The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Progressive Liberals Want Total Social And Financial Equality
Has the Editorial Board of the Roanoke Times become a conduit and venue for far left extremist to peddle their claptrap of socialism, fascism and communism?
Perhaps their motivation is simply to “educate the Proletariat” to the joys of socialism.
The following three examples of their campaign during the last six months would cause one to wonder if this has happened by design or happenstance.
Whatever the motivation, the result harkens back to the “good old days” of the NY Daily Worker (currently The Peoples World) and their crusade for communist takeovers of the US and all world governments.
(1.) Roanoke Times, 4-29-12, Pg 1, 5: Democrats Choose Newbie Candidates, by Lane Filler member of the Newsday editorial board.
Major highlighted quote: “Democrats support the newbie because that’s what “progressive” means. Liberals acknowledge the inequities of 1954, but not the virtues.
They want the world of 2112, with total social and financial equity”.
That’s not progressive, that’s regressive; back to Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto and the works of Stalin and Mao and Castro!
(2.) Roanoke Times, 9-4-11: Pg Horiz 1:
RoanokeSlant: The Roanoke Times Message for this Labor Day:
Carl Marx is the answer to our economic challenges, the Republicans want the American working people to be unemployed and all would be great if only the labor unions controlled and ran our businesses.
(3.) RoanokeSlant: The Roanoke Times has consistently tried to marginalize and belittle those in the Valley who have expressed concerns about Obama’s Socialism and Fascism policies and now his co-opting and exploitation of the Sustainability Movement and the extension of these policies into the control and subservience of the One World UN swamp.
Sometimes people and organizations reveal their true inner selves in subtle ways; however, there’s certainly NOTHING subtle about these examples!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Obama-Democrat Team: A Culture Of Arrogant Nastiness
The ongoing litany of Obama-Democrat Team Arrogant Nastiness was highlighted this week by the revelations of gross anti-business remarks by Obama’s appointed EPA chief in the Dallas office who previously had received grants of one-half million taxpayer dollars.
Editors of Roanoke Times missed this national story, apparently doesn’t fit well with Obama’s reelection narrative.
WSJ 4-27-12 BY RYAN TRACY Republicans this week called for the firing of Al Armendariz, who heads the EPA office in Dallas, after a 2010 video surfaced where he likened the agency's enforcement policy to that of Roman conquerors.
He told his staff about his "philosophy of enforcement."
"It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean,". "They'd go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they'd find the first five guys they saw, and they'd crucify them.
Politics April 27, 2012 Caroline May, The Daily Caller
Obama EPA ‘Crucify’ Official Received $540K in Taxpayer Research Grants
The EPA official who bragged about his “crucify them” enforcement philosophy against oil and gas companies — a story The Daily Caller was the first to report on Wednesday – has collected or shared in at least $540,522 in taxpayer dollars from the federal government to fund environmental projects that stretched from 2004 to 2010.
President Barack Obama appointed Alfredo “Al” Armendariz as the administrator for EPA’s South Central Region (Region 6) in Nov. 2009.
In harmony with Obama and his minions, Democrat Congressperson Maxine “Potty-mouth” Waters blurted out to oil industry representatives that she is and represents Socialists with the goal of Socializing the American Energy Industry. Who could have seen that coming?
Click Links for more examples of the culture of arrogant and vile and nasty rhetoric flowing from the Obama-Democrat-And Friends team: What is wrong with these people? Why can't they be civil?
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Obama Administration Says Not To Worry About Hiring Felons
Roanoke Times, 4-26-12, Pg 8:
The new guidelines on employee background checks OK’d.
“Employers are to stop asking about past criminal convictions on job applications!”
Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) effort is to assist job opportunities for minorities who have higher arrest and conviction rates than whites!
Who dreams up these totally biased and racist and stupid Obama edicts? Every employee in the country is dependent upon their employer to do their best to limit the on-the-job exposure to those who have demonstrated serious bad behavior.
Using discretion relative to nonviolent and “white-collar” crimes and youthful indiscretions is proper and employers are doing that NOW as part of their hiring process!
How can any responsible employer (or government rule-maker) even think about not exploring past criminal convictions during job applications and updating that review if an employee is accused and convicted of a serious criminal offense after joining the organization.
Are the Editors of the Roanoke Times going to stop checking on their applicants’ past criminal history thereby exposing their employees to convicted murderers, rapists, arsonists, muggers and an occasional terrorist? Let us all know how that works out for you and your employees!
Who are these people that Obama has appointed to these important positions in our Federal Government and when they do incredibly stupid things like this, why aren’t they removed from positions of power before serious adverse consequences occur?
NEW NEWS: Roanoke Times, 5-9-12, Pg 9: A woman files suit over assault faulting employer for lack of a background check that led to her being sexually assaulted in Roanoke. Failing to check the background of an employee put the women and all female employees at risk, the woman claims in her lawsuit. The attacker was later convicted of attacking the woman who filed the suit.
No mention of Obama's EEOC proclamation that employers should NOT do background checks on applicants least they have a prior conviction that may inhibit their employability.
Obama And Roanoke Times Insult Our Intelligence Again
Roanoke Times, 4-26-12, Pg 7:
President readies official campaign launch.
Obama’s political activity to date has otherwise been limited ------ !
Will launch campaign next week!
Exactly how dull does Obama and his friends in the major-media and the Editors of The Roanoke Times think the public is?
100 Campaign Fundraisers (in 13 States +PR +DC) at taxpayer’s expense
$68 Million raised in 4Q2011
Raised: $27 million in March 2012
Campaign Cash On Hand: $104 Million
And he’s launching his campaign next week --- really?
When President Obama traveled to Florida this week, he sandwiched a partisan speech at Florida Atlantic University between two multimillion-dollar fundraisers for his 2012 campaign, allowing him to label at least part of the trip to a critical battleground state as official business.
By Susan Crabtree; The Washington Times; April 12, 2012
NASHUA, New Hampshire -- By day's end, President Obama will hit 100 on the campaign fundraising scoreboard.
He reaches the century mark by doing four money-raising events for his re-election campaign during a seven-hour swing through New York City.
The hard-driving effort to raise money has taken Mr. Obama to 13 states. Here's our CBS News tally of the venues for the president's fundraisers to date.
District of Columbia - 23
New York - 21 (includes tonight's (March 1st) 4 events)
California - 20
Florida - 8
Illinois - 8
Texas - 4
Washington -4
Colorado - 2
Massachusetts -2
Missouri - 2
Pennsylvania -2
Hawaii - 1
Maryland - 1
Nevada - 1
Puerto Rico - 1
By Mark Knoller; CBS News; Political Hotsheet; 3-1-2012
The Obama campaign announced that it raised $68 million in the fourth quarter of 2011
Raised: $27 million; Spent: $15.6 million; COH: $104 million; No debt.
This blog; March 14, 2012:
The Obama arrogance and misappropriation of military assets for his excessive and bloated entourage's travel during the past three years and now this gross abuse of the taxpayer’s assets for his reelection efforts is beyond anything anyone has ever seen.
And the major media, being fully vested in the Obama reelection efforts, just smiles and refuses to address this gross malfeasance.
Obama’s Reelection Flag and Air Force
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Social Security Bankrupt In 2033
WSJ: 4-24-12, Front Page: Pg 1, 4: Social Security Program Trustees reported reserves will be “exhausted” three years earlier than expected in 2033. The benefits would automatically be reduced 25% at that time.
Roanoke Times: Not mentioned anywhere (very interesting!) Apparently this story doesn’t fit in well with Obama’s reelection narrative.
Obama and the Democrats are and have been in a state of denial about the Social Security and Medicare programs going back to Al Gore’s assurance that the “Social Security Lock Box” made the programs secure. He forgot to mention that what’s in the box are IOU’s backed up not by assets but by our massive debt.
Harry Reid, the Democrat in charge of the Senate, has stated numerous times that “we don’t even have to address those things for years”! For two years the Democrats had the White House and a Super Majority in both the Senate and the Congress but refused to fix these programs. Now, instead of addressing the situation with meaningful proposals, the Democrats demagogue Paul Ryan for proposing that we need to fix our $15 Trillion debt and our $1 Trillion yearly deficit and our going-bankrupt Social Security and Medicare Systems.
To add insult to injury the Democrats just enacted a so called “payroll tax cut bill” that directly reduces Social Security funding:
Perhaps the Obama targeted voter groups like women and college students will start to question what the future holds for them under a continued Obama-Democrat government.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The New Improved Virtual Juan And Evita Peron
WSJ: 4-23-12, Pg A13: The Argentine Way of Business
The original Socialist Peron’s running Argentina into the ground:
The New Improved Virtual Socialist Peron’s running Argentina and the US into the ground:
I’ll take-over US businesses and banks and socialize the US people and economy.
And then you can take over the Spanish oil companies and facilities and get Argentina back to the good old days of Juan and Evita.
Socialism is so much better than Capitalism because with Socialism we can do whatever we want to do, whenever we want to do it and the really fun part is that the people think they’re important and in charge! And history is on our side; just look at all the examples of how Socialism has done so much better for “the people” than Capitalism.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Trying The Zimmerman-Martin Case With Major Media Photos
Roanoke Times, 4-21-12, Pg 1, 3: Zimmerman apologizes in court for shooting Martin
Setting race aside, which is impossible in our country today,
who chooses the “news” photos that form public opinion, and
why do they choose the one’s we see?
After Obama said: “If I had a son he would look like Trayvor”, the major media have flooded the “news” with pictures that are very prejudicial. They also have blamed and fixed the root cause of the shooting of Martin on the “stand your ground” state laws that provide that the burden of proof should be on the aggressor and not on the "aggressed"; thereby not forcing the “aggressed” to prove they had no means or opportunity to escape.
Samples of the major-media pictures (Martin – Zimmerman):
Samples of other pictures (Martin-Zimmerman) that are available in minor-media and portray a “very different” image:
Minor-media coverage of this tragedy have covered not only the photo conflict but also statements by witnesses that Martin, a larger and younger man, knocked Zimmerman to the ground and was hitting his head on the concrete.
IF this is the case as was determined initially by the local police; it’s not clear why this is a murder case and why the “stand your ground” laws apply since at that point Zimmerman had no opportunity to escape. Why isn’t this handled as an “old fashioned” self-defense case.
Apparently our 24-7 and sensationalist “news machines” must crank out the story and instead of being “fair and balanced with the presumption of innocence”, they must choose scenarios that satisfy their political and social agendas. How sad!
Since the appointed prosecutor chose not to use the Grand Jury system, but instead indicted Zimmerman on her own, it will be up to a Jury to determine the facts in this case and its outcome. Hopefully that will deal with only: the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In the meantime it’s clear that Zimmerman is not the beneficiary of the “innocent until proven guilty” concept and that the major media are clearly not “neutral”!
NEW NEWS: 4-25-12:
Dershowitz: Prosecutor in Trayvon Martin case overreached with murder charge
Legal legend Alan Dershowitz blasted the special prosecutor in the Trayvon Martin case, accusing her of hiding evidence favorable to defendant George Zimmerman and committing perjury.
“If I were this prosecutor, I’d be hiring a lawyer at this point,” Dershowitz said of Angela Cory, the Florida state attorney and special prosecutor who Gov. Rick Scott appointed to handle the case.
MORE NEW NEWS: AP, 5-15-12:
Court records say George Zimmerman had multiple injuries after Trayvon Martin's fatal shooting
Court records show George Zimmerman had a pair of black eyes, a nose fracture and two cuts to the back of his head after the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Roanoke Times MisInformation On Virginia Legislative Actions
Roanoke Times, 4-17-12, Pg 11, Editorial: Get the budget done; Don’t keep localities waiting over a partisan fight over how taxing tolls should be.
The RT net: You Republican stonewallers – get out of the way and let the Democrats have their way!
What a smokescreen and obscuration of the issues involved with the “partisan” fight over taxing and tolls.
The primary issue is why should all of Virginia taxpayers subsidize the commuters’ in Tidewater and the DC beltway for their road, bridge and tunnel tolls?
Are these not Obama’s 10 percenters? Doesn’t Obama want these folks to be tolled and taxed more than the rest of us poor country bumpkins?
Why would those Democrats that represent those commuters (many of whom are Federal and State employees doing very well on taxpayer money!) even think that the rest of Virginia should subsidize them?
And why would the Editors of The Roanoke Times propose that this is a good thing for the Roanoke and New River Valley residents and taxpayers? What are they thinking?
Get out of the way indeed!
Republican Legislators – stand your ground and represent us!
For the past three months the Roanoke Times has maintained a steady drum beat trying to make it appear that the only subjects being debated in the Virginia Legislature were birth-control, abortion and draconian anti-women acts. To read the RT one would think that Virginia had adopted Sharia Law.
This slanted RT view is presented in concert with Obama’s campaign theme that the Republicans are waging war upon women. Click link to see a valid view:
The following pie-chart clearly demonstrates the totally slanted view of these so called “news” presentations by the Editors of The Roanoke Times on this subject. The charts demonstrate that only 2.2% of the bills passed by the 2012 Virginia House of Delegates involved so called “social issues”. Therefore 97.8% of the Legislative business dealt with the components of the business of government that are important to all citizens of The Commonwealth. So much for the Republican Fatwa against women – who by the way represent 50+% of the voting Republican Party!
To Enlarge, Click on Graphic:
As a stark contrast to the views and philosophy espoused “as news” by the RT Editors, one might follow the work of The Virginia House of Delegates Republican Representative from the Ninth District, Charles Poindexter, who truly and faithfully represents the people of this wonderful southwestern section of Virginia.
The VT And Fort Hood Tragedies
Roanoke Times, 4-16-12, Pg 1, 12: A day of remembrance
RT, 4-17-12, Pg 1, 12: Candles reflect glow of lives remembered
The students and grater community of VT have done an outstanding service in memory and respect of those lost five years ago. The Roanoke Times, to their significant credit, have covered in volume and detail the story and follow-on activities associated with this great local tragedy.
As a veteran, I wish to challenge the RT to provide a suitable remembrance to the 13 soldiers killed and 39 wounded by a Radical Muslim Terrorist at Fort Hood.
The RT Editors should not be dissuaded by Obama’s designation of this massacre as “workplace violence” and the fact that Obama’s team has not brought this Terrorist to trial since November 5, 2009. After all he has not brought the 911 Radical Muslim Terrorists to trial either, and that occurred 11 years ago. One might also note that the World Trade Towers and The Pentagon were also “workplaces”.
It would be fitting that included in the RT’s remembrance would be a list of those who were awarded Purple Heart’s for their wounds and Bronze Stars for their bravery in helping and protecting their fellow soldiers. Perhaps that never happened? Perhaps Obama doesn’t award those metals for “workplace violence”?
All veterans and their families look forward to the RT’s coverage of this sad and apparently forgotten event. These 42 Americans who in the service of our County were so brutally and dastardly attacked, by our enemy in our homeland, should never be forgotten.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Our NonEnemy The Taliban Launch Major Tet-Offensive Attacks In Afghanistan And Pakistan
Roanoke Times, 4-16-12, Pg 1, 3: Taliban launch coordinated attacks in Afghanistan
WSJ, 4-16-12, Pg 1, 7: Taliban launched major attack in Pakistan freeing 400 terrorists
It seems like just a few months ago (in fact it was Dec 12th) that VP Biden and the White House announced that “THE TALIBAN ARE NOT OUR ENEMY”!
Are our Leader’s naive, ill-informed or just plain stupid?
Not only does Obama refuse to label our enemies as Radical Muslim Terrorists but he compounds this gross malfeasance by giving comfort to the Taliban by labeling them as "not our enemy"!
This week’s massive attacks in Kabul on Embassies, Parliament and Military Bases and the major attack on a prison in Pakistan is a flash-back to the Viet Nam Tet Offensive that was used as a major PR event to turn most American’s against the war effort.
It’s clear that Obama’s announced "Retreat Date" from Afghanistan has emboldened “the enemy” who now is determined to make it clear to all that they are “driving the US out of Afghanistan just as they did the Russians” in 1989.
Has there ever been a more incompetent Commander-In-Chief of US forces?
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
Sunday, April 15, 2012
More Obama Dubious Accomplishments
WSJ, 4-13-12, Pg B1: Obama’s veto of the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to Texas has resulted in a $5 Billion pipeline from Edmonton, Canada WEST through Kamloops to Vancouver on the Pacific Ocean north of Seattle WA and will
expedite sending Canadian Oil to China.
Obama’s Jihad against American sources of energy aids our enemies and competitors and damages our economy, jobs and standard of living. Why does he think this is a good idea?
How can sending Canadian oil to China be better that sending it to Texas?
How can denying thousands of Americans “shovel ready jobs” be a good thing?
How can shutting down our domestic energy systems without having a plan for its replacement be a good thing?
Roanoke Times, 4-14-12, Pg 7: “Consumer price index was 0.3% in March; Food and gas aside, inflation pretty flat at 0.2%.”
Who has the luxury to “set food and gas aside”? Only a media outlet dedicated to Obama’s reelection would print this heifer-dust! American consumers are being hammered by the direct and indirect cost of Obama’s high energy prices compounded by his mandates to burn our food (corn) in our vehicles (ethanol).
The significant increase in the cost-of-living is especially damaging to the poor and middle class who must eat and commute and buy essential products and services.
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
Obama: Rejected, Disconnected, Erratic and Out-of-Touch
Obama’s “Welcome” Jobs News Is That Workers Stopped Looking For Work
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Global Warming And The Flourishing Emperor Penguins
WSJ, 4-14-12, Pg 1, 2; Along the coast of Antarctica, Satellites have counted twice as many penguins as previous population estimates; 595,000 not 350,000 on 5.4 Million square-miles of ice!
Apparently Gore and Greenpeace and all their minions can’t count!
Either that or the so-called AGW man-caused global warming is working out well for the penguins and Gore et al don’t know how to handle this story.
This is very strange because they continually are reporting the devastating decline of all forms of life-forms caused by uncaring bad carbon-burning people.
5.4 Million square-miles of ice, amazing; the United States covers 3.8 Million square-miles of land and water (including Alaska). After listening to Gore et al we have been led to believe there’s only a few floating iceberg left down there.
This is yet another repudiation of the AGW-Alarmists and their constant chatter about the end of the world as we know it. And this on top of this weeks news (although not covered anywhere by the Roanoke Times) that 50 significant NASA engineers and scientists have publicly rejected NASA management’s endorsement of the man-caused global warming hypothesis.
A Stunning Blow To NASA And All AGW Global Warming Alarmists
How I became a AGW Skeptic, and why I still am:
New News on the Not-melting glaciers at K2 in the Himalayan Mountains:
New News: By Wynne Parry, Senior Writer – Wed, Apr 25, 2012
'Gaia' Scientist Takes Back Climate Change Predictions
Friday, April 13, 2012
Liberals Continue Waging War On Mom’s
Roanoke Times, 4-13-12, Pg 1: “Mitt Romney’s wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She’s never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of women in this country are facing.” Hillary Rosen – Democratic consultant
Hilary Beth Rosen (born 1958) is an American lobbyist, Democratic pundit and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LBGT) activist. She worked for the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) for 16 years where she was CEO from 1998 to 2003. She is the Managing Director of Public Affairs and Communications Practice at SKDKnickerbocker.
Rosen has canceled her scheduled appearance on Meet the Press on April 15
Obama jumped into the fray saying” “It was the wrong thing to say.”
The Progressive Liberals have waged war on married homemaker Mom’s since Gloria Steinem and associates launched NOW. Marginalizing and disparaging married homemaker Mom’s reached a crescendo during the Dan Quayle v. Murphy Brown dialogue about glorifying out-of-wedlock birthing (talk about out of date terminology).
However, some liberals have now admitted that single-mother situations are a fast path to low standards of living and in many cases stark poverty and juvenile dysfunction.
All this at a time when Obama is claiming Republican’s are waging a war on women!
Why do Democrats think that women want Socialism, Dependency and Hand-outs?
The women I associate with want the American Free-Enterprise System to work creating good jobs, opportunity and a good standard of living for everyone!
Just more of Obama and Democrat and Liberal Divisiveness and Gender Warfare.
All this from the self-proclaimed Chicago Uniter.
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for Romney in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
WSJ: EDITORIAL: 4-12-12: The left’s war on moms
Low-class attack on Ann Romney reflects Democratic desperation
The Democratic War on One Woman, WSJ: KIMBERLEY A. STRASSELPolitics trumps civility for Senators Boxer, Lautenberg and Reid.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A Stunning Blow To NASA And All AGW Global Warming Alarmists
Astronauts condemn NASA’s global warming endorsement
Washington Examiner 4-10-2012
Libertarian News, 4-11-12:
Nearly 50 NASA Scientists and Astronauts Issue Letter Rejecting NASA’s Stance on Global Warming
“In an unprecedented slap at NASA’s endorsement of global warming science, nearly 50 former astronauts and scientists--including the ex-boss of the Johnson Space Center--claim the agency is on the wrong side of science and must change course or ruin the reputation of the world’s top space agency.
Challenging statements from NASA that man is causing climate change, the former NASA executives demanded in a letter to Administrator Charles Bolden that he and the agency “refrain from including unproven remarks” supporting global warming in the media.
“We feel that NASA’s advocacy of an extreme position, prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers is inappropriate,” they wrote. “At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.”
The letter was signed by seven Apollo astronauts, a deputy associate administrator, several scientists, and even the deputy director of the space shuttle program.”
In addition to this bad news for Gore and Obama and their AGW-Alarmists:
The Washington Times Monday, April 2, 2012
New U.N. report blows cold on human causes for weather extremes
“The surprise absolution of human beings from the crime of triggering severe weather phenomena was handed down by none other than the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), leader of the campaign to sell the world on anthropogenic climate change”.
If your theory and models do not match reality – you’re not real!
Yet more highly distinguished people of science and technology speaking up for “real science” and the “scientific method” and rejecting the junk-science of consensus!
At some point the AGW-Alarmists and their minions will have to stop disparaging AGW-Skeptics and moderate their jihad against fossil fuel and CO2 as THE primary cause of catastrophic climate change.
Instead of covering this major new Global Warming News, the editors of the Roanoke Times ran yet another 4-9-2012 editorial gloating over Obama’s war on coal. No mention of the costs or impacts or how to provide 24-7-365 service with unreliable intermittent expensive substitutes. Perhaps the RT will restrict their operations from 10 AM to 3 PM during the time their hundreds of acres of solar panels are producing useable electricity.
What a pleasant experience to be part of a community of scientists who dare to question the consensus of unsubstantiated theories promoted by Gore and Prof. Mann and their NASA associate Jim Hanson.
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Obama’s “Welcome” Jobs News Is That Workers Stopped Looking For Work
Roanoke Times, 4-7-12, Pg 3: Hiring drop undermines recent positive reports. Only about half as many jobs as expected were added in March. Unemployment dropped to 8.2% because workers stopped looking for work. Oil prices jumped to $103 per barrel and gas jumped to $3.94 per gallon.
Obama said “we welcome” the added jobs and the decline in the unemployment rate.
Why would Obama welcome the 120,000 increase in payrolls reported by the Labor Department in Washington yesterday, which was the smallest in five months?
The data also showed the unemployment rate fell to 8.2 percent as people left the labor force, while workers put in fewer hours.
What has been Obama’s focus for the past month? Is it Jobs? No; he’s to busy courting millions of women voters who can’t find good jobs! How’s that going to work out for him? His big sales pitch: He’s giving them all the “free” birth control pills they want at taxpayer’s expense.
That’s Priceless and so Obama! He’s our very own Evita!
FoxBusiness News” Time To Focus On the Real Unemployment Rate
Forget the official 8.2% unemployment rate. Take a hard look instead at what’s known as the U6 rate, which tracks not only those out of work but those who’ve essentially given up looking for work.
Mathur said about 43% of the 12.8 million Americans officially labeled out of work fall into the category of the long-term unemployed, “which is huge, we’ve never seen those kinds of numbers in any recession,” she said.
Where’s the news about the 357,000 New Unemployment Claims for the last week of March?
Obama says he’s pleased with 120,000 new job hires, BUT totally ignores the 357,000 New Unemployment Claims for the last week of March.
That’s a net loss of ONE-QUARTER MILLION jobs isn’t it?
Where’s that on his Teleprompter?
"It is increasingly clear the Obama economy is not working and that after three years in office the president's excuses have run out," Romney said, hitting a theme underpinning his bid to evict Obama after a single term.
Obama’s calling Romney out of touch while welcoming these dismal outcomes that reflect his policies and actions! Talk about Chicago Jive!
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
Friday, April 06, 2012
Muslim Brothers In The White House
White House spokesman Jay Carney said representatives from the Islamic political organization (Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood) met with “mid-level” officials from the National Security Council in Washington
Once again Obama feels comfortable commiserating with his Muslim Brothers. Did he or his minions who met with these sworn enemies of America and Israel kowtow to them or just bow?
What a stark contrast with Obama’s Jihad to convince American Women Voters that he’s their savior. Have any of these Obama-Groupies paused and reflected on what the Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia Law means to the quality of life of Women who are trapped in that culture?
And that includes Muslim Women right here in America!
Obama and friends turned Egypt into yet another Radical Muslim Sharia country in record time! The Muslim Brotherhood and associates are now in charge of the “Democracy” and the only entity keeping them from turning Egypt into another Iran is the Military. Is that ironic or what?
The only question left: Did Obama promote this out of ignorance and incompetence, or was this on purpose? And doesn’t Hillary look stupid and ridiculous talking about Democracy in Egypt! The major losers are: Stability in the Middle East, Security of Israel, Women and Christians.
As part and parcel of this whole Arab Spring Thing is Obama throwing Israel under the Muslim bus. The second thing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt say they will do (the first is to impose Fundamentalist Sharia Law) is to void the nonaggression treaties with Israel.
Israel – Not To Worry - Obama’s Got Your Back Already
At what point of Obama’s Middle East Policy train-wreck will the liberal major media begin to question and present the reality of what has happened and is happening?
Can't do it now -- they're too busy supporing the Obama and DNC relection programs.
"If you voted for Barack Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist,
You'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot."
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Educated Conservatives’ Question Junk Science! So What’s Bad About That?
Roanoke Times, 4-1-12, Pg 14: Global Warming: Conservatives’ faith in science waning since 1974. Confidence has declined the most among the most educated conservatives and frequent churchgoers, a study found. Gordon Gaucha pointed to results from Gallup, which found this year that just 30 percent of conservatives believe the Earth was warming as a result of greenhouse gases versus 50 percent two years earlier.
Yet another biased and slanted so called “study” intended to disparage and marginalize Conservatives, frequent churchgoers and AGW-Skeptics (all three in one - that's a liberal trifecta isn't it?)!
Not one word about the massive loss of creditability of the Gore-AGW-IPCC alarmist community because of ClimateGate, all the bogus claims of imminent Apocalypse, the blaming of every major weather event on the use of fossil fuels and the UVa refusal to release the records of Prof. Mann via multiple FOIA requests. Also no coverage that the Alarmists have been forced to address and not ignore the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age from earth’s historic time-line. Were these “scientists” absent during their middle-school earth science classes when this was covered? Also no reference to the NASA data that shows less than one degree global warming during the past 130 years and no significant global warming over the past 12 years.
Even the Liberal-Comedian, Jon Stewart, found it appropriate to satirize and discredit the so called climate scientists associated with the IPCC’s ClimateGate fiasco. This included Prof. Mann of UVa author of the discredited hockey stick graph that Gore used as the highlight of his show. Click to view the video:
The liberal media sold many people into believing that the Gore “Inconvenient Truth” was based on “sound science”. The problem was there were major flaws, falsehoods and out-right lies in this slick propaganda piece intended to promote “Gore’s Cap and Trade” program that was rejected by the US Congress and most other industrialized countries. The Alarmists continue to hype their agenda and try to implement fossil fuel phase-out without a sound and practical plan for its replacement and no clear view of how that relates to earth’s temperature or climate or negative impacts on quality of life.
Educated Conservatives’ Question Junk Science! So What’s Bad About That?
Actually it’s a credit to those people who instead of blindly following the Pied Pipers, question who are these consensus-scientists and demand to see their data and algorithms, their cause-effect analysis, computer programs and demand open and unbiased debate not platitudes about a “consensus”.
Blindly following “consensus scientists” hawking political agendas is not a virtue!
How I became a Skeptic and why I still am:
Following are some interesting materials that the author of this article, John Hoeffel, LA Times, and his sociology associate Gordon Gauchat should review and then rewrite this exposé with some valid data about real scientists and the "scientific method":
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Obama: Rejected, Disconnected, Erratic and Out-of-Touch
Roanoke Times, 4-4-12, Pg 1, 14: Obama says today’s GOP tilts too far to the right; and assailed the GOP budget.
Let’s look at the facts of what’s happing to Obama and his minions and his policies:
Obama and the Democrats haven’t had a budget for three years!
Before taking up their own budget plan for next year, House Republicans pushed a version of President Obama's $3.6 trillion budget to the floor for a vote, and it was unanimously defeated, 414-0.
414 to Zero – not one Democrat voted for Obama’s Proposed Budget. What does that say about who is out of touch!
In stark contrast to Obama and the Democrat-Senate, The House of Representatives passed a $3.5 Trillion budget 228-191, proving: it can be done!
Democrat Senate rejects Obama Energy Industry Tax Plan
President Obama on Thursday called for Congress to jettison $4 billion in annual subsidies to oil and gas companies, but minutes later the Democrat-Senate blocked just such a proposal. The 51-47 vote, which fell nine shy of the 60 needed to advance in the Senate, likely shelves the plan for this year.
Obama’s Visceral Attack on the Supreme Court was met with a Counterattack by 5th Circuit Court of Appeals who ordered the Justice Department to explain its position on Obama’s attack by Thursday at noon. Obama’s AG Holder caved-in, rebuked Obama, and confirmed to the Federal Court that the US Constitution “still” reflects that there are three co-equal branches of government! Apparently Obama thinks he’s King but there are those who disagree!
Obama plays the Race Card stroking racial animosity and racial unrest in the The Trayvon Martin Case in Florida. This from the candidate who ran his campaign on a pledge to be “The Uniter”!
Obama continues to wage Class Warfare stroking animosity between economic classes by playing the haves against the have-nots. Damn those one percentagers. Let’s hide the facts that the richest 1% of Americans pay nearly 40% of all federal income taxes, and the richest 10% pay two-thirds of the tax? Workers rise up, read Karl Mark’s Das Kapital, and then take what should be yours. All this from “The Uniter” who says he believes in the American Economic System!
Obama continues his false fairness jihad, however, there’s nothing fair about his Fairness Jihad!
Obama defunds Social Security funding under the guise of a “payroll tax break” and key Democrats jump from his ship:
Obama launches attack upon religious freedom and Catholics and those with conscience issues relative to tax-paid birth-control and abortions all in the name of nasty divisive reelection objectives.
WSJ: 4-1-12, Pg A11: When the Archbishop Met the President: By James Taranto
Obama’s Excessive Executive Overreach beyond Constitutional Limits is meeting with court challenges and reversals all across the country:
RT, 3-24, Pg 3: West Va. Judge:
Obama’s EPA was wrong to veto mine permit and declared the EPA used illogical and impractical thinking.
WSJ: 4-1-12, Pg A3:
Obama’s EPA Backpedals on Fracking in Texas water-pollution dropped: The third recent setback on drilling for the Obama Agency.
The Obama minions and associates have been totally discredited relative to their “burning water” claims and harassment.
Apparently Obama’s having trouble understanding the “Fracking Truth”.
Federal Court Slams Obama’s EPA clean-air war on Texas.
WSJ, 3-30-12, Pg A14: Appellate Court found that the EPS “failed to identify a single provision of the Clean Air Act that Texas’s program violated!
Obama moving to burn more corn in cars at the expense of skyrocketing food costs (so much for the cost-of-living for the poor and middle classes).
RT, 4-3-12, Pg 4: Obama’s “EPA moves toward goal of 15% Ethanol in gas.
Obama Negatives Building-up; WSJ: 3-31-12: By Peggy Noonan.
Obama increasingly comes across as devious and dishonest.
What is happening is that the president is coming across more and more as a trimmer, as an operator who's not operating in good faith.
Obama had a Very Bad Week. The past seven brutal days will go down as one of the worst weeks in history for a sitting president.
Washington Times, 3-29-12:
How much of the above is being communicated to the public by the major liberal media in TV, Radio, Print or so-called news magazines? Apparently they all are very busy presenting the Obama and DNC reelection story, no time for the news, the whole news and nothing but the news. Pravda couldn’t do it better!
Monday, April 02, 2012
Another Despicable Major Liberal Media Lie
NBC launches internal probe over edited 911 call in Trayvon Martin shooting
NBC's "Today" show ran the edited audio of George Zimmerman's phone call to a police dispatcher in which Zimmerman says: "'This guy looks like he's up to no good … he looks black."
BUT the audio recording in its entirety reveals that Zimmerman did not volunteer the information that Martin was black. Instead, Zimmerman was answering a question from a police dispatcher about the race of the "suspicious person" whom Zimmerman was speaking about.
What nasty despicable people there are in our major media! This case is the personification of playing the race card and beating the racial hatred drums and these nasty people “edit” and then play on major national TV their tainted doctored junk!
Apparently these jerks at NBC Today were simply doing their part in assisting Obama play the race card and get reelected:
Obama: We Don't Need No Judicial Process For The Trayvon Martin Case
Yet more shades of Dan Rather and his CBS doctored and slanderous material.
And the notable doctored test and video by NBC focused on the GMC pickup gasoline tank fires and explosions.
These examples of gross lies and misrepresentations by significant members of the liberal press may well cause one to question the veracity of anything they present.
And to add insult to injury these same charlatans want immunity to hide their deeds.
4-4-12: NBC issues apology for edited Zimmerman 911 call
Washington Times, 4-3-12: WOLF: What happened to my Barack Obama?
Professor Obama Fails Constitution 101
Obama warns 'unelected' Supreme Court against striking down health law
Somebody tell Prof. Obama that the Constitution provides for three co-equal branches of government! And when in our national history has any president “warned” the Supreme Court to vote in a given manner? Talk about obscene arrogance!
Obama and the progressive-liberals loved the Roe v. Wade decision that was based on a court case about a Massachusetts law regarding birth control within marriage. They applauded that ruling that was extended beyond Mass. to all the states.
Obama highlighted the “broad” Congressional support for ObamaCare. Broad indeed: not one Republican voted for ObamaCare and in the Senate the vote was the minimum required 60 Democrat votes.
The 60 votes was the result of an obscene miscarriage of justice given that Federal Prosecutors had wrongly and willfully convicted Republican Sen. Stevens of Alaska with crimes that now have been shown to be the result of Federal prosecutorial misconduct.
That gross malfeasance by Federal prosecutors allowed Obama to carry into the Senate the 60th Democrat ObamaCare vote! That’s the way they do things in Chicago!
The Supreme Court decision will be announced in June and one may be certain that Obama’s warnings will have little effect on the outcomes; and that’s a good thing!
4-3-12: Judges order Justice Department to clarify Obama remarks on health law case
A federal appeals court is striking back after President Obama cautioned the Supreme Court against overturning the health care overhaul and warned that such an act would be "unprecedented."
Late breaking news: 4-4-12:
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