The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, November 30, 2019


Winter Records For Thanksgiving Week

This Thanksgiving Week of 2019 has set records across the US for low temperatures, major snow and strong winds, arriving well before the official start of winter.
Perhaps it’s a sign of ‘Reality Progress’ that the PravdaMedia is Not hawking the Goreite man-made global warming claims this week.
Perhaps they are starting to recognize the major Natural variability in weather and climate and the very weak scientific link between man-made CO2 and climate (something about Skepticism and Critical Thinking).
‘Record’ Cold For October and November 2019 -- Nature Belies Gorites
A major record-setting 1950 Thanksgiving winter storm before any significant manmade CO2:
November 24-25, 1950: The Great Appalachian Storm
Coburn Creek, West Virginia, reported the greatest snowfall total with 62 inches.
During Thanksgiving weekend in 1950, a storm rolled into the Appalachian Mountains bringing piles of snow with it. Coburn Creek, West Virginia, got 62 inches of snow, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
The 1950 storm is considered one of the worst wind events ever recorded. Winds gusted up to 160 mph on Mount Washington, New Hampshire, and it was the costliest storm up until that time, according to the National Weather Service.
160 people died in the storm by the time it was over.
As for real Blizzards: 8 out of 10 of the US biggest blizzards occurred before any significant man-made CO2:
Snowless Winters And Major Blizzards And AGW Snow-Jobs
Thanksgiving storms dump snow on much of the US
Powerhouse storm with heavy snow and wind to interfere with Thanksgiving return travel.
Venice Has Record Flooding Topped By Fake News
Global AGW Warming Climate Change Biased-News Now A Tsunami
Weather And Climate Modeling Useless

Friday, November 29, 2019


Democrat Billionaires Feeding The US-PravdaMedia

Feeding the US-PravdaMedia --  feeding time at the zoo!
They have to be fed, they’re always hungry and they can’t eat hay!
After buying the Virginia State Elections for the Democrats
Bloomberg is now spending $100-millon to feed the US-PravdaMedia and damage Trump as much as possible going into the 2020 elections.
Bloomberg Will Spend $100 Million on Anti-Trump Online Ad Blitz
Bloomberg has No probability of being the Democrat nominee, but, he can influence who is the nominee and in the process feed the US-PravdaMedia who are the core Propaganda arm of Obama’s-Resist and The DNC.
All this also applies to Tom Steyer who has committed to spending at least $100 million of his own money on his campaign and has already bought $1 million in TV advertising in the first four primary and caucus states, according to ad tracker Advertising Analytics.
Bloomberg and Steyer are compelled to act now because the voters and Obama are disappointed with ‘Sleepy Joe’ and the Ukrainian-Burisma thing is becoming a real liability for Joe and Obama.
And The Mueller Russia Coup was a dud.
And The Schiff-Impeach Coup is looking very dull and starving for a ‘real smoking gun’ and real evidence of impeachable wrong-doing.
With two billionaires on the Democrat Stage, Bloomberg and Steyer, it’s difficult to see how Socialists Bernie and Pocahontas have any oxygen to breathe no less run – good news, however bad news, how did JFK’s Democrat Party slide into the Socialist Swamp?
Bolshevik’s at the gate –  Very Scary Stuff!
Who says Democrat’s don’t buy elections?
Most famous example was JFK’s father and his day after statement:
I bought an election (Illinois and Texas) – I didn’t buy a landslide!


The Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement

There are a number of Rural Virginians who are petitioning their county BOS’s to enact a Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution recognizing the Reality that the Second Amendment still stands as a Basic American Right derived from The Constitution!
It appears that these Virginian-Americans are motivated by the pronouncements and actions of many Democrats whose stated objectives are to nullify the Second Amendment and move to either confiscate personal firearms and or pass laws so restrictive or onerous as to effectively confiscate.
It’s of interest that this movement has resulted in a tsunami of hostile anti gun-owner editorials and LTE’s and commentary in the PravdaMedia.
This bears witness and creditability to the existence and ferocity of the anti Second Amendment zealots and the need to confront them at every opportunity.
The anti NRA onslaught is clearly integral to the anti legal-gun-owner movement.
Note: how many NRA members are part of the gun-violence problem? Negligible!
This effort is focused on demonizing and denigrating the Legal and Lawful gun owners while ignoring the criminals and illegal gun issues deemed to be problematic based on the racial statistics of the problem.  To wit:
10,000 illegal guns taken off streets of Chicago in 2019: police
“Chicago police say they have passed a milestone in illegal gun seizures.
Police have confiscated more than 10,000 guns from city streets so far in 2019, police Supt. Eddie Johnson said in a news conference.
That beats the 9,800 guns recovered in 2018, Johnson said. The department averages about 7,000 guns seized each year.
Johnson used the announcement to criticize …….. the treatment of gun offenders in court.”
Chicago is a Sanctuary City – not clear who is getting ‘saved’?
Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the US.
To their credit -- Chicago does have a ‘stop and frisk’ law.
Apparently their Obama-Judges are of the ‘Turn’um Loose Bruce” ilk!
New Chicago Mayor Has Crime Amnesia
Black Lives Still Don’t Matter In Chicago

Thursday, November 28, 2019


Happy Thanksgiving


Monday, November 25, 2019


Impeachment BackFiring

Republicans see impeachment backfiring. Democrats fear they may be right
Trump: Schiff should be 'compelled to testify' in Senate trial if House votes to impeach
WhistleBlower Been Unmasked?
Hunter Biden Joe’s Infamous Son
Schiff-Democrat Impeach Public Humiliation

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Good News – The Bad AGW News Is Wrong

Apparently Obama not that into Ocean Rise Either
Obama $15-Million Mansion Soon Inundated By Rising Seas
Venice Has Record Flooding Topped By Fake News

“Good News – The Bad News Is Wrong”
Great Book Title by: Ben J. Wattenberg
Nothing to do with the AGW-bridge-tunnel
Just a great title!

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Ongoing Roanoke Times antiBusiness Propaganda

Layoff sad after 62-years!    Really?
How sad!  Man gets ‘laid off’ at 81-years old after 62-years at GE Salem!
This should have been a positive uplifting story about a young unskilled worker, with very limited skill or knowledge, who was hired by GE Salem, employed, trained, and upgraded over 62-years with outstanding benefit packages in a good workplace environment.
Instead it’s a long sad story about trying to make GE Salem look bad as, over time; their primary products demand have scaled-down resulting in a downsizing process.
What a great opportunity to also highlight the impact on grossly unfair tariffs and trade-policies that have disadvantaged our industries and our workers since the 60's.
At this point the article could have spent time emphasizing the ongoing major Trump Trade Initiatives with ALL our so called trading ‘partners’ and demanding that the Democrats get on board to help American workers and companies get a level playing field.
Perhaps the RT could do their next story in this series:
‘Businesses are bad and layoffs are sad’
on the multitude of Roanoke Times personnel who have been ‘laid off’ over the last dozen years!
Interview each one of them and lay-out the impacts upon them and their families, none of which are 81 nor worked for the RT for 62-years with a great GE benefits package.
Emphasize that their employment plight ties directly to the decisions made by the RT management to alienate half of their potential customers with their slanted and biased left-wing political propaganda instead of promoting fair and balanced news that would be acceptable as ‘real news’ to ALL members of the community.
Difficult Decisions At The Roanoke Times


Racial School Busing Again – Really?

More Obama Legacy:
Apparently too much racial harmony in Maryland – let’s fix that!
Let’s start massive school busing to fix what we’ll call:
“socioeconomic and racial segregation in the school system.”
Interesting:  Busing wasn’t an issue when Obama was ‘in’ office – just the cops!
Maryland Schools redistricting plan is the wrong approach
The government should not force a child to switch schools because of his or her family’s socioeconomic status. Yet, Howard County’s redistricting scheme uproots more than 7,300 students by redrawing school boundaries on the basis of family income — and, consequently, race. County officials say such discrimination solves “socioeconomic and racial segregation in the school system.”
That pretext, however, is not true. In 2017, The Baltimore Sun reported that “Howard County is the most integrated school district in the region. ... Children of different races — those who are black and white — are more likely to sit next to each other in Howard than almost anywhere else in the state.”
After all the effort and damage caused by busing – with very limited positive outcomes – we’re doing it again in 2019.
Is this the best the Liberal – Progressive – Democrats can do for our Country?   Really?

Friday, November 22, 2019


November 22, 1963 Assassination Of JFK

November 22, 1963: Death of the President
The most comprehensive library of JFK’s life
JFK RIP: How Soon We Forget
Quote from President JFK to the 5th Corps troops assembled at the
Fliegerhorst Kasserne in Hanau Germany on his way to Berlin in 1963 for his "Ich bin ein Berliner" Speech:
God and the soldier we adore
In times of danger, not before
The danger passed and all wrongs righted
Gods forgotten and the soldier slighted
Current Conjecture:
JFK would be totally disappointed with the left-wing pro-socialist domination of his party going forward to 2020.
He was first to declare Russia and Communism an Evil Empire.
Communist Russia - the place Bernie took his wife for their honeymoon.
Perhaps that's why there's a US-PravdaMedia ‘blackout’ of this significant day in American History.
JFK's:   “Ask not what your country can do for you
              Ask what you can do for your country!”
would also Not be popular on the 2020 Democrat debate stage today!


Has The WhistleBlower Been Unmasked?

There is a flurry of so called ‘whistleblower news spots’ focused on a young man who has been in the White House since Obama took office.
This has resulted in a significant flow of 'on-line articles' and so-called photos of this person with the implication he is:
·        ‘the whistleblower’
·        an operator in Obama's ‘deep-state coup’
 All this conjecture and speculation – but that is what the Mueller WitchHunt and the Schiff Impeach Fiasco are built upon!
IF true, the implications do rise to the accusation of ‘Treason’!

Alleged Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was close friends at the White House with an official who is now a key aide to Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman leading the Democratic push to impeach President Trump.
Rand Paul: Eric Ciaramella Is A Material Witness And Must Testify
Republicans press for whistleblower testimony,
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
ICIG complaint alleges Trump-Ukraine whistleblower may be soliciting illicit donations. To date, the GoFundMe has raised over $227,000.   (that's $37,800 each donor)
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Schiff-Democrat Impeach Public Humiliation
When Be It Treason?
Democrat Trump Lynching


Hunter Biden Joe’s Infamous Son

Who is this guy, Hunter, the entire Democrat Party is trying so hard to shield and protect and repackage?

Hunter, son of Joe Biden, at the center of the Burisma-Ukraine scandal, who got $83-thousands per month and $3.4-million into his consulting firm account from a totally corrupt Ukraine energy company, for a job he was totally and completely unqualified for, that is at the epicenter of the Schiff-Impeach-Trump Debacle. 
Hunter chose this time to stop child support to a woman in Arkansas he says he didn’t have sex with.
Oops – DNA says it’s his!  Exactly how stupid is this guy?
All this very awkward after his divorce over what was alleged to be his 'looking after' his brother’s widow (actually an obligation in some cultures):
Apparently Not too Bright: He was drummed out of the Navy for doing Coke – no Not Coca Cola!
The real question: how did he get a Navy Commission in the first place at 43-years old – who does that other than a brain surgeon?
Much of this has to be true – no one could make this stuff up!!!
Moving right along:
Hunter Biden: The Most Comprehensive Timeline
From being appointed senior MBNA vice president (two years out of law school), to a gift of a 2.8-carat diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon, to Burisma Holdings . . .
This site lists an incredible list of buying influence and access to VP Joe by showering sun Hunter with incredible rewards.
Even the New York Times couldn’t stand the bad taste and smell of the Father-Son Ukraine dealings:
December 11, 2015: A New York Times editorial praises VP Joe Biden’s message to the Ukrainian government but notes:
The credibility of Mr. Biden’s message may be undermined by the association of his son with a Ukrainian natural-gas company, Burisma Holdings, which is owned by a former government official suspected of corrupt practices.
Interesting, haven’t seen much of any of this on ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC or any of the other PravdaMedia outlets these days!
Honk if you’ve seen it!  Email if any not valid.
The Burisma Corruption, The Context and Reason there was ‘a phone call’
More Schiff-Democrat Impeach Public Humiliation

Thursday, November 21, 2019


More Schiff-Democrat Impeach Public Humiliation

The Wednesday Schiff-Expose Turned to HeiferDust
Schiff brought his clean-up batter  Sunland, Ambassador to UN, to knock the impeachment ball down Trump’s throat!
Whoa – not so fast!
The totally misleading Sondland opening statement:
Your quid-pro-quo was about a white house meeting not military aide!
All the so called Trump wrong-doing was your:
That there was a quid-pro-quo on investigating Burisma-Biden as a condition for release of the military aide.
You had No First-Hand Knowledge of that statement-accusation!
And you had direct statements from Trump denying that accusation!
The net-result of the entire day is summed up by Rep Jordan’s clean-up of Schiff’s knock-out star Ambassador Sondland – who Totally Struck-OUT and was totally discredited!
View the Two Devastating YouTube Reality:
Aide Hold-up A Nothing-Burger
Rep Jordan with Sondland -- just 5-minutes
Rep Jordan Total Discredits Soundland and the Quid-pro-quo Bribery - just 4-minutes
The Real Quid-Pro-Quo Biden Extortion bragged at public meeting:
First Exhibit At Impeachment Hearing  -- Schiffty excluded!
Impeach Day-2: Yovanovitch Out No Loss – Schiff Gagging Stefanik Again
Impeach Day 1: Total Schiff-Democrat Failure To Launch


Venice Has Record Flooding Topped By Fake News

New News: 1-13-2020  Venice canals almost dry, two months after severe floods

Allegedly cause by man-kind AGW CO2 Global Warming!
Where did the CO2 and AGW go in only 2-months? 
The Major Media is alive with stories and pictures of high-water in Venice.

The Mayor and the Goreites claim it’s caused by Global Warming caused by man-made CO2.
Reality: Venice has flooded many many times before.
The prior record high-water was 6-ft 4-inches back in 1966 (53-year ago, before the build-up in CO2), that was  2-inches higher than this high-water, albeit that Venice has continued to sink (land subsidence)  since then.
How irresponsible to store any thing valuable below the 7-ft high-water level!!!
Propagating Fake News is sad – doing it on purpose is criminal!
Venice mayor declares state of emergency after 'apocalyptic' floods
It was the highest level (6-feet 2-inches) since the record the 6-feet 4- inches set in 1966 but with rising water levels becoming a regular threat to the tourist jewel, city mayor Luigi Brugnaro was quick to blame climate change for the disaster.
A flood barrier was designed in 1984 to protect Venice from high tides, but the multi-billion euro project, known as Mose, has been plagued by the sort of problems that have come to characterize major Italian infrastructure programs — corruption, cost overruns and prolonged delays.
"If Mose had been working, then we would have avoided this exceptional high tide," Brugnaro said.
Originally expected to start operating in 2011, the city now expects it to be functioning in 2021.
High tides surge through Venice, locals rush to protect art
Forecasters warned that the danger for more wind-propelled high tides remained through the weekend.
Built on a series of tiny islets amid a system of canals, Venice is particularly vulnerable to a combination of rising sea levels due to climate change coupled with the city’s well-documented sinking into the mud. The sea level in Venice is 10 centimeters (4 inches) higher than it was 50 years ago, according to the city’s tide office.
(actually it was 1.87 meters (6.2 feet) or 2-inches lower than 1966!)
Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro has estimated damage at hundreds of millions of euros and blamed climate change for the city’s plight.
Venice Flooding History and Contributors
Generally speaking, tide levels largely depend on three contributing factors:
An astronomical component, (moon, sun)
A geophysical component, primarily dependent upon the geometric shape of the basin,
A meteorological component, linked to a large set of variables, such as the direction and strength of winds
Contributing natural factors are the subsidence, i.e. the natural sinking of the soil level, to which the lagoon is subject, and
eustasy, i.e. the progressive rise of sea levels. While these phenomena would occur independently of human activity, their effects have increased because of inhabitation: the use of lagoonal water by the industries in Porto Marghera (now ceased) sped up subsidence, while global warming has been linked to increased eustasy. Venice's "Tide Monitoring and Forecast Center" evaluates that the city has lost 23 cm in its elevation since 1897,
1966 Major Venice flood
On November 4, 1966, an abnormal occurrence of high tides, rain-swollen rivers and a severe sirocco wind caused the canals to rise to a height of 194 cm or 6 ft 4in.
Factual Note:  23-cm of subsidence = 9-inches of sinking
Seas are naturally rising at 8-inches per century
Venice is sinking at a rate greater than natural sea level rise.
AGW-Alarmists And Goreites: “You’ve Got That Sinking Feeling”
Land Sinking All Over the World – It’s Called Subsidence
Global AGW Warming Climate Change Biased-News Now A Tsunami
More Goreite AGW Propaganda

Sunday, November 17, 2019


Obama Warns Democrats About Electile Dysfunction

Obama cautions Democratic hopefuls on tacking too far left
WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Barack Obama on Friday warned the Democratic field of White House hopefuls not to veer too far to the left, a move he said would alienate many who would otherwise be open to voting for the party’s nominee next year.
Though Obama did not mention anyone by name, the message delivered before a room of Democratic donors in Washington was a clear word of caution about the candidacies of Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. The two have called for massive structural changes — and in Sanders’ case “revolution” — that would dramatically alter the role of government in people’s lives.
Obama’s remarks indicative of:
Pocahontas Warren An Embarrassment
Bernie’s Victory Speech = The Communist Manifesto
The anti-American 4-girl squad!
Apparently the entry to the Democrat 2020 game by Bloomberg
and the entry by Obama's old Bud Deval Patrick
has highlighted fear in the center-Dem party that the radical left-WingNuts that are getting 90% of the PravdaMedia coverage will be the Democrat DeathKnell in 2020.
Also, the Obama DeepState Systemic Sabotage Of Trump is not working!
The Mueller Report was a total bust!
The Current Schiff Impeachment Coup is producing not one iota of impeachable fruit!
On the contrary it’s looking more like sour grapes and Pelosi may soon have to ‘pull the plug’ on Foxy Schiff!
Therefore – Obama is rightly panicked that not only will Trump be reelected in 2020 but that the Republican’s will hold the Senate and take-back the House!
That will totally wipe-out the pathetic Obama Legacy – Good News!
Left turns on Obama for challenging calls to ‘tear down the system’

(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“I’m #TooFarLeft because I want kids to be safe in school. I’m #TooFarLeft because I want people to live in dignity. I’m #TooFarLeft because I seek justice and equality. I’m #TooFarLeft because I think healthcare and housing are human rights,” tweeted former Hillary Clinton adviser Peter Daou, who started the hashtag.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Systemic Sabotage Of POTUS

Attorney General Barr accuses the left of systemic 'sabotage' of Trump administration
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Attorney General Bill Barr accused congressional Democrats Friday of “using every tool” to “sabotage” the Trump administration by setting a “dangerous” precedent in implying that the government is illegitimate.
During a speech at the Federalist Society’s dinner in Washington, Barr took aim at the “resistance,” accusing liberal lawmakers of attacking the very foundations of the Constitution.
Barr said the “avalanche of subpoenas” and constant attempt to derail appointments by the Trump administration have only served to “incapacitate” the executive branch.
“Immediately after President Trump won the election, opponents inaugurated what they called the ‘resistance’ and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver to sabotage the functioning of the executive branch and his administration.”
“The cost of this constant harassment is real,” he continued.
Bar likened the language used by Trump’s opponents to that of groups who attempt to overthrow militant rule of seized governments.
“Now resistance is the language used to describe insurgency against rule imposed by an occupying military power. It obviously connotes that the government is not legitimate. This is a very dangerous and, indeed, incendiary notation to import into the politics of a democratic republic.”
He continued: “They essentially see themselves engaged in a war to cripple, by any means necessary, a duly elected government.”
Barr claimed that while Trump’s presidency falls outside the norm of previous administrations, he was elected with the public fully aware of this.
“The fact is, that, yes, while the president has certainly thrown out the traditional beltway playbook and punctilio, he was upfront about what he was going to do and the people decided that he was going to serve as president."
Impeach Day-2: Yovanovitch Out No Loss – Schiff Gagging Stefanik Again
Impeach Day 1: Total Schiff-Democrat Failure To Launch
Democrats Should Be Ashamed Of Publically Outing Mueller
Outing the ‘WitchHunt’ was a good thing
Obama’s ‘government in exile’, Resist movement, and his Organizing for  Action (OFA).
No US President in history has done something so subversive.
What a Pathetic Obama Legacy! 
The Obama-Resist Movement Has Crossed Into Sedition

Friday, November 15, 2019


Impeach Day-2: Yovanovitch Out No Loss – Schiff Gagging Stefanik Again

Yovanovitch testifies of being ‘kneecapped,' as Trump claims everywhere she worked 'turned bad'
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Marie Yovanovitch, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, pointed her finger at President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani while detailing her sudden removal from her diplomatic post during Friday's nationally-televised impeachment testimony, as the president fired back in realtime and said every place she worked "turned bad."
Trump’s comments ignited an outcry from Democrats: Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff read Trump's anti-Yovanovitch tweet during the hearing, and called it “witness intimidation.””
Poor Vindictive Marie – she just doesn’t get the fact that she served at the pleasure of the President, and when he was no longer pleased – she was OUT!
What has ‘impeachment’ got to do with that?l  Where's the High Crimes?
He doesn’t need to document a reason – the reason is he’s no longer pleased!
She’s not a union minion, she’s not an endangered species, and she’s dispensable.
There are over 2-million federal employees; unfortunately we can’t fire very many of those that deserve firing; worst case we just move them around (somewhat like the bad-egg priests).  States with the most federal civilian employees as of June 2018 were California, the District of Columbia, Virginia, Maryland and Texas.
Joy -- we have 3 out of 5 in our neighborhood!
'GAGGING' THE GENTLEWOMAN  Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.
GOP Reps rally to Stefanik's defense as Schiff stifles her at impeachment hearings
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
"This is the fifth time you have interrupted a duly-elected member of Congress," Stefanik told Schiff, who repeatedly told her she was "not recognized" to speak.
(Where is the support for Elise from the girls on The View, NOW and all the Democrat Feminists for a sister being abused?)
Chris Stewart takedown of Yovanovitch shows Democrats have 'no case,' GOP says 
During Friday's public hearings, Yovanovitch told Stewart, a Utah Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, that she could supply the panel with no information regarding criminal activity or bribes that President Trump  may have been involved with.

(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Stewart: "I would now feel compelled to ask you, Madam Ambassador, as you sit here before us, very simply and directly, do you have any information regarding the president of the United States accepting any bribes?"
Yovanovitch: "No."
Stewart: "Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all?"
Yovanovitch: "No."
Stewart thanked Yovanovitch before predicting that public support for impeachment would decrease after the hearings.
"The American people know this is nonsense," Stewart said. "The American people know this is unfair."
The real question: Why was this person a witness in this sham procedure? 
Adam Schiff’s Pathetic Angry Yovanovitch Girl
Impeach Day 1: Total Schiff-Democrat Failure To Launch


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