The RoanokeSlant
This file is a US personal journal of commentary of examples of the Roanoke Times and Liberal Media Slant......
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Obama, Boston, Benghazi And The Media
The facts about the Radical Muslim Terrorist attack on our
Embassy in Benghazi Libya continue to leak out as if it were a nail hole in a
tire that is going flat in spite of administration denials and attacks upon those
who ultimately want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to be
presented to the American people and the families of those who were killed and
wounded in their service to our country.
The latest revelations involves FBI and CIA personnel who
want to give testimony to Congressional committees but who are being blocked by
Obama’s henchmen from doing so. The
major media is totally quiet on this abuse of power. Very different story if these allegations
were made during Bush’s watch!
The major media, especially CNN, have now switched over to
glamorizing the Boston Bomber Brothers!
Lots of “beef stake” photos of the dead brother and lots of “pretty
youthful” pictures of the surviving brother and lots of comments that “we” didn’t
make them feel welcome in
and didn’t do enough for them.
liberal, progressive and anti-American major media is a disgusting disgrace.
THIS IS THE PHOTO that should be shown with every news piece
covering this dastardly Radical Muslim Terrorist attack upon our people in our
Hey Obama;
When The KGB Calls – Answer The Phone
Russia had elder Boston suspect under surveillance
Hillary on Benghazi: What Difference
Does It Make Now!
Hillary: This
Is Why It Makes A Difference
Roanoke Times Takes Libya-Benghazi Disaster
From A Void To A Joke To A Farce
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Cub Scouts Not Respectful Or Kind?
Roanoke Times, 4-25-2013, Pg
13, Opinion: Nothing respectful or kind in anti-gay Cub Scout policy.
Extensive article with unpleasant
Scout anti-homosexual-policy cartoon
The author lambastes the
current Cub Scout policy that attempts to exclude openly pro-homosexual persons from
being Cub Scout Leaders.
Lots of effort to equate the
Black Civil Rights situation to Boy Scout anti-homosexual policies.
Perhaps one might reflect on
the fact that Cub Scouts are between the ages of 7 and 11.
Exactly how much
pro-homosexual exposure and indoctrination do boys of that age require?
How about two male leaders
holding hands and kissing to start the meeting?
That certainly would make
the Editors of the Roanoke Times all happy and warm.
The Catholic Church has had
lots of experience with homosexual male priests having dominion over young
boys. Perhaps that hasn’t worked out
very well!
In spite of the Scouts
efforts to protect their boys, there sadly have been examples of under-cover
homosexuals recruiting and exploiting the most vulnerable and weak.
The primary responsibility
of the Scout organization is to protect young boys while providing a safe and
healthy environment while they are engaging in scout activities.
If the author wishes to wrap
a homosexual blanket around her 7 year old son the editors of the Roanoke Times
will be there to cheer her on. How sad!
For most people there is a
BIG difference between being respectful to others as opposed to accepting and
promoting behavior we find to be NOT OK!
There is nothing “gay” about
two men participating in homosexual behaviors!
There is nothing respectful about exposing 7 year olds to these situations!
Obama And Hillary Aided By Election Fraud
New News: Democrat Election Fraud in Florida
Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe!
Note the look of "I can't believe you let yourself get caught" by DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz:
The Editors of the Roanoke Times and their associates in the
liberal progressive community have consistently ridiculed and marginalized the
issue of election fraud.
Their stated view is that anything done to address election
fraud (like voter ID) is a right-wing conspiracy against minorities and the
So, it’s not surprising that one can’t find any coverage in
the liberal media of the latest obscene revelations that both Obama and Hillary
would have been disqualified to run for office if not aided and abetted by
election fraud by their Democrat supporters.
Move along folks, nothing to see here!
Democrat Officials
found guilty in Obama, Hillary Clinton ballot petition fraud
A jury in South Bend, Indiana has
found that fraud put President Obama and Hillary Clinton on the presidential
primary ballot in Indiana
in the 2008 election. Two Democrat political operatives were convicted Thursday
night in the illegal scheme after only three hours of deliberations. They were
found guilty on all counts.
No-excuses absentee voting invites problems
Virginia Voter ID Law OK’d
Vote Fraud is not Important to the Roanoke Times
ACORN - nuts fall close to tree
Democrat voter fraud bill
Scandalous Voting
Old-timey voting
A Tale Of Two Cities: Sandy And Katrina
What a difference between the major
media follow-up stories between hurricanes Sandy and Katrina!
After Katrina there was a major media weekly
walk-through for many months of how dysfunctional government was in handling the hurricane and
its aftermath and the agony of thousands of people.
Fast forward to hurricane Sandy; What’s the major
media doing about similar follow-up tales of woe and distress and dysfunction?
Move along folks, nothing to see
Apparently the major media doesn’t
know or care that Six (6) months after Sandy,
and Congress’ approval of $60 BILLION in aid, thousands are still homeless in NY &
Why would there be such a news black-out?
Why no tirade against FEMA now?
Could it be the difference between the major medias' war
against Bush vs. their love affair with Obama?
That wouldn’t be fair and balanced, would it?
Yet another vivid and
sad example of how dysfunctional our major media has become! How disappointing and sad!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Strange Killing Blame Game
Isn't it strange that after a bombing,
everyone blames the bomber,
but after a shooting,
the problem is the
We are told not to judge Muslims
based on the actions of a few.
I suggest we give millions of responsible
American gun owners that same courtesy
Senate Rejects More NonEffective Gun Control
Friday, April 26, 2013
Bush And Obama Approval Ratings Tied At 47%
Roanoke Times, 4-26-2013, Pg 1, Sentiment, celebration usher
in Bush Library.
A nicely presented AP review of the opening ceremony for the
G.W. Bush Presidential Library attended by G.W. Bush, Obama, Clinton, G.H.W.
Bush and Carter.
Even Obama managed to focus on the positive and avoid the
Bush-bashing that has been the hallmark of most of his alibis for his failures.
Perhaps he might have be influenced by:
* Executive executions by drones that stand in stark contrast
to his criticisms of GITMO and water-boarding.
* Expanding the Patriot Act provisions he once lambasted as
* Multiple Radical Muslim Terrorist attacks on our homeland
during his watch.
* Inability to fix our economy in spite of running up a $16
Trillion debt.
* The massive Muslim Brotherhood takeover of most of the
* Among numerous other things!
Perhaps Obama was somewhat subdued because he had read the
latest Presidential Approval Polls that show Bush is tied with Obama at 47%
approval rating. How could that have
happened? Didn’t read this in the
Roanoke Times did we!
However, the RT Editors couldn’t let the positive tone, tenor
and content of the opening ceremony stand.
Let’s run a real
nasty so called anti-bush cartoon back on the editorial page!
Let’s rename the library, the Lie-Bury!
Don’t remember the RT Editors doing anything nasty for the
opening of the Clinton
library. Perhaps they could demonstrate
they’re fair and balanced by belatedly doing so!
Suggest they Google:
Monica, Cartoons for a trove of opportunity.
Monica withholding evidence or I wore your favorite dress might
be appropriate.
Ever wonder what journalism school turns out such unpleasant
editors and what selection process brings them to
Hey Obama; When The KGB Calls – Answer The Phone
Roanoke Times, 4-23-2013, Pg 1, 14: No ties are found to
terrorist groups.
What a profound headline!
Looks just like a repeat of the Libya Benghazi cover story!
Move along folks, nothing to see here!
New News: Tsarnaev Mom on Terror List 18 Months before Boston bombing!
Apparently Radical Muslim Terrorist nuts don't fall far from the tree!
The Tsarnaev Brothers are clearly Radical Muslim Terrorists
who have ties to violent anti-American elements.
These ties include websites, personal
contacts and a six-month visit by the older brother to
The Russian KGB called both the FBI and the CIA informing
them that Tsarnaev was consorting with Radical Muslims and was a threat.
It’s now clear that the Dept of so-called Homeland Security,
the FBI and the CIA did not coordinate their information on the Tsarnaevs’ nor
did they follow-up on the radicalization process that followed his Russian
To add insult to death and injury the Obama team is now
saying “The Sequester” will interfere with the prosecution of this terrorist
Talk about insulting the intelligence of every person in
this country – and especially insulting those killed and maimed and wounded by
these ruthless killers.
What has become of our government: of the people, by the
people and for the people?
What is profoundly wrong with a president who cannot and
will not say:
“Radical Muslim Terrorism”?
Obama declared the
Fort Hood
massacre was “workplace violence”.
Apparently this was just “street-place violence” up there in
Federalizing Common Crimes
Roanoke Times, 4-17-2013, Pg17, Opinion: We need the law to
protect women.
An attack ad against GOP members of Congress for their objections
to the Federal Violence Against Women Act.
Is there a state in the union that does not define violence
against anyone a crime?
Why does the federal government need a law against violent
Are there people in a state who are getting hurt or killed
in which the perpetrator is going free because the violent act is not declared
a crime with associated prosecution and criminal penalties?
Are federal courts and prosecutors the appropriate venue for
common crimes?
This is clearly another example of progressives and liberals
expanding and extending the reach of the federal government into every aspect
of life, much of which was designated as states’ responsibility within the US
For real protection of women's rights why not address:
The HIV+AIDS pandemic?
Women’s right to self-protection with the gun of their
and disparaging married homemakers
Sunday, April 21, 2013
FAA More ObamaNation Sequestration
Obama and his team are hell-bent to make the American people suffer as much as they can to demonstrate that the federal government cannot reduce next years spending by 2%!
This in the face of a 25% growth in federal spending since 2008:
2008: $2.98 trillion = $2980 Billion
2009: $3.27 trillion = $3270 Billion
2010: $3.46 trillion = $3460 Billion
2011: $3.60 trillion = $3600 Billion
2012: $3.65 trillion = $3650 Billion
2013: $3.72 trillion = $3720 Billion
Talk about insulting the intelligence of every American!
This in addition to threatening a veto of any legislation that would help to focus these minimal reductions on waste, fraud and abuse of which there is clearly far more than 2%.
Obama’s Today ObamaNation is to reduce FAA flight controllers thereby impacting flight schedules with associated delays for the traveling public.
The Obama team is almost gleeful in their descriptions of just how large these delays might become.
This from the so called leader who promised Hope and Change we can believe in!
The Obama Audacity Of Sequester Intimidation - Woodward-Gate
LTE: The Sequester: Obama’s Albatross
Obama Keeps Smacking The Sequester Hornet’s Nest With A Stick
Liberal Media Hides Obama’s Debt HockeyStick
Friday, April 19, 2013
Senate Rejects More NonEffective Gun Control
Yet More New News: 4/24/2013
To Obama's dismay, America not outraged by gun control fail, poll suggests
On the surface, the poll released by The Washington Post and Pew Research Center made no sense. Only 47 percent of respondents said they were "disappointed" or "angry" that the Senate last week failed to advance a bill to expand background checks to gun shows and online sales.
New News Item: The Seattle Times, 4-21-2013, Pg 1:
"There certainly is an erosion of trust and confidence in the competence of government. People often don't trust government to protect them, and there's a very distressing lack of any confidence government will keep its word."
Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.
The Senate rejected the Obama teams bill to increase restrictions on gun ownership.
Immediately Obama and associates blasted the NRA for the rejection.
Perhaps the Senators understood that the proposed additional restrictions would not have avoided recent horrific mass attacks and were well aware of the significant reduction in gun deaths over the past decade during a time of significant increases in personal gun ownership and the significance of the 2nd Amendment.
There is a major movement underway for individuals to purchase guns and ammunition. So much so that retail outlets have sold-out of many popular brands of guns and ammo.
One might speculate that Americans are now just as wary of their own government as they are from common felons. This has happened before in 1776.
Perhaps there’s something about the Obama team including Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, the ATF and some of the other agencies that have created an atmosphere of significant distrust.
Perhaps a President’s statements about Americans clinging to their guns and bibles has had an undo influence.
Whatever the root cause, the reality cannot be denied and Americans are now very focused on the 2nd Amendment and their Constitutional Rights.
Perhaps this will prove to be a good thing!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Anti-Fracking Filmmakers Exposed And Debunked
The anti-energy activists and Alarmists have jumped on the
Fracking process for extracting oil from shale with outrageous claims including
that it causes breast cancer and turns your faucets into flaming torches.
Phelim McAleer, director of controversial
"pro-fracking" documentary FrackNation, will attend the premiere of
rival filmmaker Josh Fox's Gasland 2 in
York, NY at the
Tribeca Film Festival.
Setting up the
of the Fracking Filmmakers at Tribeca Film Festival
Variety said that FrackNation "makes a good case
against Fox's (anti-fracking) movie" and that it "debunks the famous Gasland scene
of a fracking 'victim' setting his tap water on fire."
It’s interesting that the
Hollywood and Major Media people continue to
highlight and support the discredited hypothesis and schemes and claims of the
Alarmist and anti-energy crowd.
More Global
Warming Alarmist And Fracking Issues
Monday, April 15, 2013
A Very Disturbing Anti-Jewish Rant
Roanoke Times, 4-13-2013, Pg 13: Opinion: An anti-Jewish
diatribe by one R.F. Boyd: “There is no peace process.”
More New News on this subject:
Textbook case of bias? Parents say school reader is biased vs. Israel
New Additional News:
A case of anti-Semitism by
Kathy Cohen | Cohen is the rabbi at Temple Emanuel and lives in Roanoke.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Boyd’s very disturbing article articulates the following:
There is no peace process because the Israelis don’t want
Israelis want the Palestinians in refugee camps or only as
second-class citizens.
politicians are too busy kissing American Jew butts to focus on peace.
Jews are rich and prosperous and influential in business and
Lots of class warfare data like 46% US Jews make over
$100,000, etc, etc
And the anti-Jew rhetoric goes on
By the end of this very disturbing “Opinion” Article one was
expecting to see the date Boyd and associates were setting for the
next Kristallnacht.
Perhaps Boyd, who claims to be a former professor, has like
minded associates in the NYC school system where the
New York school district apologizes for
'Jews are evil' assignment:
It turns out that the Roanoke Times Editors must like Boyd’s
brand of anti-Jew Rants because they published his similar diatribe last year:
Roanoke Times,
12-2-2012, Pg 3: Israel:
the ungrateful ally by Prof. R.F. Boyd
needs security because it has become a war-mongering bully unwilling to get
along with its neighbors”.
As one who grew up in the Borscht Alps
I am very familiar with Jewish people and much of their family culture
and work ethic and keen focus on education and achievement.
Boyd’s class-warfare attacks upon Jews are consistent with the current
left-wing socialist chant echoing through politics and the major media.
This is not a new phenomena, history is ripe with class warfare attacks
upon successful people and the outcomes are always tragic.
Boyd and the Editors of the Roanoke Times need to give some real thought
to how their nasty and vindictive messages can result in bad outcomes.
Kristallnacht was just the beginning act by the Brown
1500 Rockets
Fired Into Israel
In 10 Days
Israel – Not To Worry - Obama’s Got Your Back
Liberals Need To Wakeup Already
Saturday, April 13, 2013
President Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday April 13th
Roanoke Times,
4-13-2013, Pg 1 Extra Headline:
Don’t quote me on that.
"The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same
time." - Thomas Jefferson.
April 13th marks the 270th birthday of the author of
the Declaration of Independence and third President of the
United States.
It was his words that declared us a country of free people. That declared we
are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights of Life,
Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness.
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the
protection of divine
we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred
No! That’s NOT the Roanoke Times coverage of Thomas Jefferson’s
The Roanoke Times printed a nice big picture of Jefferson
and then went on to devote the entire page to “all those things that
Jefferson didn’t say”.
Perhaps the RT Editors couldn’t find some real valid quotes,
some of which are at:
At least the RT did better than Google who abstained from
honoring Pres. Jefferson on their homepage that typically has a “doodle” for
the most abstract and unimportant items.
How sad that our
major media is shunning and marginalizing the very people and institutions that
has made this the greatest country in the world.
Move along folks – nothing to see here!
Some Thomas Jefferson History for those who wish to reflect
on one of our Primary Founding Fathers:
Bless Thomas Jefferson and The United States of America.
ObamaCare Reducing HealthCare Coverage
Roanoke Times, 4-11-2013, Pg 8: Fewer Virginians covered by
Just 65% had insurance through work in 2011, compared to 75%
back in 2000.
Higher costs naturally translate into fewer employers
offering insurance coverage, and fewer employees accepting it, even when it is
offered; Dr. R.L. Lavizzo-Mourey
Every day there’s new negative news about ObamaCare.
Apparently passing it so we could read it is
shining an ever brighter light on the adverse consequences of socialized and
nationalized health care. Who could have seen that coming?
Apparently Obama still thinks that as soon as the 16,000
enforcement IRS agents are on board everything will be OK.
No word yet on adding doctors or nurses or
When will the Major Media start demanding that Obama publish the names of every one of the hundreds of organizations that have been given Exemptions from compliance with ObamaCare. It's interesting how selective the media is with FOIA!
Abstract ObamaCare
Double Or Nothing
ObamaCare: The
Illegitimate Child At The Obama Family Picnic
ObamaCare 2.0
The Obama Audacity Of Abomination
ObamaCare: The
Doctor Is Out The Nurse Is In
Friday, April 12, 2013
AGW Global Warming News And Education
Roanoke Times, 4-12-2013, Pg 3: A new federal report (by dozens of scientists
from five different federal agencies) says last year’s drought was a freak of
nature and can’t be blamed on man-made AGW global warming.
Kudu’s to them.
refreshing to see a spark of reality shining out of our “dozens of scientists
from five government agencies”; wonder what all that cost us?
Climate change skeptics seize on reports showing
temperatures leveling
In recent weeks, Der Spiegel, the Telegraph and the
Economist have reported the unexpected stabilizing of global surface
temperatures. Even former NASA scientist and outspoken climate change activist
James Hansen has acknowledged the 10-year lull.
Morano said: "In the peer-reviewed literature we're
finding hundreds of factors influence global temperature, everything from ocean
cycles to the tilt of the earth's axis to water vapor, methane, cloud feedback,
volcanic dust, all of these factors are coming together. They're now realizing
it wasn't the simple story we've been told of your SUV is creating a
dangerously warm planet."
Daily Caller News Foundation,
New K-12
education standards to mandate climate change instruction
“Pending nationwide science
standards will recommend that K-12 students
at public schools learn about climate change to help fill a knowledge gap
concerning the subject, while skepticism
will be discouraged.”
What to tell the kids while marginalizing
those darn Skeptics?
- We
have a hypothesis that burning fossil fuels creates CO2 and that is
causing catastrophic global warming and climate change.
BUT: we
can’t demonstrate that cause and effect relationship nor can we measure more
than a one degree increase in temperature over the past 150 years.-
- We
have observed that glaciers, especially those in the northern hemisphere,
have undergone major melting and retreat.
BUT: most
of these glaciers started major retreat in 1750 at the end of the little ice age
and we don’t know why.-
- We
have observed that the arctic ice has been diminished during recent years.
BUT: that
ice covering has been even more diminished during the 1920’s and we don’t know
- There
has been very harsh weather during recent years.
studies have shown that these weather patterns are well within historical
limits and the natural variability of earth’s climate patterns.-
- We think there
is more CO2 in the atmosphere now than at any time in history.
BUT: historic ice
core samples have demonstrated that temperature changes lead changes in CO2 by
many years thereby negating the premise that CO2 caused temperature change.-
- There
are many sophisticated computer models that predict major increases in
temperature will occur due to increases in CO2.
BUT: the Gore-Mann hockey-stick temperature graph
that represented these models has been shown to be vastly inaccurate and grossly
What to tell the kids while marginalizing those darn
What indeed?-
North Korean Nuclear Weapons and Missiles A Reality
Roanoke Times, 4-12-2013, Pg 1, 3: Pentagon report says North Korea "may" have nuclear-capable missile. (Where did this "may" come from?)
Pentagon report shows N. Korea
capable of arming missile with nuke, officials downplay finding
It’s a disgrace and major national security issue that the
Obama team has denied and now is down-playing this nuclear weapons threat.
The Obama cover-up of
Korea’s nuclear threat is now clear for all to see, and
like the
disaster – Obama and his minions continue with their lies and deceit and cover-up.
Do you feel safer now than you did four years ago?
Bill Richardson, the big D-Democrat gave
North Korea
money, fuel, food and a nuclear power plant as a bribe to keep them from
developing nuclear weapons and missiles!
What could possibly go wrong with that plan?
What a pathetic administration. This is hope and change we can believe in?
Is there any doubt why the Israelis' don't trust Obama over the Iranian nuclear threat?
Massive Foreign Policy Failures Restarts StarWars
Boom! The
Sound Of Appeasement Of North Korean Nuclear Weapons Program
North Korean
Appeasement Outcomes (Incoming!)
Jane Fonda Still A Nasty Unrepentant Traitor
Jane Fonda tells
veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler'
to 'get a life'
It is difficult to articulate what a despicable and nasty
person Jane Fonda truly is.
She did get a life.
vastly rich and famous life.
And without
ever looking back at the harm and suffering she caused not only for those at the
Hanoi-Hilton but to all those who served valiantly and came back to a nasty
Sadly, Over 50,000 of our boys didn’t have the opportunity
Click Link For:
Some Gave All at the Wall
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Real Leaders Are Passing Away
The Western World is in disarray as it drifts away from the
economic, social, political and moral base that was so well personified by
Margret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan.
The World has lost two great leaders of substance and courage and
We are now blindly following the Pied Pipers of socialism
who promise much and deliver little. The insolvency and crushing debt within
the EU and the
are like anchors, nailing our ship of state to the bottom where socialism and
hold us securely to mediocrity
has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.
Americans deserve better."
Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
“Our $16 Trillion debt is not a problem!”
Pres. Barack H. Obama, 2013
Talk about gross hypocrisy!
America Needs a Margaret Thatcher
Are The Good Times Over For Good?
Obama Compares Himself To Reagan
Reflecting back to after Ronald Reagan's SDI "Star Wars" Speech March
23, 1983, the left-wing politicians and media went postal accusing Reagan of
being everything from a war monger to being mentally defective.
Not Laughing At Reagan's StarWars Now
Wall, JFK, Reagan, Obama
Obama Team
Declares We Don’t Need No Stinkin Debt-Ceiling
Saturday, April 06, 2013
The Liberals War On AGW Skeptics
The War on AGW-Skeptics, by AGW-Alarmists and their Liberal
associates, has now been taken to a whole new level!
For years AGW-Skeptics have been vilified,
labeled with nasty names, discriminated against in grant opportunities, and
marginalized by those who subscribe to the Gore-Mann hypothesis that man-made
CO2 is causing catastrophic global warming and climate change.
By Alexandra Jaffe - 04/03/13 05:00 AM ET
Alexandra Jaffe reports for the Around the Hill section of
Roll Call.
billionaire is pledging to spend as much of his fortune ($1.4 Billion) as
necessary to make climate change “the defining issue of our generation.”
Tom Steyer, who made his riches as a hedge fund manager, told The Hill on
Tuesday that he wants to make climate change a campaign issue for years to come.
“The goal here is not
to win. The goal here is to destroy these people.
We want a smashing victory,” Steyer said of candidates he
judges to be on the wrong side of the climate change debate.
Lacking the scientific basis to support their AGW
hypothesis, after spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars within the
government and at selected universities, the AGW-Alarmists are now cranking up
their personal war upon AGW-Skeptics.
Sounds like shades of Kim Jong up in
North Korea and Nikita Khrushchev with his "we will bury you" declaration at the UN!
The left-wing people have always been big on waging wars of
personal destruction and this is yet another example.
With the total support of the Liberal-Pravda Media they may well achieve the
triumph of politics over science.
How sad is that!
How I became a AGW Skeptic, and why I still am:
It’s interesting that the Liberal-Progressive community who
claim to be so civilized and intellectual and tolerant have so many wars going
against those who do not subscribe to their views:
War against Right to Life
War against Gun Owners
War against Christians and Christian Symbols
War against opponents of Homosexual marriage
And the list goes on ---- they’re so tolerant to others
Thursday, April 04, 2013
Why Couldn’t They Predict Today’s Six Inches Of Snow Last Night?
Our learned friends at the Weather Channel and our well paid
civil servant’s at NOAA talk with great certainty about AGW man-made global
warming, but they are unable to tell us on Wednesday night that we’ll have significant
snow on Thursday!
And all this with massive taxpayer investments in tools,
software, computers, scientific instruments and well paid highly educated
It is difficult to comprehend how these people can collect
hundreds of millions of taxpayer money to “study” AGW global warming when they
can’t perform even the most basic functions of their profession.
And to add insult to injury, they have the audacity to
bad-mouth those who question their hypothesis, methods and motives.
To paraphrase Upton Sinclair:
It's hard to get people (like AGW
Global Warming Alarmists) to understand something when their salary depends on
not understanding it:
Included in this group of political-scientists is NASA’s
James Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies and a
controversial and highly vocal voice of alarm about the planet’s changing
climate, who will retire as the director of the space institute, NASA announced
Tuesday -- and plans to immediately sue his former employer.
Here’s how the Astronauts at NASA view Jim Hansen and his
totally biased and misdirected handling of his job and performance:
It’s way past time for the Global Warming AGW Alarmists to stop
the Political Gore-Mann jihad and open the doors to real scientific processes
and the “scientific method”.
How I became a AGW Skeptic, and why I still am:
Obama rated 5th Best U.S. President
Of the total of 44 US
Presidents: Obama rated 5th Best president ever.
I was just reading a
Democrat publicity release that said,
"... after a little more than 4 years,
Obama has been rated the 5th best president ever!!"
details the DNC neglected ...
1. Reagan,
Lincoln, and 8 others 'tied' for 1st.
2. 15
presidents 'tied' for 2nd.
3. 17
other presidents 'tied' for 3rd.
4. Jimmy
Carter came in 4th.
5. Obama
Source unknown -- but very insightful
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Obama’s Dysfunctional Easter Eggs
The 2013 Easter Season has been very interesting. It started with Obama’s Pravda-media ignoring
Palm Sunday and Good Friday.
Then Google features
“Cesar Chavez” celebrating his 86th birthday as if Easter Sunday didn’t
All this fits nicely together when one discovers that
Obama released a statement
on Friday, March 29, proclaiming March 31st "Cesar Chavez Day, 2013".
Easter Morning was the icing on the Obama Easter Eggs.
Obama didn’t go back to his life-long religious
counselor, The Reverend Wright of the
God Damn American Church.
Instead the Obama’s attended the
Episcopal Church with Pastor Rev. Luis León.
Rev. León chose to
deliver a dysfunctional Easter Morning message attacking Conservative
Christians as if he were Joe Biden himself with his “they’ll put 'you-all' back in
chains” Danville-rhetoric.
Rev. León
launched into a political diatribe saying Conservative Christians want:
Blacks to be back
in the back of the bus
Homosexuals to be
back in the closet
Women to be back
in the kitchen
Immigrants to be
back on their side of the border
What a joyous and
uplifting Easter Sunday morning message.
Liberals are unable to be pleasant and cordial, even on Easter Morning.
Sure sounded like
the on-going, never-ending Obama-Biden Campaign songs.
The only thing
left out was the “You didn’t build that” homily.
All this from “The
Self-proclaimed Uniter” and friends with their Hope and Change Message! Obama and his associates certainly know how
to bring the morally uplifting message of Easter to the country and the world!
Joy to the world,
he is risen! John 20:31
Monday, April 01, 2013
Marketing Abstract ObamaCare
Roanoke Times, 4-1-2013, Pg 5: It’s hard to shape the pitch
to sell ObamaCare while it is still in the abstract: Dem Rep Jan Schakowsky
ObamaCare still in the abstract! What a great article for
April Fool’s Day!
We voted for it 3 years ago, so that we could read it! Apparently Nancy Pelosi and the Obama
Administration are incredibly slow readers and writers.
Actually, it’s no wonder why no one can read and understand it:
"This is over 20,000 pages and measures over seven feet
high (7' 2.5"):
Thousands of DC Bureaucrats are writing lots more every day.
Your tax dollars at work!
What’s not abstract are many of the negative and adverse
consequences of ObamaCare including: no one understands how it will work, costs
are escalating with every news release, there are no additional medical resources
identified, there are 16,000 additional IRS enforcement agents to be hired,
companies are limiting part-time workers to 29 hours to avoid costs, many
people will NOT be able to keep their current providers and increased costs
will hurt job retention and growth.
a joy!
What could possible go wrong when this kicks-in in January?
First Lady Fashion
Michelle Obama has been declared one of The 10 Best-Dressed
First Ladies:
Fashion designer calls dressing Michelle Obama a
'life-changing experience'
Left to right - Princess Letizia of
Spain , French
First Lady Carla Bruni and,
– The WalMart Dress – sleeveless, no less.
Left to right - Princess Letizia of
Spain , French First Lady Carla Bruni and,
– The WalMart Dress – sleeveless, no less.
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