The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
From Skeptic to Alarmist With Junk-Science
Prof. Richard Mueller a professor at UC Berkeley (the west coast epicenter of fair and balanced views) wrote an op-ed for the New York Times (the east coast epicenter of fair and balanced views) saying he was once a global warming skeptic but now he’s completely convinced there’s been a 2-½ degree increase in the earth’s temperature and it’s all your fault! Not since the alchemists turned lead into gold has a distinguished scientist gone through such a transformation.
Climate change skeptic is now believer
The alleged 2-½ degree change in earth’s temperature is clearly multiple times larger than the NASA data published by the premier alarmist Jim Hansen that clearly shows less than one degree warming since 1880.
And the global surface data shows no significant change since 1998.
But these conflicts with the facts pale in comparison to Prof. personalized “scientific process” that brought him to his “consensus” conclusions.
“We tried fitting the shape to simple math functions (exponentials, polynomials), to solar activity and even to rising functions like world population. By far the best match was to the record of atmospheric carbon dioxide, measured from atmospheric samples and air trapped in polar ice.”
“How definite is the attribution to humans? The carbon dioxide curve gives a better match than anything else we’ve tried. Its magnitude is consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect — extra warming from trapped heat radiation. These facts don’t prove causality and they shouldn’t end skepticism, but they raise the bar:”
What an amazing nonscientific op-ed that the author finally concludes “shouldn’t end skepticism”!
Every freshman in any scientific program knows that “curve fitting” is not causal analysis and cannot be used to draw any valid cause-effect conclusions!
Every freshman also knows that “finding a curve that gives a better match than anything else we’ve tried” will result in a failing grade in any science or math class in any course in any college in the world. This isn’t science! This isn’t math! This isn’t worthy of publication even as a political op-ed in the NYT (or the Roanoke Times).
How can the media cut down perfectly good trees that are helping to convert CO2 to O2 to publish this “junk science” that is nothing more than political hyperbole?
This is yet another example of the liberal media hyping the Gorite cool-aide hoping that no one who was awake during the 7th grade earth science class will object to those who apparently refuse to acknowledge that there is a “scientific method” and this isn’t it!
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
Monday, July 30, 2012
Obama’s Jewish Connection Unraveling
Obama has made his 2012 Presidential reelection all about dividing the country into groups that he is desperately pandering to including women, blacks, Hispanics and homosexuals. A sad outcome for one who ran as being a “uniter”.
The Jewish vote has always been a main-stay of the Democrat party, however Obama’s kowtowing to the Muslims and his enabling the so called Arab-Spring that has turned into a Muslim-Brotherhood-Winter has caused many Liberal Democrats, to reconsider their political views.
Jewish Liberals Need To Wakeup Already
The Jewish reassessment of the current Democrat Party started when the radical-lefties of the Party denied Joe Lieberman the endorsement for his reelection as Senator and forced him to run and get reelected as an Independent.
Obama’s public statements emphasizing American support for Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims at the expense of Israel reached a personal and public conflict at the last meeting between Obama and Netanyahu at which Netanyahu felt compelled to publicly state that Israel’s right to self-defense and self-determination would not be subservient to Obama’s policies.
Israel – Not To Worry - Obama’s Got Your Back Already
Obama’s misguided pronouncements and policies have created an opportunity for Romney to present himself as a viable alternative to the Jewish community and voters.
Romney’s current trip to Israel, including fundraising functions, has caused the liberal media and the Democrats to panic.
California Democrat Nancy Pelosi suggested that Jewish voters were “being exploited” by Republican leaders trying to portray President Obama as un-supportive of Israel’s national security efforts.
After over 100 years of total Jewish immersion and dedication to the Democrat Party it would be reasonable and prudent for all Jewish voters to reassess their voting decision this year. As an anti-business and pro-Muslim advocate Obama does not have the Jewish or Israeli best interests in mind!
Obama’s not your father’s Democrat!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Obama: I Really Like Business People
Roanoke Times, 7-26-12, Pg 1, 14: Obama's Roanoke talk now an issue. Republicans say the remarks insult business, Democrats say Obama was talking about community.
Obama says he really likes business people and when they’re all driven out of business by his antibusiness administration and “the government” is running everything – he’s really going to miss them too!
He now says bad people are taking my words about “You didn’t build that” out of context.
A first-person summary of his positions are: When I mocked businessmen’s intelligence and hard work and accomplishments to the shouts and joys of the crowd at Roanoke’s Fire Station #1, I didn’t mean that stuff. I just got carried away; for a minute there, I thought I was a “street organizer” back in Chicago again or a reincarnation of Evita. Anyway, you-all should give me a break; After all, this is my first real job!
What people have come to realize is that it’s actually not just about the quote itself.
It’s actually far more about the antibusiness antisuccess class-warfare context and nasty diatribe and the crowd’s reactions to this divisive rhetoric by a so called leader who ran for office under the pretext of being a uniter of all the people.
Watch the video of Obama for the full context; watch the facial expressions, watch the body language listen to the words and draw your own conclusions as to who is "twisting the truth" and who is insulting your intelligence.
Who's really twisting the truth:
Jive Talkin by the Bee Gees 1975
It's just your jive talkin'.
You're telling me lies, yeah.
Jive talkin', you wear a disguise.
Jive talkin', so misunderstood, yeah.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Media Gutter Politics: Let’s Slam Ann Romney
Isn’t it interesting how the media has totally avoided any negative coverage about Michelle?
Nothing about her racist Princeton thesis or its hiding place with the “lost ark”.
If it were Sarah’s thesis the over 100 investigative reporters that scoured Wasilla would have brought in Indiana Jones long ago!
Nothing about her 20 year relationship with Rev. Wright and the Church of God Damn America.
Nothing about her obscene way-over-the-top spending and trips at taxpayer’s expense.
Nothing about her “for the first time in my life, I’m proud to be an American” thing.
But let’s jump upon and Slam Ann Romney! What fun!
She never worked a day in her life expose.
Even her show horse became fodder for the DNC Chicago goons.
Maureen Doud’s flippant remarks about Ann Romney’s cancer problem.
Massive liberal media piling on Ann for her “no more tax returns” statement
Interesting enough none of the many multimillionaire Democrats in Congress have released any of their tax returns.
Also the liberal media isn’t interested in the Congressional members and staff who are $1,000,000,000 delinquent! Yes folks – that’s ONE BILLION Dollars of uncollected tax from the very people who we hire to run our government!
And then there’s the local chapter of “Let’s Slam Ann; The Dan Casey Roanoke Times article:
Ann Romney: The little people don’t deserve to see our taxes
What an unprofessional low-blow and way beneath the dignity of Ann Romney and Dan Casey. Ann did NOT mention “little people” and for Dan to make that a “headline quote” is very disturbing.
Dan knows full well that Ann was answering a newsperson’s harassing questions about releasing tax returns beyond the two committed. When she said YOU PEOPLE she clearly was directing her comments to YOU NEWS PEOPLE and clearly did not mention the word “little”!
The more germane issue is: why are the news people harassing the wife of the candidate about something that is a campaign committee issue and is not in her personal purview?
Is the next Roanoke Times expose going to make light of Ann’s Multiple Sclerosis and her breast cancer?
Hopefully the liberal news people will get a grip on their hysterical fear of Obama loosing this election and will use the professionalism we admired in Tim Russert, who by the way was also a Democrat (aren’t they all?).
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Obama saboteurs twisting the truth?
Roanoke Times, 7-22-12,Pg Va 1: Obama saboteurs twisting the truth
This editorial commentary tries vainly and passionately to change the tenor and context of Obama's pronouncements at his political rally at Roanoke Fire House # 1.
However it's impossible to reinvent the entire lead up to the "you didn't build that -- someone else did" which was a condescending and disrespectful diatribe against businessmen.
The tone and tenor was right out of the "Street Organizer" handbook from Chicago.
The followup words sounded like Evita explaining the joys of socialism.
Who does Obama think paid for all the government services that exist?
It was and is the taxes from successful people and businesses!
God Bless the 10% who pay 70% of the Federal Income Taxes paid and support much of our society.
Watch the video of Obama, watch the facial expressions, watch the body language listen to the words and draw your own conclusions as to who is "twisting the truth" and who is insulting your intelligence.
And Obama's "Who invented the internet" comment was interesting considering that Al Gore had already taken credit for that! However, for a factual update on that issue click to read the WSJ's article that details the who, what, when and where; and it wasn't Al Gore!
Was Roanoke’s Fire House #1 Obama’s Waterloo?
A Letter to the Editors of the Roanoke Times
A Conservation With Sen. Mark Warner At The Hub
Senator Mark Warner visited constituents Saturday at the Hub Restaurant in Rocky Mount. He shook hands and talked with Franklin County residents assembled outside to express their disapproval with his support of numerous laws adversely impacting individuals and businesses. The interchanges were respectful, personal and direct.
I congratulated him for having been a very successful businessman in Virginia; having taken personal risk in investing in businesses, hiring employees and personally exercising the American free enterprise system. I implored him to step back from his involvement and support of the current Socialistic Washington culture of excessive regulation, taxing and spending and instead change his focus to pro-business legislation encouraging and supporting businesses to grow and develop and generate good jobs with good benefits.
I did not have the opportunity to get his view of Obama’s comments at Fire House #1 that were condescending and a personal rebuke to him and all successful business-people.
After mocking business people's intelligence, hard work, innovation and risk taking, Obama then said: You businessmen didn’t build your businesses; someone else did it for you! Has any President of the US ever maligned American businesspeople and our entrepreneurial free-enterprise system in this manner? How pathetic and sad!
Click to view what past US Presidents have said about this subject:
Click to view a wonderful sequence of small businesses who say "I Built This":
Media Gutter Politics: Let’s Slam Ann Romney
Obama: I Really Like Business People
Friday, July 20, 2012
Obama’s Job Czar Outsourcing Good Jobs To China
Roanoke Times, 7-20-12, Pg 4: Senate GOP kills measure to curb job “outsourcing”.
Apparently The Obama-Reid bill hoped to provide backup and support to Jeff Immelt Chairman of Obama’s Jobs Council and jobs Czar
He just happens to be the CEO of GE! Apparently he’s immunized from all the bad things that venture capitalists and American businessmen are plagued with. Perhaps not!
Obama has been fixated on Romney and Bain Capital and how many jobs they created verses how many jobs they terminated verses how many jobs they outsourced and weather Romney was here, there or somewhere else.
Obama doesn’t talk much about the 12 million unemployed and what he has and is doing to get them jobs. By now there were supposed to be so many green jobs that from space the US population should look like 100 million leprechauns.
So clearly, Jeff Immelt, Chairman of Obama’s Jobs Council must be doing the things that Obama is campaigning on and drawing a clear contrast to his accusations against Romney! Perhaps not!
Jeff Immelt Chairman of Obama’s Jobs Council and CEO of GE, is in the process of moving GE’s X-ray division from Waukesha, Wis., to Beijing where they are committed to invest $2 billion in China and train more than 65 engineers and create six research centers.
This is just the latest outsourcing move made by Jeff Immelt Chairman of Obama’s Jobs Council.
Did I point out that Jeff Immelt is Chairman of Obama’s Jobs Council and his Jobs Czar?
As Charlie Hurt so well articulated: The only thing worse than the economy – is Obama talking about it!
Was Roanoke’s Fire House #1 Obama’s Waterloo?
"If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." – Barack Obama, Roanoke, Va., July 13 (Friday the 13th)
With that phrase, in the context of mocking the successful American business people's intelligence, hard work, innovation and risk taking, Obama was truly the personification of: “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”!
The underlying Evita and Communist Manifesto attitudes and beliefs and ideology shone through for all to see, stripped of the charm and smile of the schoolboy persona. Now the job of his Chicago political machine is to convince voters that wasn’t him, that’s not what he meant, he just got carried away with the Roanoke Times’ left-wing hospitality.
Obama to Businessmen: You Didn’t Do Nothin!
The following two commentaries highlight the scope and magnitude of Obama’s unintentional view into his real self and the beginning of the resultant political fallout!
By Chris Stirewalt Power Play Fox News:
Romney’s rebuttal (to Obama’s “You didn’t build that”) is that infrastructure and public services are great, but that’s what we pay taxes for. Romney’ point is that commerce creates wealth which provides the resources that pay for basic services and, as the Founders would have said, “Improvements” that, in turn, facilitate greater commerce. The government here is not a partner or a director, but a provider of basic necessities.
Romney’s view lines up better with the electorate. As the latest FOX News Poll shows, voters believe by an almost three-to-one margin that government is the problem with the economy rather than the solution. And 55 percent said that they thought Obama was making government bigger and more expensive. Only 10 percent thought he was making it smaller.
A Quinnipiac Poll of Virginia voters out today that was in the field before, during and after Obama Obama’s gaffe in the commonwealth shows Obama having surrendered his lead there. Obama led in the Old Dominion by 8 points in March and 5 points in June, now it’s dead even at 44 percent apiece.
Whatever the causes of Obama’s 6-point Virginia drop since March, “you didn’t build that” certainly couldn’t have helped.
Charles Krauthammer: Obama: You didn't build that
Obama saboteurs twisting the truth?
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Obama Guts Bill Clinton’s Welfare Reform Achievements
Roanoke Times, 7-19-12, Pg 1, 14: New welfare restrictions reflect crackdown on buying liquor and paying for lap-dances at strip joints with food-stamps and welfare checks.
No – that’s not this week’s real welfare news story! Would you like to guess again?
This week’s welfare news story is that Obama is unilaterally gutting the Clinton Welfare Reform requirements that include specific work-based activities that must be in-progress or completed in order to get and continue to get welfare money.
Obama is granting states waivers to substitute junk-activities for real measurable work related activities! Obama’s actions to dumb-down education measurement criteria has worked so well, why not do the same for welfare recipients?
Measuring achievement and performance is so square and old-fashioned! It’s so much more pleasant to just let folks do “whatever”. Worked for Greece didn’t it?
This fits in well with progressive socialism concepts that all children should pass, nobody should fail at anything, and motivation is always praise-based whether earned or not. And let’s not forget that these are all Democrat voters; all in Obama’s pocket and he is obligated to throw them another bone before the election.
Why demand anything from recipients when handing out taxpayer’s money?
Evita didn’t, why should Obama?
YouTube: Evita (the ultimate Siren): Don’t Cry For Me, Argentina
Obama to Businessmen: You Didn’t Do Nothin!
Roanoke Times, 7-18-12, Pg 5: Romney says Obama casts shame on success.
In amazingly small print buried in the article is the obnoxious Obama anti-business and anti-American quote: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”
Has there ever been in the history of the US such an anti-business leader? No wonder we’re in a rut and the “main man” doesn’t know what to do or how to do it!
Of all the millions of entrepreneurs and businessman who are maligned by Obama’s statement and beliefs; perhaps three good media examples might be businessmen like Frank Batten, Ted Turner and William Hearst. They would be outraged by Obama’s pronouncement that “they didn’t build their media companies, somebody else made it happen!”
Frank Batten Sr., retired chairman of Landmark Communications, now known as Landmark Media Enterprises LLC and parent company of The Roanoke Times.
Ted Turner’s media empire began with his father's billboard business, which he vastly grew into a major print and TV success.
William Randolph Hearst the founder and owner of newspapers, the company's holdings now include a wide variety of major media.
Obama’s assertion that government is the creator of prosperity is the biggest lie since Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto. It is businesses and successful people who pay the taxes that support all government services. Government has no basic or intrinsic wealth or capability to create anything unless supported and funded by taxes paid by successful people and businesses.
How can this supposed learned person be so incredibly blind and misguided to the point of casting an ominous pall over the greatest country in history?
It’s now clear that Obama’s history as a Chicago Street Organizer combined with his close 20+ year association with communists and rogue-ministers who hate America have imprinted his beliefs and character. Michelle's racist thesis at Princeton fits perfectly into their combined negative views of America's economic and social structure and those things that have made America great.
The only question left for history is how the hell did the media-moguls and king-makers choose him to be President?
With Obama in charge we truly should worry that “The Good Times are Over for Good”:
Was Roanoke’s Fire House #1 Obama’s Waterloo?
Obama saboteurs twisting the truth?
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Drought, Heat And Obama: The Perfect Storm
Roanoke Times, 7-17-12, Pg 1, 14: Drought now spread across most of U.S.
Only in the 1930’s and the 1950’s has a drought covered more land.
About one-third of the U.S. corn crop has been damaged.
All we need now are the locust! Listen! I hear them coming! It’s the Obama reelection team and all their minions chewing up the truth, spreading deception and ignoring the devastation they are leaving behind! Their mantra is “Forward” – and like Mr. Magoo, don’t ever look back at what you’ve done!
All this while Europe and Asia are coping with more rain than they can handle! All this must be caused by man-made CO2 AGW. But wait; there was insignificant man-made CO2 back in 1930 and in 1950. Apparently something else was at work. Could it be earth’s weather and climate natural variations? Now there’s another concept we don’t want to talk about! Can’t make any money writing about that!
It’s Hot Again – Back To The 30s
Global Warming Deja Vu
What to do about the drought corn crop damage and reduced yields? We’re now burning massive amounts of our corn in our cars (ethanol) and Obama wants to increase the amount we burn by 50% (from 10% to 15% gasoline mix). Why are we doing this and why should we divert even more of our basic food for this totally misdirected use? This is as close to “let them eat cake” as we’ve seen in modern times.
Monday, July 16, 2012
It’s Not The Washington Politics, It’s The Chicago Politics Stupid!
Roanoke Times, 7-16-12, Pg 3: Obama says he’s irked by politics of Washington.
Obama says he won’t apologize for his attacks on Romney.
Hey Obama: It’s Not The Washington Politics, It’s Your Chicago Politics Stupid!
Your patently false lies about Romney’s history at Bain are indeed obscene and an apology is warranted as well as a redress of your reelection team.
Obama’s prior hatchet-man and now Chicago Mayor and reelection minion, Rahm Emanuel, issued a statement saying the Republicans should “stop whining”.
Apparently Emanuel is hooking-up the Chicago manure spreaders in desperation mode!
Clearly this series of Obama public pronouncements is the kickoff to one of the nastiest elections we will see in our life time.
That’s why Obama organized his reelection around the filthy-dirty Chicago Political Machine that successfully stole the Presidential election for Jack Kennedy in 1960 and most recently put Obama in the White House.
So be it! No apologies for flagrant lies! And no whining!
Now that we know the Obama reelection rules; we can live with that and hopefully the entire Romney campaign team and all their supporters can too!
No more Sen. McCain nice guy with kid gloves stuff!
Let’s start with lots of YouTube Videos of: The Rev Wright of the “God Damn America” “Church”, good buddy communist Jim Ayers, The total Rob Bogoyevitch story, the unconstitutional Czars teams, the buying of Senate votes for ObamaCare, the dirty-green tax-money to Obama’s friends and boosters, Obama’s racist and class-warfare pronouncements and actions and that’s just for starters.
To include the distaff side of the Obama's let's publicise and dissect in detail Michelle's racist Princeton thesis. After all, for the first time in her life - she's proud now.
When the Romney supporters start responding in-kind, we certainly shouldn’t hear any more whining from the Obama team or their liberal media propaganda organizations including the editors of the Roanoke Times!
Whatever happened to the "Hope and Change"?
Only In America - The Top Ten
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Obama Compares Himself To Reagan
On numerous occasions Obama has compared his actions, motivations and beliefs to Ronald Reagan. Apparently narcissism has no bounds.
Google: Obama Compares Himself To Reagan: for some interesting examples and spirited responses by others.
The best way to judge the difference (and viva la difference) is by watching
Two one-minute youtube videos.
The messages are clear and right-on target in just one minute each.
Prior delusions:
Romney Booed by NAACP Crowd
Roanoke Times, 7-12-12, Pg 3: Romney booed by NAACP “crowd” over “Obamacare”.
Actually the NAACP “crowd” was friendlier to Romney than I would have anticipated. Most of his points were met with mild-acceptance, cool-tolerance and even some acquiescence. Not bad considering this “crowd” votes over 90% for Black and or Democrat candidates without regard to economic, social or political issues. These are the same folks who strenuously comment that whites should be color-blind. Perhaps some boos from them is a good thing.
Of interest is that Obama did not attend this function but instead sent his silver tongued VP Biden to rabble-rouse and race-bait the crowd in his usual and predictable manner.
Biden’s attack dutifully followed Obama’s AG Holder’s assertion that Republicans are using Voter ID as a throw-back to slavery and disenfranchising Black voters.
All this from a Chicago Street Organizer who proclaimed he would be a “uniter and not a divider”. So much for positive hope and change!
The Obama team is telling us that we shouldn’t like Mitt Romney and here are the Top Ten Reasons To Dislike Mitt Romney determined by Obama's speech (original author unknown – but verified by me)
1. Successful, self-made businessman. (Dad didn't give him a hand-out ... he and Ann had to make it on their own)
2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been FAITHFUL to her.
3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?)
4. Can't speak in a fake southern black preacher voice when necessary.
5. Has pots of money (made it all himself) and since nobody else in this country has any desire to have pots of money ... we don't like him!!!
6. Has a family of great boys ... none of them are in drug rehab.
7. Doesn't smoke (even in secret), drink alcohol, or do drugs (not even in college, where other people were NOT inhaling)
8. Represents an America of "yesterday", where people believed in God, went to Church, didn't mess around, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS! (We can't relate to such an anachronism.)
9. Oh yes ... he's a MORMON. That horrible religion that teaches its members to be clean-living, patriotic, fiscally conservative, charitable, self-reliant, honest, upright and MORAL!
This in stark contrast to Obama’s outstanding religious background:
10. And one more point ... pundits’ say because of his wealth, he can't relate to ordinary Americans. I guess that's because he made that money ALL BY HIMSELF ... as opposed to marrying it (as in John Kerry) or inheriting it from Dad (as in Jack, Robert & Ted Kennedy.) We didn't understand that actually working at a job and earning your own money made you unreliable to Americans.
It’s certainly understandable from this list why Obama and his supporters can’t understand why over 50% of the American people like Romney.
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
Thursday, July 12, 2012
More Obama “Class Warfare” on the Campaign Trail
Obama is again touting tax fairness as a major plank in his campaign. Apparently he doesn't have any positive positions to present so he's forced to play the "Class Warfare" card! How sad! So much for any positive hope or change or leadership!
How does increasing the taxes paid by the top 10%, who now pay 70% of the Federal Income Taxes, improve the economy and businesses and job growth?
Federal Income Tax (FIT) Fairness?
Top Percent of Percent of
Income Earners Earned Income FIT Paid
1% 17% 37%
5% 32% 59%
10% 43% 70%
Therefore 90% of “Tax Payers” are paying only 30% of the FIT
50% of “Tax Payers” pay Zero Taxes!
How’s that for tax fairness?
So Obama – who’s not paying their “fair share” of FIT?
Let us all give sincere thanks to the top 10%ers for carrying the rest of us!
Whatever happened to the 2009 video (click link), when President Barack Obama said that, "you don't raise taxes" on anybody during a recession?
Loosing Homes Over Back-Taxes
Roanoke Times, 7-10-12, Pg 3: Housing: Some lose homes over as little as $400.
Tax debts can cause homes to be sold for a fraction of their value and then resold by investors. Local governments can seize and sell a home if the owner falls behind on property taxes and fees.
This is a very good and informative article except for the negative light cast upon those who buy tax-sale properties. It’s not the buyers who are the bad guys; it’s the local governments that are acting far more onerous than mortgage companies in foreclosing on homeowners.
Unlike other debt payments a homeowner makes, a delinquent tax payment is not reflected on the next tax bill or any following tax bills. Therefore, if the past due notice however delivered is not received by the homeowner; the homeowner may not know their home is in the foreclosure and tax sale process until the new owner shows up!
This is a significant exposure for senior citizens who may be having difficulty processing their financial affairs and also remote owners of second homes or seasonal properties.
If any person or business operated this way the “fairness police” would go postal! Apparently this is not being addressed because it’s your government at work again.
Clearly the government should have the requirement to “ensure notification” of back-taxes due and to reflect any back-taxes due on future bills as is done by every other institution.
The additional notification to the homeowner that their home is entering the tax-sale process should be handled by a process-server with the requirement that the homeowner be personally contacted and acknowledge the notification. We do this for notification of jury duty don’t we!
Advertising the tax-sale of a home in the local newspapers is clearly not sufficient notice for a government confiscation of this magnitude and importance.
A significant contributor to this issue is the major escalation of property taxes due to constant government reassessment and runaway spending. A homeowner winds up paying taxes on a value that he hasn't realized! The current housing recession has clearly shown that homeowners have been paying thousands of dollars of taxes on inflated and fake govrnment set values. Imagine the "fairness police" reaction if this were done by some business to a homeowner!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Voter ID Laws Racist?
Roanoke Times, 7-9-12, Pg 1,12: Voter ID laws seen causing problems. New requirements for voters to prove their identities could be disenfranchising some.
In spite of the headline implications, buried in this article are significant descriptions of why my legal and rightful vote should not be nullified by a fraudulent voter. And without presenting ID how is any election official to know if one is a valid voter or a fraudulent voter?
This RT heading is mild compared to the vile and nasty comments made by Obama’s AG Eric Holder at the recent NAACP meeting in Texas where he directly referred to Voter ID laws as racist throw-backs to slavery and poll-taxes.
Has there ever been an administration that exploits racism and plays the race-card like the Obama group?
Perhaps this graphic by an unknown author reflects the views of many who are offended by the constant race-baiting and divisive actions by Obama and his associates.
Didn't he promise to be "the uniter" and not "the divider"!
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
It’s Hot Again – Back To The 30s
Roanoke Times, 7-11-12, Pg 9: Weather Journal: The late June early July 2012 heat wave for Roanoke is rivaled only by July 1977, the second heat wave of 1953 and those of the early and mid-1930s.
Pg 15: Guest Editorial: Colorado’s perfect firestorm by Mark Lubell; “I am a political scientist who studies climate policy and adaptation and the intersection between climate science and politics”.
Talk about redundancy! Aren’t all the Global Warming AGW Alarmists “political scientist” (whatever that is)?
Lubell tries to explain how Colorado’s massive fires are the direct result of man-made global warming. There have been massive fires before caused by drought, however, there wasn’t 24-7 cable news flying overhead and there were far fewer people affected because in 1930 we only had 80 million people and not 300 million. Also the Indians didn’t keep very good records.
Fortunately for some truth-in-advertising; even most Gorites are loath to tie weather issues to climate.
The attached Graph of current NASA data continues to challenge and contradict the AGW Alarmists advertisements hyped by the liberal media that we are at the gates of Armageddon and it’s your fault!
Why doesn’t the Roanoke Times and their associates ever print these graphs?
How I became a AGW Skeptic, and why I still am:
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Who’s Problem Is Jobs Slump?
Roanoke Times, 7-7-12, Pg 1: June jobs report confirms slump; Time is running out for the economy to improve before Election Day in November.
The sad and anemic 80,000 jobs in June are all about the election?
The RT Editors primary concern with 8.2% unemployment is Obama’s reelection?
It’s not about the 12 Million unemployed workers, some of whom have been unemployed for multiple years?
It’s not about their struggling families and the hardships they are enduring?
It’s not about the quality of life and standard of living of all Americans?
Heck No – It’s all about Obama’s Reelection – Stupid!
And back on Pg 6: Economists say job growth stalled by election uncertainty.
Obama and associates have been the most anti-business administration in US history!
What’s uncertain about that? Certainly not the increasing taxes and regulation and bureaucracy that stifles private-sector growth and development and therefore jobs!
Obama’s vision for America is the European socialist model and we can now all see the sour-fruit of those seeds spreading all across Europe. Instead of studying Marx, the Brit Obama should have studied is:
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
-- Winston Churchill
Obama: Wrapping The Race Card Around Class Warfare
This Obama video directly addressing Black Voters by race and class is most disturbing.
Just reflect on the Liberal and Democrat reactions if a Republican made such a direct racial video and included a Class Warfare message that included disparaging anti-minority and poor people biases.
This looks like a sequel to his 2010 Race and Class Warfare efforts -- they didn't work then and hopefully they will not work this year.
For a brief tutorial explaining Liberal Logic and why Progressives, Liberals and Democrats believe that Obama's actions and behaviors are OK: Click on the following link:
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
July 4th Independence Day
Roanoke Times, July 4th 2012, Editorial: 'The right of the people;
Thomas Jefferson's "Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America" was a radical document that changed the world.
July 4th
Salute to The Troops
National Anthem - all the Service Academy Choirs
Monday, July 02, 2012
Modern Living Without Electric Power
Roanoke Times, 7-2-12, Pg 1: An adventure in keeping food in the fridge from spoiling, trying to sleep, avoiding heat stroke, and wishing hard for the electricity to come back on.
Is this story: Short-term storm damage – or – long term Obama energy policy!
If this is a short-term storm damage story then not to worry, the Power Companies will get the service back very soon and most folks will be able to “tough it out”.
On the other hand if this is the result of Obama’s energy policy – you are in big dodo!
Obama’ shut-down of current utility power development and production before new sources of affordable and reliable energy systems are in place will result in the widespread and very harsh outcomes described in this article.
California may well be the first area to experience the adverse consequences of the Obama energy mismatch between supply and demand as described in the article: California Energy Crash Coming by by Katy Grimes in Cal Watchdog:
There is no indication anywhere that the Obama Energy Policy is planned to accommodate our current energy requirements no less our continued population growth of 2 million people per year (two cities the size of Boston every year!). Failure to do so will cripple our people, our industries and our government thereby making our current financial problems pale in comparison to the inability to support our growing population and energy requirements.
When will Obama and associates stop hyping wind and solar alternatives and show us the plan to support the real energy needs of this country and our people?
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Anemic 3% Increase In Virginia Tech Taxpayer Support
Roanoke Times, 7-1-12, Pg Horiz-1: State budget disappoints VT leaders.
“Tech will see an anemic 3% increase over last year in state support for its general education budget, which covers instructional expenses”.
13 Million People out of work, the economy growing at 1.7% (less than the increase in population growth), individuals, states and the US government are borrowing money in order to pay daily expenses; all this financial stress and in the view of the editors of the RT, giving VT an “anemic” 3% increase in taxpayer money over last year is a bad thing because its too little!
Not mentioned are the actual numbers involved. VTs new budget is $1.2 BILLION an increase of +3.9% over last year.
Apparently there are 28,650 enrolled students at VT.
The VT budget divided by number of students = $41,885 per student per year.
Why not one word about reducing costs and implementing sound financial management processes? Perhaps the Editors of the RT should share with VT how they have reduced costs, laid-off staff, and made difficult decisions in order to remain in business!
Oh right – VT is not a business – it’s a government-sponsored-monopoly that can simply increase tuition and get more tax money without making any visible significant cost reduction efforts.
The RT Bus. Pg-6 Color of Money: “Weigh options for saving for kids’ college education” contains some poignant thoughts as an adjunct to this sad and anemic VT story. “My thought is that any extra money will go to college savings for the children, but since I will be so close to retirement myself, I need to have that house paid off or I will have to go live with them in their dorms”.
Student loans are now a bigger national financial problem than home mortgages. The government (taxpayers) are massively “underwriting, subsidizing and forgiving” student loans and Congress just extended subsidizing low interest rates for students.
At what point are the taxpayers, politicians and the media going to start to demand that colleges get their financial houses in order so that they can reduce tuitions and tax subsidies and make college affordable and sustainable again?
Sustainability is now an environmental buzz-word. Let’s co-opt that term to help get a focus on the non-sustainable path of our institutions of higher education.
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