The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


White House Brags About Their Kill List

White House Brags About Their Kill List
Where is the left-wing, liberal, progressive and Democrat Righteous Indignation?
After eight years of vicious attacks upon Pres. Bush for “waterboarding” high-profile Radical Terrorist Muslims to obtain critical national defense information, the liberals and their media minions are now so quiet you can here the foreclosures fall due down at the banks.
The White House details released to the NY Times includes: “vivid account of weekly counter-terrorism meetings in the White House Situation Room in which officials review a list of targets for the remote-control drone planes, then the president personally signs off on who will get killed”. Many of these targets are family homes. Apparently all this is OK with those liberal hyper-sensitive friends of our enemies at GITMO and Abu Ghraib.
The level of hypocrisy of Obama, his minions and their liberal media supporters is beyond anything we have ever seen in national policy.
The Obama Doctrine: Summary Execution Better Than Water-Boarding

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


AGW Skeptics Smarter Than 5th Graders (The Alarmists)

Global warming skeptics as knowledgeable about science as climate change believers, study says. Not found in the Roanoke Times or their fellow travelers.
A FoxNews Item:
A study published Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change finds that people who are not that worried about the effects of global warming tend to have a slightly higher level of scientific knowledge than those who are worried
An MSN.COM News Item:
Study claims climate skeptics know more than believers
Climate change supporters believe climate change deniers just don't understand science -- but that stereotype might not be true, according to a new study. Researchers quizzed around 1,500 everyday Americans on their basic scientific knowledge, asking questions about basic science. They found that people who aren't concerned about global warming have a slightly higher level of know-how than those who are concerned
We can discard the FoxNews item – after all – it’s from FoxNews!
However – when the same news item is highlighted and expanded upon in MSN.COM it must be true!
So, the flat-earth deniers are just as scientifically up to speed as the alarmists.
Very interesting! Perhaps this will result in less denigrating name calling by the Goreites; probably not! When you’re short on facts and logic – name calling is what unpleasant people resort to.
Each year the alarmists tell us it’s getting hotter and the oceans are rising and the ice is melting and the ice-animals are dying and life on earth is deteriorating; and each year more people have come to understand that:
“The climate is changing; the climate has always been changing”!
Any group of purportedly scientific accomplishment who would publish a “hockey stick graph” of earth’s recent temperature and not account for the Medieval Warm Period or the Little Ice Age is not to be trusted with big scientific endeavors and those who follow them are destined for disappointment and embarrassment.

How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:

Thank You Roanoke Times For Memorial Day Coverage

Roanoke Times:
Monday, 5-28-2-12, Pg 8, 12, 13
Tuesday, 5-29-2012, Pg 1, 3, 10
The Roanoke Times deserves thanks and credits for its significant coverage of local Memorial Day Events and Recognitions in a most proper and respectful manner.
Thank You!
Additional Outstanding article, RT, 5-30-2012 Pg 1,16, by Duncan Adams featuring Bob Slaugter and the Dday Memorial at Bedford, Va.  Bob passed away yesterday.  He was one of the "Bedford Boys", a Dday Hero of A Co. 116th Infantry Regiment 29th Infantry Division,  and a major player in the initiation and development of the Dday Memorial.
Please click link for complete coverage:
This stands in stark contrast to a most disappointing Google Homepage

Monday, May 28, 2012


Google’s Pathetic Recognition Of Memorial Day

It is of interest how much artistic design goes into Google’s homepage for even the least and most obscure events. One might think they have a little too much time for trivia.
Then arrives Memorial Day, May 28th 2012. It’s a day that’s well advertised and shows up on almost all US calendars and is a National Holiday and is known and recognized by most Americans.
And what does the Google team of artists and PhotoShoppers do in remembrance of the 1.2 Million American soldiers that have died in combat for their country?

Sometimes it only takes one event to tell us all we need to know about someone.
Google's Disappointing Graphic for D-day

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Honoring Patrick Henry On His Birthday May 29th

I continue to be amazed at the lack of focus on Patrick Henry in the Virginia media.
It appears that as a young student growing up in the Catskills I was more exposed to the author of “Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death” than many persons in Virginia today.
Patrick Henry’s birthday, birthplace, contributions to the Declaration of Independence, contributions to the Revolutionary War, contributions to the Constitution and service as twice Governor of Virginia should be a subject of widespread knowledge throughout the Commonwealth. This is especially true in the 5th Congressional District where we and he lived.
Apparently Patrick Henry may no longer be Politically Correct amongst those who control the media that the public sees, reads and hears. During this time of attacks upon the content and meaning of the Constitution we all should reflect on Patrick Henry and the Founders and their meaning of those most important words and concepts.
At that point in time there was no “central” or “federal” government and what the Founders were doing was giving to a new federal entity selected and limited powers and responsibilities the States had won. These specific and limited powers granted to the federal government were further constrained by the Bill of Rights.
It’s clear why these founding principles are Politically Incorrect today in an environment in which those who have defined the Constitution to be a “Living Document” have massively misdirected to the Federal Government much of the powers originally retained and held by the People and the States. Apparently today’s news and history makers wish to hide Patrick Henry and his contributions and legacy so that future generations don’t focus on the base and basis upon which this Great Country was founded. How sad.
We should also reflect on and honor the fate of all 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence pledging their lives and honor and assets to the cause of freedom. Most of these patriots suffered a difficult life and tragic demise on our behalf.
Happy Birthday Patrick Henry and Thank You!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Memorial Day - Some Gave All

Memorial Day   May 28, 2012
Click Link For:   Some Gave All:

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Obama Throws The "Get Bin Laden Connection" Under The Bus

Obama has been on a bragging binge over the “I got Bin Laden” story.
To enhance his “I story” he has given selective liberal news personalities access to himself in the White House and given liberal Hollywood movie people access to what has been closely held secret material and areas within the Pentagon.
A key person in the demise of Bin Laden was a Pakistani doctor who worked deep undercover for the CIA. Among other vital activities he collected DNA from Bin Laden to conclusively prove his identity and location.
Did Obama extract Doctor Shakil Afridi and his family out of Pakistan?
After Doctor Shakil Afridi and his family were safely in the US -- Did Obama then give Doctor Shakil Afridi the $25 million dollar reward?
No! None of the above! Obama left Doctor Shakil Afridi in the hands of the pro-Al Qaeda Pakistani government to be sentenced to 33 years in a Pakistani gulag which will clearly become an end-of-life sentence for him.
Once again Obama shows his true self; it's all about ME!  What a disgusting spectacle! Obama and Sec. of State Clinton are to be scorned for this gross abuse of a key player in Bin Laden’s demise!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Why There Can Be NO Federal Democrat Budget

Roanoke Times, 5-20-12, Pg 3:
1) Dems: GOP sabotaging recovery
2) Senate hasn’t passed budget in 3 years
Item 1: The Republican Congress has passed over 30 bills designed to:
1) Empower Small Business Owners By Reducing Unnecessary Regulations
2) Maximize Domestic Energy Production
3) Pay Down America’s Unsustainable Debt Burden
All these bills are lying on Harry Reid’s desk; none have even been brought to the floor for debate no less a vote.  So who is sabotaging recovery?
Items 2: No Obama-Democrat budget for over 3 years and Obama’s 2012 budget-proposal was voted down in the House by 414 to ZERO and in the Senate by 99 to ZERO! This in a time of $1.4 TRILLION yearly deficits and a $15 TRILLION debt.
Obama and the Democrats are railing again against Republican Congressional efforts to address the debt and deficit.
Boehner is again being vilified for highlighting an American problem so big that it has no foreseeable political or practical solution and its outcome makes Greece’s bankruptcy look trivial.
It’s clear that the Obama-Democrat team has no interest in addressing or solving our national out-of-control spending problem.
Click the YouTube link for a very understandable description of why there can be NO federal Democrat budget:
And the height of hypocrisy in all this is Obama in Chicago telling the members of the G8 how to get their fiscal houses in order!

Monday, May 21, 2012


Obama’s Bain Personal Attack Ad Misdirected And Rejected

Chicago Community Organizer says a Successful Businessman Not Qualified to be President!
Obama is running a multi-million dollar personal attack TV ad against Romney’s participation in Bain Capital, a venture capital company that invests in company’s that are failing.
As in any triage process there are those who fail to respond and recover, however, Bain has been very successful with most of its investments resulting in job stability and or job creation.  For the Obama-Democrat team to disparage Bain after their Stimulus-GM-Chrysler-Solyndra financial and job fiascos is unconscionable. Obama has been an economic failure and didn’t Obama claim that he was above this type of negative behavior and that’s supposedly key to why he’s better than others?
Into the fray jumps Black Democrat Newark Mayor Cory Booker who slams the Obama campaign ad attacking Romney’s Bain Capital record.
"I have to just say from a very personal level, I'm not about to sit here and indict private equity," Booker, a Democrat, said in an appearance on NBC's "Meet The Press" on Sunday. "To me, it's just we're getting to a ridiculous point in America. Especially that I know I live in a state where pension funds, unions and other people invest in companies like Bain Capital. If you look at the totality of Bain Capital's record, they've done a lot to support businesses, to grow businesses."
Apparently Booker aspires to be the new good leader that Obama claims to be, or perhaps he’s not a left-wing socialist like Obama is. Either way, good for Booker.
Romney replies to Obama in a profession and truthful public Ad:

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Obama Compares Himself To Lincoln

Obama’s Narcissism knows no bounds. Comparing himself to Lincoln and other great historic American Presidents has been capped off by his staff dropping (linking) his name into other Presidential Biographies.
A much more accurate comparison of Obama to Lincoln, by an unknown source, is:
1. Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration.
Obama used the same Bible.

2. Lincoln came from Illinois.
Obama comes from Illinois.

3. Lincoln served in the Illinois Legislature.
Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.

4. Lincoln had very little experience before becoming President.
Obama had very little experience before becoming President.

5. Lincoln rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration.
Obama rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration.

6. Lincoln was a skinny lawyer.
Obama is a skinny lawyer.

7. Lincoln was a Republican.
Obama is a skinny lawyer.

8. Lincoln was in the United States military.
Obama is a skinny lawyer.

9. Lincoln believed in everyone carrying their own weight.
Obama is a skinny lawyer.

10. Lincoln did not waste taxpayers' money on personal enjoyments.
Obama is a skinny lawyer.

11. Lincoln was highly respected.
Obama is a skinny lawyer.

12. Lincoln was born in the United States.
Obama is a skinny lawyer.

13. Lincoln was honest, so honest he was called Honest Abe.
Obama is a skinny lawyer

14. Lincoln saved the United States.
Obama is a skinny lawyer

Saturday, May 19, 2012


New Light On Martin-Zimmerman Shooting

New News:  8-29-2012
Appeals court: Judge in Trayvon Martin case must step down
Roanoke Times, 5-19-12, Pg 3: New evidence doesn’t shed much light in case.
Really -- Not much new light in the case? Who wrote this heading? How about:
Zimmerman had a bloody and broken nose, two black eyes, cuts on the back of his head all confirmed by “new” photos and a physician’s statement.
Two witnesses stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman banging Zimmerman’s head on the pavement. One witness was yelling at Martin to “stop” while he called 911.
Martin, the bigger and younger of the two, was shot within arms length and he tested positive for MarryJoe in his system. Apparently like Obama’s son would have had.
This isn’t about “stand your ground”! This is plain old “self-defense”!
All the talk about why Zimmerman was following and questioning Martin is a red-herring. This was Zimmerman’s neighborhood and questioning someone who doesn’t live in the neighborhood is a totally reasonable and proper act.
I often ask strangers that appear at my absent-neighbors homes: “can I help you?”
If they jumped upon me and beat me up to the extent that I felt seriously threatened and then reacted with all means available, I certainly wouldn’t expect the police to arrest me!
The Va Supreme Court in a shooting at the Roanoke Holiday Inn ruled that not only should hotel employees be challenging people in their parking lot – but allowed a shooting victim to sue the motel. In other words challenging strangers is not only an option, according to the Court – it’s a required obligation, even in the parking lot.
Trying The Zimmerman-Martin Case With Major Media Photos
There is now a significant possibility that the DA who self-indicted Zimmerman for murder at Obama’s beck and call may well look like a rerun of the DA in the Duke Lacrosse team rape fiasco.
Dershowitz: Prosecutor in Trayvon Martin case overreached with murder charge

Friday, May 18, 2012


No Virginia, Liberty Does Not Require All Religions To Be Equal

Roanoke Times, 5-18-12, Pg 14: Editorial: The politics of religion.
A long and labored and convoluted dissertation trying to compare JFK’s address to the nation about his Catholic religion and Romney’s address to Liberty Univ. about his Mormon religion.
I well remember JFK’s address. JFK felt compelled to assure Americans that he would “follow the requirements of the Constitution and not the dictates of The Pope.”
This was in the context of those who reflected that Alf Smith’s Catholic beliefs played a key role in his loss of the election of 1928 and also there was a very significant Southern distrust of the Catholic orthodoxy and control structure (and in many circles there still is!).
Romney’s talk at Liberty was a parallel path assuring Americans that his religion forms a solid and compatible set of values consistent with the Constitution and traditional American beliefs and values. It is today in the main-stream of American culture and history.
The editors “punch-line” that “all religions to be equal” is totally outside of the mainstream and reality and history! On the contrary; not only are not all religions equal, there are religions that are antipathetic to Liberty and Freedom and the sanctity of human life. Some notable examples are:
The Radical Muslims are using the Koran to propagate their hate and terror.
"I have been made victorious through terror" (Bukhari 4.52.220) --Muhammad.
Radical-religion drove the Jap-Kamikaze Wars with incredible atrocities using the Shinto religion.
The Puritans burned women using religion as the basis for witchcraft trials.
The KKK abused their version of the Christian religion to propagate their hate and terror.
So editors -- NO! All religions should not be treated equally. We all should be mindful of how religion can be misused and we should not shy away from “calling out” those who use religion for inappropriate and destructive means.
When Lincoln was asked by a reporter if he thought God was on our side?
Lincoln replied: The right question is: Are we on God’s side?
Click for a very insightful Catholic YouTube video by CC2W:  Test of Fire: Election 2012
Chaos Reigns in Egypt – Darn Those Christians

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Bigoted Or Reasonable Lawmakers Block Gay Judge?

Roanoke Times, 5-16-12, Pg 16: Editorial: Bigoted Lawmakers Block Gay Judge
A tirade against Va. lawmakers who voted to not seat Thorne-Begland as a General District Court judge alleging that this person has no disqualifying history other than being an outspoken advocate of gayness.
It would be a good thing for openness and fairness for the Editors to get and publish a copy of Thorne-Begland’s military discharge.
If it is an Honorable discharge – the editors may have a point.
If not – what were the conditions of the discharge designation?
I would be pleased to send the editors a copy of my Honorable discharge should they wish to publish it, and I'm not running for anything.
New News: Roanoke Times, 5-27-12, Pg 3, Commentary: A lack of necessary judicial temperament.
 An in depth response by Va. House Delegate Robert Marshall to the many and voluminous RT articles berating the Va. legislature for their negative vote on Thorne-Begland.  The RT has used this vote issue to ramp up their crusade for total and complete acceptance of  homosexual behavior including same-sex marriage and the denigrating of all those who tolerate these behaviors but do not accept them.  Their stated public mantra has now become: sodomy is a civil right.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


VT Case Demonstrates Again The Need For Fair Tort Reform

Roanoke Times, 5-15-12, Pg 1,12: Judge to reduce jury award of $4 Million dollars to $100,000 per family of VT students killed in the VT massacre of April 2007 who chose to challenge the State in court.
What a disturbing outcome and miscarriage of tort equity and fairness.
A jury awards a woman $2.8 Million dollars after spilling a McDonald’s coffee in her lap herself;'s_Restaurants
but parents who lost a college student to what a jury determined was a “failure to foresee” by University Executives have their jury award reduced by 97.5% to a number smaller than the families legal expenses.
In effect this is their penalty for daring to challenge government actions.
Virginia Tech Shooting Revisited – “Failure To Foresee”
This miscarriage of fairness is because “The State” essentially holds itself and its employees faultless and libelless even in cases in which a court has found the State to be responsible and libel.
In almost every newspaper there are examples of persons and companies being sued for multimillions of dollars. Doctors are particular targets and that’s why their liability insurance is tens of thousands of dollars each year with Ob-Gyn’s being over one hundred thousand and why doctors over-prescribe tests and referrals. Ambulance chasers flood TV with their ads. That’s why John Edwards is a multi-millionaire.
We need and deserve tort reform including fair and balanced treatment for persons suffering serious issues including liability by The State and its employees being found negligent by a court.
Democrat Tort Reform NOT

Monday, May 14, 2012


Canada And Norway Say Goodbye To Obama’s Energy Misdirection

The world adulations for the new Prince of Change have morphed into disappointment with Obama’s misdirected energy malpractice. Our long-term friends and business partners have now partnered with our long term adversaries at our expense and future growth and development.
Norway has joined a partnership with Russia to develop massive oil and gas fields offshore deep in the Arctic Ocean.  So much for worrying about the Arctic Ice Sheet!
So much for partnering with the US; and so much for concerns about “fossil fuels and AGW global warming”
Apparently Norway’s Nobel Prize to Gore wasn’t really about concerns for fossil fuels causing global warming after all. Too bad Obama is still stuck in that rut.
Canada, our long term friendly neighbor and close trading partner has now formed strong economic ties with China.
Since 2009 China has invested $13 BILLION into Canadian companies and projects and is poised to spend Billions more.
After Obama’s rejection of the Keystone pipeline from Canada to the US refineries in Texas, Canada has started a major pipeline to Pacific ports to service Chinese tankers.
It should now be clear to the most naïve persons that the Obama-Gore Jihad against our fossil fuel infrastructure is misdirected, dangerous and crippling to our future economic well being and standard-of-living.

Obama And Jerry Brown Team-Driving The Country Into Bankruptcy

California budget deficit has swelled to $16 billion under Democrat governor (Jerry Brown). This on top of the total California debt of $77 BILLION.
And the Obama-Brown answer to massive debt and deficit: raise taxes!
Let’s not address the root cause of runaway government spending.
Let’s not address the gross unsustainable demands of government unions.
Let’s not address the impacts of stifling job-killing government bureaucracies.
Let’s not reduce the tax burden, leaving more money in our families and businesses.
California prides itself on being on the “bloody-edge” of every possible Progressive concept. This has resulted in massive bureaucracies that have driven workers and businesses out of California. For the first time in a life-time California now has a net outflow of people, and that in spite of the massive illegal immigrant inflow.
California and the US have a SPENDING problem, not a TAX problem. Continuing “Forward” with the Obama-Brown-Democrat refusal to address the root causes of government spending and obstructionism that is resulting in massive deficits and debt will soon result in the US version of the current EU economic and political crisis and deterioration.
WSJ:  California Ugly:  Soaking the rich isn't working on the left coast..
Click to view YouTube video “Doorbell”

Friday, May 11, 2012


Time Magazine Cover Peddling Child Obscenities

Time Magazine cover of May 21, 2012
Jamie Lynne Grumet “suckling” a BIG kid,16641,20120521,00.html
This obscenity is NOT about breast feeding! It’s simply child porn, exploitation and pedophila!
This gross and obscene picture on the cover of Time Mag. is just what the “Progressives” ordered as a hors d’oeuvre to go with Obama’s Homosexual wedding entre.
And this just in time for Mother's Day -- let's demean motherhood -- what a joy!
Sadly this gross in-your-face front cover on a national magazine is yet another example of the sad deterioration of even the most basic values in our society courtesy of our élite Progressives and their lock on most aspects of our media.
A major looser in this travesty is the movement to make “valid beast feeding” a more common and socially acceptable mothering function for the welfare of their babies.
This blog’s Sunday, October 16, 2011 well summarizes our slide into decay:
As one who views what is happening in our Country, particularly relative to our youth, it’s not clear to me that all our liberalization has made positive improvements over “The Greatest Generation”!
All change is not positive; All movement is not forward!
In Reflection: History has not been kind to those societies and people that lost their moral compass!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Obama Monopoly Game: Land On Homosexual Marriage And Collect $15 Million Dollars

New Gay News:  FoxNews,  5-15-12:
Gay appreciation funds for Obama reelection now up to $21 Million and counting.
It's doubtful they would have all this extra spending money if they were married!
Something about karma!
Roanoke Times, 5-10-12, Pg 1 and all Pg 3: Obama for gay marriage
The Editors of the Roanoke Times have wailed and whined that the Republican members of the Virginia Legislature have focused and obsessed about “social” issues and not focused on “the real” issues.
Now – instead of faulting Obama for his pandering to his “Progressive” supporters – the Editors at the Roanoke Times jump upon the Obama band wagon and rain praise and accolades on this wonderful “social issue” pronouncement with no griping, or even a mention, about the dismal state of the economy and unemployment and his obscene kowtowing to his “Base” supporters.
Obama’s Hollywood backers are rewarding his “sincere” support of homosexual marriage with a $15 million payoff at a fundraiser today. No quid-pro-quo there!
What an interesting reelection campaign issue. Obama may find it conflicting to be anointed in North Carolina, the site of the upcoming Democrat Convention, a State that just voted to exclude homosexual marriage,  a “Right to Work State” next to a State in which he tried to kill a Boeing Plant.
Clearly Obama doesn’t have any religious issues with this position based on his 20 year membership in the God-Damn-America Church of the Rev. Wright.
And yet again, Obama is fulfilling his commitment to bring America together!
There can be a very valid and vast chasm between Tolerance and Acceptance. Once again Obama and his Progressives have thrust into the faces of many good people the unpleasant task of explaining to their children that not only should homosexuality be tolerated but that it’s OK and normal and is a proper basis for Holy Matrimony and a normal family home.
Apparently if Bill Clinton can ask for a definition of “is”, Obama can ask for a definition of “marriage”. Something about birds of a feather.
Additional New News:
This was worst week for the Dow in 2012; what better time to drop an emotional homosexual bomb on the media to ensure no one is focused on jobs and the economy:
More New Bad News For Obama:  5-15-12, Yahoo, The Ticket, Joel Roberts
"New York Times/CBS News poll released Monday night shows Obama’s gay marriage stance could hurt him

Also troubling for the president is that a majority of voters suspect that his decision was politically motivated.
Sixty-seven percent said they thought Obama's announcement was made "mostly for political reasons," while 24 percent said it was "mostly because he thinks it is right."
In another potentially damaging sign, 70 percent of Independents attribute the president's move to politics, along with nearly half of Democrats."
And all this from NY Times and CBS -- and they published it!

Obama: Jobs Not My Job

Roanoke Times, 5-9-12, Pg 7: Obama: Jobs are Congress’ job.
After falsely bragging about “his” job creation and good economic news:
Now Obama claims that Jobs are NOT MY Job! How pathetic! Sounds like and acts like another Jimmy Carter!
The Obama-Democrat socialistic policies are not working. Destroying the free enterprise system and our energy infrastructure and stifling our personal initiative will not provide the kind of jobs we need to sustain our standard of living and way of life. The mediocrity of socialism is not compatible with the American people. Our Founders fought for better and we deserve better!
The following blog item from 10-19-2011 (7 months ago!) describes in detail the good work the Republican Congress has been doing passing bills that would have a direct and timely positive impact on our economy and jobs – however – Obama’s Democrat Senate has refused to bring any of these bills to the floor for debate no less a vote! Apparently they don’t meet the Karl Marx litmus test.
The Republican led Congress has an outstanding record of addressing the countries needs through resolutions passed and sent to the “do nothing Democrat led Senate” where these critically important House Passed Jobs Bills languish (see the attached detail chart by R. Hurt):
1) Empower Small Business Owners By Reducing Unnecessary Regulations
2) Maximize Domestic Energy Production
3) Pay Down America’s Unsustainable Debt Burden
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."

Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Only in America: The Top Ten

Author Unknown -- but clearly Not found in the Roanoke Times
1) Only in America could politicians talk about the greed of the rich
at a $35,000 a plate campaign fund raising event.
2) Only in America could people claim that the government still
discriminates against black Americans when we have a black President,
a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal workforce is
black. 12% of the population is black.
3) Only in America could we have had the two people most responsible
for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury
Department and Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means
Committee, BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher
4) Only in America can we have terrorists kill people in the name of
Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims
might be harmed by the backlash.
5) Only in America would we make people who want to legally become
American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens
of thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting
anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just become American
6) Only in America could the people who believe in balancing the
budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as
7) Only in America could you need to present a driver's license to
cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
8) Only in America could people demand the government investigate
whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas
went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company
(Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes
9) Only in America could the government collect more tax dollars from
the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a trillion
dollars more than it has per year for total spending of $7 million PER
MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.
10) Only in America could the rich people who pay 86% of all income
taxes be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't
pay any income taxes at all.
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."

Monday, May 07, 2012


Obama 2012 Forward: Waist Deep In The Big Muddy And The Big Fool Says Push On

Apparently Hope and Change have morphed into Forward.
Certainly wouldn’t want voters to focus on the Obama Administration record
of misguided Hope and the pathetic misdirected Change!
Sound ON and Click Graphic For An Alternate 2012 Reelection Message:
      (YouTube Song by Pete Seeger was a parody aimed at Democrat President LBJ)

"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."

Sunday, May 06, 2012


Are We Dumbing-Down The Advanced Placement (AP) Program?

Roanoke Times, 5-6-12, Pg 1, 3: AP surges as tool for schools raising standards.
“Not long ago, AP exams were mostly for top students looking to challenge themselves and get a head start on college credit. Not anymore.”
“Even as AP programs expand rapidly, experts warn that the courses aren’t a shortcut to student success.”
There is a major move to dumb-down school achievement and measurement because it’s too hard and it shines a bright light on poor performance and highlights the dichotomy between spending more money verses achieving good outcomes.
There are supposed to be performance criteria for eligibility to be enrolled in the AP program. How can lots more students suddenly now be qualified for AP when Obama and associates have just dumbed-down the No Child Left Behind program ostensibly because many schools are failing to improve.
Colleges have been highlighting the problem of too many freshmen students requiring multiple remedial courses before students are ready for college level work. These courses cost time and money and yield no credits resulting in many students needing five plus years to graduate, if they graduate.
Perhaps this surge in AP courses is intended to address the freshman remedial problem; if that’s the case, what are the AP entry and exit criteria? Isn’t the AP program based on the premise that success means the student gets college credit for the equivalent course, and what course would that be?
Why not do something really simple and effective? Let’s concentrate on teaching and learning and achieving good measured outcomes in the classroom! That way we will not have to play games with our students and the educational system and the taxpayers who support these systems.

Doubling Cost Of Today’s-Energy Makes Subsidized-Renewables Competitive

Roanoke Times, 4-28-12, Pg 8: GMU Study prepared for Virginia Conservation Network, a coalition of environmental groups and proponents of renewable energy sources over fossil fuels, determined that renewable power is competitive.
The study was conducted by academics, with no stated expertise in utility-scale power generation or distribution or rate determination, at the bequest of organizations promoting these preconceived outcomes. No mention made of the massive amounts of taxpayer subsidies, no mention of the Obama jihad to restrict current power generation thereby driving costs higher and no mention of current real-world examples of renewable-energy reliability, 24-7-365 availability and costs.
WSJ, 5-5-12, Pg A14: Gouged by the Wind
“The Minnesota Rural Electric Association, which represents about 50 small utilities serving about 650,000 rural residents, reports that its members lost more than $70 million in 2011 because of the high cost of wind power.”
“Mr. Glaess, executive director, estimates that annual residential utility bills are between $50 and $100 higher per household due to the renewable mandate (of 12%). That may be nothing to a $10,000 donor to the Sierra Club, but tell that to family of four living on $25,000 a year in Fergus Falls.”
“An analysis by the Freedom Foundation of Minnesota found that Green River Energy utility had $22 million in losses in 2010, $35 million in 2011, and this year it is projecting another $35 million loss. A 2011 study by the Beacon Hill Institute, a think tank focusing on state polices, found that from 2016-25 the Minnesota mandate will raise electric costs for businesses and households by $15 billion. By 2025 the average family will pay $265 a year in higher utility bills.”
If the Editors of the Roanoke Times are so enthusiastic about renewables and think they are so competitive, why aren’t they touting their own usage? They could be buying lots of renewable-energy through AEP’s “Green Pricing Option” available right here in Virginia!
Also, why are the editors and management of the Roanoke Times absent from addressing their own very large CO2 Footprint? Apparently they think that sitting in the bleachers of life booing perceived bad actors and cheering on their version of good guys is all they need to do to get into “Green Heaven”.

Saturday, May 05, 2012


Obama Pleased With Dismal Employment News

Obama swooned over the latest employment news at a Northern Virginia high school yesterday (not a campaign event – he doesn’t kickoff his campaign until today)!
Roanoke Times, 5-5-12, Pg 7: 2nd subpar jobs report raises concerns. 115,000 jobs added vs. 170,000 expected. Unemployment rate dropped from 8.2% to 8.1%. “Some” older workers leaving the workforce.
Obama and his associates at the Roanoke Times neglected to point out that the unemployment rate drop was because an additional 342,000 workers had stopped looking for work! That's three times (3X) the number of new jobs added! What a convenient omission on behalf of Obama’s reelection campaign!  The Editors of the Roanoke Times are so considerate and dedicated to Obama's reelection effort -- Go Girls -- Go!
The share of the population that is working or looking for work is 63.6%, the lowest since 1981 – and Obama is telling our Virginia high school students what a good job he’s doing and how well things are! How pathetic is that!  Why is he insulting our children's intelligence?
Economists have estimated the US needs to add a quarter-million jobs per month for five years to get the economy back on a growth path that will sustain population and GDP growth. That’s not going to happen with the Obama-Democrat-Socialist Government policies we are now hobbled with that are destroying the environment for business growth and expansion while expanding the culture of dependence and diminished personal responsibility.
An appropriate message for Obama to give to our highschool students is well described in the YouTube Video:  "Doorbell"
Lies, Damned Lies and Government Jobs Data
As Economic Recovery Falters, Wall Street Sells Off
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."

Friday, May 04, 2012


Veterans For A Strong America Responds To Obama Campaign

A group called “Veterans for a Strong America”
is out with a scathing response ripping President Barack Obama and his campaign ad for what it sees as exploiting Osama bin Laden’s death.
Bill Clinton is featured in the Obama Ad saying:
Click for the Veterans YouTube Video answering Obama’s Campaign Ad Video:
Click for RoanokeSlant associated blog item:
Obama's total self-absorbing and self-centered narcissistic personality disorder at the expense of our service men and women who are in harms way.

Thursday, May 03, 2012


Federal Mortgage Brain Drain Hypocrisy

WSJ, 5-1-12, Pg 1, 6: Executive departures at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are considered “brain drains” at government-backed mortgage giants.
Talk about an oxymoron!  How can you have a “brain drain” in a sea of “brain dead” jerks?
These were the people who were at the epicenter of the mortgage crash and subsequent economic meltdown by kowtowing to Barney Frank and associates and lowered the mortgage criteria to people who had:  bad credit ratings, no collateral, no down-payments, and no proof of a job and no concept of “the cost of ownership of a home”!
How could anyone say that these "executive" departures were a “brain drain”?
They have cost the Amerian taxpayers $170 BILLION in bail-outs todate!
The sooner the American taxpayers are relieved of the debt burden and obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the better for all concerned!
And for these "brainy" jerks -- don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Obama And His Audacity Of “I”

Roanoke Times, 5-1-12, Pg 3: Obama defends handling of killing (Bin Laden)
No that’s not it! It’s not the “handling” that is very disturbing! It’s Obama's total self-absorbing and self-centered narcissistic personality disorder that is disturbing.
How does one sitting in a super-secure room in the White House become a war hero by telling the real heroes to put their life on the line for their mission?
Did Lincoln brag that “he” won the battle of Gettysburg? Hell No! In fact it would be well for Professor Obama to reread Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address again!
Did Eisenhower brag that “he” won the beaches at Normandy? Hell No!
Did Truman brag that “he” won the landing at Inchon? Hell No!
What American President has ever co-opted the bravery and sacrifice of our service members and their accomplishments as his personal own?
As President Obama arrives in Afghanistan today to sign a strategic agreement with President Karzai, criticism mounts at home that he's politicizing the anniversary of Usama bin Laden's death, with Sen. John McCain pulling no punches: 'You know the thing about heroes? They don't brag.'
Current and former Navy SEALs also reportedly have criticized the president for using the elite unit's deeds as "ammunition" in his reelection bid.
"I certainly would have taken that action myself," Romney said. "I think politicizing it ... and trying to draw a distinction between himself and myself was an inappropriate use of the very important event that brought America together, which was the elimination of Usama bin Laden."
Pataki, who was governor during the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, said he was "appalled" by the president's political treatment of the raid.
This Obama self-serving behavior at the expense of our servicemen and women was well summarized in this blog May 20,2011:
Bush & Obama: The Tale of Two Military Accomplishments:
These two pronouncements tell us all we need to know about these two Presidents
George W. Bush speech after capture of Saddam: (It's all about our people)
The success of yesterday's mission is a tribute to our men and women now serving in Iraq . The operation was based on the superb work of intelligence analysts who found the dictator's footprints in a vast country. The operation was carried out with skill and precision by a brave fighting force. Our servicemen and women and our coalition allies have faced many dangers in the hunt for members of the fallen regime, and in their effort to bring hope and freedom to the Iraqi people. Their work continues, and so do the risks. Today, on behalf of the nation, I thank the members of our Armed Forces and I congratulate 'em.
Barack Obama speech after killing of bin Laden: (It's all about ME)
And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network. Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan . And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and I authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad , Pakistan .
NEW NEWS: The Blaze, 5-2-12:
Epic New Ad Excoriates Obama For Exploiting Bin Laden’s Death

A group called “Veterans for a Strong America” is out with a scathing political ad ripping President Barack Obama for what it sees as exploiting Osama bin Laden’s death.
       Obama's Characterisation of "The Team That Got Bin Laden"

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