The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Friday, September 30, 2011


Obama’s Incompetence and Summary Executions

Obama’s message: American’s are “soft” and need to harden up! Is he doing a TV commercial for Pfizer or is he a President trying to transfer blame from his desk to the people who elected him to lead, solve problems and promote good change? Millions of our workers are not soft – they are being denied employment by a leadership that never has created a private sector job and therefore don’t know how!
This is the “hope and change” American voted for? It’s clear for all to see that Obama is totally inadequate for the responsibilities and accountability of the office he achieved via the corporate process know as the Peter Principle: A series of promotions to the level of incompetence!
And what’s with the incredible hypocrisy of Obama, Holder and the entire herd of left-wing people who stand by mute while Obama summarily executes American Citizens with directed missile strikes as an alternative to capture and GITMO detention and military tribunals?
Is there a “new Eddie Adams” who will publish an Associated Press photo of American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and his American Webmaster assistant in Yemen being executed by Obama?
Apparently we don't have such a photo of Osama bin Laden's demise.
The liberals so loved this Vietnam picture of a summary execution of an enemy combatant that they ran it in every major media and then awarded Eddie Adams a Pulitzer Prize for it and also  hyped it as the poster example of why "we" were the bad guys!
Apparently those were the good old days!-

By Cristina Corbin;  Published October 11, 2011

State Department spokesman Harry Edwards confirmed to that a "condolence call" was made to Khan's family in Charlotte, N.C
Hough said the government's call came a day after the family released a statement condemning what they described as Khan's unjust "assassination."
He said the family wants to know why Khan was not captured and afforded due process

Monday, September 26, 2011


Flush Quick - The Ocean Levels Are Dropping

Missing from the front page of the Roanoke Times and all their left-wing Gore-Loving friends!
Data and a graphic from NASA shows sea levels have dropped 6 mm in the last 6 months, wiping out the rise over the past 2 years. Whoops!
The data now indicates we will have two years in a row of significantly reduced increases in sea level rise compared to the 130 year historic rate of 8 inches rise per century.
The AGW (man-caused) Global Warming Alarmists have been hammering us with their "news" that it's the warmest it's ever been and that means the oceans are rising because ice is melting and water expands when it heats up!
They even made a movie about it: The Day After Tomorrow;  apparently the cataclysmic end of the earth as we know it is somewhat further out than the day after tomorrow!
So do the Alarmist pseudo-scientists and their massive PR resources issue a press release informing the public of this interesting data and admitting that earth science has not yet fallen into line with their models and hypothesis and draconian predictions?   Of course NOT!
At some point in time even the most ardent Goreites are going to understand that global temperatures and global climate are not well understood and the cause-effect systems are not consistent with the AGW hypothesis and PR story line.  Even Tipper finally got the message and left!
The scientific fact: The climate is changing -- the climate has always been changing!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Reid’s Democrat Senate Still Irresponsible

Roanoke Times, 9-25-11, Pg 1, 13: Animosity grows as Congress bickers.
Once again Harry Reid and his Liberal-Senate-Democrats have raised their ugly presence to kill a spending bill that asks government to trim the budget $1.6 Billion (a 0.04% cut)!
Congress passed this bill to increase funding for FEMA to account for the recent major storms. Included was a requirement to off-set $1.6 Billion of that increased spending.  Harry Reid and associates killed the bill without any debate or consideration bragging that it was DOA!
So how big is this cut? Compare with a family budgeting $52,000 per year or $1,000 per week; a 0.04% cut would be $0.40 per week or (40 CENTS PER WEEK)!
We have a $14.7 TRILLION debt that is growing by over $1.4 TRILLION per year with unfunded obligations of $62 TRILLION (one-half million per household)
And once again Obama and the Reid-Democrat Senate pushes the country to the edge of default for $1.6 Billion (0.04%) in cuts. How irresponsible are these people? At what point is the major liberal media going to lay out these truths and facts to the American people in a clear and concise manner? On the other hand, Pravda avoided that truth thing for over 70 years.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Rejoice: There Still Are Responsible, Professional and Ethical Scientists

Roanoke Times, 9-23-11, Pg 3: Traveling faster than the speed of light
The CERN Laboratory has conducted experiments on “particles” that measurements indicate may have traveled faster than the speed of light.
This is very interesting because according to Einstein’s Theory, exceeding the speed of light would take an infinite amount of energy.
So what have these scientists done?
“They are inviting the broader physics community to look at what they’ve done and really scrutinize it in great detail, and ideally for someone elsewhere in the world to repeat the measurements”!
What an amazing and refreshing change from the behavior of the AGW (man-made) Global Warming Alarmist pseudo-scientists who hide their data, hide their models, hide their algorithms, and hide themselves from public review and study and then call those who question them Deniers, Racists and Terrorists:
As one who has spent a life-time among scientists, engineers and programmers I had begun to worry that my people had lost their way. This situation has restored my faith that those Scientists-Without-Gore are still professionals.
Prior Items:

Climate Change Reconsidered: 2011 Interim Report

Taxes, Stimulus-2, ObamaCare And Other National Afflictions

Roanoke Times,9-22-11, Pg 16: BIG Editorial: Obama asks rich and poor to sacrifice.
(No numbers to be found – just lots of “the rich are bad because they aren’t giving enough to the government”).
If instead of consuming his first year and a half of our governments resources giving birth to the ObamaCare fiasco; Obama and the Democrats should have focused on enabling our businesses to prosper, grow and become the most successful enterprises on earth! Obama and the Democrats could have focused on reducing government constraints to real-needs not progressive-wants. Reduced taxes on businesses, business investors, wealth accumulation and development of business friendly infrastructure. Also, bringing significant numbers of business-centric people into the government instead of legions of socialists and academics would have been amazingly productive for our country and our people.
IF Obama and the Democrats had done what the American People sent them to Washington to do; then the Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times would not have to print articles promoting Carl Marx
nor this “rich-man, poor-man” divisive misinformational-infomercial.
The top 1% of US taxpayers pay 40% of the personal income tax paid!
50% of tax-filers pay ZERO – and many get checks as government support!
The Obama-Buffet ploy doesn’t acknowledge that most of Buffet’s “income” is from investments, taxed as capital gains and dividends, and is not W2 income; it also doesn’t include the IRS Data that Shows Most Millionaires Pay Taxes at Higher Rate Than Middle Class. Data compiled by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center show households pulling in more than $1 million pay about 29.1 percent of their income in federal taxes. By contrast, households making between $50,000 and $75,000 pay about 15 percent.
Most also get hammered by their state and local tax-collectors.
Obama’s latest Tax Increase and Stimulus-2 Plan have crashed not only with Republicans but with many Blue-Dog-Democrats and economists and the stock marked just dropped another 400 points (765 points for the week)! Even Obama loyalist media minions are talking about drafting Hillary at the Convention – talk about your HOPE & CHANGE!
And throughout all this noise and smoke Obama and his loyal media continue to hide the real looming issue: the unfunded government liabilities of $62 TRILLION or one-half-million dollars per household:
By misdirecting and misleading the American People about the financial crisis we are facing and in promoting class-warfare; Obama, the liberal-progressive-Democrats and their liberal-media associates represent the most dangerous economic-trifecta we have faced in my life-time. Their actions are way beyond irresponsible and reckless!
Hope for Real Positive Change in 2012!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Obama & Solyndra: Not Ready For Prime Time

The Obama-Solyndra affair appears to be a good example of how one can snatch defeat out of the mouth of success!
Click for a comprehensive review of the Obama-Solyndra GreenEnergy endeavor.
Click on the above link soon because the Obama Campaign's 'Attack Watch'
has had all copies of this very insightful Jon Stewart summary of the Solyndra Story removed from YouTube.
“If Obama falls in the forest and there’s no video, did he fall?”

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Why Do AGW Alarmists Find it Necessary to Lie and SuperSize Their Draconian Claims of Doom?

Times Atlas Apologizes for Global-Warming Error
“Climate-gate, Himalaya-gate, and now … Atlas-gate?
Publishers of the Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World scrambled Tuesday to correct a controversial statement that Greenland had lost 15 percent of its permanent ice cover over the last 12 years -- an assertion scientists labeled "incorrect and misleading."
“Poul Christoffersen, a glaciologist at the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge, said the 15 percent decrease in permanent ice cited "is both incorrect and misleading." He believes the actual number is closer to 0.1 percent.”
“It is regrettable that the claimed drastic reduction in the extent of ice in Greenland has created headline news around the world,” Christoffersen said. “There is to our knowledge no support for this claim in the published scientific literature.”
The list of AGW-LieGates has now gotten so long that it should be embarrassing to even the most ardent Alarmists (except of course for Al Gore).
The climate is changing --- the climate has always been changing. We all should know that! And Greenland has been lots warmer than it is now and without man-kinds help!
Alarmists: release your AGW data, analysis, assumptions and algorithms into public repositories and then come out of your closets and engage in open debate.
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:


Obama: The Neville Chamberlin of the Middle East

Obama has courted and embraced and kowtowed to those in the Middle East who pursue bad things for the US and the West and Israel.
His proclamation that Israel should retreat back to the 1967 boundaries sealed the deal for his pro-Arab, pro-Muslim and Anti-Israel agenda.
His support for the violent revolutions sweeping the Middle East without any accommodations or provisions for avoiding massive takeovers by the Muslim Brotherhood lays bare his intentions for the future.
Now Obama is engaged in an obvious sham with the Palestinians “Please don’t go to the UN with plans for a Palestinian State”. What a joke! Obama has clearly opened and greased the path for this situation and views his personal capital will be increased with his friends at the expense of Israel.
Neville Chamberlin’s 1938 policies laid the foundation for Hitler’s invasion and takeover of Poland, The Netherlands, and Norway and ultimately WW2. Obama’s policies have laid the foundation for anti-American, anti-West and anti-Israel conflicts and open hostilities that will extend indefinitely into the future with a high likelihood of the use of tactical-nuclear weapons.
Perhaps Obama will soon propose that all Israeli people and assets be relocated out of the Middle East as his belated alternative to the May 14, 1948, UN solution to the Jewish Problem and thereby hand Israel over to the Palestinians, Hamas, Fatah and Syria. Mission Accomplished!
Caretakers wanted for the Holy Land; Jews and Christians need not apply.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Ward Armstrong (D-Va) Has More Money Than Good Sense

Liberals love the song: “Those darn rich Republicans and those poor Democrats”!
However, campaign finance reports as of Aug 31, 2011 for Cash-on-hand shows Ward Armstrong (D) running for Va 9th Assembly has $485,266 (that’s a half-million dollars) and Poindexter has $52,096.
Ward Armstrong (D) says he’s for lower electric rates, but his team leaders are Obama and the Washington Liberals who have throttled oil and gas exploration and production, shut down the Gulf unnecessarily, shut down Yucca nuclear storage and attacked coal mining and coal-burning power plants. Instead of campaigning against Poindexter, why isn’t Armstrong campaigning against Obama’s destructive job-killing energy policies and his Solyndra scandal with its loss of $500 million taxpayer money. Why isn’t Armstrong campaigning against Obama’s friend Al Gore and his misguided policies that aim to degrade our energy systems?
If the Armstrong-Gore-Obama policies continue unchecked, electric rates will skyrocket and energy will become rationed! Is Armstrong insulting our intelligence on purpose, or, is it just turning out that way?
Clearly Armstrong has lots more Democrat money than Good Sense!
Support Poindexter a “Responsible Conservative” who ably represents our interests and values, voting to keep taxes low and regulations reasonable and responsible.
Don’t let Armstrong buy this election! Unplug Armstrong before he and Obama unplug you!

SAT Scores A Disaster

Roanoke Times, 9-15-11, Pg 4: SAT scores fall, reading lowest ever, math lowest since 1995 – Virginia (like Lake Woebegone) was above average
The liberal-progressive answer to these dismal college entry standardized test results:
1. Get rid of these useless tests
2. Put lots more tax money into the education systems
Yet another significant measurement data point telling us that our educational system is profoundly broken at the most fundamental level: The classroom teaching-learning process and environment.
But we can FaceBook and we can Tweet and we can Txt and we can “hookup” with EHarmony! What more do you want the kids to be able to do? Their work-ethic, their study habits, their intellectual curiosity, their classroom behavior and their parent’s attitude are all key elements explaining why the best teachers with the best lesson plans in the best classrooms are not able to teach!
These empowered students have their lawyers, the ACLU and the liberal media backing them up all the way! And all those entities tell us every day how wonderful this permissive paradigm is and how we’re all much better off now than when I attended school. Their answer to the dismal test results: Kill the Tests! More student empowerment! Less structure and discipline! Freedom rocks!  Down with Responsibility and Accountability!
A prime example of our warped system: Several years ago the ability of  public school teachers to have students exchange papers and correct them in class went all the way to the Supreme Court of the US for resolution!  What is wrong with a society that promotes these wasteful and misdirected activities?
Reminds one of HeeHaw: Hey Doc, it hurts when I raise my arm! Well – don’t raise your arm! Not so funny when one reflects on our unemployment problems, our standard of living and our ever demanding world-economic competition and our ever shrinking opportunities to employ marginal workers to put tops on bottoms.
At what point of failure will our society demand that we fix the core underlying problems with the teaching-learning process? Perhaps we’re past the point of no-return! How sad is that?
Some prior appropriate items:
The Wisconsin Teacher Union example

Sunday, September 18, 2011


One Walking Out is Very Bad; Fourteen is OK

Roanoke Times, 9-16-11, Pg 1;13: Roanoke Supervisor Elswick embarrassed himself by walking out after being on the losing end of a fight (over wind mill rules for Bent Mountain and Roanoke County).
The Editorial Girls at the Roanoke Times jumped on poor old Elswick for walking out of a meeting – but – they were totally OK and supportive of the 14 Democrat Wisconsin Senators who not only walked out of their legislature, but, hightailed it out of the state and lived in exile for weeks while critical legislation was on the table.
The disparity in how these Girls handle news events always amazes me.
Also, the biggest scandal, of the Wisconsin movement to rein in the out of control public unions, has never been covered. As just one example of the systemic problem:
“The Hartland-Lakeside School District, about 30 miles west of Milwaukee in tiny Hartland, Wis., had a problem in its collective bargaining contract with the local teachers union. The contract required the school district to purchase health insurance from a company called WEA Trust. The creation of Wisconsin's largest teachers union -- "WEA" stands for Wisconsin Education Association -- WEA Trust made money when union officials used collective bargaining agreements to steer profitable business its way. The problem for Hartland-Lakeside was that WEA Trust was charging significantly higher rates than the school district could find on the open market.”
In other words, there was a union conspiracy of malfeasance that was scamming the taxpayers of the school districts out of health insurance funds.
The Roanoke Times Girls were not alone in their support for this union behavior, they were joined by Obama and his union army thugs who held the government of Wisconsin hostage for weeks.
Then for vindictive retribution Obama and his union army launched a $30 Million recall effort to take control of the legislature. This overwhelming tsunami of out-of-state money succeeded in “getting” two legislators; not enough to gain control (That’s $15 Million each! What a disgusting deal!).
As a follow-up to this gross Obama-Union behavior we were then treated to yet another example of vile union rhetoric:
President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Everybody here’s got a vote. Let’s take these sons of bitches out and get America back to an America where we belong.” Teamsters President James Hoffa warming up the crowd with an anti-Tea Party tirade at a Detroit Labor Day rally for President Obama.
Is this the hope and change the American people voted for?
Is this the behavior that the Girls at the Roanoke Times approve and endorse?
How disappointing!
Nov 2012 will be an opportunity to achieve good and positive and constructive change!

Someone Tell Gore: The Climate Has Always Been Changing

Al Gore conducted a 24 hour internet Alarmist show and tell that showed and told his same old unconvincing warmed-over stuff.
Unfortunately Gore still doesn’t call for the AGW (man-made global warming) Skeptic Community to place their taxpayer paid data and algorithms and analysis in open and public data facilities and then come out of their closets and openly and professionally engage in debate. Instead they cling together under a veil of secrecy making draconian predictions and claiming every weather event is man-caused. Here at UVa even a FOI request for taxpayer funded data is flaunted and rebuffed by bureaucrats paid by the taxpayers! Just how arrogant is that?
The liberal media, who so love Gore, find it impossible to treat this subject in a fair manner such as covering Dr. Ivar Giaever, a former professor with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the 1973 winner of the Nobel Prize in physics, abruptly announced his resignation Tuesday, Sept. 13, from the premier physics society in disgust over its officially stated policy that "global warming is occurring."
"The claim … is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me is that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this 'warming' period," his email message said
Even with slight warming over the past 250 years, since the end of the little ice age, it’s a giant leap to conclude or demonstrate that it’s “man-made”. There have been major variations of temperature and climate in earth’s history without any man-kind involvement.
Also, Prof Hal Lewis' Resignation Letter From The American Physical Society should be required reading for everyone interested in the AGW debate.
Fortunately for us all, Al Gore and his Alarmist Associates in academia, the liberal media and progressive politics have lost their initiative to socialize (nationalize) all components of the energy system from research through consumption. The Solyndra solar panel scandal with its loss of $500 million taxpayer money is just the tip of the iceberg of the tax money squandered on government sponsored so called green-energy projects that should be funded and managed by venture capitalist entities.
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:


Friday, September 16, 2011


Obama Campaign's 'Attack Watch'

As a key partner in the Obama and RNC media team, it’s interesting that the Roanoke Times has not yet publicly revealed their role in the “Obama Campaign’s Attack Watch” Internet system designed to help Obamanites defend against those nasty persons who would dare to question or speak negatively about “The Chosen One”.
Perhaps their job is to collect and report on LTE’s, blog entries, Tweets and links to really bad actors like
This all makes sense when one considers that a “Community Organizer” would naturally organize a “Political Neighborhood Watch”.
It’s also totally consistent with the systems that were employed in “1984”. Apples’ reenactment of a key scene from that scenario is a foreboding of what we’re witnessing now in political correctness:
Click to View the Video (sound on):
The good news is that instead of reacting badly, the Conservative Community has signed up for this “service” and are flooding their inboxes with really good and light and humorous input. Good for them. Perhaps making a laughing-stock out of these Obama minions is the best option to expose them to the public and perhaps wake some of them up to how ridiculous they are.
Examples of prior items that should be reported to the “Obama Attack Watch”:
Example of Obama's "Attack Watch" Team with him at a recent school visit:
Obama goes to a primary school to talk to the kids to get a little PR. After his talk he offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand and Obama asks him his name.
" Walter," responds the little boy.
"And what is your question, Walter?"
"I have 4 questions:
“First, why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of the Congress?
“Second, why do you keep saying you fixed the economy when it's actually worse?
“Third, why did you say that Jeremiah Wright was your mentor, then said that you knew nothing about his preachings and beliefs?
“Fourth, why are we so worried about Brazil drilling for oil, but we aren't allowed to?"
Just then, the bell rings for recess. Obama informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess.
When they resume Obama says, "OK, where were we? Oh, that's right: question time. Who has a question?"
Another little boy puts up his hand. Obama points him out and asks him his name.
"Steve," he responds.
"And what is your question, Steve?"
“Actually, I have 6 questions.
“First, why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of the Congress?
“Second, why do you keep saying you fixed the economy when it's actually worse?
“Third, why did you say that Jeremiah Wright was your mentor, then said that you knew nothing about his preachings and beliefs?
“Fourth, why are we so worried about Brazil drilling for oil, but we aren't allowed to?
“Fifth, why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? And…
“Sixth, what the hell happened to Walter?"
author unknown but now under investigation by Obama's Attack Watch Team

Monday, September 12, 2011


Roanoke Times Editors Say Va. AG Should Not Represent The People of Virginia!

Roanoke Times, 9-12-11, Pg 14: Editorial: Don’t appeal health care lawsuit.
Va. Attorney General, Cuccinelli’s challenge to ObamaCare based on a Virginia Law baring this federal mandated levy/penalty/intrusion upon the citizens of Virginia has been side-stepped by the three Democrat appointed members to the 4th District Court. It took the esteemed jurists four months to decide not to decide. Sure sounds consistent with established Obama processes.
The reason the jurists stated for not addressing the facts and basis and issues of the case is their view that the Va. AG does not have legal standing to represent the people of Virginia! This has to be one of the most outlandish political findings of any court anywhere at anytime!
Representing the people of Virginia from unwarranted and unconstitutional intrusions upon them is the defined and constitutional responsibilities and obligations and duties of “The Peoples Attorney”; if he’s not doing that, what should he be doing?
The liberal-progressive Editorial Girls of the Roanoke Times and their associates have a vested interest in doing all possible to prevent ObamaCare from coming before the Supreme Court before the 2012 elections. Of particular importance is for Obama to appoint at least one more flaming-progressive-liberal to the Court before this major issue is addressed.  ObamaCare has been an Obamanation from it's inception, why would we think things might change?
Related prior items:

Sunday, September 11, 2011


911 9/11 A Day That Lives in Infamy

Click on Graphic to Enlarge

God Bess our fallen 911 victims and our military hero's and their families and give them peace.
May God look kindly upon those who give their health and lives for Liberty and Freedom.
In Remembrance:
Click for "Some Gave All" -- sound ON

Saturday, September 10, 2011


911-2011 al-Qaida: Gone, Here, Beaten, Healthy, Vanquished, Alive and Dangerous

Roanoke Times, 9-10-11, Pg 3:
Pg 3: Hillary Clinton says al-Quida is still an imminent threat of violence
Pg 3: Armed police at WTC, on streets, rail stations, airports in DC and NYC
Last week Obama’s Sec. of Defense, Panetta and his White House anti-terror advisor John Brennan were all over the major media proclaiming that al-Quida is beaten and we have wiped-out their leadership and they are no longer a threat to the homeland!
This week it’s panic, pandemonium, paranoia and the big questions
Are we safer now than we were 10 years ago?
Since Obama and none of his top team will use the term “Radical Muslim Terrorists” or “The War on Terror “ apparently we must assume that the war is over and we won and they lost (whoever they are)!
So what’s with all the guys running around in public in full armor and automatic weapons and big dogs? Why are there search and seizure street checkpoints in our cities today?
The Obama team continues to look and act like the Keystone Cops but not so funny when one reflects on our national security, safety and economy.
God Bess our fallen 911 victims and our military hero's and their families and give them peace.
May God look kindly upon those who gave their health and lives for Liberty and Freedom.
In Remembrance:
Click for "Some Gave All" -- sound ON
This graphic is the true representation of 911 that Obama and associates cannot bring themselves to comprehend or acknowledge:
--------------Click on Graphic to Enlarge:

Some prior items:

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Man-made Global Warming Skeptics Labeled Treasonous and Racist

Roanoke Star-Sentinel 9-2-11, Pg 5
Educator and self-appointed eco-expert, H. Bruce Rinker’s, article “Treason Against The Planet” is a very disturbing diatribe against those skeptics who he considers not only ignorant but traitors to God’s green earth, because they dare to question the hypothesis that man-kind is causing massive negative changes to the earth’s atmosphere and climate.
This fits in well with Al Gore’s description of skeptics as “Racists”. Is there a pattern here?
It’s interesting that Rinker doesn’t call for the man-made global warming (AGW) alarmists to place all the tax paid data and algorithms, that they claim “proves” their case, into public repositories for analysis, review and open scientific and professional debate over such an important activity.
Apparently Rinker feels we should all blindly accept the proclamations of a cabal of self-appointed persons working in secret within the UN IPCC with no responsibility, accountability or liability for their actions or draconian projections or recommendations. What could possibly go wrong with that premise?
What kind of professional scientific people throw a veil of secrecy over their work that affects all the people of the world and then labels those who question them as traitors and racists?
I have documented, in detail, how I became a skeptic and why I still am at:
I will continue to be a skeptic until the AGW-alarmists place all their data into a public repository and then come out of the closet and participate in an open and professional review of their data and analysis including the level of uncertainty of their conclusions.
If Rinker is a scientific professional, why isn’t he doing this instead of calling other people nasty names? This is the person who’s teaching our children the scientific method and professional conduct?
Some related prior items:
John Stewart gave an excellent summary of the ongoing ClimateGate fiasco:

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


More Obama-Team Violent and Vicious Rhetoric

(No mention of this Labor Day Greeting found in the Roanoke Times)
“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Everybody here’s got a vote. Let’s take these sons of bitches out and get America back to an America where we belong.”
Teamsters President James Hoffa warming up the crowd with an anti-Tea Party tirade at a Detroit Labor Day rally for President Obama.
Click for Video of this despicable diatribe!
This is the hope and change the American people voted for?

Certainly fits in well with Obama’s God Dam America” Church!
Some Prior relevant blog items of this ongoing nasty Obama-team behavior:

Sunday, September 04, 2011


Roanoke Times Heralds the Communist Manifesto as THE Answer to America’s Challenges

Roanoke Times, 9-4-11:
Pg Horiz 1: Give Marx a chance to save the world
Pg Virginia 1: Labor Unions responsible for all that is good
Pg 10: House (that’s the Republican’s) not likely to help Obama create jobs
The Roanoke Times Message for this Labor Day:
Carl Marx is the answer to our economic challenges, the Republicans want the American working people to be unemployed and all would be great if only the labor unions controlled and ran our businesses.
This is an amazing trilogy of gross political and communist propaganda not seen since the demise of the New York Daily Worker that was a bastion of class-warfare and Communist indoctrination up through the 1950’s.
A Trifecta from 1918 Russia might be a good description of this tripe by the Editorial Staff of the Roanoke Times that not only distorts American History but tries to influence the public into following Karl Marx (the pied piper of The Evil Empire).
Is there an example anywhere in the world where Communism has been the answer to providing even a semblance of what our American system has provided for our people? Hasn’t communism provided the environment and infrastructure for the ascension of violent despots and dictators like Stalin and his associates across Eastern Europe?
What a sad commentary that these affluent elitist liberals at the Roanoke Times would promote this garbage for American Labor Day and on the eve of 911!
Instead of reading and promoting Marx, the RT Editors should watch these videos; it would be “chicken soup” for their sadly misdirected views and beliefs, and a walk through The American Constitution might also be helpful:
For video of JFK’s view of the fruits of Karl Marx’s communist ideology as expressed at the Berlin Wall: click-on:
And for Ronald Reagan at the Berlin Wall:
And Ronald Reagan’s Farewell Address: “City on a Hill”
Click on following Link for the Real and Proper Perspective of 911:
The Roanoke Times Gross "Cartoon" to go with their obscene article

Some prior related items:

Saturday, September 03, 2011


Obama and the Smog of Politics

Roanoke Times, 9-3-11, Pg 5: President yields on smog regulations in the face of heavy GOP opposition.
Yet another example of the Obama Administration’s reach into our society, right down to that bad old barbequer on your back porch.
There are already mountains of smog regulations in effect including the requirement for folks in major cities to burn special gasoline in the winter months. It’s of interest that these federally required additives have caused major contamination of private and municipal drinking water supplies. Nice tradeoff – NOT!
Obama and associates totally ignore the adverse consequences of these ever encroaching regulations, their view is the end justifies the means. Don’t bother me with impacts of costs, jobs and disruptive intrusion into people’s lives. If it sounds good – Do It!
Unless of course we’re talking about abortions and other liberal hot buttons, then every intrusion, however small, is sufficient to consummate a violation of the Constitution.
This dubious Smog Attack is another front of the Alarmist Global Warming and Climate Change War being waged by Gore and Associates against our industrial and social and infrastructure systems in the name of pseudo-science by a consensus of tax-supported so called “experts” who hide their data under cloaks of secrecy and refuse to publicly enter into a scientific professional debate.
It’s not just Republicans who are fed-up with the ever intrusive nonproductive Obama initiatives; businesses all over the country and now even Labor Unions are demanding that there be a freeze and a roll-back of regulations that provide little if any measurable benefit while adversely impacting our cost-of-living, freedoms and job creation.
It’s interesting that few of those who are adamant supporters of Obama’s initiatives have never created a single real private industry job and many have played major roles in driving American jobs out of the country. What a team! Just more Hope and Change we can believe in!

Thursday, September 01, 2011


Obama Picking Green Job Losers

$535 million tax-dollars down a solar black-hole (astronomical term – not racist term)
Government control of private industry is called fascism. Mussolini and others have used it and the results were not even close to the American Free Enterprise System in which ideas and products must compete for survival in an open competitive marketplace.
“President Obama made a high-profile visit in May 2010 to Solyndra Inc., a solar-panel manufacturing plant in Fremont, Calif. The company received $535 million in loans from the Energy Department and was a centerpiece of the Obama administration’s economic stimulus effort. “Companies like Solyndra are leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future,” Mr. Obama chirped. On Wednesday, Solyndra closed its corporate headquarters, announced that it’s filing for bankruptcy and laying off 1,100 workers. The Solyndra debacle is a case study in the failure of government intervention in the economy. Founded in 2005, the company manufactured a rooftop solar panel designed chiefly for commercial applications. Solyndra was a poster child of the utopian future envisioned by the Obama administration when oodles of green jobs would relieve the nation’s unemployment rate, generate clean energy and help the environment. Energy Secretary Steven Chu rushed through loan guarantees, and money began to flow to Solyndra from the Federal Financing Bank. The terms of the loans, just more than 1 percent interest in most cases, were well below the rates competitors had to pay.”
Yet another example of how a "community organizer" creates jobs
$20 MILLION = 14 jobs
And this fiasco is in the Energy Secretary Chu's home town!
Connecting the Corn Dots: Famine, Food Prices, Exports, Ethanol

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