The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Monday, October 31, 2016


Lou Dobbs: Support Trump For A Better Tomorrow!

Lou Dobbs: The Clinton cartel emits the foulest stench of all
Click for His Video – Sound ON:
(if link broken (it's a Pravda Media thing) – copy and paste into browser)
The FBI Agent UpRising
Just Exactly How Corrupt Is Our Government?
Hillary (The Presumptive POTUS) A $100 Million Crook?
Isn’t It Illegal To Bribe The FBI? Not For Hillary’s Team!
You Know Your Country Is In BIG Trouble When
(The FBI Director says “we’re not Weasel’s)



Highlighting Ten Years Of AGW UnFounded FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) On Halloween (How Appropriate)

Roanoke Times, 10-31-2016 (Halloween), Pg 5: The planet at stake
Dansby: The planet is at stake, but so is our culture
It's been ten years since Gore's Inconvenient UnTruth that has been clearly discredited by none other than Mother Nature's Facts and Data.
This article is a continuation of the FUD and Massive Distortions by the Man-made AGW Global Warming Alarmists with a Major Dose of Anti-Republican Bashing (just in time for next week’s elections). 
All this FUD must be true, after all, it’s by a guy named “Bishop” and it’s published in the Pravda Media outlet Roanoke Times on Halloween!
To really scare the hell out of people on this Halloween day, the 5x8 graphic of the earth’s Apocalyptical end is really over the top!
With a name like “Bishop” one might think that his Apocalyptical end of the world scenario would be based on Revelation 20:7-10 and the Liberal-Progressive-led moral decline of the US and not CO2.
It’s interesting that “Bishop” got through this major extended commentary article without one reference to one piece of scientific data or documented fact.  His premises and that of the graphic is NOT even supported by Gore’s UN IPCC.
"Bishop" also fails to point out that all this Apocalyptical FUD is based NOT on the “scientific method” or on real data but instead on totally discredited models that personify “garbage-in garbage-out”.
Pathetic Weather And Climate Modeling And Outlandish Predictions
The Climate is Changing – The Climate Has Always Been Changing!
Click back through the following links and then join the majority of Americans and become:
A Responsible Skeptic
Setting The Climate Record Straight – Theory vs. Reality
The Maud, Gore, Arctic Ice And Global Warming
Pew: Most Americans Don’t Believe in ‘Scientific Consensus’ on Climate Change
Hillary And Gore Falsely Politicize Deadly Hurricane  -- How Sad Is That!


Sunday, October 30, 2016


Vote YES On Va. “Right-To-Work” R2W Ballot Amendment

Roanoke Times, 10-11-2016, Pg Va 1, 6: Unions oppose right-to-work measure
Of course Unions want to kill the Right-To-Work (R2W) Amendment!
Virginia has become a Democrat dominated state and the unions are counting on the Democrats to kill the current R2W laws ASAP.
An Amendment makes it much harder to do that!
Virginia has been a R2W State for a long time and has reaped many rewards for its workers, businesses and government.
Under Va. R2W, workers can choose to join a union or not.
Under Va. R2W, If working in a union-shop, workers can choose to financially support the union (pay dues and other fees) or not.
If working in a Union-Shop In a Union-State all union dues and fees are automatically “deducted” from workers pay-checks, just like taxes, whether the worker wants to belong or not!
Businesses can do business in Virginia with assurances that they can hire, fire and negotiate with workers for pay and working-conditions and workers still have the option for a third-party union organization to represent them.
Hopefully workers recognize that union-leaders often have agendas and objectives of their own choosing and selection of union leadership may not be a democratic process.
(Voting against Jimmy Hoffa’s reelections was not a good option)
Businesses have massive state and national laws, rules and regulations to comply with and adding unions onto those burdens is counter-productive for both existing and potentially new businesses.
The state and taxpayers benefit from R2W by avoiding the burdens of “prevailing wage” union demands being placed on all state and local contracts.  These burdens wipe-out the concept of competitive bidding and massively run-up the cost of all government contracts.
Also, there is less probability of strikes and work-stoppages being called by over-aggressive union leaders trying to justify their existence and pay.
Unions do not create jobs.
Unions do not save jobs (only successful businesses save jobs).
On the contrary:
Unions can and do drive businesses and jobs out of communities and states.
New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut are prime examples of Union Run States.
The Mercatus Center at George Mason University ranked all the states for economic health
NY 42
NJ 48
Mass 49
Conn 50  -- worst in the US – what an accomplishment!
A Clear track-record of Democrat and Labor Union Successes!
Vote YES on Amendment 1

Dear Friend,

   When voters head to the polls on November 8, 2016, they will vote on two proposed constitutional amendments. One of these proposed constitutional amendments is the "Right to Work" amendment, or Amendment 1.
   The Right to Work amendment establishes constitutional protection for workers who do not want to be forced to join a union. This amendment would make it unconstitutional to force any employee to join a union or pay union dues in order to get a job or keep the one they currently have. This amendment protects the rights of workers and protects workplace freedom. Joining a union should be a choice, not a mandate from union bosses or special interests.
   Right to Work helps our economy. Businesses, especially large manufacturing businesses, prefer right to work states. Almost 40% of manufacturers insist on operating in Right to Work states.
   Income growth is also higher in Right to Work states. Over the last decade, income growth has been higher in right to work states than forced-unionization states. Income in Right to Work states grew by 15.5% compared to 9.6% in forced-unionization states.
   Right to Work states consistently have lower unemployment rates than forced-unionization states. The median unemployment rate in right to work states is 4.6% compared to 5% in forced-unionization states.
   Right to Work states are creating more jobs than forced-unionization states. Over the last decade, private sector employment in right to work states grew by 15.9% compared to 9.6% in forced-unionization states.
   In the past decade, two states that were force-unionized states are now Right to Work states, Wisconsin and Michigan. Since Wisconsin adopted its Right to Work law in 2015, unemployment has dropped by nearly one percent. Since Michigan adopted its Right to Work law in 2012, unemployment has dropped from 9 percent to just over 5 percent.
   Passing Amendment 1 in the Constitution of Virginia is important. Even though Right to Work is already the law, Constitutional protections are stronger and harder to overturn. The right to work and work without fear of coercion should be permanently enshrined in our state bill of rights. I encourage you to vote YES on Amendment 1, "Right to Work."
CHARLIE Signature  
Delegate Charles Poindexter
9th District, Virginia House of Delegates
Sugar-Coating Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That”



Russia Patrolling Their Syrian “No-Fly Zone”

Russian, US jets had near miss over Syria:
“The "near miss" occurred late on October 17, when a Russian jet that was escorting a larger spy plane maneuvered near an American warplane, Air Force Lieutenant General Jeff Harrigian said.”
Obama’s “Red-Line”, Assad, Putin, Aleppo and the Syrian military and humanitarian mess continues unabated.
Like a cancer left too long that has metastasized into a terminal state.
At this point one can’t distinguish between the good and the bad.
Hillary, our no accomplishment Sec. of State who was part of this mess, is now espousing the need for a “No-Fly Zone”.
There is a “No-Fly Zone" in effect – it is Putin’s and it’s clear that Obama is not going to challenge Putin in Syria just as he didn’t challenge Putin in his Ukraine invasion.
So much for leading from his behind!
Obama always can reflect on his “well deserved” Nobel Peace Prize!
Has there even been such a disappointment in US Presidential History?
Putin: You Want A No-Fly Zone? I’ll Give You A No-Fly Zone!
Putin’s Syria No-Fly Zone Working: Obama Pulls F-15s Out Of Turkey


Friday, October 28, 2016


The FBI Agent UpRising

FBI reopens Clinton email investigation
“The FBI has renewed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, Director James Comey told Congressin a new letter Friday, heightening the stakes for the Democratic presidential nominee with less than two weeks before Election Day.
Mr. Comey said his agents learned of new emails “pertinent” to their probe while working on an unrelated (Weiner) case. He said his agents need to review those messages to see whether they contain classified information and whether they affect his previous decision.”
“His Agents” demanded reopening the investigation – yes – those agents who are furious that AG Lynch met with Bill Clinton and torpedoed the Hillary National Security Documents FBI Investigation by granting immunity to all the key Hillary persons involved in the case!
Talk about a lawless AG and Administration!
That malfeasance was then escalated by Hillary’s  Bud (Va Gov McAuliffe) who "directed" over one-half million dollars into the election of the wife of one of the major FBI leaders handling the Hillary Investigation.
Just Exactly How Corrupt Is Our Government?
Hillary is now disturbed at late breaking news about the extended FBI investigation.
The news is late breaking because she has lied and stone-walled every effort to determine the facts in this case for well over two years.  In addition, she destroyed multiple “private” Email devices, wiped her computer server and destroyed 30,000 Emails thereby scuttling full disclosure of her State Dept. communications required by law and by Congressional Subpoena.  Copies of Emails from others she and her top staff communicated with are now being discovered as part of other investigations.    Whose fault is that?

Has there ever been such a level of corruption at such a high-level of government as Hillary and her Gang?
I Think Not!
All this with the able and compelling support of her mentor – Obama!
And with the massive power and support of The Pravda Media!
Just More Hope And Trust We Can Depend On!
Gee Toto -- I Don't Think We're In America Anymore!
Hillary (The Presumptive POTUS) A $100 Million Crook?
Isn’t It Illegal To Bribe The FBI? Not For Hillary’s Team!
You Know Your Country Is In BIG Trouble When
(The FBI Director says “we’re not Weasel’s)



Pumpkin Pickin' In The AGW Snow

I grew up in the foot-hills of the Catskill Mountains in Ulster County NY.
We often had frost before Halloween -- however -- we seldom had snow;
even during the mini-cold-period between 1940 and 1975 during which time the “scientific consensus” was that we were entering another “Little Ice Age”.
In defiance of Al Gore and his AGW-Minions, not only is there lots of snow and ice in the arctic this year;
There's pumpkin-pickin' in the snow on the family farm in Ulster County, NY
The Maud, Gore, Arctic Ice And Global Warming
Why isn’t everyone a Responsible AGW Skeptic?



Voting In Roanoke – What A Joy!

As the Democrats harp about Republicans trying to keep folks from voting, the Roanoke Democrats have done a masterful job of managing "the vote” and voting in Roanoke.
Blog item:  February 19, 2016:  The UnDemocratic Democrat Party
Roanoke Times: 2-17-2016, Pg 8: Editorial:  How Lea Won (Roanoke Democrat nomination for Mayor)
In Roanoke where there are 40,000 total voters (well over half are Democrats), the Democrat Party "Insiders" choose a “Fire House Primary” with only one voting location for the entire City.
Only 3,027 voters voted and Lea won by 134 votes.
Talk about voter suppression and denial of voting rights!
Now the Roanoke Times headline is:
“Voting on Nov. 8 may be confusing
Casey: Voting in Roanoke? Double-check your precinct and polling place
Roanoke's precinct voting map has changed substantially since the 2012 presidential election — for example, there are 11 fewer precincts/polling places compared to four years ago. Voting procedures have also changed.”
One can be sure that somehow the Republicans will be blamed for the:
upcoming polling location confusion, long lines, voters shuffling from one polling place to another, voter registration errors, photo-ID, long lines and waiting times.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Government Stream “Renovation” And The Gas Pipeline

Sculpting a creek: Roanoke County project aims to “restore” stretch of Glade Creek
This entire flowery article tries to explain major stream “restoration” as government working diligently to get the stream back to nature.
Hello!  The stream’s condition is the result of nature!
Government is Not doing “restoration”, they are doing “renovation” to achieve their own goals, not nature’s goals.
But, because “Government” is doing it – it must be OK!
Contrast this “positive story” of government action in a major stream to the massive media coverage of the anti-pipeline dialogue and the associated descriptions of feared stream damage.
One year after this government “renovation” action, this stream will reflect the major changes being made; be that good or bad.
One year after a gas pipeline crosses a stream; it will be difficult to ascertain exactly where it’s buried.
Fracking-Gas To New York – Yet More New York Hypocrisy
Students Study Fracked-Gas Pipeline


Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Just Exactly How Corrupt Is Our Government?

Clinton Ally (Va Gov McAuliffe) Aided Campaign of FBI Official’s Wife
Group linked to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe donated nearly half a million dollars to 2015 state Senate candidate
But That’s NOT the REALLY BAD News!
The REALLY BAD News is that the FBI “Official” is a major player in the FBI investigation of Hillary’s server and secret document malfeasance!
“Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s political action committee donated nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe--the wife of an FBI official who helped oversee the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, the Wall Street Journal first reported.
And the Virginia Democratic Party, a group over which the governor has considerable influence, contributed an additional $207,778 in the form of mailers, the campaign finance records indicate. The WSJ noted that this put donations from entities directly under McAuliffe or influenced by him at nearly $700,000, which was about a third of McCabe’s total campaign fundraising efforts. McAuliffe also reportedly recruited McCabe for the race.”
Let’s all watch the Pravda Media marginalize and discount this story as they escort Hillary and Bill back into the White House.
For example: today's Roanoke Times highlights the story as McAuliffe blowing off the issues as "political silly season"!  Really!
What a gross contrast to how the Pravda Media and Obama’s DOJ handled Bob McDonnell’s association with the Vitamin Boy!

Hillary (The Presumptive POTUS) A $100 Million Crook?
Isn’t It Illegal To Bribe The FBI? Not For Hillary’s Team!
You Know Your Country Is In BIG Trouble When
(The FBI Director says “we’re not Weasel’s)
Gov. McAuliffe Caught-up In The Malfeasance Backwash


God Bless America

The preamble has been lost to history, but it is a reflection back to another foreboding time for America.
It was a time when we put “In God We Trust” on the face of our money, not on the edge.
It was a time when we "took a knee" in acts of respect and reverence.
It was the time of "The Greatest Generation".
Sung publicly for the first time 1938 by Kate Smith


Monday, October 24, 2016


Wreck Of Old 97: Rough Road From Lynchburg To Danville

A local history lesson for those “not from around here”
A refresher for those who “are from around here”
The Old 97, a Southern Railway mail train enroute to Spencer, N.C., derailed at Stillhouse Trestle near Danville, Virginia, on September 27, 1903, killing 11 and injuring 7.
The ballad that followed was ostensibly a poem written by the Danville telegraph operator who arrived at the scene soon after the crash.
The Wreck Of The Old 97 
Music Videos: The Wreck Of The Old 97
Click on link for a very interesting reflection on a major event of that time publicized throughout the US:
Railroad engineers were viewed like the Nascar Drivers of Today.
Song was published by RCA, sung by light-opera  singer
Song was the first music copyright lawsuit in the US
Almost every bluegrass set includes this melody, however, it’s surprising how few know the lyrics and even more surprising how this event has disappeared into history.


A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street  not just a 1984 Horror Movie
It has been a Roanoke Road Reality for many years and now a major construction project designed to fix “the problem” is not yet living up to expectations.
The primary objective: don’t let traffic back-up onto I581.
Objective achieved: just block the Elm Street traffic and give the traffic exiting off I581 priority!
But that creates major traffic problems on Elm Street backing-up into other major down-town arteries. Yes it does!

Roanoke Times: “WOYM: Elm Avenue interchange overhaul fixed some, but not all problems"
"Q: What is going on with the traffic lights at the new Elm Avenue Intersection at Interstate 581? We endured all of the construction on the new bridges and thought the project would eliminate or help traffic congestion. Yet the situation is about the same as before.”
But that’s NOT the BAD News!  The Bad News is that I73 is coming to Elm Street!
Roanoke Times, 1-29-2013, Pg 1, 6: Major Roanoke leaders want I-73 to come to Elm Avenue as soon as possible.
Prior Blog Item Jan 2013:  I-581 (Rt 220) through Roanoke is a mess with just today’s local traffic. How can any serious person want a major interstate to come through down-town Roanoke?
I73 at Elm Street – what a Joy!  Major increased interstate traffic (that wants to get through Roanoke, not into it) added to the existing local traffic that has been and is a major problem both from a traffic view as well as a major smog-pollution problem!
Just how dull are the people who are and have been demanding that I73 come to Elm Street?
Shades of the Roanoke River Bank Beautification boondoggle.
Roanoke Orders More Pollution, Smog And Congestion
Refueling Interstate I-73 At Elm Street
Apparently, the political and economic leaders of Roanoke are not too worried about Roanoke’s air quality since they all are clamoring to get I-73 routed right through downtown Roanoke!  What a gas!
Roanoke Looking More Like The Lost Colony


Friday, October 21, 2016


Hillary (The Presumptive POTUS) A $100 Million Crook?

Based on Hillary’s financial level of corruption, would you accept “In Advance” the results of the coming election?
Or as JFK’s Dad Joe Kennedy said the day after Jack’s election when asked about the close outcome and the obvious ballot-box stuffing in Chicago and Texas (home of the VP candidate LBJ):
“I paid for a Win, I didn’t pay for a LandSlide”
And -- Al Gore didn’t accept the outcome of his run until a ruling by the SCOTUS Dec 12th ended the election process and then he whined to this day about the “corrupt election that was stolen from him”!
Al Gore Still Whining About Losing 2000 Election at a stop at Miami Dade College in Florida

Hillary's Latest Scandal: She And Bill Siphoned $100 Mil From Mideast Leaders
“Scandal: A new investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton took in at least $100 million from Middle East leaders. Can such a financially and ethically compromised candidate truly function as our nation's leader?”
How corporate America bought Hillary Clinton for $21M
“So what would Washington and Jefferson make of Hillary Rodham Clinton? Mandatory financial disclosures released this month show that, in just the two years from April 2013 to March 2015, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state collected $21,667,000 in “speaking fees,” not to mention the cool $5 mil she corralled as an advance for her 2014 flop book, “Hard Choices.”
“Throw in the additional $26,630,000 her ex-president husband hoovered up in personal-appearance “honoraria,” and the nation can breathe a collective sigh of relief that the former first couple — who, according to Hillary, were “dead broke” when they left the White House in 2001 with some of the furniture in tow — can finally make ends meet.”
Abedin implicated Clinton in foundation trade-off with Morocco amid $12 million commitment
“Just hours after Hillary Clinton dodged a question at the final presidential debate about charges of "pay to play" at the Clinton Foundation, a new batch of WikiLeaks emails surfaced with stunning charges that the candidate herself was at the center of negotiating a $12 million commitment from King Mohammed VI of Morocco.
One of the more remarkable parts of the charge is that the allegation came from Clinton's loyal aide, Huma Abedin, who described the connection in a January 2015 email exchange with two top advisers to the candidate, John Podesta and Robby Mook.
Abedin wrote that "this was HRC's idea" for her to speak at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in Morocco in May 2015 as an explicit condition for the $12 million commitment from the king.
"She created this mess and she knows it," Abedin wrote to Podesta and Mook.”
(if link broke – copy and paste into browser)
Isn’t It Illegal To Bribe The FBI? Not For Hillary’s Team!
Getting Out The “Legal” Vote?
Hillary The Grandmother
“Pravda” Media To Voters: Drop Dead, We're Getting Hillary Elected



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