The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, April 30, 2022


Building Back What? For Who?

Click Images To Enlarge


Whose Children Are They Anyway?

There is a vast gap between teaching our children the tools they need to successfully contribute to our society and their own well-being --- vs. --- indoctrinating and brain-washing them with left-wing and 'progressive' political propaganda.
MSNBC joins the "children belong to the State" and not to the parents
(Shades of the 3rd Reich -- they did invent Kindergarten)
          (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Hillary’s Village
Biden under fire for saying children belong to teachers while in school
"You’ve heard me say it many times about our children, but it’s true: They’re all our children," the president said in his remarks . "And the reason you’re the Teachers of the Year is because you recognize that. They’re not somebody else’s children; they’re like yours when they’re in the classroom."
"It is absolutely appalling that the President of the United States would effectively claim that the constitutional rights of parents to raise their children end at the schoolhouse door," Prior said in a statement to the Washington Examiner. "It's frightening that Joe Biden is taking his talking points from failed gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe and [American Federation of Teachers] President Randi Weingarten, but at least parents now know exactly where he stands — against them and their fundamental liberty right to make decisions on the education and upbringing of their children."
Dumbing-Down Our Equity Schools


Color Blind Education – When?

WSJ:   Americans for Merit-Based Admissions
Poll respondents say academic achievement matters more than race.
Progressives are preoccupied with imposing racial preferences in education and hiring, but the American public wants these decisions to be based on merit. Witness the results of a new Pew Research Center poll.
How long will the US continue with academic-reparations for Black students and discriminate against Asian and White students?
Clearly Black students deserved special assistance after the 1960 opening of major schooling opportunities. That was 60-years (3-generations) ago.
At some point there should be a level playing field for all.
If not now --- when?
Perhaps we need a massive expansion of Charter Schools in the InnerCities to offset the dismal outcomes of their Democrat-Run Public Schools.
Dumbing-Down Our Equity Schools
Teacher Union Boss Beyond Socialist
Making Math Racist


New Orleans Sinking Faster Than Biden

Louisiana is rapidly losing land
New Orleans, already 6 feet below sealevel, land is sinking an average of an inch every three years (that’s 33-inches every 100-years). At the mouth of the Mississippi, land is sinking as quickly as 4 feet (48-inches) every 100 years.
For all the AGW-Alarmists and their ‘chicken little sealevel rise hysteria’, the subsidence stark reality is that sea-shores are sinking much faster than sealevels are rising!
The sealevel rise of 8-inches per 100-years
stands in stark contrast to New Orleans sinking at 48-inches every 100-years!

SeaLevel Reality Or Politics Your Choice
How’s Biden’s ‘Ministry Of Truth’ going to handle this Reality?

Friday, April 29, 2022


Biden’s ‘Ministry Of Truth’ --- Really?

Biden’s Shrew ‘Ministry Of Truth’
The shrew – an unpleasant, ill-tempered woman characterized by scolding, nagging, and aggression
Nina Jankowicz “Information laundering is really quite ferocious” Orwellian, dystopian video


America doesn’t need a ‘Ministry of Truth’ -- America’s government and communications and technology empires simply need to respect the 1st, 5th and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution and The Truth will come-out and flourish.

Musk’s ‘coming out party’ for Twitter will be a good example.
Something about Dorothy and ‘The Man Behind The Curtain’.
Hitler had his Goebbels
Now Biden has his Jankowicz
Birds of a feather.
WH pick for Big Brother-like disinformation board spread lie about Hunter Biden laptop
President Biden’s pick to lead his Department of Homeland Security’s Big Brother-like Disinformation Governance Board has her own history of posting disinformation online.
Nina Jankowicz, who was a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, has repeatedly cast doubt on The Post’s reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Ron Johnson Calls For Answers From DHS Over Biden’s ‘Disinformation’ Board, Slams Nina Jankowicz
“The fact that a federal department with approximately 240,000 employees would set up a ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ to enforce the government’s judgement of what information is allowed in the public square should frighten anyone who values liberty and understands how crucial free speech is in maintaining that liberty,” Johnson told the Daily Caller.




Neck Deep In The Energy Muddy

Why do the AGW-Alarmists and their “Renewables Associates” avoid talking about THE primary objectives of our energy systems:
Affordable Reliable 24-7-365 Energy For:
Instead, for them it’s all about “The CoolAid” of a date certain for 100% Renewables by 2050 --- an objective totally defunct by the Reality that Wind and Solar are Intermittent and UnReliable and therefore require Redundant Expensive 100% BackUp for Extended Timeframes – BackUps that are currently undefined and unfunded!
What to do when the Green turns to Black?
To wit: Germany shut-down their 19-Nuc Plants and are now being energy-blackmailed by Putin.
Where's Merkel the decider?  She's out of there!
Va.D.Gov Northam and his Bloomberg Democrats “Decreed” the end of ALL Utility fossil fuels in Virginia by 2050.
Where will he be when the Green turns to Black?
Oh – Right – He’s already ‘out-of-here’ as are Gore, Greta and Kerry and Bloomberg is back in NYC.
Don't you just love leaders who bear No responsibility or accountability for their decisions?
Pete Seeger 1968
“Neck Deep in the Big Muddy and the Big Fool says Push-On”!
Another Renewable Energy PipeDream Goal
Green Is The Color Of Money
Energy A Potent Putin Weapon


US FrackingGas ShortFall

US FrackingGas ShortFall for US-NorthEast and Liquefaction-LNG to send to Europe to offset Putin’s Gas-Oil.
Too bad somebody didn’t think of building an MVP PipeLine that could easily have been in place two years ago that would have solved these challenges!

WSJ: U.S. Gas Producers Under Pressure as Russia Cuts Off Supplies in Europe
President Biden pledged to boost liquefied natural-gas exports to Europe
As Europe races to wean itself off Russian energy, American natural-gas producers are struggling to meet the demand and prices are rising.
Biden to boost LNG? Really? That after he shutdown the US Energy systems on his first day in office and is encouraging and empowering the Obama-Judges to kill every US-energy project they can.
Biden burned his Energy-Jock and now he wants support!
Biden’s Energy Boondoggles
MVP Opponents Propping-up Putin
Biden The Epitome Of Nothingness

Energy A Potent Putin Weapon


Dumbing-Down Our Equity Schools

Academic Equity = Lowest Common Denominator
Talk about '1984 DoubleSpeak'!
California parents, students protest high school's plans to cut honors classes for equity reasons
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
All 11th-grade History and English honors courses at the school were set to be eliminated
An email from Patrick Henry High School (PHHS-Cal) Principal Michelle Irwin dated April 13 says all 11th-grade History and English honors courses at the school will be eliminated, following a decision by the school last year to eliminate Advanced World History, Advance Physics, Advanced Biology and two other classes for gifted students, according to The San Diego Tribune.
Virginia Dumbing Down Academic Excellence
Virginia explores plan to end advanced diplomas: 'Equitably serving the needs...of all of Virginia learners'
Many of our liberal-progressive ‘educators’ have traded academic achievement for social and political indoctrination resulting in our dismal academic standing in the world that is pathetic!
Jocks Get Tested Academics Not So Much
California No more SATs



Wednesday, April 27, 2022


Taxpayers Pay For More Sex Modifications

Talk about your "AntiNatural Elective Surgeries" during a pandemic and in conflict with those needing life-saving surgical help!
It's of interest that all this sexual malpractice and malfeasance started with and was empowered by Obama and his Obama-Judges.
Talk about "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest!"
Federal Court Orders First ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery for Transgender Prisoner
For the first time, the Federal Bureau of Prisons has been ordered to secure “gender-affirming” surgery for a transgender prisoner. The prisoner has previously had their request for the operation denied by the BOP.
NBC News reported Thursday that a federal District Court judge ordered the Bureau to conduct a “nationwide search for a qualified surgeon to perform the surgery for the inmate, Cristina Nichole Iglesias,” who is a male transitioning to live as a woman.
Taxpayers have been paying for Military Transgender Surgery since Obama’s embrace of his ‘New Army’
The Obama Army: The Bradley And Chelsea Manning Story
"President Barack Obama granted Manning clemency in his final days in office in January."
Under The New Obama Army protocol, Bradley was reconfigured into Chelsea Manning courtesy the US Army and US taxpayers.
‘Hermaphrodites Conceptions’ At ‘Women’s’ Prison


Energy A Potent Putin Weapon

Russia Stops Gas Flow to Poland and Bulgaria, Deepening Economic Conflict With Europe
Prices for natural gas, used to heat homes and generate electricity in Europe’s biggest economies, soared by nearly a quarter after the move
Sen. Joe Manchin Pushes for Democratic Compromise on Climate Agenda
High energy prices and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine give coal-state lawmaker leverage on measures to promote fossil fuels
Voter unrest over high energy prices and concern over dependence on Russian energy have given Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) leverage to press for measures promoting more domestic fossil-fuel production in the Democrats’ new climate legislation and potential executive actions.
Green Energy has become a national security issue by limiting combat readiness and willingness to oppose an aggressor for dependence on energy:
Activating The Energy Weapon
West's Energy Disarmament Gift To Putin



Taxpayer BailOuts For PravdaMedia?

Instead of taxpayer BailOuts for the media, how about the media present fair and balanced news for ALL their readers instead of just propaganda for the 50% they now serve thereby alienating 50%.
Something about Elon Musk and Twitter and CNN+.
RT: Editorial: Bills to aid local media sit idle as news deserts spread
Ideas for tax breaks
In the summer of 2021, the Local Journalism Sustainability Act was introduced in both the Senate and the House of Representatives (House Bill 3940, Senate Bill 2434), the Senate version by high-ranking Democrats, the House version by bipartisan sponsors.
The tax credit for employers of journalists was later broken off and made part of the ultimately doomed Build Back Better legislative package.
Another bill, the Future of Local News Act (House Bill 3169/Senate Bill 1601) that would establish a committee to study how local journalism contributes to democracy, why the industry is collapsing and what can be done about it, similarly languishes in committee a year after being introduced.
Sadly Roanoke Times Continues Downward Spiral
Harvard Study Validates The Pravda-Media Label
Liberal Media OK With Federal Agents In The Editors Office (and their pants)


Temperatures Average Not To Panic


Natures Major OnGoing Variability:
Record Weather And Temperature Coast-2-Coast
Snow, Ice and Freezing in middle of April!
Mother Nature breaking 100+year old records!

Sunday, April 24, 2022


Disney, Democrats and Devil on the Run -- What a Great Week!

3 D's on the Run -- What a Great Week!

Disney is sinking faster than the Titanic.
Netflix was crushed on Wall Street. Their stock is tanking like a "going out of business" sale
CNN+ is no more after 23-days and $300-million
The mask mandates are gone.
Elon Musk says he has enough billions raised from private equity partners to buy Twitter and restore free speech.
Spotify parted ways with the Obamas.
Disney LOSES nearly $50 billion in stock value since waging war against Florida's K-3 anti-grooming law
Easter Bunny Rescues Biden


Roanoke DeFunded Their Police -- Now What?

Roanoke council election raises debate over gun violence response
But although the virus has receded, the violence hasn’t — it has increased. There were 67 assaults and homicides that involved gunfire in 2021 and 21 such incidents between Jan. 1 and April 10, according to police. This year’s count is 50% higher than last year’s count through April 10, which puts the community on track to experience 100 incidents this year unless the situation improves.
Roanoke DeFunded Their Police (55 of 209 slots filled) and adopted ‘no engagement policies’; now they hope that "Kum ba yah" (Permissive Parenting) will solve their rampant serious crime problems.
The song was originally an appeal to God to come and help those in need.
Will the residents (especially the Black Community) and businesses continue to tolerate the ongoing crime and violent environment plaguing the city?
Has ‘Permissive Parenting’ ever worked anywhere where hostile and dangerous youths and gangs rule the streets?
Has ‘Police Disarmament’ ever worked in the face of Urban Warfare?
Do the City Council members not take an oath to protect and serve the lawful and legal members of their community?
How do they explain their ‘laissez faire’ malfeasance of their oath?
Gun Control Propaganda
How’s that ‘turn-em loose Bruce’ with No Bail working out for you?
How’s that DeFund the Police working out for you?
How’s that empty out the Jails working out for you?
How’s that keep the Cops in the station working out for you?
How’s that second-guessing every Cop-Criminal interaction working out for you?
Elections have consequences – some of them really Bad!
DeFund Police Cause >>> Black Deaths Effect
Roanoke Ends Violence Epidemic Not
Shots Fired -- Who To Call – To Do What?
Another Roanoke Crime Star-PhotoOp And Sermon

Saturday, April 23, 2022


Teacher Union Boss Beyond Socialist

There is a vast gap between teaching our children the tools they need to successfully contribute to our society and their own well-being --- vs. --- indoctrinating and brain-washing them with left-wing and 'progressive' political propaganda.
Randi Weingarten says parental rights bills are 'the way in which wars start'
          (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Teachers Union leader says Florida bills are type of legislation that start wars
"This notion – we've been very lucky in America, and we in some ways live in a bubble for a long time," Weingarten said. "This is propaganda. This is misinformation. This is the way in which wars start. This is the way in which hatred starts."
AFT President Half-Million-Dollar ‘Teacher’

Suffer The Little Children Not
Making Math Racist
NJ Trans-SexEd For 2nd Graders


More Not-Shovel-Ready Government Boondoggles

WSJ:  How to Kill American Infrastructure on the Sly
The White House revises NEPA rules that will scuttle new roads, bridges and oil and gas pipelines.
Americans are going to need a split-screen for the Biden Administration’s policy contradictions. Even as the President on Tuesday promoted the bipartisan infrastructure bill he signed last November, the White House moved to make it harder to build roads, bridges and, of course, oil and natural-gas pipelines.
The Obama-Biden Administration was famous for their Not-Shovel-Ready Government Boondoggles that they advertised would bring good jobs and worthy improvements to US infrastructure.
Obama Laughs At His Failed Shovel-ready Stimulus
What a callous and disingenuous elitist snob Obama has demonstrated he is, yet again!


Keeping Cops Out Of The Action

No-Engagement Urban Warfare at its 2022 Best!
Army of masked robbers enter Louis Vuitton, steal over $104K of merchandise in minutes
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Almost a dozen masked robbers take every item at Louis Vuitton shop
Around 3:00PM at the Kenwood Towne Centre, (Kenwood, Ohio) eight to ten masked individuals were dropped off in front of the mall before making a straight march into the Louis Vuitton outlet. The group of thieves stole over $140,000 in merchandise in a matter of minutes, according to local outlet WSMV.
The group then dashed out of the mall, merchandise in hand, to make their escape. The thieves were filmed getting into a black sedan and gray SUV.
Authorities are still investigating the incident. No arrests have yet been made, and the police are asking for anyone with knowledge of the incident to contact the department.
Apparently the police leadership in Kenwood Ohio utilizes the same deployment tactics as those in Roanoke Virginia – keep cops away from high targets of crime opportunity – after the criminal activity – send in the yellow tape, chalk markers and clip-boards and then ask for naïve-low-IQ witnesses to come forward.
Roanoke Ends Violence Epidemic Not
Shots Fired -- Who To Call – To Do What?
Another Roanoke Crime Star-PhotoOp And Sermon

Friday, April 22, 2022


Easter Bunny Rescues Biden

The Biden Bumble Back Saga continues with embarrassing regularity.
Now an Easter Bunny comes to his rescue. Who was that Rabbit?
Too sad to smile at!
'Easter Bunny' whisks Biden away as he starts discussing Afghanistan:
            ( may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
It remains unclear who was wearing the outfit
The Easter Bunny gives the president a big wave to usher him away as a visibly annoyed Biden appears caught off guard. He was reportedly needed to kick off another round of the egg-rolling competition by blowing a whistle.
"Joe Biden quickly interrupted by the Easter Bunny after he starts to comment on #Afghanistan and #Pakistan at the White House #EasterEggRoll," Dillon tweeted.
Easter Bunny rescues a 'confused' Joe Biden after he 'wanders off'
Jill coaxes him to ‘wave wave’
Biden’s Palace Court


CNN+ = Crash And Burn

$300-Million Down The Drain – couldn’t happen to more deserving people!
Perhaps there are karma and comeuppance in the world!
WSJ:    CNN+ Streaming Service Is Shutting Down a Month After Launching
Move to end service on April 30 comes days after CNN’s parent company WarnerMedia was taken over by Discovery
CNN is shutting down its streaming service CNN+ about a month after it launched, a sign of its new owners’ lack of faith in the viability of a subscription-based stand-alone news platform.
CNN Chairman and Chief Executive Chris Licht —who hasn’t even officially assumed his role yet—called the decision to shut down CNN+ so soon after its launch a “uniquely shitty situation,”
CNN+ streaming service terminated after just 21-Days; $300-Million
CNN had initially planned to invest around $1 billion in the streaming service over the next four years
According to reports, around $300 million was spent on the streaming service, which launched on March 29. This amount reportedly includes a sizable marketing investment.
CNN executives had originally expected to bring in around 2 million subscribers in the US in the service's first year, and a total of 15-18 million after a period of four years.
According to sources that spoke with CNBC though, fewer than 10,000 people were using CNN+ on a daily basis two weeks after its launch and an extensive ad campaign.
CNN Doubles-Down On Fake News Again
CNN In A Death Spiral
CNN Today’s Titanic


Mariupol Ukraine’s Alamo

WSJ:   Russia Says It Controls Mariupol, but Ukrainian Troops Hold Out in Steel Plant
Russia has tightened its grip on Mariupol since the first weeks of the invasion, pushing out pockets of resistance in residential areas. In recent weeks, it has focused on the remaining Ukrainian troops still fighting from the steel plant. There were conflicting reports around how many Ukrainian troops remained at the plant, with Russia saying some 2,000 were there.
Reminiscent of Santa Anna at the Texas Alamo – unconditional surrender or die!
Sadly there are No reinforcements coming soon and this outcome may well be similar.
Russia Surrounding and Pounding Mariupol Ukraine
Ukraine defending it's country with great valor
Reminiscent of:
“Hey Santa Anna
We’re Killing your soldiers below
So men wherever they go
Will remember The Alamo”
Johnny Cash
Kingston Trio


Celebrate Mother Earth’s Day

Celebrate Mother Earth’s Day!  Do Not be overly burdened with ‘The End is Near’ narrative and propaganda.
We are in an InterGlacial Period that has been repeated at least 4-times before.
These are climate good times compared to the frozen Ice Ages. The Disney depictions were way too cheery.
Current data indicates a modest warming of one-half-degree per century with a lull of no significant change in the past seven and one-half years.
Hardly draconian alarming data!
Clearly not worthy of massive disruptions to our energy systems, security and world order!
For real CO2 mitigation call China, India and Russia!
As the AGW-Alarmists and their media supporters continue to hype the coming climate change Armageddon, The Reality is that man-made climate change temperatures appears to be very modest and appear to be limited by natural saturation in which increasing CO2 has diminishing effect on ‘the greenhouse effect’.
Mendenhall Glacier Retreat And Natural Global Warming:
Behold the massive start of Natural (before mankind’s CO2) Glacial melting and retreat from 1750 to 1950 in Northern Hemisphere.
Are We Living Responsibly In Our Current InterGlacial Period?
Record Cold Weather And Freezing Temperature Coast-2-Coast
Gore, Greta, Kerry: Freezing And Buried Under 4-feet Snow


Found: A Real Live Human Hermaphrodite

This is Big LGBTQ Trans News!
Now a “biological existence theorem” for BiTrans!
So much for all those Right-Wing-Homophobes who keep saying there are only Two Genders!
The Challenge: How to replicate this person at will?
This has to be True – you can’t make-up stuff like this!
Man's operation on hernia turns out to be a ovary, cervix and fallopian tube
The 67-year-old father of three went to the hospital with a suspected hernia. The man told doctors the swelling he had on the left side of his groin had been there for 10 years.
Man thought he had a hernia, but doctors found female genitalia in bulge
Only 200 cases have been reported of the condition which occurs when men also have female reproductive organs

Thursday, April 21, 2022


Soros The LeftWing Disruptor

Over the years many people have escaped the Soviet Hammer and Sickle, coming to America to start a new happy and prosperous life embracing the US Constitution and way of life.
An outstanding negative example of that pattern is George Soros who escaped the Soviet crushing of the Hungarian revolution and who should have devoted his life to the American model of freedom.
Instead Soros, who became massively rich within the American free-market system, has devoted his life and riches to supporting LeftWing Socialist candidates and organizations.
Hopefully Soros’ influence will wane and US voters will recognize the folly of his efforts to Socialize our institutions and derail our basic law and order systems.
Elections have consequences --- some of them really bad!
Soviets put a brutal end to Hungarian revolution 1956
A spontaneous national uprising that began 12 days before in Hungary is viciously crushed by Soviet tanks and troops on November 4, 1956. Thousands were killed and wounded and nearly a quarter-million Hungarians fled the country.
On November 4, 1956, Soviet tanks rolled into Budapest to crush, once and for all, the national uprising.
Soros family quietly bankrolls committees supporting 'defund the police' candidates
Liberal billionaire George Soros and his daughter, Andrea Soros Colombel, are bankrolling two entities that are supporting far-left politicians who back defunding the police, a Fox News Digital review of campaign finance records found.
The Soros money has flowed to a joint fundraising committee and a PAC attached to the efforts. The joint fundraising venture, called Lead the Way 2022, includes the Way to Lead PAC, Missouri Rep. Cori Bush's campaign committee, and the campaigns of the 12 other progressive politicians attempting to enter Congress.
George Soros Funds 13 Radical Democrats Running for Congress in 2022
Billionaire Democrat megadonor George Soros and his daughter are reportedly funding 13 radical Democrats running for Congress in 2022.
DeFund Police Cause >>> Black Deaths Effect
Soros ‘No Law No Order’ DAs Under ReCall
George Soros Promotes Biblical Plagues Upon US
Elitist Women: Take The Day Off
'Day Without a Woman' supporters got $246M from Soros




False DC Capitol Air Raid Alarm

The Capitol was Emergency Evacuated under an Air Raid Alarm based on an unknown potentially hostile aircraft entering restricted Capitol airspace.
Fortunately the Capitol air defense systems did Not attempt to shoot-down the aircraft that turned out to be the US Army paratroopers Golden Knights doing a demonstration jump into National’s Park.
Apparently the Pelosi Jan 6 hyper-ventilation resulted in much to do about nothing.
No Friendly Fire, No Collateral Damage, No Trump Subversives.
US Army Parachute Demo at Nats Park Causes False Alarm, Capitol Evacuation
The alert from the U.S. Capitol Police sent congressional staffers fleeing from the Capitol and legislative building around 6:30 p.m.
Pelosi blasts FAA over US Capitol evacuation: ‘outrageous and inexcusable’
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)


Stop Buying Russian Uranium

WSJ: Stop Buying Uranium From Russia
Why does the U.S. rely on adversaries for nuclear power?
More than 90% of the uranium that fuels U.S. power plants is imported, and Russia is the third-largest supplier. In 2021 Russian imports cost almost $1 billion, money that helped underwrite Mr. Putin’s war machine.
Biden’s purchases of uranium from Russia is a continuation of the Hillary-Putin Uranium One Malfeasance of Russia’s purchase of major interests in American Uranium mining and manufacturing.
All this contrary to both US defense and energy and economic interests.
“And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium-One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.””
Indictment In Crooked-Hillary’s Uranium One Malfeasance
Hillary’s Russian Uranium Quid Pro Quo Is Radioactive


Wednesday, April 20, 2022


DeFund Police Cause >>> Black Deaths Effect

Massive increase in Black Americans murdered was result of defund police movement:
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Black Americans were disproportionately affected by the skyrocketing murders of 2020
What was left in 2020's wake was a massive increase in the number of murders, dealing a disproportionate blow to Black Americans.
Murders across the board spiked by nearly 30% in 2020 compared to the year prior, according to FBI data, marking the largest single-year increase in killings since the agency began tracking the crimes. Among Black Americans, the number of deaths spiked by more than 32% compared to 2019.
Shoot-9 Then Scoot On Bail
Gun Control Propaganda
Roanoke Crime Benign Neglect


The Dysfunctional CDC

WSJ: Judge Throws Out Federal Mask Mandate for Public Transportation
Federal judge in Florida says Biden administration’s Covid-19 mandate exceeds CDC’s authority
U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Tampa ruled Monday that the mandate exceeded the authority granted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under federal public-health law and was issued in violation of rule-making procedures.
The CDC is like the ‘gang that couldn’t shoot straight’.
Their wrong and misdirected directions and messages over the past 2-years have eroded public confidence in their creditability; adding to their litany of past missteps.
Some Past Big CDC Disappointments Include:
Frieden: Obama's CDC Zika Wizzard
Frieden’s Gropey Hands Not His Big HIV+AIDs Issues
Our Politicized Unprofessional CDC
The Center For 'Disease Control' – Really?


Making Math Racist

For the past few years far-Left so-called-educators have railed that ‘Math is Racist’. They based these charges on the premise that Asian and white students are more successful in math, on standardized tests, than black students.
Apparently it doesn’t occur to these people that it’s racist to proclaim that black students are unable to do anything white or Asian students can do.
Perhaps tutoring and help at home is a major factor in math and these detractors might help promote tutoring students who need a boost.
It’s of interest that these race-charges are absent from discussions about football and basketball players and their ‘scholarships’ to the top schools that are a gateway to multi-million dollar slots in professional ball.
New Racial Turn-About News: It appears some ‘math is racist’ proponents have now infiltrated the textbook business and are indeed 'making math racist’.
One must stay up nights conjuring up creative ways to insert race into math including: algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics and calculus.
Perhaps they could use statistics to  demonstrate how 10+% of the population are causing 80% of the crime  --- not likely they'll use that one!
Florida rejects 41% of new math textbooks, citing critical race theory among its reasons
CNN: The Florida Department of Education announced Friday the state has rejected more than 50 math textbooks from next school year's curriculum, citing references to critical race theory among reasons for the rejections.
In a news release, the department stated 54 out of 132 of the textbook submissions would not be added to the state's adopted list because they did not adhere to Florida's new standards or contained prohibited topics.
The release said the list of rejected books makes up approximately 41% of submissions, which is the most in Florida's history.
Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to critical race theory, "inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics," the release states.
The Insanity Of Racist Math
Breaking Through The ‘Racist-Math’ Barrier
More Racist Math
Math The New Racial Villain?
Hidden Figures
On July 9, 2015, it was announced that producer Donna Gigliotti had acquired Margot Lee Shetterly's nonfiction book Hidden Figures, about a group of black female mathematicians that helped NASA win the Space Race.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Green Is The Color Of Money

Everyplace you look you see Green Hype.
Green Lawns
Green Vehicles
Green Buildings
Green New Deals (like Watermelons: green outside – pink inside)
Green Energy Farms (backed-up 24-7-365 by conventional grid-energy systems)
Even Soylent Green -- the ultimate answer to social security bankruptcy
What you don’t see are the Real price-tags that are also Very Green
Absent the taxpayer-incentives to go Green, the Reality is that Green-Renewables are Expensive and Intermittent and UnReliable.  They appear to work OK today because we have an existing robust 'grid-energy pace-maker' working 24-7!
How many can-will drop their 'umbilical cord' to the grid?
What to do when the Green-Grid goes dark?
Green has also become a national security issue by limiting combat readiness and willingness to oppose an aggressor for dependence on energy:
WSJ: The Coming Green-Energy Inflation
(as if we don't have enough BidenFlation)
Demand for metals and other commodities will keep skyrocketing unless mandates are reversed.
Producing energy from wind and solar machines, and especially from batteries, requires an enormous increase in supplies of copper, nickel, aluminum, graphite, lithium and other minerals. Each electric vehicle contains about 400 pounds more aluminum and about 150 pounds more copper than a conventional car.
Lithium—now well-known because of car and grid batteries—has seen prices soar nearly 1,000% in the past two years. Prices of copper and nickel, more widely used, are up 200% and 300% respectively over the same period. Aluminum, the second-most-used metal on earth after iron ore, is up 200% and trading at a 30-year high.
The potential for greater inflationary pressure should be obvious. Despite fast growth, the world still gets only 3% of its energy from wind and solar. Less than 1% of all cars on global roads are battery-electric.




Record Weather And Temperature Coast-2-Coast

Record weather from California to Maine!
No – Not Global Warming!
Snow, Ice and Freezing in middle of April!

Where’s the ‘PravdaMedia News’ on this Record Braking Cold?
Mother Nature breaking 100+year old records!
Something about ‘a tree falling in the forest!
If we didn’t know better, we might think that the ‘news’
and ‘weather-people’ are in a hot-tub with
Gore, Greta and Kerry and the AGW-Alarmists!
Potent storm system to unload heavy snow across northeastern US
Despite the calendar showing a mid-April date, heavy, accumulating snow is most likely to fall across interior portions of the Northeast by Tuesday, and the snow is likely to cause travel disruptions, particularly in the mountains from Pennsylvania to New England.
Winter weather advisories stretched from West Virginia to parts of New England on Monday morning while winter storm warnings were in place from northeastern Pennsylvania through much of interior New York.
"A strengthening storm along the mid-Atlantic coast, combined with an approaching cold front, will bring another punch of wintry weather to the Northeast and New England early this week," said AccuWeather Meteorologist Adam Sadvary.
This April major storm a continuation of the winter storm that extended from California to the Dakotas for Easter weekend:
Gore, Greta, Kerry: Freezing And Buried Under 4-feet Snow
Happy Easter 2022: Where's Your Easter Bonnet?
What IF there was a Massive Winter Storm of freezing temperatures and deep snow from Oregon and California through the Dakotas with up to 4-feet of snow and high winds and heavy drifting.
Suppose that was occurring NOW during the Easter weekend of April 2022.
Suppose that the national PravdaMedia were so committed to the Gore AGW-Alarmism that they didn’t cover this Major weather news?
Something about a tree falling in the forest!
Wouldn’t want to tarnish their global warming narrative and story-line.
Meanwhile down in Southern-Virginia things are ‘normally cool’:






The Left-Wing Subversion Of US

In a major effort to divert attention away from their subversion of the US, the Lefties and Democrats pitifully try to make a big-sedition out of the Jan 6th riot at the Capitol, devoid of significant damage, no fires and where the only casualty was an unarmed woman protester.
The contrast with that one-day mêlée pales in comparison to two years of coast to coast AntiFa and BLM riots and destruction and maiming and killing, all of which were glossed over by the PravdaMedia as ‘Peaceful Protest’ with basically no significant judicial actions taken anywhere.
Looking at the far LeftWing actions of the Biden Bunch, one reflects back to Obama’s observation that Biden and Bernie were ‘birds of a feather’ – the outcomes validate that conclusion:
It’s of interest that Bernie has been conspicuously quiet and pleased in support of Biden’s LeftWing agenda and actions.
Obama Ties Biden To Marxist-Bernie

New York Times Celebrates Karl Marx
Roanoke Times Heralds the Communist Manifesto as THE Answer to America’s Challenges
Bernie’s Victory Speech = The Communist Manifesto
May Day Once A Special Day For Bernie, Socialists And Communists




Shoot-9 Then Scoot On Bail – Really?

Talk about being assumed innocent – turn-um loose Bruce!
Would have been locked-up If it were a DUI!
Suspected South Carolina Mall Shooter Released on Bail
Jewayne Price, 22, has been released under house arrest and will be required to wear an ankle monitor as a bond condition. He will be allowed to travel from home to work certain times of the day, the Columbia police department confirmed.
At least nine patrons were injured by gunfire at the mall on Saturday, while five others were trampled in a stampede to the exits.
Price’s attorney, South Carolina state Representative Todd Rutherford, said that his client open-fired in self-defense in an armed altercation with other shooters.
Price was arrested in June 2018 and charged with accessory before the fact in the killing of 17-year-old Amon Rice in Hopkins, S.C.
Felon with a gun in a gun-fight in crowded mall -- 9-shot -- seems normal enough for South Carolina GameCocks.
No reason to hold or inconvenience this citizen!
Turn-um loose Bruce!

Monday, April 18, 2022


Gun Control Propaganda

The Democrats and Liberals are keen on more gun control.
The news of each gun involved crime brings out antigun propaganda and proposals.
Not included in the data are the key facts that belie the ‘not enough laws’ storyline.
Legally Owned Guns Involved vs Not Legally Owned Guns
Legal Gun Owners Involved vs Not Legal Gun Possessors
Clearly these data show the Problem can’t be fixed by more antiConstitution Gun Laws.
Reflections: How did Giuliani fix NYC’s gun and crime problems?
During the 1990s, crime rates in New York City dropped dramatically, even more than in the United States as a whole. Violent crime declined by more than 56 percent in the City, compared to about 28 percent in the nation as whole. Property crimes tumbled by about 65 percent, but fell only 26 percent nationally.
The police measure that most consistently reduces crime is the arrest rate... Felony arrest rates (except for motor vehicle thefts) rose 50 to 70 percent in the 1990s. When arrests of burglars increased 10 percent, the number of burglaries fell 2.7 to 3.2 percent. When the arrest rate of robbers rose 10 percent, the number of robberies fell 5.7 to 5.9 percent.
How’s that ‘turn-em loose Bruce’ with No Bail working out for you?
How’s that DeFund the Police working out for you?
How’s that empty out the Jails working out for you?
How’s that keep the Cops in the station working out for you?
How’s that second-guessing every Cop-Criminal interaction working out for you?
Elections have consequences – some of them really Bad!
No Gun Control For Murderers


Biden’s Palace Court

Psaki says 'We are not sending’ the president to Ukraine, continuing pattern of Biden not seeming in charge
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Biden said in Poland last month that 'they will not let me' travel into Ukraine
Who are the “We” Psaki refers to?
Who are the “They” Biden refers to?
Is Biden totally controlled by a ‘Palace Court’?
Perhaps we have a ‘Regent’ in the White House we don’t know about?
Is there a White House ‘Rasputin’ in charge of managing the Biden-political-bleeding?
Where are all the wizards who were so worried about Trump’s ability to serve? Their silence is deafening!
It seems like yesterday (Jan 2018) that key Democrats and their PravdaMedia demanded that Trump take a cognitive test to determine his suitability to be POTUS --- so he did --- and did Great!
Now it’s Biden’s turn with far more reasons to do so!
Trump Has Perfect Cognitive Test Score, White House Physician Says
What Are Biden’s UnDeclared Health Issues?
CNN:   Joe Biden's numbers are collapsing among a group you really wouldn't expect
In the early days of Biden's presidency (from January 2021 to June 2021), an average of 6 in 10 adult members of Generation Z -- those born between 1997 and 2004 -- approved of the job Biden was doing. During the period spanning September 2021 to March 2022, that number had plummeted to an average of just 39%.
Among millennials -- those born between 1981 and 1996 -- the collapse is similarly stark. Biden's approval rating among that group stood at 60% in aggregated Gallup numbers in the first half of 2021, compared with 41% more recently.
Obama's bloodless coup
Democrat Leadership A National Liability


The $400K ProNoun Circus

We have entered a litigious LGBTQ swamp in which self-absorbed and self-centered people are demanding others kowtow to their every whim and if rebuffed run (not walk) to the nearest junkyard-lawyer to file a suite before a hand-selected Obama-Judge or commission.
It started with homosexual ‘wedding’ cakes.
The current fad involves Trans-Something’s and their ‘ProNoun’ fixations.
Businesses and government entities are publishing and demanding use of ‘Approved ProNouns’, or else!
Microsoft has even embedded this tripe into their Word program.
Kudos’s to a Professor who said UpYourProNouns and Won!
Ohio public university to pay $400,000 in damages after punishing professor over preferred pronoun controversy
          (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Professor sued Shawnee State University, claiming it violated his First Amendment rights
A public university in Ohio will pay $400,000 in damages and attorney fees after punishing a professor for declining a male student's demand to be referred to as a female.
Massachusetts parents sue school, say officials encouraged children to use new names, pronouns without consent
           (may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
Lawsuit is latest uproar over gender identity in schools
Parents are taking their children's school to court, alleging teachers encouraged their children to change their pronouns and names without the parents' knowledge.
Virginia High School Teacher Fired For Wrong Student Gender Name
Walt Disney Was Family Friendly – Then He Died
Obama-Biden No-Gender Passports


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