The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Monday, September 30, 2019


Got My Virginia Trump Rebate Check Today – Thank You Republicans


Roanoke Times:  Virginia tax refund checks are in the mail. Don't toss out this envelope.
Not one word from the PravdaMedia congratulating the Va. Republicans for these (Trump Rebate) checks!
BlackFace Northam and his Democrat Spenders tried to divert the Trump Rebate funds to their big government ‘slush fund’ where it would be squandered on their favorite ‘pork projects’.
Fortunately the Republicans had sufficient votes to force a compromise and get some of ‘our money’ returned to 'us'.
Elections have consequences!
Vote for fiscal responsibility and accountability -- Not for promises of Free IceCream!
It’s Not A Tax Windfall It’s A Trump Tax Rebate
Va. D. Gov. Northam and the PravdaMedia are using ‘1984 DoubleSpeak’ to totally hide the reality that the current economic surge and the Trump tax reductions have resulted in more state revenue than was in the budget.
It’s NOT a ‘windfall’!
It’s A Trump Tax Rebate!
No Northam! It’s Taxpayer Money Not a $600-Million Windfall!
RealNews: Trump Tax Breaks For 65% Of Payers


Trump And The Lawyers

Roanoke Times,  9-29-2019, Pg 6:  Trump blurs roles of AG, personal lawyer
The Democrats and their PravdaMedia are totally postal over Trump and lawyers.
They can’t decide if his personal lawyer Giuliani is over-reaching into official government actions or if AG Barr is over-reaching into Trump’s personal activities.  This is The News?
These ‘guardians’ of proper legalistic conduct didn’t have any problems with:
JFK and his Brother Bobby the AG.
Hillary and her lawyers including the dead one on the White House Lawn.
Obama and his ‘wing-man’ AG Holder.
Obama and his ‘message-girl’ AG Lynch meeting with Bill in his private jet.
Talk about Hypocrisy!  Talk about Yellow-Journalism!  Get A Life!
Presidents And Their AG Relationships
Wingman for The Boy!   Really?
If it weren't for FoxNews there wouldn't be any Real News at all!

Sunday, September 29, 2019


An Inconvenient Sept 2019 5-Foot NW Blizzard

This storm not just physically disruptive from Stevens Pass Wa through the US NorthWest, but an incredibly inconvenient White-AGW event right after the UN climate gig, the AOC chicken-little gig and the Greta RoseMary’s AGW-Baby gig at UN
And this coming at the culmination of the Global AGW Warming Climate Change Biased-News Tsunami
But that’s Not the Bad News for the AGW-Gorites!
The Bad News is that NASA is blaming all this on Solar Cycle 25 and Not man-made CO2!
Back to the Future of Global Warming and Climate Change:
A technical paper by D.B. Lawrence, 1950, includes a study of Mendenhall and relates glacier history to perturbations of the sun.
Geographical Review, Vol 40, No 2 (Apr 1950) pp  191-226   Jstor archives
Wow – how could Gore, Mann, NOAA, NASA et al not have read Lawrence’s 1950 paper and viewed his data on the retreating northern hemisphere glaciers?
I read it and found it compelling and far more scientific than the Gore-Mann story.
Historic Winter Storm arrives in NW U.S. in September — Snow Totals of 5+ feet Possible
The National Weather Service says this snowstorm could be compared to the one in September 1934.
“Feet of snow have already been reported just south of Glacier National Park, according to the NWS — Browning was blanketed by 23 inches and East Glacier Park by 21.”
Good thing Trump already took down the Obama ‘Glaciers Gone’ Signs!
“this would rival or surpass the 1934 winter storm [solar min of cycle 16] which was for many areas the top early-season snowfall event on record.”
“A meridional jet stream associated with low solar activity in action:”
NASA says Solar Cycle 25 is causing this event


Blue Ridge Eco-Sensitivity ViewShed Management

Roanoke Times, 9-28-2019, g 1, 4: Blue Ridge Parkway’s Grain Silo-Cell – Hidden In Plain Sight
Cell tower built as a grain silo is latest effort to protect Blue Ridge Parkway viewshed
“The most recent example is in Botetourt County, where a 130-foot tower was built to resemble a concrete grain silo.
“The parkway is a cultural landscape,” said David Anderson, a landscape architect with the Park Service. So when Blue Ridge Towers Inc. was scoping out a site just off the parkway, it was Anderson’s job to protect the natural turf.”
(Note: this 130-foot ‘protection’ is height of a 13-story building)
Some Blue Ridge ViewShed History:
In the 1930s the US government built a 469-mile black-topped road called the Blue Ridge Parkway upon one of the most beautiful natural moraines in the US.
The black-topped road has a right-of-way width that is a minimum of 600-feet to a maximum of 6,000-feet (1-mile) wide.
Let us reflect upon the scenic sensitivity the government used:
The multitude of streams that were “carved through” and scared.
The rock cuts scared into the mountain sides.
The natural trees and flora forever lost.
The private land confiscated from very basic people.
The 469-miles of beautiful black-top in a pristine forest.
All to accommodate those dirty fossil-fueled vehicles that use this black-top road everyday for non-productive so-called leisure.
Now into this picture of black-top government ecological sensitivity comes a new government bureaucrat that thinks the public will be repelled by the sight of a cell tower, so, ‘he demands’ that it be built to look like a grain silo.  Perhaps the bureaucrat is from Nebraska?  Go corn huskers!
Everyone knows that a grain silo is esthetically pleasing and is a natural looking entity along the Blue Ridge.  Here in Virginia one can drive all day and not see a single grain silo, so this will be a treat.
An option was to make the cell tower resemble a large coniferous (pine) tree.  Pines constitute the majority of the trees in Virginia.
One might drive right by and not ever notice the new ‘tree in the forest’.
But then you would miss the treat of seeing a new grain silo-cell!
This has to be true – you can’t make this stuff up!
This just has to garner an RT Dano Trophy this year!
“No matter how cynical you get, it is impossible to keep up.”
Lily Tomlin


Global AGW Warming Climate Change Biased-News Now A Tsunami

New AGW News 9-29-2019: Sept 2019 An Inconvenient 5-Foot NW Blizzard Caused by Solar Cycle 25 and Not Man-made CO2
Roanoke Times, 9-26-2019, Pg N&W 3: Climate panel issues grim report
Sea-levels rising, oceans loosing O2, ice melting, maritime animals ‘likely’ to decrease
(In Reflection:  Chicken Little was an optimist!)
RT, 9-26-2019, Pg 7:  Don’t be duped by climate alarmism by Steve Weismantel
Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, provides insight into the debate over climate change and the political games played to create policy.
As the Goreite Backdrop, to the recent UN focus meeting on man-made AGW Climate Change, the PravdaMedia has flooded the ‘news’ with a Tsunami of fake and biased ‘news’ and apoplectic screams of imminent doom, most disturbing of which is the hysterical children going over the AGW-cliff like so many lemmings:
Following are some examples and www-links of the Reality Data that the Goreites and their PravdaMedia never expose to the public and AGW-Teachers would never share with students.
*  The climate has always been naturally changing.
*  Man-kinds contributions are minimal.
*  The natural variations in weather, climate and oceans are greater than the data changes.  (something about signal to noise ratios)
*  The Gore-Mann Hockey-stick has been discredited by real data
*  The man-made-models upon which the Apocalypse  are based have been discredited by real data.
*  The US leads the world in reducing the growth of our CO2 footprint.
*  The total absence of putting weather and temperature events into the 250-year data reality timeline.
The Discredited Hurricane ‘News’ 
The Discredited Glaciers ‘News” 
Mother Nature At Work: Glaciers and Cows Calving
The Discredited Sea-Level Rise ‘News;
The Discredited Arctic Ocean ‘News’:
The Discredited Polar Bear ‘News”
It’s The Thick Ice That’s Bad For Alaskan Polar Bears
The Discredited Roanoke Hot Days CO2 ‘News’
The Discredited Drought ‘News’
Causes of Calif. drought natural, not man-made: NOAA
The Discredited WildFires ‘News’
The Discredited Flooding ‘News’
Devastating Mississippi River Flooding
At Vicksburg, Mississippi, May 1927  the Mississippi river was 80 miles wide.
Goreites and their PravdaMedia AGW Strategy:
Let us not overburden the simple people with Reality Data that questions the Gore-Mann Hypothesis and might cause some to become AGW-Skeptics.
Let's beat the Consensus Drum and keep it Political!

Saturday, September 28, 2019


The Democrat Trump Coup And Biden ‘The God-Father’

Felonious Biden bragging at a public forum that he had extorted the Ukrainian government with US aid funds, to terminate a prosecutor, who was investigating Biden’s son’s dubious activities.
This was the impetus for Trump’s request for an investigation to include the 2016 US election meddling issues.
See VP Joe – see VP Joe brag about his malfeasance:
See the reaction of his two appalled co-hosts:
Why doesn't a single PravdaMedia outlet expose this video?
Having snatched impeach-defeat out of the mouth of Mueller, the deplorable Democrats have invoked a Democrat Coup of Trump based on this totally manufactured ‘nothing-burger’!
How dare he ask about VP Biden’s malfeasance in office?
How dare he cast a pall on Biden’s hallowed son?
How dare he ask about the 2016 election issues?
How dare he highlight yet another blemish on Obama’s Legacy.
Turn the dogs out!  Sic-em!
This contrived and orchestrated coup is based on an unidentified person who acknowledges in a written complaint that he-she does Not have first hand knowledge of anything and whose accusations have more holes than Emmentaler Swiss cheese 
Back to 1968 and Marvin Gale “I heard it through the grapevine” 
There are high-crimes and misdemeanors here but they’re Not Trump’s!
WSJ:  Trump-Ukraine transcript a failed 'internal attempt' to oust Trump, WSJ's Kimberley Strassel says
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
WSJ:  Kimberley Strassel: The left wants to impeach Trump and destroy an insufficiently liberal Joe Biden, too
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Forget VP Biden’s Ukraine Malfeasance Keep The Dogs OnTrump
Joe Biden Brags He Coerced Ukraine With One-Billion Dollars

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Forget VP Biden’s Ukraine Malfeasance Keep The Dogs OnTrump

The Democrats using yet more Obama Deep-State Seditionists (whistleblower) to keep harassing Trump in-spite-of the totally discredited Russian Collusion Caper formented by Rogue FBI and DOJ Deep-State Operatives.
The current Democrat boondoggle appears to emanate from a Trump call to Ukraine questioning the illegal interference by VP Biden into a prosecutor’s investigation of Biden’s son.
Biden bragged he used a Billon-dollar bribe to get the prosecutor fired!
Clearly the never-ending Democrat effort to undue Trump’s 2016 election and if that doesn’t work to ensure his defeat in 2020, in-spite-of the major positive results of Trump’s actions and initiatives that have indeed Made America Better and on the road to Great Again!
Roanoke Times, 9-25-2019, Pg 1, 4: Pelosi orders inquiry of Trump’s call whistleblower complaint
WH to release document showing intel community watchdog found whistleblower had 'political bias,' official says
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“A senior Trump administration official told Fox News late Tuesday that the administration will release a document showing the intelligence community inspector general found the whistleblower who leveled an explosive accusation against President Trump concerning his talks with Ukraine had indications of “political bias” in favor of “a rival candidate” of the president.”
9--25-2019 PM News Update:
“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during a meeting in New York with President Trump, told reporters Wednesday that he was not pressured to investigate the Biden family during their now-controversial phone call over the summer.
“Nobody pushed me,” Zelensky said.
The comments come after the White House released a transcript reflecting that call. It showed Trump sought a probe into Biden family dealings in the country, though it did not show Trump explicitly linking the request to U.S. aid, as some have suggested.”
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Joe Biden Brags He Coerced Ukraine With One-Billion Dollars
The Pathetic Corey And Jerry ‘Impeachment’ Show
The Obama-Resist Movement Has Crossed Into Sedition


Roanoke Hot Days Not CO2

Roanoke has had (59)  90-degree days this year.
The Gorites are claiming it’s the man-made AGW CO2 that’s at fault.
(not clear that some 90-degree summer days in southern Virginia are ‘bad’ news)
RoseMary’s AGW Baby At The UN is absolutely hysterical.
But let’s look at some REAL Data!
There were lots More Hot Days when the CO2 levels were Low!
Why doesn’t the media ever put weather events in context?
Because it belies the Gore-Mann AGW hypothesis and fear-mongering!
The Hurricane CO2 connection is Heifer-Dust Too!
Killer Hurricanes Hit US: Déjà vu Again
It’s Hot Again – Back To The 30s
The AGW-Alarmists Declare The End Is Near
Obama’s EPA Still Promoting Gore’s Inconvenient AGW UnTruth
The Goreite AGW Propaganda Focuses On Virginia

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Joe Biden Brags He Coerced Ukraine With One-Billion Dollars

Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
By coercion with one-Billion Dollars of US aid money
In 2016 Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, in his investigation of corruption involving Burisma Holdings, a natural gas company, identified Hunter Biden as the recipient of over $3,000,000 from the company.
See VP Joe – see VP Joe brag about his malfeasance:
Note: Joe is now the Democrat Front-runner for 2020 election!  Really!
CNN’s Tapper to Mnuchin: What if Obama had done this?
Hello – extorting Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was a problem for Biden’s son is exactly what the Obama-Biden boys did!


RoseMary’s AGW Baby At UN

Roanoke Times, 9-24-2019, Pg 1, 4: You have stolen my dreams
This Swedish girl is the personification of the pathetic exploitation of children by Goreite charlatans and hucksters and Pied Pipers!
A pox be on all their houses!
What a sad state of affairs when those who cannot mount a convincing and compelling argument for their proposals are lowered to exploiting hysterical and misdirected children.
We have seen this before in history and it didn’t turn-out well.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.  Macbeth
“Greta Thunberg to world leaders: 'How dare you? You have stolen my dreams and my childhood'”
YouTube at UN
NYC Pied Pipers Turning One-Million AGW Kids Loose Onto Streets
Freedom Of Information Act FOIA Not For AGW Climate Change

Friday, September 20, 2019


Constitution Day

We The People
Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787, recognizing all who are born in the U.S. or by naturalization, have become citizens.
Today is Constitution Day


Trudeau The Ultimate Hypocrite

Justin Trudeau, the Canadian who constantly ranks on others for their politically incorrect behaviors, is now exposed for the hypocrisy of most liberal-progressive snobs.
It was his 'privileged upbringing' that made him do it!  Really?
What a unique combination of Beto O’Rourke and BlackFace Northam with a little Frenchy Macron thrown in.
Justin Trudeau blames privileged upbringing for wearing blackface as new video as third racist incident emerges
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized Thursday over his growing blackface scandal but stopped short of saying whether there were more pictures or videos of him dressed up in darkened makeup.
Trudeau already had apologized Wednesday after a school yearbook image emerged of him wearing dark makeup and a turban at an "Arabian Nights" party in 2001. The prime minister said, "it was a dumb thing to do."
Time magazine posted the photo, which it said was published in the yearbook from the West Point Grey Academy, a private school in British Columbia where Trudeau worked as a teacher before he entered politics.
The Virginia Democrat Leadership Debacle And Disgrace

Thursday, September 19, 2019


The Pathetic Corey And Jerry ‘Impeachment’ Show

Red Meat for the bipolar political extremists, lemons and limes for the rest of us.
Jerrry Nadler and his Democrat Band of Nastys have made a sham out of Congressional Due Process.  In their anti-Trump zeal to find something, anything, to use against Trump they have destroyed the very essence of fair and ethical due process and decorum.
In retaliation, Trump, who made everything and everyone available to the 2-1/2 year Muller probe, has now ‘had enough’ and dug in and turned the denial-dogs loose on Nadler and his gang of really nasty people.
Five-hours of vitriolic and acidic dialogue!
“Told by idiots, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.”  Shakespeare Mcbeth
Lewandowski says he has no reason to be held in contempt of Congress
The Democrats Should Be Ashamed Of Publically Outing Mueller


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