The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


DNC-Pravda Media Furniture Police For Trump – For Obama Not So Much

Kellyanne Conway kneels on Oval Office couch, sparks debate
“WASHINGTON (AP) — Photos of White House adviser Kellyanne Conway kneeling on an Oval Office couch with her shoes on have sparked an online debate about decorum in the executive mansion.”
Apparently the DNC-Pravda Media didn’t worry about Obama’s big nasty shoes marking-up “The Peoples” Furniture for the past 8-years!
They are so selective -- Aren't they!


Venice And Hampton Roads Sinking Faster Than Oceans Rising

Venice Menace: Famed City is Sinking & Tilting

“Sea-level rise isn't the only thing that has Venice's famous canals rising ever-so-slightly every year: The city is also sinking, a new study shows.
The study's findings also showed that the Italian city is slowly tilting slightly to the east, something scientists had never noticed before.
Venice's subsidence was recognized as a major issue decades ago, when scientists realized that pumping groundwater from beneath the city, combined with the ground's compaction from centuries of building, was causing the city to settle.”
Here in Virginia we have enjoyed regular installments of panic-news that the entire coast is being flooded with rising sea levels, especially the military installations and the taxpayer burdens that could be avoided if only we stopped burning fossil-fuels!
Reality: The Chesapeake Bay was blown-out by a gigantic meteor and the coastline is 50 miles from the continental shelf formed from the earth’s tectonic plates.
Therefore the Virginia coast is sinking, perhaps, faster than the oceans that are rising at 8-inches per 100-years.
“Our Government” has the elevation data history from USGS Bench Marks established in the 1800s that can measure the sinking – why isn’t this data available to the public?
The latest view of what to do:
Could treated sewage be a tool against sea-level rise?
“As a tool against sea-level rise, the idea seems a little counterintuitive: Add water to the ground.
Virginia's coastal region needs to hold on to as much dry land as it can. The area along the bay and Atlantic Ocean is afflicted by what's known as “relative sea-level rise”, which measures the cumulative effect of sinking land and rising water.”
Why has this “relative change” not been made visible to the public?
Why have our “consensus scientists” neglected to share this data?
They wouldn’t be putting Obama-Gore-Politics before science, would they?
The ‘Scientific’ American - Not Very Scientific

Reality:  Land sinking faster than oceans rising 

Alexandria Va. 1700s Ship And Sea Level Rise
Yet More AGW-Alarmist Propaganda
Sea Level Rising For 20,000 Years And Still Rising
The Complexity Of Earth’s Climate System Beyond The AGW Alarmists Comprehension Or Modeling


Trump Bad-Mouths The Media – Obama Controlled The Media

Hypocrisy has reached a new high by the DNC-Pravda Media and their mentors over Trump’s sarcastic behavior toward them.
After 8-years of total embrace of Obama by the Media the game is now “get-Trump” by any means.
It’s of interest that The Media had no problems with Obama’s intrusion into their realm be that the editorial processes or their internet domains.
NPR unabashedly practiced journalistic suppression. They even embraced $1.8 million from billionaire investor George Soros to further their Liberal-Progressive Agenda and Team.
FCC Into Media Editors Pants
Liberal Media OK With Federal Agents In The Editors Office (and their pants)
Obama, FCC, The Internet And A 1934 Law
NPR Cans Juan Williams and Free and Open Speech
Pravda Media Unhinged And Flailing
Obama’s “Red Guards” At Berkley Backed-Up By His Pravda-Media

Monday, February 27, 2017


Roanoke Times Keeps Anti-Police Race-Baiting Alive

Roanoke Times, 2-27-2017:
2/3 Va pg-1 one with Big photo
1/2 Va pg-8 with multiple photos
“Service remembers Kionte Spencer’s death; A year after the teen was killed by police, advocates are still seeking change.
The complete truth surrounding the premature death of Kionte has not completely been revealed – yet.”
This tragic incident was the result of a young man brandishing a handgun at night on a public street.
He was directed by police, as shown on video, to “drop the gun”
After repeated attempts to get him to “drop the gun” he was shot by police.
There were local investigations finding the police acted properly.
There were state investigations finding the police acted properly.
There were federal investigations finding the police acted properly.
For the family and friends of this young terribly misdirected youth to continue to grieve and be bitter is understandable.
What is not understandable or acceptable is for the Editors of The Roanoke Times to continue to beat their race-baiting drums over this case.
The youth became a criminal by his actions.
The police acted properly in protecting their lives and the public’s lives.
What objectives are the Roanoke Times Editors trying to achieve by their actions?
In comparison and reflection; it’s sad that somebody didn’t have a gun and stop Vester Flanagan, who brandished a gun for a considerable time, before killing  Roanoke WDBJ7 employees, Alison Parker, 24, and Adam Ward, 27,
Despicable Anti-Police Headline: Insufficient Evidence To Indict
Roanoke Times Continues Racist Anti-Police Jihad
Roanoke Times Continues To Beat The Anti-Police Racial Drums
Media’s Disparate Coverage Of Police Shooting Of Man Brandishing Gun
Roanoke Times Keeps Up Their Anti-Police Chants


Hollywood Wizards Announce Wrong Oscar Winner

Epic Oscars Mistake: Faye Dunaway, Warren Beatty Announce Wrong Best Picture Winner
The Liberal Elitist Hollywood Wizards who pretend to be such educated and knowledgeable people because they can so adeptly regurgitate the words and actions written by others and directed by others can’t even open the correct envelope and read the correct winner of their so called prestigious award.
You can’t make this “stuff” up!

Sunday, February 26, 2017


Trailing Behind - It’s The Recession – NO! – It’s Obama’s Policies And Actions

Roanoke Times, 2-26-2017, Pg Bus 1, 5: Trailing Behind; Thanks to recession; millennials can’t keep pace with boomer parents financially.
The Recession was over early in Obama’s first year in office ( 7- years ago) due primarily to actions taken before he took office.  In fact his big “shovel ready job thing” produced just more debt and it all went down-hill from there.
Obama’s policies that massively increased regulations on businesses combined with the massive reduction of available money to small businesses via Dodd-Frank and the major drag of the ObamaCare 29-hour restraints and major increased taxes and fees all combined to stifle our free enterprise economy and moved millions of workers from work to government dependency.
Obama’s disdain of private enterprise and business-people was well on display at Roanoke’s Fire House #1 speech:
Obama’s disdain for private business combined with his love for large-government Socialism was totally consistent with his Community Organizer and Professor mentality and world-view.  And, he surrounded himself with like-minded minions who offered no alternative views on the American Free-Market System.
Hopefully the concept of “Make America Great Again” will be translated into actions to stimulate the private business economy that will in-turn result in business expansion and employment growth.
On the other hand the Obama social divisiveness and economic malaise may have rolled America over into another EU Socialist country.
Something about a tipping-point.    How sad that would be for us all.
Not My President


Obama’s-EPA Vehicle Fuel Mileage Mandates vs. The American People

New CAFÉ News: 3-15-2017:  Trump pumps brakes on Obama-era fuel efficiency standards
“Trump announced he's putting a midterm review of fuel efficiency standards back on track, giving officials another year to study the issue before setting new standards in 2018.
CAFE emissions targets were at the heart of former President Barack Obama’s multi-year strategy to fight climate change. Trump’s willingness to hit the brakes underscores his administration’s aim to roll back environmental rules in order to boost economic growth.” 
Roanoke Times, 2-23-2017, Pg 8:  EPA asked to withdraw mileage decision that states greenhouse gas emissions standards through 2025 should remain unchanged.

Auto Alliance CEO Mitch Bainwol said the EPA’s decision was “riddled with indefensible assumptions, inadequate analysis and a failure to engage with the contrary evidence.”
This statement is the personification of the Obama-EPA for the past 8-years and their entire concept that “we” have control!
Something about being arrogant, arbitrary and capricious at the epicenter of a centralized and all powerful government.
Many of us have seen this play before!
Talk about a disconnect between Goals and Reality!
Clearly the average fuel mileage for combined cars and light trucks is NOT even close to 36.6 MPG (This year 2017 it's more like 27)!  Why is this overstated?  Why would the EPA falsify reality?
If the manufacturers did that the Government would go postal a la VW diesel emissions
Clearly going from 36.6 MPG in 2017 to 54.5 MPG in 2025 is:
A 49% change in 8-years.
From 27 MPG to 55 MPG it's a 104% change in 8-years - Obama Delusions
How was Crooked-Hillary going to make that happen?
We are to be mandated to drive Toyota Prius’ or equivalents
No more real cars, SUVs, cross-over’s, pick-up’s or vans
And don’t sweat the massive increases in accident deaths and injuries.
Why wasn’t this highlighted during the past election by Obama, Hillary and their DNC-Pravda Media.  Is it not important for the American People to know what the real Obama Auto plans mean for the American People?
More mushroom treatment – keep them in the dark and feed them lots of heifer-dust!
Yet another reason the red-neck-deplorable’s voted for Trump!
Apparently lots of soccer-mom’s did too!
U.S. Sets Higher Fuel Efficiency Standards
DETROIT — The Obama administration issued on Tuesday the final version of new rules that require automakers to nearly double the average fuel economy of new cars and trucks by 2025.
The standards — which mandate an average fuel economy of 54.5 miles per gallon for the 2025 model year


Is It Fake-News Or Just Slant And Bias

This blog has used the term DNC-Pravda Media as a reflection of the one-sided economic, political and social presentations by most of the major media most of the time.
They have always scoffed-at and belittled the term “fair and balanced” and most of their coverage reflects their disdain for all things NOT DNC initiated or compliant.
Yet another blatant example of their slant and bias has been their coverage of the Dakota Access pipeline and the so called Sioux protests that are not on Sioux lands and are clearly instigated and funded by other anti-fossil energy entities embraced and encouraged by the Obama team.
The following graphic in the Roanoke Times stands in stark contrast to the reality of the end of the protests –
is this Fake-News or Just Slant and Bias?
A view of the reality of the chaotic and dangerous situation:
“Police arresting holdouts, 100 demonstrators refuse to leave pipeline protest camp”
Chief Joseph Crying Over Massive Abuse Of The Land By His Sioux Brothers

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Is Roanoke Entering The Energy Production Business?

Roanoke Times, 2-23-2017, Pg Va 1, 4:  Bill could pave way for solar energy project; the measure would simplify the process for adding solar panels to the Berglund Center.  Sen. Edwards claims system could save Roanoke $50,000 per year.
“Simplify the process” – NO that’s not it.  What the Sen. Edwards bill does is to allow a solar energy company (Secure Futures) to keep information secret that normally is required in bids and contracts for government projects.   So – why the secrecy?
Clearly there is nothing secret about solar energy systems here in Virginia.  There are many systems here with one of the largest being the Amazon complex.
So – why the secrecy and why is Sen. Edwards carrying this bill and why doesn’t the Roanoke Times question this secrecy under their “policy” of defending FOIAs (at least the ones they like).
A key issue is who will own, operate and maintain this solar complex and be responsible for it through end-of-life disposition and handle any issues associated with a major roof-mounted system. Who is funding the capital $$ for 1,000 panels, the massive inverters and installation?
If “Secure Futures” is the owner then they bear the responsibility, accountability and liability for the complex and Roanoke is simply one of their customers assuming Secure Futures can get AEP to accept them as an electricity supplier into their grid.
Buying electricity at a long-term contract price from an established solar supplier can be cost effective. 
However, if Roanoke City is to be the owner and supplier of electricity to the grid – all the taxpayers of Roanoke should immediately recognize the major new liability that their city council is signing them up for!
The $50,000 per year savings could disappear and the complex become a major liability.
In either case, The Berglund Center will have a major ongoing dependency on the grid because of the major variability in solar system generation.  Solar systems are like Dolly Parton, they work from 9 to 5!  And not so much at nights and inclement weather.
Time For Solar To Shine On Its Own Two-feet


Sanctuary Cities ‘1984-DoubleSpeak’

The concept of ‘Sanctuary’ implies a safe-place for ‘innocent people’ and endangered birds –
Not For Felonious-Jail-Birds and Known Criminals.
It is disturbing that mayors and governors who are sworn to protect the safety of their constituents are turning violent criminals out onto their streets to prey upon the public.
There are lots of Sanctuary-Judges who will embrace this federal-illegal activity and keep it going.  How sad is that?
Gee Toto – I don’t think we’re in America any more!
Americans overwhelmingly oppose sanctuary cities
“An overwhelming majority of Americans believe that cities that arrest illegal immigrants for crimes should be required to turn them over to federal authorities.
The poll shows that President Trump has broad public support in his effort to crack down on sanctuary cities.
A survey from Harvard–Harris Poll provided exclusively to The Hill found that 80 percent of voters say local authorities should have to comply with the law by reporting to federal agents the illegal immigrants they come into contact with.”
Death of Tim Cruz is another failure of the U.S. immigration system
“It is incomprehensible to me how the system allowed a Mexican gang member and illegal immigrant charged with weapon possession, vehicle theft and eluding police to walk from a Denver jail after he had been identified by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as an “immigration enforcement priority.” The released individual then went on to allegedly rob and murder Tim Cruz at an RTD station.”
'Sanctuary city' law let gang member walk free from Rikers
“An illegal immigrant gang member from El Salvador was allowed to walk free from Rikers Island under Mayor Bill de Blasio's “Sanctuary City” law — in defiance of a federal petition to hold him for deportation, officials said Tuesday. “This man is by his own admission a member of a violent street gang and he was released back into the community,” said Thomas Decker, field office director for the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement unit in New York. “Honoring a detainer request is not about politics, it is about keeping New York citizens safe.”
Ed Gillespie statement on Northam vote for sanctuary cities in Virginia   2-22-2017  RICHMOND, VA – Longtime conservative leader, 2014 U.S. Senate nominee, and 2017 Republican candidate for governor Ed Gillespie released the following statement Wednesday on Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam’s vote for sanctuary cities in Virginia. Northam voted against House Bill 2000 , introduced by Delegate Charles Poindexter, which would prohibit localities from adopting ordinances or policies refusing to enforce federal immigration laws.
“Lieutenant Governor Northam voted for sanctuary cities in the Commonwealth. Ralph Northam is out-of-step with Virginians who believe that enforcing our nation's longstanding immigration laws is common sense.
What If Kate Steinle Worked At The Roanoke Times?
Sanctuary Mayors Harboring Criminals
How Dull Are The Roanoke “Sanctuary” Candidates For Public Office?

Friday, February 24, 2017


Are School Bath-Rooms Still Obama’s Psychology-Laboratories?

2-25-2017- Latest Transgender School Sports News
“Transgender boy 2-wins away from girls state wrestling title
Mack Beggs could win a Texas state wrestling title on Saturday.
Win or lose, the debate over whether a 17-year-old transgender boy should be wrestling girls will continue"…... "considering the testosterone treatments Beggs has been taking while in transition from female to male” 
How can anyone taking performance-enhancing drugs be allowed to participate in school sports?  Apparently OK if you claim to be a LGBT!
Roanoke Times, 2-23-2017, Pg 1, 6: Trump rescinds (Obama’s) directive on gender
(another pen and cell-phone thing)
2-24-2017, Pg 1, 9: Transgender (Va) teen to press case at SCOTUS
(Really?  The “teen” is doing all this?)
Trump's Education Secretary Betsy DeVos slams Obama's transgender bathroom rule as 'overreach'
Arkansas Supreme Court strikes down city's LGBT protection law
JCPenney to Shutter 130-140 Stores, Shares Sink
(JCPenney – apparently being your LGBT-friendly store didn’t help)
It is difficult to comprehend that Obama, a father of two young girls, and his sensitive people-centrist followers would force into our schools and public facilities a legal right for males to be in the girl’s bath-rooms, locker-rooms and showers!
Perhaps this action by Trump to make this a “States Rights” issue may help bring some sanity to this Liberal-Progressive drive to asexualize America, probably not, after all, abortion on demand was once a States Rights issue.
Transgender Quandary at Olympics
Inside an Olympian's testosterone ordeal
“She had fallen foul of the International Association of Athletics Federations' rules aimed at providing a fair playing field for women by keeping out athletes with high testosterone, a naturally occurring strength-building hormone.”
Hyperandrogenism, also known as androgen excess, is a medical condition characterized by excessive levels of androgens (male sex hormones such as testosterone) in the female body and the associated effects of the elevated androgen levels. It is an endocrinological disorder similar to hyperestrogenism. 
McAuliffe Veto Keeps Men In Virginia Girls-Rooms
N.C. LGBT Liberal-Progressive Crusade
Cartoonist Reaction To King Obama's LGBT Fiat
Shopping For A Transgender Friendly Judge


Obama’s $1-Million GITMO Guy Goes For The Virgins

ISIS Brit-terrorist captured in Afghanistan and put in GITMO
Obama releases him as a “victim” of US oppression
He gets $1-Million+ from the Brits because he’s a “victim”
He blows himself-up in suicide bombing in Mosul, Iraq.
Yet another example of Obama’s misdirected-thinking and actions!
Wonder where the money went?  More IED’s you think?
ISIS Suicide Bomber Is Released From Gitmo Prison – QUICKLY Becomes A Millionaire
“A British suicide bomber working with the Islamic State group has been discovered to have been a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who was paid an enormous sum of money by the government after his release, the U.K. Daily Mail reported.
Heavy reported that Jamal Udeen al-Harith killed himself in Mosul, Iraq, in a suicide attack. This same man had been compensated 1 million pounds (about $1.25 million) in taxpayer money for his time in Guantanamo Bay. He was sent to Guantanamo Bay in 2002 after being captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan.”
Taking Out The GITMO Trash
From GITMO Back To Radical Muslim Terrorism


Deplorable And Vile Democrat Congress-“person”

“Maxine Waters says Trump’s cabinet is full of (‘@$^*)”
“Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Ca.) angrily denounced members of the Trump administration as being (#$&*)”
This is the Democrat leadership in our government?
These are the people the DNC-Pravda Media hold in high esteem?
These are the Democrat “women” who complain about Trump?
These are the mentors of our black-youth?
What a disgusting and deplorable “person”!
Didn’t see this highlighted in the Roanoke Times this morning!
Yet More Left-Wing Vile, Vicious and Nasty Dialogue
Why Are Obama’s Associates So Vile And Nasty?


The Obama Russian Arctic Capitulation

In addition to Obama’s capitulation to Russia on Crimea, Ukraine, and Syria the Russian dominance in the Arctic is a strategic failure.
After 8-Obama-years, for all practical purposes, the Russians now dominate the Arctic over the US, Canada and Norway.
About 40 percent of the world’s oil and natural gas reserve lies under the Arctic. (Imagine the rain-forests that covered that area and the amount of CO2 it took to support that ocean of green that now is oil and gas!  --- talk about your Gore global-warming!).
Yet another adverse consequence of the Obama-Gore mentality that it’s OK for “others” to rule and control the Arctic because the free-world will all be using solar panels and wind turbines for their energy needs.
Trump facing GOP pressure to counter Russia's Arctic fleet
(may need to copy-paste link into browser for full article)
“Russia has aggressively built up its fleet of ships cruising Arctic waters, while the U.S. has fallen far behind. Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., is now urging Trump to counter that influence by funding additional so-called “icebreakers” for the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as drones to help the U.S. patrol. 
With so much at stake, Russia has reestablished Soviet-style military bases across the Arctic. It’s also begun building a string of search-and-rescue stations along its Arctic shores.
In June, Russia launched its biggest icebreaker to date. Named Arktika, the 567-foot vessel is unmatched in raw power and can smash a path through the ice of the Northern Sea Route. The mammoth, 33,000-ton ship is easily the world’s largest nuclear-powered icebreaker.”

Putin Takes Arctic – Moving On Up From Georgia, Crimea, Syria
Russia Grabbing The Arctic - Obama Oblivious
The Russian Bear Reincarnated – War Coming To The Arctic
American Legion:  Breaking the Ice in the Arctic

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Manage Juvenile-Delinquent Students – Don’t Empower Them

RT-LTE: Abdul-Mbacke: Don't suspend so many students
House of Delegates kills changes to school suspension maximum lengths
The bill failed in the House 56-39
What were the 39-yes's thinking?  They all need to spend a week as a substitute teacher in a challenging classroom in a center-city!
Anyone who proposes that problem-student suspensions and expulsions be limited by law needs to spend some time in problem school rooms inhabited by selected students who not only are dedicated to the premise they will not learn but also are intent on insuring that teaching-learning will not happen in their classroom.
Many of these “students” are not only belligerent but impose a major hostile environment onto teachers and other students.
At a minimum these “students” are stealing an education from the other students and are forcing many teachers to leave their professions.
This bill is simply an extension of the “Virginia LegalAid Justice Center’s JustChildren Program” that claims that today’s schools are a “school-to-prison pipeline”
On the contrary, our schools are the only place that many troubled youth are saved from that “pipeline”.  But to save the “savables” the hard-core juvenile-delinquents must be managed not empowered.
Student Suspensions NOT Just Stupid Kid Stuff
Roanoke Times Doubles-Down On Denigrating Roanoke Schools
McAuliffe Pandering To The Juvenile Delinquents


Roanoke Times Front Page: A Trump TriFecta

Roanoke Times, 2-22-2017, Pg 1:
·       Trump broadens (illegal immigrant) expulsion criteria
·       Pruitt (new EPA Admin.) vows to roll back ‘overreach’ of the EPA
·       Trump admin. Working on transgender bathroom use policy
Amazing!  When has any President quickly acted upon the promises he made to the electorate during his campaign?
Sorry Crooked-Hillary Supporters, you were hoping he would forget those key promises that got him elected.
Not My President
President Donald J. Trump’s First Month: Achieving Results for the American People


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