The RoanokeSlant

This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......

Thursday, February 28, 2013


The Obama Audacity Of Intimidation - Woodward-Gate

New news: More Obama Intimidation Revelations:
Former Clinton aide, (Lanny Davis) columnist joins Woodward in claiming White House threat:
Why is Obama doing this?  He has 95% of the major-media in his pocket telling the American people exactly what he wants them to hear and totally minimizing and marganilizing any negative information!  He doesn't need to use these Chicago street-orgaizer tactics -- he already has the Major-Media-Pravda all wrapped-up.
The Obama White House team stands accused of threatening Journalist Bob Woodward because of his articles about Obama’s culpability in the origination of and subsequent support of the Sequester Bill now coming due down at the bank.
Amazingly this story is now covered by a news trifecta of:
The White House is franticly denying this ever happened. Of course that means that in addition to challenging Woodward’s story – they now are calling him a liar.
Given the Obama team’s hysterical propaganda about the 2% reduction in future spending caused by the Sequester; Obama certainly doesn’t want to be identified as its author and supported and the one who threatened a Veto if it were changed.
Obama is now releasing detained illegal immigrants from ICE detention centers to hammer home to the public the draconian impacts of Sequester (doing this one week before sequester even begins)!
DHS releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants, blaming budget cuts
Congress should immediately initiate Impeachment charges against Obama for this clear act of commission of lawlessness and placing citizens of the US at risk. Additional charges should be added as Obama defies additional laws and recklessly further endangers American Legal Citizens without due process or reason.
How can anyone claim that the government of the US cannot absorb a 2% reduction in the growth of spending?
Under Sequestration the next budget will still be bigger than the last!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Women Of Politics And News - You Choose

There are lots of women in politics today
There seems to be a significant difference between the women of the  political parties

For a more complete and in-depth coverage of this story and the Foxy-Ladies
Click on the following link:

Monday, February 25, 2013


Seniors Are Going To Pay The U.S. Bills And Debt Through Confiscation

It’s now clear that Obama and associates have plans to make major changes to our economic and taxation systems to pay for the massive expenses we have indebted and will incur through massive increases in government spending and entitlements.
That’s why Obama and the Democrats insist “we don’t have a spending problem” and “we don’t have to worry about our massive ever increasing debt”. “We” don’t have to worry because “we” know where to go and get lots of money!
This will be done sooner rather than later at the expense of the retired who have accumulated some retirement and estate savings during their working-lifetime.
Clearly it was not fair for them to do that; they didn’t build that nest-egg and therefore they shouldn’t be allowed to keep it!
The plan is first to take the Congress back from the Republicans in the 2014 elections with massive propaganda by the very able liberal media who just got Obama reelected.
That places Obama and the Democrats in complete control of the US government with no checks-and-balances or need to compromise or concern about Constitutional limitations.
Then the economic and tax systems can be “updated” to implement the conversion of private assets accumulated by senior citizens into government assets.
1) Absorb all 401 and IRA funds into a government so called “retirement” system. This confiscation will result in a small adjustment to their social security benefit with the seized balance being used by and the residual kept by the government.
2) The $600,000 home sale tax exclusion will be dropped and replaced with a massive increase to the ObamaCare home sales tax now in place. This will ensure that the government takes the major portion of all homeowner’s equity.
3) The Estate and Inheritance taxes will be massively increased to take most of any remaining or residual assets that seniors may have at the end of life.
This is not new or unique; it has all been done before by Socialist and Fascist and Communist Governments in other countries.
The current process of government taking of retired persons assets and income already includes: taxing social security income, the forced IRA and 401 RMD (required minimum distribution)  that is taxed as regular income although most of it is long-term capital gains, and the FED driving interest rates to less than ½ of 1% (0.3%) forcing the retired to withdraw savings to pay for current expenses (eating one’s seed corn).
Sleep tight – you’re government is awake and looking out for you!
Why Social Security Taxes Are Sky-High

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Is ObamaCare The Moral Highground?

Socratic Club debate on an Alternative View to Obama Care
Oregon State University on Oct. 8, 2012.
Sandwiches & Wagons

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Obama’s Audacity Of Sequestration Fear Mongering

Roanoke Times, 2-23-2013, Pg 3: Administration warns of cut effects. Sequestration would hit hard Virginia civilians at DOD.
Obama plans to visit Va. shipyard. His visit would come just ahead of the deadline for deep spending cuts scheduled for March 1.
Yet again Obama, the prophet of doom, gloom and Armageddon is beating the fires of FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) instead of providing positive and constructive leadership. You know, like he used to do on the streets of Chicago.
Something about Hope and Change?
$85 Billion reduction in the GROWTH of the federal $4 TRILLION budget!
That’s a 2% reduction in the GROWTH of the budget!
That’s like families making $50,000 a year reducing their spending by $1,000!
And the Liberal-Progressive media carries his poisonous-water to a public that has been hammered by Obama’s dismal failure to restore even reasonable economic recovery.
Sequester Obama

Not Raped Today

None of these Israeli women were raped today!

And what a different outcome if our female-soldiers had been armed at Ft. Hood!
Teach your daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper.

Friday, February 22, 2013


Obama Abandons Our Bin Laden Connection Dr. Afridi

Not found in the Liberal-Progressive Media -- for obvious reasons

Obama Throws The "Get Bin Laden Connection" Under The Bus
Obama And His Audacity Of “I”

ObamaCare Flu Shots 9% Useful For Seniors

Not found in the Roanoke Times – wouldn’t want to provide any negative Obama news.
WSJ 2-22-13 Flu Shots Offer Poor Protection to Seniors
Obama’s CDC is being held in contempt by all those who were directed by their government and the media to take the risk, time and money to have the Flu Shots during this season!
The shots are only 9% effective for senior
Only 27% effective for the general public
What if a corporation provided a service like this? Obama and friends would be suing them and trying to get criminal indictments against the corporate officers.
CDC Malfeasance
Obama’s CDC Director Thomas Frieden History
Public Health malfeasance of: Frieden, Como and Koch

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Sequester Obama

Obama tries to pin blame on Republicans for looming cuts, as fiscal hawk warns of 'failed presidency'

Boehner to Obama: You created spending cut crisis, you fix it!
Obama is Stupidely Playing this blame game after theWhite House Issued Veto Threat of Any Modification of Sequestration Bill on Sept 12, 2012
Obama’s “Sad State Of The Union”

Monday, February 18, 2013


Obama: Chicago Chicago My Home Town

This song sure sounded better in 1964 when Frank Sinatra sang it!
It was appropriate that Obama discussed the Black Youth unemployment and violence problem in his home town of Chicago that has a center city that has deteriorated into a gang war zone rivaling Mexico near the US border with a scourge of gangs, drugs, murder and rape.
Apparently the neighborhood organizers that replaced Obama are very good at getting out the Democrat vote, not so much promoting a safe and clean and healthy living environment!
We need to keep inner-city students in school and then segue them into starter-jobs outside and away from the ghetto. We once did this with the US Army Draft but the Liberals and Democrats decided that was not OK. Talk about unintended adverse consequences! Now Obama and these wizards of social engineering want ever more government control and domination.
The viable and best approaches are: rebuilding the family unit and reestablishing a teaching-learning environment in the class rooms and providing positive role models for young people.
As well articulated in the following blog items, all of these objectives have proven to be at odds with the permissive liberal-progressive forces that have contributed and continue to contribute to the root causes of this major problem through their numerous media outlets and ACLU!
Whatever happened to the lessons of the (Politically Incorrect) Morgan Freeman movie "Lean on Me"?

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Panetta Drone Award

Pentagon uproar over Panetta’s hero medals for drone operators, cyber sleuths

"Some warriors inside the Pentagon are reacting with amusement and anger over outgoing Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta’s decision to create a prestigious heroism medal for cyber and drone combatants who sit inside stations outside a war zone."
“I suppose now they will award Purple Hearts for carpal tunnel syndrome,” said a retired Green Beret
"The new medal will rank just below the Distinguished Flying Cross. It will have precedence over — and be worn on the uniform above — the Bronze Star with Valor device, a medal awarded to troops for specific heroic acts performed under fire in combat."
On a very serious reflection upon Obama and Panetta leadership is the manner in which our service members who were attacked by a Radical Muslim Terrorist at Ft. Hood have been treated.
Their ordeal was labeled by Obama as “Workplace Violence”
And therefore they have been denied the honors appropriate for combat service, injury and death.
Obama Team Labels Fort Hood Shooting as “Workplace Violence”
Obama’s Muslim Political Correctness Doctrine; Where’s The Purple Hearts For Fort Hood Hero’s?
Radical Muslim Terrorists in US Military
Perhaps Panetta's actions and behaviors are best illustrated by the fact that he had our combat Marines disarmed before meeting with them in a combat zone:

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Cheaters Abuse Millions Of ObamaPhones And Taxpayers

You spent $2.2 BILLION dollars last year on ObamaPhones!
Bet you didn’t know you had that big a cell-phone contract!
Also bet you didn’t know millions of these cell-phones were not legally authorized!
The ObamaPhones are handed out to folks under the “Lifeline” program. Millions of these cell-phones were handed out and are being used fraudulently!
How many of these cell-phone cheaters will be arrested for theft of services and stealing from the US taxpayers? Don’t hold your breath!
But that’s not the bad news!
The “potential bad news” is the conspiracy theory circulating that all these phone numbers are in the auto-dial computers of the Obama Reelection Committee and DNC.
IF THAT PROVES TO BE TRUE (?): it would explain the grass-roots organization communication that Obama would have had for his reelection get-out-the-vote process. Just how convenient would that be?
Far fetched you say – perhaps not – some years ago NPR gave the DNC their entire donor contact list data – after all, their name is “National Public”!
This give-away of taxpayer free cell-phones has been going on since Obama was a Chicago street organizer – maybe that’s how and when it all started?

Obama’s Nationalized Children’s Day Care Program

Roanoke Times, 2-15-13, Pg 4: Obama offers specifics about preschool plan that massively expands “Head Start”
Pg 13, Opinion by P. Albritton: Child care makes a difference. The time has come for the US to take a true stand for our poor children, starting at age 3 months.
2-16-13, Pg 1, 14: Educators praise (Obama’s Nationalized Day Care) national initiative.
This isn’t about “Education”! This is about the total take-over of government child care and rearing and control and indoctrination to the views of those chosen to do the indoctrination by government bureaucrats accountable to no one!  A mind is a terrible thing to waste or misdirect with false teachings.
The disciples of Hillary’s “It takes a Village” (Liberals, Progressives and Socialists) march on with programs to enable and reward the isolation of fathers from mothers and mothers from their children; scrapping and marginalizing the institution of family and family obligations, responsibilities and rewards.
“As for me personally, as I stood in the maternity ward in Ft. Sill Oklahoma in December 1960, looking at my tiny baby boy, it never occurred to me that there was a ‘Village’ somewhere that was responsible for him. I thought I was responsible to feed, cloth, protect, raise, instruct, guide, educate and love him and pass on to him our values in the context of our family home and environment.”
Blog Item: Kids Too Small To Fail
A recent very sad example of isolating children in NYC from their parents is:
“It Takes A Village” To Give 12,000 Abortion Pills To School Girls Without Parental Permission Or Knowledge
It is indeed sad that our socialistic government programs of dependency, housing, welfare, and school systems have failed so many of our people; however, more socialism and the annihilation of the family unit and culture will only cause more damage and chaos and failure.
It’s disturbing that the Roanoke Times continues to sing the praises of government takeover of family obligations and responsibilities and continues their sad record of opposing improvements in the public school systems and opposing options and alternatives for those stuck in failing systems.
MSNBC joins the "children belong to the State" and not to the parents (Shades of the 3rd Reich)
Roanoke Times Continues To Support Bad School Choices
Yet Another Misdirected Roanoke Times Rant About Schools
Yet More Roanoke Times Bias Against School Alternatives

Friday, February 15, 2013


Meteorite Demonstrates Massive Technology Failure

A (10 Ton) meteor streaked across the sky and exploded over Russia's Ural Mountains with the power of an atomic bomb Friday, its sonic blasts shattering countless windows and injuring nearly 1,000 people.
This has to be the most massive technology failure of the past century!
A 10 ton intercontinental "missile" hitting the earth and not one word of warning or awareness by countries who claim to have intercontinental missile defense systems, solar observatories with the latest technology and space exploration and awareness.
When North Korea and Iran launch their nuclear-tipped missiles there's no reason to believe that western nations will be able to react until after the BOOM!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Obama's New Combat Ready Army

Obama's New Combat Ready Army

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t’ Flaunt



Obama’s “Sad State Of The Union”

Roanoke Times, 2-13-2013, Pg 1,16: President Obama calls economic woes an ‘unfinished task’
No! That’s not it! How about calling it an unmitigated failure of Obama’s four years in office!
Obama’s same plan going forward:
Neck Deep In The Big Muddy And the Big Fool Says “Push ON”
So what are just some of the dismal facts not on the teleprompter:
Unemployment at 7.9%
12.3 Million Americans out of work completely
27 Million Either unemployed and or underemployed
Home mortgage foreclosures continuing at 700,000 per month
Our children's and grandchildren's debt $16 TRILLION and growing
ObamaCare adverse consequences piling-up
* Companies terminating healthcare coverage for workers
* Companies limiting workers to 29 hours per week
* Companies limiting number of workers to 49
Gasoline at $3.80 per gallon twice four years ago
Burning corn for fuel inflating food costs for the poor
Most people on welfare in history
College graduates with huge loans can’t find meaningful work
Home sales anemic and prices at 5 year lows
Zero interest rates forcing retirees to “eat their seed corn”
Zero interest rates hammering retirement fund accounts
Some prior items on this ongoing sad saga:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Fifty of America’s Most Beautiful Women

An Outstanding example of an Artistic work of video art
Starting with a tour down memory land of
“The American Women of the Greatest Generation”
You don’t have to be old to appreciate beauty!

Boom! The Sound Of Appeasement Of North Korean Nuclear Weapons Program

What was that Boom and the earth moving last night?
Was it an earthquake?
No – just the results of the latest nuclear weapons test by the crazies in North Korea.
Not to worry – Sleep Tight -- Obama has everything under control.
U.N. Security Council to hold emergency meeting on North Korea’s nuclear test
That'll show them a thing or two!
And Fox News reports that President Obama has characterized North Korea’s action as a “highly provocative act”.
That should put them in their place and solve this problem!
And what about their ability to launch an intercontinental missile with a nuclear warhead?
In January (yes this January 2013) they launched a missile into earth orbit.
After Successful Missile Launch, North Korea Threatens New Nuclear Test

The North Korean’s don’t mean us any harm, do they? Their governments posting pictures and video of their nuclear attack upon New York is just in fun! Right?
“North Korea posts shocking YouTube video of New York in flames after 'nuclear attack' on America”
The question the liberal media doesn’t want to ask because they don’t want to hear the answer:
“Are you safer now than you were four years ago?”
Some prior items showing the progress of the North Korean Appeasement Program:
North Korean Appeasement Outcomes (Incoming!)
Obama, North Korea Missiles & Nuclear Weapons
North Korean Nukes
North Korean Missiles & Nukes
North Korea Nukes

Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Cialis Commercial

The Liberal News Interviews Obama and Hillary with a:
Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Cialis Commercial

Monday, February 11, 2013


God Made A Liberal

So on the 9th Day -- God made a liberal

Friday, February 08, 2013


Blizzard Of 1888 Returns To Northeast – And No It’s Not From Global Warming

Blizzard Of 1888 Returns To Northeast – And No It’s Not From Global Warming
The Northeast is in for a big winter storm this weekend.
The AGW Man-made global warming alarmists have their shovels ready.
Once again the major media will proclaim “we” are to blame for all this.
However – It’s Déjà Vu all over again! Major blizzards in US history
The climate is changing! The climate has always been changing!
The latest alarmist capitulation is the Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming.
Image that! The sun playing the primary role in keeping the earth warm!
Back to 8th grade earth science!
And new research produced by a Norwegian government project, described as "truly sensational" by independent experts, indicates that humanity's carbon emissions produce far less global warming than had been thought:
You remember the Norwegians – the guys that gave Gore the Nobel prize for his mis-and-disinformation in his Inconvenient Untruths.
And the latest Draft UN climate report shows 20 years of overestimated global warming
Overestimation! Is that like lying but blaming it on all those magical computer models?
How I became a Skeptic, and why I still am:
Some prior blog items that have chronicled this saga:
Natures Climate Change Won’t Wait
2012 Was Warm In US Not So Much Elsewhere
Global Warming Roars Across US Leaving Ice, Snow, Frost
26 Feet of Snow And Still Falling
The Blizzards of 2010 – Yet More Global Warming
Global-Warmers Snowed Under

Wednesday, February 06, 2013


“It Takes A Village” To Give 12,000 Abortion Pills To School Girls Without Parental Permission Or Knowledge

“New York City schools have given out more than 12,000 of the Plan B morning after pill drug to students without parental permission, according to a new report from the New York Post.”
We now can clearly see where Hillary’s book “It takes a village to raise a child” has taken us!
In our new Liberal-Progressive Culture there is no family – just the state.
How far and fast we have fallen in the past 50 years!
And to add an over-the-top gross irony to the NYC obscene culture of “The Village”:

Obama: Water-boarding Bad – Murder Good

Obama & Holder: Water-boarding Bad – Murder Good
Yesterday: The Patriot Act -- Bush the un-American
Eves-dropping on calls from Terrorists into the US -- Bad
Water-boarding known Radical Muslim Terrorists – Bad
Detention at GITMO of the most violent of the Terrorists – Bad
Let’s drive Bush’s AG Gonzales out of office and into jail!
Let’s impeach Bush for Water-boarding and electronic surveillance!
Today: Obama and Holder:
We kill Americans when we want to and declare it’s legal
Without any evidence of imminent danger to Americans
Without any review or audit
Without any due process
The Democrats, Progressives, and Fellow Travelers and Media Reaction:
Move along folks, nothing to see here!
Has there ever been such a massive level of conspiracy and hypocrisy in the US since we interned the Japanese-Americans in the Desert for four years?
Note the dates of the following blog items dealing with this malfeasance and the total lack of Obama accountability and major media complicity.
The Obama Doctrine: Summary Execution Better Than Water-Boarding
Why Obama Doesn’t Need GITMO or Patriot Act

Tuesday, February 05, 2013


Real Shooter Critiques Obama Shooting The Bull Not Skeet

By Steve Sheldon 2 February 2013
The recently released photograph of President Obama reportedly “Taken at Camp David – the Maryland presidential retreat – on August 4, 2012, his 51st birthday,” is a complete fake.
Compare the Obama Skeet Shooter to the other “Real” Skeet Shooters:

Obama, can you say: PhotoShop?
As a lifelong shotgunner, I immediately smelled a rat. Nothing in the photo looks right and upon closer examination, it is a complete fraud.
One need go no further than examining the ports on the shotgun. Ports are tiny holes sometimes drilled near the muzzle (the business end of the gun) to release energy and reduce recoil. They serve as a pressure release valve of sorts. One will immediately notice that there is smoke coming from the right side of the gun in the photo as well as out the front. The only problem is that there is no smoke coming from the ports on the left side of the gun, clearly seen in the photo suggesting that the smoke was doctored into the photo. Furthermore, the smoke exiting on the right side of the gun does not match the port pattern on the left. If this gun was being fired as suggested by the White House, then the smoke would be coming out the ports on the gun clearly seen in the picture and evenly on both sides.
To add insult to injury, the smoke pictured is not clearly defined and appears to be moved by wind. At this stage in the firing process, this phenomenon would be nearly impossible. The smoke should look like it is being rapidly forced out small holes instead of something wafting from a chimney.
A photo taken at this stage of the firing process would also reveal the forces of recoil upon the shooter. There would be a wave of energy passing through the firearm into the shooter’s body and evidence would exist somewhere in this photo that this phenomenon was happening. This would appear like a slow motion picture of a boxer receiving a knockout blow. The shooter’s body would give some evidence of reacting to the recoil, especially someone not wearing heavy clothing as in the picture.
One need go no further than the port evidence to prove fraud, but further evidence shows that the President was not shooting “Skeet.” Skeet is a specific shooting game involving a skeet field with distinct shooting houses. If he were shooting skeet, there would be a skeet house over the shooter’ shoulder from this camera angle. There is none. Additionally, his barrel is almost horizontal and that would not be consistent with someone shooting skeet. At a minimum, it would be elevated at around a forty-five degree angle to almost vertical. One could give the President a break and acknowledge that he probably doesn’t know the difference between skeet, trap, and sporting clays, but someone who recently stated, “Up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time,” should then know the difference.
Further evidence would suggest that the smoke in the photo is somewhat heavy and is more consistent with the kind of smoke coming from a blackpowder gun, not a modern shotgun. Without a doubt, this photo has been doctored for whatever nefarious reason. It appears as though the shooter was merely holding a gun with the smoke being added in later.
This begs a simple question. Why would the President of the United States go to such efforts to lie to the American people about something as simple as shooting a shotgun?
Image: Source: The White House; Pete Souza

Monday, February 04, 2013


School Shooting Not Found In The Major Media

Detroit high school coach shoots suspected attackers
Detroit Public Schools spokesman says the male coach, who has not been identified, was targeted by two teenagers who allegedly tried to rob him, using a gun, while he was escorting two students to their car.
Apparently Detroit’s Gun-Free School Zones don’t apply to thugs:
Where is Obama whose son, if he had a son, would look just like the kid that was shot, and if not him, surely the one that was wounded?
This coach needs to keep his mouth shut and get a good lawyer. A lot better lawyer than George Zimmerman had in Florida or Bernie Goetz had in NYC.
So much for the claim that armed good guys can’t help neutralize bad guys with a gun!
And where were the cops while all this was going down?
Right! They arrived just in time to “investigate”!
That's what they do!  They can't be everywhere!

Hillary: This Is Why It Makes A Difference

Hillary on Benghazi: What Difference Does It Make Now!
Hillary:  This Is Why It Makes A Difference!
Author - Unknown

 Roanoke Times Takes Libya-Benghazi Disaster From A Void To A Joke To A Farce

Sunday, February 03, 2013


Roanoke Times Continues To Support Bad School Choices

Roanoke Times, 1-3-2013, Pg Horiz 1: Rescuing Virginia’s failing schools by C. Nuckols
Yet another liberal lamenting about failing schools in which THE PRIMARY SOLUTION IS MORE TAX MONEY!
Apparently spending $12,000 per year per student or $156,000 of tax money for each graduating senior is the root cause of the educational problems faced by our society.
Click-back through the following links that articulate the real root causes of our total breakdown of the classroom educational processes and environments and the liberal media’s culpability in opposing actions to get our classrooms under control and also opposing giving the students of failing schools alternatives for success.
The media could be a force for improvements and solutions, instead they choose to support failing systems and processes.
Outstanding Additional Followup Article: by Ms. Betty G. Price of Roanoke
School discipline begins at home
The following well articulates a hypothetical public school teacher’s challenges:
After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:
'Let me see if I've got this right. 'You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.
'You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride.
'You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.
'You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams.
'You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.
'You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps.
'You say that soon I may have to be prepared to shoot any outsider who comes into my class to commit mayhem...
'You want me to do all this, and then you tell me...... I CAN'T PRAY?'

Roanoke Times Biased And False Gun Data Headline

Roanoke Times, 1-28-2013, Pg 1: Trends in gun sales, deaths not linked. A state analysis shows that as gun sales continue to rise, gun-related deaths continue to fluctuate.
“But two paragraphs down the study shows firearms related homicides DECLINED in four of the seven yeas from 2005 through 2011 – from 357 killed to 242, for an overall DECREASE of 32%”
“When state population increases are factored in, gun-related homicides FELL 37%”
What is wrong with these Roanoke Times Editorial Girls who presumably have passed some kind of journalism courses that must have included reading comprehension?
Oh right!  It's the math thing they apparently can't handle!  Percentages are so hard!
Just how obnoxious is this: Reductions in gun deaths of 32% and 37%, during a time when there was major increases in purchases of firearms by citizens in Virginia and the US, and the headline says: “Trends in gun sales, deaths not linked.”
However, hidden from most folks view, back on Pg 12:
Guns: Analysis finds more guns didn’t lead to more crime, and
“It’s actually quite surprising and the opposite of what I would have Hypothesized.” Said T. Baker, VCU professor on decrease in gun deaths.
Well yes, Hello! What a surprise that a “professor” tasked to develop a biased story against private ownership of guns would be “surprised” at this outcome!
Perhaps the good professor should click-on the NRA website for some reality and facts instead of basing his predetermined misdirected hypothesis on myths and misdirection.

Pro-Obama Teacher And Little Johnny

A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans.

Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny .

The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different... Again.

Little Johnny said, "Because I'm not an Obama fan."

The teacher asked, "Why aren't you a fan of Obama?" Johnny said, "Because I'm a

The teacher asked him why he's a Republican. Little Johnny answered, "Well, my Mom's a Republican and my Dad's a Republican, so I'm a Republican."

Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked, "If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would that make you ?"

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied, "That would make me an Obama fan."
Author Unknown but very insightful
 Hooray Obama - School Children Sing His Praises

Saturday, February 02, 2013


Roanoke City Flood-Control Flooding From 5 Inches Of Rain

New Amazing News:  Roanoke Times, 2-7-2013
In Roanoke, officials said flood control project measures appear to have worked well.
There are no family-friendly words one can use to reply to this Roanoke Official.
 Roanoke Times, 2-1-2013, Pg 1: Downpour creates mess throughout SW-VA
Roanoke City had a total of 7 inches of rain in January with 5 inches falling in the last week.
This resulted in major road and property flooding all along the so-called flood-control project.

What flood-control project?
Taxpayers paid over $65 MILLION dollars on River Bank Beautification!
There was no flood-control because we have log-perch and snail-darters. They are far more important than dredging down the river bottom and building containment walls to contain future floods.
What we did was waste $65,000,000 of tax-money on curb-side appeal.
When the next real rainfall comes, like it did in 1985:
Even the most naïve folks will understand this major malfeasance and misrepresentation of what was and was not done to contain real flooding conditions caused by hurricanes that come inland and then stall against the mountains and dump from one to two feet of rain in a very short time.
On the other hand this appears to fit in well with Roanoke City Mis-Management.
Roanoke Looking More Like The Lost Colony
Roanoke Development in Floodplain
Flood Control NOT
“This is not flood control, it is not flood prevention it is simply “river-side dress-up” at a tremendous cost!”
Flood Control?
Flood control or eyesore?
Flood Control and Environmental Ethics


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