The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Sunday, June 30, 2019


Joe Biden – Obama’s Racist VP

I knew Joe Biden to be a very nasty political operative
but, until the debate Thursday night, I had no idea that Obama had a White Racist VP for his 8-years in office!
Who knew?  How did they keep that a secret?
Joe Biden served as Obama’s 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017.
Harris attacks Biden's record on civil rights in debate
“Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) went directly after Joe Biden's record on civil rights Thursday night in one of the most dramatic moments of the presidential debate
Harris also accused Biden of working with the lawmakers on opposing busing black students to predominantly white schools.”
The Race-Baiter got Baited – Kamala put him in chains!
Talk about playing the Race Card -- And it sure paid off’!
Kamala Harris Won the Debate With Prosecutorial Zeal
The best part was when she said “I know you’re not racist BUT”!
Obama was the best Race-Baiter in history and clearly Kamala was a good student!
Where Have All The ‘Real Democrats’ Gone -- Long Time No See


Out-of-state Billionaire Democrats Buying Virginia 2019 Elections

Roanoke Times, 6-25-2019, Pg 1, 5: Big donors targeting Nov. state races
Tom Steyer says he'll use $1M to engage Virginia Millennials
“The billionaire founder of a liberal advocacy group is putting $1-million toward registering at least 12,000 millennial voters in Virginia in hopes of flipping the Republican-led General Assembly to the Democrats.”
Tom Steyer is a major Gorite AGW-Alarmist with enormous wealth that he gives to AGW-Alarmist activists, politicians and political groups.
His best know anti-AGW-Skeptic quote is:
“The goal here is not to win. The goal here is to destroy these people”.
Billionaire Tom Steyer The Inquisitor And Destroyer
This is the type of person that is paying $1,000,000 to buy the Virginia 2019 election for the Democrats and the three top Virginia Democrat Stooges:
What a Gross Follow-up to the electoral privacy abuse of our Virginia College students in the 2017 Delegate election .
Chris Hurst Employs Most Egregious Political Hypocrisy of 2017


The Center For 'Disease Control' – Really?

Roanoke Times, 6-28-2019, Pg N&W 3: Flue vaccine only 29% effective
“The vaccine didn't work against a flu bug that popped up halfway through the past flu season, dragging down overall effectiveness to 29%, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday.”
The CDC is in competition with the Weather Channel for lack of credibility and public confidence.
Do we have the best microbiologists in the world working for us?
No wonder so many parents do not have confidence in giving their children preventative shots:
After 8-years of Obama’s CDC Director, apparently the only thing he got a good grip upon were women’s butt’s:
Frieden: Obama's CDC Zika Wizzard
CDC Director Frieden Acts Just Like A Typical Obama Appointee
Interview With CDC Director Over Ebola
Ebola And HIV+AIDS -- Two Deadly Pandemics
Coming Soon To Your Neighborhood (If Not Already There): Zika, Malaria, Spotted Fever, Lymes, Alpha Gale, Encephalitis
(Aren’t you glad we killed DDT?)

Saturday, June 29, 2019


Jimmy Malaise Carter Opines 2016 Election

Jimmy Carter: Investigation would find Trump 'didn't actually win' 2016 race
“Former President Jimmy Carter reportedly said Friday that a thorough investigation into the matter would find President Trump to have actually lost the 2016 election due to outside interference.
Mr. Carter said during a Carter Center conference on Human Rights that an investigation “would show that Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016.”
“He lost the election and he was put in office because the Russians interfered on his behalf,” he said.”
Bless His Heart!  Apparently Jimmy ate too many peanuts Friday morning!
You-all know how they can cause real gas pains!
Who was the POTUS in-charge-of the 2016 elections?
Why it was Barack Obama of course!
If the FBI, CIA, DIA, Comey, Clapper, Brennan and Jarrett all told Obama about Russian meddling in the 2016 election ---
Why didn’t they all DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?
And Muller and his Obama-minions did Not find any Trump-team collusion with the Russians!


NJ Refinery Burns -- Goreites Rejoice

Philadelphia refinery will close after major fire
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) Opens a New Window. is saying it wants to permanently close its oil refinery, one of the oldest and largest refineries on the East Coast, after an explosion and massive fire. The refiner had the capacity to process 335,000 barrels of oil per day or the equivalent of 14 million gallons and is one of the largest suppliers of gasoline on the eastern seaboard. The event caused substantial damage to its building complex and caused the financially struggling refiner to say enough is enough.”
1,000 jobs at risk and local and state taxes to take a big hit!
The AGW-Alarmist Goreites are rejoicing because increased fuel prices makes renewables more economically attractive.
Historically Europe’s high gasoline prices drove their auto industry to utilize small diesel engines --- more economical than gas --- but have an emissions challenge that’s incompatible with their jihad on CO2.
Tesla May Become The D&H (Delay and Hesitate)
Oregon Democrats Raising Fuel Prices – On Purpose
Energy Costs Hit Low-Income Families Hardest


Where Have All The ‘Real Democrats’ Gone -- Long Time No See

Watching The Democrat so called 2020 debate was like going on a surreal trip back to the land of Karl Marx, Mao, Fidel and Che.
Mayor Bill de Blasio faced a fresh round of questioning Friday about co-opting a Communist rallying cry made famous by Che Guevara
That is a flash-back to Obama lauding Fidel and Che in Cuba:
The Communist Manifesto Virus has spread from Bernie-AOC
to most of the Democrat candidates who are in a food-fight to promise everything free to everybody, especially illegal immigrants.
Apparently the Obama Legacy of race and class warfare has become the basis of Democrat politics for 2020.
What a sad repudiation of all the fine Democrats of ‘The Greatest Generation’ who focused on economic development of jobs and a solid, safe and prosperous America based on the American Free Enterprise model.
John F Kennedy 'Ask not what your country can do for you,
Ask what you can do for your country’
John F Kennedy giving his Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech in Berlin
Where he eviscerates the very essence of Communism
Communist-Socialist Siren’s Call For Self-destruction
Obama’s Nasty Resistors Wearing Out Their Welcome
The Basis Of The American Middle-Class Is Jobs Not Hand-outs
Biden Promises Back To Obama-Biden Economic Malaise
The Slavery Hypocrisy Of Connecticut Democrats

Friday, June 28, 2019


Oregon Democrats Raising Fuel Prices

Roanoke Times, 6-26-2019, Pg 3 N&W: Oregon (D) Senate Leader: Climate legislation lacks votesl
Oregon Democrats are apparently unhappy with the reasonable cost of fuel for their residents.
Those reasonable fuel prices based on the Trump implementation of supporting US fuel development, production and distribution.
The Oregon Democrats are driving to implement a “cap-n-trade” scheme that is basically a “carbon tax” to drive-up the cost of fuel.
There are massive rallies opposing these fuel-taxes and Republicans in the legislature have gone on ‘political vacation’ to deny the Democrats a required quorum to take their vote.
Just more of: AOC And Her Green Deal Watermelons
Oregon truckers, blue collar workers rally against cap and trade bill GOP senators fled state to stop
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
"Today we're here for the cap-and-trade bill which is going to destroy rural Oregon," he told KPTV. "We're good, hardworking people, we're stewards of the ground. If this passes, you may as well wipe us off the map. We understand there's a global warming issue, but this is not the way to address it."
Protesters rally against cap-and-trade bill outside Oregon Capitol
Perspective On Carbon Restrictions
Roanoke Times,  7-17-2014, Pg 15: Perspective On Carbon Restrictions
Brian Lindholm: is a mechanical engineer who lives in Roanoke.
Virginia Democrats Busy Planning Increased Energy Prices
Virginia DEQ holding final input session on carbon plan
Anti-Carbon AGW Tax Rebellion Continues And Spreads

Thursday, June 27, 2019


Gun-Free Zones An Invitation To Psychopaths

Richmond mayor wants to ban guns from city-owned buildings
“RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Richmond's mayor called Monday for a ban on guns in city-owned buildings, parks and community facilities, after a 9-year-old girl was fatally shot last month in a city park.”
McLeod: Bad guys won't honor a sign
“We have all seen signs outside of schools and other facilities indicating no guns or weapons allowed. Does any among us believe that a potential shooter would actually honor such a sign? In reality, the signs created easy targets for shooters that are inclined to go in a facility intending to kill people and feel secure at not being fired back on until the police arrive.”
Gun-Free Zones Not Working
Guns For Schools?
Students Reject Left-Wingers Politicizing School Shooting
There Was Gun Control In Vegas – None Of The Victims Had Guns

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Spitting At Eric Trump Just More Obama-Resist-OFA Garbage

The Obama-Resist followers include some very nasty low-lifers!
It’s almost as if this 'spitter' read the Roanoke Times article on the Lexington Red Hen House
and sought to carry the nasty bullying and harassment to a whole new disgusting level.
Just More Pathetic Legacy Obama left behind!
Eric Trump spat on at Chicago’s Aviary, but declines to press charges against woman
CHICAGO — Eric Trump, the son of President Donald Trump, was spat on by a waitress as he visited a popular upscale bar in Chicago Tuesday night during his visit to the city, but declined to press charges against the woman, according to the Trump Organization.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Pelosi Border Plan Rearranging Chairs On Titanic

Our ship of state, the Titanic, has hit an obstacle and drove a massive hole in our Southern Hull.
First Mate Pelosi has jumped into action to ‘propose’ placating the passengers, illegal immigrants, with accommodation adjustments.
No action will be taken to ‘stop the flooding’ not even sealing off the damaged compartments’.
Morning light finds a few life-boats floating about.  How sad!
A $4.5 billion House bill aimed at providing more funding to migrant families detained at the U.S.-Mexico border is posing a challenge to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s grip on her party,
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Good Immigration: Good New Citizens And Others
When Is A Caravan Of Immigrants An Invasion?
Canada Demands Immigrants Comply With Trump Rules
Opining Over SCOTUS Immigration Ruling
Trump’s Ideological Test For Immigrants Absurd?
No - Same As Teddy Roosevelt:


The DC Great Dismal Swamp Persists

Apologies to the Great Dismal Swamp in South-East Virginia for the name misappropriation.
Hain: Congress hasn't done much but vilify Trump
“The public deserves better. The prospects of meaningful legislation in the 116th Congress are dead in the water because of partisan bickering. All in all, a dismal picture . . . and the public is shouting “enough already.””
The Obama-Resist Congressional Democrats form the ‘slick’ on top of the swamp – their real destructive power is based on the massive number of politically left-wing motivated government employees that form an entire subterranean swamp that belies the concept:
‘of the people, by the people and for the people’.
Obama’s Despicable Imbeds In The DC Swamp
To add insult to injury we the people are also coping with:
Obama’s ‘government in exile’, Resist movement, and his Organizing for  Action (OFA). -
Organizing for Action (OFA) is a nonprofit 501(c)4 organization and community organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former U.S. President Barack Obama.
No US President in history has done something so subversive.
What a Pathetic Obama Legacy!  The other gift that keeps on giving!
The Resist Anti-Trump Siege

Monday, June 24, 2019


Biden Promises Back To Obama-Biden Economic Malaise

Biden vows to repeal Trump tax cuts on 'Day One' if he captures White House
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Biden promises to turn back the TrumpNomics American economy thereby degrading the major improvements Trump has promoted for All American workers --- especially minorities.
Back to the Obama-Biden economic malaise.

TrumpNomics Working For All Americans
TrumpNomics: 4.1% GDP Number Higher Than 3.9% Jobless Rate
Roanoke Times Editor’s Economics Memory Shortfall


Oberlin College Mimicked PravdaMedia Abuse And Lost Big

Message to Liberal-Progressives: it’s OK for the PravdaMedia to abuse people and the truth – but – others tread at their own peril.
Oberlin has graduated from self-caricature to disgrace
 “This ($44-million defamation award)  is condign punishment for the college’s mendacity about helping to incite a mob mentality and collective bullying in response to “racist” behavior that never happened.”
What a sequel to the Jussie Smollett debacle!
The PravdaMedia Has No Jussie Clothes


Ethical Dichotomy Vaccinate US Kids – Thousands Of Immigrant Kids Not So Much

California’s Sanctuary from Immunization?
Vaccine-exemption restrictions backed by California Assembly committee at raucous hearing
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A California Assembly committee backed new rules for vaccination exemptions on Thursday following a raucous, hours-long hearing that came in the midst of a national measles outbreak and renewed scrutiny of immunization policies

Saturday, June 22, 2019


June Cartoons

Internet favorites – authors unknown but very insightful



Red Hen House A Red Herring

Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic (on-going tourism in Lexington) introduced in an argument to divert the attention of readers from the original issue (which in this case is abusive and group bullying behavior toward a government employee, an honorable public servant, and her family).
Roanoke Times, 6-22-2019, three-quarters Pg 1:
One year later: Red Hen incident had little effect on Lexington tourism
By Alison Graham 540-981-3324
(the author doxxed by the RT itself in print and online)
“LEXINGTON — One year ago Saturday, the owner of The Red Hen in Lexington asked White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders to leave her restaurant. News of the incident spread across the country within minutes after Sanders tweeted about what happened.
A loooong article supporting and defending the disturbing group bullying and harassment of a government employee who simply wished to have lunch in Lexington with her family.
The family was not only harassed at the Red Hen House but the nasty bully’s then followed the Sanders family to another restaurant and continued their bullying!
Who writes an article to support that type of behavior, and who would publish it?
In reflection, there are many valid reasons why groups of ‘deplorable people’ would follow employees of the Roanoke Times around town and harass them.
Would the RT then publish a flowery article on why that would be a good thing with no significant ongoing tourism impact?
One can only imagine the content and tenor of this RT article IF it had been Obama people that were treated as the Sanders’ were abused!
PravdaMedia Laments Sara Sanders 
Obama’s OFA-Resist Minions At Lexington’s RED Hen 
Organizing for Action (OFA) is a nonprofit 501(c)4 organization and community organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former U.S. President Barack Obama.


Fairfax For Va Governor

This isn’t ‘news’ The Roanoke Times is running:
It’s a Free Campaign Ad for Fairfax (let’s run this up the pole and see who salutes it).
Democrat BlackFace Northam is such a loser that Abuser-Fairfax can't do worse!
What a pathetic choice the RT is hyping for our next Governor
Va LtGov Fairfax Swinging In The Wind
Democrats And PravdaMedia Covering-Up Fairfax Accusations of Rape and Forcible Sodomy
Roanoke Times, 6-22-2019, Pg Va 1, 6:  Fairfax considering 2021 run for governor
Justin Fairfax 'thinking very seriously' about run for governor, says scandal has raised his public profile
“RICHMOND — Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax said Thursday he is “very hopeful about the future” and “thinking very seriously” about a gubernatorial run in 2021.
Fairfax, who faces sexual assault allegations from two women, said the scandal has raised his public profile for good.
“Many people a year ago would not have recognized me, now they really do,” Fairfax said. “People come up to me at gas stations, they say, ‘Hey, we recognize you.”
Fairfax should have OJ as his LtGov -- both of them are famous!


Democrats And PravdaMedia Covering-Up Fairfax Accusations of Rape and Forcible Sodomy



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