The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Roanoke Times Flaunts Their Slant And Bias

Roanoke Times, 7-31-2018, Pg Bus-1:  Federal tax cut to lower utility bill by 6% for average AEP consumers.
“When Congress approved the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December, the law reduced the corporate income tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, starting Jan. 1, 2018.”
Not One Word that this was The Trump Tax Reduction Act!
Not One Word that this was enacted by Republicans!
Not One Word that this Act passed without one Democrat vote!
The word-smithing by the PravdaMedia to minimize and marginalize the major accomplishments of Trump and The Republican Congress is pathetic!
And they call themselves ‘journalists’.  Really?
How about just plain old political hacks doing their mentor’s bidding!
Where’s the Pelosi quote on the Tax Bill?
Pelosi’s ‘Crumbs’ Are Trump’s Tax-Cut ‘Apples’
Pelosi: Rejoice, I’m Still Your Leader!


The FBI’s FISA Faults

WSJ:  The FBI’s FISA Faults  By The Editorial Board
The FBI over the weekend finally released its Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications for warrants against former Trump aide Carter Page, and now we know why the bureau resisted disclosure. Even in heavily redacted form, the applications confirm that the FBI relied on dubious partisan evidence to justify its warrant and withheld relevant information from the court.
The applications also vindicate the criticism of the FBI’s surveillance requests that were laid out in February by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes. The committee’s findings were based on a review of the FISA applications, which were still classified at the time. The main Nunes claim was that the FBI made the Steele dossier—which was commissioned by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee—“an essential” part of its initial application. The FISA documents confirm this.
More than half of the first FISA application’s 66 pages are devoted to technical matters and a history of Russian electoral interference. Of the roughly 25 pages that focus on Mr. Page, much of it reports his dealings with Russians, his response to the news that he was under investigation, and a largely redacted conclusion.
The guts of the application is titled “Page’s Coordination With Russian Government Officials on 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Influence Activities.” This is the FBI’s evidence section, and, though heavily redacted, it looks to be almost entirely dossier-related.
Its opening paragraph says that the “FBI has learned that Page met with at least two Russian officials” on a trip to Russia in 2016 and that it got this information from an “FBI confidential human source (Source #1),” who is dossier author Christopher Steele. Most of what is unredacted that follows details the dossier’s claims about these Russian meetings, with further reference to “Source #1.”
This is important given that FBI assistant director Bill Priestap told Congressional investigators in October 2017 that the FBI’s efforts to corroborate the dossier were still in their “infancy” at the time of the first application. Months later former FBI Director Jim Comey referred to the dossier as “salacious and unverified.” To date no investigator has offered public proof of the dossier’s most damaging claims. Yet on the basis of an uncorroborated document commissioned by a rival presidential campaign, the FBI accused a U.S. citizen of being an “agent of a foreign power” who should be wiretapped.
Mr. Nunes also reported that the FBI did not inform the FISA court that the dossier and trusted “source” (Christopher Steele) were paid by the Clinton campaign. And sure enough, nowhere do the FISA applications mention the words Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Fusion GPS (the Clinton-financed oppo research firm that hired Mr. Steele), or Fusion co-founder Glenn Simpson.
Several convoluted footnotes refer to “Source #1” (Mr. Steele) and a “U.S.-based law firm” (Clinton firm Perkins Coie), as well as an “identified U.S. person” (Mr. Simpson) who was “likely” interested in discrediting Mr. Trump. These obscure references are quickly followed by another footnote in which the FBI says that, despite that motivation, it is confident that “Source #1” is “credible.” So the FBI was vouching for this partisan source.
It’s true that the first application doesn’t mention any names. But it does refer to “Candidate #1” (who is clearly Donald Trump ), “Candidate #2” ( Hillary Clinton ) and “Political Party #1” (Republicans). The FBI had an obligation to tell the court that the dossier and its “credible” source had been retained and paid for by “Candidate #2” and “Political Party #2” (Democrats), but it didn’t. By the way, Mr. Comey signed three of these applications, yet he claimed on his recent book tour that he “still” didn’t know who paid for the dossier.
The FISA documents also confirm that the FBI cited a Sept. 23, 2016 story in Yahoo News to buttress its Steele dossier information with the court—even though Mr. Steele was also the source for the Yahoo News story.
Democrats insist that the FBI used the Yahoo story only to describe Mr. Page’s response to the investigation, not for corroboration. The applications show otherwise. The FBI cites the Yahoo News story after its dossier-evidence section, noting that the story said that “intelligence reports” and a “well-placed Western intelligence source” had also made claims like those in the dossier. But the “reports” were the dossier, and the “Western intelligence source” was Mr. Steele.
Our media friends are dismissing all this as no big deal because they say Mr. Page’s history of personal Russian dealings justified his surveillance in any case. Yet so far no one has produced evidence that Mr. Page was anything but an innocent abroad who liked to boast about his contacts. He certainly was a minor figure in the Trump campaign.
And that still doesn’t justify the FBI’s use of uncorroborated partisan smears as part of its application. At best the FBI appears to have played fast and loose with the facts to stretch the ethical boundaries of the FISA statute. At worst the FBI dissembled to target a man because they wanted to unleash a counterintelligence campaign against a presidential campaign. Either one tarnishes the FBI’s reputation.
Democrats and their media allies won’t admit any of this because they are invested in the narrative that Russian meddling elected Donald Trump. But two years of investigation later we’re still waiting to see evidence of that. What the FISA applications show is that the FBI did abuse its surveillance powers. There’s still more to learn, and Mr. Trump should declassify and release everything that can be safely disclosed.
What To Call 20 FBI Lawyers And A Strzok?
Is FBI-DOJ FISA Abuse Treason Or Just A Felony?
Ongoing Saga Of Obama’s politicizing and weaponizing The DOJ, FBI, FISA Court
LapDog Issues DOJ-FBI IG ‘Report’

Monday, July 30, 2018


The Five Big Blue States Drowning In Debt

The Five Big Blue States, that congressionally have controlled the country, are Drowning In Debt and their Democrat leaders continue to enact additional socialistic 'entitlements' at enormous taxpayer expenses.
Let us celebrate the Founder’s wisdom in the concept and implementation of the Electoral College!
These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt
““Someone’s going to the barbershop,” Mitch Daniels, a Republican, said during an interview with FOX Business’ Stuart Varney on Thursday. “The first will be the taxpayers, already beleaguered in some of these states.”
And Connecticut isn’t the only state struggling with a debt crisis: California, Illinois, New Jersey and New York are unable to make pension payments to retired government workers.”
The Radical Left-Wing Democrats Come Out Of The Closet
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure,
the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.."
Winston Churchill
Experiencing The Joy Of Socialism
The Socialism Mantra: Let’s scrap things that work for things that sound good!

Sunday, July 29, 2018


Traitor Hanoi Jane Not Proud Of US – Likewise!

Jane Fonda revisits 'Hanoi Jane' scandal: 'It’s just horrible for me to think of that'
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Scandal” – this was not a scandal – this was treason!
“Horrible for me”—Really?
What was it like for all our troops to have you embracing and assisting ‘the enemy’; especially at the Hanoi-Hilton POW facility where you directly and purposely aided and abetted their torture?
What a pathetic spectacle:  Hanoi Jane, at 80-years old, still trying to explain her anti-American and anti-US-Servicemen traitorous and destructive behaviors.
It’s not clear why Hanoi Jane did not meet the appropriate and justifiable end met by Mata Hari!
Instead of that, her Hollywood Fellow-Travelers made her rich and famous -- how sad is that!
Megyn Kelly: How Dare You Call-Out Traitor Hanoi-Jane
Jane Fonda Still An Unrepentant Narcissistic Traitor


US Approves Trump Visit With Putin - Media Not So Much

The US-PravdaMedia have gone ‘postal’ over Trump’s meeting with Putin.
Interesting that prior get-together s have been OK.

“And that Helsinki Finish the media had in mind? Let shocked MSNBC reporter Kasie Hunt explain: “The president’s approval rating is ticking up, not down. A brand-new poll from NBC News and The Wall Street Journal conducted before and after the Helsinki summit shows the president approval rating at 45 percent. That is up 1 point from June. Among Republicans, that number is 88 percent, the highest ever his entire presidency.””

The Russian Interactions: Trump vs. Obama
Who’s Afraid Of The Russians?

Saturday, July 28, 2018


Trump Doing More To Reduce CO2 Than All Others

Where’s this success story in the PravdaMedia?
US cuts carbon emissions more than foreign nations that criticize Trump environmental policies
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“And the U.S. economy – due in large part to the Trump administration’s commitment to deregulation and energy dominance – has continued to grow at breakneck speed. On Friday the federal government announced our nation’s gross domestic product grew at an annualized rate of 4.1 percent in the second quarter of this year – the highest growth rate in four years.
On top of this good economic news, despite the warnings of gloom and doom from President Trump’s opponents, America is now the world leader in cutting carbon dioxide emissions.”
Reliable Non-CO2 energy sources like hydro, nuclear and geothermal will continue to develop.
UnReliable and intermittent solar and wind development will require parallel development of equivalent back-up energy systems.
Hey Obama and Gore – It’s the Fracking Gas – Stupid!
Court Smacks Obama For Fracking Infraction
A Good Year For Fracking
Oh wait – this in-spite-of him, not because of him!
Obama has done everything he and his pen and his cell-phone and Reid and Pelosi could do to throttle our energy infrastructure and stop the Fracking industry!
Our Electric Grid: Let’s Make It A Social Community Project


’s Merkel Fell Under Gore’s Lorelei Of AGW-Alarmism

Friday, July 27, 2018


Our Electric Grid: Let’s Make It A Social Community Project

Sutch: Virginia’s electric grid should be resilient, locally-fueled, and democratic
The author is no doubt a very nice, intelligent and well meaning person who has an idyllic view of our electric utility system but hasn’t begun to comprehend the magnitude of the US electric grid or the magnitude of the back-up energy systems required to ensure grid reliability, availability, serviceability and reasonable cost.
Solar and Wind can be appropriate supplements to our grid energy supply, however, they are intermittent and unreliable by their very nature and function.
They require reliable 100% back-up to ensure our homes, businesses and government entities can provide the service we need.
A solar panel on every building and a wind-turbine on every hill will generate electricity when the sun shines and the wind blows; that by definition does Not satisfy The Requirements!
The headline: Virginia’s electric grid should be resilient, locally-fueled, and democratic.
Are these the attributes that define national utility power grid?  Really?
*  springing back; rebounding.
*  returning to the original form or position after being bent, compressed, or stretched.
*  recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant.
Locally Fueled:
The vast majority of cities and communities do not have the intermittent sun-power or wind-power to provide their own utility grid power requirements.
*  relating to, appealing to, or available to the broad masses of the people
*  favoring social equality
It’s amazing that the media continues to not only entertain but propagate these type articles without asking the authors to address the 100%  24-7-365 reliable and affordable grid power that we all require in today’s environment and which the media depends upon for their very existence.
Trump Assuring Grid Power Sustainability
'Exclusive Solar Power' For Facebook Georgia Data Center -- Really?
A Realistic View Of Solar Energy In Virginia
Massive “Green” Utility Energy Issues


Restraining Order Just A Piece Of Paper

Teach Your Daughter To Shoot
Help Your Daughter Get An Appropriate Gun And Permit And Training
Because:  A Protective Order is just a piece of paper
In wake of ice cream parlor attack, police acknowledge protective orders no guarantee of safety
“Roanoke Police Chief Tim Jones says orders allow police to act only after they are violated.”
This statement by the Roanoke Police Chief is the personification of why lawful citizens demand their 2nd Amendment rights.
Not only are ‘protective orders’ Not Protective, they can be the trigger for unstable people to commit violence.
Shot Right Through The Restraining Order
Mother Protects Self And Others On Mothers Day

Thursday, July 26, 2018


I-81 and I-73: The Real Interstate Problem

Editorial: Who's going to pay to fix I-81?
I-81 congestion south of Roanoke will be greatly reduced as major trucking traffic diverts off I-81 at Roanoke and onto I-73-581 to connect with I-85 and I-40 in North Carolina.
The real Interstate Highway issues the RT should be focused upon is this I-73 Reality now at the Virginia-220 border at Ridgeway.

I-73 in North Carolina is a major Interstate that is now open from south of Greensboro to 20 miles above Greensboro establishing a loop that totally avoids the city and suburbs of Greensboro.

What a contrast to the Wizards of Roanoke who have demanded that I-73 drive right through downtown under the Elm Street bridge on the current I-581 Roanoke congested commuter stop-n-go.

When are the RT Editors going to do an expose on getting I-73 out of town and onto a loop like all other responsible cities like Danville, Martinsville, Bedford and Lynchburg?
How much additional congestion, pollution and highway-chaos does Roanoke really need?
Roanoke’s Topographical Depression
Roanoke A Glutton For Traffic Chaos And Air Pollution
A Nightmare on Elm Street
US 220, Virginia Border to NC 68, Rockingham County
 'I-73 Connector', and Bryan Blvd. from NC 68 to Greensboro Urban Loop
Greensboro Urban Loop Freeway from Bryan Blvd South to US 220

Friday, July 20, 2018


Endangered Species: Who Decides – How -- Why?

The Federal and State governments have laws that govern the willful taking of plants, animals, fish and birds.
Additional ‘endangered species’ laws should target very few and very select species from their Darwinian fate of ‘adapt or die’.
In the natural scheme of things, mankind is minor to nature in saving species like the elms and the chestnuts.
Clearly selected special interest groups have grossly misused the ‘endangered species acts’ for political and anti-growth dogma.
An emotional use of the act is to protect the US national symbol, the bald eagle.  However, Obama relaxed its protection in favor of wind turbines.
Notice: should You hurt or kill a bald eagle, or be in possession of its feathers, you will be going to jail.
More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.”
Endangered Earth dot com: Promoting the Plight of Endangered Species and the Efforts to Save Them-There are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction. This is up from 16,118 last year. This includes both endangered animals and endangered plants.
Roanoke Times, 7-20-2018, N&W Pg 3: New (EPA) rules would end automatic protections
“A number of conflicts have arisen in the decades since the 1973 passage of the Endangered Species Act, ranging from disruptions to logging to protect spotted owls in the Pacific Northwest, to attacks on livestock that have accompanied the restoration of gray wolves in the Rocky Mountains and upper Midwest.Some species including gray wolves and grizzly retained protection for years after meeting their original recovery goals, often due to court orders resulting from environmentalists' lawsuits.The proposed changes include potential limits on the designation of "critical habitat" for imperiled plants and animals; an end to a regulatory provision that gives threatened plants and animals the same protections as species at greater risk of extinction; and streamlining inter-agency consultations when federal government actions could jeopardize a species.”
Not mentioned in this Roanoke Times article is the ongoing devastating flooding in the Roanoke area because ‘someone’ thinks the snail-darter and log-perch are more important than Roanoke people, business and the contamination washed into the river by the chronic flooding.
Anyone seeing either a log-perch or snail-darter in the Roanoke River, please post a picture and brief description of why ‘disturbing’ them, by doing Real flood control dredging, will harm the environment or so called ‘diversity of whatever’.
Roanoke Flooded By 3-Inches Of Rain Yet Again
Endangered Species Acts: The Personification Of Obstructionism
Killing Birds OK By Wind-Turbines, Not So Much For Tree Cutting
How Could They Miss 1.5-Million Adelie Penguins?
It’s The Thick Ice That’s Bad For Alaskan Polar Bears
Brown And Obama: Water For The Delta Smelt – People And Food Not So Much


The Radical Left-Wing Democrats Come Out Of The Closet

As upstart Ocasio-Cortez hits campaign trail with Bernie Sanders, high profile spurs fears of Dem rift
(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article)
“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is hitting the national campaign trail this week with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to stump for other left-wing candidates, even as the upstart 28-year-old democratic socialist's rising profile continues to rankle top Democrats.”
Ocasio-Cortez New York’s New And Improved Evita
New York Times Celebrates Karl Marx
Roanoke Times Heralds the Communist Manifesto as THE Answer to America’s Challenges

Thursday, July 19, 2018


EPA Now Questioning The AGW Consensators

Roanoke Times, 7-18-2018, N&W, Pg 1, 2: EPA proposal draws opposition
The AGW-Alarmist Consensators who have been feeding at the multi-Billion dollar government AGW-grant-trough are up-in-arms over the ‘new and improved’ EPA criteria.
Going forward, government policy will Not be based on ‘hidden’ or ‘secret’ data, studies or models.
Going forward all study conclusions and recommendations must be based on open, public and published data and subject to peer review by any and all stakeholders.
Something about transparency and truth in advertising, influence and control.
If the taxpayers paid for the work then the taxpayers should be able to see the work, all of it.
Most of our national energy policy has been paid for with government grant money and major critical amounts of the data and basis of the conclusions have been kept secret.
Not only kept secret, but, for example The UVa has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting FOIA requests for Mann’s data on his discredited ‘Hockey Stick’; The basis for Gore’s ‘Inconvenient UnTruth’ and the resultant tsunami of government regulations, misdirected-spending and panic-mongering.
UVa Continues To Stonewall Virginia’s FOIA Laws
This new policy should shine a bright light on the real and valid state of the AGW art and science, its accuracy, validity and relationship to the long and short term natural variations of earth’s temperature and climate.
Eight Years Of AGW-Alarmists Imbedded In Obamas-EPA
Climate change, the scientific method and the search for truth

“Contrary to Alarmist disparagements, it’s their own theory that is illogical. The cost of their policies would be extreme. Our standard of living with reliable electricity would be degraded, and the world’s poor would suffer the most. Alarmists offer nothing more than emotional fear-mongering. No, the sky is not falling Chicken-Little.
Still, we should be prepared for their stiff resistance, as foretold by George Orwell: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.””
Setting The Climate Record Straight – Theory vs. Reality
And the discredited 102 Temperature Models


Earth naturally warms and cools
 “….. the supposed warming of the globe through emission of carbon dioxide is a mistaken belief, contradicted by the historical record. Levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have been much higher during periods when the Earth was much cooler.”
ClimateGate 4.0 – Stonewalling and Subterfuge
ClimateGate 3.0  UVA And The Liberal Media’s FOIA Hypocrisy
ClimateGate 2.0 – Mother Nature’s Nasty Weather
Yet another batch of Alarmist Emails that further erode the public’s view of the pseudo-scientists promoting the Gore and Socialist agendas.
ClimateGate 1.0 - It’s NOT the Man-made CO2
Novice-Pwr-Pt: Our Climate is changing – it has always been changing


Obama The Consummate Liar Calling Out Trump – Really?

Roanoke Times, 7-18-2018, Pg N&W Pg 1, 2:  Obama delivers veiled rebuke
Amazing!  The PravdaMedia highlighting the ranting by a compulsive liar as if he has ‘truth-creditability’.  Apparently they are well mated.
Mr. President Obama – You Lie
Results of Fox Poll: Does Obama Lie on Important Matters?
37%   Lies Most of the time
24%   Lies Some of the time
20%   Lies Occasionally
15%   Never
Isn’t it interesting that now 85% of those polled agree with GOP Rep. Joe Wilson:  Mr. President (Obama) You Lie!
Time For Obama to get another “Liar of the Year” Award:
Obama: Not A Smidgeon Of Truth
Obama And Kerry Double-down On Their Iran Lies And Deceptions
Said over the caskets of the Benghazi fallen:
'This ‘bump in the road’ was caused by ‘the video’
Obama lies morphed into 'don't know' dementia:
ObamaCare Truth:
You Can’t Keep Your Plan
You Can’t Keep Your Doctors
And Your Costs Are Not The Same Or Lower – They Skyrocketed
And You Don’t Have More Choices
Obama didn’t know about the IRS abuse of Conservative organizations.
Obama didn’t know the DOJ was abusing Conservative newspeople.
Obama didn’t know Benghazi was under attack and then blamed it on a video.
Obama didn’t know DOJ and ATF was giving assault weapons to the drug cartel.
Obama didn’t know that the NSA was spying on millions of Americans.
Obama didn’t know that the NSA was spying on the leaders of our allies.
Obama didn’t know the DOI was locking Veterans out of their memorials.
Obama didn’t know the DOD stopped death benefits for our fallen warriors.
Obama didn’t know that the ObamaCare Website was not ready for use.
Obama didn’t know that Michelle’s college bud got the no-bid $678 Million website job.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Roanoke’s StoneWall Jackson Middle School Renamed

Roanoke Times,  7-17-2018,
Pg 1: School Renamed For N&W President
Pg 4:  90% of Alumni Oppose Change
It was not surprising that the Roanoke School Board renamed the StoneWall Jackson Middle School.
It surprised some that they didn’t rename it the Jessie Jackson Middle School to minimize the signage changes and costs.
The current historical revisionists are busy tearing down statues, pictures and named things of those who:  owned slaves, Confederate Generals, the ‘discoverers’ of the Americas, the American flag, the American Anthem, the Christian Cross and whatever other items someone may determine is Politically Incorrect today.  Apparently they were not a big problem during the Obama Reign.
Rewriting History: Shunning Statues, Names And Symbols
Perhaps the School Board could have retained some small symbol of StoneWall, like his left arm that is buried in the family cemetery at historic Ellwood on the Wilderness Battlefield in Orange County.  Seems like a small gesture for such a significant Virginia historical person.
If not a bronze of his left arm, perhaps a model of Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn NY where both Lee and Stonewall served and developed that fortification into a major obstacle to ward-off any British attack against New York City.
Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson And Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn NY
Of course totally shunning StoneWall is consistent with their new and improved Democrat Party that has renamed their Annual Democrat Party of Virginia political dinner, lest anyone remember, it was the Democrats who procured, transported and then owned the slaves and then used every means possible to continue their subjugation for 100-years after the Emancipation Proclamation by a Republican President.
Guess Who’s NOT Coming to Democrat Dinners
The Editors of the Roanoke Times will be very pleased with this change because they have been very concerned that Virginian’s have been brain-washed with Democrat Racial Propaganda.
Roanoke Times Editorial: Virginia’s History Of Accommodating Racial Propaganda
Perhaps these removals and shunnings will change the hearts and minds of those who still harbor racial animus – perhaps not.
Perhaps all this history will be:
Gone With The Wind – June 30, 1936
Perhaps the burning of books will be the next step.
Revisiting ‘Fahrenheit 451’.


Another Police Body-Cam GoPro Video For Obama, Liberals And BLMers

I did not know you could shoot through the windshield of a Ford-Edge (from the inside) and keep right-on driving!
Good to see the police body cam (GoPro) video's that the Liberals were so demanding.
Wild video shows Las Vegas police pursuit, shootout with suspects

(may have to copy-paste link into browser to view fox article-video)
The Anti-police Liberals, BLM and ACLU are demanding the cop be disciplined for firing too many rounds.
Police said the suspects fired 34 rounds at the officers and Officer Umana fired 31 shots at the men in the SUV.
Roanoke Times, 8-13-2017, Pg 3: Private body cameras questioned in L.A.
After years of intense Obama Racial-War on Police in which he was going to nail all those bad racist and out-of-control cops by forcing them to wear Go-Pro cameras, NOW, all of a sudden, we changed our minds.
Turns out the cop-go-pros are showing what we all knew all along, that in the vast majority of cases, the cops are acting responsibly and within the law and the bad guys are there for all to see on video.  Talk about Karma!  Be careful what you ask for in life! 
Police Body-Cams Not Just For Obama-Anti-Policers Anymore


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