The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, March 31, 2018


The Real Russian Collusion – The Obama Minions

Documents suggest possible coordination between CIA, FBI, Obama WH and Dem officials early in Trump-Russia probe: investigators
(may have to copy-paste link into browser)
“Newly uncovered text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page suggest a possible coordination between high-ranking officials at the Obama White House, CIA, FBI, Justice Department and former Senate Democratic leadership in the early stages of the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, according to GOP congressional investigators on Wednesday.”
“The investigators say the information provided to Fox News “strongly” suggests coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan — which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process.”
The FBI-McCabe Caper
FBI-#2-McCabe Out At Last! – What Took So Long?
Obama’s Contamination of FBI and DOJ and Mueller Team


Putin’s-Missiles; Obama’s-Follies; America’s Doomsday Cloud

'Satan 2' nuclear missile again test-launched by Russia, as Putin brags of 'invulnerable' arsenal
“A new intercontinental ballistic missile hailed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as being able to fly over the North or South Poles and strike any target in the world reportedly was test-launched for the second time Friday.”
For the entire 8-years of Obama’s reign, Putin was developing the next generation of intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles while Obama was busy killing Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (Star-Wars anti-missile systems).
Obama then capped off his malignant-neglect of protecting the American people by glibly mocking Romney with his “the Cold War is history” in the presidential debates – much to the joy and glee of his US-PravdaMedia cronies and clowns.
The Reality of Survival:
Those who pound their swords into plows will plow for those who didn’t!
How can an entire administration spend 8-years focusing on global warming, men in the ladies room, denigrating American enterprise, demonizing police officers and downgrading our military while not only ignoring the surging Putin ‘red tide’ but playing childish ‘reset button’ games with these adversaries?
And to think that now the Democrats are now claiming that Trump is ‘soft’ on Putin – Really?
To add insult to injury Obama did the same malignant-neglect with the North Korean nuclear missile threat and gave Iran a path to a nuclear missile threat too.
The Russian Interactions: Trump vs. Obama
Obama’s Cold War Legacy And Putin’s Nuclear Weapons Threat
Trump And Obama And The Russians
The Audacity of Appeasement


US-PravdaMedia Get An ‘F’ For Journalism – Colbert Jabs CNN

Respected professor blasts 'once-proud' CNN in scathing op-ed: 'CNN lost its way'
“McCall penned an op-ed for The Hill Friday headlined, “CNN lost its way in struggle to find an audience,” and blasted the increasingly liberal network for its recent programming decisions, such as promoting the anti-Trump Chris Cuomo.”
“With a primetime lineup of Cuomo and Cooper, “CNN will have back-to-back evening anchors representing elite, east coast, powerful families,” McCall said.”
Stephen Colbert 'apologizes' to Trump, (with tongue-in-cheek) calls out CNN for 'lies'
“Therefore, Colbert said he "sincerely" apologizes to Trump, admitting that there is something the pair can agree on: "CNN lies." The comedian was referring to Trump's repeated accusation that the cable TV network disseminates “fake news.”
US-PravdaMedia ‘news’:  All the ‘news’ that Obama Approves.

Friday, March 30, 2018


The HIV+AIDs Pandemic Continues

Why America's South Still Has Such High HIV Rates
“In 2015, African-Americans accounted for 45 percent of HIV diagnoses in the United States overall, though they comprise 13 percent of the total population. But in the South, this percentage is much higher, with African-Americans accounting for 54 percent of new HIV diagnoses in 2014.”
“Black men who have sex with men have a disproportionate burden of disease, accounting for 59 percent of all HIV diagnoses among African-Americans in the South. Black women also face an unequal burden, comprising 69 percent of all HIV diagnoses among women in the South. Black transgender communities in the South are also heavily impacted. Half of all transgender persons who are diagnosed with HIV are black. Around half of transgender people who received an HIV diagnosis between 2009-2014 lived in the South.”
The consequences of Not Safe Sex can be devastating.
The very sad side of the gay transgender lifestyle that is kept hidden in the closet.
California DeCriminalizes Most Dangerous Concealed Weapon HIV+AIDS
2010: Black Unwed Moms & HIV+AIDS
2008: AIDS+HIV Pandemic Much Worse Than Reported


Mad Dog Shot: Is Carry-Permit Shooter Now A Double Felon?

Dog shot after downtown Roanoke attack
A dog loose on a downtown Roanoke street attacked two people Thursday morning before a bystander shot it with a handgun.
The Good News:
A carry-permit person took the initiative, with his concealed pistol, to put-down a mad dog that was attacking people in downtown Roanoke
The Potential Bad News:
PETA wants to know why he didn’t make friends with the dog and capture it peacefully.
In Virginia it’s a felony to kill a dog, even your own (so much for euthanizing Old Yeller).
It’s a felony to fire a gun in Roanoke unless you are one of the multiple shooters that are committing major crimes every day in one of the most crime-prone cities in Virginia.
Not clear what will happen to the carry-permit person.
One thing for sure, in this anti-NRA climate, the city council and the Roanoke Times are Not going to heap any praise on this ‘vigilante gun totter’.
Lesson for mad dogs: only attack in "Gun-Free Zones" like school yards.


380 Sheriffs: Build The Trump, Obama, Hillary, Schumer Wall - Now

The “build the fence-wall” law was passed in 2006
Secure Fence Act of 2006
Obama, Hillary and Schumer all VOTED FOR THE FENCE-WALL LAW!
Trump's Border Wall Must Be Built, 380 Sheriffs Tell Congress
“Hundreds of sheriffs from 40 states have called on Congress to fund President Donald Trump's initiative to build a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.
“Without border security and immigration reform, more Americans will continue to be victims of crime. Now is the time to act,” a letter signed by 380 sheriffs said. 
"Further delay and inaction on immigration reform will cost more innocent lives, more financial hardships, and an even greater decline in the public trust that is essential to the preservation of our Republic," the letter added.”
Trump signs Wall Executive Order

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Charging-up The Old And New Teslas



Hammered For Peaceful Dissent

Roanoke Times, 3-27-2018, Pg Va 3:  Men get jail time for removal of tarps in Charlottesville
Riot for a Liberal-Progressive cause and ‘Lady Justice’ looks the other way.
In fact, in Baltimore, the mayor encourages riot and mayhem.
The dissenting-rioters go home with the loot from the burning stores with no penalty.  Another good BLM day.
Remove a tarp from the statute of  R.E. Lee in Charlottesville and get 8-Months in jail for your dastardly crime against the people!
What a contrast to Obama’s Red-Guards, AltLeft and BLM thugs.
Apparently Lady Justice is selective when and where to wear her blindfold!
Obama’s “Red Guards” Guarding Berkeley From Free Speech
Obama’s “Red Guard’s” Attack Female Professor At Middlebury College VT
Baltimore Abuse Of Prosecutorial Power In Freddie Gray Case
Obama’s Legacy: Playing The Race-Card And Racial Division

Monday, March 26, 2018


Obama’s Congressional ‘Resisters’ Placing Obama Above Their Oaths

Republicans push to end Dems' stranglehold on key ambassadorial nominee

“Senate Republicans fed up with the Democrats' refusal to allow confirmation votes on a slew of critical appointments - including the high-profile case of the Trump administration's first openly gay ambassadorial nominee – may move more aggressively to finally break the logjam.
"It's time to end this partisan spectacle. We have 78 more nominees for various jobs who’ve made it through their committee hearings and are waiting for a vote on this floor," Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said on the floor of the Senate last week. "Most of these people have bipartisan support, they can be confirmed easily."
Barrasso wants to limit the number of hours of discussion (from 30-hours per nominee) down to eight - a standard Democrats themselves supported under the Obama administration.”
The Obama ‘Resist’ Movement reinforced by the ‘Deep State’ have chosen to place their politics and loyalty to Obama over and above their oaths and responsibility to our government.  How sad is that!
The Obama-Resist Movement Has Crossed Into Sedition
ABC-News: From Fake News To Sedition
Schumer: ‘Shut Down’ These Major Improvements In America Now


Trade Wars: The Latest anti-Trump Boogeyman

3-24:  Roanoke Times, 3-24-2018, Bus. Pg 8:  Tariffs undermine rules of world trade WTO; undermines system overseen by the World Trade Organization.  Trump claims national security as reason to bypass the WTO.
3-25:  Roanoke Times, 3-25-2018, Pg W&N 1, 8:  Why Trump’s latest steps heighten risk of a global trade war
Next to last paragraph pg 8: “last year China exported $375 BILLION more in goods to the US than it bought – a record trade gap.”
Did you know that The World Trade Organization WTO determines our import-export trade rules and management?  Me neither.
They, the WTO, have clearly aided and abetted the destruction of much of our manufacturing companies, capabilities and jobs.
Clearly the WTO “Globalists”, whoever they are, have no concerns for the wellbeing of our country or our people and unfortunately our leaders have not stood up for us either.
Once the destruction of our tool & die, manufacturing equipment and manufacturing skill base are gone we will be ‘slaves’ to those who make and market ‘tangible and necessary things’ all resulting in a major degrading of our quality of life.
Somewhat like:
‘Those who beat their swords into plows – will plow for those who didn’t.
Trump ran on a platform of confronting the critical issues of trade treaties and the shackling of our businesses at home and abroad.
Finally a fighter for us --- and he’s winning in spite of the Obama Resist Movement, US-PravdaMedia, Democrats and the Globalists.
The required outcomes: FAIR TRADE and America First!
Trump No On Obama’s TPP
Trump to Impose Steep Aluminum and Steel Tariffs
President plans next week to approve 25% duties on steel imports and 10% on aluminum over the objection of allies and some advisers


The Vanishing Obama Presidency

The vanishing Obama presidency
By Jeff Bergner     Guest columnist Virginia Pilot   Jan 14, 2018
“ONE YEAR AGO, Barack Obama’s presidency came to an end. His election as the nation’s first black president was a major accomplishment for him and for the nation. Time will never erase that achievement.
But as time passes, this may be just about his only lasting political accomplishment; his legislative, regulatory and policy initiatives are disappearing rapidly.”
A very good summary of the good news that the Obama Legacy will soon be reduced to:
First black person to be POTUS
Namesake of the flawed and failed ObamaCare
Failure of almost all his foreign affairs activities
Leader of the anti-police jihad
Steward of the ObamaNomics failed economic policy
Spearheading putting men in the women’s bathrooms and lockers
Most anti-Israel president in history
Most Socialist president since LBJ
Incapable of saying “Radical Muslim Terrorists”
Politicized the CIA, FBI, DOJ, EPA, IRS
The Only President To Formally Establish A Jihad Against His Successor
The Obama ‘Dark Government’ Campaign
Accomplishments Of Our Community Organizer
Obama: Nasty Vindictive Anti-American To The Last Day

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Roanoke Times Continues Jihad On Goodlatte

Roanoke Times, 3-25-2018, Pg 1, 4: WaPo: Goodlatte goes from lawyer for immigrants to hard-liner
RTs Mar. 23rd rant on Goodlatte
Roanoke Times Moves Opinion To ‘News’ – Business As Usual
Republican Congressman Goodlatte was and still is a strong supporter of “LEGAL Productive Immigration”.
He is Not a supporter of 12-Million ILLEGAL Immigrants.
He prefers proper vetting of ‘productive-immigrants’, not government-dependent immigrants.
Goodlatte is reasonable and prudent given that the current 12-millon Illegals have embedded within them violent criminals, those from Radical Muslim Terrorist countries and those who are a major burden on our schools, healthcare and taxpayer funded social welfare programs.
Strange timing for the Roanoke Times to attack Goodlatte who is retiring.  Perhaps they think that diminishing and denigrating Goodlatte will help their Democrat candidate in November.  Worked for them in falsely destroying McDonnell on behalf of McAuliffe.
A unanimous 8-member Supreme Court overturned the corruption convictions of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell
The US-PravdaMedia ‘news’:  All the ‘news’ that Obama Approves.
Trump’s Ideological Test For Immigrants Absurd? - No - Same As Teddy Roosevelt:


Gun Control – An Oxymoron

Roanoke Times, 3-25-2018, Pg 1, 7:  Student-led protesters demand gun control
One of multiple RT articles highlighting ‘gun control’
The US-PravdaMedia did an outstanding job of orchestrating and covering the children’s anti-gun demonstrations Sat. 3-24-2018.
At no time did anyone point out that for 250-years the 2nd Amendment has been the primary supporter of the 1st Amendment as so well demonstrated in countless other countries without a 2nd Amendment.

Nor was it pointed out that we have a plethora of Gun Control in-place, at the Federal, State, and Local levels, and that the overwhelming amount of gun violence is perpetrated by illegal guns in the hands of felons who totally ignore ‘gun control’.
Chicago would be a real-life real-time example.
While watching these very well meaning youngsters demonstrate, for diminishing their own 2nd Amendment rights, one might wonder about doing a follow-up review of their situation 10-years from now when they are 25.
Some key statistics to gather, ponder and place in perspective:
How many died from:
  • ‘legal’ guns?
  • illegal guns?
  • muggings and physical attacks?
  • suicide?
  • abuse of drugs and alcohol?
  • auto accidents?
  • texting while driving?
  • And how many girls terminated their babies with abortions?

    There’s emotional group-psychology and then there’s reality and perspective on those rights designated in our Constitution with wisdom and determination.
Clearly this is NOT a study the US-PravdaMedia would ever do!


The Russian Interactions: Trump vs. Obama

There's more than we know --- Peter Hain is a retired CIA officer. He lives at Smith Mountain Lake
This op-ed responds in part to Gerry Scardo’s letter to the editor, March 8 (“GOP weak against Russian threat”).
This op-ed is a very insightful view, by a retired CIA person, of the current US-Russia interactions and Democrat politicalization of that interaction.
What the US-PravdaMedia and the Democrats don’t want to talk about is:
How did Obama handle Russia  for 8-years that brought us to this point?
Who did the Putin “Reset?”
Who stood by while Putin took Crimea by Force?
Who stood by while Putin took major portion of Ukraine?
Who stood by while Putin built major military facilities in Syria?
Who stood by while Putin’s puppet gassed his own people in Syria?
Who stood by while Putin attacked our US surrogates in Syria?
Who knowingly stood by while Putin intruded into the 2016 election?
Who gave 20% of our Uranium ore to Putin?
Answer:  Obama and his political minions!
Talk about Not Engaging Putin!
Hillary’s Russian Uranium Quid Pro Quo Is Radioactive
Obamas-DNI Clapper (The Perjurer) A Hit Again In Roanoke
Who’s Afraid Of The Russians?
The Ultimate OxyMorons: Obama’s Intelligence Minions
Clapper, Brennan, Johnson and Comey
Boston Democrats Collusion With Putin On LNG From Russia

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Obamas-DNI Clapper (The Perjurer) A Hit Again In Roanoke

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper speaks at Roanoke College
“Clapper spent half of his appearance before more than 600 people talking about his time as director of national intelligence and the other half fielding questions, with the audience mostly focused on Russia and current events.”
Who invited Perjurer Clapper to a nice place like Roanoke College?
Clapper at Roanoke College mostly focused on Russia.  Really?
How did Clapper and Obama handle Russia  for 8-years?
Who did the Putin “Reset?”
Who stood by while Putin took Crimea by Force?
Who stood by while Putin took major portion of Ukraine?
Who stood by while Putin built major military facilities in Syria?
Who stood by while Putin’s puppet gassed his own people in Syria?
Who stood by while Putin attacked the US surrogates in Syria?
Who knowingly stood by while Putin intruded into the 2016 election?
Answer:  Obama and James Clapper!
Probably didn’t focus on any of this – wouldn’t want to expose the real Obama Legacy to our college students.
Roanoke Celebrates Obama’s Pinocchio James Clapper
Congressional Lawmakers Renewed Calls for James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence)  Perjury Charges
Obama Spying On Trump’s Team: "Inadvertently" On-Purpose and then lying about it under oath.
Lawmakers Renewed Calls for James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence)  Perjury Charges
“Clapper faced potential charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question (by a Democrat Senator) about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans.”
Obama Used The US Secret Services Against Political Enemies
The Ultimate OxyMorons: Obama’s Intelligence Minions
Clapper, Brennan, Johnson and Comey


AGW Induced Blizzards? Nope It’s Just Winter

3-22-2018: Roanoke Times, Pg 7: Northeast clobbered by snowstorm
3-24-2018 Roanoke Times: Winter storm warning expands; heavy snow expected by evening
The AGW-Alarmist-Gorites blame man-made CO2 for both hot and cold weather.  They’re very pliable!  Wherever the weather conditions are non-normal “whatever they think that is” it’s caused by you burning fossil fuels.  Somehow they have an aversion to acknowledging the reality of the major long-term variability of nature’s outcomes.
However, that’s less onerous than:
DC Council Member Blames AGW Snowfall On Jewish Bankers
Another Blizzard – Dang That Al Gore Man-made AGW Global Warming
Eight Historic New England March Snowstors
6 of the 8 occurred before significant CO2 increases
Alice looks behind the Consensus Curtain
Heartland Institute Policy Advisors Join Amici Curiae Brief in California 'Climate Trial'

"The amici curiae will demonstrate that there is no 'consensus' among scientists that recent global warming was chiefly anthropogenic, still less that unmitigated anthropogenic warming has been or will be dangerous or catastrophic."


Alexandria Virginia Old Ships Found: Sea-Level Rise Not Withstanding

Two more centuries-old ships discovered at Virginia Alexandria's waterfront
“The discovery of three historic ships in a two-block area is absolutely incredible,” said Eleanor Breen, acting city archaeologist. “There have been very few ships from this era excavated in Virginia or nationwide.”
Blog item from Jan 2016 outlines the interesting intersection between the location of these ships and the AGW proclamations of catastrophic sea-level rise.
Alexandria Va. 1700s Ship And Sea Level Rise
Blog items from Feb and Sept 2017 outlines the reality of the Virginia coast line sinking “Land Subsidence” faster than the oceans are rising:
The ‘Scientific’ American - Not Very Scientific
Venice And Hampton Roads Sinking Faster Than Oceans Rising!
The reality is that sea-level rise has been consistent at approximately 8-10 inches per century for hundreds of years in contrast to the current fear-mongering of ocean Armageddon.
If you’re lying on the beach and the ocean rolls over you – it’s just the tide coming in – sit-up and you’ll be OK.

Friday, March 23, 2018


Roanoke Times Moves Opinion To ‘News’ – Business As Usual

The RT moved an editorial commentary of 1,028 words from the opinion page to Va ‘News’ page 1 and 4 and no one noticed.
Of course no one noticed – its business as usual at the RT.
This commentary in support of Crooked-Hillary and Obama is wrapped in an anti-Trump banner with Republican Congressman Goodlatte as the boogeyman ribbon.
A thousand words about Goodlatte?   Really?  All Goodlatte has done lately was:
“If the FBI does not turn over more than one million missing documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, House Judiciary Committee chair Bob Goodlatte plans to subpoena the federal spy agency.”
The RTs view: What difference does it matter now?
All involved have been given immunity and key evidence destroyed.
Something about Obamas-AG Lynch with Bill in his plane.
Perhaps the commentary is a carry-over from Goodlatte’s participation in the ‘contempt of congress’ designation of Obama’s AG Eric Holder’s lies in Congressional testimony.
AG Holder, Our Chief Law Enforcement Officer, Lies Again To Congres
Or perhaps its Goodlatte’s participation in holding Obama’s DNI James Clapper to account for his multiple lies to Congress
The commentary ‘news’:   Pg 1 & 4 of the Virginia ‘News’:
“Is Goodlatte providing cover for President Donald Trump?
Rep. Bob Goodlatte is threatening to subpoena the Trump Justice Department if it fails to turn over 1.2 million documents regarding the FBI's closed investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server. But there's too little time left in the retiring lawmaker's term for the House Judiciary Committee to do a complete investigation. What's Goodlatte up to?”
Today Goodlatte went and did it – he subpoenaed Obamas-FBI for the over one-million missing Crooked-Hillary Emails.
The Hillary Investigation Shut-Down by Attorney General Lynch
Who’s Afraid Of The Russians?
The FBI-McCabe Caper
Obama’s Contamination of FBI and DOJ and Mueller Team

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Happy Birthday: Grand Coulee Dam: March 22, 1941

Today In History, March 22: Grand Coulee Dam
History and purpose
 “Grand Coulee (map) is the largest dam in the Columbia River Basin and one of the largest in the world.”
“The total generating capacity is 6,809 megawatts and its average annual energy output is about 2,300 megawatts, or enough power to continuously supply the needs of two cities the size of Seattle.”
“Hydropower accounts for 79.7 percent of Grand Coulee’s authorized purposes, the others being irrigation and flood control. While hydropower is the primary purpose of the dam today, the public desire for irrigation was the driving force behind its construction.”
“The federal project not only conformed with New Deal principles, it also conformed with Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes’s intentions that public relief projects should help the national recovery and create a valuable product able to pay for itself. Grand Coulee met all of the tests.”
“In 1948, for example, Vice Presidential candidate Earl Warren remarked: “Probably Hitler would have beaten us in atom bomb development if it had not been for the hydroelectric development of the Columbia, making possible the big Hanford project which brought forth the bomb.” Pitzer comments in his book, Grand Coulee: Harnessing a Dream:”
Not everyone is celebrating The Grand Coulee’s birthday.
In today’s negative environment the focus is to disparage the dam and its positive effects of renewable power, irrigation, flood control, recreation and jobs.
Let’s focus on the negative least anyone even think about building another renewable and sustainable power dam in the US:
The dam flooded major Native American lands
The dam inhibits the upstream migration of fish and ells
The lack of down-stream flooding is not natural
The irrigation of the ‘Cascade desert’ has modified its natural state
One of the last significant US dams to be built was almost abandoned based on the home of the Snail Darter fish in Little Tennessee River.
Environmentalists Warn Carter Of Backlash Over Tellico Dam in Tennessee
This is the same Snail Darter and its cousin the Log Perch that were used as the excuse to use $65-Million intended for the Roanoke River flood control to be used instead for River Bank Beautification.
Roanoke Flooded By 3-Inches Of Rain Yet Again
Endangered Species Acts: The Personification Of Obstructionism


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