The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Monday, October 31, 2011
Global Warming Alarmist Still Co-opting 1984 DoubleSpeak
Global Warming Alarmist Still Co-opting 1984 DoubleSpeak
Roanoke Times, 10-31-11, Pg 4: Skeptic now believer in global warming
It’s appropriate this “new news” is published on Halloween!
One wouldn’t want to wait for the peer-review process to run its course and muddy up the water with contrarian views.
Once again the Gore-AGW-Alarmist community continues to exploit Orwell’s 1984 DoubleSpeak to “fool” the masses with the convolution of “temperature changes” with “man-made temperature changes”. You-all should think of it as one thing. After all cause-effect concepts are usually complex and we wouldn’t want to tax the intellect of the common man. And if there is some measurable increase in temperature over the past 130 years it must be man-made, what else could it be?
Not until the end of this article is it divulged that the article’s authors did not even address nor allude to the CAUSE of atmospheric temperature changes. What a nice touch!
This blog and most Skeptics use the 130 year NASA graphic of 0.85 degree atmospheric temperature change as a demonstration that there is NOT a catastrophic change occurring (especially when compared to the major changes that occurred during the last 3000 years of earth’s history) and that the cause is clearly NOT established but only hypnotized by various groups.
For Example: The Alarmist community continues to NOT EVEN TRY TO EXPLAIN the causes for:
The coming and going of the Medieval Warm Period
The coming and going of the Little Ice Age
The increased temperature between 1750 and 1950 (a period of very limited atmospheric CO2 increases)
The temperature decline between 1940 and 1975 (a period of increased atmospheric CO2)
Click Graphic to Enlarge:
Clearly the Gore-AGW-Alarmist community has lost the public confidence in their draconian proclamations of the Apocalypse of “The Day After Tomorrow”. At some point in time even the most ardent Goreites are going to understand that global temperatures and global climate are not well understood and the cause-effect systems are not consistent with the AGW hypothesis and PR story line.
Alarmists: release your AGW man-caused data, analysis, assumptions and algorithms into public repositories and then come out of your closets and engage in open debate. Then and only then will you establish creditability as responsible scientists.
Some prior Skeptic items that continue to be valid and compelling:
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Roanoke Times Not Getting Into Green Heaven
Roanoke Times, 10-29-11, Pg 13: Editorial: Going on a carbon-dioxide diet
Save a Ton (of CO2) campaign effort by Roanoke and Roanoke County with objective of reducing the valley’s CO2 footprint by 100,000 tons per year.
A very worthwhile program by local government, business and individuals to reduce consumption of fossil fuels.
Why are the editors and management of the Roanoke Times absent from addressing their own very large CO2 Footprint? Apparently they think that sitting in the bleachers of life booing perceived bad actors and cheering on their version of good guys is all they need to do to get into “Green Heaven”. The reality is that they’re all destined to go to “Coal Dust Purgatory” instead.
The RT’s CO2 Footprint starts in the pine forests and power generation systems and extends all the way to and through the readers disposition of the paper. Their CO2 Footprint is very large and warrants analysis, calculation, generation of improvement plans and processes and then tracking and reporting. Included should be the negative impacts of reducing our forests that breathe in CO2 and breathe out O2 thereby making their footprint even more disturbing.
This blog started challenging the RT in June 2005:
“Isn't it long past due for the Roanoke Times, a self-proclaimed ecology leader, to publish their environmental footprint to their readers and the community? As a major consumer of power and chemicals and natural resources their environmental footprint has a major impact on the Roanoke Valley and its residents. To help get them started they might go to the eco-business web site below and get started:”
Attached are some of the published direct challenges posed to the Roanoke Times over the past 6 years. Apparently these exploitative colonialist capitalist are only interesting in maximizing their profits at the expense of the well being and survival of the world we all live in. How’s that for your Goreite hyperbole coming back at you?
Why aren’t the OCCUPY folks camped out at the Roanoke Times?
Students Follow The Pied Piper: Obama Our Evita
Roanoke Times, 10-27-11, Pg 1,16: Obama: help to come for student loan borrowers
What a wonderful and compassionate President we have. Where has he been all our lives, and why can’t we make him President for life as has been done in other third world countries?
He and Michelle owed $120,000 for their Yale and Princeton educations. Took them 10 years to pay off the loans. Is this story intended to elicit sympathy or what? In keeping with his eloquent speeches isn’t this an INVESTMENT loan that both needs to be repaid and that will yield major returns in the future?
Why would this be the basis for transferring personal investment loans to a taxpayer unfunded liability?
What’s Obama’s Number One Plan: GET REELECTED giving away taxpayer money by having Students follow the well traveled paths of the Pied Piper and Evita:
Click to enlarge image:
Obama to “demand” lenders consolidate multiple loans at reduced rates and limit the payments to 10% of income and forgive the loan balance after 20 years. Loan defaults and “forgive” balance amounts will be paid off with taxpayer money.
Why should the taxpayers assume this liability and where in the Constitution does it say that this activity is a responsibility and authority of the Federal Government and more specifically by Presidential Decree?
Gee Toto; I'm not sure we're in America anymore!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Roanoke Times Continues Its Political Hypocrisy
Roanoke Times, 10-26-11, Pg 8: Appalachian Power says Obama coal compliance rules will close one power plant partially and another completely.
It will also cause major expensive renovations to other plants and result in generating replacement electricity with more expensive fuels.
Electricity cost to consumers to increase by at least 15%.
In total conflict with the facts in this article and the many articles listed below, what is the learned position of the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times?
Roanoke Times, 10-23-11, Editorial: Send Armstrong back to the House
This is the Armstrong whose ONLY political platform position is to “fight electric rate increases”. And how does he stop rate increases when it’s His Obama Democrat Team that is THE MAJOR CAUSE behind the rate increases? What a pathetic hypocrite and what a pathetic endorsement by a politically and intellectually challenged Editorial team.
Ward Armstrong (D-Va) Has More Money Than Good Sense
Ward Armstrong Had His Chance
Let’s Play Hide The Real Reasons For High Energy Prices
Armstrong & Reynolds: The Democrat Energy Bait & Switch
AEP Rates: The Reality of Democrat Energy Policy
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Eleven Year Old Boys to Get HPV (STD) Shots
Roanoke Times, 10-26-11, Pg 5: Panel says boys should get HPV shots.
The “Health Panels” and the CDC are now going after a three-shot mandatory vaccination series for the male carriers of the HPV-STD.
How times have changed. When I was 11 we were still trying to find a vaccination and cure for Polio that was a pandemic at that time and struck down people that I knew!
The articles focus on cervical cancer; however, of significant note is the number of males who now have throat cancer purportedly from HPV. And we though it was only caused by smoking and asbestos.
Not clear how this is all handled by the demise of “don’t ask, don’t tell”. Perhaps it relates somehow to the Old Testament (Genesis 18, 19). That is so politically incorrect! No one quotes Bible passages anymore; especially the Old Testament! It’s that tolerance vs. acceptance thing again.
Our progressive and permissive society now gives parents the joyful experience of explaining to their 11 year old sons and 12 year old daughters all about promiscuous and salacious sexual behaviors and STD’s and the adverse consequences associated with those behaviors. What a joy!
For starters, just let them read the old People Magazine articles about Bill and Monica and Barney Frank and his friends. It’ll all be easy to explain from there.
In the mean time the progressive liberals continue to hammer the concept of abstinence as a “fool’s errand” and a negative thing. Why not support Abstinence while also emphasizing the very important phrase: “If you forgot it, forget it”! That's abstience isn't it?
Or, as Billy Joel explained to the Catholic Girls: “Only the Good Die Young”
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Don’t Mess With Obama’s Street Army
Roanoke Times, 10-26-11, Pg 16: Crime, noise and foul odors are prompting officials to try to send protesters home.
“NY – Fed up with petty crime, the all-night racket of beating drums, the smell of human waste, police and neighbors are losing patience with some of the anti-Wall Street protests around the US.”
“Oakland Police arrest 75 protesters.”
“NY businesses and residents near Zuccotti Park are demanding something be done to discourage hundreds of protesters from urinating in the street and making noises at all hours.”
“Oakland Firemen and EMT’s were denied entry to a park after receiving reports of a sexual assault, severe beating, fires, threatening behavior, concerns about rats, fire hazards and public urination.”
Whoa there Marshal Dillon! Not so fast! Back Off!
These are the front line elite troops of Obama’s Street Army. They have the support and backing of Obama, The Democrats, The Labor Unions and the Major Media!
The rule of basic responsible behavior and compliance with the laws doesn’t apply to these pseudo-soldiers.
New News: Obama's other Division of his Street Army (Acorn) now fully deployed in "Occupy":
Obama and the Major Media tell us this movement is just like the TeaParty! Really?
Making that comparison tells us a lot about Obama and the Major Media!
When this is the best Street Army that Obama can muster – it tells one a lot about what his “Hope and Change Things” are all about!
Roanoke Times, 9-4-11: Pg Horiz 1: Give Marx a chance to save the world
Prior Items:
Obama’s Street Army Solves Unemployment and Washington State Apple Problems
Mayor Bloomberg The Pooper-scooper for Obama’s Street Army
Obama The American Evita
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Obama Going UpSide-Down Mortgages Again
Roanoke Times, 10-25-11, Pg 1, 4: Obama eases refinancing rules. Big warm snugly picture of Obama hugging Las Vegas homeowner.
Obama is offering, at taxpayer’s expense, another offer for homeowners whose mortgages are greater than their current home appraised value. Supposedly it’s only available to those who are current with their mortgage payments.
Why are “we” doing this? This basic Obama program, HARP, has been in effect since 2009 and has been a failure.
Redo HARP, redo Stimulus, and redo Failure! How is this going to help the jobs situation or the over-supply of homes or the flood of foreclosures still sweeping the country?
Of all the obnoxious housing situations are those who haven’t paid their mortgage “for years” and are still in the house and are using what should be the mortgage payments to buy stuff! Just like those who use public assistance to buy booze, drugs and stuff.
Why aren’t these people out of the house and into a rental unit thereby allowing the house to be purchased by new folks? No wonder consumer spending is up; yours would be up too if you were buying stuff instead of paying your mortgage.
Perhaps Obama will soon offer this same deal to GM car buyers. Almost every new car purchased with financing is “upside-down” on the loan vs. bluebook value the minute it leaves the lot!
Obama and his administration continue to be both a disappointment and an embarrassment to those who voted for “Hope and Change”! Talk about voter remorse!
Helpful Suggestion: Tell Reid to pass the Congressional Jobs Bills that's sitting on his desk:
Monday, October 24, 2011
Obama’s Foreign Affairs Conundrum
Roanoke Times, 10-24-11:
Pg 1: Land wars may become thing of past.
Pg 1: Obama says the tides of war are receding
Pg 3: Karzai would support Pakistan in a war against US
Pg 4: War attention turns to drones, special operations and expansion into Yemen and Somalia
Pg 4: US out of Iraq by Christmas – Hillary tells Iran not to takeover
Pg 5: New Chief said Libya will be under Islamist Sharia Law
Pg 5: Gadhafi summarily-executed after capture.
How can so much Negative foreign policy news be covered in such glowing positive narrative all in Monday’s little paper?
Somebody tell Obama, of course the tides of war are receding, the Muslim Brotherhood have won and taken over most of the pro-western governments in the middle-east and are now busy establishing anti-western alliances and internal Islamist Sharia Law brought to you by those nice Ayatollahs and Mullahs. What a joy for all concerned. What could possibly go wrong with that scenario?
The Muslim Brotherhood focus is now the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa where tribal warfare and genocide has been the primary method of political and population control for generations. Intervening there looks promising for a sequel book to “Blackhawk Down” and the opportunity for more Liberal and Anti-American hysteria about white on black conflicts and nasty colonialism.
And why is the press obsessing about the holes in Gadhafi’s head? Can’t be that much different than the holes in Osama Bin Laden’s head and probably look similar to the summary-executed Viet Cong guy and his Pulitzer Prize picture.
Land wars a thing of the past. How comforting! Reminds one of WW1 that was declared to be the “War to end all Wars”. That was in 1918 well before WW2, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm (the largest armored battle in history), Afghanistan, Iraq, and a string of others not to mention the hot-cold war and the strategy of MAD (mutual assured destruction). Apparently we can now feel confident that war as we have known it for thousands of years has ended!
History Lesson:
Those who beat their swords into plows will plow for those who didn’t!
It’s disturbing that we still don’t have an operational and effective anti-missile defense system for our homeland and we have adversaries with things that fly very long distances with really bad things in their nose-cones. We have additional adversaries working diligently to have those nasty things also. Sleep tight, Obama’s on-watch.
Chaos Reigns in Egypt – Darn Those Christians
The New-Egypt Joins Hamas And Fatah
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Obama The Campaigner-And Manipulator-In-Chief
Roanoke Times, 10-19-11, Pg 5: Obama bus tour; accusing Republicans of “bamboozling” voters about his jobs bill.
The major accomplishment of this Republican led Congress was to deny Obama and Reid the opportunity to use a funding and debt-limit ploy to declare a Government Shut-down and then use that to declare a “National Emergency” and thereby seize total Federal power to nationalize and control any and all institutions public and private, that they deemed appropriate. Government Motors (GM) being their signature example.
The desperation of the Obama Team to retain power by any and all means is indeed a very disturbing spectacle. Fortunately our Republican Representatives in the Congress and Senate are going to ensure that Federal power will be determined by the people at the ballot box next November with a new Republican President and a Republican led Senate that will address the profound challenges we face in a manner consistent with our Constitution and Free Enterprise System.
The Republican led Congress has an outstanding record of addressing the countries needs through resolutions passed and sent to the “do nothing Democrat led Senate” where these critically important House Passed Jobs Bills languish (see the attached detail chart by R. Hurt):
1) Empower Small Business Owners By Reducing Unnecessary Regulations
2) Maximize Domestic Energy Production
3) Pay Down America’s Unsustainable Debt Burden
Click to enlarge graphic and review this most impressive work product by your Republican Congresspersons:
It's clear why Reid's Democrat Senate refuses to address the House Passed Jobs Bills
Reid now claims that the "private sector" workers are doing just fine!
It's clear that Reid is either senile or mentally defective! Choose One!
Franklin-Post, Monday, October 24, 2011 By CHARLES BOOTHE - Staff Writer
Hurt blasts Senate for inaction on bills to help the economy
Hurt blasted the Senate for its inaction.
"They don't do their jobs," he said, "and we can't make them."
Small businesses and small farms are the "lifeblood" of the national economy, he said, and they are being hit with regulations that stymie growth.
ObamaCare CLASS $80 Billion Program Dead
Roanoke Times, 10-18-11, Back on page 4 in little type: Repeal of insurance plan won’t affect deficit.
But in the fine print: “until now CLASS has been counted as reducing the deficit by more that $80 BILLION dollars.”
The $80 Billion was planned to be collected from Americans as premiums for long term and end of life care for years before there would be any benefits provided.
“Won’t affect deficit”! Are the people who write these AP headlines brain-dead or what?
Obama and his Democrat henchmen were using these “advance” premiums to supposedly lower the deficit and debt. Now what are they going to cut to makeup for the $80 Billion? Talk about a Ponzi Scheme!
What would happen to any Insurance Company that tried to pull off this type of scam on the elderly and infirm? But this is OK because it’s being done by Obama and friends!
Is there anything that this administration has done or is doing that would merit some negative comments by the Editors of the Roanoke Times and their associates? Perhaps they should read this blog for hints. Even Jay Leno and Jon Stewart have finally figured out that Bush is gone and the new guy isn’t doing very well.
Yet More Left-Wing Liberal Hate Talk
Not found in the Roanoke Times, Those Liberal girls have to hang together!
Susan Sarandon called Pope Benedict XVI a Nazi during a discussion session at the Hamptons Film Festival over the weekend.
A source tells that the crowd "didn't seem bothered" by Sarandon's words, and the discussion ended with the majority of the crowd praising her for everything from her work with UNICEF to her staunch support of Occupy Wall Street.
Why is there a chronic ongoing pattern of nasty talk from the left-wing progressive socialists in this county without any significant repudiation from the major media?
Apparently the Politically Correct media police are incredibly myopic and hypocritical!
Latest Liberal Nasty Hate Talk: Oct 26, 2011: Celebrities have been known to post tasteless tweets on Twitter, but critics are slamming comedian Orlando Jones for crossing the line when he tweeted that
liberals should “Kill Sarah Palin.”
Recent additional examples of this ongoing disgusting behavior:
Monday, October 17, 2011
Obama Visiting Danville Just Before He Doesn’t Visit Danville
Roanoke Times, 10-17-11, Pg 4: Obama bus tour hits NC and Va this week.
No mention of the cancelled Danville stop. Talk about your selective reporting.
"If Obama doesn't stop in Danville, does anyone hear it?"
Obama cancels visit to Danville
If Obama can’t go to Danville, how about accepting Poindexter’s invitation to Martinsville?
Whose job is it to “disinvite” The President of The United States from visiting your area three weeks from a major election?
You think it might be Armstrong and Reynolds jobs?
Talk about “denying you before the rooster crows”!
All Obama needs now is the traitor and the 30 pieces of silver.
During the last Congressional election, Obama only visited one Congressional district in the country and that was in Charlottesville. WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT TURNED OUT!
There’s only one Job Obama has been focusing on and that’s his own!
Now it’s our turn to Hope for Change!
Click to Make a BIG Bus:
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Duke Religious Expert Finds Faith In Decline And It’s the Conservative’s Fault
Roanoke Times, 10-16-11, Pg 4: Americans’ religious faith is in decline according to Duke University Professor and expert Mark Chaves.
“Chaves found the strength of religious conservatives in politics has coincided with a growing disillusionment about faith’s role in the public square.”
“As Christians affiliated more through the Republican Party, liberal, marginal churchgoers became offended and left”.
What an interesting cause-and-effect conclusion, totally contrary to my views, of what has been happening in Christian religion over the past 40 years!
The Conservatives are driving out the Progressive Socialist Democrats? Really?
The following are some “anecdotal” items that somehow do not show up in Prof. Chaves’ article and are totally inconsistent with his view of who is contributing to the exodus.
During the 1970’s the left-wing elements of the Christian Church, spearheaded by New York’s Riverside Church, alienated scores of parishioners by the tone, tenor, content and intensity of their anti-war crusade. This clearly alienated very large numbers of veterans of WW2, Korea, Vietnam and their families, friends and associates, including myself who up to that time had been a faithful member, Deacon and Elder.
During the 1990’s the Christian Church and more specifically the Catholic Church alienated large numbers of parishioners by the revelations of homosexual abuse of young boys. Many laid the base fault for this problem on the prior recruitment of homosexuals into the priesthood due to major recruitment shortfalls. The premise being that “they were harmless” and wouldn’t cause any “external” issues or notoriety. This total malfeasance of church stewardship and management alienated scores of Christians, including myself.
During the 2000’s the progressive-liberal members of many Christian Churches launched major initiatives to install openly homosexual persons as clergy. This activity is in conflict with 2000 years of Christian beliefs and teachings. This alienated scores of parishioners, including myself.
For many “old folks” there is a major and profound difference between tolerance verses the acceptance of things we find to be NOT OK!
My view of the decline in faith has much more to do with the “success” of the progressive-liberal’s in forcing their views upon the Conservatives than the opposite. And, in those cases where there is resistance, the liberals have been very successful in bringing the ACLU with the Liberal Courts to force their views upon all others.
As for the general public, we are all very fickle. After all, it was the same folks that laid the palm branches down on the muddy trail one day, who several days later were yelling: "give us Barabbas"!
Or as the old poem goes:
God and the soldier we adore
In times of danger, not before
The danger past, and all wrongs righted
God’s forgotten and the soldier slighted
The direction and rapid motion toward progressive-socialism in economic, social, political and theological actions is now a done deal.
As one who views what is happening in our Country, particularly relative to our youth, it’s not clear to me that all our liberalization has made positive improvements over “The Greatest Generation”!
All change is not positive; All movement is not forward!
In Reflection: History has not been kind to those societies and people that lost their moral compass!
Reasons Why Misguided People Vote Democrat
1. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't.
2. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
3. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is
offended by it.
4. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.
5. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.
6. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.
7. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits.
8. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.
9. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.
10. I voted Democrat because I think that it's better to pay billions to people who hate us for their oil, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle or gopher.
11. I voted Democrat because while we live in the greatest, most wonderful country in the world already, I was promised "HOPE AND CHANGE".
Note to all Liberals: Illegal is not a race, It’s a crime!
Author unknown but very perceptive.
ObamaCare Death Panels Rising
Roanoke Times, 10-16-11, Pg 8: UK Medical group rejects skin cancer treatment as too expensive. In the UK most medicines are paid for by the government as long as they’re recommended by the cost-efficiency watch-dog panels.
Recent Roanoke Times articles on US panels recommending significant curtailment of mammograms and PSA prostate testing.
The ObamaCare panels entrusted with the “standard of care criteria” have begun their initial work of curtailing and rationing healthcare options. These panels are the key to Medicare-Medicaid reimbursement and therefore private medical coverage. As they restrict and or remove support for procedures and medications, these items will have to be paid out of pocket.
In Canada, ill people had to get a Supreme Court ruling to allow them to pay our of their own pocket for health care not paid for by their government.
Ask yourself: if ObamaCare is a good thing why have 733 companies and unions already received exceptions from the initial required mandates? While you’re at it compare those on that list with the Democrat supporters and fundraisers for Obama and friends.
Latest ObamaCare Panel Issues More Bad News:
Roanoke Times, 10-18-11, Pg 1,3: Scientists advising the government say a Pap test is needed only once every three years -- contrary to doctors and American Cancer Society.
And this in the face of all the HPV issues and discussions.
Prior Items:
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Obama’s Street Army Solves Unemployment and Washington State Apple Problems
Roanoke Times, 10-15-11:
Pg 1, 12: Protesters (Occupiers) at Wall Street and Blacksburg and Roanoke
Pg 1, 6: Washington State Governor, Democrat Gregoire; Farm crisis, the nation’s top producer of apples, can’t find anyone to harvest them.
Pg 6: Unemployment still at 9.1 %
What a stroke of genius! Ship all Obama’s Protesters, Occupiers and Street Army people out to Washington State to help out a fellow Democrat and help alleviate the unemployment problem and the food supply situation and the costly sanitation and police situations in the cities.
We don’t need illegal-immigrants to harvest our food when we have so many unemployed and underemployed people looking for something to do.
We can see they’re strong and fit – just watch them fight the cops.
Clearly they can carry apple sacks – just watch them carry those BIG signs.
It’s clear they can handle outdoor activity – just watch them poop-up the parks.
Instead of busing them to political rallies, Obama and the Democrats should bus them out to the Apple Orchards and solve multiple problems.
If they want to “go green” let them walk out --- Lewis and Clark did it and with an Indian squaw in the lead! How hard can it be?
Friday, October 14, 2011
Shortage of Drugs A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing?
“There appears to be no single reason for the shortages. Some pharmaceutical companies have experienced manufacturing delays. Raw materials may be in short supply. And because most of these drugs have been off-patent for years, some drug companies don’t want to spend the money to upgrade lines to produce drugs with slim profit margins.”
For years we’ve been hammered by media exposes about Those Darn Rich Nasty Drug Companies. They make too much money, their drugs are not compatible with every one of the millions of users who use and abuse them; we should all go to Canada where drugs are cheap, stop the patents and lets go with China-Generics, etc, etc.
There can’t possibly be a problem – Congress just passed ObamaCare; Therefore THE GOVERNMENT will invent, certify, manufacture, distribute and dispense whatever drugs and healthcare we need, free, and when and where we want them! Works in Canada, doesn’t it? NOT so much!
Who spends BILLIONS of dollars of private investment money to develop the next drugs? Perhaps it’s the untidy folks camped out in the parks protesting capitalism. Perhaps it’s the bureaucrats in Washington and in the Atlanta CDC. How about in the socialist countries of Norway, Sweden, England? Apparently NOT! How about in the communist countries of Russia, Venezuela and Cuba? For sure NOT!
Maybe we’re seeing the beginning of the end of our major American drug companies who have been THE major driver of THE drugs that have saved and prolonged and enhanced our quality of life and who have been maligned at every turn and opportunity.
Would it be poetic justice, perhaps karma, if the drug shortage impacted only those who have been the nemesis of the American private enterprise drug system including those in media, politicians, AARP, ACLU and all their friends and family and associates.
Not a chance! History demonstrates that they will be the ones who will be least impacted.
Only the good die young!
Prior Items:
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Mayor Bloomberg The Pooper-scooper for Obama’s Street Army
Mayor Bloomberg tells Obama’s Street Army to vacate camp for a day so that he can scoop-up their poop and garbage. At least pick up your feet, man!
Most folks when they walk their dogs pickup their poop as they go along and they throw their garbage in cans and dumpsters. Apparently Obama’s Street Army is not well house-broken or into sanitation or even responsible camping. They also are the paper not plastic people -- apparently paper doesn't work all that well for scooping so let mother nature take it's course -- works for the bears in the woods!
I thought they were all for green-stuff and sustainability.
Turns out they’re for BROWN-stuff and STAINability.
Looks like a very far stretch to compare these characters to the TeaParty crowd!
If these are the people Obama has been organizing and is dependent upon to win the 2012 elections – he has much bigger problems than I realized he had. On the other hand this is probably what happens in Chicago when the neighborhood-organizer-in-chief isn’t there to pickup after them.
We’re now awaiting the arrival of Tom SDS Hayden, Jane Hanoi Fonda and the rest of Obama’s radical left-wing support team; they and Pelosi and associates, who are all multi-millionaires will look totally ridiculous marching in protest in front of the big brass bull. Then again – to do what they do -- they all have things in common with that bull.
Where's the hostility toward Obama's good fried at Citi, Bob Rubin, and the HALF-TRILLION of taxpayer money Obama gave them?
Additional Disturbing News about Obama's Widespread Street Army:
ROME – Italian police fired tear gas and water cannons Saturday in Rome as violent protesters turned a demonstration against corporate greed into a riot, smashing shop and bank windows, torching cars and hurling bottles.
Note of interest: The Four Richest Congressmen are Democrats:
Obama The Community Organizer Launches His Street Army
Just more hope and change we have come to depend upon.
Obama: You Senate Democrats Pass My Jobs Bill Now – Please
Roanoke Times, 10-11-11, Pg 5: Obama’s jobs package hits a wall in the Senate
After multiple TV and City campaign stops, advertised to be Presidential leadership (note small l), during which it was all about blaming those nasty Congressional Republicans; the package hits the wall in the Democrat Senate!
And to pour salt in the wound, the Roanoke Times’ favorite son, Jim Webb, declared that he voted Yes on a procedural vote but will vote NO on the Obama so called Jobs Bill!
Talk about being rebuked by your own team members! Apparently even the Democrats have realized that the Stimulus was a bomb and doing Stimulus-2 was even duller and clearly is an attempt at an “Obama Save MY Job” Bill.
Now Obama’s Senate minion, Harry Reid, says he’ll break the Bill into little pieces and try to pass some of them. Apparently the Congressional Republicans are not a gate or obstruction to progress and jobs after all!
The American people are tired of Obama Crying Republican-Wolf!
All this might be humorous if not for the millions of people who have been out of work for over a year and the TRILLIONS of dollars in borrowed money wasted by this incompetent cabal of progressive-socialist academic elitists.
And what’s with Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law getting a $737 million dollar (Solyndra-type) loan for a Tonopah Project in Harry Reid’s Nevada? Are there no bounds to the blatant malfeasance being demonstrated by this administration and their Democrat Cronies? And why isn’t the liberal-press highlighting these abuses?
Perhaps it's prophetic that Solyndra starts with SOL!
Is this the hope and change the American people voted for? I think not!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Iran Assassination Plot, The Patriot Act and Holder’s Fast-and-Furious Guns
Roanoke Times, 10-12-11, Pg 1, 3: US ties Iran to assassination plot targeting the Saudi ambassador in the US using Mexican Drug Terrorists.
The Iranians, the terrorists behind many of the terrorist killing of our soldiers in the MiddleEast, are now targeting government officials in our Capital in our country.
“Manssor Arbabsiar, 56, a naturalized U.S. citizen who also holds an Iranian passport, attempted to orchestrate a bombing that would kill the Saudi ambassador while he was in Washington, D.C., alleges a federal criminal complaint unsealed Tuesday.”
Two key items NOT in the Roanoke Times was any reference to what they used to call “Bush’s totally offensive and illegal” Patriot Act which once again provided the necessary tools for the FBI and CIA to target and track and arrest a Muslim-Terrorist before anyone was killed. And, Eric Holder’s Fast-and- Furious Guns to Mexican Drug Terrorists who, once commissioned by Arbabsiar, were to carry out the attack could well have used Holder’s Illegal Guns as part of their terrorist attack.
Obama, Clinton and Holder all stated that the US will increase our sanctions against Iran.
Are these people for real? Sanctions? This is clearly an Act of War upon the US-Homeland and our top officials are talking about increased Sanctions?
On second thought, what more would a Virtual-Muslim President do to an Ayatollah Khomeini?
Yet Another opportunity to Geri-flex, Kowtow and Bow!
Some prior related items:
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Twelve Year Old Girls Get HPV Shots All By Themselves (How Grownup is That!)
Jerry Brown, the “Moonbeam” Governor of California just signed into law the absolute right of 12 year old girls to get HPV shots by themselves without parental knowledge or approval.
Talk about your radical progressive socialist laws and perspectives!
The Editorial Girls went on a rant on this subject back on 3/3/07, Pg 1: Merck (developer of HPV vaccine) speaker muddies decision. Merck-associated Doctor participated in Virginia legislative discussion.
So, it was a big bad deal for Virginia to consider HPV shots with parental knowledge and approval, BUT no problem with Jerry Brown’s action!
In California a 12 year old girl can’t get a Tylenol or Midol or a cough drop from a school nurse but she can go get HPV shots or an Abortion without parental knowledge or approval.
What a state! Talk about your village raising your children! Is this still America?
The data indicates there is a link between HPV and cervical and throat cancer. Boys are the primary HPV carriers and they are getting throat cancer (apparently putting cigarettes in your mouth isn’t the only cause). Why isn’t California including boys in this progressive leading-edge movement?
To add insult to injury California recently moved to enact legislation making juvenile circumcision illegal. Circumcision involves Jewish religion and it also is a major factor in reducing STD’s and HIV+AIDS that are at pandemic proportions in California. Just more BLUE STATE leadership. What a place!
Latest New News: Boys to get HPV shots at 11 years old:
Prior related items:
Monday, October 10, 2011
Chaos Reigns in Egypt – Darn Those Christians
Roanoke Times, 10-10-11, Pg 1, 3: Chaos Reigns in Egypt; “Protests by Christians trigger night of violence”; At least 24 people killed.
The Obama team and their friends in the liberal media including the Editors of the Roanoke Times were so very pleased with the Egyptian Violent Revolution in the streets that they all declared that Democracy and Freedom had won out over tyranny. "Mission Accomplished"!
However, a peaceful protest by Christians objecting to the ongoing systemic abuse of Christians and destruction of their Churches by the Radical-Muslims is met with terrible violence by the Egyptian military and police and violent-Muslims and the headline reads:
“Protests by Christians trigger night of violence”
Who writes these warped and biased and stupid headlines anyway?
Those Darn Christians – don’t they understand that Egypt is a Muslim country and now that the Muslim-Brotherhood has seized control, it’s time for them to pack-up and get-out and not “trigger” anymore violence?
Obama and his progressive socialists have empowered and emboldened an international Radical-Muslim movement that will engulf not just the Mideast but the world in chaos and violence that we haven’t seen since
Radical-religion drove the Jap-Kamikaze Wars. In fact, it was the magnitude and effectiveness of the Jap-Kamikazes that lead to the decision to drop the A-bombs instead of launching D-Day type invasions of Japan.

Some prior appropriate items:
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Global Warming Turning Leaves and More Junk Science Headlines
Roanoke Times, 10-9-11, Pg 1, 16: Fall foliage displays may be pushing deeper into autumn. A shift in timing could be tied to global warming or to year-to-year differences.
“The fall foliage is going to get pushed back” (by man-made global warming) WARNED Richard Primack, professor of biology at BU.
It’s this continuation of Gorite proclamations, usually in headlines and on front pages, made as if they are scientific fact that makes the AGW(manmade global warming)-Alarmists an embarrassment to real scientists.
What makes this journalist bias and slant so interesting is that back on page 16 there are several references and quotes that totally undermine the Gore-AGW tripe. The amount of variation in the northern hard-wood color change process due to temperature, rainfall, early frost, etc. is trivial compared to the changes in daylight hours which fortunately for the leaf-peeper business is very predictable.
Why do the editors of the Roanoke Times and their associates continue to embarrass themselves with this type of front-page yellow-journalism?
Same type story from Four Years Ago (apparently this stuff is on a roll-a-dex):
Roanoke Times, 10/21/07, Pg 1: Some “leaf peepers” in New England are blaming climate change on a less than “vivid” leaf color change this year.
The Al Gore Hypothesis of man-made global warming strikes again and conveniently so soon after his metal! It’s interesting that the “current natural 250 year global warming cycle” has hit the maple leaves at this particular time! Apparently the “scientific leaf peepers” haven’t figured out that it’s the shortening of daylight that turns the leaves to red and that lack of rain and onset of frost contributes to the intensity of the changed colors, something that has happened many times before without the help of Al Gore.
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Obama The Community Organizer Launches His Street Army
Roanoke Times, 10-7-11, Pg 4: (80 square inches of coverage with two exciting photos): Obama acknowledges momentum of protests; Obama said he understood the concerns of the protesters, who have grown in number.
Police chief of NYC Kelly “there’s clearly a core group of self-styled anarchists – who want to have a confrontation with police”. NYC has already spent $2 million on the protests.
Roanoke Times, 10-8-11, Pg 4: (100 square inches of coverage with 2 exciting photos and an impressive mapping graphic): Is occupy Wall Street a tea party for Democrats?
Wed night 23 arrests were made by NYPD to subdue illegal protesters.
Roanoke Times, 10-8-11, Pg 9: (80 square inches of coverage with big exciting photo in City Market): Occupy Wall Street --- Roanoke’s Wall Street: Showing a 15 minute gathering of SEVEN (7) people.
Between Obama and the Editorial Girls of the Roanoke Times it’s not clear who are the recruiters and who are the cheer leaders (where’s the pom-poms?) for this “spontaneous” display of anti-business and pro-socialist movement.
Obama has turned loose a very high risk movement that is unprecedented for The President of The United States. His union thugs of the Wisconsin Campaign:
followed up by the Jimmy Hoffa Detroit Attack:
“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Everybody here’s got a vote.
Let’s take these sons of bitches out and get America back to an America where we belong.” Teamsters President James Hoffa warming up the crowd with an anti-Tea Party tirade at a Detroit Labor Day rally for President Obama.
The extended occupation of the streets of Manhattan by mobs of hostile people with unspeakable sanitary issues and interference with citizen freedom of movement and industry is not the personification of “free speech” or reasonable political discourse.
There are those who will compare this action to a disturbing reflection back to Hitler’s Brown Shirts and Mussolini’s Black Shirts seizing political power by force and intimidation in the streets; or back to the 60’s with Tom Hayden’s violent-socialist-SDS.
Clearly there is NO comparison whatsoever to anything we saw from the Tea Party protesters during the past two years, albeit that I personally am not a TeaParty person and view Harry Reid as the sour fruits of their misguided efforts.
A simple rhetorical question: What do the editors of the Roanoke Times get in return for their support of Obama and his Progressive-Liberal anti-Business support?
Some prior items:
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Steve Jobs - America at its Finest
The Sad Passing of Steve Jobs is an opportunity to reflect on America at it’s finest
Steve was the personification of:
Entrepreneurial Spirit
American Capitalism
Individual Initiative
Personal Responsibility
Team Partnership
Individual Empowerment
Technology for The Common Man (The 20th Century Model-T Ford)
These are many of the things that we are trading away today for the false security blanket of Socialism
How sad!
Click to view the 1984 Mac Ad and then reflect on today’s challenges
Unhappy Arabs!
The Arabs are not happy!-
They're not happy in Gaza .
They're not happy in Egypt .
They're not happy in Libya .
They're not happy in Morocco .
They're not happy in Iran .
They're not happy in Iraq .
They're not happy in Yemen .
They're not happy in Afghanistan .
They're not happy in Pakistan .
They're not happy in Syria .
They're not happy in Lebanon .
So, where are they happy?-
They're happy in England .
They're happy in France .
They're happy in Italy .
They're happy in Germany .
They're happy in Sweden .
They're happy in the USA .
They're happy in Norway .
They're happy in every country that is not Muslim.
And whom do they blame?
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.
Author Unknown but very insightful
Monday, October 03, 2011
Jim Webb Wrongly Slamming “For-Profit” Virginia Colleges
Roanoke Times, 10-3-11, Pg 1, 14: For-profit colleges cashing in on GI Bill.
Yes, that’s the same Jim Webb when as Secretary of the Navy publicly proclaimed that “the girls” at Annapolis were there solely for the sex! Apparently that proclamation was never a problem for "the girls" at NOW or the editors of the Roanoke Times!
Webb pumps out data purporting to show the difference in tuition between “State taxpayer supported public” schools vs. private financed schools for those on the new GI Bill.
What he conveniently neglects to quantify and publish is that the taxpayers are paying the tuition bills in both cases; however,
for “State taxpayer supported” schools the taxpayers are also paying a LARGE part of the state schools budget thereby artificially keeping the tuition low.
Talk about comparing apples to oranges! Talk about sucker punches! Do we really look that dull to Webb and his liberal friends in the press?
His “second hokey point” is hiding the difference in curriculum. Lots more GI’s are enrolled in the “for-profit” schools. That’s because they primarily focus on technology and skill programs instead of liberal arts and psychology and they tailor their curriculum to those who have part time jobs and or are married.
Many GI’s joined the service because they tend to be “hands-on” people instead of “book-worms”. Their service training and experiences added to and reinforced that base. There is a lot of data that confirms those with hands-on skill-based technology skills are being hired today at a much greater rate and for more pay than liberal arts majors out of our “public” colleges.
This is yet another piece of yellow-journalism that slants and biases a story toward big government taxpayer-paid socialized education at the expense of important opportunities for alternative independent educational choices.
The Roanoke Times editors should go back and read their own editorial:
Roanoke Times, 12-28-10, Pg 1 & 13: Editorial: Too dumb to serve? What does it say about our schools that so many graduates (25% of applicants) can’t pass the Army entry test?
In the same paper, back on page 13, an article by Kathleen Parker of all places “The Hallowed Washington Post” articulates in great detail the miserable performance of our “Public” Colleges! How can the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times put Webbs junk on page 1 and Ms. Parker’s college educational assessment on page 13? What are these girls thinking or more pointedly – what are they selling?
The following are just a few of the specific items that outline the misguided educational views of the editors of the Roanoke Times.
They all need to spend a semester as a Sub in the Roanoke School System.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Congressional Functionality
Roanoke Times, 10-2-11, Pg 1- 12: Congress’ dysfunction long in the making.
If there is Congressional dysfunction it’s basis is the conflict between the 50% of people who pay taxes (the Payers) vs. the 50% of people who do not pay taxes plus those who are net-beneficiaries from government payouts (the Receivers).
The Receivers are primarily represented by the Democrat Party who is the primary proponent of tax, spend, borrow, regulate and government dependency.
The Payers are primarily represented by the Republican Party who is primarily promoting free enterprise, personal responsibility and an open market driven economy.
The see-saw political, social and economic history between the Payers and the Receivers has been going on since the country was formed. The current escalation and increased confrontations are the result of two major factors:
1) We now have a $14.7 TRILLION debt that is growing by over $1.4 TRILLION per year with unfunded obligations of $62 TRILLION (one-half million per household)
The Democrat-Receiver view is that we must continue the tax, spend, and borrow process and that “the rich” can be taxed to solve the problem.
2) The Republican-Payer view is that the top 1% of US taxpayers pay 40% of the personal income tax paid and total confiscation of all the assets of the top 25% of our people will not solve our obligations and will result in a total collapse of our economy and society.
The current situation has reached an apex because the Country elected a Socialist President that is driving the Democrat-Receiver agenda without regard for our established economic system and its Constitutional basis.
The 2010 Congressional Elections resulted in 60 new Conservative members who were sent to Washington to change the Obama-Democrat-Receiver direction. Calling that result “dysfunctional” is not consistent with the results of the election.
The 2012 elections will either reverse the Obama-Democrat-Receiver direction in a major way, or our Country will follow Socialist-Europe and become in the near future a Greece like mess.
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