The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, August 30, 2019


World Leaders In Child Sacrifices

World’s largest 'mass child sacrifice' site discovered in Peru
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“The centuries-old remains of more than 200 children have been discovered in Peru, according to reports. Experts say that the macabre discovery is likely the world’s largest child sacrifice site.
Peruvian press agency Andina reports that archaeologists found the skeletal remains of 250 children and 40 warriors at Huanchaco, 346 miles north of Lima.”
Peru is Not the world’s largest infanticide site.
The Largest is China with their infanticide of girls as part of their ‘one child per couple’ laws. Talk about unnatural selection!
(Bernie claims they are doing a heck-of-a-job on human rights!
The Second Largest is the US with abortion on demand with the leadership of Planned Parenthood.
(With the unwavering support of the DNC and Liberal-Progressives)


Weather And Climate Modeling Useless

Dorian is heading for the US!
The Spaghetti Hurricane Models are Useless just days-out.
The State of the Art looks like kindergarten spaghetti.
How can anyone plan with this level of uncertainty?
Likewise the AGW Models are even more useless.
Not only can they Not predict the future,
They do Not reflect the present!
How can you not Fudge that into Reality?
Pathetic Weather And Climate Modeling And Outlandish Predictions


Biden Hallucinates About War Event

New Biden gaffe raises question of truth
“The error-prone Democratic front-runner is now caught in a fresh self-inflicted storm over a poignant story he told about an Afghan war hero that seems a mishmash of three separate tales.
This after he assured a rapt crowd in New Hampshire last Friday about a story later fact-checked by The Washington Post: "This is the God's truth. My word as a Biden."
The Post reported that Biden got "the time period, the location, the heroic act, the type of medal, the military branch and the rank of the recipient wrong, as well as his own role in the ceremony" in the story about the Afghan veteran.”
YouTube: Biden’s Sad And Pathetic Story Of Botched Valor 
Biden Now Totally Unhinged


IG Referred Comey To DOJ For Prosecution

DOJ declines to prosecute Comey despite finding that he leaked info
 “WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has decided not to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey despite an internal investigation that found he improperly leaked information to the news media, the department’s internal watchdog said on Thursday.”
What would an Obama-DOJ-Minion have to do to get prosecuted for malfeasance?
What would a Hillary-Minion have to do to get prosecuted for malfeasance?
Apparently Lady Justice is Blind!
Blind to the transgressions of the Obama-Hillary cabal!
But 20-20 sight for others now serving time for similar and even lesser malfeasances.
McCabe (exFBI#2) And CNN A Match Made In Hell

Thursday, August 29, 2019


More PravdaMedia Suppression Of Trump Tax Cut

Roanoke Times, 8-29-2019, Pg Bus 8:
Major Headline:  Appalachian Power customers to see one-time credit
Secondary Headline:  The credit emerged from a federal corporate income tax cut approved by Congress in 2017
Fine print in article:  A tax cut ‘pushed by President Donald Trump’
Who writes these totally slanted and biased headings?
The folks at the Roanoke Times do not like being lumped into the PradvaMedia crowd – however – where else would one categorize a publication that clearly is an integral component of the DNCs propaganda machine and reaffirms that on a daily basis!
Reality: The Trump Tax Cuts includes the Electric Power Utility ‘One Time Credit’!
But let’s not call it the Trump Tax Cut because the DNC, Pelosi and Schumer don’t want the American people to know that happened or that it was beneficial to every American (even the nonTaxPayers).
It’s Not A WindFall Stupid It’s The TaxPayers Money And The Trump Tax Cut
Roanoke Times Embracing BlackFace Northam Again
The Soul Of The NYT Is Dead
The NYT, Queen of the US-PravdaMedia, has died and the inscription on her tombstone “all the news that’s fit to print’ has been expunged.
Claytor Not Happy With Today’s Roanoke Times

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


AGW-Bully Billionaire Tom Steyer And Mike Mann On Thin Ice

Latest  8-27-2019 AGW-Bully Steyer News:
In a blow to their hopes of making the debate stage next month (Sept), billionaire Tom Steyer, and others,  missed a chance to advance in a new poll on Monday, just two days before the cutoff for the Sept D-debate.
Steyer is just one poll away. But a new Monmouth national survey out Monday was a setback — it pegged his support below 1 percent.
The billionaire activist has spent heavily on TV ads since entering the race this summer, helping to raise his name recognition to 70 percent, according to Monmouth. But that has not made him popular: Just nine percent have a favorable impression of Steyer, compared with 25 percent who view him unfavorably.
Steyer has committed to spending at least $100 million of his own money on his campaign and has already bought $1 million in TV advertising in the first four primary and caucus states, according to ad tracker Advertising Analytics.
DNC Bans Democrats From Debating Global Warming
"The Democratic National Committee is cool with socialism, open borders, and infanticide, but they draw the line on global warming. For some reason the DNC will not be allowing the 2020 candidates to debate climate change. There will be no officially sanction debate on the subject and if any of the candidates participate in an independent climate change debate they will be severely punished. I wonder if the DNC will let the candidates debate the 1st Amendment or fascism."

Given this new DNC No-AGW discussion mandate – what’s Steyer going to talk about IF he makes the cut?
Perhaps he could discuss the total collapse of Mike Mann's Hockey-stick that is the basis of the entire AGW Hypothesis.

Latest from climate wars: Micheal Mann refuses to produce data, loses case

Freedom Of Information Act FOIA Not For AGW Climate Change
Steyer Gaming The Democrat Debates
Out-of-state Billionaire Democrats Buying Virginia 2019 Election
Could Science Mislead Public Policy?


US Setting Pace For CO2 Management

Roanoke Times, 8-27-2019, Pg 4: Trump Skips G-7 Climate Meeting
“His (Trump’s) decision to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris climate accord has severely damaged global efforts to reduce emissions."
Really?  And pray tell how the US absence has severely damaged global efforts to reduce emissions?
Oh – Right – It’s all about sending US Taxpayer money to Paris for whatever boondoggle the EU wants to use it for!
The US CO2 Reduction Reality:
Thank Trump and the Fracking-Gas!
The Incredibly BAD Paris Climate ‘Treaty’ Accord
Paris AGW ‘Treaty’ Not
Trump’s Election Energizes Global Warming AGW-Alarmist


When Diversity Becomes Tyranny

NY City Diversity Committee Says Programs for Gifted Students Are 'Racist'
“A school diversity committee formed by Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to eliminate programs for gifted and talented students, claiming they perpetuate racial inequality because they’re comprised mostly of white and Asian students.
The committee also recommended scrapping all forms of screening for students across the city.”
Apparently massive money and privilege for the basketball and football players are not ‘racist’!
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
Winston Churchill
“No matter how cynical you get, it is impossible to keep up.”
Lily Tomlin


Taking Roanoke Murders To A Whole New Level

Roanoke prosecutors drop murder charge after shooting death of key witness
“A Roanoke man charged with first-degree murder and two other major felonies saw all the cases against him fall away in rapid succession Monday during an unusual and uncommonly brief jury trial in circuit court.
Roanoke Commonwealth’s Attorney Donald Caldwell later said it was largely due to the “recent death of a key witness” whose demise “effectively ended the prosecution of this case.”
The jury trial centered on Marcus Vernell Clark II, 19, who was charged last summer with fatally shooting an acquaintance, 24-year-old Rashard Jessup, and with possessing a gun as a violent felon and using that weapon to commit murder.”
We can hardly wait for the choir to sing the ‘anti-guns’ song!
Roanoke Violent Crime Rages On
The Coup Of Roanoke’s Chief Of Police InProcess
Chief -- You Just Can’t Rap ‘Rap’ – That’s Racist Bro
A Pathetic Meeting On Roanoke Crime Pandemic

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Proud Patriots of SML Sept 6th Kick-Off Event

Smith Mountain Eagle, 8-21-2019, Pg 1, 3: New PAC forms at Lake
 “A newly-formed political action committee aims to influence elections.  In May, the Smith Mountain Lake Republican Women’s Club, which also went by the name the Smith Mountain Lake Republicans, unanimously voted to incorporate as a PAC, The Proud Patriots of Smith Mountain Lake. A kick-off event will be held Friday, Sept. 6, 5:30pm in Downtown Moneta to celebrate the new organization.”
Please plan on joining us to learn about Proud Patriots of Smith Mountain Lake, hear from our distinguished guests and meet candidates in this area seeking election in November.  Friends and new residents to SML are welcome.
This event is September 6, 2019, 5:30pm - 8:00pm in The Celebration Room, downtown Moneta (lower level of Casa D'Amici).
If you would like to make a contribution, please bring your check payable to PPSML to the Kick Off or mail to:  
Carolyn Holskey  39 Waverly Court  Moneta, VA  24121
Seating is limited so please RSVP no later than September 1 to

Democrats add 5th District to 'offensive battleground' list
“The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has added Virginia’s 5th District to its list of targets in 2020.
The committee announced the district’s addition on Thursday.
On the “offensive battleground” list are 39 U.S. House districts Democrats think can be flipped from Republican control.
The 5th District seat, held by Rep. Denver Riggleman, R-Nelson, is the only one in Virginia.”


Teddy Kennedy Gone These Past 10-Years

Roanoke Times, 8-26-2019
Photos: Remembering Ted Kennedy, who died 10 years ago
“On Aug. 25, 2009, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the liberal lion of the U.S. Senate, died at age 77 in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, after a battle with a brain tumor. Here are some photos of Kennedy through the years:”
A flowery honey coated album of left-wing nostalgia, the personification of the ‘spoiled white privileged rich kid’ whose family name, brothers and family  fortune were his most significant claim to positive fame.
Some major accomplishments:
Hiring test takers for passing grades.
Exploiting his brother’s status and accomplishments.
Exploiting his brother’s tragic deaths.
Womanizing while married with young children.
Escaping responsibility and accountability for Mary Jo’s manslaughter.
Authoring some of the most left-wing legislation ever passed including the basis for the uncontrolled illegal immigration situations we face today.
Let us search for a proper descriptor for Ted’s Legacy:
Ignominious - (adjective) deserving or causing public disgrace or shame
Ignominy - (noun) shameful or dishonorable quality or conduct or an instance of this.
Infamous - (adjective) well known for some bad quality or deed
What an amazing contrast to brother JFK:
John F Kennedy 'Ask not what your country can do for you,
Ask what you can do for your country’
John F Kennedy giving his Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech in Berlin
Where he eviscerates the very essence of Communism
Chappaquiddick: Mary Jo Kopechne – The Original #MeToo Girl
Obama Mourns Teddy
Obama-Kennedy Illegal Immigration Pandemic Continues

Monday, August 26, 2019


The Soul Of The NYT Is Dead

The NYT, Queen of the US-PravdaMedia, has died and the inscription on her tombstone “all the news that’s fit to print’ has been expunged.
Bias has killed the ‘Gray Lady’ — and Dean Baquet fired the fatal shot
By Michael Goodwin  NY Post Columnist
“While reading the transcript of a New York Times staff meeting, a Lily Tomlin line came to mind: “No matter how cynical you get, it is impossible to keep up.”
In this case, it is also impossible not to be disheartened and furious. The transcript shows that the rot of bias at the Times is far beyond the pale and there is no hope of recovery. Yet not a single person there declared the obvious — that the paper is ­betraying its principles.
Rigor in reporting and restraint in judgment once made the Gray Lady noble. Now she is dead, her homicide an inside job.
The transcript, leaked to Slate, reveals a confederacy of ignorance and bigotry involving hundreds of people. The ringleader is executive editor Dean Baquet, who fires the fatal shot into the credibility of his paper.
By giving reporters and editors license to try to stop Donald Trump from becoming president, then letting them peddle the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, Baquet helped unleash the ­hatred that is tearing America apart. Never before has a single media institution played such a destructive role in the nation’s life.
But Baquet is not finished. The 75-minute meeting shows he is now determined to ­destroy the president by painting him as a racist.”
The Slavery Crisis Explodes At NYT
New York Times Celebrates Karl Marx


Obama $15-Million Mansion Soon Inundated By Rising Seas

Barack and Michelle Obama Are Reportedly Buying a Mansion in Edgartown Martha’s Vineyard
Seven-bedroom, eight-and-a-half bathroom estate spanning nearly 7,000 square feet on more than 29 acres on the edge of the EdgarTown Great Pond estuary.
The apocalyptic reality:
US Coast and Geodetic USGS Map Data
Edgartown elevation is 17-feet above sea level
The Obama mansion is only 10-feet above sea level
Have the Obama’s lost their reality?
Has their $65-Million book deal warped their senses?
$15-Million for a mansion that, according to AOC, Bernie, Goreites, the 2020-Dems and Barack himself, will be under water in 12-years due to catastrophic run-away man-made global warming!
This move almost as daft as NYC building the Freedom Tower in lower Manhattan with an underground visitor’s center and even lower subway stations.
What is wrong with all these AGW-Alarmist Democrats?
One might conclude that they are Not believing the apocalyptic scenarios they are selling
So, what are they selling and why?
The soon to be demise of the $15-Million Obama mansion is Not the Bad News.
The Bad News is the destruction of the wildlife in the Edgartown Great Pond by despicable dredging approved by Obama’s EPA.
Obama’s EPA approved this massive desecration of this saltwater tidal estuary.
The decimation of creatures living on the bottom, in the water and in and on the beach is criminal.
What Obama EPA minions approved this tidal estuary holocaust?
Apparently it enhances the Obama mansion’s waterfront ambiance!
Where the hell are all the so-called environmentalists?
In contrast, At Smith Mountain Lake, home owners can’t even cut down a shoreline tree – even if it’s dead.

Sunday, August 25, 2019


Buying Greenland Another Trump Good Initiative

The Never-Trumpers had a field day opining about Trump’s comments about the US buying Greenland (wasn’t a joke when Democrat Truman proposed it).
Now, in reflection, even the PravdaMedia are acknowledging that there are major US strategic and national interests at stake in Greenland’s future and Obama capitulated the Arctic to Putin.
Tell us again who was colluding with Russia?
Roanoke Times, 8-23-2019, Pg N&W 7: Countries seek strategic hold in Greenland
“When U.S. President Donald Trump floated the idea of buying Greenland, it was met with derision, seen as an awkward and inappropriate approach of an erstwhile ally.
But it might also be an Aladdin’s Cave of oil, natural gas and rare earth minerals just waiting to be tapped as the ice recedes
In April, Russian President Vladimir Putin put forward an ambitious program to reaffirm his country’s presence in the Arctic, including efforts to build ports and other infrastructure and expand its icebreaker fleet. Russia wants to stake its claim in the region that is believed to hold up to one-fourth of the Earth’s undiscovered oil and gas.”
US to open Greenland consulate amid increased interest
The Obama Russian Arctic Capitulation
In addition to Obama’s capitulation to Russia on Crimea, Ukraine, and Syria the Russian dominance in the Arctic is a strategic failure.
After 8-Obama-years, for all practical purposes, the Russians now dominate the Arctic over the US, Canada and Norway.
About 40 percent of the world’s oil and natural gas reserve lies under the Arctic. (Imagine the rain-forests that covered that area and the amount of CO2 it took to support that ocean of green that now is oil and gas!  --- talk about your Gore global-warming!).
Yet another adverse consequence of the Obama-Gore mentality that it’s OK for “others” to rule and control the Arctic because the free-world will all be using solar panels and wind turbines for their energy needs.
The Obama-Gore View Of Arctic vs. The Putin View
Russia Grabbing The Arctic - Obama Oblivious
Obama View of Arctic
Putin View of Arctic


McCabe And CNN A Match Made In Hell

Trump blasts CNN hire of Andrew McCabe as contributor
The FBI-McCabe Caper
Lead #2 FBI-McCabe on Hillary’s National Security Malfeasance's:
·        No Grand Jury
·        No warrants
·        Immunity for everyone in sight
·        Slow-walking every aspect of the ‘investigation’
·        Destruction of evidence including laptops, servers and phones
·        Conclusion: nothing to see here and if there was – no intent
·        During this so called ‘investigation’, Crooked-Hillary’s bag-boy McAuliffe,
 gives McCabe’s wife’s Va senate campaign $700,000!  Talk About Collusion!
FBI Inspector General Concludes McCabe misled FBI
FBI-#2-McCabe Out At Last! – What Took So Long?

Obama’s FBI #2 McCabe Begs For Immunity – The Real Collusion



Let’s Rationalize The Irrational Endangered Species Act

Roanoke Times, 8-13-2019, Pg N&W 1:  US moves to weaken Endangered Species Act
Of all the misguided federal regulations, the endangered species act is a classic example.
It ignores and misrepresents the reality of nature and evolution.
The Federal and State governments have laws that govern the willful taking of plants, animals, fish and birds.
Additional ‘endangered species’ laws should target very few and very select species from their Darwinian fate of ‘adapt or die’.
In the natural scheme of things, mankind is minor to nature in saving species like the elms and the chestnuts.
Clearly selected special interest groups have grossly generated and then misused the ‘endangered species acts for political and anti-growth dogma.
An emotional use of the act is to protect the US national symbol, the bald eagle.  However, Obama relaxed its protection in favor of wind turbines.
“More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.”
Science:  The role of extinction in evolution
 “(iv) The extinction of species (and larger groups) is closely tied to the process of natural selection and is thus a major component of progressive evolution.  In some passages of “The Origin”, Darwin seems to have seen extinction as part of natural selection; in others, as an inevitable outcome.  ... extinction and natural selection ... go hand in hand. (p. 172).”
The Irrational 'end of earth' appeal to nonscience-emotions
Endangered Earth dot com: Promoting the Plight of Endangered Species and the Efforts to Save Them-There are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction. This is up from 16,118 last year. This includes both endangered animals and endangered plants.
Endangered Species: Who Decides – How -- Why?
AGW-Alarmists Declare The End Is Near
Ongoing Endangered Species Bogeyman

Saturday, August 24, 2019


Biden Now Totally Unhinged

Biden asks audience to 'imagine' Obama's assassination while recalling MLK, RFK deaths
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Imagine what would have happened if, God forbid, Barack Obama had been assassinated after becoming the de facto nominee. What would have happened in America?"
The assassination remarks weren't the only awkward or inaccurate statement by Biden, who went on to say that "you had over 40 kids shot at Kent State on a beautiful lawn by the National Guard." In fact, four students were killed and nine others were injured when Ohio National Guard troops opened fire on an anti-Vietnam War protest on May 4, 1970.
Earlier Friday, Biden made numerous blunders during a speech that suggested his health care plan won't have "quality" and that it's "only affordable."
Biden also accidentally stated that premiums would "increase" for the working class.
The former vice president said that if he didn't support teachers, "I would be sleeping alone."
"I find most rich people are as patriotic as poor people."
During a fiery speech, Biden told the crowd "We choose truth over facts"
Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."
And to think the PravdaMedia is perpetually opining Trump’s comments and tweets.  Really?

Friday, August 23, 2019


Collusion and Obstruction Protagonists

Roanoke Times, Commentary  8-22-2019

The silly season has begun
Peter Hain ---  Hain is a retired CIA agent.
“Collusion and obstruction protagonists’ balloon popped after Special Counsel Mueller’s exhaustive investigation and his bumbling congressional hearings failed to supply ammunition for President Trump’s impeachment. Not to worry, for Democratic opportunists were light on their feet and began tarring him with racism and white supremacism, accusing him of condoning the massacres in El Paso and Dayton, and going so far as to liken him to Adolf Hitler. And that’s only the tip of the ice berg.”


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