran named Nathan Phillips, and the Black Israelites. Twenty-nine of those minutes came before anyone realized that perhaps things weren't as they wanted it to appear.”
The Truth about the Lincoln Memorial Incident
“The ugliness started when a set of five self-proclaimed black Israelites began preaching anti-white messages for at least an hour before the Catholic school boys walked into the area.  Thanks to their own livestream of the event, the boys were not searching for a problem as had been suggested, but instead makes clear of a regrouping effort at their designated meeting spot (for their bus) after their participation in the March of Life.”
CNN finally acknowledged they maligned the students:
Speaking …..  to host Ana Cabrera, Sidner observed that "there's something very clear happening here" which was that "it is clear what started the tension were the black men who call themselves Hebrew Israelites" and "were being hateful towards this group of students."
Covington Catholic closes Tuesday over security concerns

“Threats have poured in against students and the school itself with some going so far as to wish a school shooting upon Cov Cath, as it is called locally.”

PravdaMedia Fake Personal Destruction Of Young Students

The Sins of ‘The Deplorable’ Covington Ky. Catholic High School Students
Christian Catholics
Upper Middle Class
Stood ground in face of ultra-left bullying and obscene abuse
Self-restraint:  Did not get sucked-into physical action
School is Private School not public school
Some Wore MAGA hats
No obscenities shouted
All pants ‘pulled-up’
No visible tattoos
No visible weapons brandished


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