The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Hoodlums Attacking Our Soldiers At Home

The decadence of America’s youth hit a new low when a mob of young “American Hoodlums” attacked several young marines on a California beach on Memorial Day weekend.
Horrific video shows nearly 40 teens viciously attacking off-duty Marines on Calif. beach
Video shows off-duty Marines beaten by mob of up to 40 teens (
ONLY 9 youths charged, accused of attacking Marines on Memorial Day weekend, caught on video (
“We have nine individuals charged with crimes related to the attack on the Marines,” San Clemente Mayor Chris Duncan said. “All nine are juveniles. All nine are San Clemente residents, as I understand it.”
Authorities said four boys and one girl were charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon, were taken into custody and are presently at juvenile hall.
It’s doubtful that those caught will receive punishment consistent with their crimes – after all – it’s in California ---- lucky if D.Gov Newsome and his Democrat minions don’t give these felons a reward and charge the marines with war crimes.
What the hell happened to the other 30-juvenile felons?
Gee Toto -- I don't think we're in America anymore!
These felons reflections of:
More Traitor-Hanoi-Jane Garbage

Tuesday, May 30, 2023


CUNY Indicative Of Academic Decay

A very sad part of ‘growing old’ is awareness of the intellectual and moral deterioration of the Universities we attended as well expressed by my friends that attended my Rutgers and VT, UVa, UVM and a score of others. Many were ROTC schools that proudly graduated US Armed Forces officers, some of whom we just reflected upon on Memorial Day.
Now these institutions are loaded with anti-American faculty fawning on their likeminded young minions and fellow travelers who embrace Marx and Lenin instead of Washington and Lincoln.
Moral-Cancers are like physical cancers, they grow, they metastases and they kill their hosts.

Jewish groups, allies demand CUNY Law lose funding after student's 'vile' anti-Israel commencement speech | Fox News
Jewish groups, allies demand CUNY Law lose funding after student's 'vile' anti-Israel commencement speech
The graduation speech was condemned as 'vitriolic, evil, antisemitic' propaganda
Pro-Israel groups and Jewish allies are calling for the City University of New York's (CUNY) public law school to lose its funding after a graduating student accused Israel of "indiscriminately raining bullets and bombs" on Palestinians during her commencement speech. She also claimed laws are "white supremacy" and attacked the "fascist" NYPD and U.S. military.
Observations about CUNY by a NY Jewish physician-friend:
When my dad graduated high school, CUNY, then called CCNY was a hugely sought after college by NYC Jews. The Ivies had quotas and were costly. They could live at home and commute. Admission standards were very selective back then and, consequently, the students were extremely bright and motivated, excelling in science, government and the arts.
Alumni include Bernard Baruch, Colin Powell, Felix Frankfurter, Henry Kissinger, Mario Puzo, Alfred Stiegltz, Upton Sinclair, Tony Curtis, Henry Miller, Abe Beame, D Patrick Moynahan, Eli Wallach, Jonas Salk, and many more.
A number of years ago they did away with any admission requirements in the name of equity.


More Traitor-Hanoi-Jane Garbage

More Traitor-Hanoi-Jane Garbage For Memorial Day
How does a truly despicable person garner major media attention?
Apparently birds-of-a-feather do flock together!
The PravdaMedia continues to give Traitor-Hanoi-Jane major free publicity-coverage and coddling and recognition.
In most countries war-time traitors are tried, convicted and dispatched – ala Mata Hari:
How Mata Hari was executed for being a traitor after being accused of spying for Germany in WWI | Daily Mail Online
And all this disgusting media coverage right at Memorial Day!
Jane Fonda blames 'White men' for climate crisis, calls to 'arrest and jail' them
Jane Fonda blames 'White men' for climate crisis, calls to 'arrest and jail' them | Fox News
Jane Fonda spills about Robert Redford, Katharine Hepburn, Michael Douglas and more in unfiltered Cannes appearance
Jane Fonda spills about Robert Redford, Katharine Hepburn, Michael Douglas and more in unfiltered Cannes appearance (
Traitor Hanoi Jane Not Proud Of US – Likewise!
Jane Fonda revisits 'Hanoi Jane' scandal: 'It’s just horrible for me to think of that'
“Scandal” – this was not a scandal – this was treason!
“Horrible for me”—Really?
What was it like for all our troops to have you embracing and assisting ‘the enemy’; especially at the Hanoi-Hilton POW facility where you directly and purposely aided and abetted their torture?

Memorial Day May 29, 2023
Race-Baiting For Memorial Day


MVP May Be Rescued From Political-Judicial-Hostage?

Republicans secure massive gas pipeline approval in debt ceiling deal
Including the Mountain Valley Pipeline in the debt ceiling deal is a 'significant victory,' top Republican says
It’s Not Over until the fat lady sings --- Dan Cook and Yogi
The fact that MVP approval is part of this ‘negotiation’ is proof positive that the ‘ongoing disapprovals’ have Never been based on environmental-issues BUT have been political-judicial hostage-taking all along!
Talk about Biden-Democrat-Judicial malfeasance and hypocrisy with a national-interest public-works project!
Apparently there’s a 2024 election coming – You Think?
Beneficiaries include:
US Energy Independence
Domestic Energy Producers and Distributors
WVa Residents
Virgina Residents who look forward to finishing and grading ‘the open ditch’.
NorthEast-US gas-consumers who need this fuel.
Va gas-customers including Franklin Co’s Industrial Parks.
WVa and Va tax entities.
The highly-anticipated debt ceiling package House Republicans and President Biden announced on Sunday includes a provision fast-tracking a massive 303-mile West Virginia-to-Virginia natural gas pipeline project for approval.
Republicans secure massive gas pipeline approval in debt ceiling deal | Fox News
The unexpected carveout green-lighting the billion-dollar MVP Mountain Valley Pipeline — which is 94% complete, but has been mired in a lengthy permitting process for years — was immediately cheered by West Virginia lawmakers who have touted the project's expected economic benefits for years. The pipeline is projected to create 2,500 construction jobs, $40 million in new tax revenue for West Virginia, $10 million in new tax revenue for Virginia and up to $250 million in royalties for West Virginia landowners (upon which the fracking-gas is located).
MVP Where Judicial Justice Goes To Die


The Biden Economy Is Booming With Bankruptcies

Biden’s day-1 attack on US Energy Independence followed by unnecessary and disruptive massive give-away spending sent the US economy into unprecedented interest-rate hikes and run-away Inflation.
The result of these self-inflicted Biden-actions are now degrading the banks and the corporations with failures and bankruptcies and people stressed-out with increasing-bills they can’t pay.
And senile-Biden continues to tell us that everything is fine and he should be reelected in 2024 ---- Really!
Corporate Bankruptcies Are Soaring; 2023 Filings Highest Since 2010 (
The tally of U.S. companies that have gone bankrupt so far in 2023 is higher than the first four months of any year since 2010, data from S&P Global Market Intelligence showed. There were 54 corporate bankruptcy petitions in April, down from 70 in March, S&P Global said. Still, the year-to-date count more than doubled to 236 from a year ago.
Factbox: U.S. corporate bankruptcies at highest level since 2010
The NonCovid Pelosi Pork Bill
WSJ: Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Betrayal


Sojourner Truth A Famed Slave From The Catskills

On this day in history, May 29, 1851, Sojourner Truth delivers famed 'Ain’t I a Woman' speech
African American abolitionist and women's rights advocate, born into slavery in 1797, spoke in Akron, Ohio
On this day in history, May 29, 1851, Sojourner Truth delivers famed 'Ain’t I a Woman' speech | Fox News
Sojourner Truth was a northern-born slave in Old Hurley NY just outside of Kingston on the Hudson about 100-miles from NYC.
In 1827, after her master did not honor his promise to free her or to uphold the New York Anti-Slavery Law of 1827, she fled.
She reportedly told her master, per the same site, "I did not run away, I walked away by daylight."
She became a noted abolitionist doing extensive traveling and speaking on behalf of abolishing slavery.
There is a significant monument to her in front of the Kinston Court House and the nearby New Paltz College has a library devoted to her life and work.
She is a reminder that slavery was a national blight not just a southern sin and NY’s anti-slavery law was just 33-years before the start of the War Between The States.
Was NY "The Capital of American Slavery" in the 18th Century?

Contrary to this CNN article: It’s not clear that NY was widely known as the capital of American slavery.
However, most residents of Ulster County NY and particularly the village of Old Hurley are well aware of Sojourner Truth and her (slave to freedom) history. Most New Yorker's are unaware of Truth and the extensive slavery in the state, resulting in a fair amount of hypocritical finger pointing toward others.
Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth Day


Monday, May 29, 2023


Memorial Day May 29, 2023


An international view of our Fallen
"Hymn to the Fallen" by John Williams
President Abraham Lincoln
Gettysburg Address
Taps at Arlington
Amazing Grace
Some Gave All --- All Gave Some
Lee Greenwood - God Bless the U.S.A. lyrics


Sunday, May 28, 2023


Race-Baiting For Memorial Day

Lee-Roanoke Times, 5-28-2023, All Pgs 1, 4, 5, 7
People of color under-represented in 105 police departments
No print paper on Memorial Day
Are local police as diverse as the communities they serve? (
It’s of interest that the Lee-RT media would devote 4-pages to this subject, however important it may be, in their Memorial Day Edition.
Especially when considering the number of veterans living in this area and the Salem Vets Hospital, The D-day Memorial, The Veterans Cemetery in Dublin, and the Arlington Cemetery in DC and the numerous veteran’s memorials in DC and the numerous ‘War Between The States’ monuments in Virginia.
Seems like a substantial opportunity was missed to recognize those who served and especially those who gave their all and to their families.
Law enforcement operates primarily through governmental police agencies. There are 17,985 police agencies in the United States which include municipal police departments, county sheriff's offices, state troopers, game warden and federal law enforcement agencies.
Law enforcement in the United States - Wikipedia
Note: The featured 7-month investigations into 105-departments.
105 departments is one-half of one percent of the 17,985 US police departments.
On the Lee-RT subject of the day: we should have the same percentage of officers of color on the forces as the percent of their peers in the population.
Seems like Roanoke’s black mayor and black police chief have Not met their obligation.
Perhaps this major 7-month study should proceed with ‘Part 2 of their investigations’ on some key candidate recruiting factors like:
How many can pass the drug test?
How many can pass the physical test?
How many can pass the psychological test?
How many are high school graduates?
How many have criminal records?
How many can get a license to carry a gun?
How many have a valid driver’s license?
How many can pass the Police Academy program?
Perhaps these factors are part of why Mayor Lea and Chief Roman have Not been able to recruit and retain the number of candidates to achieve their racial-goal.
Perhaps this is a national problem not just a Roanoke problem!
Perhaps racism and bias are not the key issues in shortfalls in recruiting minority officers.
Perhaps the qualified minority candidates aspire to other jobs and careers and are being assertively recruited.
Lee-RT: feel free to publish this blog post as a follow-up to your Memorial Day Issue.


MVP Where Judicial Justice Goes To Die

Roanoke Times, 5-27-2023 Pg 1
Mountain Valley Pipeline hits another potential legal roadblock
Mountain Valley Pipeline hits another potential legal roadblock (
The MVP Fracking-Gas Pipeline,from WVa to the US-NE, DisApproval Process has become the poster example of Judicial-Politics Breaking Bad.
It’s as if the Virginia Jim Crow NonJustice system has been resurrected right before our eyes specifically targeted for this project.
Clearly this pipeline, that is 90+% complete, is being held political-hostage by a couple ‘so-called judges’ that are doing Biden’s bidding by continually ‘inventing’ hokey-excuses for endless delays.
The adverse environmental impacts to the Blue Ridge are miniscule and are undetectable especially compared to the Black-Top Blue Ridge Parkway and the environmental-disaster the government has been digging-in for over three-years just down the road at the Roanoke land-slide mess.
The personification of a dysfunctional government:
A hand-full of political-judges following a senile Biden.
Macbeth’s view of these type ‘judges’:
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Disruptor: Blue Ridge Parkway Or MVP?
Appalachian Trail "Pipeline Obstructionists" Have Lost Credibility 2017
The Obama-Judges MVP Boondoggle



STEM Again

College is remade as tech majors surge and humanities dwindle
The University of Maryland showcases two trends reshaping higher education, as debate intensifies over the influence of career goals in academia
How colleges are changing as tech majors surge and humanities dwindle - The Washington Post
Two trends in higher education nationwide are colliding at the University of Maryland: booming enrollment in computer science and plummeting student demand for the humanities.
A worthy effort has been launched for STEM (Systems, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum focus.
This is being resurrected from the 1960’s when the Space Program and Race for Survival against the Soviet Union was center-stage.
We won these battles and survived as “The US”.
Over the past 40-years we, the US, have been lulled into a dependency on good cheap available goods from China.
This has resulted in China developing a massive product development and manufacturing capability and massive positive trade advantages while the US has lost many of its manufacturing centers-of-competences, trained technical work force and science and engineering technical education and leadership. This includes degraded critical national defense capabilities.
Resurrecting STEM in today’s society and environment is a major challenge including finding students that are motivated and capable of taking the math and science courses that are required.
How many high school students take programming, calculus and chemistry and physics?
Their question: That’s really hard stuff --- why would I do that?
Turning STEM back on again requires educators qualified to teach math and science courses, a critical and limited resource in the US education system; a system racked with social and political agendas far removed from STEM and in some cases mocked as racist content.
Also key are the Technology courses, programs and apprenticeships that lead to a trained workforce capable of exploiting our innovative and development start-ups and manufacturing.
Our survival as a free and independent country may well depend upon this STEM effort.
Being #2 in the global race with Communist China will be the end of our society as we know it!


WetLands Sometimes An UnAmerican Weapon

Major New Good News for homeowners, landowners and farmers!
Supreme Court limits federal power over wetlands in favor of property rights
Supreme Court limits federal power over wetlands in favor of property rights | Just The News
Of all the vehicles the ‘Controllers’ love to use to take control of private property, WetLand rules have been number one!
After every rain these ‘Controllers’ spread-out like locusts over the countryside filming and documenting every puddle, run and wet-spot for their target-list of potential draconian land use restrictions and confiscations.
New York has led this land-grab movement for over 50-years and the federal government has followed suit.
New Good News: The SCOTUS (9 to 0) has now finally constrained this unconstitutional government abuse of private ownership of land and property-rights!
Supreme Court limits federal power over wetlands in favor of property rights | Just The News
What the *&## took so long?
Supreme Court limits federal power over wetlands in favor of property rights
The decision by the court was 9-0 in favor of the plaintiffs, who were blocked by the EPA from building a home on their property near a wetland.
"However, the court split 5-4 in its analysis of how the federal government should define a water source under the Clean Air Act," according to the outlet.
Justice Samuel Alito wrote the majority opinion in the 5-4 split, stating that the Clean Water Act only regulates wetlands that have a "continuous surface connection" to larger bodies of water that are regulated. The Idaho couple do not have such a connection on their property.
Wetlands not wet (2006 post)
Government Stream Devastation  -- No wetland restrictions for Gov!

Friday, May 26, 2023


Target Makes Itself A Target

Gay’s have had a major influence in the fashion business since the 70’s and apparently, they have become very influential in some business marketing decisions.
Bringing their LGBT agenda to the store front and display shelves is now becoming less acceptable to those who feel ‘confronted and in-your-face’ by these products, images and messages.
Clearly violence and intimidation have No place in our shopping environment and should Not be tolerated by anyone.
That said, shoppers and customers have choices and if offended or uncomfortable for themselves and-or their family, they clearly can take their business elsewhere. Budweiser-BudLight and Target are having that experience and should ask themselves if they are in the consumer-product business or the social influence business.
Perhaps their customers and share-holders will send them a reminder.

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities"
Harry Potter
Roanoke Times, 5-26-2023 Pg B7
Target is facing more backlash after removing LGBTQ+-themed products (
Target once distinguished itself as being boldly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community.
Now that status is tarnished after it removed some LGBTQ+-themed products and relocated Pride Month displays to the back of stores in certain Southern locations in response to online complaints and in-store confrontations that it says threatened employees' well-being.
Target's market cap plunges by $9 billion amid Pride clothing uproar - Washington Times
Target’s market cap plunges by $9 billion amid Pride clothing uproar
Trans women's bathing suits with 'tuck' feature for intact males fail to impress investors
Target Corp. has seen its market cap drop by billions of dollars in the aftermath of the outcry over its Pride clothing line as the retailer finds itself mired in its own Bud Light moment.
The company’s market capitalization has lost as much as $9 billion since May 17 amid a backlash over its Pride 2023 apparel line for children and adults, which included some items created by a Satanist-inspired British designer Abprallen.
Target CEO Tries to Hold Bud Light's Beer as He Doubles Down on Controversial Campaign
Target CEO Tries to Hold Bud Light's Beer as He Doubles Down on Controversial Campaign – RedState
Target in 'real, severe danger' after waving woke politics in customers' faces, critics warn
Target in 'real, severe danger' after waving woke politics in customers' faces, critics warn | Fox News
Stores selling Bud Light for free as Mulvaney backlash continues
Some Budweiser products are being offered for free after a $15 rebate from Anheuser-Busch
Stores selling Bud Light for free as Mulvaney backlash continues | Fox News
This in-your-face Target-Trans program is Not new.
It has been going strong since 2016:

2016: The American Family Association launched a boycott of the nation’s second largest retailer a week ago – over Target’s corporate policy allowing men who identify as women to use the bathrooms and fitting rooms of their choosing.



Thursday, May 25, 2023


Virginia Democrat Legislator Morrissey Bad-News Again

The public moral track-record of Virginia Democrat Legislator Morrissey reads like a ‘rap-sheet’ but the Democrats and their PravdaMedia consistently down-play and marginalize his actions and BlackFace Northam’s last act as Virginia Governor was pardoning Morrissey.  Really!
What would Morrissey have to do to be turned out of office no less indicted for bad behavior?
Doesn’t Virginia Legislature have some kind of ‘code of conduct’?  Apparently Not!
Myrna Morrissey alleges assault, manipulation by Sen. Morrissey in divorce filing
Morrissey: Estranged wife alleges assault, manipulation (
Myrna Morrissey, the estranged wife of state Sen. Joe Morrissey, D-Chesterfield, alleges in a court filing that he assaulted and emotionally abused her during their marriage while asking her to keep up the appearance of a happy life so he could advance politically.
In an extensive Instagram post, Myrna Morrissey alleges her husband had a history of infidelity, manipulation and parental absence.
Infidelity, manipulation and child abuse: Sen. Morrissey and wife’s rift goes public with new allegations | WRIC ABC 8News
Morrissey’s Public Track-Record:
Look Who’s Selecting Virginia Judges
The PseudoTabloid Media gushed with elation in an extensive expose about a Virginia Democrat State Senator Morrissey conducting inquisitions upon candidates for positions on the Virginia Bench; clearly making a spectacle of a process that traditionally is conducted with decorum befitting a judgeship.
Statutory rape by a 50 year-old Democrat Va Delegate with an underage girl working in his office.
Lying under oath about his crime.
Now bragging about the resultant “fatherless” child
Now claiming his intentions to run for Va Senate
BlackFace Northam’s Last Despicable Act
Northam pardons Sen. Joe Morrissey for his “interaction” with 17-year-old
Some “interaction”!
It was ‘statutory rape’ and impregnating a 17-year old girl, in his employ.
In 2013, when Morrissey was 56 years old and a DEMOCRAT member of the Virginia House of Delegates, he hired 17-year-old Myrna Pride to work as an intern in his law office and then proceeded to abuse her and impregnate her.
All this reduced to a misdemeanor and swept under the Democrat and PravdaMedia Rug!


Segregated College Graduation

UC Berkeley holds segregated graduation ceremony for black students only
UC Berkeley holds segregated graduation ceremony for black students only | The Post Millennial |
The University of California Berkeley hosted a black-only graduation ceremony for its non-white students at Zellerbach Hall on Saturday.
In March, UC Berkeley’s African American Studies Department announced they would be holding their annual “Black Graduation” ceremony for students in May.

According to the announcement, “The Department of African American Studies plans on hosting our annual Black Graduation ceremony, 
Clearly the word (ONLY) makes this a violation of all and every ‘Equal Rights’ law, statute and regulation.
How can a major public education institution initiate and promote this illegal function?
Where are the ‘Equal Rights’ supporters who have worked so hard to ensure all vestiges of any ‘uni-Race’ system are now history?
Why don’t these graduates demand the (ONLY) word be dropped and embrace those who wish them well and who wish to graduate with them, whatever their color?


Whose Children Are They Anyway?

More Democrat tripe on who is responsible for children, the parents or the state?
Hitler made that clear and channeled children into his Kindergarten and then into the Hitler-youth.
The Kindergarten and the Holocaust | Anabaptist Historians
Are we there yet? Apparently Hillary and her ‘It Takes A Village’ associates believe so!
Not to worry, Randi Weingarten, the teacher’s union chief, has everything under her control: It’s not school until I say its school!
Democrats to parents everywhere: Your kids belong to US, not you! (
Blue-state progs keep screaming the quiet part out loud: Your kids don’t belong to you!
Tommy Hoyt, a Democratic New Hampshire state legislator, is just the latest example.
A parent urged him to back a bill demanding that schools not withhold info about their kids from parents (i.e., no more secret social transitioning or woke brainwashing).
Hoyt’s remarkable response: “Do you know why children’s results tanked during COVID? Their parents were incompetent teachers. Do your children a favor, let the teachers teach, and shut up. You’re clearly no professional.”
Set aside the obvious self-serving lie here: Remote “learning,” demanded by teachers unions and their legislative lackeys like Hoyt, wrecked the scores, not parental concern.
NC Governor declares ‘state of emergency’ due to GOP school voucher expansion, tax cuts
NC Gov. declares ‘state of emergency’ over GOP education plans | Raleigh News & Observer (
Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper declared Monday that “public education in North Carolina is facing a state of emergency” in the face of “extreme legislation” being promoted by Republican state lawmakers. In a video posted online Monday, Cooper said GOP lawmakers will “starve public education” and “drops an atomic bomb on public education” with plans to further cut taxes and increase funding for private school vouchers. He said the public needs to speak out against the changes before they’re adopted in the state budget.
Whose Children Are They Anyway?
Democrats Diminishing Public Education
Suffer The Little Children Not – For 3rd Year

Monday, May 22, 2023


Travel Advisories – Really?

Roanoke Times, 5-21-2023:  NAACP issues travel advisory for Florida,
Civil rights groups warn tourists about Florida in wake of 'hostile' laws (
NAACP issues travel advisory for Florida, saying the state is ‘openly hostile toward African Americans’ under Gov. DeSantis’ administration
NAACP Florida travel advisory: State is 'openly hostile toward African Americans' under Gov. DeSantis' administration | CNN
The NAACP issued a travel advisory for the state “in direct response to Governor Ron DeSantis’ aggressive attempts to erase Black history and to restrict diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in Florida schools,” the group said in a written statement Saturday.
Apparently the Al Sharpton Chapter of the NAACP
In concert with the DNC and PravdaMedia, is concerned about Black-people’s sensitivities to political dialogue and the rejection of BLM hate activities and hate-speech and racial-demonizing in the schools.
Haven’t seen any NAACP ‘travel advisories’ for:
San Francisco
Or other Democrat run cities where Black-people are being killed and wounded in great numbers primarily by other young Black-people --- seems more severe than political dialogue.
Perhaps these ‘travel advisory folks’ should spend some time with their Roanoke Chapter and help mitigate serious Black-crime-deaths right here in River City that may well be cause for a ‘Black-people travel advisory’.
In Reflection: Perhaps all this ‘travel advisory publicity’ is to resurrect The Negro Motorist Green Book 1936 to 1964
The Negro Motorist Green Book - Wikipedia
That book is a vivid reminder of the very dark days of American Racism that sadly some people try desperately to keep alive and to misappropriate.
Perhaps Florida, and many other jurisdictions, are in-compliance with US Law and current American views:
Court Rules That California Race Law Is ‘Unconstitutional on Its Face’
Case sets a precedent against race-based government and corporate policies
Court Rules That California Race Law Is ‘Unconstitutional on Its Face’ (
“The Court also put private companies on notice by concluding that AB979 violates the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which applies to both state and private discrimination,” Bushbacher said. “Woke corporations that impose diversity mandates on their own are thus just as liable.”
“Racial diversity quotas are not only unconstitutional, they are immoral,” Edward Blum, director of the Alliance for Fair Board Recruitment, said. “Businesses should appoint board members based on their merit, not on their skin color.”
Roanoke Times Excuses And Enables Roanoke Violence
Roanoke Youth Violence UnMasked


Inspiring Trans Cheerleader Chant - Not

Nebraska senator flips out amid debate on bill to ban sex change surgeries for minors: 'We love trans people'
A Friday morning session in the unicameral Nebraska legislature devolved into chaos after one Democratic lawmaker began shouting her support for transgender people. (NE Progressive Legislative Study Group)
Nebraska senator flips out amid debate on bill to ban sex change surgeries for minors: 'We love trans people' | Fox News Video
        (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Inspiring: This is a Nebraska State Senator: Watch to the chanting-end:
#Nebraska senator flips out debating ban on sex change surgeries for minors, 'we need trans people"
(8) #Nebraska senator flips out debating ban on sex change surgeries for minors, 'we need trans people" - YouTube


Rising Water Stories vs Reality

New York City is sinking due to weight of its skyscrapers, new research finds
City is sinking approximately 1-2mm each year on average, worsening effects of sea level rise and flooding threat
New York City is sinking due to weight of its skyscrapers, new research finds | New York | The Guardian
(note: Plate-tectonics has played a major role in land subsidence ‘sinking-rising-moving’. Science tells us that NYC was once connected to Europe.
Talk about earth movement and ocean level changes way before skyscrapers or man-made CO2s!)

atlantic plate tectonics widening gap europe america | University of Southampton
The Gore-Media-Team has been telling Chicken Little Water Stories for over 25-years.
The ocean up to Lady Liberty’s neck was well shown in Ice Age (2011):
Apocalyptic Water View. Old Statue of Liberty in Storm Stock Photo - Image of nature, flood: 72377476 (
The oceans are and have in fact been rising at a rate of 8-inches per 100-years since 1900.
Prior to that the oceans had raised 340-feet from period 16,000 to 8,000 years ago.
Several years ago the US Coast and Geodetic Survey
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey - Wikipedia
What is subsidence? | NGS Facts | NGS INFO - About Us | National Geodetic Survey (
Let the water-cat out of the bag! Those coast-line places that were experiencing unusual coastal flooding were sinking (subsidence) much faster than the oceans were raising --- who knew? --- Actually lots of people knew.
BIG BIG Embarrassment to thousands of Chicken Littler’s who were blaming all the water rise on AGW-man-made global warming.
The ‘catastrophic ocean-rise story’ is still playing in many venues.
Reality: Money can buy much more than things.
Sea Level Rising For 20,000 Years And Still Rising – Not New News!
Virginia Beach Sinking Faster Than Ocean Rising


Griner’s Back! – Who Cares?

Crowd size for Brittney Griner's WNBA return baffles coach: 'How was it not a sellout?'
Crowd size for Brittney Griner's WNBA return baffles coach: 'How was it not a sellout?' | Fox News
        (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
the former Baylor standout as she returned to the court for the first time since 2021. She missed all of last season as she was jailed in Russia on a drug conviction. She returned to the U.S. in December as part of a prisoner swap for arms dealer Viktor Bout.
Apparently not many showed-up to see Kamala either!
Why would VP Kamala embrace such an Anti-America symbol?
Brittney Griner greeted by US VP Harris in return to court | Reuters

Perhaps there’s a reason ‘Americans’ are Not impressed with Anti-America Griner’s return.
Brittney Griner: How Do You Like America Now?
It turns out that Griner is a female version of Kneeler-Kapernick!
Down with the American Flag!
Down with the Natiional Anthem!
Down with America The Beautiful!
Down with the Land of ‘Her’ Opportunities!


Sunday, May 21, 2023


Smile 5212023



Thursday, May 18, 2023


Whistling Past The Dead Endangered Wildlife

What Dead Endangered Wildlife would that be?
*  The Dead Wales along the eastern US shore where intense off-shore wind-turbine work is being done under the guise of ‘renewable free energy’.
*  The Dead Eagles and bats and other birds under the whirling blades of on-shore wind-turbines.
Roanoke Times, 5-17-2023, Pg A10
Dead whale in Kitty Hawk part of ‘unusual mortality event’
Dead whale washes up on beach in Kitty Hawk (
A very interesting article that totally omits the current media story line about many newly discovered dead whales on the US east shore since major work has begun on off-shore wind-turbine testing and infrastructure development.
This ‘Pilot-RT story’ deserves a major media award for such artful avoidance of the potential cause-effect that the PravdaMedia is working to marginalize and dismiss.
Apparently Eagles, Bats & Whales Are Expendable After-all
Obama admin regulation allows wind turbines to kill up to 4,200 bald eagles per company
Don’t you even think about picking-up a feather from a dead eagle!
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is charged with their protection. It is illegal to pick up a dead eagle or pluck a single feather from a dead eagle, let alone kill one to obtain feathers. Violations of these laws carry a $100,000 fine and up to a year in jail.
Apparently there’s an exception somewhere for ‘Native’ Americans.
John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Saved The Whales – Really?
“We” were decimating the whales for their lamp-oil just as we decimated the beaver to make those fancy hats.


More Harry-Megan Drama-Queen Tripe

Prince Harry and Meghan made getaway in NYC taxi after being trailed by paparazzi
Prince Harry and Meghan made getaway in NYC taxi after being trailed by paparazzi | AP News
NEW YORK (AP) — Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, were trailed in their car by photographers as they left a New York City charity event Tuesday night, briefly taking refuge at a police station before being whisked away in a yellow taxicab.
The pursuit and media frenzy evoked memories of the 1997 car chase through Paris that killed Harry’s mother, Princess Diana — though in this case, police said, no one was hurt.
Harry & Meghan's message to the Media is reminiscent of the person who falsely claims they were abused:
Don’t Stop
Harry Stop Whining – Please
Why Do Harry & Megan keep breaking back into what they escaped from?



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