The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, September 30, 2017


Killer Hurricanes Hit US: Déjà vu Again

Obama, Gore their AGW-Alarmist minions and their PravdaMedia are trying desperately to convince people that hurricanes hitting Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico are the worst in 'history' and are caused by nasty fuel-burning-Americans and Donald Trump.
And relative to 'earths climate' timeline -- what 'history' might that be?
The Climate Is Changing – The Climate has Always Been Changing and mankind’s influence is and has been immeasurable; even the IPCC does Not make weather related claims.
'The Nation' Compares Climate Change Deniers to Murderers
Talk about despicable nasty people – Obama, Gore friends All!
The real records clearly show these apocalyptic statements to be unfounded and loaded with misinformation.
It has been 12-years since a major hurricane hit the US mainland in spite of increased atmospheric CO2.
The Biggest Factor in today’s storm damage is the massive increase in population and infrastructure in harm’s way, not yet another hurricane.
We have become a Target Rich Environment for all storms and hostile weather events.
Why do we continue to rebuild, with massive amounts of tax-money, in areas known to be Extremely High Risk?
US Severe Hurricane History (clearly not related to man-made CO2):
The data on the 93 Major Cat. 3,4,5 Hurricanes since 1850 (that made US land-fall) clearly show NO correlation to the significantly increased CO2 that started in 1975.
Texas Severe Hurricanes (clearly not related to man-made CO2):
The Galveston Hurricane of September 1900, the most devastating storm to ever hit Texas – 8,000-KILLED.

Four Florida Severe Damage Hurricanes (clearly not related to man-made CO2):
1. Key West – Key West was hit on September 10, 1919 with a storm that left more than 800 dead.
2. Miami – In 1926, one of the most destructive hurricanes in history struck Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Hallandale, and Dania. It left between 325 and 800 dead and caused more property damage than any previous hurricane.
3. Okeechobee – The 125 mph winds did not cause quite so much damage to the residents of Palm Beach when it struck on September 16, 1928. However, 40 miles away, Lake Okeechobee flooded and the dikes broke, causing a major flood that killed at least 2,000 people.
4. The Florida Keys Labor Day – In 1935, a Category 5 storm stuck on Labor Day, killing 408 people. Witnesses reported that the wind was so strong that blowing sand literally shredded the clothes from their bodies.
Nine Florida Severe Intensity Hurricanes ( 6 of 9 occurred before significant CO2 build-up starting in 1975)

Caribbean Severe Hurricanes (clearly not related to man-made CO2):
Great Atlantic Hurricane of 1780 --
(one hundred years before any significant  man-made CO2):
A massive hurricane tears through the Lesser Antilles, creating a swath of destruction from the Grenadines to Bermuda that leaves 23,200 souls dead and no fewer than 65 naval vessels from France, the Netherlands and Great Britain lost at sea or smashed to splinters on a lee shore, to say nothing of the devastation ashore, where thousands of homes and business were swept away by the storm's surge. The Great Hurricane of 1780 remains the single most destructive weather event in the history of the Atlantic Ocean.
(100 years before any significant man-made CO2)
Puerto Rico Severe Hurricanes (clearly not related to man-made CO2):
Category 5 hurricane made landfall in Puerto Rico since 1851 — the San Felipe Segundo hurricane in 1928.
More than 300 people died during the San Felipe hurricane, a significantly lower toll than after a weaker 1899 hurricane, which killed about 3,000 people.
Hillary And Gore Politicize Deadly Hurricane
The False Prophets Of AGW Climate Change Exposed Again



The ‘Scientific’ American - Not Very Scientific

The ‘Scientific’ American media entity presents a distorted and dishonest view of a very sad situation for those Virginian’s living on Tangier Island.
What causes an entity that incorporates into its name both America and Scientific to be so deceitful?
The S.A. proclaims to the public that it is man-made global warming AGW that is The Cause of rising water threatening Virginia’s Tangier Island in the Chesapeake Bay.
The Reality is that it is Land Subsidence (sinking) that is The MAJOR contributor to all the land associated with the Chesapeake Bay to be excessively exposed to rising water.
Even if on-going thousands of years of increasing ocean levels were to stop rising, Tangier Island will eventually sink and become submerged.
That is Reality!
16,000 years ago the Atlantic was 400-feet lower than today and the Outer Banks was 50-miles out at the Continental Shelf.
Talk about sea-level rise – what were those Cherokee’s doing?
The ‘Scientific’ American: Virginia Islanders Could Be U.S. First Climate Change Refugees
“For Tangier Island, Va., lifelong resident Claudia Parks, climate change is a direct threat to her golf cart.
As flooding and erosion have worsened on the Chesapeake Bay island in recent decades, the tour director with a broad smile avoids certain saturated roads at least 15 times in the spring and fall during tidal events on her regular work route.”
“Now, a new study from the Army Corps of Engineers projects that the broader Tangier Islands in the bay—which include adjacent Goose, Uppards and Port Isobel islands along with Tangier Island itself—may be lost entirely within 100 years if sea levels continue to rise at their current rate.”
End of ‘Scientific’ American propaganda.
Tucked away in a USGS document is the Reality of “Land Subsidence and Relative Sea-Level Rise in the Southern Chesapeake Bay Region”
Table 3,  Pg 23:
Ave global sea level rise =  +1.8 mm/yr = 180 mm / 100 years = 7.2-inch
Ave land subsidence (sinking) = -3.1 mm/yr = -310 mm / 100 years = -12.4-inch
Net ‘apparent’ rise = 4.9 mm/yr  of which land sinking-subsidence = 63%
Fig 14, Pg 24: Graph: Sea Level Rise vs Land Subsidence
“Land subsidence contributes to the (apparent) high rate of sea-level rise at Sewells Point relative to the average global sea-level rise”
Why do the Obama-Gore-AGW Alarmists have to lie and be so nasty?  Why indeed?
RoanokeSlant: Reality:  Recent sea level rise
20 cm / 100-years = 8-inches /100-years

Following are samples of the ongoing sea-level AGW-propaganda and this blogs ongoing response with Real data.
Venice And Hampton Roads Sinking Faster Than Oceans Rising?
Anxieties, water tables rise along Va. coast.  Low-lying Hampton Roads is approaching saturation point from steadily rising sea-levels --- Really?
Natural Global Temperature And Climate Changes – The Only Kind So Far
Alexandria Va. 1700s Ship And Sea Level Rise
In Virginia, rising tides turn yards to wetlands
Jamestown Doomed – Goodbye To Virginia Dare Again
There’s Money In Rising Tides


Virginia’s ObamaCare Imploding And Exploding

Roanoke Times, 9-26-2017, Pg 1, 8:  Virginia’s individual ObamaCare plans will increase 58% for next year.
The Devastating Obama Lies with Malice Aforethought:
You can keep your insurance plan.
You can keep your doctor.
You will have more choices through competition.
Your premiums will go Down.
The Obama-ACA Affordable Care Act – Talk About Hypocrisy!
In-spite-of ObamaCare’s Imploding coverage and options and availability
It’s Exploding premiums and deductibles and copays
The Virginia and National Democrats ignore the plight of those they lied to with a massive ‘bait and switch’ ponzi scheme.
Time Kaine is happy as a pig in poop with ObamaCare – he’s not on it!
In 47 of 50 cities, ObamaCare coverage will be 'unaffordable' in 2018 by law's definition
Med Beat: Virginia, like half the nation, will lack insurance choices
ObamaCare Sign-Up Nov Under Penalty Of Law
ObamaCare Dead Line Today: Tax-Fine-Penalty, Job Killer And Massive Debt!
The New ObamaCare: BernieCare From The Vermont Socialist


The Non-Student Obama-AntiFa Anarchists At Berkeley

Antifa leader, teacher Yvonne Felarca arrested at 'empathy tent' Berkeley brawl
(may need to copy-past link into browser)
“Yvonne Felarca, a 47-year-old teacher at Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School, was charged with battery and resisting arrest”
“Three men were also arrested on charges including possession of body armor, carrying a banned weapon and participating in a riot.”
None of these anarchists were students at Berkeley!
Who is paying and organizing and directing these hoodlums and why are they not being held responsible?
The Obama Red Guards AntiFa Creed
What Happened To Liberal-Progressive ‘Free Speech’ On Campus?
Obama’s “Red Guards” (AntiFa) Guarding Berkeley From Free Speech


Processing Serious Sex-assault Accusations At Colleges

Roanoke Times, 9-28-2017, Pg 1, 4:  US DOEd Sec. DeVos rescinded key parts of Obama’s policy regarding on-campus investigations of sexual misconduct.
The changes allow colleges additional options in determining the investigative process and the criteria for determining guilt.
Sec. DeVos has been attacked for daring to touch Obama’s faulty directives.
In her defense she pointed out the serious injustices that have been done and that she has two daughters and two sons and therefore is very sensitive to both sides of the issue.
If there ever was an example of the flawed and broken college processing of sex-assault cases, the UVa Gang Rape case and UVa’s disfunctional processing is The Example!
Not only those men in the named fraternity but all the men at UVa were branded as bad and sinister people and were impugned by “The University President”.
The “story” of fraternity gang rape at UVa was a fabricated hoax.
We don’t have a clue what if anything really happened.
Apparently, the victim, if there ever was a victim, never filed a formal complaint.
Rape allegations can be an equal-gender devastating crime.
Rape is a devastating crime against women.
A false accusation of Rape is a devastating crime against men.
In each case, someone’s life has been seriously and permanently damaged.
In each case the judicial system should do its proper duty not some hodge-podge committee of ‘scarlet letter’ academics and NOW-girls.
Twana At UVa – PravdaMedia Searching For A Crusade
Rolling Stones, UVa, Fabricated Gang Rape, $7.5 Million, The Real Victims

Friday, September 29, 2017


Mass. Teacher: Dr. Seuss Books ‘racist mockery’

Librarian, who rejected Melania Trump's 'Dr. Seuss' donated books, dressed as 'Cat in the Hat'  --- talk about hypocrisy!
(may have to copy-past link into browser)
“The Massachusetts elementary school librarian who rejected Dr. Seuss books donated by First Lady Melania Trump because the publication’s artwork contained “racist mockery,” was previously photographed dressed as the 'Cat in the Hat' and holding a “Green Eggs and Ham” themed breakfast.”
These are the ‘teachers’ who are teaching and guiding our children and grandchildren!

How sad and pathetic!
Obama’s Race-Baiting Legacy Lives On


Hiding THE Trump Administration Good Economic GDP News +3.1%

Roanoke Times, 9-29-2017, Back on Pg 8 in little-headline and two paragraph little-print:
US economy grew at fast clip in spring.
3.1% in the spring

A Trump Target denigrated by left-wing pundits including the devalued-Klugman of the WaPo.
Why isn’t this Great News for the American People and the American Economy that deserves Front Page News?
Oh Right  --- Trump’s The President!
Obama: It’s Still The Economy Stupid!
Obama’s Economic News: Hiding The Bad News
Obama’s Dismal Economy Living Up To It’s Low Expectations

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


NFL-Kneeling-players Mimicking Obama And NYS Senators


9-29-2017:  NBA Commissioner Adam Silver said Thursday he expected players in the league to stand during the national anthem.

“We have a rule that requires our players to stand for the anthem,” Silver said. “It’s been our rule for as long as I’ve been involved with the league, and my expectation is that our players will continue to stand for the anthem.”

The Disrespectful Filthy-rich Kneeling NFL players are continuing Obama’s 8-years of disrespect to our country including his refusal to wear a flag-pin because “he didn’t want to take sides”!  How pathetic is that!
Senator Obama on campaign trail -- SAD!
Obama chose a meeting in CHINA (of all places) to praise Kaepernick’s disrespect for America!  How disgusting is that!
Every American, not just the military, but all 330 million, should be disgusted with this display of disrespect by a multi-millionaire black activist who gives the finger to the country that has provided “his people” more opportunity and more prosperity and more freedom than any other place on earth.
These American-DisRespectors are also in-sync with many NY State Senators who refuse to stand for and participate in the Pledge To Our Nation. What do these jerks stand for?  Who do they represent?  How sad is that!
Perhaps they all should reflect on The Father of Our Country who was known to kneel often – but in prayer -- for the success of a new Nation that would offer the best opportunity for hope and quality of life of any country in the world.
Only Three American Servicemen In Entire NFL LineUp --- What A Pitiful Record!
All this an ongoing orchestrated extension of Obama’s 8-years of race-baiting and divisiveness:
Obama’s Racist Legacy Lives On
You’re An American – Behave Like One!
Real Americans Stand In Respect While The Privileged Quarterback Sits In Disrespect

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


The Obama Red Guards AntiFa Creed

Author Unknown – but Very Insightful

Kick in that marble headstone, for he wore a coat of grey.
He has no right to rest in peace upon our bright new day.
Dismantle that old statue; for he battled for the south.
And don't you stand against us, either join or shut your mouth.
Knock down that bloody obelisk; you know he owned a slave;
and dump his wretched remnants deep inside an unmarked grave.
The bearded top hat fellow, blow him up and knock him down.
The Navajo will tell you that he scorched their sacred ground.
The one that wore a wheelchair, let us purge him from the earth,
His new deal was internment for the sin of Asian birth.
And every war memorial is next upon our list.
for the innocent collateral demands they not exist.
Blow up that Black Hills Mountain, as we feel the rush no more;
for a roughish riding monger killing Spaniards by the score.
The other peddled genocide against the native Sioux,
and bondage is the stain upon the loathsome other two.
Rip up the iron railway from our sea to shining sea.
The Chinaman was chattel, as he toiled slavishly.
Incinerate the White House, and then bury its remains;
for some of its construction was completed wearing chains.
There is no rest until our noble cause is finally through.
And that is when we burn the flag adorned with red and blue.
And now that we are at it, let us cross the briny sea,
and topple every monument where righteous disagree.
The Roman Colosseum, for the Christians that would bleed.
The Arc de Triomphe glorifies a tyrant's bloody greed.
The Taj Mahal for celebrating executed kin
The tower up in London for the torture held within.
We shall tear down Chichen Itza for its human sacrifice.
The Vatican for patriarchal view of paradise..
And all the German building that were built before the war
And every Ancient fortress that still stands upon a shore.
The Pyramids an edifice to power over serf
The China Wall a racist, xenophobic love of turf.
The world is full of evil, we shall right it with our force.
And everyone is guilty..... Well except for us of course.
Obama’s Red Guards (AntiFa) Tear Down Columbus Statue
What Happened To Liberal-Progressive ‘Free Speech’ On Campus?


Roanoke Times Editor Right-On With College Management Editorial

Roanoke Times editorial page editor Dwayne Yancey won an honorable mention this month for a national journalism award recognizing strong editorial page leadership.
As a novice-critic of the usual left-wing-slant of the RT, I would like to believe this award was focused on Mr. Yancey’s article on Sweet Briar’s new management approach to introducing business processes into the schools management systems and psyche.
The following extract should be extended into all our educational institutions from K >>> PhD.
Our educational costs are wildly out of control and our students and their families are being financially devastated with massive debt far beyond the returns on that investment.
Editorial: Sweet Briar's next chapter
“Tellingly, Sweet Briar says that “Woo does not believe there is a magic number we need to reach to be sustainable. As long as we manage our budget to support current enrollment — as we are doing now —
we can provide an excellent education at an affordable price.”
Here’s the big story: Sweet Briar is doing what many critics think lots of colleges should be doing — cutting administrative costs, cutting tuition and refocusing curriculum to match the modern marketplace.”
College Costs Up Enrollment Down

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Only Three American Servicemen In Entire NFL LineUp --- What A Pitiful Record!

9-26-2017 UpDate To The NFL-Kneelers: 
It seems Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was unable to stay silent about his team's move any longer. The NFL superstar released a statement on Monday revealing he was “unable to sleep” on Sunday night after the display:

“I appreciate the unique diversity in my team and throughout the league and completely support the call for social change and the pursuit of true equality. Moving forward, I hope standing for the Anthem shows solidarity as a nation, that we stand united in respect for the people on the front lines protecting our freedom and keeping us safe. God bless those men and women.”

Little wonder the shameful disrespectful treatment of our Flag and National Anthem by the filthy-rich low-life’s of the NFL!
No service to country, no service to community, no respect for those who have served and sacrificed!
Steelers don't participate sit in locker room (where they deserve to stay) during national anthem, with exception of ex-Ranger Alejandro Villanueva
As his teammates stayed in locker room, former Army Ranger Alejandro Villanueva stood outside for anthem
One bright star shone today above the pile of NFL horse apples:
Latest Disgusting and Pathetic Knee-News: 
Ex-Army Ranger takes heat from coach after standing solo for anthem
For the Pittsburgh head coach, being “respectful of our football team” trumped the right of Steelers offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva to show respect for the national anthem.
Let us also Reflect on another Real NFL American Hero and Patriot:
Pat Tillman
In 2002, Pat Tillman left a successful football career with the Arizona Cardinals to join the U.S. Army. He was killed in Afghanistan in 2004.
Unfortunately the PravaMedia, as part of their anti-Bush Jihad, injected a cloud of conversely over the friendly-fire vs enemy-fire cause of his death.
He was a hero and patriot and national treasure!
Yet another despicable act by our PravdaMedia.
All this an ongoing orchestrated extension of Obama’s 8-years of race-baiting and divisiveness:
Obama’s Racist Legacy Lives On 
You’re An American – Behave Like One! 
Real Americans Stand In Respect While The Privileged Quarterback Sits In Disrespect 


What Happened To Liberal-Progressive ‘Free Speech’ On Campus?

For years the Liberal-Progressives on college campuses have been suppressing free speech on behalf of the Palestinian-Movement against Israel.
This was clearly visible in Obama’s negative and hostile actions toward Israel and its leaders whose elections he tried to hijack ---
‘talk about election collusion’!
This college issue has been a major sea-change given that 20-years ago Jews formed a significant component of the College Liberal-Progressives and therefore ensured that Israeli and Jewish interests were reasonably represented.
Today the anti-free-speech movement has metastasized into a vicious and violent movement reminiscent of the Black-shirts, the Brown-shirts and Moa’s Red Guard.
Unfortunately Obama's PravdaMedia gives these animals support by limiting the coverage (in text, photos and video) of their crimes and damage and chaos.  Just students exercising their right to protest.


WSJ:  Want millennials to learn? Let them speak
“These young people have the potential to think, lead and, one day, govern well. We do them – and our country – no favors by shielding them from uncomfortable ideas.”
Its interesting that the STEM-professors from the schools of science, technology, math and engineering are Not supporting this suppression of ideas and speech!
What a contrast to the labeling of ‘nerds’ by the liberals who advertise themselves as ‘super thinkers’.
Now these liberals are afraid to think and debate and confront ideas; instead they strike-out with violence.  How sad!
WSJ: Non-STEM professors reportedly push for boycott of UC Berkeley 'Free Speech Week'
“Citing the threat to the student body’s “physical and mental safety,” 177 professors at the University of California, Berkeley, have signed an open letter calling for a boycott of the campus’ so-called “Free Speech Week.”
STEM professors – Not so much!
Obama’s “Red Guards” (AntiFa) Guarding Berkeley From Free Speech


The Dishonesty Of Roanoke School Management And Virginia DofEd

Roanoke Times, 9-24-2017, Pg 1, 7: Roanoke scores rise after SOL retesting.  The district’s accreditation rate rose after students at certain city schools were encouraged to retake the tests.
Retesting turned the tide for Roanoke schools on accreditation bubble
‘Turning the Tide’ --- Really?
In desperation, the Roanoke City Schools in ‘Collaboration’ with the Virginia DofEd denigrated and demeaned all those students and teachers and school districts that complied with the rules of the SOLs and totally debased the meaning of ‘accreditation’.
And to add insult to injury – they’re bragging about it!  How sad is that?
Talk about ‘teaching to the tests’!  Johnny didn’t do well on the test; so, let’s just keep taking the test until he does better.
And let’s not worry about our standing and accomplishments relative to all the other students in Virginia.
Let’s just declare our academic “Mission Accomplished”!
Apparently Virginia educators no longer have to worry about their students achieving mastery of the SOL contents and requirements; content that was developed by Virginia teachers.
Let’s just give them the test and keep retesting until they pass.
Who says McAuliffe isn’t a great ‘education governor’?
McAuliffe Pandering To The Juvenile Delinquents
Progressives Continue To Undermine Public School Education
Dismal School Results – Societies Failures
Yet More Roanoke Times Bias Against School Alternatives



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