The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, March 31, 2019


Key Words: Jussie Black Gay Hate-Crime Felonious Michelle

Chris Rock Rips Jussie Smollett at NAACP Image Awards: ‘What the Hell was He Thinking’

“On Tuesday, Chicago PD Commander Ed Wodnicki described the decision to drop charges as a “punch in the gut,” revealing that law enforcement was ready to present a “rock solid case” against the FOX star. “For states attorney (Kim Foxx) at this point to dismiss charges without discussing this with us at all is just shocking,” he said
Meanwhile, Chicago’s Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel denounced the move as a “whitewash of justice.””
Chicago police files on Jussie Smollett investigation show behind-the-scenes maneuvers
It appears it was Michelle Obama that was ‘Behind The Scenes”
Will this episode be in her new book?
How about her racist graduate thesis at Princeton?
Michelle Obama's ex-top aide (Tina Tchen ) texted the Jussie Smollett prosecutor ( DA  Kim Foxx ) early in the case
The PravdaMedia Has No Jussie Clothes


Anti-MVP Pipeline And Anti-Fracking Gas Efforts

RT 4-11-2019:  Stevens: The real cost of anti-pipeline activism
“These activists practice a range of tactics to protest the construction of midstream pipelines. Their goal is to do anything that will draw media attention, even if it puts lives in danger. They sit in trees in the path of builders, break into pipeline facilities to shut off oil valves, attack equipment with blowtorches, and even chain themselves to cranes.”
Roanoke Times, 3-31-2019, Pg 1, 6: Despite problems, MVP work continues.
“Last September, torrential rains swept muddy water from a pipeline construction zone into the nearby United Methodist Church in Lindside, West Virginia, washing out the gravel parking lot and leaving a layer of muck in the basement.”
The Anti-MVP entities, including their media bullhorn The Roanoke Times, have delayed this project on an ongoing basis.
The delays extended the ‘open ditch’ portion of the pipeline work into a record breaking rainfall season that brought devastation throughout the area.
As the kids would say: Nice move Ex-Lax!
Damage included roads washed out, homes flooded, business and agriculture disrupted and even a significant Lynchburg dam was destroyed; all outside the scope and reach of the MVP.  The wrath of Mother Nature can be devastating.
All this Anti-MVP delay somewhat like cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face!
Charge The Lawless For MVP Illegal Transgressions
Roanoke Times: Propagator of PipeLine Paranoia And Hysteria
It’s clear that behind much of the Anti-MVP hostility are the Anti-Fossil-Fuel folks currently highlighted by the AOC-Green Deal (the new Marx Manifesto.
The following RT article (adjacent to above on Pg 1) highlights the Anti-Fossil-Fuel agenda:
RT, 3-31-2019, Pg 1, 8: Coal-fired power plants can’t compete as market shifts.
A disturbing article gloating over the pain, to families and communities, of coal based entities shutting down despite Trump’s efforts to slow-down that sad process.
Reminiscent of the German word:
Schadenfreude -- The Joy of Another's Misfortune
The major coal alternative go-to is Fracking Natural Fossil Gas that is totally dependent on Gas Pipelines Not the existing Coal Rail Lines.
Not highlighted is the nasty and deceitful war Obama and his minions waged upon Private Industry Fracking, including the ‘burning water faucets”!
Trump Doing More To Reduce CO2 Than All Others
Court Smacks Obama For Fracking Infraction
Fracking In Virginia

Saturday, March 30, 2019


GreenLand Ice And Gore’s ‘BiPolar-Scientists’

The AGW Goreites proclaim Armageddon is neigh if we don’t enact their Draconian changes to our energy systems ‘now’.
AOC claims we only have 12-years left and we all know her scientific credentials are equivalent to Gore’s.
The ‘News’?:
Dec 2018: Greenland Ice MELTING FAST.
Mar 2019: Greenland critical glacier GROWING!
Do these Goreite Wizzards Not Know that Greenland sits on massive volcanoes and hotspots?
Drawing conclusions about man-made CO2s effects on Greenland Ice that sits on a volcano is a level of dullness not normally found among ‘real’ scientists.
Some time ago there was a Mile High glacier sitting on Old Faithful.
News Flash: it wasn’t man-made global warming that melted that glacier either.
Greenland's Ice Sheet Melt Rate Is 'Off the Charts,' Study Says
“Surface melting of Greenland's mile-thick ice sheet has been accelerating "dramatically" over the past 350 years and will likely accelerate at an even faster pace in the decades to come, scientists said.”
CNN: Greenland's most critical glacier is suddenly gaining ice, but that might not be a good thing
“For two decades, Jakobshavn sustained remarkably consistent thinning that scientists thought would continue, if not accelerate, due to large-scale warming of the polar atmosphere and oceans -- but that rate dramatically slowed in 2014, and the glacier actually thickened between 2016 and 2017 and again between 2017 and 2018, according to a study published Monday in the journal Nature.”
Hotspot volcanism on Greenland – A corridor in the North Atlantic forms volcanic landscape
“Greenland is the largest island on Earth. In central Greenland researchers have located a corridor with thinned-out landmasses running from east to west, which they explain by Greenland drifting over a stationary hotspot.”
Greenland Perpetually Melting And It’s Not Your Fault
Why Do AGW Alarmists Find it Necessary to Lie and SuperSize Their Draconian Claims of Doom?
Greenland Ice Melting – AGAIN!
Greenland Ice Melts From the Bottom
Mother Nature At Work: Glaciers and Cows Calving


Mocking Trump’s Wind-Turbine Views

D.GovWa  Inslee: Trump 'simply moronic' on wind power
Moronic – Really?  Trump was simply pointing out the Facts that wind and solar are intermittent and unreliable sources of energy that require 100% backup systems for 24-7-365 serviceability!
Today that service is primarily fossil fuels, nuclear and hydro.
Eliminating all fossil fuels by 2030 is what's moronic and was rejected by All Senate Democrats in recent vote.
There are locations where there are significant amounts of wind in the range between 10 MPH start-up and 30+ MPH shut-down.  The problem is the variability over both short and long time-frames.
The renewable folks only talk about long term averages, like a turbine farm can satisfy 1500 homes.
Somewhat like a statistician standing with one foot in freezing water and one foot in boiling water; on the average he feels great.
The Virginia wind map indicates the Appalachian ridge and the off-shore continental shelf as potential turbine sites, each with significant environmental, practical and cost issues.
(A) characteristic Wind-Turbine performance graph shows the relationship between wind speed and turbine output demonstrating the Reality that typical turbines run at major reductions below 20 MPH and Zero above 30+ MPH shut-down.
Marginal Turbine Power Generation In Roanoke
Even On A Breezy Day with winds from 8-MPH to 13-MPH
The proponents of renewable energy will have to address the variability and intermittent nature of their supplies, their plan for 100% backup serviceability and their total system costs.
In the mean time they are selling what sounds good over what works!
Wind-Turbine Rated Power
Dylan And Northam Singing ‘Blowing In The Wind’
Virginia Wind Map: The Answer My Friend Is Blowing In The Wind
Roanoke Times: Blowing In The Wind – No Commitment
Hurry, Hurry Get The Turbines Spinning Before Trump Gets Here!

Friday, March 29, 2019


Racial Atonement Democrat Style

Only a Virginia Democrat governor disgraced by racist content in his graduate yearbook would come up with an atonement offering like this one.
Northam giving One-Million Dollars of "TaxPayer Money" to minority special interests to atone for HIS transgressions!
Certainly doesn’t hold a candle to Martin Luther at Cayonis!
Love the Va Black Caucus accepting his tribute --- wonder what they’re thinking?  Something about a cracker – you think?
This is RealNews – you can’t make this ‘stuff’ up!
Va Black caucus approves of Northam’s budget offer
“RICHMOND — D. Gov. Ralph Northam has found a new budget tool for regaining some favor with African-American legislators: money to help minority- and woman-owned businesses compete for government procurement contracts.
Northam included about $910,000 in new spending for the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity in his package of proposed amendments to the revised two-year budget the General Assembly adopted last month.”
The Virginia Democrat Leadership Debacle And Disgrace
Roanoke Times: Democrat BlackFace OK Everyone Was Doing It


16 The New Age Of Consent For Everything

The Liberal, Progressive, Democrats are now driving to lower the voting age from 18 to 16:
These same people just increased the age to buy a gun from 18 to 21 based on the premise:
Youth’s brains are not adequately developed until 23 to know and accept the consequences of their actions!
These same people are using that premise to essentially pardon youth’s for crimes they commit – community service and no record of arrest or conviction!
Let's drink-up to this pathetic enlightment --
Oh wait -- have to be 21 to have a drink!
Let's light up a stogie to celebrate --
Oh wait -- have to be 21 to smoke! 
Have consensual sex with a girl before her 18th birthday --
Go to Jail -- she's too young to give her consent!
What’s wrong with this picture?
What’s wrong with these people?


The Dirty Top-50 Seditionists

A Comprehensive Accounting Of The Russian-Caper Seditionists
50+ Journalists, Politicians, Celebrities, and Grifters Who Peddled the Russia Collusion Hoax
“In 2016, corrupt Democrat partisans both in and out of government, along with their allies in the media, were desperate to stop the Trump juggernaut and used every tool at their disposal to do it. The effort started with opposition research funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Then several versions of former British spy Christopher Steele's anti-Trump dossier were delivered to the FBI, each from a different messenger..”
The Mueller Report: The Democrat Coup d’etat’ Of Trump Failed
Top FBI Team And Sedition

Thursday, March 28, 2019


The Southern Border Emergency Is Real And Stands

ABC:  House falls short of overriding Trump's veto of resolution to terminate the national emergency
“The House on Tuesday fell short of overriding President Donald Trump's veto of a measure to terminate his national emergency, ending the battle over the president's border wall on the floors of the House and Senate as it increasingly shifts to the courts.”
Border Security – A Fight Worth Having And Winning
Just Build The Wall Already!
The “build the fence-wall” law was passed in 2006
Secure Fence Act of 2006
Obama Hillary and Schumer all VOTED FOR THE FENCE-WALL LAW!
President Bill Clinton: SOTU
“A Nation Of Immigrants – But – Also A Nation Of Laws”
Click on Link and view the YouTube Video – sound ON


MS-13 Invades Henry County Virginia

'Dangerous' Mexican cartel allegedly placed ‘people’ in Henry County to help with drug distribution
12 members of cartel indicted by grand jury in Harrisonburg
“HARRISONBURG, Va. - A dozen members of what the Department of Justice considers one of the most dangerous international crime organizations were indicted in Virginia. 
Twelve members of Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), a Mexican-based criminal organization, were indicted on federal drug conspiracy charges on March 5 by a grand jury in Harrisonburg's U.S. District Court. 
The indictment alleges that CJNG members recruited people from Mexico to live in Axton and Winchester to help with the distribution of the drugs. The homes these people lived in were allegedly used for receiving, storing packaging and distributing drugs received directly from CJNG.
“CJNG is one of the most dangerous drug cartels in the world, and its members and associates are actively operating in the Shenandoah Valley and Southside Virginia,” United States Attorney Cullen stated.”
How did all these animalistic murderers get into the US?
Apparently they just walked in and many just hanging-out in our Sanctuary states and cities!
MS-13 In The Caravans
Isn’t it comforting to know that Dem. Gov Northam supports Sanctuary Communities in Virginia!
Democrats driving to wipe-out ICE instead of MS-13
11 MS-13 gang members indicted after two teens found buried in Virginia park
MS-13 Gang Member in Virginia Machete Murder is Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison
MS-13 Gang Members Charged in Connection with Murders of Juveniles in Fairfax Co Va
Bedford’s MS-13 Butchers
Maryland’s MS-13 Butchers Invade Virginia
McAuliffe’s Sanctuary Communities and MS-13 El Salvadoran Killers in Bedford
Trump’s War on MS-13

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Top FBI Team And Sedition

Russia probe flashback: 7 ways FBI actions raised bias questions
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation – and its determination that no evidence supports claims of Trump-Russia collusion – has spurred calls from President Trump’s allies to closely examine the probe’s origins at the FBI.”
FBI lead investigator texts ‘we’ll stop’ Trump
Strzok calls Russia investigation an ‘insurance policy’ in case Trump wins
Strzok admits in 2017 ‘there's no big there there’ on Russian collusion
FBI lawyer suggests a small team interview Clinton because ‘she might be our next president’
McCabe compares Trump to ‘Mafia’ for asking if he should give speech to FBI
FBI employee cries when Trump won
FBI employee calls Trump supporters ‘all poor to middle class,’ ‘lazy POS’
                                      The Obama 'Intelligence' Team
The Mueller Report: The Democrat Coup d’etat’ Of Trump Failed
Obama’s DOJ-FBI Attempted Coup d’etat’ Of Trump
The Real US-Russia Collusion
Was Obama's FBI The New KGB?


StarBucks exCEO: Mueller Probe and AOC-Green 'Fails The People’

Howard Schultz: Mueller probe a prime example of government dysfunction
Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz on his potential 2020 presidential bid, the political fallout from the Mueller report, the Green New Deal, health care, the mounting U.S. debt and immigration reform.
Schultz sounds like Trump without a Tweet-Machine and the Macho Talk.
Let’s all focus on what Trump Does – Not on what he says and Tweets!
The Mueller Report: The Democrat Coup d’etat’ Of Trump Failed
AOC-Green --- Like Watermelons - Green on outside -- Pink on inside
3-26-2019: The US Senate Votes DOWN the 'Green Deal'
All the Democrats voted 'Present' -- talk about leadership and commitment.


CNN Sleaze Star Avenatti In Jail

The 9 Wildest Details From the Criminal Complaints Against Michael Avenatti
Avenatti, facing multiple federal charges
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
CNN highlighted Sleaze Lawyer Michael Avenatti almost every day for months as their ‘source’ for their FakeNews including:
Diatribes against Trump Collusion and Obstruction
The Porn Star Caper
The Kavenaugh Character Assassination
The Kid at the DC Abortion March Denigration
Avenatti’s co-conspirator is another CNN darling:
Mark Geragos, who represented
Colin Kaepernick and
Jussie Smollett
All this CNN heifer-dust in-addition-to two years of Trump FakeNews and rabble-rousing from CNN’s minions and weasels who truly have earned the title:
'Enemy of the American People' based on their contribution to and leadership in the failed Coup of the duly elected POTUS.  Sedition is a Crime!
A Pox be on their houses!
The Mueller Report: The Democrat Coup d’etat’ Of Trump Failed

Monday, March 25, 2019


Roanoke Flooding Disaster And Media CoverUp

Shining a light on some of the Real Costs and Impacts to the people and businesses of Roanoke caused by the misguided Endangered Species Act and those who have weaponized it!
Endangered Species: Who Decides – How -- Why?
OUR Government spent $72-Million Dollars of TaxPayer money to do Roanoke River Flood Control.
Because of the Snail Darters and Log Perch, the river bottom could Not be Dredged and therefore the project became ‘River Bank Beautification” with minimal flood remediation.
The Roanoke Times, apoplectic that the public would become aware of this gross malfeasance on behalf of these elusive so called ‘endangered fish’ that no one ever sees, refuses to acknowledge this pathetic and painful causal situation for the people and businesses of Roanoke.
This from a ‘news’ paper that purports to tell the public the ‘real’ news however negative to their ‘pet rocks’.
The latest adverse consequences of this so called ‘flood control’ boondoggle are the costs and pain of removing homeowners from their homes and demolishing their dwellings.
(haven’t read that the [big bad] MVP PipeLine is doing that !!!!!)
Roanoke launches new program to speed up removal of flood-prone structures
 “She and her family were just back in their house in October after $70,000 in renovations, just days into enjoying it. And then, under the downpours from the remnants of Hurricane Michael, Mud Lick Creek rose into the house on Edgewood Street in southwest Roanoke again, destroying everything in the basement, the first floor and much of the second floor of the split-level house.”
Since the deadly flood of 1985, Roanoke has bought and demolished 118 flood-prone properties through the FEMA program, at a total cost of $6.3 million.
D’Ardenne said about 1,100 structures remain within the flood plain in Roanoke, fewer than half of which have flood insurance,
A 14-year bibliography of this sad situation:
Roanoke Renames Failed $72-Million Flood Control Project
Roanoke River Flood Control – Endangered Species Act On Display


Gore’s AGW And Trump’s Collusion

The Same Fraudulent’s That Gave Us The Trump Collusion Heifer-Dust and the Goreite Man-made Global Warming Alarmism have now morphed into the ‘New Green Deal’ cooked-up in the same witch’s cauldron!
Yet another Karl Marx Manifesto!
These misdirected-activists are the personification of Fred Astaire’s song and dance routine:
“How could you have believed me when I told you I Love You, when you know I’ve been a liar all my life?”
They attract into their AGW-Cult the same type people as
Gore’s Brain-Washed Children On The March

Let the public see the Reality:
Where are the AGW core scientific data, computations and algorithms for real peer review?
Where are the correlations to actual Real data and history?
Why don’t the 102-models represent Real Data and history?
Where are the open public debates?
Why are the AGW-Alarmists fighting FOIA requests for public view of the data?
Why are the Goreites denigrating, threatening and maligning the Skeptics?
Best Morphing Video Ever Made
Send in the Clowns, Don’t Bother They’re Here:
AOC-Green --- Like Watermelons - Green on outside -- Pink on inside
The Goreite AGW-Alarmism Is In Disarray
Obama’s EPA Still Promoting Gore’s Inconvenient AGW UnTruth
The Mueller Report: The Democrat Coup d’etat’ Of Trump Failed


The Mueller Report: The Democrat Coup d’etat’ Of Trump Failed

Mueller report: The best day of Trump's presidency
No Collusion - No Obstruction - No Regime Change - It Was An Enemies Witch-Hunt!
Mainstream media, celebrities stunned as Mueller report filed with no new indictments planned
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The mainstream media suffered a collective stroke Friday evening after the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller handed its final report of its Russia investigation to the Department of Justice.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was livid that neither President Trump, his children, nor his “henchmen” would face any criminal charges from the special counsel.”
Collusion and Obstruction Reality:
The Real 2016 Collusion Was By Democrats, DOJ, FBI, and their PravdaMedia
All at the direction of Obama and his subversive Resist Movement! 
At what point does subversion become sedition?
What now?
A criminal investigation of those who conspired and acted upon a political Coup d’etat’ of the duly elected POTUS!
(in direct violation of the Law and their oath of office to protect and defend)
          The Obama 'Intelligence' Team
Best Morphing Video Ever Made of Obama’s Minions
Send in the Clowns, Don’t Bother They’re Here:

Trump Derangement Syndrome Morphs Into An Inquisition
Obama’s DOJ-FBI Attempted Coup d’etat’ Of Trump
Shining Light On The DOJ-FBI Collusion And Sedition
Comey, McCabe, Hillary, Albury: Felons All
FBI-Leadership Malfeasance And Obstruction of Justice
The Obama-Resist Movement Has Crossed Into Sedition
ABC-News: From Fake News To Sedition


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