The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Consumer Confidence
Roanoke Times: strange – didn’t see this in the paper – wonder why?
The Conference Board (1/31/06) said its index of consumer sentiment rose to 106.3 to a 3-year high!
"Consumers grew more optimistic about the jobs market at year-end, according to the Conference Board."
"Consumers saying that jobs were "plentiful" rose to 26.9 percent in January from 23.3 percent in December while those who claimed that jobs were "hard to get" fell to 20.3 percent in January from 22.5 percent in December."
Perhaps this didn’t fit well into The Editors view of how he could assist his party’s mid-term election propaganda machine.
Prior items:
Bush Lame-Duck?
Roanoke Times, 1/29/06, Pg A3: Analysis: Bush finds it harder to win GOP support for his big initiatives.
Children let’s reflect on the past several months together:
Can you say: 72 to 25: Kill the anti-Alito filibuster
Can you say: 58 to 42: Confirm Judge Alito
Can you say: 78 to 22: Confirm Chief Judge Roberts
It appears this lame-duck can still kick some mean butt!
Prior lame-duck items:
Trifecta from Hell
Roanoke Times: Didn’t see this covered: Even The Editor must be embarrassed by the spectacle of this vile and vicious Trifecta from Hell
USA Today, 1/30/06, Pg 6A: Cindy Sheehan meets with Chavez
Major TV coverage of Harry Belefonte ranting and raving incoherently about the big and bad Pres. Bush
What a team! Cindy, Hugo and Harry!
Talk about coming out of the closet! These folks out-nasty Howard Dean!
Washington Post coverage of Sheehan-Chavez love-in:
Prior items:
Monday, January 30, 2006
Fear of Fear
Roanoke Times, 1/30/06, Pg Va 7: Commentary by E. Robinson of Washington Post.
A nasty and viscous attack against Pres. Bush and members of his administration by a person who clearly belongs to the group of: Dean, Maxine Waters, Al Twana Sharpton, Kennedy and other notable nasty partisan folks.
Robinson dismisses the risk Americans are subject to as a "wag the dog" type political game of fear mongering.
The fathers and mothers I personally know who lost their sons in the World Trade Towers do not take this war that has been thrust upon us as a political game!
It’s clear to me that the parents and family and friends of a young Franklin County soldier who gave his life for his country in Iraq last month do not agree with Robinson.
Our fellow Americans who serve in the military and in the Homeland Security departments do not view this War as a game!
Having Robinson’s buddy Dem Sen Reid running out to the media cameras with the announcement "we just killed the Patriot Act" is not viewed in a positive light by anyone I know or talk to. And based on the overwhelming support for this Act in the Congress and the 52 positive Senate votes for it, it appears that the majority of Americans do not think this war is a game!
Robinson’s hatred of Karl Rove is typical of the partisan swamp that he and others of his ilk have sunk into with the welfare of the American people taking a back seat to their vindictiveness.
Hopefully these people will come to their senses and realize that we are indeed a country at war and a people at risk and having our national leaders fully committed to our protection is a good thing!
ps: What responsibility does Robinson have for the welfare and safety of our people and when we get hit again -- what accountability will he suffer?
Prior Item:
Alito Up-Down 72 to 25
Alito to get an Up-Down Vote: 72 to 25Kerry and Kennedy and their radical left-wing friends went down in flames this PM in the US Senate with their last ditch attempt to filibuster an up/down vote on Judge Alito for the Supreme Court.
After the respectful and dignified way in which the Republicans treated and voted for Ultra-Liberal Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, every Democrat in the US should be ashamed of this cabal of crude and disgusting partisians.
Prior Items:
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Economy Headlines
Economy Headlines
Roanoke Times, 1/28/06, Pg Bus 8: Economy slowed at end of 2005
(large bold print)
Down in the not-bold not-large print: "Considering the impact of the hurricanes and record heating bills last year, the economy continues to show remarkable resilience". "Analysts called the GDP figure for all of 2005 solid."
It appears The Editor is doing his best for his team for the midterm elections!
What a contrast with the left-wing presentation of the state of the economy just before the 2000 elections: click to see the real facts without the spin:
Prior items:
Intercepting Al Qaeda
Roanoke Times, 1/24/06, Pg 1: Analysis (on front page?): National security or abuse of power. Proponents and critics of Bush’s domestic spying both point to federal law and constitution.
The Editor and his left-wing associates should have spent an hour watching CSPAN this week. CSPAN rebroadcast in its entirety Attorney General Gonzales’ presentation to the faculty, staff and students of the Georgetown Law School the legal basis for monitoring suspected terrorist communications into and out-of the US.
It’s good and important to have a news source that simply presents "the facts" without the slant, bias, and "analysis" provided by much of the major media. It’s too bad that there are people who are more interested in the midterm elections than in the safety and security of our country. I’m sure they were not interested in being exposed to the facts of this situation.
Prior Items:
Friday, January 27, 2006
Knee-Jerk Reaction
Roanoke Times, 1/23/06, Pg 1: Mine deaths impel safety legislation.
Roanoke Times, 1/25/06, Pg Va 9: Tragedies spur mine safety reforms
The West Virginia Governor and legislature in a knee-jerk reaction to the latest coal mine accident has passed laws requiring oxygen cylinders be stored at locations deep within the coalmines.
Isn’t oxygen a major safety hazard? Didn’t we loose three astronauts in an oxygen-rich space-craft test? Didn’t we recently incinerate, in a very short time, a bunch of senior citizens who had oxygen tanks on a bus. Isn’t there a warning sign on people’s front door to not smoke or use open flames when someone is using oxygen in the house?
The OSHA regulations ( ) state clearly that oxygen tanks must NOT be stored in an enclosed area near fuels and combustible materials. Isn’t a coal mine on fire an enclosed combustible fuel-fed environment?
Let’s not wait for an investigation to be completed on this accident.
Let’s not wait for the experts to analyze the investigation report and then develop sound and solid recommendations.
No – let’s just do a political knee-jerk and then tell people we’re doing our job.
Perhaps this is why aircraft accidents are handled by professions and not by political hacks who are trying to score political points during a time of grief and trauma.
Clean Air
Roanoke Times, 1/21/06, Pg 1: Change makes air cleaner, on paper anyway. Proposed rule change would increase the toxic chemical reporting threshold
Chart on Page 5 shows sample of data and the projected change.
This BIG deal article results in
a change of 1.4% between the current and the proposed rules. Kind of makes the
"tenfold" page 1 headline look stupid!
Does The Editor think that this data is even close to 1.4% accurate to begin with?
The article again begs the question: of the 3,857,156 pounds of material listed for Roanoke City – how much is The Roanoke Times responsible for?
Once again The Editor and The Roanoke Times are avoiding the issue of their Environmental Footprint and what they are doing to improve our environment. Do we have to use the Freedom of Information Act with the EPA to get this data or will The Roanoke Times come clean and do the right thing?
Prior Items:
======Remarks from Roanoke Times==1/23/06====================
Thanks, Mr. Hagen.
In fact, The Roanoke Times is not responsible for any of the toxins included in that report. Ronaoke’s contributors, as you can learn from following this link,
Since the measurements in question aren’t really measurements at all, but amounts reported by the companies themselves, they should be accurate within the 1.4 percent you cited (I didn’t check your math.) unless someone at those companies is falsifying reports.
Thanks for your interest in The Roanoke Times.
Tim Thornton
Growth and Environment Reporter
The Roanoke Times
Mr. Thornton --
It is indeed interesting that The Roanoke Times does not report any environmental emissions !
A very large manufacturing process that uses large amouts of raw materials, water, air, solvents, inks, dyes and petro-products that doesn't have any negative emissions is indeed impressive!
You should really do and publish your Environmental Footprint -- should be a good-news story!
Thanks for your note
Deer Story
Roanoke Times, 1/23/06, Pg 1: Spotlighting deer damage, large article with large picture of dead deer with tongue hanging out.
The article was very comprehensive and good. However, instead of pandering to the PETA-folks with the gross page 1 picture of the dead deer The Editor could have used a collage of pictures of the folks who have been killed in deer-car accidents over the last ten years.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Abortion Rights?
Roanoke Times, 1/24/06, Pg Va 7: Abortion rights in Va may lie with voters; by D. Nova of Planned Parenthood. Large commentary article with very large graphic.
A week ago all the left-wing anti-Bush folks were celebrating that the Supreme Court had overridden a Federal challenge by Ashcroft and let stand an Oregon doctor assisted suicide law. Interesting since this violates doctors oaths to "do no harm". It also makes the ongoing oxi-contin cases less than compelling.
The technical issue focused on weather drugs approved by the FDA for helping patients could be prescribed in massive overdoses to enable suicide.
Dr. Kvorkian is now trying to figure out why he is serving hard prison time.
And, given this case, Dr. Klaus VonBulow would have saved a lot of money and effort if he had just taken Sonny to Oregon to administer that alleged "extra" hit of insulin.ülow-
The big new news however is that the Supreme Court held states-rights to take precedent over federal law relative to drugs and doctors activities.
Now that the liberals have sobered-up – they now realize that the next step may be to do the same with Roe v. Wade. Why doesn’t states-rights apply to abortion again – just as it once did? After this case, why should the federal government dictate this activity? Don’t they both involve doctor’s participation in life and death and the states rights to set the standards?
Chinese proverb: Be careful what you ask for, you might get it!
Prior Items:
Another Capitalist Trainwreck
Roanoke Times, 1/24/06, Pg Bus 6: Ford workers upset about closings. The 25 to 30 thousand workers who will lose their jobs said they would have no choice but to start over.
The Editor and his left-wing anti-business associates must be elated! Another capitalist bad guy in big trouble. Since these large capitalist commercial-industrial companies are the root of all our evils and problems, having Ford collapse will clearly lead to a better America.
Of course for every Ford worker who looses their job at least two more service and subcontract workers will loose theirs and the composite loss in buying power and tax revenues might just become an issue. No problem – just raise taxes.
The anti-business folks are going to have a problem in the near future when most of the industrial companies are off-shore where they really won’t care what we say or think or do. It’ll be a little too late to do the right thing then!
Prior Items:
Security or abuse
Roanoke Times, 1/24/06, Pg 1: Analysis (on front page?): National security or abuse of power. Proponents and critics of Bush’s domestic spying both point to federal law and constitution.
Why is The Editor labeling the monitoring of calls into the US from suspected terrorists located outside of the US as (domestic)? Just more slant!
Now that the polls indicate that 65% of the US folks think that this program is OK and that includes many who feel it doesn’t go far enough – the left-wingers are looking for cover before their big hearings begin. To wit the tone of this "front page analysis article"
The left-wing boogey-men are now saying "if this is required, let us know and we’ll enact legislation to make it OK" – Hello: it’s already OK! What’s not OK is that our enemies now have lots more insight into how we are protecting ourselves.
What a sad sack of losers who will put the midyear election ahead of our safety.
See prior items for some historical insight:
Hiding Another Election
Roanoke Times, 1/24/06, Pg A8: Conservative leader (Stephen Harper) ahead in Canadian elections
The Editors left-wing associate Mr. Martin, going down in flames in this major election and The Editor hides it back on A8.
Understandable since the front page was crowded with stuff like a New York cab drivers blog (article and graphic)!
We can all imagine the front page coverage if the left-wing, socialist anti-American, anti-Bush Martin was being re-elected!
Good slant – if you can’t win them – hide them, minimize them or ignore them.
Prior Items:
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Socialism Wins Big
USA Today, 1/17/06, Pg 6A: Pension funds fall short of guarantees. Chart showing public, private pensions compared.
Pension Example: Retire at 55 after 30 years on the job
Public employee: $35,400 per year
Private employee: $15,120 per year
Are the government workers unions good or what?
And this doesn’t reflect folks like the NYC transit workers who just went on strike while averaging $60 K per year. Their really big thing is that their pensions are primarily based on their last three years of "total" pay. During their last three years they have maximum seniority and therefore can "take" all the overtime they want to at multiples of their base pay rate. The result is that they can easily make way over $100 K per year, which their pension is based upon.
Is that a deal or what!
As our commercial-industrial empire collapses and we downsize and our-source more and more folks will work for the government and we will soon arrive at the socialist situation that much of Europe has already achieved.
Didn’t find this key news item in the Roanoke Times
Franklin News Post, 1/18/06, Pg 1: FERC puts damper on The Pointe dock plans. Based on the new AEP/FERC shoreline management plan the following changes were made to "The Pointe’s" proposal:
Denied three covered docks, 46 slips and fishing pier. Denied relaxation of density increases. Reduced two 182 ft covered dock houses with 26 slips to 120 feet.
Wow! There really are people who care about SML – unfortunately there are very few of them that are part and parcel of our "home rule" teams who will approve anything that raises the tax rolls without regard to adverse consequences.
What’s required now, albeit that it’s five years late, is to extend the shoreline management boundaries one mile onto the land-watershed surrounding SML so that we can protect this vital asset for everyone.
Prior Items:
Canada swinging back?
Roanoke Times, 1/20/06, Pg A5: Canadian conservative candidate says he’d work with US.
Current left-wing liberal Martin is betting on left-wing support to: oppose Iraq war, support abortion, support gay rights, support latest Canadian court ruling that it’s OK to do group-sex in nightclubs and lots of other similar "progressive" stuff.
However – current polls indicate Martin not doing well and that Canadian attitudes may be getting back to a centrist view.
Chriac rattling nuclear sword
Roanoke Times, 1/20/06, Pg A 5: Chriac says nuclear option a possibility. There should be no doubt about our will and our capacity to use nuclear arms if our vital interests are threatened.
Guess who’s running for re-election and not doing well in the polls. Talk about your "wag the dog" scenario. Mr "lets just keep talking" while Americans are dying is now a hawk?
What a farce! What a fake! What a joke!
And with any luck after the next French election he will be Mr History.
Observations: There would be world-wide outcry over this declaration, except everyone knows this guys a joke!
Prior Items:
Va Constitutional Amendment
Roanoke Times, 1/21/06, Pg A 4: Judge strikes down law against gay marriage in Maryland.
The Editor of Roanoke Times just had a big editorial (Va takes another swat at gays) about the stupidity of Virginia moving forward with a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. His point was that we already have a law about this. Right, and so did Maryland and so did Massachusetts.
In our judicial system today – everyone goes judge-shopping. Apparently it’s not hard to find a judge for your case that is sympathetic with your left-wing liberal causes.
Enacting a state constitutional amendment raises the bar to the federal level where it’s harder to over-ride but unfortunately there’s also lots of judge-shopping going on there too.
Probe Vick Case
Roanoke Times, 1/21/06, Pg 1: Va Tech president will probe Vick case. C. Steger plans to name a committee to see if the athletic departments’s disciplinary policy needs work.
Here’s my brief summary of the situation: Coach gets $12 million contract to win games. Key player is a big, spoiled brat with a huge attitude and a belief that the rules do not apply to him. Coach has no leverage over player because he’s getting $2 million a year to WIN!
So – what’s to probe? The university is just as hooked on winning as the $12-million-coach is, otherwise the coach’s salary and benefits wouldn’t be many times as large as the university presidents!
This case is not unique or special. Thousands of high school athletes have these same attitudes and beliefs. For many, their behavior in the classroom and around school is not challenged and therefore their bad behavior is reinforced by the system.
These jerks then become role-models for lots of other kids who get-big emulating them.
Children: can you say Kobe, now can you say OJ - Oh that's OK - you don't have to sit down or do problems or be quiet or stop hitting Jimmy or stop touching Julie -- we all understand that the rules don't apply to you!
Prior items:
Gore and National Security
Roanoke Times, 1/20/06, Pg Va9: Commentary by R. Herbert, very large article with big graphic of Al. Gore behind a lectern labeled: Liberty Coalition; American Constitution Society.
The author putting the best spin and slant possible to make Gore’s point that Pres. Bush is running amok over intercepting foreign communications coming into the US. (The lectern was a nice touch!)
He doesn’t reflect on the number of times Gore and Clinton used secret searches without any warrants of US citizens totally within the US and then had Jamie Goerlick (their Justice Dept girl) explain that all this was totally within the Presidents power. He also doesn’t reflect on the fact that within the first month of being in office, the Clinton’s had personal possession of over 100 FBI files of their political adversaries.
But most of all he didn’t reflect on the following: Extracts from: Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration 1987. There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning!
He was being grilled by a senator; "Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?"
Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir."
The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, "Isn't that just a little excessive?"
"No, sir," continued Ollie.
"No? And why not?" the senator asked.
"Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir."
"Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned.
"By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered.
"Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"
"His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie replied.
At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. Why are you so afraid of this man?" the senator asked.
"Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of", Ollie answered.
"And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator.
"Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."
The senator disagreed with this approach --
That senator was Al Gore!
Al Gore didn’t have to "connect the dots" Olie gave him the map. What did he and the Clinton’s do with it?
Also: Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political prisoners."
However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands, The American President at the time,
Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released including Mohammad Atta.
Prior Items:
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Expensive Textbooks
Roanoke Times, 1/15/06, Pg Va 10: State schools work to offset rising cost of college textbooks.
I couldn’t find any "offsetting of cost" – paying for books on-time-credit adds cost!
Roanoke Times, 1/15/06, Pg A 12: On-campus students skip class for online courses. The trend poses something of a dilemma for universities.
After spending hundreds of millions of dollars on the latest technology for our state schools – why are we not moving forward to on-line data-bases in-lieu-of textbooks. And why are we not exploiting online courses to reduce space, energy, facilities and personnel and make learning more compatible with the students.
These are elements that will "offset" the cost of tuition and of books!
If we feel compelled to give them some item – give them a DVD.
Why aren’t we doing lots more of this in Virginia today?
Who is in the way of making these changes?
Oh, right – no changes necessary – just spend more and raise taxes!
Prior Item:
Still Stuck on Stupid in N.O.
Roanoke Times, 1/13/06, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Rebuilding New Orleans. The arduous task will be complicated by racial divisions and mistrust.
Roanoke Times, 1/17/06, Pg 6 A:
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nogin promised that the city will be "chocolate" again. Surely God is mad at America.
It’s time to STOP all public tax-raised funds flowing into New Orleans until Mayor Nogin, Governor Bonko and Senator Mary Landrieu have all been replaced with competent and honest public servants.-
Hopefully the contributions that were sent to the Red Cross were used to help the victims of this storm and NOT to enrich or enhance these incredibly bad and incompetent characters.
The Roanoke Times has played an enabling and enhancing role in support of these sad incompetent characters and as such has not been of any assistance in getting a focus on the real issues and thereby helping to solve this huge problem.
Some Prior Items that demonstrate the amazing bias and misdirected focus of our media:
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I-81 Railroad
Roanoke Times, 1/13/06, Pg Bus 8: LARGE article and graphic: rail advocacy group says study is off-track. Rail Solution says the benefits of upgrading rail lines along the I-81 corridor are greater than a recent analysis shows.
Why would we spend any more money on a transportation system that can be shut-down and held hostage by some union? Until and unless there is an iron-clad legally-binding contract at the local, state and national level that would out-law strikes on the I-81 line – we should just keep on truckin.
Prior Item:
Engineering in US
Roanoke Times, 1/8/06, Pg Horiz 1: Large article with graphic: Innovate or perish by L.M. Branscomb prof. Harvard and Univ. Calif.
Innovate or perish, the US should intensify academic emphasis on science and engineering to reverse the drift down the path to economic mediocrity.
Dr. Branscomb was also a prior IBM VP
As a engineer with a BSME and and MSEE who spent 30 years in the engineering profession and who has spent considerable time in public school classrooms, it’s clear to me that our society no longer holds math and science in high esteem. Instead young people are allowed to drift through public schools and college with low expectations and low accomplishments. Very few students tackle tough courses and very few graduate a four-year college program in less than five years. Our culture encourages talented young students to go into law or service areas far ahead of careers in technology or job and product creation.
As our product generating infrastructure and jobs are outsourced we are bombarded by folks like CNN’s Lou Dobbs who has never developed anything, never created a job and never even built a bird-house. But he has a big high-paying job telling us how our economy is collapsing and out-sourcing without any focus on the root causes of our problems.
Our legislators, lawyers, judges, and school administrators are busy "protecting" our students from getting an education. Last year The US Supreme Court ruled on the issue "could a teacher have students exchange papers for the purpose of correcting them." With heifer-dust like this in the public education and judicial systems how can anyone expect academic excellence in our public schools and why should teachers and students expose themselves to the demands of math, science and technology?
We've come a long way baby! Too bad it's in the wrong direction!
Do Homework??? -- let's just play our new X-box and call our friends on our cellphone.
Some prior blog items on this subject:
Global Warming
Roanoke Times, 1/6/06, Pg Va 7: Commentary article by Prof. Roper of VT: Fight global warming from home.
Very interesting article that basically says: let there be an improved environment and let it begin with me.
The Prof gives a number of examples of what each of us could do to help including a focus on big energy users.
Clearly one of the BIG energy users with a very big ENVIRONMENT FOOTPRINT in the Roanoke Valley is The Roanoke Times.
The RT should determine and calculate their Environmental Footprint, publish an action plan to improve their environmental impact and then invite environmental organizations to help them measure and follow-up on their action plans.
It’s time for the RT to stop pointing the finger at others and to show initiative and leadership in improving our environment.
Prior items:
Alaskan Environment
USA Today, 1/12/06, Pg 5A: Volcano in Alaska erupts, sends cloud of ash skyward.
Sure hope none of this falls on or impacts on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. If drilling for oil there is an environment nightmare, imagine what a volcano could do! Remember what Mount St. Helen’s did in 1980.
That darn Mother Nature – she must be a Republican, she just doesn’t care what the EPA says.
USA Today, 1/12/06, Pg 1: Venezuels’s Chavez now controls CITCO.
The chickens have now come home to roost. Our enemies not only control our fuel supply, but they own key corporations that control our economy and our national security.
Perhaps developing energy independence will become a priority for our government, our people, our media and even the Sierra Club.
Or,: we could just invade and take over Venezuela and the oil facilities our companies have developed and built with their assets.
Certainly not clear today which way is the best way to go.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Women - yesterday & today
Roanoke Times, 1/12/06, Pg 1: Is Roe settled? Alito demurs.
All this Roe-v-Wade dialogue surrounding each Supreme Court candidate may cause one to wonder:
What happened to the Suffrage women who worked from 1850 to 1920 to get the vote for women (which they should have had since 1776)?
What happened to the women who made the 18th Amendment happen to reduce the consumption of alcohol? (Was a good idea that went a little too far).
Why aren’t today’s women working to get a Constitutional Amendment to define women’s rights relative to abortions? Why haven’t they been working on this for the last 20 years?
Why are they depending on Roe-v-Wade? Especially since very few people can actually explain in plain English how the Constitution guarantees this right.
Each time I hear the explanation it starts with how a state law in Massachusetts that stated that married couples could not utilize birth-control devices was overturned by the Supreme Court. Is that convoluted or what. Why continue to depend on a bunch of old men to continue to support this position?
Given that this appears to be the biggest women issue in our society – why aren’t women getting this Amendment defined and passed?
Would like to see an editorial by Ms. Z. explaining why today’s women are not taking the initiative like their great-grandmothers did.
Abused Bishop
Roanoke Times, 1/12/06, Pg A 7: Small brief article in small print: Bishop reveals his own sexual abuse by clergy.
USA Today 1/12/06, P g 10 D: Half page article with large graphic: Bishop declares he was abused. Molestation by priest is reason he supports accusers’ lawsuits.
According to a study more than 5,000 priests abused more than 11,000 minors in a 55-year period. 78% involved man-boy contacts.
This major experiment by the Catholic Church is costing over $1 BILLION dollars of church funds. And, in-spite of these results, we still have folks boycotting the Boy Scouts because they do not want to have openly-homosexual men be Scout Leaders for young boys.
Many United Way organizations are involved in this boycott activity – click to see a partial list by "grassfire":
Prior items:
Kill the beavers
Roanoke Times, 1/12/06, Pg 1: big article and big picture: Town to kill 2 beavers.
Roanoke Times, 1/14/06, Pg 1: article with picture: Councilman eager to show beaver damage
Wow – who does the PR for the Blacksburg beavers with the Roanoke Times?
Beavers are very interesting rodents. They dam streams and then eat all the bark from everything within the water and within 100 yards of the water, then they move on to another bark-rich location.
Virginia has a trapping season for beavers. Instead of making a big deal over these two beavers, the town council could just have made it know that trapping in compliance with Virginia law would have been OK at this pond.
Apparently Blacksburg and The Roanoke Times could focus on more important items.
Bet The Farm - Lost
Roanoke Times, 1/13/06, Pg 1: DNA confirms guilt, evidence shows an innocent man was not put to death for the 1981 rape and killing of Wanda McCoy.
Roanoke Times, 1/14/06, Pg 1: Coleman case likely will be first and last. Using DNA tests to try to determine the innocence of an executed inmate may not happen again, analysts say.
Bad news for The Editor and his associates who have been working diligently to stop the death penalty. This latest effort involved taking material over 20 years old that had been in the possession of some guy in California and sending it to someone in Canada for DNA analysis.
What would Johnny Cochran and the OJ-gang have said about those apples? Would any jury anywhere have accepted this as evidence?
Anyway, the Canadians concluded that it was highly unlikely it was someone else (or it was probable that it was him). This was proof of what? That his DNA was on his sister-in-law, perhaps they were having an affair or it might have been his brother’s DNA.
What a farce. This didn’t prove or disprove guilt of a murder. It was all the other evidence that convinced a jury he was guilty (the good old fashioned way).
So -- why did the anti-death-penalty folks bet the farm on this case? Perhaps they were sure the California and Canada folks would help them out. Bad bet!
Prior Item:
Dems Murtha and Moran
Murtha and Moran – two sad losers – who votes for people like this?
Click for a town-hall type meeting in Virginia
Young Sergeant just back from Afghanistan
Dems Murtha and Moran hawking their anti-war propoganda
Turn sound ON
1.5 Meg wmv movie file
Takes some time to load
Click on the link:
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Alito hearing and the Democrat Senators
Roanoke Times, 1/12/06, Pg Va 8: Editorial: Senators squander Alito hearings.
No, that’s not the appropriate heading! The appropriate heading is Democrat Senators on the Judicial Committee showed themselves to be obnoxious, belligerent, nonprofessional and unworthy of the title US Senator.
What a sad spectacle!. What a sad sack of losers!
I can’t find any Democrats who are proud of their party today.
What a contrast with how the Republicans handled the Clinton candidates!
More Virginia Executions
Roanoke Times, 1/10/06, Pg Va 3: Two executioners arrested for murdering two Richmond families for money. Executed include two children, five adults, all bound with tape and their throats were cut.
Can’t wait for the Roanoke Times to explain to us all how difficult the child-hoods were for these two executioners and why they should not be given the death penalty if found guilty of these heinous crimes. And besides, what's the chance they would do this again?
Prior items:
Shock Jock Publicity
Roanoke Times, 1/10/06, Pg A 2: Howard Stern’s first broadcast on satellite radio falls flat.
Nice big article with big graphic about Stern’s first Sirius Radio show.
Nice coverage to ensure that we all are up to speed on Stern. Apparently the show was vintage Stern – filthy, vulgar, and totally lacking any redeeming social value. Thank you RT for making sure we didn’t miss this major media event.
It appears Howard got $100 million up front cash, and $200 million in stock which he now can cash-in.
What a great reflection on our society and our values. We’ve come a long way baby! Thank you ACLU and our ultra-socialist media and culture creatures.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
FEMA frustrating evacuees
Roanoke Times, 1/11/06, Pg A 5: FEMA keeps changing deadlines, frustrating evacuees and hotels.
Great headline slant! That big old FEMA acting bad again!
But wait – buried in the fine print it says a Federal Judge extended the hotel program in response to lawyers representing the displaced and FEMA agreed to extend the Judge’s directive by another week. And lawyers for the evacuees are working to extend their free stay even longer.
Why wouldn’t this be a happy positive headline by a liberal newsgroup? Like – "good news – evacuees continuing to stay in hotels at taxpayers expense – no end in sight!"
Prior items:
Water Standards
Roanoke Times, 1/11/06, Pg 1: Nestle 'corks' search for water. The company said the springs in Botetourt and Alleghany counties didn’t meet the stringent US FDA and DA standards.
This is very interesting considering the 12/21/05 RT article on chemicals in our drinking water! That article implied that public drinking water was laced with 260 bad chemicals and nobody cared.
Good news -- apparently somebody does care.
Medicad proposal
Roanoke Times, 1/11/06, Pg Va 6: Editorial, A Medicaid proposal not worth debating. As lawmakers review program costs, they need to shelve a plan that would ration health care.
The Editor has finally met the real Canadian-HillaryCare and he doesn’t like it!
He and his associates have been promoting Canadian-HillaryCare and using it as "the example" of what US health care should be, but the sad truth is that these programs are rationed-health-care. They are very expensive, involve a huge government bureaucracy and are not patient friendly and ultimately exclude individual choice. Don’t want private folks competing with government folks –Hay!
Kudos to The Editor for finally seeing some rays of light.
Prior items:
Brokeback Mountain
Roanoke Times, 1/11/06, Pg Va 7: Large commentary article with large (free) advertising graphic, " Why Brokeback Mountain is frightening."
Mr. Pitts explains that he loves the movie and that what’s frightening to him is that many others are turned-off by the spectacle of two macho cowboys being and doing homosexual stuff and implies that these type people are not-OK.
Perhaps what some folks find disturbing is the great effort the ultra-liberal community has been pursuing for many years to ingrain into the American conscience that homosexual behavior is normal, OK and should be integrated into every aspect of our lives.
A key part of this effort is to label contrary comments and views politically incorrect and to label anyone offering an opposing view as homophobic.
For many "old folks" this behavior is inconsistent with their values and their old books like The Bible, their old biology books, and their old criminal codes.
Also, they don’t understand why this "behavior" is now called a "lifestyle".
People of good intentions agree that treating everyone with dignity and respect is important and required however that does not mean accepting behavior that one does not agree with. I respect Pres. Bill Clinton for many of his accomplishments but I do not accept some of his behaviors and I do not accept someone labeling me as a bad person because of my views about his unacceptable behaviors.
I will not pay to see Brokeback Mountain. Not because it is frightening or that I have "fears about my masculinity". I will not see it because it promotes behavior that I consider to be not-OK. It’s that simple! No psychoanalysis required!
Prior items:
Monday, January 09, 2006
Sarcasm into the trash
Roanoke Times, 1/9/06, Pg Va 1: Cuppa Joe: Sarcastic barrage ends up in File 13. "tell us what’s on your mind. We’d like to hear ‘your views’"
Cuppa Joe utilizes a lot of ink to describe a correspondence that apparently contained inappropriate material by an anonymous source. Given his description I’m surprised he read the letter all the way through no less wrote a significant article about it.
However – his dim view of sarcasm has caused me to reflect on this blog which contains lots of sarcasm. Sarcasm as a form of expression is not in itself a bad thing. For example:
Shakespeare’s play, Julius Caesar (Act III, Scene 2).
was filled with sarcasm and has been viewed as a great piece of literature and is very often quoted.
Sarcasm is one of the tools that underdogs often use when addressing those in positions of power and influence. It also has roots in comedy and conflict.
Perhaps Cuppa Joe might peruse the over 400 items in this blog that focus on the slant of the Roanoke Times since 2/05 and let me know which items he has put in File 13 and which items he told The Editor should be taken seriously.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Impeach The President
The left-wing Congressional Democrats are bringing forth articles of Impeachment because the President abused his war-time powers!
To wit:
1. Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus – the very basis of our rights as citizens of the US.
2. Arrest and seizure of major NY news persons and facilities:
Telegram to Washington by a General under orders from the White House.
The telegram lines indicated in your telegram, and all the instruments, dispatches, and papers have been seized, and the manager, operators, and superintendents arrested and will be held until further orders. A large number of private dispatches are detained. Two other offices than those named by you connected with this line have also been taken possession of. They have through communication everywhere without going through the principal office. It is said that there are also other offices, which I will seize if I can find them.
News people arrested and organizations seized by Federal Troops:
NY Tribune; NY Express, NY Herald; NY Sun
Based on the above impeachable actions by ABRAHAM LINCOLN, he will be impeached in absencia and all government statutes, pictures, and memorials will be removed and destroyed.
How dare a President exercise his Constitutional Powers during a time of war.
Next month the left-wing Congressional Democrats will initiate impeachment against FDR for: sending military ships to Europe in 1940 without congressional approval; internment of thousands of American citizens in camps in horrible conditions in the desert, and execution of enemy combatants by a Military tribunal and allowing the Pearl Harbor disaster to occur.
The Following month they will impeach Pres. Truman for using the atomic bomb without specific authorization by Congress after extended required debate and a vote; and, sending US troops into Korea without a declaration of war by Congress, (where in the Constitution does it talk about a "police action"?). What was that guy thinking?
The following month they will impeach Dwight D. Eisenhower for (during a time of peace) nationalizing the Arkansas Guard and sending a Federal Airborne unit into Little Rock to resolve a state educational policy dispute. Where in the Constitution does it say he can do that? Does he think he's still the "Supreme Allied Commander"? What was he thinking?
Then we'll get that George Bush -- who does he think he is evesdropping on terrorist phone calls into this country. What is he thinking?
Prior items:
DNA Retro-testing
Roanoke Times, 1/6/06, Pg 1: Gov. Warner (on his way out the door) has ordered tests to determine if a Va man was wrongly executed more than a decade ago.
This is the latest in a series of efforts to use residual old samples of evidence collected long before DNA testing was available and the processes and procedures established to ensure valid results.
After living through day after day of the onslaught upon the DNA technicians by the OJ gang – one might wonder how any of this old stuff could be used to prove or disprove anything.
If the DNA material was collected, stored, and handled with processes and procedures that are
not valid for introduction into evidence in a court today – how can any valid conclusions be reached?
Oh, pardon me ---I’m so naive -- we’re not after valid conclusions – we’re after casting stones and doubts about the judicial system whenever we can and especially if we can stop the executions of the executioners.
If the DNA is junk -- your conclussions are bunk!-
Prior item:
Abramoff's Congressional Contributions
Roanoke Times, 1/5/06, Pg A 10: Bush, GOP lawmakers scurry to get rid of Abramoff’s funds.
Good headline slant, it’s all Bush and GOP. Buried in the article is Hillary Clinton coughing-up her bucks. Not included are the many other Democrats who received funds. And also not mentioned is that Sen. Dem leader Reed is refusing to return his funds. Apparently that’s not newsworthy.
The Face of Our Enemy
Roanoke Times, 1/5/06, Pg A 4: Afghan educator beheaded for teaching girls. He was beheaded while his wife and eight children were forced to watch.
In the article these animals are referred to as militants and insurgents. Wouldn’t want to be politically incorrect would we?
Where is the outrage in the liberal media and community? Where are the NOW girls? Where are all the human rights groups? Where’s the Prof from VT who's so upset at Afgan-women-only classes?
Oh yes, the human rights groups – on the same page is an article that they are busy trying to find CIA secret prisons. What an inspiration.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Drugmaker stock
Roanoke Times, 1/4/06, Pg Bus 8: New River Pharmaceuticals has attracted investors’ attention because it is nearing release of its first product. Company stock issued approaches $1 Billion. "And New River has no sales, only massive losses ----- which are normal for a biotechnology startup investing heavily in research and development."
Is The Editor reading this article? He who has been so critical of other drug companies and who cheers-on every law suite against US drug companies for unanticipated adverse reactions and who loves those US drugs from Canada?
Perhaps he has a different set of values for local companies.
Will be interesting to see what happens when the cost of these drugs reflects the R&D and manufacturing costs and the litigation set-aside funds.
Then he’ll probably forget this article and pine for that good Canadian stuff – Hey!
Prior items:
Mass Deception
Roanoke Times, 1/4/06, Pg 1: Outlook bleak; body found; WVa mine explosion; 12 mines trapped.
Without any inside information to verify the internal workings of the Roanoke Times, it appears to this casual observer that the RT stopped their presses this AM and changed this lead story in order to not be another media-lemming going over the validity cliff. If that be the case – they should be applauded for that major management decision.
Their fellow major media partners once again suffered major self-inflicted wounds to their creditability!
Based on pure rumors they broadcast to the families, friends and millions of viewers that 11 of the 12 miners were OK when in fact only 1 survived.
This on-the-spot real-time "reporting", similar to the New Orleans media fiasco, should at some point result in the major media addressing their malfeasance in their responsibilities as "news" organizations.
This is especially disturbing based on their quickness to label others as liars when the "fog of war" is clouding the real facts as they often are.
"Physician heal thyself!"
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Christmas movies from hollywood
During my lifetime there have been many inspiring movies from hollywood during the Christmas season. These were shows families could enjoy together that captured the spirit of Christmas and encouraged us to improve our lives.
This year hollywood and their dysfunctional far-left-liberal people have given us Brokeback Mountain. An explicit homosexual film for all to enjoy during the holiday season. What a sad commentary on our entertainment industry and its values.
Wonder what these folks have in store for our families for Easter?
Roanoke Times, 1/5/06, Pg Ext 1: Will the sweeping romance "Brokeback Mountain" change the world?
Married cowboy goes for other cowboy and they get it on! This is romance?
This is what we want to share with our families for the Christmas-holiday season?
If this does change the world -- will it be for the better?
$100,000 Political Contribution
Roanoke Times, 1/1/06, 60% of Pg 1 and 100% of Pg A 10: Gov. Mark Warner: Strong finisher.
A flowery, positive, uplifting and supportive political advertisement for Mark Warner’s Presidential run by The Roanoke Times that clearly would have cost over $100,000 to purchase.
Now, does the RT have to file this contribution with the election commission and do they also have to file as a member of the DNC or Warner’s PAC?
Great job! Anyone reading this would be more convinced than ever that the RT is fair, balanced and independent. -- NOT!
Prior item on paying for good news:
AIDS vaccine
Roanoke Times, 12/26/05, Pg 1: Official blasts companies on AIDS vaccine. The chief of US AIDS research says private companies have little incentive to develop a vaccine.
However – back on page A9, buried in small print: "The quest for an AIDS vaccine has been one of science’s biggest disappointments despite billions of dollars and years of research".
Where did this headline come from? Does spending "billions of dollars" sound like companies have little incentive? Who writes this tripe?
The Editor and his friends should push for total government funding for this research. That way lots of tax dollars will be spent on dubious pork projects and the government can "expedite" their own products through their own approval process and there’s no one to sue for all the unanticipated adverse consequences! What a deal!
The Editor, his associates and the government still are refusing to address the fundamental issues with HIV+AIDS as a public health issue requiring the same processes and procedures and approach we’ve used since Typhoid Mary (click on link for their stuck-on-stupid history).
Prior Item:
Monday, January 02, 2006
Will the real Colin Powell step forward
Roanoke Times, 12/26/05, Pg A 3: Powell says government should have had warrants.
USA Today, 12/27/05, Pg A 5: Powell says he supported eavesdroppoing.
Down in the RT article in fine print: Powell said he sees "absolutely nothing wrong with the president authorizing these kinds of actions".
Who writes these anti-Bush left-wing slanted headers for the RT?
With all the education and training folks get studying journalism – why can’t they write a heading that correctly reflects the content of a story?
Oh yea -- almost forgot -- this is a mid-term election year!
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