The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, May 31, 2013


Biased And Slanted Coverage Of Holder’s Meeting With Media

Roanoke Times,5-31-2013, Pg 4: News executives meet with attorney general.
This meeting was relative to the Obama-Holder Justice Dept. getting the personal communication records of AP and Fox reporters, their offices and a reporters’ parents.
This story never covered or alluded to the following real key news facts:
This was a secret closed-door off-the-record meeting with a few news executives who agreed to attend under these obnoxious conditions.
Pravda editors would certainly have agreed to attend also.
Those who refused to attend a sham secret meeting included:
NY Times
Huffington Post
CBS News
Why can’t the RT and their associates present a correct, fair and balanced story?
There’s a new owner and management team for the Roanoke Times today.
Debbie’s out and now there’s perhaps an opportunity for positive change and focus.
One has to assume that most of the RT staff really wishes to do a proper journalism job, if given the proper environment.  I certainly hope so!
 ABC News Reporter: White House Authorized IRS Abuses



Thursday, May 30, 2013


Roanoke Times In Terry McAuliffe’s AGW Pocket

The RT has greatly increased their tirades against Republican Governor Candidate Ken Cuccinelli over the past three months; however, Democrat Candidate Terry McAuliffe skates along unscathed.
Part of the RT’s electioneering on McAuliffe’s behalf has focused on a series of pro-AGW Global Warming Alarmists cartoons and articles and featured-LTE’s, totally in sync with McAuliffe’s campaign positions.
Roanoke Times, 5-26-2013, Pg 5: Can Tangier Island be saved?
Yet another projected disaster blamed on people burning fossil fuels.  The ocean is rising, the land is sinking and all is lost.  Buried in small print in the article “much of the island was abandoned in 1929 after a hurricane persuaded residents to move to the center of the island.’
Wow, big hurricane in 1929 – how much man-made CO2 was around back then?  Interesting: no significant CO2 !

Apparently mother-nature has provided lots of rough variable temperature and weather before man-made CO2!
And what about the oceans rising?  That’s also been going on for a very long time – in fact – 16,000 years ago the ocean was 400 feet below today and the Outer Banks was 50 miles East at the continential shelf.  Talk about rising water!

- Recent Sea Level Rise started well before man-made CO2


Isn’t it interesting that the Alarmists never present any historical data to put today’s incidents in perspective.  It’s as if there isn’t any history of storms, heat waves, tornados, hurricanes, or hot and cold weather variations.  Temperature records are interesting because thermometers were first used circa 1890, about the time my parents were born; hardly a significant sample of earth’s history and significant variability.
The editors of the Roanoke Times and many of their liberal associates have difficulty in distinguishing between balanced reporting of stories and being the advocate and media outlet for special liberal interests.  The following story, in addition to the other 2000 items in this blog, is yet another example.
Roanoke Times, 5-26-2013, Pg 1, 4: Crashing the tea party’s fences
The BIG cartoon in this article shows Alarmists scientists muzzled by special interests.  That’s very interesting given that the RT publishes a never-ending steady stream of pro-AGW articles and LTE’s while minimizing and marginalizing those who question and challenge that hypothesis and its draconian appendages.
Even a cursory following of this ongoing conflict between Alarmists and Skeptics clearly demonstrates that Alarmists have the total and complete coverage and support by the liberal media, the Obama Administration and thousands of persons receiving millions of tax dollars to “study” this subject from an Alarmists perspective.
Unfortunately the current editors of the RT are totally incompatible with the views and values of  Frank Batten Sr., the founder of the Roanoke Times, who believed and followed a policy of journalistic equity and fairness.

Frank, where are you now that the RT needs you?

The following blog items and references are a sample of data that clearly demonstrate that there are very valid reasons to question the AGW hypothesis and the Alarmist community who are continually being caught publishing wrong data and faulty conclusions and predictions and who hide their data from the public and substitute consensus for science.
The great tragedy of Science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. Thomas Huxley

Monday, May 27, 2013


Kudos To Roanoke Times For 2013 Memorial Day Coverage

 The Roanoke Times has published a series of very appropriate articles recognizing Memorial Day this year.
The coverage has been particularly notable for it’s coverage of individuals who served in harms way on our behalf thereby making the stories very personal.
Thank You!
Following are some appropriate references for this special day.
President Abraham Lincoln
Gettysburg Address
Audio -- Johnny Cash

Play button is very small with some delay
'Il Silencio' (The Silence)
The conductor of the orchestra is Andre Rieu from Holland.
Melissa Venema, age 13, is the trumpet soloist.
The Original version of Taps was called Last Post, and was written by Daniel Butterfield in 1801. It was rather lengthy and formal, as you will hear in this clip, so in 1862 it was shortened to 24 notes and re-named Taps. Melissa Venema is playing it on a trumpet whereby the original was played on a bugle.

Click Link For:   Some Gave All:

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Freedom DoubleSpeak Sequel to 1984

Roanoke Times, 5-26-2013, Pg 1, 4: Crashing the tea party’s fences
By Mike Ellerbrock, director of the Center for Economic Education at VT.
“Perhaps we need a deeper understanding of the precious notion of freedom as distinct from license.  When government uses its licensing power to regulate our behavior, that does not diminish one’s freedom – the capacity to be a virtuous person, which includes having friendly relations with others.  A prison inmate has lost his license, not his freedom.”
This description of “freedom” is so removed from reality as to be incomprehensible.  Apparently the author has not had access to a dictionary, world history, a thesaurus, nor has he ever read the preamble to the Declaration of Independence of the United States. 
Not since Orwell’s 1984 have I read such a line of DoubleSpeak!
How sad is that?  And he’s a director of Education at VT!
Click to View the 1984 Apple Ad Video (sound on):

In addition to the Tea Party bashing, and the Freedom-DoubleSpeak, the author maligns those who question the much discredited AGW hypothesis of massive global warming and climate change due to consumption of fossil fuels.   The RT Editors support this article by including a BIG cartoon of an AGW “scientist” being muzzled by “vested interests”.  That’s very interesting given that the RT publishes a never-ending steady stream of pro-AGW articles and LTE’s while minimizing and marginalizing those who question and challenge that hypothesis and its draconian appendages.


Obama: The War On Terror Is Over

Obama’s new word: “Self-radicalized” Terrorists.
Given the concept of human “free-will” it appears that every person who strikes out against others must fit that description, unless they are programmed robots.
Is this new category and terminology intended to somehow make us feel safer?
Apparently so since Obama has declared “The War On Terror Is Over”
Perhaps these examples of Radical Muslim Terrorism last week say otherwise:
British soldier murdered by Radical Muslim Terrorists
French soldier stabbed by Radical Muslim Terrorists
Radical Muslims Riot in Sweden
Here in America our Radical Muslim Terrorist perpetrator of “WorkPlace Violence at Fort Hood is doing well.
Fort Hood Radical Muslim Terrorist Gets $278,000 From Obama Administration
Our Boston Radical Muslim Terrorist is now being portrayed as an idyllic young boy:
On the other hand, given that the damage is done and those who were killed are dead:  And all this happened “a long time ago”
What difference does it make now?
Anyway, all these things are just bumps in Obama’s road to hope and change:
All this must be true – you couldn’t make this stuff up!
Given that the War on Terror is over; think of all the money we’re going to save by:
Laying off all the TSA (transportation safety administration) employees
Laying off all the DHS (Dept of HomeLand Security) employees
Goodbye to Janet Napolitano and John Pistole
Will help toward balancing the next budget.
Of course all this ignores the broader War On Terror:
The slaughter in Syria
The Muslim Brotherhood taking over the middle-east
Al Qaeda throughout northern Africa
Nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran and North Korea

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Sarah Ingram: From IRS-Scandal To Head IRS-ObamaCare

The woman who ran the Internal Revenue Service’s tax-exempt organizations division has been promoted, and now heads the agency’s health care office, ABC news reported.
Sarah Hall Ingram was commissioner of the embattled IRS office from 2009 to 2012, roughly the period that the agency is accused of singling out tea party and conservative groups for extra scrutiny, based on nothing but their political bent.

ObamaCare implementation is based on 16,000 new IRS agents who ostensibly are going to determine who is in compliance with the law and if not what penalties will be imposed on them.
The administration has already issued numerous waivers from the law’s requirements and have refused to publish the who and why.
Perhaps there’s a change blowing through the major liberal media.
It appears the major news organizations have started to cover and focus on the Obama Administration’s malfeasance starting with the “Justice Dept” criminally investigating AP reporters.  Something about biting the hand that feeds you.
This has resulted in two interesting changes.  The major media is now siding with FoxNews in condemning this unacceptable and perhaps illegal activity; and, they have now started to focus on the other major administration scandals, Benghazi and the IRS abusing Conservative groups.
It’s clear that the administrations news briefings to reporters have taken a significant change from cordial socializing to direct questioning and some spokespersons now have greatly diminished creditability.
All this will be done in careful moderation because the major media has an enormous stake in Obama’s success.  They made him what he is through careful and persistent accenting the positive, minimizing the negative and attacking those who try to foster an alternative view.  Even CNN’s Candy Crowley jumped into the Presidential debate to support “her guy” with statements that we now know are false.
Discrediting some of Obama’s appointees may be acceptable; however, the media and the administration have thrown a blanket of “Plausible Deniability” around Obama to ensure his future viability.

AG Holder, Our Chief Law Enforcement Officer, Lies Again To Congress

New News: 5-29-2013:
Letter from Chairman Goodlatte (Congressman VA-6) to Attorney General Holder on Fox News reporter
Not found in the Roanoke Times and Daily Movement
Our “In Contempt of Congress Attorney General” Eric Holder is once again lying to and obstructing a Congressional Investigation:
May 15th testimony to Congress “Under Oath” about the “Justice Dept” accusations of criminal conduct by members of the AP and FoxNews.
 “First of all you’ve got a long way to go to try to prosecute the press for publication of material. This has not fared well in American history… In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material.
This is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy.”
The Justice Department confirmed Friday the NBC report of the day before that Holder approved (signed) the Rosen search warrant application in 2009.
Given this, it’s apparent that Holder lied to Congress on the 15th. It may also be that he lied to the judge. The DOJ’s statement in its search warrant application accusing Rosen of being an “aider, abettor, and/or co-conspirator” may very well have been a sham to get a judge to sign the search warrant. If that was the case, he also lied to the judge.
Obama’s reaction to this major malfeasance of his team:
“I’ll have Holder look into it”!
Apparently Obama (Our Plausible Deniability President) and his team are continuing to insult the intelligence of the American People with the able assistance of the liberal Pravda major media.  How sad!
BenghaziGate: The Benghazi Malfeasance (before, during, after and ongoing)
IRSGate: The IRS abusing the power to harass Conservatives
APGate:  The so called “Justice Dept.” illegally phone-tapping AP and FOX Reporters


Friday, May 24, 2013


Obama’s Non-Answers To His Administrations Scandals

Roanoke Times, 5-24-2013, Pg 1, 14: Obama sees narrower terrorism threat

Highlights of Speech By Obama 5-23-2013:

I killed Osama Bin Laden
I also killed four Americans with Drones
Scrap the 9-11 War Powers Act because
The War on Terror is over and I won
I’m sending the GITMO detainees to Yemen and
I’m closing GITMO
Talk about changing the subject from the reality of massive Obama Administration malfeasance to a whole load of old heifer-dust!
What about Obama's TriFecta From Hell?
BenghaziGate: The Benghazi Malfeasance (before, during, after and ongoing)
IRSGate: The IRS abusing the power to harass Conservatives
APGate:  The so called “Justice Dept.” illegally phone-tapping AP and FOX Reporters
What about the slaughter in Syria?
What about the Muslim Brotherhood taking over the middle-east?
What about Al Qaeda throughout northern Africa?
What about the economy, unemployment and $16 TRILLION in debt?
What about nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran and North Korea?

This is the hope and change people voted for “twice”?

Thursday, May 23, 2013


The Faces Of Official Washington Arrogance


           Barak Obama                                 Lois Lerner
      "We are the Government and we
      don't have to answer to anyone"!
Obama's TriFecta From Hell 
BenghaziGate: The Benghazi Malfeasance (before, during, after and ongoing)
IRSGate:          The IRS abusing the power to harass Conservatives
APGate:           The so called “Justice Dept.” secretly phone-tapping AP and FOX Reporters

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Obama Administration Is Enemy Of The People Not The Republicans

In October 2010 Obama publicly declared that the Republicans were “Enemies”
In 2011 his IRS minions launched a war against Republicans and Conservatives.
Coincidence?  You would have to be a potted-plant not to be capable of “connecting the dots”.
USA Today: 5-15-2013, Pg 1: “IRS gave a pass to liberals while the Tea Party groups were mired in red tape”.
Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS division that singled out conservative groups, is expected to invoke the Fifth Amendment Wednesday when she appears before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee

And throughout this criminal activity promoted by the highest levels of the US Government, Obama (The Plausible Deniability President) says he only knows what he reads in the news papers.
And Obama’s AG, Holder, is too busy investigating reporters to be bothered with major malfeasance and crimes within the Obama Administration.
And through it all the Roanoke Times and their liberal media associates continue to marginalize and down-play the nature, extent and severity of the Obama team’s malfeasance and wrong-doings.
No big editorials expressing righteous indignation here!
Move along folks, nothing to see here!
Obama's TriFecta From Hell 
BenghaziGate: The Benghazi Malfeasance (before, during, after and ongoing)
IRSGate:          The IRS abusing the power to harass Conservatives
APGate:           The so called “Justice Dept.” secretly phone-tapping AP and FOX Reporters

Our Bankrupt Government Takes Retirement Funds

Roanoke Times, 5-21-2013, Pg 5: Treasury secretary to “tap” retirement funds to cover debt.
Treasury Sec. Lew: will begin “tapping” into two government employee retirement funds, the civil service retirement and disability fund and similar postal worker funds.
We put Corporate CEO’s in jail for doing this!
Our government has raided the Social Security “Trust” Funds by rolling that money into the general fund and then spending it while rolling up a $16 TRILLION debt, all the while Obama continues to say that we need to do more spending.


Obama Syrian Policy Schizophrenic

Roanoke Times, 5-18-2013, Pg 6:  Washington criticizes Russian weapons delivery to Assad in Syria.
5-20-2013, Pg 3: With Assad gaining on battlefield, US and Russia having harder time getting Assad to end the 26-month old conflict that has killed 70,000 Syrians.
The May 18th article states that Russia is building up its fleet at a Syrian port and is giving Assad anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles.
Obama’s response: “It’s ill-timed and very unfortunate”.
The May 20th article says the US and Russia are partners in stopping the Syrian bloodbath and getting Assad out of power.
Talk about a disconnect and a charade!  What’s wrong with our leaders and our media? 
There is no partnership with Russia!  They are backing “Assad and we are standing by and watching mass murder.
Yet another Obama Foreign Affairs major success as defined by the liberal media.

Obama's Buck Stops Where?


Obama’s TriFecta From Hell
BenghaziGate: The Benghazi Malfeasance (before, during, after and ongoing)
IRSGate:          The IRS abusing the power to harass Conservatives
APGate:           The so called “Justice Dept.” secretly phone-tapping AP

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Obama At Ohio State: “Trust And Don’t Question Your Wonderful Helpful Government”

May 5th Obama told the graduating students at Ohio State that their government was a wonderful force for good and that they should reject those who question and or criticize the government.
This in the face of:
Obama’s TriFecta From Hell
BenghaziGate: The Benghazi Malfeasance (before, during, after and ongoing)
IRSGate:          The IRS abusing the power to harass Conservatives
APGate:           The so called “Justice Dept.” secretly phone-tapping AP
How can college graduates ignore the malfeasance of their leaders and their government?
Perhaps the best message for the new graduates would be:
Critical Thinkers are by Definition: Skeptics


Thursday, May 16, 2013


Obama: It's All Just A Political Circus


Obama’s TriFecta From Hell: Benghazi, IRS and AP

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Hillary's Absolut Amnesia Excuse



Liberal Progressives Complicit In Abortion Doctor's Killings

Roanoke Times, 5-14-2013, Pg 1, 5: Abortion doctor guilty in 4 deaths; Dr. Gosnell could get the death penalty of killing 3 babies and a “mother”.
The major liberal media news coverage of this case has been almost nonexistent until the end.  Wouldn’t want to upset the pro-abortion folks by casting a very dark long shadow upon the abortion business, particularly the late-term abortion processes.
Although this horrible situation occurred in Pennsylvania, there is a major connect here in Virginia in which the legislature and AG and Governor implemented last year increased focus on abortion facilities specifications and inspections.
This was met with hostile furry and condemnation by the liberal-media, so-called “Planned” Parenthood, NOW and NARAL.
It’s now clear for all to see that major medical facilities including abortion facilities require oversight and inspections (much like our automobiles)!
Disgusting byproducts of this situation are the statements of several pro-abortion organizations lying about Dr. Gosnell’s facility; this was not as they claim a back-alley coat-hanger chop-shop; this was an authorized and licensed Abortion Clinic that operated for many years without any oversight!
Who is really waging a “War Against Women”?  Especially the most vulnerable!
Time for the Editors of The Roanoke Times and their pro-abortion friends to apologize to The Governor, The AG and to The Virginia Legislature!  We’re waiting!

Monday, May 13, 2013


Obama’s TriFecta From Hell: Benghazi, IRS and AP

Obama’s TriFecta From Hell
There’s only one wheel left on the wagon!  What’s next? --- January 1 -- ObamaCare Kicks-In!
Justice Dept. secretly phone-tapping the Associated Press (AP) is like the dog biting the hand that feeds it!  AP has been in Obama’s back-pocket for over 5 years; covering for and alibis every major malfeasance he and his cronies have conducted starting back in Chicago.  How’s Candy Crowley going to help-out this time?
Is Eric Holder really that stupid?  Apparently yes!  Another Electronic Fast-and-Furious!
How is the major-liberal-media going to handle this?  How are the Editors of the Roanoke Times going to explain away that this is really nothing to be concerned about?
How about the Obama quotes: "This is all a side show" and "there's no there there"!
At some point the American people and Obama’s Pravda Press are going to understand that you can take Obama out of Chicago, but you can’t take Chicago out of Obama!
This is the Hope and Change The American people voted for twice?

Sunday, May 12, 2013


The Presidential Phone Call

When a soldier is killed in the line of duty, his family eventually gets a flag and a note conveying sympathy and respect from the United States Government.
When a Pro basketball player announces he is a homosexual, he immediately gets a personal phone call from the President congratulating him for his courage.
It's all about values, principles and morals!  

Where’s The Purple Hearts For Fort Hood Hero’s?
Obama Team Labels Fort Hood Shooting as “Workplace Violence”
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t’ Flaunt

Obama Uses IRS To Harass Political Enemies

Roanoke Times, 5-11-2013, Pg 4: IRS admits it targeted conservative groups.
Lerner, the IRS mouthpiece said: it was incorrect and insensitive and inappropriate.
No!  That’s not it!  It was ILLEGAL! And it is a violation of US citizen’s protections from the government under the First Amendment of the US Constitution!
What incredible milk-toast coverage by AP and the RT!
Where is the righteous indignation over this blatant political abuse by Obama’s minions?
After two years of denying that they have targeted conservative political organizations for harassment, the IRS has now admitted they have targeted any organization that contains the words Patriot or Tea Party!
This Obama administration has run amok and the major media not only stand by their redeemer but covers-up for their misdeeds at every opportunity.
Can you media people say “PRAVDA”?
Do you not know what your basic civic responsibilities are?
Have you not claimed the title of “The 4th Estate”?

Pat Smith To Hillary: Happy Mother’s Day

Pat Smith, mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith, killed by Radical Muslim Terrorists on 9-11-2012 publicly wished Hillary Clinton “Happy Mother’s Day  you have your daughter today, I don’t have my son today, because of you.”
Isn’t it interesting that a few years ago another mother who lost a son, Cindy Sheehan, was viewed as The Mother of the Year by the major media.
But that was during George Bush’s term.
Move along folks, nothing to see here now!
Because it doesn't matter now!
May 10, 2013 – The Obama-Hillary Tipping Point For Benghazi Cover-up

Saturday, May 11, 2013


May 10, 2013 – The Obama-Hillary Tipping Point For Benghazi Cover-up

The 5-11-2013 pg. 3 article by the Roanoke Times via The AP is so pathetic that one cannot comment about it in a manner suitable for family viewing!
The Roanoke Times Editors should click-on and read:
May 10, 2013 was THE DAY the major media woke-up and smelled the Benghazi coffee after spending eight months at sleep with Rip Van Winkle trying hard to hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil and print no evil in spite of FoxNews’ daily drum beats of ever increasing facts and reality.
The Obama-Hillary Benghazi big-lie machine came apart at a special White House “off the record” séance that was orchestrated   by Pat Carney, Obama’s equivalent of Saddam’s 'Comical Ali'.
Jonathan Karl of ABC had administration Emails clearly showing twelve (12) iterations of “The Benghazi Talking Points” that were totally rewritten from the Intelligence Agency brief, that this was an Al Qaida led Radical Muslim Terrorist attack, morphing over 12 rewrites into the administration’s political position that it was all about a nasty video.  Clearly this was intended to protect Obama’s reelection less than 4 weeks away.
It was also nicely consistent with Obama’s past statements to the Muslims that America does bad things to them that result in bad outcomes (The Obama Apology Tour) and in spite of Candy Crawley, he didn't have to say Radical Muslim Terrorism.
Click for Details: "all references to al Qaeda and all references to CIA warnings before the attack about the terror threat in Benghazi" were removed.
The May 8th Congressional Testimony clearly established:
* The malfeasance in not providing prior adequate security as requested by Stevens.
* The malfeasance in not providing or attempting to provide any support or backup during the 7-hour attack.
* The malfeasance in concocting a cover-up story to hide the true nature of the attack from the public and voters.
* And the really bad new news:  The Obama “Get-The-Facts Commission” did not interview any of the Benghazi survivors nor did they interview Hillary Clinton, the person responsible for Embassy personnel and facilities.
Now even staunch Democrats are acknowledging that there is serious malfeasance involved and additional Congressional Hearings by Issa’s-R-Cal Committee is warranted; talk about a sea-change.
Undaunted by the truth and the facts was the nasty Colbert Report show.  The highlight was the burning vehicles and building of the Benghazi Attack with the punch-line: “how long has this car been burning”; hearty laughter from his audience.  Talk about Pathetic people!
This is the picture he should have had on his screen:
What kind of person, no less the President of The US, would call this
“A Bump In The Road”:
Current ongoing actions Obama’s Pravda media has undertaken to protect him and Hillary include:
DHS Whistleblower Censored From 60 Minutes
Operation Smear Benghazi Whistleblowers
What a sad state of our major media and their transformation into another Pravda that serves Obama and not “The Truth” nor “The People”.
Benghazi Happened A Long Time Ago (In A Galaxy Far Far Away)
Some Democrats have now become critical of the Obama-Clinton-Rice story:
ObamaNation: Smear the Whistleblowers
Hillary on Benghazi: What Difference Does It Make Now!
Hillary -- This Is Why It Makes A Difference
Roanoke Times Takes Libya-Benghazi Disaster From A Void To A Joke To A Farce


Thursday, May 09, 2013


Will Whistle Blowers Be Ritalin For Major Liberal Media’s Benghazi ADD?

Roanoke Times, 5-9-2013, Pg 1, 16: Ex-diplomat describes Libya Attack
Was second in command at Benghazi and became diplomat-in-charge upon Ambassador Stevens' murder by Radical Muslim Terrorists.  Apparently Hillary Clinton "demoted and sidelined" him as part of the cover-up.
The major liberal media have ignored, marginalized and discounted the Libya-Benghazi story of the Obama-Clinton malfeasance and cover-up manufactured to protect Obama’s Reelection.
That same major liberal media put thousands of hours into other stories that they deemed hostile to Bush’s term with examples like:
*  Sending over 100 reporters to Wasilla AK to discredit Sarah Palin
*  Discredit the rescue of Pvt. Jessica Lynch
*  Discredit the combat death of Army Ranger Pat Tillman
The major liberal media has an enormous stake in their Obama manufactured entity; if Obama looks bad, they look even worse for having established him as their “political rock star” who can do nothing wrong.
It would be a major problem for Obama’s Pravda-media to acknowledge that the Obama-Clinton team did the “you don’t know and you don’t want to know” ignorance-game in the middle of a Radical Muslim Terrorist attack upon our people in Benghazi in order to establish “plausible deniability”.
It would even be worse to acknowledge that the Obama-Clinton team then concocted a cover-up story “it was the video” to protect Obama’s Reelection theme that Al-Qaeda and company were vanquished and we’re all safe now.
Yesterday’s May 8th 2013 Congressional Benghazi hearing brought into the light the facts presented by three high-level persons personally involved, including the first-assistant to Ambassador Stevens who became his replacement that night.
The testimony clearly established:
* The malfeasance in not providing prior adequate security as requested by Stevens.
* The malfeasance in not providing or attempting to provide any support or backup during the 7-hour attack.
* The malfeasance in concocting a cover-up story to hide the true nature of the attack from the public and voters.
* And the really bad new news:  The Obama “Get-The-Facts Commission” did not interview any of the Benghazi survivors nor did they interview Hillary Clinton, the person responsible for Embassy personnel and facilities.
Current ongoing actions Obama’s Pravda media has undertaken to protect him and Hillary include:
DHS Whistleblower Censored From 60 Minutes
Operation Smear Benghazi Whistleblowers
What a sad state of our major media and their transformation into another Pravda that serves Obama and not “The Truth” nor “The People”.
Benghazi Happened A Long Time Ago (In A Galaxy Far Far Away)
Some Democrats have now become critical of the Obama-Clinton-Rice story:
ObamaNation: Smear the Whistleblowers
Hillary on Benghazi: What Difference Does It Make Now!
Hillary -- This Is Why It Makes A Difference
Roanoke Times Takes Libya-Benghazi Disaster From A Void To A Joke To A Farce

Wednesday, May 08, 2013


More Guns Yield Less Gun Homicides

Roanoke Times, 5-8-2013, Pg 5: Gun homicides have dropped steeply in the US according to two studies.
Gun related homicides dropped 39% from 1993 to 2011
Rate of gun homicides  fell 49% from 1993 to 2010
Hard to believe the RT actually published this data.
This news in the face of major increases in private gun ownership and many states passing laws allowing more concealed carry permits and courts forcing cities like DC to recognize the 2nd Amendment rights of good citizens.
The data would look substantially better if we enforced the laws we have and if Obama and his side-kick  Rahm Emanuel, mayor of Chicago, would stop the drug and gang wars that are destroying the city and it’s people.
Perhaps they could get the Giuliani and Kerik team to come out of retirement; they certainly turned NYC into a much safer place for everyone.



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