The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Happy New Year 2012

Happy New Year - Godt Nytt År - Auld Lang Syne by Sissel
Please enjoy to the end – a Heart-warming 6 minute YouTube experience

Friday, December 30, 2011


More Wheels Falling-off Gores Global Warming Wagon

WSJ, 12-30-11:
Pg 1, 2: The Alaska Cleveland Volcano spewed ash 15,000 feet in the air.
Yet another natural event releasing massive amounts of gasses into the atmosphere and coating the Arctic ice with ash that collects the sun’s heat and helps melt the ice. Another major natural global warming event that will be buried under the Alarmist blankets.
Pg 1, 3: A California Federal Judge blocked California’s low-carbon fuel rules that are based on the Gore-AGW-Hypothesis and carbon-tax concepts.
Perhaps California should concentrate on energy efficiency, reduction of energy usage and exploitation of all the sun they get. As tens of thousands of their residents leave the state they might also reflect on why, except for illegal-immigrants, they are no longer a magnet for migration from other states.
Pg 14: Congress left for the year without renewing the tax subsidies and tariff’s that prop-up the onerous Ethanol food-burning industry. The key now is to NOT reinstate those misdirected tax programs retroactively that add to the consumption of carbon-fuels, add to atmospheric CO2, reduce corn availability for food and greatly increase food costs.
Why isn’t the liberal press demanding that corn is for food and not for cars!
Pg 14: Europe has imposed a Gore-based carbon-tax on all airlines entering their airspace.  Obama's associates Hillary and Ray LaHood are attacking this carbon-tax as a bad thing and are threatening retaliation including a potential trade war.  Has Gore lost all his friends?
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
Critical Thinkers are by definition - Skeptics
Climate Change Reconsidered

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Obama Declares Victory, Get’s On Chopper And Leaves DC

Roanoke Times, 12-28-11, Pg 5: Obama to request another $1.2 TRILLION in debt borrowing.
Obama, Reid and Schumer claimed the two month extension of the payroll tax reduction act was a big victory over Republicans who wanted a comprehensive balanced 12 month bill. Then Obama got on the chopper and left for Hawaii.
The Obama bill directly reduces taxes flowing into the Social Security Trust Fund. That’s the “Lock Box” that Al Gore bragged about when he ran for President.
That’s the “Lock Box” that contains only IOU’s because all the vested funds were transferred into the General Fund and spent!
So all the workers who now pocket an extra $20 per month do so at the expense and peril of the default of Social Security. What a deal! And Obama and the Democrats call that a Victory!
And yet again Obama wants another TaxPayer Funded $1.2 TRILLION credit card that will primarily be used to pay the interest on the existing $15 TRILLION credits cards.
Yet another Victory for Obama and the Democrats!
The only good news is that we’re now 12 months away from sending Obama and associates back to Chicago and electing a Republican President and a Republican Senate and Congress.
The bad news is that draconian actions are necessary to fix our financial and economic systems and there will be major changes required to reduce government spending. Hopefully the Republicans will be successful in getting Private Industry enabled and reinvigorated to generate jobs and prosperity.
Are the good times over for good? It's all up to the 2012 voters!
Prior blog items:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Promoting Burning Our Food In Our Vehicles

Roanoke Times, 12-25-11, Pg Ticker Pg 1: US farmers are enjoying their best run in decades.
This article is perhaps the best promotion ever for the most subsidized agricultural super-farms in the US. Corn farmers are not representative of “US Farmers”. They are a subset of farmers whose product, corn, is a commodity purchased by all livestock farmers that form a major source of our food.
Corn prices are extremely high, $7.50 per bushel in Sept., thereby driving up the cost of food for the consumers both directly in corn-based products and in meat-based products.  Corn, at $2.50 per bushel, was historically a major export helping to offset our huge negative trade-balance. At $7.50 exports are declining rapidly impacting food prices and shortages throughout the world.
A MAJOR reason corn is at an all time high is Federal Government mandates to have 10% ethanol in auto-gas. The following article should be required reading for all those who are asking why our food prices are drastically rising and why are we following this wrong-headed path; for example:
Ground beef up 6.8 percent month over month, and 11.1 pct year over year.
Butter, up 3.2 percent monthly and a stunning 27 percent over the past year.
Bread up 1 percent and 3 percent year over year.
Chicken up 0.8 percent. and 4.3 percent year over year.
David Pimental, a leading Cornell University agricultural expert, has calculated that powering the average U.S. automobile for one year on ethanol (blended with gasoline) derived from corn would require 11 acres of farmland, the same space needed to grow a year's supply of food for seven people. Adding up the energy costs of corn production and its conversion into ethanol, 131,000 BTUs are needed to make one gallon of ethanol. One gallon of ethanol has an energy value of only 77,000 BTUS. Thus, 70 percent more energy is required to produce ethanol than the energy that actually is in it. Every time you make one gallon of ethanol, there is a net energy loss of 54,000 BTUs.
Mr. Pimentel concluded that "abusing our precious croplands to grow corn for an energy-inefficient process that yields low-grade automobile fuels amounts to unsustainable subsidized food burning".
Why does the Roanoke Times and the other liberal media continue to ignore this major issue that greatly impacts the most disadvantaged among us?
Editors, stop following the Obama-PiedPiper and speak-up for real hope and change.
Prior associated blog items:

Monday, December 26, 2011


Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t’ Flaunt

Roanoke Times, 12-25-11, Pg 8: Navy: Women share symbolic first kiss. A female sailor was selected (by lottery) to share a very-public kiss with her partner upon her ship’s return to port.
The homosexual community couldn’t wait to sponsor a great big lesbian lip-kiss on the dock of a returning navy ship to celebrate their “mission accomplished” over those old prudes who just don’t understand and appreciate the joy and normalcy of homosexuality. So much for military decorum and sensitivity with this in-your-face photo-op. There’ll be a photo-op soon for the boys so they can join the show; what a joy!
Our culture and society and well being are not enhanced or improved by this behavior that is now being flaunted before our impressionable young people. Oh right – that’s the point, isn’t it! It takes a village of Progressives to encourage and condone homosexuality!
Progressives as in progress — talk about your 1984 DoubleSpeak!
For those who tolerate behaviors that they view as offensive but refuse to accept that those behaviors are OK (nonProgressives); one might reflect on two pictures that define these changes that the Progressives have imposed upon us:
FDR’s War End: A Fond Lasting Memory For All:
Obama’s War End: A Distasteful Memory For Most:
When I joined the Army, homosexual behaviors were unlawful.
Then they became tolerable
Then they became acceptable
I’m glad I got out of the Army before Obama makes them mandatory!
Just more hope and change!      Do-over scheduled for Nov. 2012!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Thank You Roanoke Times For Printing "Silent Night"

Roanoke Times, 12-24-11, Pg Extra 1: Silent Night
Thank you Roanoke Times for a most impressive and appreciated full page dedication to Silent Night including the score sheet with three verses and a half-page nativity scene.
It is heartwarming to see those places in the media that include Christ in Christmas.
Click the following link for a most beautiful rendition of "Silent Night" by Norwegian singer Sissel
And "O Holy Night" in Norwegian
Christmas at Arlington

Thursday, December 22, 2011


George Washington, The First American Tebow

The Liberal Media has made a blood-sport of ridiculing and marginalizing Tim Tebow’s public kneeling and prayer. This is consistent with the current anti-Christian stance of liberals and their repulsion of public affirmation of faith.
Only in the south will one see people, including big strapping construction workers, saying a prayer before starting to eat at McDonnell’s! There is a war on getting Christ out of Christmas and out of every other aspect of public life and awareness to include attacks upon the Boy Scouts by the ACLU.
The Liberal community even tries to rewrite American History by espousing that the Founding Fathers did not establish this nation on a Christian base right up to and including leaving God out of FDR’s prayer for the troops in WW2. One can only guess at the motivations behind this concentrated and pervasive anti-Christian activity.
Apparently it must have been FoxNews that was at Valley Forge during the darkest days of this nation’s birth that recorded for history General Washington kneeling in prayer; it certainly couldn’t have been CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC or the AP!

When the Liberals and Progressives have succeeded in washing Christ from the American public’s consciousness’, we will be where Stalin got Russia in 1918.
A Godless people are doomed because Faith is an essential ingredient of freedom.
The Crusade Against Christianity: A Poignant WW2 US Poster:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Roanoke Times Marginalizing Those Opposed To Obama’s Socialization of US

The Roanoke Times has consistently tried to marginalize and belittle those in the Valley who have expressed concerns about Obama’s Socialism and Fascism policies and now his co-opting and exploitation of the Sustainability Movement and the extension of these policies into the control and subservience of the One World UN swamp.
Obama and associates have used the Global Warming Hype to attack our energy systems and infrastructure and now are extending their reach into all manufactured and produced products, processes and activities.
Apparently Obama is taking a page out of - Benito Mussolini’s book:
"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power". Why stop with Banks and Government Motors? After all, America is such a target-rich environment!
What better government bureaucracy to extend the ugly reach of government into every product and process than the EPA headed by Lisa P. Jackson one of the most intellectually challenged members of Obama’s administration. Apparently having a dull minority women lead this effort is so politically correct that the media and free-thinking people dare not challenge whatever she espouses no matter how dense and dim.
Designing for Sustainability to maximize recycling and minimize demand on resources are noble and well accepted objectives by most industries, both because it’s the right thing to do and it translates savings to the bottom line. However, Obama and associates view Sustainability as yet another opportunity to dictate and direct and micromanage everything possible within their Socialism-Fascism paradigms.
Clearly Obama and associates have declared war on “The Free Enterprise System” and will continue to use every vehicle available to attack every vestige of that system upon which American Industry & Society are based.
Gee Toto, I don’t think we’re in American anymore!

Liberal Media Promotes Orwell’s 1984 Doublespeak: Undocumented Immigrants

Liberal Media Promotes Orwell’s 1984 Doublespeak:  Undocumented Immigrants
Calling Illegal Aliens: Undocumented Immigrants
Is like calling Drug Dealers: Undocumented Pharmacists
Obama compared himself to Teddy Roosevelt on a campaign trip last week.
Apparently Obama never read Teddy Roosevelt’s 1907 speech on Immigration:
Clearly Obama is NO Teddy Roosevelt or any facsimile thereof!
Note to Obama and all Liberals:
Illegal is not a race, It’s a crime!
Apple's 1984 Superbowl Ad portends the final stark result of Doublespeak:
Click to View the Video (sound on):

Obama and Biden So Blind They Refuse to Acknowledge Our Enemies

During VP Biden's interview with Newsweek last week he unequivocally stated that: “The Taliban are not our enemy”. That’s not the bad news, the bad news is that the White House immediately jumped into the fray and backed him up and further reinforced that totally wrong-headed and distorted view and opinion.
Obama and his associates have never addressed the forces that have launched a world war against us as “Radical Muslim Terrorists” and now he has extended that void to include the Taliban.
It’s as if FDR announced that Germany was not our WW2 enemy; it was just Hitler and his SS. Italy wasn’t the enemy; it was just Mussolini and his Black-Shirts. Japan wasn’t our enemy; it was just Hirohito and his Kamikazes.
Mit Romney well responded to Obama and Biden Monday:
"The Taliban harbored the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on Sept 11. The Taliban continues to wage war against us and our allies, a conflict in which we have lost over 1,800 troops. The Taliban receives arms and training from Iran. And the Taliban seeks to reinstate a tyrannical government that violently rejects basic notions of human rights and oppresses minorities. The Taliban is clearly a bitter enemy of the United States," Romney said in a statement late Monday.
One can never address and solve a problem unless one understands, acknowledges and addresses the underlying cause and effect involved. Living in a fantasy world of deniability is a medical condition and has a medical diagnosis!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Roanoke-Pravda Continues Anti-Business Crusade

Roanoke Times, 12-17-11, Pg 6: CEO pay raises jump a median of 27% in 2010 after two years of pay declines.
Karl Marx clearly identified these people as the one-percenters the proletariats must rise up against; these are the very leaders of American Enterprise that must be brought down.
But wait, aren’t these the leaders and organizations that create real jobs and pay real taxes and form the very basis of American prosperity?
What prosperity? Did not Obama just announce this week that he has defined 50% of Americans are living in poverty? He also announced that his policies have saved the Country and therefore, by definition, at this holiday season “He is the Real Savior”.
Not included in the Roanoke Times is any mention of the multi-millions being made by Democrat Lawmakers, George Soros, The Hollywood Crowd, The Music and Media folks, nor The Football, Basketball and Baseball players and others who have a marginal contribution to our economy compared to our corporations and businesses.
The slant and bias and class-warfare crusade by the progressive liberal media are hypocritical, counter-productive and is misdirected hostility toward those who are our only best chance to get our economy and Country back on track.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Obama The Audacity of Hypocrisy

Roanoke Time, 12-15-11, Pg 1, 3: Obama addresses returning troops from Iraq.
A Roanoke Times best for Obama's self-serving reelection jive and narcissistic behavior.
I won the war, I killed Osama Bin Laden, I ended the war in time for the 2012 elections!
Oh yes, by the way, thanks for your service and sacrifice.
Not mentioned: Obama opposed the war and then the surge and there will be no military support for Iraq after this withdrawal, however, there will be 16,000 Americans at the Embassy facility known as the Green Zone. Not clear how they will be secured, apparently there’ll be lots of BlackWater folks there, what could go wrong with that plan?
Many Americans, including many service personnel agree with Sen. John McCain’s view of the Obama Address and Legacy: Scorn and Disdain
Click to view Video: Scorn-Disdain: Sound ON; 10 Meg wmv video

Friday, December 09, 2011


Obama Acting More Pathetic And Fiscally Disoriented Every Day

Roanoke Times, 12-9-11, Pg 7: European debt blamed again as market drops.
Roanoke Times, 12-8-11, Pg 7: Social Security New Front in Payroll Tax Fight
Obama wants to cut the current taxes that fund Social Security. Social Security Trust Fund is scheduled to go broke in 2020 with current tax funding. Let’s not cut spending, let’s just throw grandma under the bus!
Obama has killed the Canadian oil pipeline to our refineries on the Gulf Coast until after the 2012 elections thereby forfeiting tens of thousands of jobs and loosing the opportunity to make a significant reduction in US dependency on Muslim-Oil.
Obama and Congress cannot reduce the budget deficit by $1.4 Trillion over ten years; yet Obama has sent Geitner to Europe to advise them to get their finances in order;
The implied French reply:
Obama sent you here to tell us about financial management? 
Is this a joke or what?  Obama and You are:
$1.4 Trillion in yearly deficit
$14 Trillion in total debt to date
$ 62 Trillion in unfunded mandates
And your economy is in a ditch
You guys are a joke: Go home and work on your own mess
And Obama continues to hype increased taxes as the way to put people to work and solve our debt problems; However: our total personal net worth is $55 Trillion while our unfunded liabilities are $ 62 Trillion. Therefore total confiscation of all the personal net worth in the US will not solve our indebtedness problem; So much for taxing our way out of our financial mess.
Hindsight wisdom: should have bought gold at $850 the day Obama got elected!
US Owes $62 TRILLION (half-million $ per household) in unfunded obligations
Our TOTAL Personal Assets = $55 Trillion
We are $7 TRILLION in debt if we liquidated all our peoples assets

Thursday, December 08, 2011


Chevrolet Volt Safe – Don’t Sweat The Battery Fires

Roanoke Times, 12-7-11: Autos: In very small print back on Pg 9: LaHood (Obama’s Secretary of Transportation) says the Chevrolet Volt is safe to drive in spite of the electrical fires in its massive battery banks.  LaHood says his department isn’t in the business of protecting the automobile industry.
Right: not the industry just the Government Motors and its CEO Obama who took control of Government Motors with your tax money! Certainly can’t be any issues with the new Government Motors electric cars!
LaHood and his Hoods hounded Toyota for months about unintended acceleration until it turned out that Toyota had “black boxes” in their cars that could prove weather drivers were on the brakes or on the gas pedal.
How quickly the loud attacks stopped – but – did we notice that “The Hoods” and their associates in the liberal media never gave any coverage to the final “facts” describing what percentage of the reports were vehicle defects vs. driver error and how Toyota problems and actions compared to Government Motors data. They're Not going there!!!
Yet more slant, bias and media covering for Obama and his hacks.
Roanoke Times Hiding Toyota Problem CopyCats
Obama’s-GM Government Motors: An Introduction to Fascism
Obama’s Government Motors (GM) Propaganda Media Machine

Capitol Hill Productivity Slides Downward

Roanoke Times, 12-7-11, Pg 5: Capitol Hill Productivity Slides Downward
Republican House passed one-third as many bills as the Democrat House in 2009
Capitol Hill Productivity Slides Downward -- But Who is doing the sliding?
Sometimes less is more! Are we going for quantity or quality?
The following chart shows the major work that the Republican Congress has done to improve the economy and empower private industry to create real jobs. Harry Reid and Democrats in the Senate have not even considered these bills.
Republican House Bills Passed and sent to Democrat Senate (where they just languish):
* Empower “Small Business Owners by Reducing Unnecessary Regulations
* Maximize Domestic Energy Production
* Pay Down America’s Unsustainable Debt Burden

It's clearly the Democrat Senate whose productivity is sliding downward!
Thank You Congressman Robert Hurt for your major contributions to this outstanding work product!

Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Obama Team Labels Fort Hood Shooting as “Workplace Violence”

Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation's Armed Forces at home.
What a gross piece of news on this anniversary date of Pearl Harbor.
On the other hand what can one expect from Obama and his political hack Panetta?
Obama and associates don’t have any semblance of dignity, honor nor concept of “Commander In Chief”. Apparently you don’t develop those character attributes as a Chicago Neighborhood Organizer!
We now know why the casualties at Fort Hood didn’t receive any appropriate military recognition. After all, they were just the victims of “Workplace Violence” and not American soldiers targeted by our enemy of Violent Radical Muslims.
Obama’s Muslim Political Correctness Doctrine; Where’s The Purple Hearts For Fort Hood Hero’s?
This is also disgustingly consistent with US Soldiers Murdered in Germany and Obama’s Refusal to Say: “Radical Muslim Terrorist":
Frankfort Airport, a Radical Muslim Terrorist shot and killed two US Airmen and seriously wounded two more. One of them is in a life-support situation.
And once again Obama could not bring himself to identify this as yet another "Radical Muslim Terrorist" attack. Apparently he cannot specifically condemn this class of murderers who belong to this Radical Muslim Brotherhood that he somehow and in some strange way has some connection to.
What an incredibly sad chapter in our Country’s history!
How can the liberal press continue to embrace this most unworthy person?
A follow on thought:
The same dysfunctional mentality that would define the Fort Hood Terrorist Attack as "Workplace Violence" would surely define the attack on the World Trade Centers, the largest workplaces in NYC as "Workplace Violence" as well.  What kind of people has Obama brought into his administration?
Gee Toto; I'm not sure we're in America anymore!


Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Obama’s Arab Spring Turns Quickly to Winter

Roanoke Times, 12-5-11, Pg 3: Egypt: Youth were ‘let down,’ reformist leader, Mohamed ElBaradei, says.
Talk about a gross understatement by the incompetent ex-UN’s weapons inspector!
Obama and friends have turned Egypt into yet another Radical Muslim Sharia country in record time! The Muslim Brotherhood and associates are now in charge of the “Democracy” and the only entity keeping them from turning Egypt into another Iran is the Military. Is that ironic or what?
The only question left:
Did Obama promote this out of ignorance and incompetence, or was this on purpose?
And doesn’t Hillary look stupid and ridiculous!
The major losers are:
Stability in the Middle East
Security of Israel
Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how’d you like the play?

Sunday, December 04, 2011


Pearl Harbor Dec 7th 1941

Roanoke Times, 12-4-11, Pg 1, 14, 15: 70 years after Pearl Harbor
A major front page story with full page major carry-over to Pg 14, 15.
First person interview with survivors and great photos and descriptions of current and historical significance.
With Special recognition to Mr. Ralph Berrier Jr.
My impression of the Two Days of Infamy:
Click on Graphic to Enlarge

Click to view: God Bless The USA by Lee Greenwood

Friday, December 02, 2011


Arctic Ice Melting Yet Again

Roanoke Times, 12-2-11, Pg 3: Federal report: Arctic melt-off has sped up.
“The dramatic changes are from both man-made global warming and recent localized weather shifts, which were on top of the longer term warming trend, scientists said.
Well, if scientists said so, then it must be so, especially if they work for the government.
The less than one degree rise in the past 130 years (NASA data) have finally melted the ice:
Hopefully it will refreeze again this winter like it usually does. If not the Russians will be moving their oil rigs in and taking over the entire Northwest Passage; and when last we checked, they’re not big on cleaning up spills.
Not mentioned anywhere are the fumaroles and volcanoes which have been very active the past several years in the Arctic Region. Reykjavik, Iceland had major eruptions in May 2011 which again was similar to last year’s 2010 eruptions that was so dramatic it affected air traffic all the way to, through and over Europe.
Click on the video and look at the volcanic ash bellowing into the atmosphere and the magma flowing out of that melting glacier into the ocean in April 2010 !  Talk about warming up the ocean and covering millions of acres of ice with sun-absorbing fallout!   And what about all that global-warming volcanic-gas that accounts for many years of man-made CO2 !   Didn’t see any of this major relevant information in this article.
The following blog items and references would be good background reading for the authors of this article who perhaps need to spend some time reflecting on the Medieval Warm Period followed by the Little Ice Age and now the post Little Ice Age Warming.
The climate is changing! The climate has always been changing! However we now have people, technology and round the clock media devoted to alarm us about every event. Image if all this existed for the past 3000 years; what’s happening now would surely seem mild.  Just reflect on the hysteria caused by the slight cooling from 1940 to 1975 and the "consensus" that another ice age was upon us and we were going to starve and freeze.
Newsweek, April 28, 1975  Text Article:
Time, June 24, 1974
Weather extremes around the globe and artic ice thickening and displacing wildlife southward.,9171,944914,00.html
Greenland Ice Melting – AGAIN!
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
The Cryosphere Current Arctic Ice Data

Thursday, December 01, 2011


Another AIDs Day And We Still Will Not Do The Right Thing

Roanoke Times, 11-30-11, Pg 8: CDC: 1 in 4 with HIV have it under control; one-fifth of hose who have the virus aren’t aware of it.
AIDs Day and all the newspapers have major articles on AIDs in the US and Africa.
The emphasis is now on drugs that prolong both life and the illness but does nothing to stem the wave of this pandemic.
In the US we have over 1.2 Million known active cases
There are over 850,000 who are not being medicated
Deaths are down to 16,000 yearly due to medication and prior deaths of high-risk takers.
All these numbers are speculation because we don’t know, what we don’t know!
For example:  AIDs is never listed on a death certificate.
Our government and society still refuses to use the most basic public health system processes, developed at the time of Typhoid Mary, of tracking, reporting and isolating this deadly pandemic.
We simply let this awful illness strike unwitting and innocent victims without determining the ID of the carriers and all their contacts and taking appropriate action.
We don’t allow that to happen for gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis, or any of the other major communicable diseases! All detection of those illnesses by doctors and laboratories are immediately reported to the Health Dept. who employ case workers who identify and work with all exposed and carrier persons to isolate the spread of the disease.
HIV+AIDS has been the most deadly concealed weapon in our society since 1985. Aren’t 25 years of benign neglect and hundreds of thousands of deaths reason to act with existing Public Health systems that have been in operation since 1907?
Apparently that’s not going to happen!
The first blog item on this pandemic and associated issues was: Feb 22, 2005
What an incredible contrast with our reaction to loosing 3,000 people on 9-11 compared to our lack of action for this pandemic. How can this be explained to all the family members of these victims of official malfeasance?
New News: WSJ, 5-8-12, Pg A11, Book Review "The Dawning of Desire"
"By '95 - in New York, alone - more Americans had died of AIDS than were killed in Vietnam"


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